Page 1: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook
Page 2: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

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Page 3: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook



Message from the President ...............................................................................................4/7

Executive Committee .............................................................................................................8

Executive Members/Past Presidents .....................................................................................9

Historical Records ................................................................................................................10

2010 Review of the Year ......................................................................................................11

Course Rating ......................................................................................................................12

Press & Publicity ..................................................................................................................13

Boys Team Championship ...................................................................................................14

Stroke Play Championship...................................................................................................16

Match Play Championship ...................................................................................................17

Club Championship..............................................................................................................18

Seniors Championship .........................................................................................................19

Club Directory .................................................................................................................20/21

Boys Match Play Championship ..........................................................................................22

Boys Championship .............................................................................................................23

Champion of Champions/Fourball Championship................................................................24

Summer (Scratch) League ...................................................................................................25

Doc Thom Order of Merit .....................................................................................................26

Junior Order of Merit ............................................................................................................26

Other Notable Performances during the Year .................................................................27/30

Ayrshire Junior Golf League.................................................................................................31

2011 Fixtures........................................................................................................................32

2011 SGU and R&A Events ........................................................................................... 33/34

Roll of Honour .................................................................................................................35/39

Page 4: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the eighth edition of TheAyrshire Golf Association Yearbook in my first year as Presidentof the Association. It was an honour and a privilege to be electedas President of the Association in October and I would like tothank everyone for giving me the opportunity to serve in thisposition.

2010 again saw the quality of Ayrshire’s golf courses recognisedby both the R & A and The Scottish Golf Union. My home ClubKilmarnock (Barassie) had the honour of hosting the Boys’Amateur Championship in August with the qualifying event

being co-hosted by Dundonald Links. This is the second consecutive year Kilmarnock(Barassie) has hosted an R & A event and it was a special honour for me given my longassociation with junior golf and also in my year of Captaincy of the Club. Although localinterest in the Championship faded in the early stages and the trophy eventually headedto Spain, the event highlighted the strength in depth of the 22 competing European nationsat junior level, something that should not go unnoticed as we strive to develop our ownyoung players.

Continuing on the junior theme West Kilbride had the pleasure of hosting the Scottish BoysChampionship and SGU Junior Tour events were held at Kilmarnock (Barassie) and BrunstonCastle. West Kilbride hosted the Senior Ladies British Open Championship with GlasgowGailes being the venue for the Scottish Open Amateur Strokeplay Championship.Dundonald Links also hosted the first stage of the European Tour School.

2011 will again be an exciting year for Ayrshire Golf with the prestigious Scottish AmateurChampionship visiting Western Gailes in July. Ayrshire will also play host to the ScottishArea Team Championships this year with the event being co-hosted by Prestwick andPrestwick St Nicholas in May. July will also see the Scottish Seniors Open StrokeplayChampionship hosted by Irvine Golf Club.

2010 will be remembered as the year in which Troon Welbeck’s Michael Stewart enteredthe history books as the Scottish Amateur Champion. Michael had started off the yeargood form on the US college circuit and carried that into the St Andrews Links

AA MMeessssaaggee ffrroomm tthhee PPrreessiiddeenntt


Page 5: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook


Championship in June with a good finish in a high class field. Runner up spot in the TennentCup continued the progress, but the best was yet to come and July saw Michael becomeChampion by beating good friend Jordan Findlay by 3&2 in an excellent Final played overGullane No1; a wonderful achievement just two years after lifting the Scottish BoysChampionship. A fine display by Royal Troon’s Michael Smyth in reaching the quarter finalstage should not go unmentioned.

Michael then continued to produce golf of the highest quality, remaining unbeaten asScotland finished runner up to England in the Home Internationals in August. He thenrepresented GB&I in the St Andrews Trophy in Italy before heading off to Argentina as partof the Scotland Team bidding to retain the prestigious Eisenhower Trophy in Buenos Aires.Sadly, it was not to be as Scotland finished in a creditable fifth place, despite suffering badlydue to Ross Kellett’s illness during the event. Michael’s consistency throughout amemorable year saw him complete the season as a deserved winner of the Scottish Orderof Merit title. As 2010 drew to a close Michael was also named in the initial 23-man squadfor the Walker Cup to be staged later in 2011 at Royal Aberdeen. We wish him well.

To make 2010 even more memorable, Ayrshire produced another national Champion whenBallochmyle’s Craig Hamilton won the Scottish Mid Amateur Championship at EastRenfrewshire in June. Craig took his fine form in qualifying through to the matchplay stages,which culminated in an excellent win over former Champion and the 1997 AmateurChampion Craig Watson in the Final. Watson had earlier seen off Royal Troon’s PaulMoultrie in the Semi Finals.

Ravenspark’s Ally Berry also came within a whisker of claiming a British title when he waspipped by a stroke in the British Disabled Open Championship at East Sussex National.

On the domestic front, Loudoun’s Tommy McInally kicked off what was to be a fine seasonby winning the Ayrshire Strokeplay Championship at Prestwick St Cuthbert by two strokesin May. With the top sixteen qualifiers going on to challenge for the Ayrshire Matchplaytitle, Euan Brown (Kilmarnock (Barassie)) completed a fine week by defeating CraigHamilton in the Final at Western Gailes.Tommy went on to complete an outstanding yearby retaining the coveted Champion of Champions title, defeating Scott McCahill (Maybole)in the Final over Royal Troon and then being rewarded for his excellent form throughoutthe season by winning the Ayrshire Order of Merit and the Doc Thom Salver for the firsttime.

Page 6: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

Loudoun, represented by John Haggarty, Chris Bone and Scott Gilchrist, took the AyrshireClub Championship on a day of gale force winds at Prestwick and Kilmarnock (Barassie)became the new Summer League Champions for the first time by defeating Irvine in anexcellent two leg Final.

Following two previous defeats in the Final, Maybole’s David Wallace and Scott McCahilleventually prevailed and became the Ayrshire Four Ball Champions by defeating NorthBeach pair John O’Neill and Gary Ross in the Final at Kilmarnock (Barassie).

On the senior front, Irvine’s George Millard won the Sandy Provan Trophy with success inthe Ayrshire Senior’s Championship whilst ‘yours truly’ failed to improve on last year’sRunner’s Up slot by tasting defeat in the Quarter Final of the Scottish Senior’s MatchplayChampionship.

Ayrshire’s Teams had a disappointing season overall although an excellent performance bythe senior squad in the Scottish Area Team Championship in May seemed to be an indicatorof better things to come. The Championship, held at Kinross in a new format, saw Ayrshireput in a strong performance in strokeplay qualifying to reach the Semi Final, matchplaystages. Despite some fine golf against eventual winners North East, Ayrshire went downby the narrowest of margins. Unfortunately, the A Team was unable to reproduce its goodearly season form and went on to have a disappointing season in the West of ScotlandLeague.

The same could be said of the Boy’s Team who produced a creditable performance byfinishing fourth in The Scottish Boys Area Team Championship at Peebles with TroonWelbeck’s Marc Smith winning the Niagra Cup for the best individual performance. Like thesenior squad however, the boys never got going in their League, which left the Youth Teamto produce our best performance by finishing runner up to champions Renfrewshire.

Staying with the juniors, 2010 saw the emergence of Troon Welbeck’s Charlie Macneal asAyrshire Boys Champion. Charlie’s excellent form throughout the year also saw himdeservedly lift the Junior Order of Merit Title. Club mate David Wilson will also remember2010 as the year he retained his Ayrshire Boys Matchplay title with Craig Telfer (PrestwickSt Cuthbert) becoming the junior Champion of Champions.


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On the international scene, Jack McDonald from Kilmarnock (Barassie) continued hisdevelopment at the highest level by representing Scotland in the Home International seriesat Southerness and the European Team Championships in Turkey.

As I reflect on 2010, I would like to say a sincere thank you to all the Executive Membersfor their efforts on behalf of the Association and it’s Member Clubs. In particular I wouldlike to pay tribute to Immediate Past President Alasdair Malcolm for his outstandingcontribution to Ayrshire golf, not just during his Presidency, but over many years in differentroles. I would also like to thank Sandy Provan following his retirement from the Executiveafter many years of excellent service.

In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of those Clubs whogave up their facilities to allow us to stage our Championships and Team matchesthroughout the year. That support is hugely appreciated.

DDaavviidd JJ MMiilllleerr

Page 8: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook



Honorary Life PresidentsMMaatttthheeww HH.. LLyyggaattee (Troon Portland)

RR.. LLeesslliiee CCrraawwffoorrdd (Kilmarnock Barassie)President DDaavviidd MMiilllleerr (Kilmarnock Barassie)

Vice President MMiillttoonn MMuurrrraayy (Largs)

Immediate Past President & Secretary/TreasurerAAllaassddaaiirr JJ.. MMaallccoollmm (Prestwick St. Nicholas)

Representative to the S.G.U.IIaaiinn HHaarrvveeyy (Kilmarnock Barassie)

Ayrshire Junior League Rep. IIaaiinn MMccKKaayy (West Kilbride)

Milton Murray

Iain Harvey

Page 9: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook


EExxeeccuuttiivvee MMeemmbbeerrssRRiicckkyy MMaaggeeee (Caprington) - AAllllaann MMuuiirr (Caprington)

RRoonnnniiee PPoottttss (Irvine Ravenspark) - JJaammeess MMccMMuurrddoo (Ballochmyle)DDaavviidd MMccKKiiee (Ballochmyle) - JJoohhnn NNoorrddbboo (Largs)

RRoobbeerrtt WWiillssoonn (Ballochmyle) - CClliiffff FFrraanncciiss (Troon Welbeck)JJoohhnn DDuunnccaann (Troon Portland)

PPRROOFFEESSSSIIOONNAALL CCOOAACCHHEESSGraham Ross - Richard Gordon - David Fleming - Robert Mitchell

PPAASSTT PPRREESSIIDDEENNTTSS1955-1956 J.T. Shaw (Troon)1956-19581958-19601960-1962 J. Rae (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1962-1964 E.W. Ecrepont (Troon)1964-1966 Bob Kirkland (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1966-1968 Sam Haswell (Irvine Ravenspark)1968-19701970-19721972-19731973-1975 Archie Carroll (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1975-1977 Matthew H. Lygate (Troon Portland)1977-1979 Robert Mclaren (Largs)1979-1981 David Murdoch (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1981-1983 R.Leslie Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1983-1985 John Wilson (Royal Troon)1985-1987 R.A. Innes McQueen (Troon Welbeck)1987-1989 Charles Bruce (Loudoun)1989- 1990 John Boyd (Caprington)1990-1992 William Dowie (Ballochmyle)1992-1994 Angus MacPhee (Kilmarnock Barassie)1994-1996 John Rutherford (Caprington)1996-1998 Iain Harvey (Kilmarnock Barassie)1998-2000 Ronnie Potts (Irvine Ravenspark)2000-2002 Morgan Hall (West Kilbride)2002-2004 Robin G. Baker (Troon Portland)2004-2006 J.F. (Ian) Guthrie (Ballochmyle)2006-2008 Ricky Magee (Caprington)2008-2010 Alasdair J. Malcolm (Prestwick St. Nicholas)

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SSccoottttiisshh JJuunniioorr OOrrddeerr OOff MMeerriitt2008 M. Stewart (Troon Welbeck)

1922 J. Wilson (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1931 J. Wilson (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1937 H. McInally (Ardeer)1939 H. McInally (Ardeer)1947 H. McInally (Irvine)1950 W. C. Gibson (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1951 J. M. Dykes (Prestwick)1957 J. S. Montgomerie (Kilmarnock Barassie)

1958 W. D. Smith (Prestwick)1961 J. Walker (Irvine)1969 J. Cannon (Irvine)1987 C. S. Montgomerie (Royal Troon)1988 J. W. Milligan (Kilmarnock Barassie)1989 J.A. Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1994 H. McKibbin (Troon Welbeck)2010 M. Stewart (Troon Welbeck)

SSccoottttiisshh AAmmaatteeuurr CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

1950 A. Miller (Marr College)1961 K. Thomson (Ayr Academy)1964 W.R. Lockie (Marr College)

1985 A. McQueen (Troon Welbeck)1986 A. Tait (Irvine)1992 A.E. Reid (Kilmarnock Barassie)2008 M. Stewart (Troon Welbeck)

SSccoottttiisshh BBooyyss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp


1906 J. Robb (Prestwick St. Nicholas) 1914 J.L.C. Jenkins (Troon)1995 G. Sherry (Kilmarnock Barassie)

TThhee BBrriittiisshh BBooyyss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1931 H. Thomson (Irvine)1947 J. Armour (Troon St. Meddans)1955 S. C. Wilson (Troon St. Meddans)

BBrriittiisshh YYoouutthhss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1961 J.S. Martin (Kilbirnie Place)

TThhee SSeenniioorrss AAmmaatteeuurr CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1980 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1986 A.N. Sturrock (Prestwick)

SSccoottttiisshh AArreeaa TTeeaamm CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp WWiinnnneerrss – 1986, 2008SSccoottttiisshh BBooyyss AArreeaa TTeeaamm CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp WWiinnnneerrss - 1998, 2007

1985 C.S. Montgomerie (Royal Troon) 1993 A.E. Reid (Kilmarnock Barassie)SSccoottttiisshh OOppeenn SSttrrookkeeppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

SSccoottttiisshh MMiidd AAmmaatteeuurr CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp2010 - C. Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

SSccoottttiisshh BBooyyss UUnnddeerr 1166 SSttrrookkeeppllaayyCChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp2003 D. Addison (Kilmarnock Barassie)

SSccoottttiisshh BBooyyss SSttrrookkeeppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1998 G. Holland (Ballochmyle)2005 S. McEwan (Kilmarnock Barassie)2009 J. McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie)

SSccoottttiisshh SSeenniioorrss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1978 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1980 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1981 I.R. Harris (Royal Troon)

Dr. J. Hastings (Royal Troon)A.N. Sturrock (Royal Troon)

1982 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1983 W.D. Smith (Prestwick)1985 A.N. Sturrock (Prestwick)

SSccoottttiisshh CClluubb CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1992 Kilmarnock (Barassie)1993 Troon Welbeck1994 Kilmarnock (Barassie)2009 Prestwick

SS..GG..UU.. OOrrddeerr OOff MMeerriitt2008 - S. McEwan (Caprington) 2010 - M. Stewart (Troon Welbeck)

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22001100 RReevviieeww ooff tthhee YYeeaarr

Milton Murray again oversaw and developed our coaching programme in2010, as well as managing the youth squad.

With the development of Under 14 coaching introduced during the year,Iain McKay took on the task of overseeing the younger squad trainingprogramme.

The change in emphasis to winter coaching was further developed in2010, with further nutrition, fitness and related aspects beingintroduced.

The club coaching grant scheme was continued in 2010 with a goodproportion of clubs throughout the county using the scheme to augmenttheir own in club coaching arrangements.


With his elevation to Vice President in 2010, Milton Murray will stand down as youth teammanager in 2011 with Robert Wilson taking over the administration of the youth team,whilst the Coaching / Player Development role will be passed from Milton to John Nordbo.

After two seasons as Boys Team manager, James McMurdo will step down from the role in2011 with Cliff Francis and John Duncan taking over the running of the Boys Team.

Ricky Magee took over the administration of the A Team in 2010 from Ronnie Potts withsome success, reaching the last four in the Area Team Championships. Ricky will continuein his role as A Team manager in 2011

Our thanks must also be recorded for the efforts of our coaching professionals, GrahamRoss (Inverclyde), Richard Gordon (Ayr Belleisle) and David Fleming (Prestwick) as well asRobert Mitchell (Prestwick) who continued his good work with the under 14 squad.

John Nordbo

Robert Wison

Cliff Francis John Ducan Ronnie Potts Ricky Magee

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Tournament Convenor Sandy Provan once again ensured that in 2010 theAyrshire championships ran smoothly. Thanks are also due to the ExecutiveMembers who assisted in the various tournaments. Having joined The Executivein 1999, Sandy Provan decided not to seek re election in 2010. Over his 11 yearson The Executive Sandy worked tirelessly, particularly in the field oftournaments, and he will be a hard act to follow in the coming season. JamesMcMurdo has stepped into Sandy’s shoes and will administer the Tournamentsin the forthcoming season.

The Association now have four SGU certified referees, Alasdair Malcolm, David Miller, James McMurdoand Iain Harvey. Alasdair Malcolm is also R & A Rules qualified. Thanks are due to all the referees fortheir contribution towards the successful administration of our championships.

Alasdair Malcolm administers the Boys’ Championships whilst John Nordbo looksafter the Fourball Knockout competition. Cliff Francis administers the SummerLeague, whilst James McMurdo oversees the Champion of Championscompetition.

The Ayrshire Seniors Championship, reintroduced in 2008, proved increasinglypopular in 2010 with a record entry and a new venue in West Kilbride. WestKilbride has agreed to host the event again in 2011 and the hope is to move thechampionship around the county on a two year rota basis in the future.

Our Course rating expert Allan Muir and Past President John Rutherford, along with Executive memberDavid McKie, continued to look after the course rating programme in Ayrshire in 2010, ensuring thatthe courses throughout the country have a rating and Standard Scratch Score that accurately reflectsthe difficulty of the course. Courses rated during 2010 included Largs Routenburn, Skelmorlie,Caprington, Brunston Castle and Ayr Belleisle along with the newest addition to the Ayrshire Golfportfolio, the Colin Montgomerie designed Rowallan Castle course near Kilmarnock.

In 2011 only Prestwick St Cuthbert and Irvine are scheduled to be re rated under the ongoing 10 yearschedule although the team may bring forward some other courses for re rating during the year.

Sandy Provan

James McMurdo

CCoouurrssee RRaattiinngg

Allan Muir John Rutherford David McKie

Page 13: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook


The Ayrshire Golf Association has, since 1987, had close links with The AyrshireJunior Golf League, with a representative of The League serving on the AyrshireGolf Association Executive.Billy Tait (Annanhill) enjoyed a good first year as Secretary of The League whilstIain McKay (West Kilbride) represented The League on the county Executive in2010 and will continue in that role in 2011. Executive member John Nordbo (Largs) completed his year as Chairman of TheAyrshire Junior Golf League in December 2010, and will continue as the AyrshireGolf Association Child & Adult Protection Officer as well as taking on the Player

Development portfolio in 2011, assisted by Cliff Francis and John Duncan.

TThhee AAyyrrsshhiirree JJuunniioorr GGoollff LLeeaagguuee

Since the autumn of 2004, amateur golf matters in Ayrshire have been publicisedon a weblog administered by Alasdair Malcolm. The weblog continues to provepopular with county players and club members alike, having had over 30,000visitors in 2008, 46,000 in 2009 and rising to 55,778 in 2010. The web page hasundoubtedly raised the profile of the Association in the press, with articlesregularly being reproduced from the weblog in local papers.Clubs are encouraged to forward anything of interest to Alasdair Malcolm [email protected] for possible inclusion on the web log. Any comments orsuggestions for improvement are always welcome.The Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook was produced again in 2010, its seventh successive year ofproduction by D & M Journals of Edinburgh.This year, the yearbook is being produced locally in association with Ayrshire Media Services who arebased in Dukes Road in Troon, and The Association are confident that this will provide a qualitypublication whilst supporting local businesses and advertisers, and look forward to a long andproductive association with our publishers, Ayrshire Media Services.In 2010 all the Ayrshire competitions entry forms were made available to download direct from theweb page and this proved to be popular with competitors. In 2011 the competition entry forms willagain be available online, for the convenience of our club members.

TThhee AAyyrrsshhiirree GGoollff wweebblloogg ccaann bbee aacccceesssseedd oonn wwwwww..aayyrrsshhiirreeggoollff..bbllooggssppoott..ccoommThe Association Secretary, Alasdair Malcolm, can be contacted at: -

Post – 17 Auchincruive Avenue, Prestwick, KA9 2DT E-Mail – [email protected] – 01292 477657 Mobile - 07912 026341

PPrreessss aanndd PPuubblliicciittyy

Ian McKay

Alasdair Malcolm

IINN MMEEMMOORRIIAAMMAs we look back over 2010 we remember friends and golfing colleagues who are no longer withus. Some notable Ayrshire golfers who passed away during the year included:-Irvine Ravenspark’s Honorary President Sam Haswell who passed on in January. A fine golfer himself, from afamous Irvine family of excellent players, Sam served as President of The Ayrshire Golf Association from 1966 to1968.Golfers in Ayrshire and beyond were shocked and saddened in March when the former Ayr Belleisle professionalDavid Gemmell died suddenly and unexpectedly only a few hours after enjoying a round of golf at Turnberry withfriends.Ayrshire lost a national champion in June when Prestwick and Royal Troon Golf Club’s Noel Sturrock, who wonthe Scottish Seniors title in 1981 and 1985 and the British Seniors in 1986, passed away after a long illness.As the year drew to a close, Ayr Seafield Golf Club lost their captain Billy Frew, in November, after a lengthy anddignified battle against illness.

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On Sunday 18 April 2010, at Troon Portland, TroonWelbeck Golf Club retained the Ayrshire Boys TeamChampionship title when they came out on top,in afield of 14 Ayrshire clubs, to win the Matt LygateTrophy.

The holders began the scratch event as favourites,fielding the lowest handicapped team of competingclubs, and they did not disappoint on their way toretaining the title of Ayrshire Boys Team Championsby a 13 shot winning margin, after their first win in the history of the event at Ardeer 12 months ago.

Marc Smith led his team by example, carding a superb two under par 69 to set the standard. DavidWilson (75) and Charlie Macneal (77) provided the other two counting scores for the Welbeck team,with Calum Beveridge (80) posting a good fourth score, to be considered in the event of a tie.

In the handicap competition, for the Andrew D.Nimmo Trophy and the Handicap Champions title,Ardeer set the early target with Robbie Fitzpatrick(67), Daniel Forbes (81), Sandy Walker (70) and NickCarr (70) posting a team total of 207, and thisproved good enough for the club to retain the trophythey had won on home soil 12 months previously.

In individual competition, Marc Smith took thePrestwick Circuits Trophy, for the best individualscratch score of the day, back to Troon Welbeck afterhis superb 69 whilst the Carrick Trophy, awarded tothe player returning the best nett score of thecompetition, was won by 12 handicapper RobertMontgomery (West Kilbride) who returned a 6 underpar score of 65 to take the trophy by one stroke.

Prizewinners in the two handicap classes were ChrisHobson (Irvine) and Matthew Smith (Loudoun) withscores of 66 & 68 respectively.

TToouurrnnaammeennttss aanndd CCoommppeettiittiioonnss 22001100AAyyrrsshhiirree BBooyyss TTeeaamm CChhaammppiiiioonnsshhiipp

Troon Welbeck


Mark Smith Robert Montgomery

SSCCRRAATTCCHH TTEEAAMM SSCCOORREESS 221 - Troon Welbeck, 234 - Kilmarnock (Barassie), 237 - Prestwick St. Cuthbert, 237 – Ardeer, 239– Irvine, 241 - Ayr Belleisle, 242 - West Kilbride, 244 - Prestwick St. Nicholas, 248 – Ballochmyle,253 - Troon St. Meddans, 266 – Largs, 268 – Loudoun, 288 – Skelmorlie, 294 - Irvine Ravenspark

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Tommy McInally (Loudoun) won the 2010 Ayrshire StrokeplayChampionship at Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club on Sunday 25thApril with a two stroke victory over the field of 66 of the bestplayers in the county.

McInally, the reigning Champion Of Champions title holder, addedto his one previous win in the Strokeplay, which was back in 2003,with a level par total of 142 over 36 holes.

McInally posted the second best round of the morning with a oneunder par total of 70, but found himself trailing the first roundleader, Marc Smith (Troon Welbeck) who posted a best of the day68 in his morning round.

Seven other players matched the par of 71 over the opening roundto stay in touch with the leader.

McInally playing in the second group in the afternoon, posted a second round score of 72 for his 142total, just edging ahead of local player Stephen McBlain (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) who was first in theclubhouse on 144 (71 - 73).

With scoring generally higher in the afternoon rounds, Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie) added ascore of level par 71 to his morning 73 for a 144 total which ultimately gave him second place in thechampionship.

In what proved to be a good tournament for Loudoun Gowf Club players, Scott Gilchrist and ChrisBone also matched the 144 total to secure a place in the prize list.

Marc Smith was unable to maintain his first round form, slipping to a 77 in the afternoon for a totalof 145 and the challenge to McInally was effectively finished.

The honours for best afternoon round were shared by Darren Mallinson (Irvine Ravenspark), IainMacdonald (Largs) and Gordon Boyle (Ayr Dalmilling) who all returned one under par 70.

AAyyrrsshhiirree SSttrrookkeeppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

142 - TToommmmyy MMccIInnaallllyy ((Loudoun) (70-72)144 - EEuuaann BBrroowwnn (Kilmarnock Barassie) (73-71)144 - SSccootttt GGiillcchhrriisstt (Loudoun) (71-73)144 - CChhrriiss BBoonnee (Loudoun) (71-73)144 - GGrraaeemmee GGiimmssoonn (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) (71-73)144 - SStteepphheenn MMccBBllaaiinn (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) (71-73)145 - IIaaiinn MMccDDoonnaalldd (Largs) (75–70)

Tom McInally

145 - MMaarrkk AAnnddeerrssoonn (Irivne) (73–72)145 - SStteepphheenn SSppeennccee (Irvine) (71-74)145 - MMaarrcc SSmmiitthh (Troon Welbeck) (68-77)146 - GGoorrddoonn BBooyyllee (Ayr Dalmilling) (76-70)146 - GGaarryy CCoocchhrraann (Irvine Ravenspark) (74-72)146 - CCrraaiigg HHaammiillttoonn (Ballochmyle) (74-72)146 - SStteevveenn MMccEEwwaann (Caprington) (72-74)

LLeeaaddiinngg SSccoorreess

Page 17: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook


AAyyrrsshhiirree MMaattcchhppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie) won the 2010 Ayrshire MatchplayChampionship title in style on Thursday 6th May at Western Gailes witha fine 6&5 victory over 2008 Champion Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

Brown started the final strongly and built an early two hole lead afterHamilton had driven into a fairway bunker at the 2nd and three puttedthe 3rd. A 20 foot putt for a half at the fourth closed the door on an earlyHamilton fight back and a fine up and down from off the front of the greenat the 5th saw Brown extend his lead to three.

Hamilton’s putting woes continued andthe match was virtually sealed when hemissed short putts at the 7th, 8th and9th to give Brown a comfortable six holelead at the turn. Halves in par figures at the next four holes wereenough to give Brown the Title on the 13th green. The consistentlyfine golf displayed by Brown both on the night and throughout theweek made him a worthy Champion.In the semi finals Brown beat Gordon Boyle (Ayr Dalmilling) by 2 &1 whilst Hamilton beat Stephen Spence (Irvine) by 5 & 4.

RROOUUNNDD 11TToommmmyy MMccIInnaallllyy (Loudoun) lost to JJoohhnn SShhaannkkss (Irvine) by 4&3MMaarrkk AAnnddeerrssoonn (Irvine) lost to SStteepphheenn SSppeennccee (Irvine) by 1 holeCChhrriiss BBoonnee (Loudoun) lost to CCrraaiigg HHaammiillttoonn (Ballochmyle) by 3&2GGrraaeemmee GGiimmssoonn (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) beat GGaarryy CCoocchhrraann (Irvine Ravenspark) by 1 holeEEuuaann BBrroowwnn (Kilmarnock Barassie) beat WWaalltteerr MMeeiikklleemm (Troon Welbeck) by 4&3IIaaiinn MMccDDoonnaalldd (Largs) lost to MMaarrcc SSmmiitthh (Troon Welbeck) by 5&4SSccootttt GGiillcchhrriisstt (Loudoun) beat SStteevveenn MMuurrrraayy (Troon Welbeck) by 5&4SStteepphheenn MMccBBllaaiinn (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) lost to GGoorrddoonn BBooyyllee (Ayr Dalmilling) by 2&1

RROOUUNNDD 22JJoohhnn SShhaannkkss (Irvine) lost to SStteepphheenn SSppeennccee (Irvine) by 2 holesCCrraaiigg HHaammiillttoonn (Ballochmyle) beat GGrraaeemmee GGiimmssoonn (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) by 2&1EEuuaann BBrroowwnn (Kilmarnock Barassie) beat MMaarrcc SSmmiitthh (Troon Welbeck) by 6&5SSccootttt GGiillcchhrriisstt (Loudoun) lost to GGoorrddoonn BBooyyllee (Ayr Dalmilling) at the 19th


Euan Brown

Matchplay Finalists

Page 18: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

AAyyrrsshhiirree CClluubb CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp


Loudoun Gowf Club stormed to victory by five clear shotsin the 2010 Ayrshire Club Championship at a windyPrestwick Golf Club on Sunday 4th July.A record field of 21 clubs competed for the R.L. CrawfordTrophy and the title of Club Champions. The early pacewas set by Prestwick St. Cuthbert with Steven McBlain(76), Kevin Fergusson (78) & Graeme Gimson (84)combining for a 154 total. The St Cuthbert total wasmatched by Troon Welbeck, Bert Ferguson (77), StephenMurray (77) and Del Chamberlain (85) being edged offthe lead by virtue of the third score.Prestwick GC, the title holders who went on to win thenational title in 2009, put up a stout defence, JonathanKing (77), James Bunch (78) & Gavin Lawrie (81) combining for 155 to be one shot off the pace.On their march to the title, Loudoun emerged as the only likely challengers for the title, with JohnHaggarty leading the Loudoun team by example.Starting at the tenth tee, Haggarty opened with a quadriple bogey eight on the long par four hole butrallied superbly to get back to level par after nine holes. Haggarty maintained his form in the mosttesting of conditions over the remaining holes, with only a bogey five at the ninth, his final hole ofthe round, denying him a level par return. Nevertheless, Haggarty's one over par 72 was the bestscore of the day by two shots and gave his team a fine platform to build on. An 80 by Scott Gilchristensured that Loudoun would take the lead in the competition and with a 77, Chris Bone extendedLoudoun’s winning margin to take the Ayrshire Club Championship for the first time by a full fiveshots.

FFIINNAALL PPLLAACCIINNGGSS ::--149 - Loudoun Gowf Club (J Haggerty 72, C Bone 77, S Gilchrist 80)154 - Prestwick St. Cuthbert (G Gimson 84, K Fergusson 78, S McBlain 76), Troon Welbeck (R Ferguson 77, DChamberlain 85, S Murray 77)155 - Prestwick (G Lawrie 81, J King 77, J Bunch 78), Irvine (A Connery 78, S Spence 81, A Gourlay 77),Turnberry (S Brown 74, A Connor 81, D Booth 85), Prestwick St. Nicholas (K Brock 77, A Belford 78, G TierneyN/R)156 - Kilmarnock (Barassie) (E Brown 76, C Sharp 80, S Miller 87)159 - Irvine Ravenspark (G Robertson 78, D Mallinson 81, G Cochran 85)162 - Largs (I McDonald 81, G Dickson 86, C McLaughlin 81), Ayr Dalmilling (G Boyle 80, J. McCormack 87, RWyper 82)163 - Doon Valley (K Russell 81, J Graham 82, S Peters 84), West Kilbride (P Gossman 80, J Duff 83, S Wilson86), Annanhill (M Tait N/R, A Fraser 84, G McTaggart 79)166 - Beith (L Jenkins 82, R Marshall 84, G McCrea N/R)168 - Brunston Castle (W. McCulloch 81, S Capstick 89, F Murdoch 87)169 - Ballochmyle (C Hamilton N/R, G Rowan 80, W Fleming 89)170 - Tam O Shanter (N Tindall 89, J Sloan 81, J Gillon 96)171 - Ayr Belleisle (K Ottley 88, L Hughes 83, C Porciani 88), New Cumnock (N McCormack N/R, T Keddie 83,M Ridall 88)

174 - Troon St. Meddans (M Stewart N/R, I Fraser 85, K Milliken 89

Loudoun Gowf Club

Page 19: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

TThhee AAyyrrsshhiirree SSeenniioorrss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp


George Millard (Irvine Ravenspark) won the 2010 Ayrshire

Seniors Champion at West Kilbride on Tuesday 20th July

with a three stroke winning margin over the field of 66


Playing off a handicap of 18, Millard returned a superb

net score of 65 to take the Sandy Provan Trophy.

In the 55 - 62 age group category, five handicapper

Alastair Todd (Loudoun) had the best return with a superb

scratch score of 73 for a net 68 to win the category.

Best in the 63 - 69 age group was Stan Butchart of the

host club who scored 83 less his 19 handicap for a nett


The 70 and over age category was won by Jimmy Waddell (Kilmarnock Barassie) with an 80 les 10

for a nett 70 which gave him first place by virtue of the better inward half over Alfie Keir (Largs).

With Alastair Todd taking one of the main nett vouchers, the prize for the best scratch score went to

his clubmate at Loudoun, Sammy Cox, with a 74.

PPRRIIZZEEWWIINNNNEERRSSAyrshire Seniors ChampionGeorge Millard (Irvine Ravenspark) 83 - 18 = 65

5555 -- 6622 AAggee GGrroouupp1st - Alastair Todd (Loudoun) 73 - 5 = 682nd - John Craig (Loudoun) 75 - 7 = 683rd - Gordon J. Hamilton (Loudoun) 79 - 10 = 69

6633 -- 6699 AAggee GGrroouupp1st - Stan Butchart (West Kilbride) 83 - 14 = 692nd - William C. Lowe (West Kilbride) 79 - 9 = 70 bih3rd - Ian Cowell (Annanhill) - 84 - 14 = 70

7700 ++ AAggee GGrroouupp1st - James Waddell (Kilmarnock Barassie) 80 - 10 = 70 bih2nd - Alfie Kier (Largs) 82 - 12 = 703rd - Lindsay Wilkie (West Kilbride) 85 - 14 = 71

SSccrraattcchhSammy Cox (Loudoun) 74

George Millard & Sandy Provan

Page 20: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook



Page 21: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook



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Page 22: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

TThhee AAyyrrsshhiirree BBooyyss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp


Charlie Macneal of Troon Welbeck stormed to a three shot victory inthe 2010 Ayrshire Boys Championship, held over the Troon Lochgreencourse on Thursday 5th August with a stunning eight under par secondround of 66. 16 year old Macneal, playing off a handicap of one, opened in themorning with a two under par total of 72 which left him in joint thirdplace behind the first round leader Euan Walker (Kilmarnock Barassie),who carded a four under par 70, and clubmate Ben Gibson who returneda three under par 71.In the afternoon however, Macneal blew the field apart with hisspectacular 66 which was the best second round score, and indeed thebest 18 hole total of the day, by a full four shots.Macneal opened his round with three successive birdies and carded afurther three birdies at the 5th, 7th & 8th holes along with three pars tocover the outward nine in 32 shots, six under par.The new champion carded his only bogey of the second round at the par three 10th hole but recoveredwith further birdies at the 12th, 14th and 16th holes for an inward nine of 34, two under par, a superbeight under par round of 66, and a two round total of 138.First round leader Euan Walker had a three under par 71 in the afternoon to take the runner up spotwith a 36 hole total of 141.The remaining three scratch placings were all filled by Charlie Macneal's clubmates, Marc Smith (73-72=145), David Wilson (72-75=147) and Ben Gibson (71-76=147).The prize for the best nett score of the day was won by Graeme Ritchie, also of Troon Welbeck, whoreturned nett scores of 70 & 67 off his 3 handicap for a total of 137.Other nett prizes went to 9 handicapper Ian Napier of Ayr Belleisle (67-71=138) and 4 handicapperGreg Telfer of Prestwick St Cuthbert (67-72=139)


SSccrraattcchh138 - CHARLIE MACNEAL (Troon Welbeck) 72/66141 - EUAN WALKER (Kilmarnock Barassie) 70/71145 - MARC SMITH (Troon Welbeck) 73/72 147 - DAVID WILSON (Troon Welbeck) 72/75147 - BEN GIBSON (Troon Welbeck) 71/76

NNeetttt 137 - GRAEME RITCHIE (3) (Troon Welbeck) 70/67138 - IAN NAPIER (9) (Ayr Belleisle) 67/71139 - GREG TELFER (5) (Prestwick St Cuthbert) 67/72

Charlie Macneal

Page 23: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

AAyyrrsshhiirree BBooyyss MMaattcchhppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp


David Wilson (Troon Welbeck) became the first ever player to retain theAyrshire Boys Matchplay Championship on Saturday 14th August, at PrestwickGolf Club, after fighting back from a number of holes down to win at the firstextra hole of an exciting final.In the final, Wilson faced the 2009 West Of Scotland Boys Matchplay titlewinner Euan Walker (Kilmarnock Barassie). After early holes were traded in pars, and with Wilson struggling from the tee,Walker won the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh with pars to go four up againstthe defending champion. At the eighth hole Euan Walker had the opportunity to go five up but his shortputt for a par four slipped past and the unexpected half seemed to boostWilson's resolve to get back into the match.Wilson took advantage of Walkers miss at the eighth over the next two holes,winning the ninth with a birdie three and the long tenth, into the wind, with a fine par four to reduce the defecitto two holes.Euan Walker stopped the fightback briefly at the eleventh where a par three restored a three hole lead for him buta birdie four at the twelfth and a good par four at the difficult thirteenth brought David Wilson back to within onehole of Walker. Wilson squared the match for the first time since the opening hole at the 15th with a great shot onto the greenwhich set up a winning birdie three as another great matchplay story unfolded over Prestwick’s famed closing loopof four holes. Despite losing his considerable leading margin, Euan walker showed his mettle at the 288 yard sixteenth holewhere he drove the green and holed his putt for a winning eagle two against David Wilson's birdie three.Again the defending champion came back at the seventeenth, and a good putt for a par four was enough to squarethe match once again. A half in par fours at the final hole took the match into extra holes, and the players returnedto the first tee once again to tackle the famed 346 yard Railway hole. David Wilson teed off first and pulled his tee shot a little left, whilst Euan walker hit a good iron to the left centreof the fairway. Wilson them produced a fine eight iron from difficult rough which rolled up and came to rest justfour feet from the pin. Under the pressure of the situation, Euan walker pulled his nine iron approach left of the green and into thegreenside bunker, from which he splashed out to fifteen feet in three. To his great credit, Euan Walker holed hisput for a very good par four, leaving David Wilson facing his four foot putt for a winning birdie three to retain histitle.Wilson stepped up and bravely holed the putt for victory at the first extra hole and a place in the record books.

RReessuullttss ooff eeaarrlliieerr rroouunnddss wweerree ::--

FFIIRRSSTT RROOUUNNDDCChhaarrlliiee MMaaccnneeaall (Troon Welbeck) beat CCiiaarr PPoorrcciiaannii (Ayr Belleisle) by 5 & 4DDaavviidd WWiillssoonn (Troon Welbeck) beat BBeenn GGiibbssoonn (Troon Welbeck) by 1 holeGGrraaeemmee RRiittcchhiiee (Troon Welbeck) beat GGrreegg TTeellffeerr (Prestwick St Cuthbert) at the 19thEEuuaann WWaallkkeerr (Kilmarnock Barassie) beat SSeeaann TThhoorrbbuurrnn (Ayr Belleisle) by 6 & 4SSEEMMII FFIINNAALLSSDDaavviidd WWiillssoonn (Troon Welbeck) beat CChhaarrlliiee MMaaccnneeaall (Troon Welbeck) at the 19thEEuuaann WWaallkkeerr (Kilmarnock Barassie) beat GGrraaeemmee RRiittcchhiiee (Troon Welbeck) by 2 & 1

Boys Matchplay Finalists

David Wilson

Page 24: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

CChhaammppiioonn ooff CChhaammppiioonnss TTrroopphhyy CCoommppeettiittiioonn


Defending champion Tommy McInally (Loudoun) made it two in a row at Royal Troon on Friday13th August when he defeated Scott McCahill (Maybole) in the final of the 2010 AyrshireChampion Of Champions Trophy competition to retain his title.41 players started out bidding for the title at the start of 2010.McInally, who had four previous wins in the event under his belt, looked favourite against firsttime finalist McCahill, but from the first hole McCahill served notice of his ability, holing fromfour feet for a birdie three to take a one hole lead, a position he retained until the fifth whenMcInally squared the match.McInally edged in front at the sixth but the famous eighth hole, the Postage Stamp, providedsome drama. McInally's ball was bunkered on the front right of the green whilist McCahill's effort came to rest onthe steep bank of rough on the left of the green.McInally's effort to extracate himself saw his ball run into an adjacent bunker before he made the putting surfacein three with his next effort. McCahill, facing a severe slope down to the green and with little green to work with,played a superb wedge shot which came to rest 12 feet from the hole. McCahill completed a superb recovery byholing his putt for a par three and squaring the match once again. Pars at the ninth saw the players turn for homeall square.

The players turned back for home at the 10th and back into the testing breeze. Itwas over these inward holes that McInally took control of the match and used hisshotmaking ability to its full advantage to overcome McCahill.Taking the 10th & 12th holes with pars, McInally forged a two hole lead. Theplayers again turned into a stiffening wind at the 13th and it was noticable thatMcInally was considerably longer off the tee into the breeze, giving him a distinctadvantage over the closing holes which he used to win the 13th and 14th holes togo dormie.A solid chip and putt for par at the 15th gave McInally a 5 & 3 victory and custody

of the Champion Of Champions Trophy for another year.In the semi finals the week previously Tommy McInally beat Steven McEwan (Caprington) by 3 & 2 whilst ScottMcCahill beat Lee Hughes (Beith) by 2 holes.

37 clubs took part in the 2010 Ayrshire Fourball Championship. Scott McCahill & David Wallace(Maybole), who were beaten finalists in 2009 &2007, defeated John Brodie & Alan Smeeton (Chase) by 2 & 1 in the semi finalto book their third appearance in the final in four years.Johnny O’Neill & Gary Ross (North Beach) secured their place in the final witha win over Alastair Brown & Roger Thyne (Kilmarnock Barassie) in the semi final.It was a case of third time lucky for the Maybole pair when they triumphed inthe final of the Championship at Kilmarnock (Barassie) on Sunday 10th October,beating the North Beach duo by 3 & 2.It was the North Beach team who took the early lead, a par five at the opening hole being enough to edge in frontbut the Maybole team levelled the match at the fourth with a winning par three. Birdies at the fifth and sixth wereonly enough for the sides to half each hole, as was par at the seventh.The Maybole pair edged in front for the first time with a winning par five at the eighth and a par four at the ninthwas sufficient to extend Maybole's lead to two holes as the match turned for home.

A birdie three at the 10th hole increased the Maybole lead to three holes and, despite thebest efforts of the North Beach team to reduce the defecit, the following four holes werehalved in pars or birdies to leave Maybole three ahead with four holes remaining. TheNorth Beach duo reduced the deficit to two holes but at the 16th Scott McCahill producedtwo superb shots to reach the 491 yard par 5 in two shots and two putts from the back ofthe green gave him a birdie four to win the hole and deservedly take the title which had

eluded him and his partner on their two previous final appearances.

FFoouurrbbaallll CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

Tommy McInally

Fourball Finalists

Finalists with Royal TroonCaptain Ken Arthur

David Wallace & Scott McCahillwith AGA President Alasdair Malcolm

Page 25: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

AAyyrrsshhiirree SSuummmmeerr ((SSccrraattcchh)) LLeeaagguuee


21 clubs entered the 2010 Ayrshire Summer League competition. With qualifying matches played from May to August, the qualifying sections were :-LLEEAAGGUUEE 11 – Caprington, Maybole, Irvine, Irvine RavensparkLLEEAAGGUUEE 22 – Loudoun, Ballochmyle, Troon Welbeck, Prestwick St CuthbertLLEEAAGGUUEE 33 – Troon St Meddans, Ayr Belleisle, Turnberry, New CumnockLLEEAAGGUUEE 44 - West Kilbride, Kilbirnie Place, MalletsheughLLEEAAGGUUEE 55 – Ardeer, Annanhill, Kilmarnock (Barassie)Malletsheugh withdrew before playing any matches, leaving West Kilbride & Kilbirnie Place to play off for a placein the next stage.At the conclusion of the qualifying matches, Ayr Belleisle and Kilbirnie Place progressed to a play off for a semifinal spot, as did Largs and Kilmarnock (Barassie) whilst Irvine and defending champions Loudoun took their placein the last four after winning their sections.In the first quarter final Belleisle beat Kilbirnie by 8 – 4 overall, a 5 – 1 home win being followed by a 3 – 3 drawat Kilbirnie, whilst Kilmarnock (Barassie) went through with identical scores against Largs.Kilmarnock (Barassie) booked their place in the final with a 4 – 2 win at Belleisle and a 4.5 – 1.5 home win for a8.5 – 3.5 overall victory.Irvine, beaten by Loudoun in the 2009 final, gained revenge in their match, a narrow 3.5 – 2.5 home win beingfollowed by a 4.5 – 1.5 win away from home to see then through by a score of 8 – 4 overall.The first leg of the final was played in September at Irvine (Bogside) and resulted in a 3 – 3 draw.The return leg at Kilmarnock (Barassie) on 10th October proved equally as close and provided an exciting finishto the championship.The Barassie Links course posed a formidable challenge in the testing windy conditions but it was the home sidewho eventually took the honours with a 3 ½ - 2 ½ win which gave an overall 6 ½ - 5 ½ result and a first win inthe competition.Stuart Miller gave the home team the perfect start by taking an early lead against Gareth Lamb and taking his tiewith a 4 & 3 win. The Barassie lead was extended to 2 – 0 when Jamie Mackay overwhelmed John Shanks on hisway to a 5 & 4 victory.Alan Connery reduced the defecit for Irvine with a victory over Euan Walker before Colin Gray squared the tiewith a 4 & 2 win over Andrew Wright.With two ties left on the course, Kilmarnock (Barassie) Club Captain David Miller played some fine golf to securea 5 & 4 victory over Gordon Dunlop, leaving the overall result in the hands of the final duo, Euan Brown andStephen Spence. Holding a two hole lead with three to play, Brown was hit with successive birdies from hisopponent to leave the match all square on the final tee. Despite Spence’s best efforts, Brown was able to securea half at the last to give his side a 3.5 – 2.5 win on the day and the Summer League title by a 6.5 – 5.5 marginoverall.

SSeeccoonndd LLeegg ddeettaaiillss ((KKiillmmaarrnnoocckk BBaarraassssiiee nnaammeess ffiirrsstt)) ::--SSttuuaarrtt MMiilllleerr beat GGaarreetthh LLaammbb by 4&3JJaammiiee MMaacckkaayy beat JJoohhnn SShhaannkkss by 5&4EEuuaann WWaallkkeerr lost to AAllaann CCoonnnneerryy by 4&3AAnnddrreeww WWrriigghhtt lost to CCoolliinn GGrraayy by 4&2EEuuaann BBrroowwnn halved with SStteepphheenn SSppeenncceeDDaavviidd MMiilllleerr beat GGoorrddoonn DDuunnlloopp by 5&4

Kilmarnock ( Barassie )

Page 26: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

TThhee DDoocc TThhoomm OOrrddeerr ooff MMeerriitt


The Ayrshire Order Of Merit for the Doc Thom Salver included 15 local, national and international events in 2010,

and the trophy was won, surprisingly for the first time in his career, by Tommy McInally (Loudoun), who became

the first club member to take the title since Honorary Member Jim Milligan enjoyed success in 1990 & 1992.

Runner up was Scottish Amateur Champion Michael Stewart (Troon Welbeck) whilst Scottish Internationalist

Steven McEwan (Caprington) was third and Scottish Mid Amateur Champion Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle) was


LLeeaaddiinngg ppooiinnttss ttoottaallss iinn tthhee 22001100 AAyyrrsshhiirree OOrrddeerr OOff MMeerriitt wweerree ::--





176 - EEUUAANN BBRROOWWNN (Kilmarnock Barassie)









Charlie Macneal (Troon Welbeck) rounded off an outstanding season when he won the 2010 Ayrshire Junior Order

Of Merit with a points total of 700.00, ahead of Euan Walker (Kilmarnock Barassie) and David Wilson (Troon

Welbeck), over the 18 event programme.


612.50 - EEUUAANN WWAALLKKEERR (Kil Barassie)

465.80 - DDAAVVIIDD WWIILLSSOONN (Troon Welbeck)

350.00 - JJAACCKK MMccDDOONNAALLDD (Kil Barassie)

260.00 - MMAARRCC SSMMIITTHH (Troon Welbeck)

202.50 - BBEENN GGIIBBSSOONN (Troon Welbeck)








TThhee JJuunniioorr OOrrddeerr ooff MMeerriitt TTrroopphhyy

Tommy McInally

Charlie Macneal

Page 27: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

OOtthheerr NNoottaabbllee PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceess DDuurriinngg TThhee YYeeaarr


Bettering last year’s brace of national wins, three Scottish titles were brought to the county in 2010, which werethe highlight of a number of notable performances throughout the season.In late July, Ayrshire outstanding golfer of the moment, Michael Stewart (Troon Welbeck) brought the ScottishAmateur Championship Trophy back to Ayrshire, for the first time since clubmate Hugh McKibbin took the titlein 1994, when he defeated his close friend Jordan Findlay by 3 & 2 in the final on the East coast at Gullane No. 1.

Whilst Stewart was Ayrshire’s top performer at the 2010 Scottish AmateurChampionship, fellow Ayrshire player Michael Smyth (Royal Troon) made headlines ofhis own on the way to a place in the last eight where he eventually lost out to Scotlandinternationalist James ByrneAfter recording two wins on the US college circuit in the early part of the year, Stewartmade the decision to return home to develop his game and seemed to vindicate hisdecision with an outstanding season on home soil. A runner up spot in the Tennant Cup and a top 10 finish in the St Andrews Links Trophycontributed to Stewart finishing top of the SGU Order Of Merit for 2010, his secondnational title of the year.Throughout the season Stewart was a stalwart in the Scotland international team,representing his country In the defence of the European Team Championship in Sweden

in July and being undefeated as Scotland finished runners up to England in the Home Internationals at Ashburnhamin Wales.Stewart was selected as one of the three man team to defend the Eisenhower Trophy at the World TeamChampionships in Argentina, where Scotland put up a stout defence to finish fifth, despite being deprived of oneteam member due to illness.In August Stewart represented Great Britain & Ireland in the St Andrews Trophy match in Italy against Europe andhaving been named in the initial Walker Cup squad, must be a realistic challenger for a place in the biannual matchagainst the USA which takes place at Royal Aberdeen in September 2011.

Ayrshire’s other national title in 2010 came in June when former AyrshireMatchplay Champion Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle) won the Scottish MidAmateur Championship at The East Renfrewshire golf club where hedefeated former Amateur Champion and host club member Craig Watsonby 3 & 2 in the final.With the Championship being discontinued in 2011, Hamilton’s title winwas most timely. Indeed, it could easily have been an all Ayrshire affair inthe final as Paul Moultrie (Royal Troon), who reached the final of the BritishMid Amateur Championship a few years ago, lost out by 2 & 1 to CraigWatson in the penultimate round.

In the new format of the Scottish Area Team Championship, Ayrshire were narrowly defeated in the semi finalsby the eventual winners, The North East District at Kinross in May.

Fielding the youngest side of the 16 areas, the Ayrshire team of Steven McEwan (Caprington), Scott Brown(Turnberry), Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie), John Shanks (Irvine), Jack McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie) andStephen Murray (Troon Welbeck) secured fourth place after the strokeplay qualifying rounds and faced the leadingteam in the semi finals.

Michael Stewart

Craig Hamilton

Page 28: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

OOtthheerr NNoottaabbllee PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceess ccoonntt’’dd


After progressing as far as the semi finals in the Scottish Boys Championshipat West Kilbride in April, Jack McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie) continued toenhance his growing reputation throughout 2010 and was an ever presentin the Scotland Boys team throughout the year, representing his county inBelgium, South Africa and France as well as in the European Boys TeamChampionships in Turkey and the Home Internationals at Southerness,where Scotland defeated England for the first time in 13 years on their wayto a runners up place behind Ireland.

In a hard fought tussle, Ayrshire lost out by 3 – 2 to The North East, despite Jack McDonald’s notabledefeat of Scottish Amateur Champion David Law. North East went on to beat Renfrewshire in the final,whilst Ayrshire lost out in the 3rd & 4th place play off to Lothians. The Boys Area Team Championship at Peebles saw the Ayrshire team of Euan Walker (KilmarnockBarassie) Marc Smith (Troon Welbeck), Jack McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie) & David Wilson (TroonWelbeck) finish in joint fourth place despite Wilson being hampered by an injury which prevented himplaying in the afternoon singles.

The team did not go away empty handed however, with Marc Smith winning the Niagra Cup for theplayer returning the best individual scratch score of the championship.

Area Team Championship Team

Boys Area Team Championship Team Mark Smith

Jack McDonald

Page 29: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook
Page 30: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

OOtthheerr NNoottaabbllee PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceess ccoonntt’’dd


Katie McGarva (Troon Ladies) won the nett trophy in the Scottish Under 16 Girls Championship at Strathmore inApril and fellow Ayrshire girls team member Connie Jaffrey (West Kilbride) won the Scottish Girls Under 14 titleat Auchterarder in July.Loudoun’s Audrey Thomson was the winner of the Barnardo’s Scottish Grand Final at Arbroath in August whilstAlex Glennie (Kilmarnock Barassie) was runner up in the Scottish Vets Ladies Championship in July, losing out toMay Hughes (Lanark) on the last green in the final.

The Ladies’ achievements were rounded off in October when the ladies team fromSkelmorlie jetted off to Spain to contest the finals of the Mail On Sunday LadiesGolf Classic, where they were narrowly defeated in their semi final match.

LLaaddiieess’’ ggoollff iinn AAyyrrsshhiirree aallssoo hhaadd aa nnuummbbeerr ooff nnoottaabbllee ppeerrffoorrmmaanncceess iinn 22001100..

Alasdair Berry (Irvine Ravenspark) began the year by representing Scotland in the DisabledGolfers Four Nations Cup at Celtic Manor, where Scotland finished runners up, and finished ona high in September when he was edged into the runners up spot in theDisabled British Open Championship at the East Sussex InternationalClub.

Charlie Macneal (Troon Welbeck) rounded off an excellent season withselection for the Scottish Schools Golf Association team who metEngland at Fairhaven in September.

Steven McEwan (Caprington) gained further national recognition during 2010, being selectedto represent Scotland in the Jones Cup in the USA and in a test match in South Africa.

Alasdair Berry

Steven McEwan

Katie McGarva Connie Jaffrey

Skelmorlie Ladies

Alex Glennie

Page 31: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

TThhee AAyyrrsshhiirree JJuunniioorr GGoollff LLeeaagguuee


15 clubs contested the 2010 Ayrshire Junior GolfLeague competitions, with the finals of the Under 16Knockout and Wallace Thornton Trophy competitionsbeing played over the Largs Kelburn course and thefinals of the League Championship and Champion OfChampions Trophy competitions being switched toPrestwick St Nicholas after extensive flood damageoccurred at the Kelburn course in late September.

Kilmarnock (Barassie) won the Ayrshire Junior GolfLeague title, for only the second time, when thedefeated Ayr Belleisle in the final by 5 - 1 to add totheir 2001 success.

Ardeer and Annanhill were the losing semi finalists.

Troon Welbeck retained the Wallace Thornton Trophybeating Kilmarnock (Barassie) by 3 - 1in the final.

Ayr Belleisle won the Under 16 Knockout Trophy,beating Prestwick St Cuthbert by 3 - 1 in the final.

Craig Telfer (Prestwick St Cuthbert) won theChampion Of Champions Trophy, defeating JosephHowie (Ardeer) by 2 & 1 in the final.

Craig TelferKilmarnock Barassie

Troon Welbeck

Ayr Belleisle

Page 32: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

AAyyrrsshhiirree GGoollff AAssssoocciiaattiioonn FFiixxttuurree LLiisstt 22001111



March (TBC) Ayrshire Vs. South Of Scotland (Away - TBC)

17 April Ayrshire Boys Team Championship (Annanhill)

24 April Ayrshire Strokeplay Championship (West Kilbride)

2 – 5 May Ayrshire Matchplay Championship (Troon Portland)

14-15 May Scottish Area team Championship (Prestwick / Prestwick St Nicholas)

29 May Ayrshire U18 Vs. Glasgow U18 (Largs)

19 June Ayrshire U18 Vs. Renfrewshire U18 (Ranfurly Castle)

03 July Ayrshire Club Championship (Ballochmyle)

19 July Ayrshire Seniors Championship (West Kilbride)

10 July Ayrshire U18 Vs. Stirlingshire U18 (Falkirk)

04 August Ayrshire Boys Championship (Prestwick St Nicholas)

05 August Champion Of Champions Semi Finals (Royal Troon)

09 - 11 August Ayrshire Boys Matchplay (Prestwick)

12 August Champion Of Champions Final (Royal Troon)

21 August Ayrshire U18 Vs. Lanarkshire U18 (Skelmorlie)

11 September Ayrshire U18 Vs. Dumbartonshire U18 (Lenzie)

September (TBC) Ayrshire Fourball Final (TBC)

18 September Ayrshire A Vs. Renfrewshire A (Erskine)

18 September Ayrshire Y Vs. Renfrewshire Y (Brunston Castle)

25 September Ayrshire A Vs. Stirlingshire A (Irvine)

25 September Ayrshire Y Vs. Stirlingshire Y (Dunblane New)

2 October Ayrshire A Vs. Lanarkshire A (Colville Park)

2 October Ayrshire Y Vs. Lanarkshire Y (Loudoun)

9 October Ayrshire A Vs. Dumbartonshire A (Troon Darley)

9 October Ayrshire Y Vs. Dumbartonshire Y (Balmore)

16 October Ayrshire A Vs. Glasgow A (Cawder)

16 October Ayrshire Y Vs. Glasgow Y (Ayr Seafield)

Page 33: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

SSccoottttiisshh GGoollff UUnniioonn aanndd RR&&AA EEvveennttss 22001111DDAATTEE EEVVEENNTT VVEENNUUEEMMAARRCCHH13 Scottish Junior Champion Of Champions The Dukes, St Andrews26 - 27 SGU Junior Tour – Event 1 ArbroathAAPPRRIILL2 - 3 Scottish Champion Of Champions Leven Links9 - 10 Craigmillar Park Open Craigmillar Park11 -16 Scottish Boys Championship Dunbar16 – 17 Battle Trophy Crail GS19 – 21 Boys U16 Quadrangular Royal Musselburgh28 – 29 South Of Scotland Seniors Powfoot28 – 1/5 Lytham Trophy Royal Lytham & St AnnesMMAAYY6 - 8 Scottish Youths Strokeplay Forfar14 – 15 Scottish Area Team Championships Prestwick / Prestwick St Nicholas19 – 20 Scottish Seniors Spring Open Montrose21 - 22 SGU Junior Tour – Event 2 Rowallan Castle27 - 29 Scottish Open Amateur Stroke Play Championship BlairgowrieJJUUNNEE3 - 5 St. Andrews Links Trophy St. Andrews 5 Scottish Boys Area Team Championship Hayston9 - 10 East Of Scotland Seniors Open Kinross11 – 12 SGU Junior Tour event 3 Cardrona 13 - 18 The Amateur Championship Hillside & Hesketh16 – 17 Central Scotland Seniors Open Glenbervie18 - 19 Tennant Cup Glasgow GC22 – 25 Brabazon Trophy Royal Liverpool 25 - 26 East Of Scotland Open Amateur Championship Lundin29 – 1/7 Scottish Seniors Open Championship IrvineJJUULLYY2 - 3 Cameron Corbett Vase Haggs Castle 6 - 8 Scottish Boys Under 16 Stroke Play Championship Forfar7 - 8 West Of Scotland Seniors Open Lanark7 – 10 Barclays Scottish Open Loch Lomond9 - 10 Sutherland Chalice Dumfries & County14 – 17 The Open Championship St. Andrews16 – 17 Newlands Trophy Lanark18 – 22 SSGS Scottish Seniors Matchplay Monifieth19 - 21 Scottish Boys Stroke Play Championship Nairn Dunbar21 – 24 Senior Open Championship Walton Heath25- 30 Scottish Amateur Championship Western Gailes28 – 31 RICOH Women’s British Open Carnoustie


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SSccoottttiisshh GGoollff UUnniioonn aanndd RR&&AA EEvveennttss 22001111AAUUGGUUSSTT2 - 4 Boys Home Internationals Royal St Davids 3 – 5 Seniors Open Amateur Championship Royal Portrush6 - 7 Amateur Champion Gold Medal Leven Links9 - 14 Boys Amateur Championship Enmore/Burnham &

Berrow10 – 12 Home Internationals County Sligo11 – 12 Scottish Boys Under 14 Championship Aberdour13 - 14 North East District Open Amateur Championship Inchmarlo18 - 19 North Of Scotland Seniors Open Elgin20 - 21 North Of Scotland Open Amateur Championship Nairn Dunbar27 - 28 South East District Open Amateur Championship MusselburghSSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR3-4 The Edward Trophy Glasgow Gailes8 Seniors Order Of Merit Finals Day Blairgowrie10 – 11 The Walker Cup Royal Aberdeen13 – 15 Seniors Home Internationals Woodhall Spa25 Scottish Club Championship Falkirk Tryst


Page 35: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

AAyyrrsshhiirree GGoollff AAssssoocciiaattiioonn -- RRoollll ooff HHoonnoouurr


1950 A. Stevenson (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1951 H.C. Maclaine (Troon)1952 J. Armour (Troon)1953 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1954 J.R. McKay (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1955 M. Alexander (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1956 J. Walker (Irvine)1957 J. Morrison (West Kilbride)1958 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1959 J. Morrison (West Kilbride)1960 A. McGregor (Largs)1961 J. Morrison (West Kilbride)1962 R.R. Davidson (Ayr Belleisle)1963 S. Anderson (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1964 D. Murdoch (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1965 C.J.L. Strachan (Kilmarnock Barassie)1966 J. Morrison (West Kilbride)1967 M.H. Lygate (Troon Portland)1968 W.R. Lockie (Troon St. Meddans)1969 A.W. Cruikshanks (Caprington)1970 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1971 J.T. Moffat (West Kilbride)1972 A.M.B. Sym (Troon)1973 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1974 M. Rae (Irvine Ravenspark)1975 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)1976 J.T. Moffat (West Kilbride)1977 B. Stevely(Irvine Ravenspark)1978 J.A. Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1979 J.T. Moffat (West Kilbride)1980 J.F. Bunting (Ballochmyle)

AAyyrrsshhiirree SSttrrookkeeppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp1981 D. Murdoch (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1982 G.C. Evans (West Kilbride)1983 R.L. Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1984 J.W. Milligan (Kilmarnock Barassie)1985 R.L. Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1986 G. Armstrong (Annanhill)1987 B.D. Gemmell (Largs)1988 G.R.J. Blair (Troon Welbeck)1989 D.W. Hawthorn (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1990 R.L. Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1991 J.A. Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1992 G. Lawrie (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1993 G. Sherry (Kilmarnock Barassie)1994 G. Lawrie (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1995 A. Gourlay (Irvine)1996 G. Lawrie (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1997 B.W. Aitken (West Kilbride)1998 D. Glass (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1999 G. Holland (Ballochmyle)2000 A. Gourlay (Irvine)2001 G. Bryden (Girvan)2002 R. Duncan (Brodick)2003 T. McInally (Loudoun)2004 A. Gourlay (Irvine)

R. Duncan (Brodick)2005 D. McLure (Troon Welbeck)2006 S. McEwan (Kilmarnock Barassie)2007 J. Shanks (Irvine) 2008 S. Wallace (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)2009 J. Shanks (Irvine)2010 T. McInally (Loudoun)

1974 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)1975 G. McKay (Ayr Dalmilling)1976 B. Stevely (Irvine Ravenspark)1977 J.T. Moffat (West Kilbride)1978 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)

AAyyrrsshhiirree MMaattcchhppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

1969 I.D. Hamilton (Troon)1970 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)1971 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)1972 J.M. Cannon (Irvine)1973 M. Rae (Ravenspark)

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1979 B.W. Aitken (West Kilbride)1980 D. Roxburgh (Irvine)1981 A.O. Harrington (Largs Routenburn)1982 D. Murdoch (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1983 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)1984 J.A. Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1985 P. Girvan (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1986 A. Gourlay (Irvine)1987 D. Tierney (Ayr Belleisle)1988 A. Roy (Beechams)1989 R.L. Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1990 R.E. Fulker (Kilmarnock Barassie)1991 R.L. Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1992 G. Sherry (Kilmarnock (Barassie)1993 H. McKibbin (Caprington)1994 J. Cairney (Irvine Ravenspark)

AAyyrrsshhiirree MMaattcchhppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp ccoonntt’’dd1995 A.E. Reid (Kilmarnock Barassie)1996 J. Cairney (Irvine Ravenspark)1997 G. Fox (West Kilbride)1998 I. Robertson (West Kilbride)1999 G. Holland (Ballochmyle)2000 A. Bagnall (Troon Welbeck)2001 A. Gourlay (Irvine)2002 A. Gourlay (Irvine)2003 B. Crawford (West Kilbride)2004 D. McLure (Ballochmyle)2005 D. Addison (Kilmarnock Barassie)2006 T. McInally (Loudoun)2007 S. Murray (Troon Welbeck)2008 C. Hamilton (Ballochmyle)2009 S. Brown (Turnberry)2010 E. Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie)

DDoocc TThhoomm OOrrddeerr ooff MMeerriitt

1973 David Little (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1974 Matt. Lygate (Troon Portland)1975 Jack Cannon (Irvine)1976 Jack Cannon & Norman Brown

(Irvine/Kilmarnock Barassie)1977 David Murdoch (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1978 Brian Aitken (West Kilbride)1979 Jamie Moffat (West Kilbride) 1980 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1981 Alan Harrington (Largs Routenburn)1982 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1983 R. Leslie Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1984 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1985 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1986 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1987 David Tierney (Ayr Belleisle)1988 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1989 Donald Hawthorn (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1990 Jim W. Milligan (Kilmarnock Barassie)1991 J. Allan Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)

1992 Jim W. Milligan (Kilmarnock Barassie)1993 Gordon C. Sherry (Kilmarnock Barassie)1994 Henry Thomson (Ivine)1995 Alan E. Reid (Kilmarnock Barassie)1996 Gavin Lawrie (Prestwick St. Nicholas)1997 Graham Fox (West Kilbride)1998 David Glass (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1999 Gary Holland (Ballochmyle)2000 Graham Fox (West Kilbride)2001 Alex Gourlay (Irvine)2002 Alex Gourlay (Irvine)2003 Barry Crawford (West Kilbride)2004 Barry Crawford (West Kilbride)2005 Stephen McBlain (Prestwick St.Cuthbert)2006 John Cairney (Irvine Ravenspark)2007 Brian Moore (Largs)2008 John Cairney (Irvine Ravenspark)2009 Keith Hamilton (Ayr Belleisle)2010 Tommy McInally (Loudoun)

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CChhaammppiioonn ooff CChhaammppiioonnss TTrroopphhyy


1976 D.A. Roxburgh (Irvine)1977 D. Tierney (Ayr Belleisle)1978 R.L. Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1979 J.A. Thomson (Ayr Belleisle)1980 M. Rae (Irvine Ravenspark)1981 D. Bruce (Irvine Ravenspark)1982 R.L. Crawford (Caprington)1983 R. Fulker (Kilmarnock Barassie)1984 J. Paterson (Annanhill)1985 J.W. Milligan (Loudoun)1986 J. Spiers (Annanhill)1987 J. Spiers (Annanhill)1988 B.D. Gemmell (Largs)1989 G. Blair (Troon Welbeck)1990 J. Graham (Loudoun)1991 K. Middlemiss (Irvine Ravenspark)1992 G. Blair (Troon Welbeck)1993 K.M. Lammie (Troon Welbeck)

1994 K.M. Lammie (Troon Welbeck)1995 No Competition1996 D. Glass (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1997 D. Glass (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1998 D.J. Miller (Kilmarnock Barassie)1999 C.R. Savala (Prestwick St. Nicholas)2000 B.H. McGunnigle (Lamlash)2001 S. Pennington (Troon St. Meddans)2002 A. Fraser (Annanhill)2003 T. McInally (Loudoun)2004 T. McInally (Loudoun)2005 T. McInally (Loudoun)2006 B. Moore (Largs)2007 J. Cairney (Irvine Ravenspark)2008 P. Moultrie (Troon Portland)2009 T. McInally (Loudoun)2010 T. McInally (Loudoun)

AAyyrrsshhiirree FFoouurrbbaallll CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

1983 Annfield1984 Irvine Ravenspark1985 Ayr Dalmilling1986 Rockware1987 Wallacetown1988 Kilmarnock Telecom1989 Prestwick St. Nicholas1990 Prestwick1991 Kilmarnock (Barassie)1992 Ayr Belleisle1993 Ballochmyle1994 Ballochmyle1995 Tam O’Shanter1996 Annanhill

1997 Doon Valley1998 Ballochmyle1999 Prestwick St. Cuthbert2000 Largs Routenburn2001 Carrick Speakers2002 North Beach2003 Caprington2004 Annanhill2005 Troon Portland2006 Ayr Belleisle2007 Irvine Ravenspark2008 West Kilbride2009 Annanhill2010 Maybole

AAyyrrsshhiirree CClluubb CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

2006 Irvine2007 Irvine Ravenspark2008 Irvine2009 Prestwick2010 Loudoun

2001 Irvine2002 Ballochmyle2003 Irivne2004 Largs2005 Prestwick St. Nicholas

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AAyyrrsshhiirree SSuummmmeerr LLeeaagguuee


2003 Ballochmyle2004 Ballochmyle2005 Troon Welbeck2006 Ballochmyle

2007 Irvine2008 Troon Welbeck2009 Loudoun2010 Kilmarnock (Barassie)

AAyyrrsshhiirree SSeenniioorrss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

1991 Alec McIntosh (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1992 William Wilson (Largs Routenburn)1994 John Boyd (Prestwick St. Cuthbert)1995 Cameron Greer (West Kilbride)1996 Leslie Crawford (Kilmarnock Barassie)1997 Matt Lygate (Troon Portland)

1998 Matt Lygate (Troon Portland)2000 Cameron Greer (West Kilbride)2003 Frank Moore (Irvine)2008 Ronnie Potts (Irvine Ravenspark)2009 Ronnie Young (Irvine)2010 George Millard (Irvine Ravenspark)

AAyyrrsshhiirree BBooyyss CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

1952 William C. Galbraith (Ayr Belleisle)1953 Angus M.M. Grossart (Irvine Ravenspark)1954 Robert Gilmour (Cochrane Castle)1955 Stewart C. Wilson (Troon St. Meddans)1956 Robert Rodgers (Irvine Ravenspark)1957 John Wilson (Kilmarnock Barassie)1958 Alexander Heron (Troon St. Meddans)1959 John S. Martin (Dalry HS)1960 John S. Martin (Dalry HS)1961 William R. Lockie (Troon St. Meddans)1962 James R.S. Thomson (Troon St. Meddans)1963 R.Leslie Crawford (Caprington)1964 Robert M. Leggate (Annanhill)1965 William R. Lockie (Troon St. Meddans)1966 W. Gifford Lind (Greenock)1967 W. Gifford Lind (Greenock)1968 Iain G. Lamont (West Kilbride)1969 Alistair Robertson (Troon St. Meddans)1970 Ian Masterton (Ayr Belleisle)1971 David B. Stratton (West Kilbride)1972 Brian W. Aitken (West Kilbride)1973 Alan Fingland (Ballochmyle)1974 Alan Fingland (Ballochmyle)1975 James Spiers (Annanhill)1976 Derek McJannet (Ballochmyle)

1977 W.Stuart Allan (Troon St. Meddans)1978 W.Stuart Allan (Troon St. Meddans)1979 Colin McAllister (Ayr Belleisle)1980 James N. Paton (Largs Routenburn)1981 Fraser W. Scott (Turnberry)1982 Calum Innes (West Kilbride)1983 Alexander McCristie (Loudoun)1984 Jim Fleming (Troon Welbeck)1985 Gary Blair (Troon Welbeck)1986 Kevin D. Middlemiss (Irvine Ravenspark)1987 Stephen McCaw (Loudoun)1988 John C. Robertson (Caprington)1989 Hugh McKibbin (Caprington)1990 Hugh McKibbin (Caprington)1991 Hugh McKibbin (Caprington)1992 Lawrence Hearton (Maybole)1993 Gary Vogwell (West Kilbride)1994 Joe Gilligan (Troon Welbeck)1995 Neil McCormack (New Cumnock)1996 Scott Sheridan (Beith)1997 Lee Baker (Largs)1998 Mark E. Henderson (Loudoun)1999 Gordon Fraser (Troon St. Meddans)2000 Andrew Brown (West Kilbride)2001 Craig Hamilton (Ballochmyle)

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2002 Alasdair E. Leggate (Kilmarnock Barassie)2003 Cameron Gray (West Kilbride)2004 Iain Menzies (Largs)2005 Jamie Mackay (Kilmarnock Barassie)2006 John Shanks (Ardeer)

2007 Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie)2008 Scott Brown (Turnberry)2009 Colin Robinson (Largs)2010 Charlie Macneal (Troon Welbeck)

AAyyrrsshhiirree BBooyyss MMaattcchhppllaayy CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp

1988 David Wallace (Ballochmyle)1989 Ruaridh McIntyre (Millport)1990 Hugh McKibbin (Caprington)1991 Richard Hall (West Kilbride)1992 Robert Gould (Caprington)1993 Joe Gilligan (Troon Welbeck)1994 Tommy McInally (Loudoun)1995 Scott Cairns (Kilmarnock Barassie)1996 John Doolan (Ayr Dalmilling)1997 Gordon Fraser (Troon Welbeck)

1998 Ian Guthrie (Ballochmyle)-----------------------------------------------------2003 Nicky Sinclair (Kilmarnock Barassie)2004 Jamie Murchie (Lamlash)2005 Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie)2006 Kyle Smith (Kilmarnock Barassie)2007 Malcolm Pennycott (Whiting Bay)2008 Scott Brown (Turnberry)2009 David Wilson (Kilmarnock Barassie)2010 David Wilson (Troon Welbeck)

AAyyrrsshhiirree JJuunniioorr OOrrddeerr ooff MMeerriitt

2003 Robert McKnight (Kilmarnock Barassie)2004 Steven McEwan (Kilmarnock Barassie)2005 Jamie Mackay (Kilmarnock Barassie)2006 John Shanks (Ardeer)

2007 Euan Brown (Kilmarnock Barassie)2008 Scott Brown (Turnberry)2009 Jack McDonald (Kilmarnock Barassie)2010 Charlie Macneal (Troon Welbeck)

Page 40: 2011 Ayrshire Golf Association Yearbook

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