Page 1: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in

Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosite at 25°Cas Affected by PCOZ and Organic Ligands

I. Lebron* and D. L. Suarez

ABSTRACTRhodochrosite is the main Mn mineral phase in neutral to alkaline

anoxic environments and is likely the initial precipitation phase whenMn:+ is added to irrigation water. Solutions supersaturated with re-spect to rhodochrosite that was detected in various natural environ-ments suggest that equilibrium assumptions may not be satisfactoryand kinetic processes may be dominant. This study was conducted toevaluate the precipitation mechanisms of rhodochrosite in naturalenvironments where DOC is present and there are variations in partialpressure of CO2 (Pco:)- Precipitation rates were measured in supersat-urated solutions of rhodochrosite in the presence of seeds of themineral and Pmi 0.035 kPa, 5 kPa, and 10 kPa and in a concentrationrange of DOC of 0.02 to 3.2 mM of Suwannee River fulvic acid.Precipitation rates were measured in the absence and presence of1 mM leonardite humic acid. Precipitation rates increased when thePC02 increased and decreased when the concentration of the fulvicacid increased at constant levels of supersaturation. However, higherconcentrations of DOC were needed to produce the same reductionin precipitation rates when PCOi was increased. The most likely causesof the increase in the precipitation rate when Pfm increases are anincrease in the negative surface charge and an increase in the activityof MnHCOI. No significant change in the precipitation rate of rhodo-chrosite was measured when the leonardite humic acid was added tothe reaction vessels. The lack of inhibition of leonardite humic acidon rhodochrosite precipitation is explained by its molecular configura-tion in solution.

MANGANESE IS THE SECOND MOST ABUNDANT HEAVYMETAL in the crust after Fe, to which it has many

geochemical similarities (Crerar et al., 1980). Manga-nese is also an essential micronutrient for plants, andits cycle in oxic-anoxic boundaries is associated withseveral soil biogeochemical processes, such as microbialrespiration, scavenging and transport of heavy metals,and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997).

The oxidation state of Mn in natural environmentsvaries from +2 to +4; however, due to solubility consid-erations only Mn2+-containing species are expected inthe soil solution across the range of pE and pH of mostsoils (Norvell, 1988). Manganese (II) and its complexesconstitute the principal transport species (Wolfram andKrupp, 1996) and are the predominant forms taken upby plant roots (Marschner, 1988). In arid-zone regions,where calcareous soils with high pH and high contentof calcite (CaCO3) are abundant, low Mn availabilitymay be a limiting factor for plant growth. Addition ofMn2+ directly to the irrigation water has been proposedand is practiced as a component of fertigation. Forma-tion of rhodochrosite (MnCO3) is typically associated

U.S. Salinity Lab., USDA-ARS, 450 W. Big Springs Rd., Riverside,CA 92507. Contribution from the U.S. Salinity Lab. Received 27 Apr.1998. *Corresponding author ([email protected]).

Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:561-568 (1999).

with CaCO3 as a (Mn, Ca)CO3 solid solution, as shownin numerous studies Pederson and Price, 1982; Jackob-sen and Postma, 1989; Wartel et al., 1990; Okita, 1992,Boyle, 1983, Friedl et al., 1997). Under anoxic conditionsand independent of the specific mineral phase, Mnchemistry in soils is constrained by the carbonate solu-tion chemistry.

Many efforts have been devoted to the study of thecarbonate chemistry in the last 50 years. This attentionis justified if we consider that in neutral to alkalineenvironments, carbonates control all the pH-dependentprocesses, such as the surface mineral-water interac-tions, transport, and bioavailability of micronutrients toplants. Predicting the rate of carbonate precipitation isessential in any attempt to model solute transport insoils and to prevent undesired precipitation in irriga-tion systems.

The concentration of Mn and CO3 in sedimentaryenvironments frequently yields saturation index (£1) val-ues >1 for rhodochrosite (O = lAP/Ksp, where IAP isthe ionic activity product, and Ksp is the solubility prod-uct of pure mineral phase at 25°C). The results of Jack-obsen and Postma (1989) showed slow rhodochrositeprecipitation in porewaters from the Baltic Deeps, indi-cating that the solid solutions of (Mn, Ca)CO3 are meta-stable and kinetically regulated (Sternbeck, 1997).These studies suggest that equilibrium assumptions maynot be satisfactory for predicting Mn2+ in solution, andthat kinetics processes may be dominant.

The only reported experiment on the kinetics of rho-dochrosite precipitation is that performed by Sternbeck(1997). Sternbeck studied the crystal growth of rhodo-chrosite at 25°C and applied the surface speciationmodel of van Cappellen et al. (1993) to describe theprocess. Nevertheless, it has been shown for the calcitesystem that small amounts of DOC inhibit the precipita-tion rate of carbonates by blocking crystal growth (Ki-tano and Hood, 1965; Reddy, 1977; Reynolds, 1978;Reddy and Wang, 1980; Inskeep and Bloom, 1986; Doveand Hochella, 1993; Gratz and Hillner, 1993; Katz et al.1993, Paquette et al., 1996; Lebron and Suarez, 1996).Inhibition occurs as a result of adsorption of DOC mole-cules onto the surface of the carbonate crystals (Inskeepand Bloom, 1986; Lebron and Suarez, 1996). Fulvic acidshave been found to be more efficient in inhibiting calciteprecipitation than the DOC obtained from a soil extract.However, fulvic and humic acids from a soil extract aremore efficient than small organic molecules like citric,gallic, syringic, adipic, and azealic acids in the reductionof hydroxyapatite precipitation (Inskeep and Silver-

Abbreviations: DIW, deionized water; DOC, dissolved organic car-bon; IHSS, International Humic Substances Society; pHZPC, pH ofzero point of charge.


Published May, 1999

Typewritten Text
Page 2: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in

562 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 63, MAY-JUNE 1999

tooth, 1988). The efficiency of organic molecules in in-hibiting mineral precipitation is attributed to the natureand number of functional groups (phenolic, carboxyl-ate, etc).

The blocking of calcite crystal growth by organic mat-ter has been found by Lebron and Suarez (1996) tooccur at levels of DOC comparable to those found innatural environments. Thus, heterogeneous nucleationis the dominant mechanism for calcite precipitation insoils, sediments, and most surface and ground water. Inaddition, knowledge of the carbonate precipitation ratesat different PC02 levels is important, since in both thesoil root zone and in sediments POM is 10 to 500 timeshigher than atmospheric. The PCo2 and suspension com-position determine the chemical speciation of Mn2+ insolution and at the mineral surface. In turn, dissolutionand precipitation kinetics of carbonate minerals dependon the chemical speciation and electrical charge of themineral-aqueous solution interface.

The objectives of this study are: (i) to evaluate theapplicability of rhodochrosite equilibrium data in orderto predict aqueous Mn2+ concentrations in natural sys-tems, (ii) to study the precipitation mechanism of rho-dochrosite as related to soils and other natural envi-ronments, (iii) to measure the precipitation rate ofrhodochrosite as affected by PCo2, fulvic acid, and leo-nardite humic acid reference materials, and (iv) to for-mulate a rate model to predict the kinetics of precipita-tion of rhodochrosite at different supersaturation levelsand different PC02 and DOC concentrations.

MATERIALS AND METHODSSuwannee River fulvic acid and leonardite humic acid refer-

ence (International Humic Substances Society [IHSS]) wereused to study the influence of organic ligands on the mecha-nisms and rate of precipitation of rhodochrosite. The fulvicacid was dissolved in deionized water (DIW); leonardite humicacid was also dissolved in DIW by addition of NaOH andadjusted to pH 7.5. Both solutions were filtered through 0.2-(im Whatman1 filters, analyzed for DOC with a DohrmannCarbon Analyzer (Dohrmann, Santa Clara, CA 95050), andstored at 4°C until used.

We prepared supersaturated solutions of rhodochrosite(Analyzed Reagent Grade, Aldrich Chemical, St. Louis, MO)as follows: an excess of rhodochrosite was placed in a volumet-ric flask and dissolved in DIW for 24 h under a PCo2 of 100kPa. This solution was then bubbled with a gas that has a PC02lower than 100 kPa, which yielded a supersaturated solution;from this supersaturated solution a range of H values wasgenerated by dilution with DIW.

For the crystal growth experiments, rhodochrosite seedswere freshly prepared in the laboratory to avoid any oxidationon the crystal surfaces. A mixture of NaHCO3 and MnCl2solutions were used to precipitate MnCO3 while the solutionwas bubbled with N2. The precipitate was filtered, washed,and dried in a N2 atmosphere in the absence of light. Theprecipitate was characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanningelectron microscopy, and microprobe analysis (PrincetonGamma-Tech, Princeton, NJ). The 2- to 20-(jim fraction wascollected by sedimentation after suspending the particles in

1 Trade names are provided for the benefit of the reader and donot imply any endorsement by the USD A.

DIW. Surface area was measured by single-point BET N2adsorption with a Quantachrome Quantasorb Jr. surface areaanalyzer (Quantacrome Corp., Syosset, NY). The specific sur-face area of the synthetic rhodochrosite crystals was 3.3 ±0.01 m2 g-1.

Precipitation experiments were performed using 250-mLflasks; the walls of the flasks were covered with aluminum foilto avoid Mn oxidation, and each was connected to a N2-CO2gas source by a plastic capillary inserted into the flask's stop-per. The gas was presaturated with water to avoid evaporationin the samples. The N2 and CO2 gas composition in the flaskswas maintained using individual Edwards model 825 mass flowcontrollers and was monitored by an Edwards model 1605multichannel flow controller (Edwards High Vacuum Interna-tional, Wilmington, MA).

Samples from the supernatant were taken at intervals andfiltered through prerinsed 0.1-jmi filters. A portion of thefiltered sample was diluted 5-fold to avoid further precipita-tion and analyzed for Mn and alkalinity. Manganese was deter-mined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy,and alkalinity was measured by titration with KH(IO3)2 (Na-tional Bureau of Standards primary acid standard). The titra-tion was made as described in Suarez et al. (1992). The otherportion of the filtered sample was acidified with HNO3, bub-bled for 5 min with O2, and analyzed for DOC with a Dohr-mann Carbon Analyzer (Dohrmann, Santa Clara, CA). ThepH of the suspensions was measured at the time of samplingwith a Fisher Accumet 520 pH meter (Fisher Scientific Co.,Pittsburgh, PA) and a Thomas 4094 combination pH electrode(Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ) calibrated with bufferspH 4.00 and 6.86 to within 0.01 pH units at 25°C.

The saturation indices, ft, for MnCO3 were calculated forevery sampling from pH and the activities of the free Mn2+

and CO3~ in solution using the speciation programGEOCHEM-PC (Parker et al., 1994). The constant used toquantify the complexation of the fulvic acid with Mn was pK ==2.7, which corresponds to one of the two fulvic acids listed inGEOCHEM (FUL2-). The choice of FUL2~ was based onthe similarities of the elemental chemical composition and theinfrared spectra of this fulvic acid with Suwannee fulvic acid.Chemical elemental analysis and infrared spectra of theFUL2~ was performed by Sposito et al. (1976) and FTIR ofSuwannee fulvic acid reference by Lebron and Suarez (1996).The chemical composition of Suwannee fulvic acid was pro-vided by the IHSS.

The precipitation rate of rhodochrosite in a given timeinterval was calculated by subtracting the Mn2+ concentrationat t = 0 from the Mn2+ concentration at t = 1 and dividingby the number of seconds between the two sampling times.Similar calculations were also made using the changes in theHCO-T concentration. The precipitation rate of rhodochrositecalculated from the Mn2+ data and from the HCOf data werein good agreement as expected (within 1%). All flasks werecovered with aluminum foil and shaken on a reciprocatingshaker table at 90 cpm during the experiment. The experi-ments were carried out in a constant temperature room at25 ± 0.5°C. A flask containing 1 mM of NaHCO3 was usedas a control to check for possible evaporation. All sampleswere duplicated and standard deviations calculated.

Crystal Growth as Affected by DissolvedOrganic Carbon and Pa>2

From preliminary experiments, we determined that solu-tions with ft < 3 did not precipitate in the absence of rhodo-chrosite crystals. We assume that the precipitation by hetero-geneous nucleation is negligible under these conditions and

Page 3: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in


that crystal growth is the dominant mechanism of precipita-tion. The precipitation rate of rhodochrosite was measured at£1 = 3 in the presence of 10 m2 L"1 of rhodochrosite crystalseeds and in the range of 0 to 0.8 mM DOC obtained fromSuwannee fulvic acid. Samples were taken at time 0 and 1 h,and the test was terminated when precipitation was observedin the flask. The rationale for small time intervals is to avoidlarge changes in £1. Erlenmeyer flasks with no precipitationduring the first hour were sampled periodically until precipita-tion occurred, up to a total of 3 d. The precipitation rate wasmeasured at 0.035, 5, and 10 kPa PC02, with all samples runin duplicate. The Mn activity was calculated with GEOCHEM-PC, taking into account Mn-fulvic complexation.

Heterogeneous Nucleation as Affected by DissolvedOrganic Carbon and PC02

The precipitation rate of rhodochrosite was measured atconstant li (fl = 25) in the DOC concentration range of 0 to4 mM and in the presence of 2 m2 L"1 of rhodochrosite crystals.The crystals had previously been coated with an amount ofDOC necessary to inhibit precipitation by crystal growth; theamount of DOC used is specified below in the discussionsection. Precipitation was measured in duplicate at 0.035, 5,and 10 kPa PCo2. The fl values were calculated using Mnactivities corrected for Mn-fulvic acid complexation.

Kinetics of Rhodochrosite Precipitation as Affectedby Dissolved Organic Carbon and P€02

Precipitation rate of rhodochrosite was measured in thepresence of 2 m2 L"1 of rhodochrosite crystals and with Su-wannee fulvic acid concentrations of 0.02 to 1.4 mMfor PC02 =0.035 kPa, 0.02 to 2.10 mM DOC for 5 kPa, and 0.02 to 3.20mM DOC for 10 kPa. The precipitation rate of rhodochrositewas also measured in solutions with (i) no addition of leo-nardite and (ii) 1 mM DOC obtained from leonardite humicacid reference. Supersaturated solutions were allowed to reactfor a total of 24 h. Solution samples were removed at t = 0,0.5, 1, 2, and 24 h.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONRhodochrosite Mechanisms of Precipitation

Supersaturated solutions (fi 2-5) containing Mn2"1",HCO~, and CO^ were found to remain metastable for>24 h (Table 1). Table 1 shows that the assumption ofsystems in equilibrium is not satisfactory and kineticaspects become relevant. Addition of rhodochrositeseeds, in the absence of DOC, induced precipitationthat continued until the solution reached equilibriumwith respect to rhodochrosite precipitation (fl = 1, Ta-ble 1). We consider that crystal growth is the dominantmechanism for rhodochrosite precipitation under theseconditions. In contrast, MnCO3 precipitation occurredin the absence of crystal seeds in solutions with H values>10. After filtering the supersaturated solutions, scan-ning electron microscope observation of the O.l-fjim fil-ters showed the presence of <2-jjim crystals. The min-eral phase was confirmed by X-ray difractogram asrhodochrosite. Precipitation in the absence of initialcrystals under supersaturated conditions (SI > 10) indi-cates that rhodochrosite precipitates by heterogeneousnucleation, forming the initial nuclei by using particlessuch as dust and bacteria as active nucleation sites.

Table 1. Saturation indices and concentration of HCO, at theinitiation of the experiment, and after 1, 24, and 72 h (t = 0,1, 24, and 72 h, respectively) in the absence of rhodochrositecrystal seeds and in the presence of 2 m2 L ' of seeds.

ft (t = 0)



HCO3-(' = 0)



HCO3-« = l h )no seeds


with seeds

—— 2m 2 L-1 —0.390.390.370.370.420.65

HCOj-(t = 24 h)



HCOf(t = 72 h)


Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosite as Affectedby Dissolved Organic Carbon:

Heterogeneous NucleationWe measured the precipitation rate of rhodochrosite

in the presence of Suwannee River fulvic acid and leo-nardite humic acid at 0.035, 5, and 10 kPa PC02 in so-lutions with O values >40, where heterogeneous nu-cleation is the active precipitation mechanism. Theprecipitation rate of rhodochrosite decreased with timeand with increasing DOC. Figure 1 shows the rhodo-chrosite precipitation rate at two concentrations of DOCin a 24-h interval. Fulvic acid reduced the precipitationrate of rhodochrosite (Fig. 1, 2, 3, and 4), while leo-nardite humic acid did not significantly affect the precip-itation (data not shown). These results may be surprisingsince fulvic and humic acids are considered to containsimilar functional groups. However, even though theyhave a common structural pattern, they have distinctsolubility characteristics. Fulvic and humic acids containa large number of both carboxyl and phenolic hydroxylgroups, with the degree of deprotonation dependingon the pH of the solution. At higher pH, the mutualrepulsion of the negatively charged sites causes the mol-







0.02 mM DOC1.30 mM DOC

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Time (h)

Fig. 1. Rhodocrosite precipitation rate with time at two concentra-tions of dissolved organic C (DOC).

Page 4: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in

564 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 63, MAY-JUNE 1999


• DOC- 0.02 mMA DOC- 0.65 mM• DOC-1.40 mM


| 10"4


f 10-5Q.<D

• -I 0-6



Pco2= 0.035 kPa

• 8

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90" Rhodochrosite

Fig. 2. Rhodochrosite precipitation rate at PCo2 - 0.035 kPa as af-fected by ft and Suwannee River fulvic acid; dissolved organicC (DOC) = 0.02, 0.65, and 1.40 mM. Solid lines represent theprecipitation model proposed in the present work.

ecule to adopt a stretched configuration. As the pH islowered and some of the charged sites are neutralized,a reduction in intramolecular repulsion is predicted, andthis results in a contraction of the polymer chain. Usingfluorescence anisotropy, Engebretson et al. (1996) de-fined an association index for humic acids. This associa-tion index is a quantitative parameter for the estimationof the contraction of the polymer. They found that theassociation index increases with decreasing pH, consis-tent with a structural contraction of the humic acid mole-cule. Comparing the association index of several humicacids, we observed that the leonardite humic acid stan-dard (a large molecule) and a humic acid extracted fromLatahco silt loam soil (Argiaquic Xeric Argialbolls)show a much higher association index than the twoaquatic humic acids (small molecule) and a soil humicacid standard. This difference is consistent with the rela-tively smaller molecules' higher number of carboxylgroups, whose mutual repulsion results in a more


2 10-3o

i 10-4Q.'oS. 10-5

2 10-6j=uoO




DOC- 0.02 mMDOC-1.80 mMDOC- 3.20 mM

0 10Q,

20 30I Rhodochrosite

Fig. 4. Rhodochrosite precipitation rate at Pc<>2 = 10 kPa and dis-solved organic C (DOC) = 0.02, 1.80, and 3.20 mM. Solid linesrepresent the precipitation model proposed in the present work.

stretched configuration. Size and flexibility are two ofthe molecular parameters claimed to govern this behav-ior. These factors may account for the absence of inter-action of humic acids with the charged surface of carbon-ate crystals, since at least part of the charges areoccluded and, thus, possibly neutralized by other ionswithin the humic acid.

The decreased influence of humic acid on the precipi-tation rate of carbonate minerals agrees with data inthe literature where Pachappa soil extract was found tohave only 1/3 of the inhibitory effect on the calciteprecipitation rate compared with that of the SuwanneeRiver fulvic acid reference. The DOC derived from Pa-chappa soil extract is 26.5% fulvic acids and 70% humicacids (Lebron and Suarez, 1996).

Table 2 presents the initial concentrations ofHCO3~, Mn2+, and pH and the activities of the com-plexes MnHCO3

+ and MnFulv+ for the three PC02 andthree concentrations of DOC. From Table 2 we observethat the complexation Mn-Fulv+ increases when PC62and DOC concentration increases.








PcO2= 5 kPa

DOC- 0.02 mMDOC- 0.95 mMDOC- 2.10 mM

10 20 30• • Rhodochrosite

Fig. 3. Rhodochrosite precipitation rate at PCO: = 5 kPa and dissolvedorganic C = 0.02, 0.95, and 2.10 mM. Solid lines represent theprecipitation model proposed in the present work.

Crystal GrowthThe rhodochrosite precipitation rate decreased with

increased DOC adsorption for the three concentrationsof PC02 (Fig. 5). The reduction in precipitation rate ofcalcite has been observed by other authors (Inskeepand Bloom, 1986, Inskeep and Silvertooth, 1988; Lebronand Suarez, 1996) and has been interpreted as theblocking of active sites on the mineral surface by theorganic functional groups. We observed that when thePCOZ increased, higher coverage of DOC was necessaryto produce an equivalent reduction in the rhodochrositeprecipitation rate (Fig. 5). The requirement of greaterDOC concentrations to inhibit precipitation at greaterPCo2 may be due to an increase in the negative surfacecharge of the rhodochrosite surface coupled with a pos-sible lower reactivity of DOC under the conditions ofhigher PC02- Notice from Table 2 that even though Mn-Fulv"1" complexation is important when DOC increases,

Page 5: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in


Table 2. Initial concentrations (t = 0) for HCO^. Mn2+, dissolved organic C (DOC) and calculated final DOC and Mn complexes forthree partial pressures of CO> using GEOCHEM-PC.

Pco DOC (t = 0) HCO3 (t = 0) Mn!* (t = 0) Mn-HCO,+ Mn-Fulv+


——————— mM —0.020.651.400.020.952.100.021.803.20


1.29 X 10~ 1.15 X 10~3 2.15 X 10~5 2.95 X 10~1.28 x 10- 1.18 x 10~3 1.82 X 10~s 8.07 x 10~1.23 x 10" 1.15 x 10" 1.67 x 10" 1.68 x 10"2.26 X 10" 2.19 X 10" 1.52 X 10~ 7.46 X 10~2.26 x 10~ 2.20 x 10~ 1.32 X 10~ 3.18 X 10~2.32 x 10- 2.22 X 10- 1.08 X 10" 6.05 X 10~3.81 x 10- 3.75 x 10- 3.54 X 10~ 8.89 x 10~3.63 x 10- 3.50 X 10" 2.59 x 10~ 7.10 X 10"3.68 x 10~3 3.51 x 10" 2.21 x 10~ 1.11 x 10

when the PC02 increased we still required higher DOCconcentrations to cause a similar reduction in the precip-itation rate. A detailed discussion of this PCo2 effectpresented in Lebron and Suarez (1998) for calcite isalso applicable here.

We calculated Langmuir adsorption isotherms for Su-wannee River fulvic acid on the surface of rhodochrositefor the three PC02 levels using the program ISOTHERM(Kinniburgh, 1986). The calculated isotherm lines andthe experimental data are shown in Fig. 6. The isothermis expressed as

Cads = K X M X DOC/(1 + K X DOC) [1]where M is the maximum adsorption and jfC is the affinityconstant. Table 3 shows the coefficients of the calculatedisotherms for the three PC02 levels studied. Also shown inTable 3 is the calculated DOC concentration in solutionnecessary to completely inhibit the MnCO3 precipitation(Cinh). This value was calculated from the isotherm dataas surface DOC coverage necessary to inhibit precipita-tion. The results in Table 3 show a lower affinity of theDOC for rhodochrosite than for calcite at atmosphericPCCK- This observation is based on comparison of theaffinity constant value for calcite, 20 mmol"1 L (Lebronand Suarez, 1998), with the K value for rhodochrosite,17.6 minor1 L. Only 0.05 mM DOC is necessary toinhibit calcite crystal growth at atmospheric PCo2, while0.15 mM DOC is needed to inhibit rhodochrosite crystalgrowth. Similar concentrations of DOC were found to








* ^ • Pc02= 0.035 kPa« D Po02= 5 kPa

» Pco2= 1 0 kPan

D »

n• ° »*


- •• D »n D

*«0 DD

0.00 0.32 0.400.08 0.16 0.24Cadsorbed (mmol m"2)

Fig. 5. Rhodochrosite precipitation rate by crystal growth as a func-tion of organic C adsorbed on the surface of the crystals at PC020.035, 5, and 10 kPa.

inhibit crystal growth for the calcite and rhodochrositesystem at PC02 5 and 10 kPa.

Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrositeas Affected by PCo2

The precipitation rate of rhodochrosite increasedwhen the PC02 increased from 0.035 kPa to 10 kPa inthe range of O, 1 to 35 (Fig. 7). Charlet et al. (1990)used a fast acid-base titration technique and found thatrhodochrosite has a higher density of negative chargewhen the PC02 increases, which is due to changes insurface speciation in systems with a pH > pH of zeropoint of charge (pHZPC). The implications for our systemare that, for the same fl value, the number of active siteson the surface of rhodochrosite is higher with increasingPCOZ, since the pH in our experiments was always abovethe pHZPC.

Plummer et al. (1978) proposed that the precipitationmechanism for calcite was the reaction between bulksolution CaHCOjf and negatively charged surface sites.By analogy, we calculated the activity of different spe-cies in solution for designated samples using the specia-tion program GEOCHEM-PC (Parker et al., 1994). Thesamples have the same supersaturation but differentPC02 levels. For (I = 3.5, the MnHCO3

+ activity was 2.8 X10~6 for PC02 = 0.035 kPa and 3.3 X 10~5 for PC02 = 10kPa. This agrees with the observation of an increase inthe precipitation rate of rhodochrosite when the PC02


D) 0.3oE£ 0.2



Pco2= 0.035 kPaPoo2= 5 kPaPco2=10 kPa

0.00 0.22 0.44 0.66 0.88 1.10

DOC (mM)Fig. 6. Langmuir adsorption isotherms for dissolved organic C (DOC)

adsorbed on rhodochrosite at PC02 0.035, 5, and 10 kPa. The equa-tion used is = M K DOC/(1 + K DOC), where M is themaximum adsorption and K is the affinity constant.

Page 6: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in

566 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 63, MAY-JUNE 1999

Table 3. Langmuir isotherm parameters for three Paiz. amount ofdissolved organic C (DOC) necessary to inhibit crystal growth(Cinh), and DOC in equilibrium with CM (DOCeq).


Ki «








increases. Surface complex-formation constants corre-late with the formation constants of the correspondingcomplexes in solution (Schindler et al., 1976; Kummertand Stumm, 1980; Sigg and Stumm, 1981; Schindler andStumm, 1987). Consequently, we can assume that theexternal surface composition of the crystal is similar tothat in the bulk solution (van Capellen et al., 1993). Theincrease in MnHCO^ activity together with the increasein the surface negative charge likely explains the mea-sured increase in the rhodochrosite precipitation rateswith increasing PC02 at constant fl (Fig. 7). This increasein the precipitation rates at higher PCo2 values has impli-cations for the chemistry of the soil and in the transportof pH-dependent elements. The implications are relatedwith the underestimation of the precipitation and conse-quent inaccuracy in transport modeling attempts.

Precipitation Rate EquationThe precipitation of rhodochrosite in the presence

of fulvic substances can be expressed by the followingequation:

RT: — RCG + ^HN [2]where -RT is the total precipitation rate in mM s~\ RCois the precipitation rate due to crystal growth, and 7?HN isthe precipitation rate due to heterogeneous nucleation.Sternbeck (1997) studied the precipitation of rhodo-chrosite by crystal growth in the absence of DOC at PCo2of 0.031,0.15, and 1 kPa and calculated the constants forthe following expression:

in^J 10-30)•3

| 10"4oa™

8 10-5k.Q.0)

I 10-6


I 10-7

• Po02= 0.035 kPaO Poo2= 5 kPa» Poo2= 10 kPa

10 20 30 40• • Rhodochrosite

Fig. 7. Rhodochrosite precipitation rate as a function of rhodochrositesupersaturation for three PCOZ in the absence of dissolved organicC. Solid lines represent the precipitation model proposed in thepresent work.




- [

- [


Crystal growth

Precipitation rate reduction = 1 .45 x 1 0"3 x DOC"° 9B

.k • Pco2=0.035 kPa

* Pco2= 5 kPa'* a Pc02= 1 0 kPa


10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4DOC (mM)

Fig. 8. Reduction in the rate of rhodochrosite precipitation by crystalgrowth as a function of dissolved organic C (DOC) at three differentPCOZ- Calculations were made by dividing the precipitation rate ofrhodochrosite in the absence of DOC by the precipitation rate ofrhodochrosite at different DOC concentrations.

= kCG X (fl - 1)" [3]

where kCG is 4.97 X 10~8 and 5.47 X 10~8 for PC02 =0.031,1. We extrapolated the value of 1.54 X 10~5 mMs"1 at 10 kPa from the data given by Sternbeck (1997).In our experiments precipitation by crystal growth de-creased in the presence of DOC and increased withincreasing PC02. The crystal growth rate equation is ex-pressed as follows:

RCG = kco x (n - l)"/(DOC,PCo2) [4]The factor/(DOC, PCCM) was calculated by representingthe precipitation rate reduction of the rhodochrosite asthe precipitation rate in the absence of DOC dividedby the precipitation rate measured in the presence ofdifferent DOC concentrations. The calculated precipita-tion rate reduction at the three levels of PCo2 studiedare shown in Fig. 8. In the absence of DOC we foundno significant differences between the reduction in pre-cipitation of rhodochrosite at different PCo2 for the rangeof PCo2 studied. The following equation was developedto represent the precipitation reduction factor for DOC













- i


i2= 5 A 0.035 kPa• 5kPaT 1 0 kPa



U\\^*VS^E^s^—a ——— &

! T , T

0 1 2 3 4 5DOC (mM)

Fig. 9. Reduction in the rate of rhodochrosite precipitation by hetero-geneous nucleation as a function of dissolved organic C (DOC)at three different Vcm. Calculations were made by dividing theprecipitation rate of rhodochrosite in the absence of DOC by theprecipitation rate of rhodochrosite at different DOC concen-trations.

Page 7: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in


at all levels of PC02 (R2 = 0.63):/(DOC) = 1.45 X 10~3 X DOC-°98 [5]

The precipitation rate term for heterogeneous nucle-ation is expressed as:

Rm = km(fl - 1.5)/(DOC,PC02) [6]where frHN is the precipitation rate constant, and/(DOC,POM) is a factor that includes the effect of the DOC andthe PC02 in the rhodochrosite precipitation rate. For ourexperimental results the rate reduction factor is de-scribed by the following expression:

/(DOC,PCo2) = lOa+bDOC+cpco2 [7]

where a, b, and c are constants. Similar to the crystalgrowth term, the constants in Eq. [7] were calculatedfrom a separate experiment. Precipitation rate reductionvalues were calculated by dividing the rhodochrositeprecipitation rate in the absence of DOC by the precipi-tation rate in the presence of different DOC concentra-tions. Comparable calculations were made for reductionrates at 0.035, 5, and 10 kPa (Fig. 9). The values of theconstants for Eq. [6] are: fcHN = 1-05 ± 6.2 X lO^mMs"1,a = -6.39 ± 8.6 X 10~2 (dimensionless), b = -0.55 ±3.4 x 10~2 mM-1, and c = 1.05 ± 6.2 x 10~2 kPa'1. The/?2 for the model was 0.661 and all parameters werehighly significant.

The representation of Eq. [2] is shown in solid linesin Fig. 2 through 4, which indicate agreement betweenthe predicted and experimental results. For PCOZ < 10kPa the model provided good prediction for all but thedate at high DOC and high SI. Even though the modelcan be improved by further studies, the simplicity ofthe mathematical expression justifies this initial attempt.More studies are needed to evaluate other importantfactors affecting rhodochrosite precipitation, especiallyinteraction with calcite.

CONCLUSIONSPrediction of Mn2+ concentration in reduced alkaline

soils will depend on the kinetics of Mn oxidation andrhodochrosite precipitation; the assumption of equilib-rium is not satisfactory in many natural systems. Crystalgrowth and heterogeneous nucleation have been identi-fied as the two precipitation mechanisms for rhodochro-site. However, the presence of 0.15 mM of DOC wasenough to inactivate the crystal growth mechanism,which resulted in metastable solutions supersaturatedwith respect to rhodochrosite (fl 2-5). The DOC con-centration of 0.15 mM is in the range of concentrationstypically observed in soil solutions. The precipitation ofrhodochrosite shows many similarities with the precipi-tation of calcite. However, at atmospheric PC02 precipita-tion of rhodochrosite by crystal growth has been shownto be a more relevant mechanism than is the case forcalcite. This is due to a lower affinity of DOC for rhodo-chrosite as compared with calcite at atmospheric CO2.The precipitation rate of rhodochrosite increased whenthe PCOI increased. This increment in the precipitationrate can be explained in terms of surface speciation with

an increase in the negative charge on the rhodochrositesurface when the PC02 increases. The addition of fulvicacid reduced the precipitation rate of rhodochrosite oneorder of magnitude when the DOC increased from 0.02to 1.3 mM, but the precipitation rate was not affectedwhen leonardite was used. The reason for the lack ofinhibitory properties for leonardite may be related tothe spatial configuration of its humic acids. A modelis presented to predict the kinetics of precipitation ofrhodochrosite at different supersaturation levels anddifferent PCoi and DOC concentrations.

Page 8: (1999) Mechanisms and Precipitation Rate of Rhodochrosit ... · and oxidation of humic substances (Balistrieri and Mur-ray, 1982; Friedl et al., 1997). The oxidation state of Mn in

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