Page 1: 1st Sunday of Lent Year C 14th February 2016 · 1st Sunday of Lent Year C – 14th February 2016 Fr Gregory Lakra, Fr Sanele Finau; Saturday 66 Falkirk Ave, Seatoun Office: 388 6953

Responsorial psalm:

Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble.

1st Sunday of Lent Year C – 14th February 2016

A word of encouragement ......

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart - keep believing in yourself and your special dreams.

There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be. That's when you have to tell yourself things will get better. There are times when people disappoint you and let you down, but those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgement and opinions, to keep your life focused on believing in yourself and all that you are capable of. There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it is up to you to accept them. It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are, and you will also see yourself developing into the person you have always wanted to be.

Life is a journey through time, filled with many choices - each of us will experience life in our own special way. So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all you wanted life to be, because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the dreams that you know are meant to come true for you. You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Talofa lava ..... malo lelei Father Sanele

Holy Cross Church – Sunday Mass time Survey

Have you filled in one yet? If you haven’t, you have till Monday 29 February. Thank you to all those who’ve returned their survey forms so far.

Voting forms for those who attend Sunday Mass at Holy Cross are available in the church foyers of Holy Cross Church and St Patrick’s Church, online or from the parish office at

[email protected]

Lent timetable Holy Trinity: Stations of the Cross St Patricks and Holy Cross – Friday 7pm St Patrick’s Church Weds 6 – 7pm Adoration and reconciliation followed by Mass

Lenten envelopes and calendars available in the church foyers.

Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship Wellington Come along and join us for our first meeting in 2016 on Thursday 18th February at 7:30pm for prayer, praise and social time in CONNOLLY HALL, Guilford Terrace, Thorndon (behind Sacred Heart Cathedral). Theme: "Treat others as you would like them to treat you" Speaker: Melodie Nunns on “Working with at risk youth around Wellington" Want to know more? Ring John Taylor (04) 389-8915 or 021-107-8538 or [email protected]

Dove Wellington invites all women to their meeting on Saturday 20 February, between 1.15-3pm, at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington. Our guest speaker is Sandra Kinney; who will be speaking about how “by the grace of God you have been saved through faith” (Eph 2:8). It will be a wonderful time of nourishment, sharing and fellowship. You are all most welcome. Please contact Rachel Blackaby on (04) 2332553 if you have any queries.

Rosters: available at the back of Church St Patricks – morning tea, counters and Mass rosters to end of March Holy Cross – cleaning, altar servers & counters

Life Teen Holy Trinity - Sun 14th February. If you’re year 9 - 13 at college or aged between 12 and 19 come join us!!! Mass at St Patrick's Church 5.30pm followed

by dinner and Life Night finishing at 8.30pm

Holy Cross Church: 90 Miramar Ave, Miramar Masses: Sunday 9am (till end of February) Weekdays: Tues - Fri 9.30am Saturday 9am

St Anthony’s Church: 66 Falkirk Ave, Seatoun Masses: Sunday Good Shepherd 8.30am, St Anthony’s 10am Weekdays Mon-Fri 9am preceded by Rosary, except during the school term Thurs will be at 11.30am

St Patrick’s Church:

3 Childers Tce, Kilbirnie Masses: Sunday 5.30pm Vigil, 8 & 10am, Lifeteen 5.30pm (except 1st Sunday of the month) Weekdays 9.30am, Saturday 11am followed by Exposition till


Fr Ephrem Tigga, Parish Priest; Fr Gregory Lakra, Fr Sanele Finau; Friary Ph 387 2102 Fr Sanele Finau, Ph: 388 8609 Presbytery & Office 90 Miramar Ave, Miramar Office: 388 6953 [email protected]

Page 2: 1st Sunday of Lent Year C 14th February 2016 · 1st Sunday of Lent Year C – 14th February 2016 Fr Gregory Lakra, Fr Sanele Finau; Saturday 66 Falkirk Ave, Seatoun Office: 388 6953

The Annual Mission Fair of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver on Saturday 20 February 2016 from 10am to 1pm at St. Francis de Sales Church hall and grounds Island Bay. Goods for the Fair & donations are greatly

appreciated and posted to Missionary Sisters Of St. Peter Claver, 1 Mersey Street, P.O. Box 7312, Wellington South.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat 18-20 March A retreat weekend for those whose lives have been touched

by abortion. An opportunity for healing to any woman or man who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. All enquiries are strictly confidential. Contact Wendy Hill [email protected] or 027 2549222


Collectors are needed in Wellington, Kilbirnie and Petone. If you are able to give an hour of your time to

help, please phone Vivien on Ph 385 8642 or email [email protected]

St Patrick’s Church Mix and Mingle Luncheon 11.30 – 1.30pm in the St Patrick’s Parish Centre 3rd

Thurs of each month. Couple $15 and Single $7 All age groups welcome. Ring Andrew on 386 1233 by Tues

16th Feb for catering purposes

St Vinnies in Miramar/Seatoun and in Kilbirnie: You are invited to join the St Vincent de Paul Society

either in Miramar/Seatoun or in Kilbirnie. The St Vinnies groups meet once a month to pray together and to decide on how to help and who to visit when

people are in need in our community. If you want to join the Kilbirnie Conference, or for more information, contact Margaret Bearsley on 021 344 356

or [email protected] If you want to join the Miramar/Seatoun Conference, or for more

information, contact Brendan Quirk on Ph 3889708 or [email protected]

ST VALENTINE’S DAY Cardinal John Dew invites you to a Celebration 0f Marriage Sunday, 14th February 2016 at 7.00pm Sacred Heart Cathedral Hill St, Wellington Mass, followed by a celebratory drink with Cardinal John. Make it a romantic night out together, or make up a party of family and friends! For more information. please contact Pastoral Services at the Catholic Centre [email protected] 496 1719

St Catherine’s College invite all parents, caregivers and whanau to their annual Food, Faith and Whanau on Friday 19 February starting at 5.45pm. Come along and bring your picinic tea. This will be an opportunity for you to meet other Whanau and connect with old friends. The Staff will be introduced and there will be time to mix and mingle with them. The 2016 Student Leaders will introduce themselves and provide games and face painting for children. There will be 'experts' in a computer lab to show parents, who are uncertain about accessing the the parental portal. The BBQ will be up and running

NEXT SUNDAY MASS MINISTRY ROSTER –2ND SUNDAY OF LENT (21 FEBRUARY 2016) If you are not available on your scheduled day, please swap with another person on your roster.

Prayers of the Faithful: R Wielgolawski Counters: Marie Okeby, Glenys Blair and Faye Hutton

Time Altar Servers Proclaimers

of The Word

Offertory Special Ministers Commentary/ OHP

Host/esses /Welcomer



Collectors: 9am Church Cleaning: Altar Linen:




8 am

10.00 am

Andrew Greening Gerard Sullivan Rory Woods

Moses & Cicero Caramto Veronice Foliaki

Doyet Sevilla Mike Norden Leo Buchanan Tony Mackle Anna Meuli Ian MacDonald

Norden Family Va’Aua Family Hunter Family

Rae Dawson Leona Foster Eileen Healy Leo & Mary Buchanan David Hyland Marie Okeby Amir Aziz

Trish Norden Adrian Pole

Glenis Blair David Wells Lundon Family

Children’s Liturgy: Steve Flowers: Carol Rosary Statue: Hyland Family Morning Tea: Malia Foliaki




Burn & Devlin Crang

V & P Monahan H & G Kingston

K & U Kapeliele D Johnson, L Halliwell, T Sutcliffe

Paul & Peter Warren & Matthew

Communion to Sick: D Johnson St Anthony’s: Counters: G Kingston & J Walsh Children’s Liturgy: Deirdre & Paul

Altar Linen: R O’Brien Morning Tea: Frka/Smith Families Cleaning: Maquire/Bartle Families Flowers: Lent

We pray for the members of our Parish families who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time including Margaret Perry, Doreen Cameron, and Mary (Molly) Shirley. Our prayers are also with those who are unwell and for the wonderful people who are caring for the everyday needs of the sick in our Community.

One Mass at 9am till the end of February Those who will be rostered on will be contacted

Page 3: 1st Sunday of Lent Year C 14th February 2016 · 1st Sunday of Lent Year C – 14th February 2016 Fr Gregory Lakra, Fr Sanele Finau; Saturday 66 Falkirk Ave, Seatoun Office: 388 6953

Refugee Resettlement – a Collaborative Response

To Holy Trinity Parishioners

Urgent Refugee Settlement February 2016. The moment has come when our parish can

“open our arms” and extend our compassion and kindness to refugees who have suffered persecution and destruction.

Your Holy Trinity Parish Council has asked our local St Vincent de Paul Society Seatoun & Miramar group to coordinate our parish response to the urgent request made recently by Cardinal John and Catholic Social Services (CSS) that Catholic parishes assist in setting up the 24 refugee families settling in Wellington, Porirua and Hutt Valley at the end of February 2016.

Holy Trinity Parish will be assisting the household set up for one family comprising parents and two boys aged 3 and 1.

Because the Red Cross and Government will provide the ‘heavy’ household furniture and whiteware for each family, parishes across the region have been asked to supply the ‘light’ household goods for kitchen, bedrooms, linen, initial pantry food, laundry and the like. Our Parish Finance Committee will consider meeting the cost of purchasing the modest lists of ‘light’ goods and initial food, supplemented by a collection after our Masses on Sundays 14 and 21 February 2016.

Some of you might help in practical ways. A few willing and able parishioners are

requested to join the following volunteer teams assisting in setting up the refugee houses:-

(i) House Preparation. About six more volunteers are required to join a team in setting up the

house on Thursday evening 25 February 2016 6 – 8.30pm. More details will be provided at a briefing on Monday 22 February, at Loaves and Fishes, Anglican Cathedral, 6-8pm. Please give your name and contact details to Brendan Quirk, St Vincent de Paul Society, phone 3889708, email: [email protected].

(ii) Sorting House Lots. A handful of volunteers may be needed on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22

February 2016 at the Anglican Cathedral to receive, check and sort household lots of goods delivered by the parishes, ready to be trucked to the houses. Please give your name and contact details to Sherry Hughes, St Vincent de Paul Society, phone 976 7985, email: [email protected].

(iii) TV with Free View. The one ‘heavy’ item we have been requested to supply for the household is a TV with Free View built-in, in excellent condition and operating order. If you wish to donate such a TV please contact Brendan Quirk, St Vincent de Paul Society, phone 3889708, email: [email protected].

Through your support in these ways

we can fulfil our Holy Father’s assurance to migrants and refugees that “they have a special place in the heart of the Church”.

Please also pray for these families that they will find the love and justice they seek in this world.
