  • 2014-15

    35208August 2014

  • RI

    RI 3 5 8


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    2014-15 DMS 212014-15 222014 7 24 26


    31 35 36 37

    2 3

    Gary C.K. Huang


    Corinna 37 102

    ( 2014 5 20-21 )

  • RI RI

    4 5

    Gary C.K. HuanGPresident, rotary international

    DEAR FELLOW ROTARI ANS, In Rotary, we mark August as Membership and Extension Month. There is a good reason why we remind ourselves of the importance

    of membership early in every Rotary year: because the job of growing our membership is one that we can never begin too soon. It is also a job that we can never stop working on. In order to keep serving, Rotary always needs to be growing! We have talked for many years about the importance of the family of Rotary. In this Rotary year, I want to make not just the family of Rotary, but our own Rotary families, apriority in our membership. After 37 years of following me in Rotary, my wife, Corinna,finally became a Rotarian last year. We attended the chartering of a new club in Taiwan together, and she said, "It's time for me to become a Rotarian too!" So she joined that club. And soon, so did a lot of other people. Now that club has 102 members, and it's the second-largest club in Taiwan. Inviting our spouses into Rotary isnt just about getting our numbers up. It addresses the reality that Rotary still has far more men as members than it does women, and

    that is something we need to work on. When we bring more women into Rotary, our clubs becomemore appealing to prospective female members and become more productive as well. This year we are going to have something new in Rotary: a membership support team pin. is means that if you invite a new member into Rotary, you get a special pin to wear with your Rotary gearwheel. But we all know that the job of growing membership doesntend when a new member joins. It ends only when a new member is enjoying being a Rotarian and never wants to leave! And making sure that our clubs are enjoyable places to be is a key part of growing membership. People come into Rotary for all kinds of reasons, but they stay because Rotary is fun to be a part of. So I want to remind all of you to have fun in your clubs and your districts. Rotary is based on the idea that our service is more eff ective when we serve together with our friends. So lets enjoy our Rotary service, share it with others, and Light Up Rotary together!

    : 8 3520 7 26 8 5 8 2660 75 3520 8 (Open your mouth) 3-2-1 3 2 1 100 OB

    RI 731 30 2,500 3520 500


  • 6 7

    My dear fellow Rotarians,

    Time flies as it carries us to the mid-summer in August. After over a month, I bel ieve that every club president and service team member has already been engaged in leading your club onto a wonderfu l and joyfu l journey. And many service projects of our district have also started. On the 26th of July, we have seen a liver disease examination service project that took place in Danei, Tainan. This was a start of our major service projects of the year. As many people in Taiwan have suffered from liver disease for years, I hope and believe that this service project will bring positive effect on prevention of liver disease. And I would like to give my appreciation to all the Rotarians who support this service project. During 5th to 8th of Aug., approximately 75 delegates of Interactors and Rotarians from D2660, Osaka, Japan, came to visit our district. Through culture, charity and friendship events, we saw teenagers from Taiwan and Japan closely interacted and bonded with each other. And this is the chapter one of our international services and we are expecting more to come. This month is Membership and Extension Month. In order

    to have eternal development in membersh ip , we need to keep inviting more people into our c lubs as wel l as keeping current members in our family. There are a lot of people who have exceptional achievement professionally in our society. They give services and devote their expertise to our society without being noticed. And it is not very difficult to have them join in Rotary if you open your mouth to directly invite them since many of them have already known about Rotary and have great wil l ingness to join Rotary. But what they do not have is an opportunity for them to be introduced and inducted. Therefore, if we are willing to open our mouth and give invitations, they will most likely join our Rotary family right away. In order to encourage everyone to proactively invite people to join Rotary, our district also added a new award, so-called 3-2-1 award. Club will be granted 100 stars if the president of the club inducts 3 people into the club as well as each member in the board of directors inducts 2 people and each club member inducts 1 people. Also, we have new awards specifically for induction o f R o t a r i a n s s p o u s e s a n d membership retention. I hope that every Rotarian can be engaged in membership development to

    introduce more people especially the young generations and female individuals to Rotary. Additionally, setting up new clubs is another mean of increasing membership. In addition to forming an ordinary club, we could also consider forming an E-club or satel l i te club by taking their advantages of f lex ib i l i ty in terms of thei r organization structures. Also, we could come up with some new and innovative forms of meetings to attract more young people to join our clubs. This year, we are lucky to have Gary Huang as the RI president. Our goal of the year is to reach 40,000 members within Mandarin region. Only so could we be able to promote Traditional Chinese and try to make it one of the official languages of RI. As a result, we could be able to use Traditional in every formal RI event. Furthermore, this could further faci l i tate membership development in the future. On the 31st of July, unfortunately, we experienced and witnessed a disaster in Kaohsiung caused by a drastic gas explosion. The dramatic explosion have taken 30 lives and injured hundreds of people. I believe that each of us share the same grief. After discussion, a decision was made by the 7 dist r ict governors in Taiwan to init iate fundrais ing to express our loves and cares

    to those victims. As a whole, we are aiming at NT$ 25 millions and our district is responsible for NT$ 5 millions. I have learnt that many clubs have positively responded to this fundraising and taken actions. I believe that with your loves, we could give those victims and their families practical supports and relives. And I am sure that they will feel the warmth of Rotary. Lastly, I wish every club presidents, secretaries and all the Rotarians to fulfill what we should and have to do. Let us together Light Up Rotary.

    Rotary International District 3520District GovernorAudi Lin

  • 8 9

    DG Audi 2014

    D3510 07-3368333#2063 #2064

    ( ) 8 20 D3510 D3510

    D3510 8 20 D3510


    1976 130 7 1 ---Light up Rotary

    19 Rotary Day 30 ---

  • 10 11

    Gary C.K. Huang never imagined he would become Rotary International's president when he joined in 1976, but now that he is in office, he hopes to increase membership to 1.3 million by the end of his term. "It's simple. The more members we have, the more people we can help. A stronger membership base will result in stronger communities," says Huang, who on 1 July became Rotary's first Chinese president. Huang also hopes his presidential theme, Light Up Rotary, will encourage members to brighten Rotary's image to the public, which he believes in return will improve member recruitment and retention.Huang has a track record of improving membership development in Asia, adding 19 clubs when he was district governor for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. One of the cornerstones of his presidency is encouraging clubs and distr icts to conduct a Rotary Day. These one-day events, he says, can spotlight a particular cause, and solidify Rotary's image as one of the world's leading service organizations. "We need to showcase our good work to everyone in the community. Rotary Days need to be fun and all inclusive. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to participate. My hope is at the end of the day a few non-members will want to join Rotary," he says. "Let's give people the opportunity to experience what it's like to make a

    difference. Rotary Days can achieve that." Huang designed a travel schedule that will allow him to visit more than 30 Rotary Day events across the globe, including Argentina, Chile, France, India, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and the U.S., as well as his home city of Taipei.Huang says he's honored and humbled to be Rotary's president. He knows he's part of an exclusive club. "We [past Rotary presidents] have achieved great success in our businesses and in our communities," says Huang. "But success isn't about power or money. It's about giving back. Being a Rotarian has given me the opportunity to help those in need. As president, I can inspire our members to take advantage of the same opportunity and bring happiness in people's lives."

    By Ryan HylandRotary News1-AUG-2014



  • 12 13

    2014 7 5 2014 2014-15 (Gary) 1905 2014-15



    160 55


  • 14 15

    PhPah na Bulun 3 4-8 cm 3-7 mm 10 2.8-3.2 cm 3-3.5 cm1.8-2.2 cm ( 1/4)Dianthus palinensis S. S. Ying 4 1/4


    2014-15 1 10 ~~ 1979 8


  • 16 17

    2014-15 2 -

    7 Milly long stay 3 PP Builder Fun Apple Milly Denise PP Builder Apple 3 P Duke CP Decal S Power Ian Rainbow Lisa 7 5 40 2014-15

    --- ---


    2014 7 8


  • 18 19


    - 31 103 7 4 ~103 7 7

    Wayne 7/4 7 7/5 5 31

    7/5 Global Grants( GG1415140) Bus Bus

    Bus IPP AlexPP LouisWayneJayPabloInsrea


    --- Angel

    B C 300 B C 40 ! 11 11

  • 20 21


    Kevin PP Nick 3470 3520 11 PDG 20 ( AFP)(GOTGPT) e

    ! Angel !

    2014-15 DMS

    2014-15 District Membership SeminarDMS Part I

    PP Michelle6/14 11 3 2 DG Audi RIP Gary RI 2015 1,300,000, 10 Zone B RC Electronics 2014-17 RC Kega CP Edward 15 10 CP Michael( - DGE Venture- DGND D.K. - CP Nellie ( - CP Eric ( - CP Lucky( - CP. 93% 517 76%, 2456101112151617181920 100% DG Audi PP Nelson DMS DMS Part II, 11/15

  • 22 23



    : PP Vivian

    3520 . . . .


    3520 . . .

    . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . RI


  • 24 25

    2014 7 P Andrew

    3520 2014-15 Audi

    P Sunny PP Steve Audi Zone P William P Anthony DS Casio . ! 8 8 P Larry

    2 , 3 8:30 20 20 , 2014 7 8

    2014 7 2014 7

  • 26 27

    RI (New Member Sponsor Recognition Program)

    (New Member Sponsor Recognition Program) RI

    RI (Club Administration) (Sponsored By ) RI edit member > Edit Membership Type >Sponsored By 2013 7 1 7 1 Active RI

    1 - 2-3 - 4-5 - 6 -





    Honoring members who strengthen Rotarys membership

    The New Member Sponsor Recognition Program is an exciting new initiative approved by the Rotary International Board of Directors. It honors Rotary members who sponsor new members. All sponsors of members admitted to Rotary on or after 1 July 2013 are eligible to receive a specially designed membership pin and colored pin backer from Rotary in recognition of their commitment to the organizations membership growth. A current member who sponsors one new member will receive a recognition pin with a blue backer. As additional members are sponsored, new colored backers will be awarded to signify the sponsors achievement.

    How it worksIts easy to designate new members sponsors to ensure they are recognized for their support of Rotary. For each new member:

    Sign in to My Rotary and go to Manage, then Club Administration.

    Add the new member to the clubs record. An email address is essential for new members to ensure they receive Rotarys welcome bulletin.

    Search for the sponsoring member in the [Sponsored By] field and click to select it. If the new member does not have a sponsor, select [No Sponsor Information Given].

    Look up the sponsoring members record and check to be certain that the sponsors email address is listed. An email address is necessary so that sponsors can receive messages about their recognition items and achievement levels.

    Levels of achievement

    Sponsors will also have opportunities to be acknowledged in the Membership Recognition Gallery that will soon appear on, as well as in regional magazines and other Rotary publications. Members who earn gold backers and beyond and who are in attendance at the Rotary International Convention will be invited to join the RI president for a special recognition event.

    1 NEW MEMBERBlue backer

    2-3 NEW MEMBERSBronze backer

    4-5 NEW MEMBERSSilver backer

    6+ NEW MEMBERSGold backer

    Additional informationIts important that new members be entered into club records as soon as possible after being inducted.

    Clubs using a synchronized club administration software application should enter new members into that system and identify their sponsors where indicated. Confirm that an email address is present for both members, and submit the record to Rotary.

    Every week, Rotary will send clubs a packet containing the names of newly-identified sponsors along with Rotary pins and backers. Club presidents are asked to set aside time during club meetings to honor sponsors achievements by presenting them with their pins and backers.

    Club presidents, district governors, and district governors-elect will have access to summary reports that show an overview of all new members and their sponsors.

    If sponsors dont want to receive recognition, they can decline the pins and backers and the other recognition components of the program by selecting that option in the email message from Rotary that congratulates them for sponsoring new members.

    Questions about this program can be directed to [email protected].

  • 28 29

    --- 2500

    21 21

    3520 3520 135 5800 51


    diversityextinction eco-systemic catastrophe

    orchestrating governancetop design

    Charles Coffin CEO 500 CEO

  • 30 31


    strong pro-sociality


  • 32 33

    1. --- 2. --- 3. --- 4. ---

    --- --- ---

    ABC appreciationbuyingcollection


    - - -

  • 34 35

    G P S Oprah Winfrey G P S GPSi


    Jackson HoleJackson Hole Jackson Hole QE2 FED Jackson Hole

    7000 (elk)

    Jackson Hole Rotary Club 1954 60 (Boy Scouts) Jackson Hole 60 2007 250,000

    Jackson Hole

    : Winston / ( 3520 )

  • gain or loss Attendance Number of

    Net gain Rate



    1-1 Taipei North 85 92 92 0 77.40% 5 81 111-2 Taipei Hsinsheng 27 30 31 1 78.20% 4 31 01-3 Taipei Pei An 46 43 46 79 3 65.38% 4 0 46

    1-3-1 Taipei Pei-An Chi-An 20 20 33 0 4 161-3-2 Taipei Pei-An Lao-An 13 13 0 8 51-4 Taipei Changan 43 37 33 -4 82.00% 4 15 181-5 Taipei Ruian 50 54 58 4 70.30% 5 28 301-6 Taipei PoleStar 26 26 0 61.40% 4 14 12

    251 315 319 79 33 4 181 1382-1 Taipei East 46 50 51 1 78.51% 4 51 02-2 Taipei Jen Ai 46 48 48 0 91.78% 4 48 02-3 Taipei Poai 31 30 29 -1 89.70% 5 26 32-4 Taipei Da-Jen 49 53 53 0 77.94% 4 39 142-5 Taipei Full Wealth 27 32 32 0 83.16% 5 29 32-6 Taipei Ricardo 28 29 34 5 87.96% 4 0 342-7 Taipei Songren 41 45 46 54 1 72.00% 2 32 14

    2-7-1 Taipei Songren Songyong 8 8 8 0 2 6268 295 301 54 8 6 227 74

    3-1 Taipei South 54 55 58 3 83.65% 4 50 83-2 Taipei Evergreen 45 43 44 1 78.00% 4 44 03-3 Taipei Sung Shan 30 31 31 0 82.00% 4 30 13-4 Taipei Min Shen 31 32 32 0 75.00% 5 25 73-5 Taipei Yie-shian 21 31 32 1 70.00% 4 0 323-6 Taipei Songjing 27 31 31 36 0 85.52% 4 22 9

    3-6-1 Taipei Songjing East 5 5 5 0 1 4208 228 233 36 5 5 172 61

    4-1 Taipei Shihlin 86 86 87 1 78.62% 5 87 04-2 Hsichih 38 39 40 1 75.00% 5 40 04-3 Siou Fong 15 13 12 -1 61.10% 3 9 34-4 Taipei Nei Hu 49 55 58 3 73.72% 5 58 04-5 101 Taipei 101 51 55 57 2 53.37% 4 43 144-6 Taipei Precious Love 29 29 30 1 84.50% 4 0 304-7 Taipei Wenhu 32 37 40 3 69.96% 5 19 214-8 Taipei Cloud 35 34 -1 65.27% 3 24 10

    300 349 358 0 0 9 34 280 785-1 Taipei Yangming 45 46 46 0 83.48% 5 40 65-2 Taipei Pailing 52 55 55 0 89.33% 5 46 95-3 Taipei Huakang 38 40 42 2 82.60% 5 25 175-4 Taipei Fuling 46 42 45 3 79.32% 4 38 75-5 Taipei Hua-Yu 31 25 25 0 70.00% 5 15 105-6 Taipei Huapeng 44 51 51 0 75.50% 4 41 105-7 Taipei Union 30 25 26 42 1 72.80% 5 15 11

    5-7-1 Taipei Union Elite 16 16 16 0 13 35-8 Youngming e-club 29 29 0 82.75% 1 17 12

    286 329 335 42 16 6 250 856-1 Taipei Southeast 33 33 34 1 86.75% 5 31 36-2 Taipei New East 50 51 52 1 82.50% 4 52 06-3 Taipei Tungmen 55 54 55 1 84.20% 5 55 06-4 Taipei Tungho 27 24 25 1 93.00% 5 15 106-5 Taipei An Tung 21 29 30 1 75.00% 3 20 106-6 Taipei Dragon River 23 23 23 0 71.00% 5 12 116-7 Taipei Tunghong 24 23 -1 2 10 136-8 Taipei Anlien 22 21 -1 53.00% 5 12 9

    209 260 263 0 0 3 207 567-1 Taipei Southwest 50 50 53 3 75.20% 4 43 107-2 Taipei Nanhwa 40 38 42 49 4 81.00% 3 37 5

    7-2-1 Taipei Nanhwa Dazzling 7 7 7 0 0 77-3 Taipei Jian Kang 21 27 25 -2 70.95% 5 14 117-4 Taipei Summit 27 25 20 -5 82.00% 3 9 117-5 Taipei Nanshan 40 39 41 2 63.40% 5 28 137-6 Taipei Wenhwa 25 21 21 0 76.50% 5 14 77-7 Taipei Henyang 22 22 0 63.50% 2 12 10

    203 229 231 49 7 2 157 748-1 Taipei Northeast 73 71 71 0 77.36% 4 71 08-2 Taipei Sunrise 60 56 56 0 77.88% 5 56 08-3 Taipei Orient 33 29 31 2 72.16% 5 22 98-4 Taipei Harvest 29 31 31 0 76.12% 3 30 18-5 Taipei Oriental Integrity 31 30 30 0 76.00% 4 20 108-6 Taipei Glory 40 50 53 3 76.79% 4 32 21

    266 267 272 0 0 5 231 419-1 Taipei Tienmou 75 76 75 -1 85.19% 5 75 09-2 Taipei Mingte 64 62 61 -1 82.11% 4 61 0


    31 Jul



    30 Jun





    31 Jul


    1 3

    36 37


    DG Audi 3520

    3520 2014-15 3520 1000 3-5

    3520 2014-15 ---

    [email protected]

  • gain or loss Attendance Number of

    Net gain Rate




    31 Jul


    2013-14730 Jun





    31 Jul


    9-3 Taipei Chihshan 53 52 51 -1 78.60% 5 51 09-4 Taipei Tien Ho 41 41 41 0 83.00% 4 21 209-5 Taipei Tien shin 37 32 -5 83.28% 2 9 23

    233 268 260 0 0 8 217 4310-1 Taipei Yuanshan 41 44 44 0 81.12% 4 44 010-2 Tapiei Chungcheng 41 42 44 2 76.50% 4 44 010-3 Taipei Hwashan 51 53 52 -1 72.00% 5 33 1910-4 Taipei Dazhi 43 43 45 2 71.25% 4 35 1010-5 Taipei Guandu 29 40 39 -1 76.63% 5 31 810-6 Taipei Luck Quenn 21 28 29 1 86.43% 3 22 7

    226 250 253 0 0 3 209 4411-1 Taipei Hwa Nan 47 47 49 2 80.00% 4 49 011-2 Taipei Hwa An 45 45 44 -1 81.00% 4 26 1811-3 Taipei Hwa Chung 50 50 53 3 77.00% 5 41 1211-4 Taipei Hwa Yang 50 53 53 0 80.00% 5 53 011-5 Taipei Nander 52 54 54 0 76.00% 5 40 1411-6 Taipei Ruei Guang 33 34 35 1 73.00% 4 28 711-7 Taipei Fong Hwang 26 32 23 -9 74.00% 4 14 911-8 Taipei Swang Yin 21 22 1 70.00% 5 14 8

    303 336 333 0 0 3 265 6812-1 Taipei Tunhua 49 50 50 75 0 82.00% 5 50 0

    12-1-1 Taipei Tunhua Spouse 25 25 25 0 0 2512-2 Taipei An Ho 32 32 31 -1 78.00% 4 25 612-3 Taipei Tung Teh 40 39 40 1 78.00% 5 40 012-4 Taipei Tung-Chin 15 18 22 4 92.00% 4 18 4

    136 164 168 75 25 4 133 35

    13-1 Taipei Chungshan 29 35 37 62 2 90.54% 4 29 813-1-1 Taipei Chungshan Rotary Century E-Club 16 25 4 1213-1-2 Taipei Chung Shan Elite E-Club 9 5 413-2 Taipei Capital 54 55 58 69 3 71.75% 4 46 12

    13-2-1 Taipei Capital Elite 12 11 11 -1 9 213-3 Taipei Sunlight 45 45 45 0 88.00% 5 45 013-4 Taipei Yang Te 30 27 31 4 84.50% 5 17 1413-5 Taipei Chung Yuan 41 39 40 1 86.00% 2 20 2013-6 Taipei Tien Chen 16 -1613-7 Taipei Chi-Shan 33 45 46 1 80.40% 5 35 1113-8 New Metro Taipei 26 29 29 0 70.00% 4 16 1313-9 Unity Taipei 21 22 1 79.50% 2 16 613-10 Taipei Rising Sun 30 30 0 78.00% 4 19 11

    258 354 374 131 36 5 261 113

    14-1 Taipei Swanshie 45 43 45 2 78.90% 4 39 614-2 Taipei Chientan 50 50 47 -3 87.04% 4 32 1514-3 Taipei Chingshie 36 38 40 2 73.00% 5 28 1214-4 Taipei Mingsui 30 31 32 1 76.95% 5 29 314-5 Taipei Sungchiang 20 20 17 -3 94.00% 4 11 614-6 Taipei Hejiang 30 30 26 -4 82.47% 5 17 914-7 Taipei Choumei 75 73 68 -5 61.54% 5 46 22

    286 285 275 0 0 10 202 73

    15-1 Taipei Southgate 59 60 60 104 0 66.06% 5 60 015-1-1 Taipei Southgate Spouses 42 44 44 2 0 4415-2 Taipei Yichen 29 25 22 -3 77.20% 5 17 515-3 Taipei Metropolitan 29 31 31 0 56.00% 5 22 915-4 Taipei Southern 39 39 0 70.86% 5 32 715-5 Taipei Southern Light 42 42 0 60.00% 2 30 12

    117 239 238 104 44 1 161 77

    16-1 Tamsui 30 25 25 0 91.00% 4 25 016-2 Taipei Seven Star 45 42 43 1 83.00% 4 43 016-3 Taipei Wen Lin 32 33 36 56 3 89.00% 4 36 0

    16-3-1 Taipei Wenlin Zhicheng 20 20 20 0 20 016-4 Tamhai 30 31 30 -1 83.00% 4 30 016-5 Taipei Peitou 71 71 72 1 70.00% 4 39 3316-6 Taipei Tsaoshan 49 47 46 -1 74.00% 4 31 1516-7 Taipei Leaders 28 27 29 2 79.00% 3 29 016-8 Taipei Pattsiran 30 30 0 91.00% 2 15 1516-9 New Central Taipei 50 54 4 93.00% 1 5 49

    285 376 385 56 20 9 273 112

    17-1 Taipei South Sea 40 38 36 -2 80.00% 5 36 017-2 Taipei Nankang 47 47 48 58 1 91.25% 4 48 0

    17-2-1 Taipei NanKong Social Service 10 10 10 0 2 817-3 Taipei South World 41 43 43 0 80.80% 5 43 017-4 Taipei Nanya 25 32 34 2 84.56% 4 20 1417-5 Taipei Top Sky 33 33 33 0 73.84% 5 33 0

    2 3

    gain or loss Attendance Number of

    Net gain Rate




    31 Jul


    2013-14730 Jun





    31 Jul


    17-6 Taipei Generation Next 48 61 69 8 92.50% 2 41 2817-7 Taipei Ro-Yal 44 37 40 3 62.00% 4 0 4017-8 Taipei Nan Bei 23 21 22 1 87.00% 2 17 5

    301 322 335 58 10 13 240 95

    18-1 Taipei Chung Hsiao 55 56 56 80 0 77.63% 4 56 018-1-1 Taipei Chung Hsiao Spouses 21 24 24 3 0 2418-2 Taipei Tunghua 79 77 77 0 78.85% 3 77 018-3 Taipei Chung Cheng 37 39 41 2 78.60% 5 41 018-4 Taipei Oriental Bond 35 36 36 0 70.00% 4 25 1118-5 Taipei Chung Hsin 31 35 35 0 81.00% 4 18 1718-6 Taipei Tungsheng 31 45 44 -1 60.61% 3 37 718-7 Taipei Chungmei 22 20 20 0 70.80% 4 12 8

    290 329 333 80 24 4 266 67

    19-1 Taipei Hwa Lee 24 21 21 0 85.00% 4 0 2119-2 Taipei Hwa-Hsin 14 15 15 0 87.00% 4 8 719-3 Taipei Hwa Yueh 40 37 32 -5 82.00% 4 0 3219-4 Taipei Ever Young 58 51 51 0 77.00% 4 27 2419-5 E-Club of Taipei 35 31 31 0 74.10% 4 16 15

    171 155 150 0 0 5 51 99

    20-1 Taipei Lungmen 70 80 82 2 75.00% 4 82 020-2 Taipei Lunghwa 36 44 44 66 0 86.00% 5 44 0

    20-2-1 Taipei Lunghwa Family 22 22 22 0 1 2120-3 Taipei LungFeng 38 33 29 43 -4 75.86% 4 20 9

    20-3-1 Taipei LungFeng Number one 14 14 14 0 11 320-4 Taipei Dragons 23 20 20 0 79.00% 5 18 220-5 Taipei Lungshin 52 34 34 0 63.00% 3 25 9

    219 247 245 109 36 2 201 44Rotary International District 3520

    Total 4816 5597 5661 873 264 64 4184 1477


    3 3 38 39


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    2014-15 DMS 2014-15 20147
