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LANGUAGE Choose the option that is similar in relation to the word pair given below. 1. AFTER : BEFORE (1) Present : Past (2) Successor : Predecessor (3) ------ :--------- (4) Contemporary : History Answer : Best answers is (2). Clear relationship of time-position. 2. ASHEN : COLOR (1) Pallid : Complexion (2) Insipid : Flavor (3) Enigmatic : Puzzle (4) Corpulent : Weight Answer : Best answer is (1). Direct connection. 3. MIRROR : REFLECTION (1) Water : Refraction (2) Picture : Representation (3) Chaos : Confusion (4) Sound : Dispersion Answer : Best answer is (1). Object/Material and action relationship. 4. DISTANCE : MILE (1) Bushel : Corn (2) Liquid : Litre (3) Fame : T.V. (4) Weight : Scale Answer : Best answers (2). Unit of measurement relationship. 5. DESTITUTE : WEALTHY (1) Scholarly : Erudite (2) Angry : Rich (3) Tacky : Graceful (4) Native : Affluent Answer : Best answer is (3). Antonymous relationship. 6. Wince : Pain (1) Freeze : Ice (2) Chatter : Teeth (3) Leaves : Rustic (4) Shudder : Fear Answer. 4 7. Taciturn : Voluble (1) Speechless: Effusive (2) Indolence : Work (3) Ecstatic: Excitement (4) Significant : Insightful Answer. 1

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8. Army : Logistics (1) Team : Individual (2) Business : Strategy (3) War : Logic (4) Soldier : Students Ans: 2 9. The invention of nuclear & space weapons has made war unacceptable as an __________ for achieving political ends. (1) Design (2) Proposal (3) Instrument (4) Road Answer : (3) 10. It is obvious that not only humans, but many different species of animals can experience pain. However, it seems highly _________that all of these organisms experience pain the same way. (1) Drastic (2) Possible (3) Unlikely (4) Superfluous Answer : (3) 11. I was certain she had visited this place because it was _________ with her smells. (1) Satiated (2) Fragrant (3) Redundant (4) Redolent Answer : (2) or (4), most likely (4). 12. The book is highly recommended but with a ________________ (1) Catalogue (2) Caveat (3) Cavort (4) Caption Answer : (2) (it means „caution') 13. Art has had a great number of different ____ throughout its history, making its purpose difficult to abstract or quantify to any single concept. (1) Forms (2) Causes (3) Functions (4) Styles Ans: 3 14. After several ____ attempts to send the missile into space, the spacecraft was finally successfully launched. (1) Experimental (2) Abortive (3) Preliminary (4) Difficult Ans: 2

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15. All other issues are ____ to the need to provide food and medical supplies. (1) Subsidiary (2) Subsumed (3) Subsistent (4) Subtended Ans: 1 16. I was certain she had visited this place because it was _____ with her smells. (1) Redolent (2) Fragrant (3) Satiated (4) Redundant Ans: 1 17. A political party is a political organisation that typically seeks to ___ and ___ political power within the government. (1) attain, maintain (2) bring, bestow (3) find, show (4) create, define Ans: 1 18. The film is a ___ to the all those young activists who ___ the village from being an underdeveloped place to becoming the hub of social entrepreneurship. (1) Memorial, Catapulted (2) Document, inspired (3) Monument, shaped (4) tribute, transformed Ans: 4 19. A final ___ in social network use is being _____ by college students using the services to network with professionals for internship and job opportunities. (1) limitation, exploited (2) rise, driven (3) decline, caused (4) growth, hampered Ans: 2 20. The state is concerned with the allegiance of its subjects viewing ___ and ___ as well as other sorts of conspiracies as detrimental to its national security. (1) disloyalty, espionage (2) obligation, perfidy (3) commitment, treacheries (4) responsibility, duty Ans: 1 21. With internet movie distribution, independent film makers who fail to ___ a traditional distribution deal now have the ___ to reach global audiences. (1) absolve, goal (2) include, intention (3) garner, ability (4) manage, aptitude Ans: 3

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Pick the word from the alternatives given that is most inappropriate in given context: 22. Deficient: - He was not hired for the job since he was found to be deficient in his understanding of the business. (1) Lacking (2) Authentic (3) Complete (4) Adequate Answer : (4) Remember : “most inappropriate word is asked” 23. Innocous :- Offensive material may get through & some perfectly innocuous sites may be blocked (1) Safe (2) Harmless (3) Innocent (4) Detrimental Ans: 4 24. OBSEQUIOUS :- His obsequious attitude was found to be offensive in a situation where the free thought & debate were encouraged (1) Reasoned (2) Retrograde (3) Rebellious (4) Rational Answer : (3) Because Rebellious is antonymous to Servile (Obsequious) 25. Paucity: - Given the apparent paucity of surviving live & broadcast material by the band there may not be much more to come. (1) Presence (2) Enhancement (3) Duplication (4) Abundance Ans: 4 26. Specious: His arguments and specious comparisons are bogus and not worth seriously entertaining, in my humble opinion. (1) Inaccurate (2) Baseless (3) Unfounded (4) Genuine Answer. 4 27. Complicit: The judge handed him a punishment since the evidence showed that he was complicit in the crime that led to the death of the victim. (1) Ignorant (2) Innocent (3) Opposed (4) Organised Ans: 2 28. Five sentences are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the most appropriate one. 1. The fact is that film, unlike written or spoken language, is not composed of units, as such, but is rather a continuum of meaning. 2. A shot contains as much information as we want to read in it, and whatever units we define within the shot are arbitrary.

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3. We can do that technically, at least for the image: it is the single frame. 4. It would seem that a real science of film would depend on our being able to define the smallest unit of construction. 5. But this is certainly not the smallest unit of meaning. (1) DBACE (2) DCEAB (3) ABDCE (4) BDCEA Ans: 2 29. Five sentences are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the most appropriate one. 1. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. 2. They play hard, they play often, and they play to win. 3. How do they do it? 4. For instance, bodies like the AIS and the ASC provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice. 5. A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine. (1) BCDAE (2) BACED (3) CDBAC (4) BCADE Ans: 2 30. Five sentences are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the most appropriate one. 1. Their chests were puffed out like those of pouter pigeons, faces set in a fierce expression and they put on a seriocomic show of battle-ready vigor. 2. After about 10 minutes the designated soldiers lowered their flags. 2. After about 10 minutes the designated soldiers lowered their flags. 3. Soldiers on each side marched up to their opposite numbers. 4. As the bugles sounded loud and clear, the ceremony began. 5. The crowds on both sides erupted into a frenzy of shouting. a) ACDEB (2) DCAEB (3) DECAB (4) ECADB Answer. 2 31. Five sentences are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the most appropriate one. 1. For the Inuit, climate change, whatever its causes, is an urgent problem. 2. Then there are reports of igloos losing their insulating properties as the snow drips and refreezes. 3. Unusual incidents are being reported across the Arctic. 4. First, you have Inuit families finding themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws. 5. Scientists report these to be a result of climate change. (1) ACDBE (2) CDBEA (3) CEDBA (4) EDCBA Answer. 2 32. Five sentences are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. They need to be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the most appropriate one. 1. He chewed it and noted its quality and its good taste. 2. There was no stringiness in it and he knew that it would bring the highest price in the market. 3. But there was no way to keep it from going bad. 4. It was firm and juicy, like meat, but it was not red. 5. He leaned over the side and pulled loose a piece of the meat of the fish. (1) EADBC (2) EDBAC (3) CEDAB (4) BEDCA

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Answer. 1

33-37. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. Social psychology is as old as homosapiens on this earth. Throughout the recorded history, social nature of man has intrigued scholars, artists, and social reformers. Their work has significant bearing on understanding how people relate with others and conduct their social life. Scriptures, artefacts, music, poetry, all have contributed to this endeavour. What has intrigued scholars is the evidence of both, universality and uniqueness of social behaviour in different cultures. People have lived together in all cultures as family, community and nation, though they may not have learned to live together in peace. Human nature has essentially remained the same ever since. It seems that many of the questions which ancient social psychology raised are the same which contemporary social psychology is striving to answer. However, rapid social, economic, and political changes sweeping across the oceans and continents have thrown up many new questions for social psychologists. Many new theories and methods are being developed to unravel general principles of social interaction. It is therefore, not surprising that the quests and concerns in discourses of Plato and Aristotle were similar to those of the ancient Indian thinkers, like Manu, Gautam, Yagyavalkya and Kautilya. They were all concerned with the sustenance of social institutions to uphold the social code of conduct, while preserving human freedom. It was always considered important that people get socialized to conform to social authority and internalize family values and traditions. At the same time all societies have experimented with various systems to strike a match between social norms and individual aspirations. Social conflicts, violence, exploitations throughout the ages had kept social thinkers busy to examine geneses and expound solutions. Social psychology has evolved as a discipline to grapple with the issues of understanding social interactional process. The endeavour is to find ways to maintain ideal social conditions in which people can live together in peace and harmony. However, apart from this common quest to understand and transform human behaviour, there are differences in the world-views; the ways in which the social reality is analyzed, explained and rendered meaningful in western and non-western cultures, like India. The difference is not just in terms of the methods of inquiry but more basic in terms of ontological reality of human existence. The comparison is further complicated by the fact that whereas Indian sages concentrated on the 'ideal' state, the Western scholars focused on observed reality of the interaction between man and society. The purpose of juxtaposing world-views of these different societies here is to examine the progress of western social psychology and its implications for understanding social issues and problems we are facing in India. A critical appraisal would enable us to view the knowledge base of social psychology with particular reference to Indian work. 33. According to the passage, what is the role of family values and traditions in social psychology? (1) they reduce social conflicts, violence and exploitations. (2) their adoption is crucial to maintaining social norms (3) they oppose social authority. (4) they explain the social interactional process Anwer. b 34. Who was concerned with the sustenance of social institutions? (1) Aristotle and Kautilya (2) Manu, Gautam, Yagyavalkya (3) Plato and Aristotle (4) All of the above Answer. d 35. Why many questions which ancient social psychology raised seem to be the same which contemporary social psychology is striving to answer? (1) Social psychology is as old as homosapiens on this earth.

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(2) People have lived together in all cultures. (3) Human nature has essentially remained the same ever since (4) Researchers have not found answers to previous questions. Answer. c 36. Scholars of social psychology have been fascinated by (1) universality and uniqueness of social behavior. (2) the static nature of human psychology. (3) Individualistic cultures (4) New challenges in 21st century. Answer. a 37. Why do authors intend to critically analyse western research in social psychology? (1) to unravel general principles of social interaction (2) to understand social issues and problems in India (3) to examine the progress of western social psychology (4) to view the knowledge base of social psychology with particular reference to Indian work Answer. d

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GK Q.1 What is the main feature of Dead sea ?

(1) It is a sea that was once a sea but now it's just a dried up sea bed.cember 22, 2013

(2) It is the sea that has extremely high density of salt. (3) It is the sea that has the most acidic content & therefore can kill anyone who enters it. (4) It is the sea where dead sailors were given a burial at sea. Answer : As everyone knows, the answer is (2). It is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean water! Q.2 What is Archipelago? (1) Group of free floating islands. (2) Group of islands that are in close proximity to each other. (3) Group of islands with one island keeping the rest in place. (4) Very big island Answer : The best answer is (2). The five main archipelagos are Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, and the British Isles . The largest archipelagic state in the world, by area and population, is Indonesia.The archipelago with the most islands is the Archipelago Sea in Finland . Q.3 Which among the following is India 's first indigenously developed vaccine for Japanese Encephalitis? (1) JESVAC (2) JEPVAC (3) JECVAC (4) JENVAC Answer. The best answer is (4). On Oct 04, 2013 the health ministry introduced Jenvac, the country's first indigenously developed vaccine for Japanese encephalitis, that will potentially reduce India 's dependence on imports from China to immunize nearly 4 million children annually. The vaccine has been jointly developed by scientists at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), National Institute of Virology (NIV) and Bharat Biotech International Ltd. Q.4 Theodolite is a precision instrument used for measuring which of the following? (1) Buoyancy (2) Surface tension (3) Angles (4) Frequency of light Answer. The best answer is (3). A theodolite is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes. Q.5 With which of the following Mr. Douglas Englelbart was associated? (1) Computer Mouse (2) Keyboard (3) Monitor (4) Floppy Disk Answer. The best answer is (1). Douglas Carl Engelbart (January 30, 1925 – July 2, 2013) was an American engineer and inventor, and an early computer and Internet pioneer. He is best known for his work on the challenges of human–computer interaction, particularly while at his Augmentation Research Center Lab in SRI International, resulting in the invention of the computer mouse , and the development of hypertext, networked computers, and precursors to graphical user interfaces.

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Q.6 Who was the first Sultan of Delhi? Answer. Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a former slave (Mamluk) of Muhammad Ghori, was the first sultan of Delhi and his dynasty managed to conquer large areas of northern India . Q.7 Which of the following is not considered as the dynasty of Delhi Sultanate? (1) Sayyid dynasty (2) Lodi dynasty (3) Mamluk dynasty (4) Mughal dynasty Answer. Best anwer is (4) . Rest are all part of the Delhi sultanate. Q.8 Which one of the following is the only woman ruler of Delhi sultanate? (1) Dilras Banu (2) Jahanara (3) Razia Sultan (4) Mumtaz Mahal Answer. Best anwer is (3). The Delhi Sultanate is the only Indo-Islamic empire to have enthroned one of the few female rulers in India, Razia Sultana (1236–1240). Q.9 Which one of the following British Governor Generals is nicknamed “The Mountain Rat”? (1) Lord Dalhousie (2) Warren Hastings (3) Robert Clive (4) Lord Curzon Answer. Sorry not sure of this answer. Q.10 What is the code name of the military operation conducted to annex Hyderabad into the Indian Union? (1) Operation Checkmate (2) Operation Polo (3) Operation Pawan (4) Operation Woodrose Answer. Best anwer is (2). Operation Polo, the code name of the Hyderabad Police Action was a military operation in September 1948 in which the Indian Armed Forces invaded the State of Hyderabad and overthrew its Nizam. Q.11 Grand construction of Madurai is attributed to which Chola king? (1) Elara Chola (2) Rajendra Chola (3) Karikala (4) Raja Raja Answer. Best anwer is (3). Q.12 Meru which is to be considered to be the abode of Lord Vishnu is to be found today in which one of the following countries? (1) China (2) Thailand (3) Indonesia (4) Cambodia Answer. Best anwer is (2). As per certain murals, it is in Thailand . The answer is doubtful.

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Q.13 As per the American declaration of Independence the true meaning of freedom of speech is referred to (1) citizen's right to express their views. (2) right of the government of United States of America to negotiate terms of trade with any other nation. (3) permission given to people to hold public meetings. (4) governments right to clearly state its goals to people. Answer. Best anwer is (1). Q.14 Head of the Church of England or the Protestant church is (1) Monarch of England (2) Archbishop of Canterbury (3) The Pope (4) Cardinal of Westminster Answer. Best anwer is (2). The most senior bishop of the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is the metropolitan of the southern province of England, the Province of Canterbury . He has the status of Primate of All England. He is the focus of unity for the worldwide Anglican Communion of independent national or regional churches. Q.15 Glorious revolution occurred in Germany in which of the following year? (1) 1789 (2) 1688 (3) 1715 (4) 1776 Answer. Best anwer is (2). It actually started in England . Q.16 Adolph Hitler's rule in Germany is referred to as (1) Sittlichkeit (2) Deutsches Reich (3) Gesselschaft (4) Vost tellung Answer. Best anwer is (2). Q.17 Russian revolution of 1917 is called as (1) Czarist revolution (2) Bolshevik revolution (3) Bolshoi revolution (4) Menshevik revolution Answer. Best anwer is (2). Under the revolutionary leadership of Vladimir Ilyich Ilyanov, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Csarist regime and everyone else, including the Mensheviks, and established the Soviet Union . Q.18 The Supreme Court of India recently gave a verdict against one of the following companies on patent claims for cancer drugs? (1) Glaxo (2) Ranbaxy (3) Novartis (4) None of these Answer. Best anwer is (3). In April 2013, India 's Supreme Court rejected Novartis attempt to win patent protection for its blockbuster cancer drug Glivec.

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Q.19 Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar converted to Buddhism in the year (1) 1956 (2) 1957 (3) 1936 (4) 1959 Answer. Best anwer is (1). For the next five years after 1951, Babasaheb carried on a relentless fight against social evils and superstitions. On October 14, 1956 at Nagpur he embraced Buddhism. Q.20 ….. has been on a fast for over a decade to protest against the armed forces special power act in Manipur. (1) Vrinda kamat (2) Irom Sharmila (3) Arundhati Roy (4) Soni Sori Answer. Best anwer is (2). Irom Sharmila Chanu, also known as the "Iron Lady of Manipur" or "Mengoubi" is a civil rights activist, political activist, and poet from the Indian state of Manipur. On 2 November 2000, she began a hunger strike which is still ongoing. Q.21 World consumer's right day is observed on (1) 27th August (2) 6th January (3) 17th December (4) 15th March Answer. On 15 March 1962, President John F Kennedy gave an address to the US congress in which he formally addressed the issue of consumer rights. He was the first world leader to do so, and the consumer movement now marks 15 March every year as a means of raising global awareness about consumer rights. Q.22 The Commonwealth Heads of government meeting was recently hosted by which of the country? (1) Pakistan (2) India (3) Sri Lanka (4) None of these Answer. Best anwer is (3). Amidst all the war crimes controversy, Sri Lanka hosted it. Q.23 Which of the following award is known as Asia 's Nobel Prize? (1) Gandhi Peace award (2) Ramon Magsaysay award (3) Presidential award for Peace and Cooperation (4) None of these Answer. Best anwer is (2). The Ramon Magsaysay Award is often considered to be Asia 's Nobel Prize. The prize was established in April 1957 by the trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers. Q.24 16th Non-Alignment summit which was held in 2012 was held in which country? (1) Iran (2) Pakistan (3) India (4) Nepal Answer. Best anwer is (1). The 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement was held from 26 to 31 August 2012 in Tehran, Iran . The summit was attended by leaders of 120 countries.

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Q.25 Which one of the following is the brand ambassador of National Tobacco Control Campaign? (1) Mahendra Singh Dhoni (2) Sachin Tendulkar (3) Rahul Dravid (4) Kapil Dev Answer. Best anwer is (3). In Sep, 2013, the Union Health Ministry announced former Indian cricket team captain Rahul Dravid as brand ambassador for its National Tobacco Control campaign. Q.26 On 1st May based on the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee the Union Cabinet approved bill on street vendors. The bill is known as? Answer. (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2012 Q.27 Who is the author of the novel “Walden Two”? Answer. Walden Two is a utopian novel written by behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner, first published in 1948. Q.28 Painting “Hamsa Damayanti” is the masterpiece of ? Answer. Hamsa Damayanti painting is one of the masterpieces by the Indian painter Raja Ravi Varma. Q.29 “ India wins Freedom” is an autobiography by Answer. Abul Kalam Azad wrote it, as he spent the final years of his life focusing on writing it as an exhaustive account of India's freedom struggle and its leaders. Q.30 Who is the author of book “Development as freedom”? Answer. Development as Freedom is a book by economist Amartya Sen, published in 1999, which focuses on international development.

Q31. Which was a Brahmin Dynasty? Answer. The Satavahanas Q32. Who is the chairman of the National Ganga River Basin Authority Answer. Prime minister Q33. The official declaration of Independence of America was drafted by Answer. Thomas Jefferson. Q34. Which of the following is not an ancient Reference name for India Answer. Akhanda Bharatha Q35. Nazism in English translates to Answer. National Socialism. Q36. Sexual Harassment Act 2013 applies to Answer. Both Private and Public Sectors. Q37. Which of the following countries is not a member of G4? Answer. Australia. Q38. Button recently introduced by election commission to vote for none of the candidates is Ans: NOTA Q39. What was the old name of Lucknow City? Ans: Oudh.

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Q40. Nizams of Hyderabad belong to Ans: AsafJah dynasty. Q41. SC verdict on cancer drug patent was related to which company? Ans: Novartis

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QUANTS and LOGIC Q.1 Total of 60 students appeared for Mathematics and science talent search exam held on 2 consecutive days. If 20 students appeared for both Mathematics and Science talent exams, than how many seats were occupied by students on the two days put together? Answer : 80 Q. 2 Among a group of 60 people who like Indian classical music, 38 like Hindustani music & 46 like Carnatic music. How many like both Hindustani & Carnatic music? Answer : 24 Q.3 Out of 350 students staying at a university hostel, 100 students speak Hindi, 75 speak English & 25 speak both Hindi & English. How many students do not speak either Hindi or English? Answer : 200 Q. 4 Total of 120 tickets were sold for the most popular play Agra Bazar on 2 consecutive days. If 30 people watched the play on both the days, than totally how many watched the play in 2 days? Answer : 90 watched Q. 5 Find the missing term 5, 6, 10, 19, 35, … (1) 65 (2) 36 (3) 60 (4) 47 Answer : 60 (Differences are squares of natural numbers) Q.6 Find the missing term 3, 10, 29, 66, … (1) 133 (2) 127 (3) 148 (4) 99 Answer : 127 (Each term is cube of natural number plus 2) Q.7 Find the odd one out 32, 49, 77, 92 (1) 32 (2) 49 (3) 77 (4) 92 Answer : 49 as it is a perfect square. Q.8 Find the missing term 2, 13, 22, 33, 42, …, 62 (1) 43 (2) 53 (3) 52 (4) None of these Answer : 53, as then we get the differences in the series of 11, 9, 11, 9, 11 ... Q.9 Find the missing term 5, 7, 10, 14, 19, … (1) 25 (2) 23 (3) 20 (4) 24

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Answer : 25, as then the differences come as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ... Q.10 Find the odd one out 6, 12, 20, 26. Answer: 26 Q.11 Find the odd one out 204, 315, 425, 531, 624. Answer: 425 Q.12 Find the odd one out 24, 42, 54, 62, 78. Answer: 62 Q.13 Find the missing term 664, 332, 340, 170, ___, 89 Answer: 178 Q.14 Using digits 5, 3, 2 with repetition, how many different 3 digit numbers can be made? Answer : 27 numbers ( 3 x 3 x 3 ) Q.15 Using digits 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with repetition, how many different 3 digit numbers can be made? Answer : 216 numbers ( 6 x 6 x 6 ) Q.16 Out of a group of 6 equally competent girls, three are selected to represent their school in a regional mathematics Olympiad exam. In how many ways can this be done? Answer : 20 ways ( 6 C 3 ) Q.17 Using digits 5, 3, 2 without repetition, how many different 3 digit number can be made? Answer : 6 numbers ( 3 x 2 x 1 ) Q.18 MA education students have to choose one pedagogy course from an option of three (mathematics, Science and language) and one thematic course from an option of two (leadership, social justice) along with compulsory courses. How many different combinations of optional courses are possible? Answer : 6 combinations ( 3 C 1 x 2 C 1 ) Q.19 Using digits 5, 3, 2, 1 without repetition, how many odd numbers can be made? Answer : 48 numbers (1 digit nos. = 3, 2 digit nos. = 3 x 3 = 9, 3 digit nos. = 2 x 3 x 3 = 18, 4 digit nos. = 1 x 2 x 3 x 3 = 18 => Total = their sum) Q.20 A and B working together can finish a work in 6 hours. A alone can finish it in 10 hours. How long will take B to finish the same work alone? Answer : B in 15 hours. ( A + B = 1/6, A = 1/10) Q.21 A water tank has two inlets of different sizes through which water can be filled. It takes 2 hours for the larger inlet and 3 hours for the smaller inlet pipe to fill the tank if it is empty. On a certain day both were open for 1 hour after which the larger one was closed. How much longer will it take for smaller to fill the remaining part of the tank? Answer : 30 minutes [ (1 x (1.2 + 1/3) + X x 1/3 = 1 ] Q.22 If machine A needs 2 hour to finish a work, machine B 3 hours and machine C 6 hours. Together machine A, B and C take how much time to complete the work? Answer : 1 hour ( A + B + C = 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6 = 1 ) Q.23 It took Ramaya 15 minutes more than the usual time to travel the distance from her home to office today. If her speed was 2/3 of her usual speed, what is the usual time it takes for her to travel the same distance? Answer : 3/2 Time = 1.5 time of usual time => 0.5 of usual time = 15 min => Usual time = 30 min

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Q.24 A car starting from point A at a speed of 60 kmph is moving towards B. At the same time another car from B is moving towards A at an average speed of 72 kmph. How many kilometer away from A will the two car meet each other if the total distance between the A and B is 22 km? Answer : 10 km ( Both moving in opposite directions. So speed gets added up. Time taken to cover the distance = 22 / (60 + 72) = 1/6 hr = 10 min So, distance of point from A at which they meet = 10 km Q.25 A car takes twenty five minutes to travel from one point to another at an average speed of 40 kmph. What is the approximate distance between the two points? Answer : 17 km approx ( Distance = Speed x Time = 40 x 25 / 60 ) Q.26 A tank 10m long and 5m wide has water up to a depth of 3m. What is the total area of the wet surface? Answer : 130 sq m ( Total = 10x5 + 5x3 + 5x3 + 10x5 ) Q.27 In a larger circular pool of 20 feet diameter, two frogs start swimming from east and west ends of the pool (named A & C repectively) towards a worm on the northern edge of the pool at point B. What is the measure of the angle ABC? Answer : 90 degrees (angle made in a semi circle is a right angle) Q.28 A kite lands on the top of a 12 feet concrete wall. To retrieve the kite a ladder must be placed such that the foot of the ladder is 5 feet from the base of the wall. Which choice is the shortest length of the ladder that can be used? Answer : 13 feet (the shortest length of the ladder is x. Apply Pythagoras theorem) Q. 29 What is the radius of the incircle of a triangle of side 5, 12 and 13cm? Answer : 2 cms (the given 5, 12, 13 dimensions indicate that the triangle is a right triangle. So apply radius of incircle forumla and get the answer). Q. 30 Ratio of men to women at a party was 6: 7. If there were 28 women, than calculate the total number of people at the party? Answer : 52 ( Total number of people = 28/7 x 13 (13 = 6 + 7) ) Q. 31 A metal made of Copper, Zinc and Lead which were in the ratio of 13: 6: 1, mass of Zinc is 90 kg. What is the mass of copper? Answer : 195 kg (Mass of zinc = 6x = 90, So x = 15; Mass of copper = 13 x 15 = 195) Q. 32 Present age of Sameer and Anand are in the ratio of 5: 4. Three year hence, ratio became 11: 9. What is Anand's present age? Answer : 24 years (S / A = 5 / 4, After 3 years, S / A = (5x + 3)/(4x + 3) = 11/9 => x= 6 => 4x = 24) Q. 33 A sum amount to Rs.1352 in two years at 4% per annum compound interest. Calculate the sum? Answer : Rs 1250 Q. 34 Amar, Akbar and Anthony had money in the ratio 2 : 3 : 7. If the difference between the amounts with Amar and Anthony was Rs. 15, then find the amount with Akbar. Answer: Rs. 9 Q.35 A man sells an article at a profit of 320 %. Had the CP of the article been 25 % more, the profit as a percentage of the SP would have been___ Answer: 70%

Q. 36 Certain part of Rs. 2000 was invested at 4% SI and the rest at 6% SI. If the interest accrued on both the parts was equal, find the average rate of SI.

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TISS NET 2014 Compiled By National Mock Test Providers

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Answer: 4.8% Q. 37 The difference between the SI accrued on Rs. 500 for 2 years at two different rates is Rs 2.50. Find the absolute difference between the two rates of interest. Answer: 0.25 Q. 38 The ratio of the number of males to that of females in a party is 6 : 7. If the number of females in the party was 28, find the total number of persons in the party.. Answer: 52 Q. 39 If all branches are flowers and all flowers are leaves which of the following is true: Answer: All branches are leaves and some leaves are flowers. Q. 40 ELFA, GLHA, ILJA, ___, MLNA Answer: KLLA Q. 41 FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____ Answer: JAK Q. 42 A cylindrical can of base diameter 24cm and height 20cm is half full when standing on its base. If the can is laid along its height, the height of the water level would be___ Answer: 12 cm

Q. 43 Ramya and Ravi start in opposite directions from their office at speeds of 60 km/hr and 48 km/hr respectively. How far will they be from each other after 15 minutes? Answer: 27 km Q. 44 The ages of Samar and Anand are in the ratio 5 : 4. Three years hence their ages will be in the ratio 11 : 9. Find the present age of Anand. Answer: 24 years Q. 45 6 bells chime after time intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 seconds. If they start chiming together, how many times will they chime together in 30 minutes? Answer: 16 times Q. 46 In how many ways can 4 people sit around a circular table? Answer: 6 Q. 47 Three persons are to be selected out of a group of five persons A, B, C, D and E and sent to three different cities. In how many ways can this be done? Answer: 60 Q. 48 A sum invested at a certain rate of SI amounts to Rs. 880 and Rs. 920 at the end of the 2nd and 3rd year respectively. Find the sum. Answer: Rs. 800 Q. 49 6 people working 8 hours per day can complete a work in 12 days. 4 people working 8 hours per day will complete the same work in Answer: 18 days Q. 50 A boat which can row at 10 km/hr in still water rows 21 km upstream and the same distance downstream in 5 hours. Find the speed of the stream. Answer: 4 km/hr

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Q. 51 The length of the shadow of a 6 feet tall man is 10 feet. If the shadow of a nearby tower at the same time is 30 feet long, find the height of the tower. Answer: 18 feet

Cut off

We expect the overall cutoff for the core HRM program to be a narrow band in the range

of 72-76 marks. For SC/ST candidates, it would be 66-70

The cutoffs for the other programs would be marginally lower but again in similar tight
