  • 8/18/2019 2012 07 IDIP Unit a Past Paper



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    Unit IA: International management of healthand safety

    TUESDAY 3 JULY 20123 hours, 0930 to 1230

    10 minutes reading time is allowed before the start of this examination. You may not write anything during this period.

     Answer both Section A and Section B


    This section contains six questions. Answer ALL SIX questions.

     All questions carry equal marks.

    The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets.

    You are advised to spend about 15 minutes on each question.

    Start each answer on a new page.

    1  Outline issues that should be considered when planning a health and safetyinspection programme. (10)

    Information on the specific workplace conditions or behaviours that might becovered in an inspection is not required.

    2  (a) An extract from a company annual report is given below.

    Comment critically on the suitability of the content in providing informationto the stakeholders. (5)

    ‘The company has done much better at health and safety in the last yearcompared to previous years. In 2008 there were 170 accidents thatrequired first-aid treatment compared to 180 in 2007, 185 in 2006 and 240in 2005. This significant reduction is due to our new health and safetymanager and a reduction in staff numbers from 1500 in 2005 to 1400 in2006 and 1300 in 2007 to 900 in 2008, which also helps reduce businesscosts. Fatalities were also reduced from 11 in 2007 to 4 in 2008, asignificant decrease.’

    The management team is confident of further reductions in 2009.

    (b) Calculate the non-fatal accident incidence rates AND comment on thefindings. (5)

  • 8/18/2019 2012 07 IDIP Unit a Past Paper



    ID-A/S/1207 © NEBOSH 2012  page 2 of 3This question paper  MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied 

    3  An organisation is proposing to move from a health and safety managementsystem based on the International Labour Organisation ILO OSH 2001 model toone that aligns itself with BS OHSAS 18001.

    Outline the possible advantages AND disadvantages of such a change. (10)

    4  (a) Outline what is meant by punitive damages in relation to a compensationaward clearly stating their purpose AND to whom the damages are paid. (5)

    (b) In relation to a claim for compensation, outline the meaning of the terms: 

    (i) no fault liability; (2) 

    (ii) breach of duty of care. (3)

    5   A worker has been seriously injured after being struck by material transportedusing an overhead crane.

    Outline the types of human failure which may have contributed to the accident AND, in EACH case, give examples relevant to the scenario to illustrate youranswer. (10)

    6 Outline, with appropriate examples, the key features of the following riskmanagement concepts:

    (a) risk avoidance; (2)

    (b) risk reduction; (2)

    (c) risk transfer; (3)

    (d) risk retention. (3)


    This section contains five questions. Answer THREE questions only.

     All questions carry equal marks.

    The maximum marks for each question, or part of a question, are shown in brackets.

    You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on each question.

    Start each answer on a new page.

    7 You are preparing a detailed report intended to persuade senior management tomake resources available for the management of health and safety.

    Outline reasons for managing health and safety that you would include in the

    report. (20)

  • 8/18/2019 2012 07 IDIP Unit a Past Paper



    ID-A/S/1207 © NEBOSH 2012  page 3 of 3This question paper  MUST be returned to NEBOSH after the examination and must NOT be copied 

    8  (a) Outline the use and limitations of fault tree analysis. (4)

    (b) A machine operator is required to reach between the tools of a verticalhydraulic press between each cycle of the press. Under fault conditions,the operator is at risk from a crushing injury due to either (a) the press toolfalling by gravity or (b) an unplanned (powered) stroke of the press. Theexpected frequencies of the failures that would lead to either of these

    effects are given in the table below:

    Failure type Frequency (per year) Effect

    Flexible hose failure 0.2 a

    Detachment of presstool

    0.1 a

    Hydraulic valve failure 0.05 a

     Activation buttonfailure

    0.05 b

    Electrical fault 0.1 b

    (i) Given that the operator is at risk for 20 per cent of the time that themachine is operating, construct and quantify a simple fault tree to showthe expected frequency of the top event (a crushing injury to the operator’shand). (10) 

    (ii) Outline, with reasons, whether or not the level of risk calculated should betolerated. (4) 

    (iii) Assuming that the nature of the task cannot be changed, explain how thefault tree might be used to prioritise remedial actions. (2) 

    9 (a) Outline the role of health and safety legislation in the workplace. (10)

    (b) Outline the limitations of health and safety legislation in the workplace. (10)

    10 Extensive repair work is needed to the roof of the main production area of a largefactory. The factory is to remain fully operational during the work.

    (a) Identify the criteria that might be used when selecting a contractor for thework to ensure they have the necessary competence in health and safety. (8)

    (b) Identify ways in which the factory management should control the work ofthe contractor to ensure that risks to factory workers are minimised. (12)

    11 The management of an organisation intends to introduce new, safer workingprocedures but the workers are resisting this change.

    (a) Outline practical measures the organisation could take to communicate effectively when managing this change. (10)

    (b) Outline additional steps the management could take to gain the supportand commitment of workers when managing this change. (10)