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The Braden Epistle

Vol. VIIIVol. VIIIVol. VIIIVol. VIII September 2012 September 2012 September 2012 September 2012 No. 38No. 38No. 38No. 38

The Four Areas of Focus

The Four Areas of Focus express the vision and yearnings of the people of The United Methodist Church. Over this quadrennium, the church will seek to focus the work of making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world around these areas of ministry:

• Combating the diseases of poverty by improving health globally.

• Engaging in ministry with the poor.

• Creating new places for new people and revitalizing existing congregations.

• Developing principled Christian leaders for the church and the world.

My beloved Parishioners,

God is up to something. I see it when I look at this

congregation. I feel it when I hear your passion for the

things we’re doing. There’s also passion around new

things we should be doing. God is up to something!

Thanks and praise to the Almighty God for His many

blessings bestowed upon this congregation. Braden

Church is truly blessed. What bothers me is, do we

really realize what God has done and is doing in our


This year, we personally selected the theme for our

104th Church Anniversary to be, “This is the Lord’s

doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.” We hope this

will help raise the consciousness of our people as to

what is happening.

In May of 2008, we wrote a letter to the former As-

bury congregation asking to share space in their

building, until we could build a worship center or find

another place of worship.

On July 2, 2008, we received a reply to our request

that was very heart breaking. These are the words

from that letter, which is now framed and kept in the

study at the parsonage.

“Dear Rev. Dixon,

Thank you for asking for help. We are honored that

you have thought enough of us to consider us part-

ners in mission. We recognize that this is a very diffi-

cult time for Braden United Methodist. We welcome

opportunities to be good Christian neighbors and for

chances for our congregations to fellowship with one

another and strengthen the bonds of the connection.

However, after careful consideration we realize that

it would not be beneficial for our two congregations to

commit to a long term building share relationship and

so we must decline your invitation.

We do consider Braden United Methodist Church to be

our brothers and sisters in Christ and perhaps there

will be a special opportunity in the future for our peo-

ple to enjoy mutual fellowship in another manner. We

offer our prayers, goodwill and blessings.


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Pastor’s Message continued…

On July 3, 2009, exactly one year after receiving this

letter, God in His mysterious ways of doing things,

gave us this facility. What a mighty God we serve!

One year ago, August 2011, Asbury First Step Day-

care, that was leasing our educational wing started

facing some serious financial obligation and could not

meet their financial responsibility. We met with their

leadership and offered our financial backing to the

daycare, provided that we are made partners with


Our offer was turned down and they decided to close

the daycare. They held the license and they were the

sole owners therefore they had the right to do that.

After prayerful consideration, we approached the

Church Council and proposed that the church update

the educational wing of the church and obtain a li-

cense in the church’s name to operate a Christian

based daycare. After some discussion the vision was


Now, we were faced with the challenge of doing all

the necessary renovation/upgrading and obtaining a

license. We decided to hire a consultant to do the

work. After meeting with them and being told that

the cost would be $20,000 for their fees, we decided

to take on the challenge ourselves.

We are pleased to report that after one year, we have

deep cleaned and painted the entire educational wing,

updated the fire alarm to a new system as required by

code, updated the plumbing as required by code, pur-

chased new infant cribs, added additional exit signs,

redecorated the classrooms, Wi-Fi the entire educa-

tional wing, had all floors stripped and wax and all

area rugs professionally cleaned. We have passed all

of our inspections so far. The last inspection is sched-

uled for Friday, September 7th by Ohio Department

of Job and Family Services(ODJFS). The inspector

will be Jennifer Brown.

We believe the old saying, “when man closes one

door, God opens another. When God opens a door, no

man can close it.”

Sometimes when we look at our surroundings, the

present is in turmoil, but all that keeps us going is our

hopes and dreams. Show me a church without hopes

and dreams, and I will show you a church that is

physically alive but inwardly dead.

God has changed our story from what we hope to

what we know, our promised to what we received, our

expectations to testimonies.

What looks ordinary becomes extraordinary in the

Lord’s hands:

Ordinary water in the Lord’s hands becomes the best

wine at the wedding feast.

Ordinary clay in the Lord’s hands becomes cure for


A little ordinary boy’s tuna fish lunch becomes a ban-

quet for 5000.

Ordinary preachers’ kids in the Lord’s hands become

National Civil Rights leaders like Malcolm X, Martin

Luther King, Jr., and Jesse Jackson.

An ordinary seamstress and stewardess, becomes

Rosa Parks, mother of the modern day civil rights

movement, who was laid in the Capitol Rotunda.

An ordinary kafir boy, in the Lord’s hands becomes

Nelson Mandela, first black president of South Africa.

An ordinary black teen ager, in the Lord’s hands be-

comes Gabby Douglas, first African-American female

to win gold in both the individual all-around and team

competitions at the same Olympics. Are you shouting

yet? I’m shouting all by myself.

An ordinary black man, with a “funny” name, from a

mixed marriage, broken home, in the Lord’s hands

becomes the first African-American President of the

United States.

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Communications prayer for this issue:

Oh God, help us to be holy as you are holy;

in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Our own West Ohio Conference Office that has gotten

rid of all African-American staff members, in the

Lord’s hands, is now headed by an African-American

Bishop. Hay! Hay! Hay! Is anything too hard for our


“When life deals you a lemon, make some lemonade.”

Sen. Marco Rubio's introduction of Mitt Romney

Thursday at the Republican National Convention said

this, that touched my heart. He said, My father stood

at the back corner of these conventions working long

hours as a bar tender, so that tonight, I can stand at the

front of this convention behind this podium and

address this crowd.

God is up to something. We don’t know what it is and

we are too afraid to ask. We agree with David as he

wrote in Psalm 118:23, This is the Lord's Doing, it is

Marvelous In Our Eyes”.

Finally, we cannot end this page without expressing

how grateful and thankful we are to the following per-

sons who worked long hours to make this dream a re-

ality: Linda Hester, Lula Bankston, Lisa Gleason,

Marcella Pryor-Brown and Sandra McPherson. This

was the lead team that made the Braden Learning Cen-

ter dream to become a reality.

In addition to this team, there were many other mem-

bers and friends who rally to do things whenever they

were called upon, we sincerely thank you.

In His service,

Pastor Dixon

Father, creator of the universe and seasons.

We thank you for allowing us to see, feel, and ex-

perience the wonders of summer!

We look forward to the many blessings of

autumn that you have created. The harvest is plente-

ous, but the labors are few {Matthews 9;97}

In this scripture we think of Naomi and Ruth

during the barley harvest time.

We are in the season of Ordinary Time or

Kingdom tide. The color is green. This is the season

after Pentecost. We look forward to Advent, which

is the beginning of the Christian year. It is the most

powerful season of the year. It is rich with symbol-

ism. It begins November 28th. Remember we all do

fade as a leaf {Isaiah 4;6} Look forward to fall

September 23, 2012.

Welcome New Members

Braden Church is always pleased to receive new members

when they are led by the Holy Spirit to make a decision for the

Lord. These are persons who have expressed interest in mem-


Cleopatra Harvey & daughters – 3/18/12

Mariah Coleman Eyvette Harvey MaryAnne Harvey

Lois Flunder - 3/18/12 Vandra Robinson - 4/1/12

Adriant Schiessel - 8/12/12

Megan Davis - 7/12/12

Tamarah Gavrielle Marie Lewis

Malcolm Dubois Davis

Rev. & Mrs. William Davis (Corrine)

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I would like to thank the anonymous donor for the contribution for a new security camera system for the church. After many, many years with a broken camera in the office I am thankful to now have this added security. Thank you again., Lisa Gleason, Church Secretary

Finances at a Glance

As the summer ends and we begin the fall

season, we give thanks to each of you for

your faithful service and contributions. We

are excited for what the fall season will

bring here at Braden. Over the summer months we

were able to make our current expenses with only a

slight decrease in giving and in our benevolence contri-


We had a great week of Vacation bible School and our

Annual 4th of July Picnic went very well. We are excited

for the new Braden Learning Center to open and also

have made many improvements on the parsonage this


Our Special Offerings this year:

Women’s Day Fund- $4852.50

Human Relations Day- $65.00

One Great Hour of Sharing- $82.00

Native Am. Ministries $127.85

Peace with Justice Sunday $133.00

Tornado Relief- $134.81

Love First Miracle Offering for Annual Conf.-$500.00

Porter’s Chapel Church- $304.38

Thank you again for your continued support

of Braden Church!

Cash Receipts through 8/19/ 2012:

Special Fund Balances:

Theresa Brister Scholarship: $9402.86

Missions: $3097.09

Air Conditioning: $9823.66

Account Balances 7/27/12:

General Fund: $3550.99

Capital Improve. Fund $3239.00

Savings: $42617.56

Total- $49,407.55

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not

grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”.

1 Corinthians 9:7

**Average Weekly Worship Attendance

this year: 137

Annual Church Conference Who is in charge of the operation of this church? The answer is every member who participates in its pro-grams, especially those who choose the leadership. The Annual Church Conference is a time to celebrate the ministry of the church, a time to remember where we’ve been and think about where we are going, and a time to be part of the important business of the church. All members are encouraged to attend and vote for those persons who will lead the church in 2013. Our Assistant District Superintendent, Dr. Ken Ladd will be here to preside. We will make plans for dessert. The church meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Wednes-day, October 17th. Mark your calendars now!

Total to

Date Needed: Received:


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Braden United Methodist Church

Celebrates 104th Anniversary

“This is the Lord's Doing, it is Marvelous In Our Eyes”.

Scripture is Psalms 118:23

Sunday, October, 21, 2012

10:30 am Morning Worship Service

Dinner will be served after worship service.


Adult Members $104

Youth Members $5

Share your memories by being a part of the Homecoming /Anniversary Souvenir Book. Pur-chase a memorial for the family, members, ministries or friends! Submit camera ready art for ads. Deadline September 30, 2012:

Full Page Ad—$100 Outside Back Cover In Color—$150

1/2 Page—$50 1/4 Page—$25

Business Cards—$10 Single Name Patron—$5

(If you would like to help in the preparation of this annual event please come to the next meeting on September 5th, at 6:00 pm) All Are Welcome!

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Have we missed your

Birthday or Anniversary?

Just give the church office a call at (419)386-2700 with the information, and we’ll see your name is added. We don’t want to miss or forget anyone. Thanks you!



Remember the following

members and friends

in your prayers

Fairview Nursing Home

4420 South Ave (43615)

• Edna Russell

Kingston Residence

4125 King Rd, Sylvania, OH 43560

• Wilbert West

Heartland—Holly Glenn

4294 Monroe St. (43606)

• Harold Young

Laurels of Toledo

1011 Byrne Rd. (43607)

• Norvelle Gross (Rm. 206)

Lutheran Home—Assisted Living

2519 Seaman St., (43605)

• Lincoln Bussey, Sr.

Whitehouse Country Manor

11239 Waterville St., Waterville


• George Allen, Jr.

Waterford Commons

955 Garden Lake Pkwy

• Loretta Simmons

Arbors of Sylvania

7120 Port Sylvania Ave.

Sylvania, OH 43650

• Florene Allen

Sick & Shut-Ins

Asia Beene

Mildred Coleman

Velma Shoecraft

Prayer Requests

Carleton Allen

Jenny Brisbane

Faye Clark

Sarah Cooper

Lucy Davis

Sherrie Jones

Mattie Keyes

Edith King

Beth Matthews

Joyce Moody

Elayne Moran

Lewis Powell

Nettie Taylor

Wilbert West

September October

7 Eva Tucker Lingo 1 Eddie M. Cole

8 Carol Westmoreland 1 Renee Jones

9 Larry Sloan 1 Fay E Clark

11 Stephanie White 2 Malcolm Martens

11 Debbie Smith 5 Tennyson Lingo

12 Mariah Coleman 7 Michael Arnold Bush

16 Yonette Bailey 8 Joyce Ramsey

16 Destiny Bailey 9 Beverly M. Moody-Hicks

18 Alaina Durden 10 Delores Gray

20 Yvonne Mitcham 11 Delence A. Sheares, Sr.

20 Errol Bailey, Jr. 12 Cynthia Gaynor

27 Barbara Colbert 12 Roye Durden

27 Lafayette Tolliver 14 Mozell Hill

27 Jeremiah Robinson 14 Betty Meyer14 Alan Durden16 Laverne Enochs21 Robin Rushe21 Elijah Kenneth Mitcham24 Rachel Tolliver27 Sarah Cooper27 Charles Cohen27 Reba Young28 Ernest Baggett30 Ruth A Walton

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Whispers From the Pulpit

Pastor taught directly to our youth when he gave

godly advice for back to school. He emphasized

three important reasons to having a good year:

1. Pay attention to what your parents tell you.

And to anyone that is in authority (teachers,

pastors, etc.)

2. Don’t give in to peer pressure (bad friends

will destroy you). It is better to be alone.

3. Make Christ the Lord of your life.

During the month of August Pastor introduced us

to four extraordinary women in the bible. These

women are celebrated for their courage, hospital-

ity, vision, and spiritual giftedness. To summarize

each of these:

1. The Samaritan woman John 4:29 an un-

named woman with a rather sordid back-

ground Jesus met her when she came to

draw water from the well. This encounter

transformed her whole life and talking with

Jesus, He told her all things she ever did. She

came to the well empty, but left the well

filled. She was privileged to the amazing

knowledge that must not be kept secret.

2. Mary Magdalene. Delivered from darkness

Mark 16:9. She had the eternal distinction to

be the first person to reveal Christ after the

resurrection. She became a member of the

close circle of disciples who traveled with

Jesus during his ministry.

3. Salome. Matthew 20:23. She was one of Je-

sus’ female disciples during his ministry she

traveled along with John and James. Two of

his best loved disciples. She asked Jesus if

her two sons could have seats of honor in

his kingdom. His answer was no, it was not

for him to grant.

4. Lydia. Hospitable heart opened. She was a

seller of a purple cloth from the city of

Thyalira who worshiped God. The lord

opened her heart to hear the things spoken

by Paul Acts 16:14. She was the first convert

for the gospel in Europe. She responded to

the message of Christ during the missionary

journey of Paul in Europe.

These women became extraordinary not be-

cause of any natural qualities of their own, but

because the one true God they worshiped is

great, mighty, glorious, and awesome and he

refined them like silver. He redeemed them

through the works of an extraordinary savior,

Jesus. The glorious work of God in their lives

made each of these women ex-

traordinary. Thank you Pastor

for lifting them up.

Remembering saintsRemembering saintsRemembering saintsRemembering saints of our fellowshipof our fellowshipof our fellowshipof our fellowship Our congregation will observe All Saints Sunday on Nov. 4 in the worship service. This is a time when we come together to remember and celebrate the lives of members who have died in the past year. Roses will be in the sanctuary in memory of and thanksgiving for those lives. After the morning ser-vice, family members are invited to take a rose in memory of their loved one.

Those saints of our fellowship we remember this year are:

Lula Mae Greene Lula Mae Greene Lula Mae Greene Lula Mae Greene ---- 2/2/212 2/2/212 2/2/212 2/2/212

Odessa M. Phillips Odessa M. Phillips Odessa M. Phillips Odessa M. Phillips ---- 4/20/12 4/20/12 4/20/12 4/20/12

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Braden Learning Center and daycare will

open September 12th

Growing in our faith as Braden expands With summer winding down, we rejoice in the completion of the education wing renovation and how this new space will support Braden’s

ministries and outreach into the community.

Many blessings bring continued responsibility for Braden’s members, We are charged to reach out to others in the community, with intention and invitations, so that all who pass by this active church will know that God is here and He welcomes all who would respond to His call in the world.”

Braden Learning Center was established to provide quality, loving care for children ages 6 weeks to school age. The staff recognizes the importance of balanced growth so they pro-vide opportunities for mental,

physical and emotional growth through a variety of creative experiences. Children are encouraged to learn and explore at their own speed in areas that in-terest them. This includes instilling a love of learning while fo-cusing on developing the “whole” child, also consid-ering each child’s physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development. This philosophy is based on the scripture passage in Luke 2:52:

“And Jesus increased in wisdom (mental)

and in stature (physical) and in favor (emotional) with God (spiritual) and man (social).

With more and more parents opting for work to meet

the prevailing high cost of living, the Braden Learn-

ing Center Day Care have become the most obvious

choice for the well-being and safety for your child.

In today's competitive world parents have high ex-

pectations of their children. Please, allow the Braden

Learning Center to share with you the extension of

those high expectations.

Because we understand finding the right day care

center is important to parents, the Braden Learning

Center meets their high standards and more.

The staff at the Braden Learning Center understands

a growing child requires undivided attention, uncom-

promising love, and also a properly balanced

diet. The Braden Learning Center day care is de-

voted to nurturing all children with not only attention

and love but also nutritional meals and snacks.

Do not hesitate, you can count on the Braden Learn-

ing Center to put safety first, love, fun, caring, and a

challenging place to leave your child or children

while you work.

Braden Learning Center Day Care:

Professional trained staff with CPR, First Aid and

child development experience.

Discount programs for tuition.

Free registration August and September.

Semiannual drawings for two free days of day


Children progress report card.

Semiannual free eye exam from a reparable op-


Refer a friend who enrolls and receive a reward.

Stay at home parents - “Mother’s Day Out” pro-



New installed updated fire protection system.

Surveillance cameras.

Unannounced visits for parents.

Parents night out program.

The center will be in operation Monday through Fri-

day 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.

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2012 Vacation Bible School


JESUS, was the Theme for vacation Bible

School at Braden, that was held from July 23 –

27th. The community was blessed with the

manifestation of God’s anointing as people

ages 4- 85 shared in studying God’s Word and

participating in music, crafts and games. We

had about 80 participants daily, with the adult

class being the largest, what a blessing. See

photos on Braden’s web page.

Reduced rates are available. Braden offers reduced

rates to families in need. These rates are available

through the Child and Adult Care Food Program

(CACFP). Parents can fill out a form from the CACFP

program, and if they qualify their children may attend

Braden at lower tuition costs. Forms are available in the

office. All information is confidential.

Please call Carol at

419-536-8698 for

more information or


The Braden Church

family warmly welcomes Carol to the

staff as the Administrator of the Cen-

ter. Carol comes with a well-rounded

background in child care.




AT 3:00PMAT 3:00PMAT 3:00PMAT 3:00PM


Past volunteers and Past volunteers and Past volunteers and Past volunteers and

New Volunteers are all invited.New Volunteers are all invited.New Volunteers are all invited.New Volunteers are all invited.

See Sandra McPhersonSee Sandra McPhersonSee Sandra McPhersonSee Sandra McPherson

Outreach Director Outreach Director Outreach Director Outreach Director

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Friday, October 12thFriday, October 12thFriday, October 12thFriday, October 12th

Happy 90th Birthday

The family and friends of Mother Samella Williams joined her for a birthday luncheon on Saturday, Au-gust 18th at 1:00 p.m. The luncheon was held at The Registry Bistro, corner of Jefferson and Superior Street in downtown, Toledo. The occasion was hosted by the Beale Siblings. Mother Williams has been an active member of Braden Church for many years and have served on several committees. We wish Mother Williams many more years of God blessings and that his love will continue to show through her. The church presented Mother Williams with a dozen roses for her special day.

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Group shot with Elijah accepting the $1000

grant check as President of the "Growing for

the Greater Good" Project.

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The United Methodist Men

cordially invite you to attend…


On Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 8:30 A.M. the Braden United Methodist Men will hold

its monthly breakfast meeting.

A panel of speakers will talk about voting, including how to register to vote, the qualifica-

tions for voting, voting by absentee ballot, early voting and in-person voting on Election


Speakers who have been invited to be on the panel are: State Senator Edna Brown, Toledo

city councilman Phil Copeland, Theresa M. Gabriel, former Clerk of Toledo Municipal

Court and Rose Bonhart Ellis, retired City of Toledo employee.

Eddie M. Cole, a retired attorney, will be the moderator of the panel. Stephen Halliburton is

the president of the Braden United Men and Rev. Wynston E. Dixon is the pastor

The cost of the breakfast is $5.00.

The public is invited.

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Words of Wisdom

Life is a Journey not a Destination.

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Caring and Sharing Missions-

Poverty Initiative

September 2012

Here is an update and a summary as our team embarks

on another year of service.

It’s been a year since we have begun our mission:

To supply people who have a need or lack in their

lives with Christian services

To improve the quality of the physical and spiri-

tual lives of others.

To carefully and prayerfully consider programs

and projects that benefits and uplifts others.

Offsite Projects~

I. The summer has been difficult for My Brother’s Keeper’s Garden. The dry hot temperatures have lim-ited the growth of some plants and vegetables. The poachers have taken some of the produce. Therefore,

the harvest will be smaller now.

On the upside there are still fresh and flavorful fruits and vegetables to share. The fall plantings and seed-lings are going into the ground for a future harvest for probably October. These ripen fruit/produce potatoes, green, okra, peppers, beets, lettuce, pumpkins, cherry tomatoes, onions, cabbage and more. The garden will need work until the first frost. Will you help in the


II. The YWCA continues to be a site for fellowship and community services. The Braden van assists resi-dents to get commodities and clothing. Donations have been made to the YWCA of needed household


III. The J Troy Senior Centers’ trellis and large pot gardening is producing food to share without our as-sistance. The soil is getting nourished from new com-

post pile to enrich the plants.

Lois Mathis will be featured in the Toledo Blade newspaper article entitled “Weed and Reap”. The gar-

den benefits the community.

Look for it in the September 1st issue!

IV. The youth “Growing for the Greater Good’ are meeting and planning for their organization. Our team is offering advice and guidance to them on Christian

practices in business.

Onsite Projects~

I. The Golden Circle Group was presented with a presentation from Read for Literacy at their meeting. They also attended a luncheon at Read for Literacy located within the main library. This was to recruit ‘reader friend’ volunteers. Some of the attendees have committed to the program, but we are still in need of additional volunteers. The Read for Literacy program is committed to preparing preschool children to be

successful when they begin school.

II. We are looking forward to starting a comprehen-sive Go Green recycling program at Braden. Careless use of resources creates wastes and contributes to pov-erty. We are joining the Keep Toledo and Lucas

County Beautiful organization in this endeavor.

Please pray that the Holy Spirit guides and di-rects us in our relationships in our community. We would appreciate your participation in each of the ser-vices we are providing. We need your help. Thank


In continued Ministry to our Lord~

Team Facilitators

Gloria Layson & Lafayette Tolliver


Yvonne Mitcham, Lois Mathis, Kathryn Grayston, Linda Hester

& Benita Saaka

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Confirmation classes begin Sept. 9th

Confirmation at Braden is a time where our youth learn the fundamental beliefs and origins of Christian-ity. We address, through activities and lessons, con-cepts as clear and fundamental as God’s grace and love to far more complex subjects such as the atone-ment, the sacraments and the creeds.

Confirmation is for youth who will be 13 years old or

older by September 30, 2012 who are interested in

learning more about Christianity and the United Meth-

odist Church specifically. Class will run every Sun-

day, during the Sunday school hour starting Sep-

tember 9th through November 17th, 2012.

We will use the CREDO curriculum. The underlying goals of CREDO are to prepare confirmands (if they choose) to take the confirmation vows and to live lives of Christian discipleship. More specifically, CREDO aims to:

Teach confirmands the story of their faith, as con-tained in the Old and New Testaments and in the history and traditions of Christianity and

The United Methodist Church.

Give confirmands a basic understanding of Chris-tian theology, including the doctrine of the

Trinity, creation, sin, and grace.

Teach confirmands the traditions and doctrinal emphases that make United Methodism


Foster relationships between confirmands and Christian adults in the congregation who can set an example of how to live as a mature


Give confirmands an understanding of the impor-tance of Christian education as a lifelong en-deavor, and help confirmands develop a habit

of participating in Christian education.

Give confirmands an understanding of Christian worship as practiced in The United Methodist Church and why worship is an essential part of

Christian discipleship.

Challenge confirmands to serve God and others through the life and ministry of the congrega-


Give confirmands an opportunity to go on retreats,

withdrawing from their normal routine, and drawing closer to God and their fellow Chris-


Teach confirmands about the vows they will have an opportunity to take and the commitments that one makes when one says yes to those


I will be the lead teacher, Pastor Dixon and the Lay

Leadership will also help instruct the class. Each par-

ticipant will have a spiritual mentor. If you know of

someone who might be interested in being a mentor,

please let me know. The class will start on Sunday,

September 9th and will meet in the Yolanda Robinson

room (next to the gym) at 9:30 a.m. It is very im-

portant to attend these classes, if you are unable to at-

tend, please contact me as soon as possible at

419.944.4498 or [email protected].

Yolanda Durden-Confirmation Class Instructor

Update on college students Did your college student move this past summer? Help us keep in contact with them by sending your student’s updated e-mail and physical address to Lisa, the church secretary. Call 419-386-2700.

Robin Roberts—Good Morning America

The Light of Good Surrounds Me

The Love of God Enfolds Me

The Power of God Protects Me

The Presence of God Watches Over Me

Wherever I am God is!

Back to Bible Study!

Bible Study Classes start fall season

Wednesday, September 12

12:30 pm / 7:00 pm

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JULY 4TH COMMUNITY PICNIC Water give-away was held on June 30, 2012. We had

17 volunteers passing out water on the corners of Rey-

nolds & Dorr, Richards & Dorr, Byrne & Dorr and at

Sleepy Hollow Pond. We passed out water and post-

cards for one hour inviting everyone to our July 4th

Community Day Picnic . We received $10.00 in dona-


The July 4th attendance this year was well over 250

people. JJ express Drill Team & Drum Corp per-

formed. Kris Stevens was our DJ. Hero’s provided

two inflatable houses. The Black Horsemen provided

two horses for 2 hours and free rides to the children &

adults. We had informational tables which provided

voter registration, Vacation Bible School and the new

Daycare Center. Our church family & friends enjoyed

popcorn provided by the UMW, ice cones & Lemon-

ade donated by the Golden Circle.

Menu: Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast, Hot dogs &

Hamburgers, chips, salads, fresh fruit, assorted des-

serts, and ice cream, pop & bottled water.

We gave away (4) $10 McDonald gift cards. The chil-

dren received Christian coloring books, goodie bags &

paintable place mats. The entire guest either received

an American flag or bottle of bubbles commemorating

the event. (See photos Braden web page)

Monies collected from parking $210.00


$511.44 Hero’s (paid for by youth)

$200.00 Kris Stevens DJ

$125.00 Black Horsemen (Vincent Baucom)

$250.00 food

$40.00 Everlasting Dezigns (250 postcards)

$53.67 Oriental Trading

TOTAL: $1180.11

Cerssandra McPherson, Outreach Director

Attend Sunday School? Why?

A Place of Strength Being a member of a study group can encourage believers in their relationship to Christ, but it also increase the bond a believer has with other believers

Hebrews 10:24-25 (Let us be concerned about one an-other and promote love for the one another).

A Place of Knowledge In order to love the Lord we must know what he say 's we are to do. To obey the Lord we need to know the Word for ourselves. Studying the Bible - God 's Word - is essential to faith. The more we understand that Word for ourselves, the more confidently we can obey his command to "feed" others.

John 21:15 "Feed My lambs" A Place of Belonging Paul reminds us that to follow Jesus is to be joyful, patient, faithful and to practice hospitality. When we spend time together we get to know one another. Knowing people names, family members will lead you to be more apt to pray and enourage each other.

Rom. 12: 12-13

A Place of Prayer Prayer is vital to a believer 's life. Corporate prayer within the Bible study class is important not only for those you pray for but also for yourself. Believers gain great prayer strength and comfort when they see that Christ an-swers in such a dramatic way.

James 5"16

A Place of Service We are told over and over in Scripture to share our faith with others so that those who do not know Christ might have the privilege of meeting Him. We should seize the opportunity to express God 's love. That love can be ex-pressed through prayers of encouragement, and acts of compassion.

Phil. 2:3-4

Reference Patricia Brand Attend Sunday School? Why?

We encourage children, youth and adults to attend Sunday School and Bible Study.

Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM

If you are interested in helping teach (lead) a class feel free to contact Pastor Dixon or myself Yolanda Robinson

The Braden Epistle SEPTEMBER, 2012 Page The Braden Epistle SEPTEMBER, 2012 Page The Braden Epistle SEPTEMBER, 2012 Page The Braden Epistle SEPTEMBER, 2012 Page 15151515

The Word for This Issue Is: Character

What Is Good Character?

• Character is the inward motivation to do

what is right according to the highest stan-

dards of behavior in every situation.

• Character consists of the stable and distinc-

tive qualities built into an individual’s life

that determine his or her responses, re-

gardless of the circumstances.

• Character is the wise response to the pres-

sure of a difficult situation and what we do

when we think that no one is watching. It is

the predictor of good behavior.

The Greek word for character is character. It is

translated in Scripture as the “express image.” Ac-

cording to The Complete Word Study Dictionary

New Testament, the word “originally denoted an

engraver or engraving tool. Later is meant the im-

pression itself, usually something engraven, cut in,

or stamped, character, letter, mark, [or] sign. This

impression with its particular features was consid-

ered as the exact representation of the object

whose image it bore.” In Hebrews 1:3, Christ is re-

ferred to as the “express image” or God; he fully

expressed the character of God through His life.

Why Must We Learn Character?

• Character reveals the Lord Jesus Christ,

since He is the full personification of all

good character qualities.

• Understanding character explains why

things happen to us, because all things

work together for good to conform us to

the character of Christ.

• Knowing precise character qualities give us

the basis for praises the character of God

and others.

Taken from: “The Power for True Success, how to

build character in your life”

Sometimes you may feel sorrow kind of creeping upon you. Sometime you face tomorrow feeling that nobody cares about you. Take a look at the life you live. You will only get what you’re will-ing to give. But this old world can be wonderful, this old world can be beauti-ful if you only face it with a smile.

Sometimes you need a helping hand and all your love ones desert you. All your many friends turn their backs and it hurts you. go on don’t let it get you down, don’t face your troubles with a frown. For this old world can be won-derful, yes it can be wonderful, yes it can and yes it can. This old world can be beautiful if you only face it with a smile,But if you smile, if you smile, if you smile. The world smiles back at you. But if you face your troubles with a smile. I can say, that everything will be alright be alright.

This old world can be wonderful, won-derful that God. This old world can be beautiful, if you face it with a smile. This old world can be wonderful, old world can be beautiful if you only face it with a smile, a smile, a smile. This old world can be wonderful; wonderful this old world can be beautiful. If you face it with a smile

This poem was written by This poem was written by This poem was written by This poem was written by Joyce Moody’s mother, Maurine Joyce Moody’s mother, Maurine Joyce Moody’s mother, Maurine Joyce Moody’s mother, Maurine Hendricks and put to music Hendricks and put to music Hendricks and put to music Hendricks and put to music by her cousin, Sylvia her cousin, Sylvia her cousin, Sylvia her cousin, Sylvia Moy.


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Purpose Statement:Purpose Statement:Purpose Statement:Purpose Statement:

“Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ”

Purpose Scripture:Purpose Scripture:Purpose Scripture:Purpose Scripture:

“…forgetting what lies behind and straining for-ward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in

Christ Jesus” Love,

(Philippians 3:13-14)

Worship Services:

Worship Services – 10:30 am Sunday School – 9:30 am

Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Discipleship Prayer!

First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Church Office Hours:

Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700

Email: [email protected]

For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

The Braden Epistle will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November.

News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43615 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

Altar Flowers

Would you like to honor your mother or father on

their birthday or anniversary with altar flowers in

the sanctuary on Sunday? Would you like to rejoice

in the graduation or the birthday of your son or

daughter? How about celebrating your anniversary

or your spouse’s recent accomplishment? And of

course, flowers are a beautiful way to honor the

memory of a family member or special friend

You can give thanks to God and beautify our wor-

ship services by donating altar flowers for any Sun-

day you would like. Your name and the name of

your honoree will be printed in the Sunday Bulletin

and the newsletter, giving others a chance to know

about the occasion.

The donation price for each arrangement is $25,

made payable to BUMC Flower Fund.

Call Lisa at the church to put in your request. Check out the Braden website! Find pictures of recent events, past Epistle Newsletters are available and prepare for Sundays Worship Services, the scriptures and sermons are available on the web-site home page and activities. What are you interested in having on the website? Ideas?

Talk to Linda Hester.


Remember that all meetings are open to ALL

members of our congregation. Please feel free

to attend ANY meetings that interest you.