
Association du Festival de Fès de la Culture Sou!e


Du � au �� octobre ����

Avenue Moulay El Kamel Cité des Mimosas Imm. n°6App. n°3, 30 010 Fès, Maroc

Tél : +212 (0)535 931 822 Fax : +212 (0)5 35 626 239 contact@festivalculturesou!

w w w. f e s t i v a l c u l t u r e s o u f i e . c o m

With the pandemic continuing to foil even the least optimistic forecasts, this 14th edition of the Fès festival of Sufi culture will take place like the previous one in a digital format, .From the start it seemed to us that regardless of the difficulties on our path, we should pursue this journey of meaning and discovery of the treasures of Sufi heritage in its various cultural expressions. Especially in the present times we are currently facing, and in which the question of the search for meaning no longer appears as an additional luxury. Deep down, the sages of all times have described it as “the only thing necessary”. “The one who found God” said Moulay Abdessalam Ibnou Machich, “what did he lose, and the one who found something other than God, what did he find?”From the emergence of meaning, our individual and collective projects find structure. It acts as the fuel of all culture, all creativity and all collective intelligence.Thanks to the light of this quest, we must undertake this journey and listen to those who transmit to us today the works and thoughts of the great sages of Sufism from different places and ages.Thought, culture and spirituality can navigate without borders, through the virtual paths of the web, leading us to the places of the globe where this culture of Sufism has nourished minds and values, notably, like in Morocco, nurturing the conditions for the emergence of a civilization.But this voyage is not just historical. It is also that of the flight of our intelligences to understand and seize the crisis which has befallen the current world as an opportunity, challenging our feelings of hubris and power and bringing us back to greater lucidity, in particular on our real weaknesses and our blindness to some of our choices in society.Culture and spirituality have never been pure distraction, not what our consumerist societies are leading us to believe.According to the sense that we give them here, they are located at the heart and at the foundation of a societal project which feeds on a new hierarchy of values where the growth of being is more important than that of having.This crisis allows us to get a deeper sense of the human, social, ecological and ultimately civilizational dead ends of a de-spiritualized world.It can be an opportunity for us to change course and re-enchant our lives and our links with our fellow human beings and with nature.There is no such thing as a futile crisis. We have chosen to make these teachings more present than ever by extending them through Masterclasses where each of these works is transmitted to us by great specialists throughout the year, in several sessions.The whole endeavor now constitutes what we are calling a “living library of universal works”. A “sesame” that makes these works accessible to us. We know they are present yet, few could access them. They are now made available to water our minds and our consciences.Or, to use the allegory of travel, a nave or an arch that sails from place to place to discover these treasures, watering our humanity in its most timeless and deepest dimension.

From this next edition and throughout the months that will follow, we are happy to invite you on this journey.

FAOUZI SKALI� Président of the Festival


14th Fès Festival of Sufi Culture


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Photos credits��#FOKBNJO�#JOJ


Tuesday October 12, 2021Saturday October 9, 202115h Official opening of the Festival15h30 Al Salât Al-Mashîshiyya et le commentaire d’Ibn AjibaMasterclass par Moulay Abdallah Ouazzani (en langue arabe)17h Opening Live Exhibition with Rany Rouabah, art of illumination and calligraphy, after the Canticle of the Birds: The Quest for Essen-Ciel 17h45 Literary Café with Moin Mir, The True Fragrance of Infinity18h15 Opening night, THE SYMBOLIC OF THE VOYAGE IN SUFI CULTURE, The music of ziarat (visits to shrines in Balochistan, India and Iran), conference by Jean During illustrated with music. Spiritual path and search for meaning with the poet Nizami Gandjavi (Azerbaïdjan), by Karim Ifrak.Journey through the history of the prophets of al Kisâï by Touria Iqbal. 19h30 Ibn Arabi concert20h30 Travel in the Sufi Maqâmât,Inaugural concert with Françoise Atlan, and Mostapha Amri Ensemble, Jean During, Leyli Atashkar.21h40 Cinéma: Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta, Tangier to Mecca.22h30 Samaa’ by the Whirling Dervishes from Rûmi’s Mausoleum in Konya, Turkey.

Sunday October 10, 202110h30 Heritage of Fès and spirituality (40 years of UNESCO): Great visit of Fès LIVE with Maghreb expérience.14h30 Tafsir spiritual (exegesis) of the Koran according to Ibn Ajiba’s commentary, MASTERCLASS by Moulay Abdallah Ouazzani (in arabic). 17h Vernissage Exhibition of Najoua El Hitmi’s YOU ARE FOREVER A TRAVELER (based on Ibn Arabi).18h30 Leila and Majnoun in the literary tradition, from the work of Djami -MASTERCLASS by Leili Anvar, artistic and musical moments with Jean During and Leyli Atachar 20h15 The Mughal princess, Zebunissa or the path of spiritual love, by Sheikha Amat un Nur (from Lahore).20h30 Special evening: The high places of Moroccan Sufism: Brotherhood Qadariya Boutchichiyya with Moulay Mounir El Kadiri Boutchich

Monday October 11, 2021 17h Heritage of Fès and spirituality (Live Visit - 40 years of UNESCO): Arab-Andalusian weaving and spirituality - Master weaver Sy Hassan (from Al Andalus to Fès).18h15 Moments of Listening: reading of Sufi texts by Amal Ayouch, Kabir the holy weaver of Benarès (India): the flute of infinity (translation André Gide, Rabindranath Tagore).18h30 Samaa’ and the therapeutic aspects of music in Muslim cultures (music therapy), MASTERCLASS by Jean During illustrated by musical moments (based on an Indian manuscript).

20h30 Sufi wisdom through music in the Indian subcontinent by Shuaib Mushtaq (conference with musical moments).

21h Special evening: The high places of Moroccan Sufism: Brotherhood Rissouniya with Ahmed Rissouni.

Wednesday October 13, 2021 15h30 The Storytellers School of Marrakech by Jaâfar Kansoussi. 16h Cinema: Journey to Mecca; In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta, from Tangier to Mecca, special youth screening with educational introduction.17h Heritage of Fès and spirituality (Live Visit - 40 years of UNESCO): children and sacred clothing with Amélie d'Arras 18h The traveling child, novel by Khaled Roumo with its author. 18h15 Moments of Listening: reading of Sufi texts by Amal ayouch, Sufi tales for children. 18h30 ROUND TABLE: How to adapt spiritual literature to a youth audience? In partnership with the Foundation Oum el Ghat, with Amal El Kadiri, Khalid et Brigitte Andaloussi, Amina Alaoui, Amal Ayouch, Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko, Zohra Ratib.20h30 The high places of Moroccan Sufism: Samaa’s de la Squaliya Brotherhood.

Thursday October 14, 2021

17h Heritage of Fès and spirituality (Live Visit - 40 years of UNESCO): calligraphy and sacred geometry.18h15 Moments of Listening: reading of Sufi texts by Amal Ayouch, poems by Yunus Emre 18h30 The Yunus Emre Year: in the footsteps of Anatolian Sufism (Turkey) Yunus Emre’s Couch - MASTERCLASS by Roderick Grierson (English/ French) 20h30 Poetic recital Yunus Emre by Leili Anvar and Joanna Goodale (piano), in partnership with the Institut Yunus Emre of Paris. 21h35 Cinema: Journey to Mecca; In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta (English version).

Friday October 15, 2021 17h Heritage of Fès and spirituality (Live Visit - 40 years of UNESCO): rencontre avec le peintre Mohamed Mourabiti: quand la peinture voyage sur les lieux sacrés (Dar Bensouda). 18h15 Moments of Listening: reading texts by Amal Ayouch. 18h30 ROUND TABLE: poetry and literature, an awakening to the spiritual dimension in partnership with Écritures et Spiritualités (France), with Ahmed Taoufiq, Ghaleb Bencheikh, Karima Berger, Khaled Roumo, Isaline Dutru, Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko. 20h30 Cinema: Journey to Mecca: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta, Tangier to Mecca. (Arabic version)21h10 The high places of Moroccan Sufism: Brotherhood Ouazzaniya.

Sa edi 1 octobre 2021

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17h Heritage of Fès and spirituality (Live Visit - 40 years of UNESCO): The Library of the Al Quaraouiyine University, with Dr Faouzi Skali.18h15 Moments of Listening: reading of Sufi texts by Amal Ayouch: Sufi poems from the Balkans.18h30 Poetry and music of Balkan Sufism, after the work of Naïm Frashëri - MASTERCLASS by Enris Qinami. Presentation by Jean During on the music of Balkan Sufism.20h30 Sufi wisdom through music in the Indian subcontinent by Shuaib Mushtaq (conference with musical moments).21h Special evening: The high places of Moroccan Sufism: Samaa’ of the Charqaouiya Brotherhood.

11h Sufi musical modes: MASTERCLASS by Oustadh Mostapha Amri in arabic 14h30 Tafsir (exegesis in French) spiritual of the Koran, MASTERCLASS by Tayeb Chouiref 17h30 AN OCEAN OF INK: Literary Café - hegira with Karima berger, with author and artist painter Louise Cara 18h30 ROUND TABLE: Towards the creation of a living library of universal works with Mgr Cristobal Lopez Romero, Avraham Elarar, Touria Iqbal, Khaled Roumo, Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko 20h30 Preservation of ancient manuscripts using new digital technologies in partnership with Asian Legacy Library. 20h50 Cinema: Journey to Mecca; In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta. 21h Wadhifa of the Brotherhood Tijaniya of Fès from Sidi Ahmed Tijânî’s mausoleum. 22h Samaa’ of the Tidjaniya of Niger

*This program is subject to change.



The symbolism of travel in Sufi Culture

Concert: Journey to the Sufi maqamat

Saturday October 9 from 6.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)

It gives rhythm to the rich programming of this edition with science, poetry and music. We wanted to maintain the intense sharing of this experience by mobilizing cutting-edge technologies that will allow us to directly stream this evening.

The settled our choice on The symbolism of travel in Sufi Culture, in particular in the musical and poetic repertoire of artists (from al Andalus to India via Central Asia) but also in the masterful works of major figures. world Sufism that specialists will evoke, in presence from Fès and or around the world. The opening concert of the evening and of the festival, Voyage in the Sufi maqamat, with Françoise Atlan and the Mostapha Amri ensemble, will offer an immersion in Sufi musical fashions and melodies from Morocco to Persia.

Live video tours: Heritage of Fès and spirituality (40 years Unesco):From Monday 11 to Friday 15/09 at 8:30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) and live during the day in partnership with Maghreb experienceOn the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO listing of the Medina of Fès as a World Heritage Site (1981-2021), peregrinations, some of which live, will be put online to soak up the Fassi city. , high places of Moroccan Sufism par excellence. Every day we will go to meet the sacred heritage of Fès guided by those who find their inspiration in the spiritual resonance of the spiritual capital, such as Sy Hassan, the master weaver of Fès who holds the secrets of Arab-Andalusian weaving, the painter Mourabiti and many other beauty smugglers. Thanks to these live video tours before each evening, you will find the atmosphere of the festival and Fès as if you were there!


For its 14th edition, from October 9 to 16, 2021, the Fès Festival of Sufi Culture offers its festival-goers a digital trip to the high places of Sufism. While this geographical trip allows us to better know the Sufi cultural heritage around the world, it is also considered as a spiritual method by the great masters of Sufism.Indeed, whether it is spiritual or physical, whether it refers to the prophetic nocturnal journey, to the Hegira or to the pilgrimage, to Noah's ark, the journey questions us on the great journey of the soul, on its path.The grand opening night will focus on The symbolism of voyage in Sufi Culture, particularly in Sufi literature and poetry, but also in the musical repertoire (from al Andalus to India via Central Asia) with a concert eagerly awaited, offering a voyage in the Sufi Maqamat with Françoise Atlan and an ensemble from Fès, directed by Mostapha Amri, coupled with a unique collaboration with Jean During and Leyli Atashkar.The opening event will inaugurate this great journey through the Sufi Culture, yesterday and today, which will, throughout the duration of the Festival, go through several stages in the high places of Sufism, with of course a particular lighting of the Fassi city, celebrating this year the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO listing of its Medina as a World Heritage Site (1981-2021). So every day of the week, a place or a major player in the preservation of Fassi beauty will paint a portrait of the city of art and spirituality.Then the whole festival will be punctuated by masterclasses and round tables. International speakers, present in Fès and sometimes on video from around the world, will speak during round tables questioning Sufi culture with regard to its transmission to youth, the spiritual awakening caused by literature or the launch of the creation of a living library of universal works bringing together representatives of different spiritual traditions. During the masterclasses, world-renowned specialists will give the keys to certain great works of Sufism, which are sometimes difficult to access for the neophyte. In keeping with the tradition of the festival, the evenings of the week will be devoted to the samaa’ of the great Sufi routes of Morocco. A special tribute will be paid to the 13th century Anatolian Sufi poet, Yunus Emre, whose 700th birthday Unesco celebrates by declaring the year 2021, the year Yunus Emre.The great works of Sufi heritage are also a living source of inspiration for contemporary artists today. We will honor three artistic approaches. Najoua El Hitmi, in an exhibition at the Jardin des Biehn, You are forever a traveler, will link his work to Sufi texts and will offer a pictorial reflection on the notion of movement, displacement, elevation, travel, both that of body and soul. While the illuminator-calligrapher Rany Rouabah immersed himself body and soul in Attar's Canticle of the Birds to offer us a wonderful exhibition The Quest for the Essen-Ciel. The painter from Marrakech, whose work is celebrated worldwide, Mohammed Mourabiti, will unveil his pictorial reflection in connection with the sacred places of Fès and the pandemic.Thus, throughout the duration of the festival, exhibition, round tables, literary cafés, Sufi ceremonies, masterclasses, thematic visits will be organized around this theme, with the exceptional mobilization of more than a hundred speakers - researchers, specialists, writers, actors, visual artists, musicians, spiritual guides, to transmit the expressions of beauty and depth of this cultural and spiritual heritage.Carole Latifa Ameer, artistic and programming director


THE ROUND TABLES HOW TO ADAPT SPIRITUAL LITERATURE TO A YOUTH AUDIENCE?Wednesday October 13, 6:30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)Doesn't awakening to the faith happen from an early age? The first questions about the essence of the Divine are also at the center of the lives of the youngest. And if the school trains them to meet the other, to this necessary otherness and to a discovery of different cultures, the spiritual values and the principles which result from it are often left aside for lack of having been real subjects of educational studies. And in a context of globalization, of standardization of cultures, parents have sometimes even lost the cultural and spiritual references of their own tradition.In the transmission of a spiritual culture today, the question then arises of adapting major reference works, particularly literary ones, to young people. But how ? Specialists, especially preschoolers, educators, publishers, journalists, writers but also actors will share their experiences with a goal to publish the great works of Sufi literature for young people.Carole Latifa Ameer, artistic and programming director of the FestivalIn partnership with the Oum El Ghait Foundation

Carole Latifa Ameer, artistique directrice of the programmation du Festival, en partenariat avec la Fondation Oum El Ghait. with Amal El Kadiri, Khalid & Brigitte Andaloussi, Amina Alaoui, Amal Ayouch, Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko, Zohra Ratib.

-"�10&4*&�&5�-"�-*55&3"563& �6/�&7&*-�"�-"�%*.&/4*0/� POETRY AND LITERATURE, AN AWAKENING OF A SPIRITUAL DIMENSION (WRITERS, READINGS, ARTISTIC MOMENTS) Friday October 15, 6:30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)

Our Koran, our Gospels, our Torah and all our Scriptures, send us a voice emerging from a source away from our universe, a language that subverts that of every day, a language of fire for our intelligences made clairvoyant . The Scriptures are revealed only by hiding, they wait to be by us, unveiled in silence, contemplation and prayer. They are a voice that speaks to us in a low voice to invite us to "come closer", led by the beauty of the verses or the metaphors or their dazzling light which knocks us down to the edge of ourselves. She guides us in our quest for ijtihad: "Where then in me resides this subtle secret which God has entrusted to my substances?" Ibn ‘Arabî tells us.

This first taste (dhawq) which marks our language since the first day, the poet finds it for us. We, readers in search of a voice which speaks of the splendor of creation, which speaks the divine song within us. then our disfigured world rises transfigured. Because like Rumi, we secretly know that "when darkness increases, light must increase".

How does the poet or the novelist bring us back to this mystery? Whatever the name, it is the name of God. Each one already carrying it in himself, is invited to enhance by his reading, the great poem of the world. Lily ! invites us to the Koran “Read your book; today, you just need to be your own judge! "

Karima Berger,writer,vice-présidente d'Ecriture et Spiritualités, in partenership withcEcritures & Spiritualités (France). With Ahmed Taoufiq,

Ghaleb Bencheikh, Karima Berger, Khaled Roumo, Isaline Dutru, Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko. XXX�GFTUJWBMDVMUVSFTPVGJF�DPN

TOWARDS THE CREATION OF A LIVING LIBRARY OF UNIVERSAL WORKS Saturday October 16, 6.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1), ClosingThe experience, over the past year, of putting into practice the Masterclasses of the Sufi Heritage Digital Platform naturally leads us to broaden this perspective to great spiritual works and, more broadly, the universal works of humanity.These have become practically inaccessible to a very large part of our contemporaries at the time of the overwhelming dominance of a culture where images and digitalization prevail.Hence a major question: what if we used precisely the digital vehicle to transmit these great works and put them again at the heart of our human heritage and our collective intelligences?This long-term project must allow us to use the very power of technology to transcend it and lead us, by going beyond the current horizon of transhumanism, to the emergence of a spiritual humanism.� Faouzi Skali, Président of the Festival with Monseigneur Cristobal Lopez Romero, Avraham Elarar, Touria Iqbal, Khaled Roumo, Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko.


You are forever a traveler (according to Ibn ‘Arabî)Online exhibition of Najoua el Hitmi,Opening Sunday 10/10 at 5 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)The title of the exhibition by the visual artist Najoua El Hitmi is borrowed from the masterful work of the Sufi scholar Ibn 'Arabî, the illuminations in Mecca (futuhat al makiyya) which tells us: "You are forever a traveler, since you cannot even settle yourself anywhere ”(futuhat al Makiyya, II 383).The great works of the past are a living teaching for contemporaries of today. Najoua El Hitmi’s approach within the framework of her collaboration with the Fès Festival of Sufi Culture is indeed to link her artistic creation to these great works while working on the notion of movement, displacement, elevation, travels both that of the body and that of the soul.Her travel reference is based on the notion of pilgrimage, common to different spiritual traditions. The pilgrimage has for Najoua el Hitmi an impetus which carries us on the path of a journey which is unveiling, the erasure of what prevents us from seeing the Truth. Her founding work, "The Seeking Pilgrim", is therefore the starting point of this exhibition.Moroccan self-taught artist, based in Tangier, the mythical city of artists (Delacroix, Matisse, etc.), Najoua el Hitmi is one of the rising stars of contemporary Moroccan art. Like Ibn ‘Arabî, nicknamed the Shaykh al Akbar, Najoua el Hitmi is a fruitful artist who produces a lot of works, all with an impressive pictorial mastery. She is one of those gifted artists, like a Picasso, who touches on all materials, painting but also sculpture. For the uninitiated, her repetitive gestures may seem an obsession but it is only a dhikr of the hand, a perpetual reminder, a connection with the infinity of the gesture which prefigures the Infinity of the divine. .


The Quest for Essen - Heaven (from the Song of the Birds)Rany Rouabah online exhibitionOpening Saturday 09/10 at 5.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)Cradled since his childhood in the zaouias by Sufi stories and rhythms, Rany ROUABAH, calligrapher-illuminator, offers us a calligraphic journey entitled “The Quest for Essen-Ciel” in a masterful illustration, mixing tradition and modernity, of the '12th century work by Fariduddin' Attar, The Song of the Birds. Rany Rouabah thus draws his inspiration from this centuries-old text to offer a strikingly beautiful work that he wanted above all as an ode to the culture of peace where each soul, represented by a bird, sings his love for the Divine.These works also take us on a journey through different styles of calligraphy bringing together the Kufic of Kerouan, Andalusian-Maghreb, Persian styles such as Nastaliq and Chikesté, Ottoman Diwani and Iraqi Thuluth. With reference to the etymology of its name, the illumination, reminds us of the light that illuminates the verb of ‘Attar.



Lists of prospective speakers: In alphabetical order :

Amina Alaoui (Morocco), Assia Bensalah Alaoui (Morocco), Carole Latifa Ameer (France-India), Jamal Eddine Amrani (France), Khalid Andalussy (Morocco), Leili Anvar (France), Françoise Atlan (France-Morocco), Amal Ayouch (Morocco), Abd El Hafid Benchouk (France), Saïda Bennani (Morocco), Ikram Bennani (Morocco), Ghaleb Bencheikh (France), Karima Berger (France), Taoufiq Boudchiche (Morocco), Nourredine Bouimejane (Morocco), Louise Cara (France), Tayeb Chouiref (France), Federico Isshaq Dainin Joko (France-Morocco), Jean During (France), AbdelAziz Debbarh (USA-Morocco), Avraham Elarar (Canada), Najoua El Hitmi (Morocco), Amal El Kadiri (Morocco), Moulay Mounir El Kadiri Boutchich (Morocco), Kudsî Ergüner (France-Turkey), Driss Fassi Fihri (Morocco), Mohamed Ghalmi (France-USA), Mohammed Ghani (Morocco), Roderick Grierson (Canada), Denis Gril (France), Abdou Hafidi (France-Morocco), Suad Hakim (Lebanon), Thami Harak (Morocco), Sy Hassan (Morocco), Gad Ibgui (France), Karim Ifrak (France-Morocco), Touria Iqbal (Morocco) , Jaafar Kansoussi (Morocco), Bariza Khiari (France), Countess Setsuko Klossowska de Rola (Japan); Youness Lahiaoui (Morocco), Nizar Liemlahi (Morocco-Spain), Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero (Spain),, Souada Maoulainine (Morocco), Katherine Marshall (USA), Moin Mir (GB-India), Marie Miran (France), Mohamed Mourabiti (Morocco), Shuaib Mushtaq (France-Pakistan) Mohamed Amyn Nfaoui (France-Morocco), Naila Hayat Noon (Pakistan), Abdellah Ouazzani (Morocco), Kenneth Robbins (USA), Rany Rouabah (France), Khaled Roumo (France) -Syria) Ibrahim Salama (Switzerland-Egypt), Yasmina Sbihi (Morocco), Mustapha Sehimi (Morocco), Faouzi Skali (Morocco), Salamatou Sow (Niger), Cherif Sidi Brahim Tidjani (Morocco), Princess Felizita von Schönborn (Germany) , Théophile de Wallensbourg (France)




Saturday 09/10 8:30 p.m. (French version); (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) - then every day at 10 p.m. - Wednesday 10/13 at 4 p.m. special young people (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)

To guide us throughout the festival in this journey to the high places of Sufism, we have chosen the emblematic figure of a great Moroccan traveler of the 14th century, Ibn Battuta who from Tangier takes us to the largest place of pilgrimage in Sufism, Mecca. In this great journey, Ibn Battuta takes us through the high places of Sufism such as Cairo, Damascus or Medina.

The images of this film shot in an IMAX format are breathtaking and completely immersive. It is a unique viewing where the spectator identifies with Ibn Battuta, finding himself immersed in landscapes of extreme beauty, like so many sources of meditation, crossing the mountains including Mount Arafat, traveling in the desert, on the Nile or the Red Sea. A unique experience

to live throughout the festival in English, French or Arabic and to discover with the youngest on Wednesday October 13 with an educational presentation.




j�An Ocean of Ink�x����Literary café

MOIN MIR, THE LOST FRAGRANCE OF INFINITY,Saturday October 9, 21:10 pm (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)

KARIMA BERGER, HEGIRAS, 17:30 (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1)

In 1739, Qaraar Ali, a young craftsman from Delhi witnesses the destruction of his world as he has known it. His wondrous city where he found love, spirituality, the friendship of poets and philosophers becomes a desolate, scorching hell. From the embers of his past, a journey begins; one which takes him into the depths of Sufi philosophy.Traversing spectacular landscapes of a fading Mughal empire, a turbulent central Asia and Persia, a culturally retreating Ottoman empire and declining Spanish influence, Qaraar Ali finds hope in the sacred Geometry of the Sufis through which he attempts at rebuilding his life and rediscovering love.A deeply passionate love story imbued with spirituality, acceptance, compassion and redemption, The Lost Fragrance of Infinity gives a much deserved voice to Sufism and its contributions to humanity, art, mathematics, mysticism and science.

Relying mainly on the Koran, traditions of Maghreb and her childhood memories, Karima Berger, rooted in her experience that she lays down in this book-testimony, transmits to us through a poetic pen the emotions, the reflections and the stages through which the fallen, the outcast, the wanderer pass. To understand this uprooting, the starting point of our author will be the hegira of the prophet Mohammed towards Medina, or his ascension towards the Heavens.Join Karima Berger, Friday 10/15 at 6.30 p.m. for the round table "Poetry and Literature, an Awakening to the Spiritual Dimension" organized in partnership with Écritures et Spiritualités.




In a spirit of transmission of Sufi culture open to all audiences around the world, the Fès Festival of Sufi Culture and its digital platform Sufi Heritage are offering again this year, after their success in the previous edition, seven new ONLINE MASTERCLASS which will continue throughout the year and then in 2022. This teaching is entirely devoted to the transmission of the heritage of Sufi culture, its works, its arts and its trades in the spirit of futuwwa , spiritual chivalry.Sufi Heritage is a unique space which allows specialists unanimously recognized in their field to transmit their knowledge, their discipline, their art, thus reviving the Sufi tradition of transmission from master to disciple.

t�Saturday October 09 at 3:30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) AL-Salât Al-Mashîshiyya and Ibn Ajiba's commentary, by Moulay Abdellah Ouazzani (in Arabic) Sunday October 10 at 2:30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) Spiritual Tafsir (exegesis) of the Koran, according to the commentary of Ibn Ajiba, by Moulay Abdellah Ouazzani (العربیة / French) Sunday October 10 at 6.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) Leila and Majnoun in the literary tradition, based on the work of Djami - by Leili Anvar Monday October 11 at 6.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) Samaa and the therapeutic aspects of music in Muslim cultures (music therapy) - by Jean During illustrated with musical moments (from an Indian manuscript) Tuesday October 12 at 6.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) Poetry and music of Balkan Sufism, after the work of Naïm Frashëri - by Enris Qinami Thursday October 13 at 6.30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) Yunus Emre's couch - by Roderick Grierson (English / Français) Saturday October 16 at 2:30 p.m. (Time zone in Morocco GMT+1) Spiritual Tafsir (exegesis) of the Koran - by Tayeb Chouiref (in French)