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Date Publication Title12/4/2011 RGJ In PR, content is still king

11/30/2011 socialmediatoday5 ways Colleges and Universities are Turning Google + into the 

Ultimate Recruiting Network 11/29/2011 Ragan's PR Daily Journalism skills that translate into the PR world11/28/2011 NNBW Firms recognized for top public relations work11/28/2011 NNBW Bridget Veltri

10/31/2011 communique'pr Tips for Pitching the Media through Social Media 

9/19/2011 PR Daily What does the future hold for the social media specialist? 

9/7/2011 the CMO Site Why You Shouldn't Discount Twitter8/29/2011 NNBW Pro Martial Picks Abbi7/24/2011 Smart Briefs 5 ways to get your Facebook post on top5/16/2011 NNBW Bell, restaurant hire Abbi PR

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Constance Aguilar is a social media strategist at Abbi Public Relations, aReno/Tahoe-based public relations firm that specializes in driving public engagement through a targeted mixture of expert positioning,social media and traditional public relations.

Everyone wants to be on top. On top of trends, on top of current events, on top of their game and certainly on top of everyone’sFacebook news feed. The EdgeRank algorithm that dictates the selection of status updates and postings on top of the news feed willremain mostly a mystery. But as more studies and whitepapers are released, it becomes easier to learn how to dominate the news feedand implement steps to assure our postings are the most effective digital marking tools they can be. Here are a couple of tricks that canhelp you go head to head with Facebook’s funny little ways of “organizing” things.

1. If you ask questions people want to answer, you have a better chance of getting comments. Therefore, you have a better chance ofgetting to the top of the news feed. Obviously asking a question is one of the most effective ways to engage your audience on Facebook.Let’s face it — people LOVE talking about themselves, love chiming in their two cents and certainly love stirring up some conversation.But you can’t expect them to do it all on their own. You’ve got to engage, and you’ve got to do it in the right manner.

Ask a question that directly relates to the customer and your product. Ask them for suggestions on new developments, give a few detailson a prototype you’re testing and see if its attributes are approved by your customer. Considering a new product or venture altogether?Ask about it! You don’t have to give away the gritty details or reveal any “secrets.” Ask your audience as you would a close friend foradvice. You pose a question they want to answer, they get to input their opinions, and who knows, you might just walk away with somevaluable insights. Either way, you’ve built a sense of connection and trust between your business and the customer, which is one of themost important things to accomplish with social media. And bottom line? You’ve generated a response that’s going to put your little statusupdate at the top of your fans’ news feed. Mission accomplished.

2. Make your Facebook interactions fun! Easier said than done, right? But if you can engage your audience’s intellect and give themincentive to answer, you’re increasing your chances of top news feed rankings. If you give your customers a chance to answer triviaquestions and participate in games, you’re giving them an opportunity to show off their intellectual skills. Who doesn’t love to feel smart?This form of engagement can gather tons of responses in comments and likes, which in turn increases your news feed top placement.People are brought into your company’s conversation in a fun way, and in turn you get to gather some much deserved attention, simplyby asking people to show off their knowledge of what it is you do or are about. But don’t forget that a little reward is always nice, even ifit’s just a comment back telling them what a special little smarty pants they are.

3. Keep conversation going! I cannot stress this enough. Too often I’ll see fans actually engaging with a business, almost begging themto have a conversation about something, yet the business will either ignore it or brush it off with a quick, “thanks” or “great!” No, no, no!You can climb EdgeRank if you can keep a conversation going, keep the customer on your page and talking, and especially if theconversation pulls in other fans. The longer the conversation thread, the higher EdgeRank puts the post. So you can get to the top of thenews feed without starting any of it. But as your parents used to tell you, “Never start it, but always finish it.”

4. Use the wall gadgets and customer offerings to increase your chances of getting customer interaction, or sharing, which leads to youtopping EdgeRank and increasing your chances of being seen by the widest audience possible. In my opinion, this option is the best wayto get interaction outside of Facebook. If I’m given a poll question to answer, especially when its relevant to something I feel anemotional connection with — say something to do with a football team, human rights, peanut butter and chocolate — I’m going to beexcited to answer it, share it and talk about why I answered with the option I did or why it pissed me off so much that the answer Iwanted wasn’t listed. That’s the key! If you’re giving out an exclusive Facebook coupon for a one day sale, don’t you think your fans aregoing to share it with their friends, family and anyone they can possibly grab off the street so everyone can bask in the savings? And don’tyou think you’re going to get new fans from that? Don’t you think they’re going to then go and comment with a “thank you” or “yourock” or “I really want 20% off, not 15%.” Again, the more conversation, the more sharing, the more liking that goes on, the more you’regoing to land on the top of the news feed. Plus, since this is a reward/incentive deal, it also increases the chance that people are going tobecome recurring visitors to your page. Not a bad deal.

5 ways to get your Facebook post on top

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0Michael Chibuzor




0Greg Chirinian




5. A picture is worth a thousand likes. Incorporate relevant photos to show instead of tell. Text gets blurry and lost in the midst of allthe other text. Post images that give your business a personal touch — employees carrying out everyday tasks, allowing Facebook fans tohave the first peek at a new product, anything that allows the customer to comment/like and express their affinity toward what’s in thepicture. Facebook has assigned a higher ranking via EdgeRank to photos than text, so just by posting a photo, you’re already challengingthat algorithm and boosting the odds that people will see your photo amidst all of the other updates. Images are great ways to get yourfans excited — if they can see it, they can more easily relate to it.

Just be sure to implement these tactics with thought and care. Before posting, always remember to put yourself in the customer’s shoes —what would you want to see/read from a business such as yours and actually give a response to? If you wouldn’t care, then they probablywon’t either. There’s a bigger emphasis on comments than likes, on photos than text. But they all can work to your advantage — if youfirst let them work to your customer’s advantage.

Image Credit: lisegagne, via iStock Photo

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Tags: Abbi Public Relations, algorithm, Constance Aguilar, EdgeRank, engagement, Facebook, newsfeed, status updatesCategories: Ideas in ActionPermalink

Comments (4)

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· 4 weeks ago

Asking questions that arouse curiosity can get help so much. When you ask open questions on facebook, everyone would like to comment - it workedfor me and I still use this trick even today. Thanks for all the great stuffs you make clear. Bye.

· 4 weeks ago

Soudns like a pretty good idea to me dude.

· 4 weeks ago

Great ideas, number 1 is a method I use number 2 great idea never thought of that one Pictures really do generate a lot of coversation or likes overplain text no matter how good the article isMy recent post What’s On Microsoft’s Mind

· 3 weeks ago

Was just thinking about this today!My recent post Austin Boot Camp Instructor asks…

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5 ways to get your Facebook post on top

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