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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference

The Prophets

October 19 - 21, 2012

Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Table of Contents R12.2 Men's Conference Ministry - Mission Statement 3

2012 Conference Agenda 4

Background Materials 6

Speaker Outlines & Discussion Questions:

Friday 15

Saturday 19

Sunday 27

Evaluation/ Questionnaire 30

Dates for 2013 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference

at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

October 18 - 20, 2013

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Mission Statement: An annual conference by laymen for laymen which strives to:

1. Teach men the Word of God 2. Help Laymen get exposed to teaching the Word 3. Support men in their ministries

This October conference will focus on bible study on key books or chapters to have a forum to discuss a writing based on the teaching of the Word.

Scripture References for Ministries: A reproducing ministry -- 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

A transforming ministry -- Romans 12:1-2 “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” A Scripture-based ministry -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” A discerning ministry -- Acts 17:11 “Now these (Bereans) were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the Word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so.”

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Friday Oct 19

3:00 PM

Check-in Begins Leaders Pickup Cottage assignments, keys, name badges and conference information for their group in front of the meeting room in the Cottage Conference Center.

Steve Roe

4:00 PM 30 min Opening/Welcome/Conference Objectives Bob Currier

4:30 PM 45 min Why Study the Prophets? Gayle Jackson

5:15 PM 75 min Overview of Isaiah, Jeremiah & Ezekiel Lance Gowen

6:30 PM 75 min Cook-Out at the Cottages Crawford Hitt

7:45 PM 75 min Group Discussions at the Cottages – Tackle specific questions in your small group.

Group Leaders

Saturday Oct 20

6:30 AM 90 min Breakfast in Cottages with Group Group Leaders

8:00 AM 5 min Good Morning Bob Currier

8:05 AM 50 min Isaiah Walt Henrichsen

8:55 AM 10 min Break - Coffee and Soda available in Meeting Room

9:05 AM 50 min The Importance of Believing Walt Henrichsen

9:55 AM 10 min Break - Coffee and Soda available in Meeting Room

10:05 AM 75 min Jeremiah Hank Miltenberger

11:20 AM 10 min Break - Coffee and Soda available in Meeting Room

11:30 AM 45 min Devotional – “My Bible Study Journey” Drew Fossler

12:15 PM 10 min Afternoon Activities & Other Housekeeping Details Bob Currier

Saturday Oct 20 PM

Lunch on your own

Free Time, Optional Group Discussions at the Cottages

6:10 PM 5 min Good Evening Bob Currier

6:15 PM 20 min Testimony Allen Cheatham

6:35 PM 10 min Ministry Moment Gary Kallmeyer

6:45 PM 75 min Be Strong and Courageous Winston Parker

8:00 PM 75 min Group Discussions at the Cottages

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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Sunday Oct 21

6:30 AM Breakfast in Cottages with Group Group Leaders

8:00 AM 5 min Good Morning Bob Currier

8:05 AM 45 min Devotional – “Peace” Danny Davis

8:50 AM 50 min Ezekiel – Part 1 Ken Boa

9:40 AM 10 min Break - Coffee and Soda available in Meeting Room

9:50 AM 50 min Ezekiel – Part 2 Ken Boa

10:40 AM 20 min Charge from the retreat Bob Currier

11:00 AM Adjourn

Dates for 2013 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference

at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

October 18 - 20, 2013

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Background Materials

Old Testament History - Chart Groups of Prophets - Chart Hebrew Poetry

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Friday night, October 19

1. Gayle Jackson – “Why Study the Prophets?”

a. What is a prophet?

b. Where did the OT prophets serve?

c. 6 reasons we study the prophets

d. Hope

e. Application

f. Overcomer

g. Application

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Friday night, October 19 (continued)

2. Lance Gowen – “Overview of Isaiah, Jeremiah & Ezekiel”

a. Introduction—challenging, doable, worthwhile

b. Brief historic overview—Abraham, Moses, kings

c. Prophetic basics

i. definition of a prophet—Deut. 18:15

ii. definition of prophecy—prediction & proclamation, foretelling & forth-telling

iii. prophetic content—violation of Mosaic Law, blessings & cursings, Deut. 28

iv. application

d. Prophetic reading difficulties

e. Contemporary issue in prophetic interpretation—church and Israel

f. Application

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Friday Night Group Discussion Questions

1. As you read and think about the Major Prophets, how serious do you conclude God is about obedience? Much of the material in these books is repetitively, over-and-over again, announcing judgment for disobeying the Mosaic Law.

2. Read Jeremiah 19:3,4,7 and 9 and Ezekiel 5:10: what lengths was God willing to go to in order to communicate the importance of obedience? What application does this have for us today as we contemplate the commands we find in the NT? Do you think God takes disobedience less seriously in the NT than in the OT? Why are NT professing believers as cavalier as the OT people of God regarding the commands of God? In light of the severity of God’s judgment of disobedience to His commands in the OT, what do you think His judgment of you will look like on judgment day? Do you, unlike the Jewish people during the times of the prophets, fear God?

3. The commands and requirements contained in the Mosaic Law are, for the most part, clear and unambiguous. The Israelites, prior to the Major Prophets, had >1000 years of experience of cycles of disobedience and subsequent punishment by God. In light of this reality, how did they rationalize and justify the repetitive, blatant disobedience and rebellion we encounter in the Major Prophets? Are there similarities in how I rationalize my sinning? How practically do I not make the errors in thinking and judgment they made? What practical steps can I take to keep me from excusing my sin, and thus hopefully not have Jesus say to me, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matt. 7:23) on judgment day? Read Isaiah 29:15, 30:9-11; Jeremiah 18:12, 44:16-18; and Ezekiel 18:25 as you consider these questions.

4. Read Isaiah 33:15 and 66:2b and Jeremiah 9:24 and 17:7, what qualities or characteristics are set

forth in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel as pleasing to God in their writings? Are these character qualities found in the NT? How do these qualities translate into behavior & choices? As you reflect on your interactions with your family, friends, and coworkers, did you display these qualities this past week? Why or why not? In light of your demonstrating, or failing to demonstrate, these qualities, what do you conclude about your fear of God? What ought you to anticipate happening on judgment day? (You can also view this question from the perspective of what God does not want His people to do, what He punished them for.)

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Friday Night Group Discussion Questions (continued)

5. Most of the oracles of judgment in the Major Prophets are against Israel, but in Isaiah 13-23 &

Jeremiah 46-51, for example, you have oracles of judgment against the nations surrounding Israel. These national judgments raise the question, what about superpower America? Will God judge America as a nation? On what basis? Was the decline of the Roman Empire the result of God’s judgment for its depravity? Why or why not? What effort, if any, ought I personally to expend to try to improve the moral climate in America? Why or why not?

A couple of considerations as you answer this question: a. God never held the nations responsible for obeying the Mosaic Law; will He hold nations today

responsible for the NT commands? b. Paul, in Acts 17:30, says, “Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now

declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent…” and in Acts 14:16, “In the generations gone by He permitted all the nations to go their own ways…”. In some sense, after Christ the accountability for the individual before God has increased. Does this also apply on a national level?

c. Read and consider Jeremiah 18:7-10, what conclusions, if any, can you draw regarding God

judging nations?

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Saturday, October 20

1. Walt Henrichsen – “Isaiah”

a. Introduction

b. Isaiah and his contemporaries (Jensen’s Bible study charts – chart 102)

i. The Prophet’s View of History

ii. Chart on prophetic view of future

c. Background

d. Book Outline

i. Overview of Isaiah (Jensen’s Bible study charts - Chart 27)

e. Observations & Applications

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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Speaker Outlines

Saturday, October 20 (continued)

2. Walt Henrichsen – “The Importance of Believing”

a. Four Tribunals Determine What You Believe

b. Two Kinds of Knowing

c. Two Kinds of Believing

d. Believing is an Act of the Will

e. Conclusion

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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Speaker Outlines

Saturday, October 20 (continued)

3. Hank Miltenberger – “Jeremiah”

a. Background

b. Jeremiah's Call

c. Prophecies to the Jews

i. Judgment Announced

ii. Judah's Response

iii. Future Restoration

iv. Fall of Jerusalem

d. Prophecies to the Gentiles

e. Observations & Application

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Saturday, October 20 (continued)

4. Drew Fossler - Devotional "My Bible Study Journey"

a. Notes:

5. Winston Parker - "Be Strong and Courageous"

a. Opening

b. The relationship between faith, hope and courage

c. Maintaining Eternal Hope

i. How big is your God?

ii. How good is your God?

d. Alert: Obedience verses Disobedience

e. Applications: Maintaining Eternal Hope

i. Hide Thy Word in my heart Psalm 119:11

ii. Seeking the things above.. Colossians. 3:1-4

iii. Promises 2 Peter 1:4

iv. One day at a time Matthews 6:33-34.

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Saturday Night Group Discussion Questions

Walt Henrichsen’s talk on “Isaiah ”:

1. If you lived during the days of Isaiah, and you read Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 53, what would you conclude? Why?

2. What practical application do you personally find as you read and study Isaiah?

3. Why do you think God gave prophetic information to men like Isaiah, when a proper understanding of their words would only become clear after NT times?

Walt Henrichsen’s talk on “The Importance of Believing ”:

1. If, of the four tribunals in determining what you believe, a person elected as the supreme court Scripture, why would he conclude that a NT command is cultural?

2. Are you convinced that believing is always an act of the will? Explain.

3. Can you think of any portion of the Bible in which you have passive faith? Give an illustration. Do you think that this faith meets the requirement of Hebrews 11:6?

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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Saturday Night Group Discussion Questions (continued)

Hank Miltenberger's talk on “Jeremiah ”:

1. [Insert discussion questions from Hank} Winston Parker’s talk – “Be Strong and Courageous”:

1. Is there a difference between living by faith and living by Biblical faith? How about hope? How about courage?

2. How does a man expand his concept of the omnipotence and goodness of God?

3. How does willful disobedience by a Christian effect his supposedly walk with Christ? John 15:14-15. Matthew 7:20:23.

4. How does a man protect himself from sin? Psalm 119:11

5. How does a man become Christ like? 2 Peter 1:4

6. What is one of the ways to free ourselves from worry or anxiety? Matthew 6:33-34.

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Sunday, October 21

1. Danny Davis - Devotional "Peace"

a. Notes:

2. Ken Boa – “Ezekiel”

a. Introduction and Title

b. Authorship

c. Data and Setting

d. Survey

e. Theme and Purpose

f. Key Word, Verses, and Chapter

g. Contribution to the Bible

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Sunday, October 21 (continued)

2. Ken Boa – “Ezekiel” (continued)

h. Christ in Ezekiel

i. Applications

i. Know that I am the Lord

ii. Rebellious Israel, Gracious God

iii. Can God Be Hurt?

j. Additional themes:

iv. The judgment on Judah

v. The departure and return of the glory of God

vi. The judgment on the Gentiles

vii. The coming Islamic invasion

viii. The restoration of Israel

ix. The millennial temple

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

The Prophets

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Speaker Outlines

Sunday, October 21 (continued)

3. Bob Currier – “Now What?”

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2012 R12.2 Men's Leadership Conference October 19 - 21 at Callaway Gardens, Georgia

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Evaluation/ Questionnaire

Your answers, comments, and suggestions on the weekend are important to our retreat and planning for next year. We appreciate your input and take your opinions

seriously. Thank you for taking the time to give us your thoughts. 1. Please provide your opinion on the following:

Items Excellent




Quality of Speakers Gayle Jackson Lance Gowen Walt Henrichsen Hank Miltenberger Winston Parker Ken Boa

Comment on Topics What topics would be of interest to you?

The quality of the weekend

2. Fill out the following:

I would be interested in:

Men’s Bible Study

Couples Study

Organizing and/or coordinating a retreat or mini-retreat in my area

Learning how to study the bible on my own

Contact information Name:

Tele #

Email Address

3. Additional comment and observations 4. Can we help you in any way in your walk?
