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  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]


    Yousef Bin Essa High School

    Remedial Exercises

    Grade 10



    Module 4 Units 10-11-12Prepared by




    Revised by

    Mr. Jamal Talkhan

    Mr. Abdulhafeez Darweesh


  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]


    Grade 10Over To You

    Word Definitions 4th Period

    No. Word Definition1 acclaimed highly praised2 activate make active and able to operate3 briefly of short duration4 colleague a person with whom one works5 confident feeling assured about something6 corporation a big company or a group of companies7 courteously said or done in a polite manner8 crazily to a great degree9 dreadful very bad10 emotive making people have strong feelings11 endeavour to try or attempt12 fasten fix or join securely13 firmly strongly and clearly14 flash shine a bright light on and off15 fleet a group of boats belonging to one company16 handy convenient to handle or use17 hassle irritating inconvenience18 illegally against the law19 monotonous dull, tedious and repetitious20 next of kin a persons closest living relative21 notably especially; in particular

    22 resemble look or seem like23 slide move smoothly over a surface24 starvation lack of food25 Well-sealed Closed very securely

  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]




    Lessons : 1+2


    Composure ( n.)

    The state or feeling of being calm and control of oneself .

    Constancy ( n.) The quality of being faithful and dependable.Enjoin ( v.) The instruct or urge (someone) to do something .Gratefulness ( n.) /

    Feeling or showing on appreciation of kindness

    thankfulness .

    Injustice ( n.) Lock of fairness or justice .Insolence ( n.) Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect .Self-restraint (n.) Restraint imposed by oneself on ones own actions self

    control .

    Grade 10 Module Four Unit 10 ( lesson 1+2 )

    1- What different types of stories are there in the Holy Quran?

    a- Historic stories . ( Stories about what happened to previous nations and some pious

    individuals who were not prophets ) .b- Stories about good people and prophets .

    c. Stories related to incidents which took place in the life of prophet Mohammed .

    2- How do the stories in Holy Quran benefit us?a- By setting examples .b- Understanding the hardship that the prophets faced .

    c- Ensuring the trust of people in Allah .d- We can learn from the mistakes of individuals and nations before us .

    e- We can learn from the wisdom of previous prophets and pious people .

    3- Luqman was famous for being a wise man . What do you know about his wisdom?

    a. He was a pious man known for his wisdom.

    b. The Holy Quran has mentioned the pieces of wisdom he told to his son.

    4- What pieces of advice did Luqman give to his son?a. He asked him to pray, be patient, be humble and reduce his voice .

    b. Dont associate anything with Allah because association to Allah is unjust .c. Be grateful to your parents .

    d. Be moderate in your pace and lower your voice .

    e. Dont be proud or insolent , because Allah doesnt like arrogant people .

    5- List some of the virtues that Luqman stresses on:a- Modesty b- Patience c- Self restrain d- Respectfulness .

    6- Luqman , the wise , gave his son pieces of advice which can be appropriate and

    applied to all humanity . Explain.

    Those pieces of advice are values and virtues that make a good and noble man any timeanywhere .

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    Module Unit Lesson 3WORD MEANING

    Chuckle ( v.) to laugh especially quietly or inwardlyFirmly ( adv.) Strongly and clearlyFleet ( n.) A group of boats belonging to one company .Retire ( v.) To stop working because you are a certain age.

    Grade 10 Module Four Unit 10 ( lesson 3 )

    - What makes a person satisfied and happy in life ?

    a. Enough money to live .

    b. Good family ties.

    c. A pleasant job .

    2- What can people do after retirement ?

    a. Taking up a hobby.

    b. Reading books.

    c. Visiting relatives and friends .

    Module Unit Lesson 4+5WORD MEANING

    Border ( n.) A line separating two geographical areas especiallycountries.

    Drop off

    ( phrasal verb )

    To transport and leave someone somewhere.

    Pick up( phrasal verb )

    To go to somewhere to collect someone. typically in one'scar.

    Register ( v .) To enter your name and details on an official list

    Re-load (v.) To load something again .

    Set off

    ( phrasal verb ) To begin a journey .

    Smuggle ( v.) To take things in and out of a country against the law .

    Sudden ( adj.) Done quickly without a warning .

    Touch down

    ( phrasal verb ) To make contact with the ground in landing.

    Turn up

    ( phrasal verb ) To arrive somewhere especially when you are expected


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    Module Unit Lesson 4+5

    1- What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by air ?

    a. Advantages : * Its faster than other means of transport.

    * Its more comfortable also.

    b. Disadvantages : * Its risky .

    * Its expensive .

    ?What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by sea-2

    a. Advantages : * Its cheaper than traveling by air .

    * Its joyful and healthy.

    b. Disadvantages : * Its dangerous .( sharks , violent storms, seasickness).

    * It takes longer time than other means of transport.

    .Life is about creating yourself.Life is not about finding yourself-3

    How can you create yourself?

    a. By good education .

    b. By identifying talents and developing them.

    Module Unit Lesson 7+8


    Crazily ( adv.) A great degree.Dreadful ( adj.) Very bad.Emotive ( adj.) Making people have strong feeling.Knock off

    ( phrasal verb ) To fall of after a collision.

    Monotonous( adj.) Dull tedious and repetitious.Overtake ( v.) To catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction .Recuperate ( v.) To recover from illness or exertion.

    Stack of ( n.) A pile of objects typically one that neatly arranged.Vocabulary

    A Fill in the spaces using the most suitable word from the list : -

    ( composure - enjoined sudden - recuperating dropped off )

    1 My father me not to waste my time watching TV .

    2 You have to do your best to regain your .. .

    3 He is still from his serious operation .

    4 I took a/an . decision when they asked me to choose .5 They Ahmad next to his door .

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    B Fill in the spaces using the most suitable word from the list : -

    ( reload / constancy / retire / overtake / the border )

    1 My dream is to . to a villa in France .

    2 We have to keep the .. of temperature inside the plane .

    3 The refugees escaped across .

    4 I tried to a lorry on the road but I couldn't .

    5 Try to .the washing into the machine and then add the powder.

    C : Choose the best answer from ( a , b , c and d ) : -

    1 I feel a great .. to all the teachers for their help .

    a injustice b insolence c gratefulness d self- restraint

    2 We have to fight against poverty and . .

    a injustice b chuckle c composure d self- restraint

    3 Her .. cost her her job.

    a gratefulness b insolence c self- restraint d chuckle

    4 We exercised all her . and she kept quiet.

    a chuckle b gratefulness c injustice d self-restraint

    5 The bus passengers outside the airport .

    a picks up b registers c retires d touches

    D : Choose the best answer from ( a , b , c and d ) : -

    1 She ..gently when she heard the latest news .

    a retired b chuckled c dropped d touched

    2 Can I . my new born baby .

    a register b set off c retire d chuckle

    3 We are going to .at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning .

    a pick up b drop c cry d set off

    4 The drugs had been through customs .

    a picked up b smuggled c dropped off d retired

    5 The plane on time .a picked up b registered c set off d touched down

    6 What time did they finally ?

    a turn up b retire c chuckle d register

    7 The books you need will have to be brought up from the .. .a composure b stacks of c injustice d self-restraint

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    E ) Choose the right definition for the underlined word from a, b, c or d:

    1 I'm afraid you are driving the car crazily .

    a against the law b- strongly and firmly

    c to a great degree d- to put into effect

    2 They suffered dreadful injuries .

    a- very amazed b very surprisedc- very clear d very bad

    3 Capital punishment is a highly emotive issue .

    a-making people feel happy b-making people have strong feelings

    c-making people feel strong d-making people feel weak

    4-Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead .

    a-strongly and clearly b-fantastically

    c-quietly d-fundamentally

    5-He is really rich as he has a full fishing fleet .

    a-a line separating two areas b-a big company

    c-a group of boats belonging to one company d-a pile of neat objects

    6-I hate doing any monotonous work .

    a-exciting and happy b-closed and securely

    c-done quickly without warning d-dull, tedious and repetitious

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    A Choose the best answer from ( a , b , c & d ) : -

    1 I can hardly remember .. I came to live in this village .

    a. when b. who c. which d. where

    2 Do you know . I left my English Book .

    a. where b. whose c. when d. which3 The stadium , will be opened next month , holds 100,000 people .

    a. where b. who c. which d. whose

    4 Hamad, . passport had been stolen in London , finally returned to Kuwait .

    a. whose b. where c. which d. when

    5 The old man , was injured in the crash , is now all right .

    a. where b. who c. whose d. when

    B-Do as shown between brackets ;

    1-He is a dangerous person . ( rewrite using ; dangerously )


    2-He is a careless driver . (rewrite using ; carelessly )


    3-He is a fast / hard worker . ( rewrite using ; works )

    4-They were angry while talking . ( rewrite using ; angrily )

    5-They were calm while listening . ( rewrite using ; calmly )


    6-He was polite while talking . ( rewrite using ; politely )


    7-They were slow while walking . ( rewrite using ; slowly)

    8-The fisherman spoke in a very quiet voice . ( rewrite using ; quietly )


    9-The businessman and the fisherman are both hard workers . ( rewrite using ; work )


    10-The businessman treated the fisherman in a firm way . ( rewrite using ; firmly )


    11-The businessman spoke in a very loud voice . ( rewrite using ; loudly)

    12-The fisherman and his wife live a happy life . ( rewrite using ; happily)


    13-The fisherman usually has a cheerful smile . ( rewrite using ; cheerfully ).

    14-Ali was fat , but now he is slim . ( rewrite using ; used to )


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    III - Language Functions

    A Match the utterances in ( A ) with their responses in ( B ) :

    [ A ] [ B ]1 What can I do to apply for this job? [ ] You should have studied hard

    2 Our memories get worse as we get older. [ ] Computer is currently used everywhere.

    3 I failed the exam. [ ] Fill in this application form.

    4 Three people died in a sailing accident [ ] What a tragic disaster![ ] That is not really true.

    B Match the utterances in ( A ) with their responses in ( B ) :

    [ A ] [ B ]5 Salem is getting married next month. ( ) I havent got any.

    6 Can I help you? ( ) You wouldnt believe how terrible it was.

    7 Thank you. The food was delicious. ( ) Have some more. Theres plenty left.8 I cant tell you how sorry I am. ( ) How marvelous! Im absolutely delighted.

    9 How did you find the restaurant? ( ) Dont get upset about it.It can happen to anybody.

    ( ) I wonder if you could get this watch for me.

    B What you would say in the following situations : -10 Your friend is a lazy student .

    * ..

    11 Dyslexics are unintelligent people .

    * ..

    12 Your sister won a prize .

    * ..

    13 You want someone to show you the way to the Science Centre.

    * ..

    14 Your mother is asking you about her new necklace .

    * ..

    C Complete the missing parts in the following dialogues : -15 A : Our neighbour bought a new house.

    B : ..

    16 A : I bought a laptop which doesnt work well.

    B : ..

    17 A : All TV programmes are useful.

    B : ..

    18 A : Ive won the first prize in reciting the Holy Quran

    B : .

    19 A : Sorry for breaking your camera .B :

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  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]


    Decide whether the following statements are true or false justifying your answer

    1- A well-sealed bottle can't survive hurricanes. ( False )

    A well-sealed bottle can survive hurricane that can sink ships.

    2- It is possible to predict the direction a bottle will travel. ( False )

    It is impossible to predict the direction a bottle will travel.[

    3- If wind and current conditions are good, a bottle can travel fast. ( True )

    A bottle can travel nearly 200 kilometers a day.

    Module Unit 11 Lesson 3WORD MEANING

    Fasten ( v.) To fix or join securely.Homing ( adj.) Relating to an animal's ability to fly home from a great distance.Illegally (adv.) Against the law.Instinct ( n.) A natural or intuitive way of behaving.

    LESSON 31- Pigeons were used for messaging. Who first used pigeons for messaging?

    The Egyptians

    2- What did the Greeks use pigeons messaging for?For spreading the news of the early Olympic Games.

    3-In recent times, pigeons messaging have been used in wartime. Give reasons.To send military reports back to leaders when it was too dangerous to use normal postal services.

    4- Why are pigeons called " homing pigeons " ?They have a natural instinct to fly back to their nests or homes from wherever they are.

    5- Why are "boomerang" pigeons called so ?They are trained to deliver one message and return with another.

    6- In what ways has sending messages changed since the first carrier pigeons ?People nowadays are using different ways for sending messages like : letters , e-mails ,faxes , telegrams , SMS , etc.

    Decide whether the following statements are true or false justifying your answer

    1- The Greeks were the first to use pigeons for carrying messages. ( False )The Egyptians were the first to use pigeons for carrying messages

    2- Pigeons have been used for military purpose out of South Africa. ( False )They have been used to smuggle diamonds out of South Africa.

    3- Messages are fastened to the neck of the pigeon. ( False )Messages are fastened to the feet of the pigeon.

    4- Pigeons must be trained to fly back to their nests or homes. ( False )Pigeons have a natural instinct to fly back to their nests or homes.

    5- Pigeons are unique birds . ( True )Pigeons are able to travel up 1000 Km in one flight.

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    Module Unit 11 Lesson 4+5Word MEANING

    Activate (v) To make something active and able to operate.Band (n) The wavelength of a radio or digital signal.Conference call (n) A linking of several telephones, so that people in

    different places speak.

    Deadline (n) The latest time or date by which something should becompleted.

    Flash (v) To shine a bright light on and off.Frequency (n) The wavelength of a radio or digital signal (see band)Handy (adj) / Convenient to handle or use, useful.Harmony (n) Agreement or concord.Hassle (n) / Irritating inconvenience.Portable (adj) Easily carried.Slide (v) To move smoothly over a surface.Unlock (v) To make a phone accessible to user .Upgrade (v) To raise (something) to a higher standard.

    Lessons: 4+5

    1- What does SIM stand for ? What is a SIM card ?

    A SIM card ( Subscriber Identity Module ) is a portable memory chip .

    2- How useful is a SIM card?

    a- It carries one's phonebook data . b- It saves text messages as well as photos .

    3- Changing your SIM card from a phone to another isn't a problem. Explain.

    a- The SIM card holds your personal data .

    b- It's designed to automatically activate information on any device.

    4- What personal identity information does the SIM card hold ?

    a. phone book b. text messages c. photos

    Decide whether the following statements are true or false justifying your answer

    1- The SIM card makes it easy to switch to a new phone . ( True )

    This is done by sliding the SIM out of one phone to another

    2- The SIM card can be thought of as a mini-hard disk . ( True )

    It automatically activates the phone into which it is inserted .

    3- A SIM card hardly comes in very handy . ( False )

    It can come in very hand as you can insert it in another phone if there

    is a problem with your phone .

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    Module Unit 11 Lesson 7+8WORD MEANING

    Alarm ( v.) To cause someone to feel frightened .disturbed or in danger.Answerphone (n.) An other term for answer machine.Briefly ( adv.) Of short duration.Confident ( adj.) Feeling assured about something.

    Next of kin ( n.) A person closest living relative.Ring ( n.) An informal term for a telephone call.Tone ( n.) A musical note or sound used as a particular signal.Tutor ( n.) A private teacher, typically one who teaches a single student

    or a very small group.

    Lessons: 7+8

    1- What information does an answerphone message form contain ?

    a. name of caller b. Day / Time of call

    c. message d. action

    2- Answerphone messages are a relatively new form of communication-.Where can

    the answer-phone used ?

    a. at home b. in school c. in companies

    3.When do we sometimes need to leave an answerphone message rather than a text message ?

    a. When enquiring about a job . b. When someone isn't available

    4.What are the steps of leaving an answerphone message ?

    a. Hearing the answer phone message b. Saying the message

    Decide whether these statements are (True) or (False) and justify your answer:

    1- Is it possible to predict the direction of a bottle (Text page 85 SB) (False)It's impossible to predict the direction of a bottle

    2- Pigeons have carried messages for humans for two thousand years (Text page 82 WB) (False)Pigeons have carried messages for humans for five thousand years

    3-The Egyptians were probably the first to use pigeons to send messages (Text page 82 WB) (True)

    4- A healthy pigeon can live for 40 years (Text page 82 WB) (True)

    5-The first regular pigeon post service was in 1000 CE (Text page 82 WB) (False)The first regular pigeon post service was in 1146 CE

    6- There were no pigeons in the postal service in the Mamluk period in Egypt (False)In the Mamluk period in Egypt, there were thousands of pigeons in the postal service.

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    Remedial Unit 11 grade 10


    A) Fill in the spaces with the right word from the list:

    asap rearrange unreliable starvation well-sealed

    1-I can`t give my car to that mechanic because he is .

    2-Somalia is a country which suffers from..

    3- I have to my priorities.

    4-The suitcase put in the closet is..

    5-You have to come to the meeting. because we need to discuss some points

    before the meeting with the businessmen.

    B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

    6- My teacher is a self .. person.

    a. confident b. current c. handy d. colleague

    7- My new I-Phone .s all the time, but, I like it.

    a. rearrange b. ring c. activate d. unlock

    8- I like the decoration of this house, it is characterized by

    a. alarm b. answer phone c. tutor d. harmony

    9- The whole trip was

    a. flash b. frequency c. impromptu d. conference-call

    10- your belt for your safety, please.

    a. unlock b. fasten c. activate d. upgrade

    11- My uncle is my favorite . . relative.

    a. next of kin b. confident c. tone d. alarm

    12- My best friend faced a lot of s last year.

    a. hassle b. answer phone c. alarm d. harmony

    13- There is a .............................. in British Council, do you want to come?

    a. tone b. frequency c. flash d. conference-call

    14- My new neighbor is my in mathematics.

    a. tutor b. alarm c. portable d. band

    15- Tomorrow is the . for the application of the job of a manager

    a. harmony b. deadline c. flash d. impromptu

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    C) choose the correct definition that matches the underlined word from a, b, c or d:16- He made his handbagbriefly

    a- a person with whom one works b- a big company or a group of companies

    c- to a great degree d- of short duration

    17- He took that piece of land illegally

    a- against the law b- fix or join securelyc- strongly and clearly d- a group of boats belonging to one company

    18- The lights of camerasflash on the faces of the artists in the festivala- closed very securely b- convenient to handle or use

    c- shine a bright light on and off d- dull, tedious and repetitious

    19-The rosesslide on the surface of the lakea- shine a bright light on and off b- look or seem like

    c- move smoothly over a surface d- convenient to handle or use

    20- I consider this job as ahassle.

    a- a group of boats belonging to one company b- irritating inconvenience

    c- lack of food d- closed very securely

    21- He seems to be a veryconfident man.

    a- feeling assured about something b- very bad

    c- making people have strong feelings d- highly praised

    22- I have toactivate my new plasma TV

    a- move smoothly over a surface b- fix or join securelyc- make active and able to operate d- shine a bright light on and off

    23- My brother bought ahandy bag for his short trip

    a- Closed very securely b- dull, tedious and repetitious

    c- making people have strong feelings d- convenient to handle or use

    24- This driver is a reckless one, he doesn`tfasten his car`s belt while driving

    a- move smoothly over a surface b- fix or join securely

    c- shine a bright light on and off d- make active and able to operate

    25- This closet is well-sealeda- very bad b- against the law

    c- Closed very securely d- convenient to handle or use

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    A) From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer :

    1-.. is coming to the birthday of Rashed?

    a- when b- where c-how many d- who

    2- . days will we spend in Manhattan ?

    a- whose b- who c- when d- how many

    3-did you learn to speak Spanish ?

    a- when b- who c- how many d- where

    4-are you expecting from our company?

    a- how many b- where c- who d- what do you still have for the trip?

    a- what b-who c-how much d-where

    B) -complete the sentences with the right modal verbs:

    Can could should would - must

    1- . I bring some juice to the table, I think you are thirsty?

    2- . You read this letter to me, please?

    3- They..have done their jobs before we came from abroad.4- She .gain her living by her talent of designing clothes.

    5- I . do that very easily.

    C) -complete the sentences with the right modal verbs:

    1. Only a . members of the organization have attended the meeting?

    a. few b. some c. any d. much

    2. How .are your baby?

    a. many b. much c. often d. old

    3. I don`t have. much time to finish the project.

    a. a little b. a few c. much d. too

    4. Are there .. fruits in the fridge?.

    a. some b. much c. any d. few

    5. He feels .. dizzy because the building is high.

    a. a little b. a few c. much d. too

    6. How do you go jogging in one week?

    a. many b. much c. often d. any

    7. There is in your wallet.

    a. many b. no c. a few d. any

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    C) Do as shown between brackets :1- The housewife chooses new items for her house. (Passive)


    2- Eating sweets all the time is good for health (negative statement)


    3- I study. I get high marks (the morethe more)..

    4-I don`t want to practice any sport (Imperative)


    5- The trader made several appointments with the businessman (Passive)

    D) Put the verb in the right tense:1- Most of the students (give). high grades in the exam.

    2- The book named ``The American`` (write).. by Henry James.3- The suit (design). by Versace.

    4- The lamp (invent).. by Edison.

    5- The cake (make).. by the grandmother.

    Language Functions:

    (A)Match each utterance in group (A) with its suitable response in (B):(A)

    1- Do you agree to go to London with us?

    2- I have to finish writing the book in a few weeks

    3- Are you having your birthday party next week?4- They are really bored

    (B)( ) Sure, you are invited, we will have fun.

    ( ) Yes, I do.

    ( ) We will make an entertainment program for them.

    ( ) The editor told me that you don`t have much time

    ( ) I don`t know that information

    B) Complete the following exchanges:

    1- A: Have you done all the work?B: ..

    2- A: Why are you very attached to your home town?


    3- A: ..

    B: I do not agree with that.

    4- A: what do you think of the global warming?

    B: .

    5- A: I apologize for what I have done to you.B: .

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    C) What would you say in the following situations :

    1- Your boss called you late at night


    2- A friend of yours wants to impose his opinion on you


    3- You forgot to bring a gift for your brother in his birthday.


    4- You give your opinion about spending too much money on clothes.

    5- You visited the festival of cinema in Cannes for the first time.


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    Module Unit 12 Lesson 1+2WORD MEANING

    Aviation ( n.) The Flying or operating of aircraft .

    Coincide with ( v.) To happen at the same time as something else, especiallyby chance.

    Exemplary ( adj.) Excellent providing a good example to others .

    Gliding (n.) The sport of flying in a light engine less aircraft .

    Instructor (n.) A person who teaches something.Intensely ( adv.) - Strongly in high degree.

    Notably (adv.) Especially in a particular.

    Set book Questions Unit 12Lessons: 1+2

    1- What are the advantages of working as a pilot?a- Travelling to countries all over the world.b- Getting a high salary

    2- What are the disadvantages of working as a pilot?a- Going away from home and family for a long time.

    b- Pilot accidents are very dangerous.

    Module Unit 12 Lesson 3WORD MEANING

    Biplane ( n.) An early type of an airplane with two pairs of wings.

    Landmark ( n.) A feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen andrecognized from a distance.

    Plague ( v.) To cause continual trouble or distress to a group of people.Prejudicial (adj.) Having a bad effect on something.Rusty (adj.) A metal object covered in reddish brown substance,

    mostly formed when iron or steel gets wet.


    Crossing a continent especially a transport to ate.

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    Module Unit 12 Lesson 4+5WORD MEANING

    Acclaimed ( adj.) Highly praised.

    Attendant (n.) A person employed to provide a service to the public, such ason a flight.

    Cabin (n.) The area for passengers in an aircraft.Confrontational Likely to seek argument or disagreement.Corporation (n.) - A big company or a group of companies.Courteously (adv.) Said or done in a polite manner.Expression (n.) The look on some one's face that shows a particular emotion.Mumble (v.) To say something quietly. Making it too difficult for others

    to hear.

    Resemble (v.) to look or seem like.Stern (adj.) Serious and unrelentingStunned (adj.) Astonished or shocked

    Module Unit 12 Lesson 7+8WORD MEANING

    Altitude ( n.) The height of a plane in relation to sea level.Aviate (v.) To pilot or fly in an airplane .Baby carriage (n.) A four wheel carriage for a baby ,pushed by a

    person on foot.

    Buzzing ( adj.) Low ,continuous humming or murmuring..

    Control ( n.) The switch or devices by which a machine is operated.Co-pilot (n.) A second pilot in an aircraft, assisting the pilot.Custom-built (adj.) (of a product ) made for a customer's special order.

    Endeavour ( v.) To try to attempt .Eyewitness ( n.) A person who has seen something happen and so can

    give a first hand description.

    Fog ( n.) Thick cloud which is difficult to see things.Headline (n.) Heading at atop of an article or page in a news paper or


    Incident ( n.) An event, especially one that is unusualRadar ( n.) A system for detecting the speed and position of


    Velocity ( n.) The speed of something in a given directionVoice-activated

    (adj.) (of a device) can be controlled by voice.

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  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]


    From a, b, c or d choose the most appropriate definition:

    1. He has been an acclaimed player for ten years.a. highly praisedb. dull, tedious and repetitiousc. very bad

    d. risky and dangerous

    2. My brother works as an accountant in an international corporation.

    a. a thing that blocks one's wayb. a big company or a group of companiesc. a group of boats belonging to one companyd. a particular place or point

    3. The hotel manager asked the tourists courteously to move to the restaurant.

    a. to a great degreeb. strongly and clearlyc. said or done in a polite wayd. completely

    4. I will endeavour to do my best to arrive on time.

    a. move smoothly over a surfaceb. make active and able to operatec. to try or attemptd. obtain something

    5. The house has many disadvantages, most notably its location and price.

    a. strongly and clearlyb. completelyc. especially; in particulard. to a great degree

    6. My elder brother resembles my father very closely.

    a. move smoothly over a surfaceb. make active and able to operatec. obtain somethingd. look or seem like

  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]


  • 8/3/2019 1Grade 10 module 4[1]


    Language FunctionsA) Match each utterance in group (A) with its suitable response in (B):

    ( A )1-Hello, can I speak to Mr. Ralph, please?2- What do you think of being a journalist in daily newspaper3- People have to be polite when they express their opinions.

    4- I'm really skinny what do you advise me to do ?( B )

    ( ) Youd better study it daily.( ) Yes, this is Mr. Ralph( ) If I were you I will eat healthy food and ask my doctor how to improve my diet.( ) It's really nice but exhausting at the same time.

    ( ) Iagree with you.B) What would you say in these situations :

    1- A tourist woman would like to visit a mosque...

    2- Your cousin is going to drive his father's car without permission...

    3- A friend said that money is the most important thing in life...

    4. A classmate asked you about the population in China.


    C ) Complete the dialogue with the missing exchanges :

    1- A : How could people get things if they had no money?B :

    2- A : I think money isnt important as family and human values.B : .

    3- A : Its hard to imagine the world without money.B : ..

    4- A: Can I help you?B:

    5- A: ..B: I do not agree with that.

    6- A: Have you any comments on this topic?B: .

    7- A: Do you recommend to me any restaurant in that city?B: .