Page 1: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group
Page 2: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group

1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100’s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes

Developed Wiki!

3 Working Group Meetings (Oct 2010–Mar 2011) Lake Monitoring Existing Monitoring Efforts Monitoring Framework/Adapting to Change

Working group recommended that TJCOG adapt their process to inform other objectives identified through TJCOG process (such as identifying sources and tracking effectiveness)

Page 3: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group

2nd Full Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2011) Came back to full group to explain changes

Updates from UNRBA, Watershed Oversight Committee, NSAB

Presented Monitoring Design Guidelines Template (MDGs) to help answer prioritized objectives with regard to (3) source identification and (4) management effectiveness.

Created 5 Subcommittees to develop Monitoring Design Guidelines Ag, Background Sources, BMP Effectivness, Onsite Wastewater, and Stormwater

and Existing D

Subcommittees meeting regularly since Sep to prioritize objectives and begin drafting MDGs.

Page 4: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group

I. Background on Issue/Problem StatementII. Regulatory ContextIII. Nutrient Markers & SourcesIV. Existing Monitoring (studies or long-term)V. Monitoring Design

a) Proposed Monitoring Activities or Studiesb) Where, frequency, type (surface, benthic, etc.)c) Who would implement study/potential partnershipsd) QA/QCe) Data coordination/use

VI.Funding OpportunitiesVII.Public Education ComponentsVIII.Issues Around Uncertainty

Page 5: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group

1. Developed comprehensive list of monitoring objectives2. Started wiki3. Discussed/evaluated current lake monitoring efforts4. Developed an inventory of monitoring activities5. Developed conceptual monitoring framework6. Met with DWQ to re-craft scope to focus on (3) source

identification and (4) tracking management effectiveness7. Modified deliverables to be set of “monitoring design

guidelines” (as opposed to conceptural monitoring plan)8. Determined process for developing “mon. design guidelines”9. Set up subcommittees to develop MDGs 10. Subcommittees meeting regularly

Heather Saunders
Be sure this term is consistent throughout
Page 6: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group

Triangle J Council of Governments

1. Review what’s been done so far

2. Go over how to use the wiki

3. Give subcommittees an opportunity to share their progress and ideas for MDGs and get feedback from the group

4. Give subcommittees the opportunity to ask for advice from others

5. Give subcomittees time to collaborate where appropriate or delegate if there are overlaps

6. Prepare for May meeting and develop questions about QAQC procedures

7. Lay out next steps

Page 7: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group
Page 8: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group
Page 9: 1st Large TJCOG Stakeholder Meeting (Sep 2010) Compiled objectives (100s!!) Categorized/combined objectives into themes Developed Wiki! 3 Working Group

Continue to work with subcommittees Be sure to upload meeting summaries and draft

documents to the wiki Need to have Monitoring Design Guidelines

completed by July 2012!! May Meeting

Will include a discussion on QAQC procedures and getting feedback from DWQ

Consider ways to potentially coordinate with the NSAB or make research ideas and/or outcomes available to group.