  • Candidate name: Council district: Please complete questionnaire below. You must send a completed electronic copy to [email protected] or mail a completed copy to P.O. Box 192305 Dallas, TX 75219 by Monday, March 2nd.

    1. Your background and the LGBT community Please share any experience that illustrates your understanding and interest of the needs of LGBT Dallas residents.

    MARCOS I have life-long personal, professional, and social relationships of members of the LGBT community.

    Stonewall Democrats of Dallas seek to inform members of the LGBT and Democratic Party community of candidate's political background. Our organizations by-laws require us only to consider candidates with Democratic Primary voter history or affirms their party affiliation via an oath of allegiance to the Democratic Party. Do you qualify or would you be prepared to sign an oath of allegiance form from the Dallas County Democratic Party? MARCOS - I am lifelong Democrat and helped on national campaigns for numerous candidates including the last 5 presidential candidates, DCCC, DSCC, Gubernatorial, and Mayoral candidates. I co-hosted fundraisers for President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Harry Reid, and Xavier Becerra.

    2. Creating an inclusive community Cities compete for residents, taxpayers, conventions and new businesses/economic development. As a member of the Dallas City Council, how would you insure that Dallas can compete effectively with other cities in the area of LGBT inclusion?

    MARCOS Non-discrimination laws (including Transgender issues) Relationship recognition Municipal employment policies, non-discrimination requirements for contractors Inclusiveness of city services Law enforcement Municipal leadership on matters of equality

  • Would you recruit and consider qualified LGBT constituents for your commission and board appointments?

    MARCOS - Yes, my appointments will be inclusive of all communities of Dallas.

    Will you support the Dallas City Council's resolution for marriage equality and also a statewide ban on LGBT employment discrimination?

    MARCOS - Yes.

    Mayor Rawlings has refused to join the nationwide effort of mayors of 300 cities and 32 states to become a member of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry. This effort is chaired by Mayors of Boston, New York City, Houston and Los Angeles. Would you actively lobby and take action to encourage Mayor Rawlings to join this effort? (Please see

    MARCOS As a Mayor, I will join national efforts to support and empower the rights of the LGBT community in Dallas and use the Mayors influence to expand beyond our city.

    3. The City of Dallas as a LGBT inclusive employer The private sector has seen a large increase in policies and benefits for LGBT employees, how should the City of Dallas remain competitive to attract and retain top LGBT talent?

    MARCOS Foster and create and environment that is inclusive of all communities and treat everyone with respect and dignity.

    Do you support comprehensive transgender inclusive health benefits and as a council member work with the City Manager to implement such benefits?

    MARCOS All employees should have access to health care for their immediate and long-term health and medical needs.

    4. Current Events The Governor and several state legislators intend to push legislation through to curtail the current scope of governance of home rule cities like Dallas. This could remove local control over matters such as drilling within city limits, LGBT protections, etc. Do you favor or oppose this, and what do you plan to do in response?

  • MARCOS I am a strong proponent of local control on virtually all matters that involve local governance. The state should not dictate to the City of Dallas how we handle issues such as fracking or LGBT issues and concerns.

    What are your thoughts on the current campaign finance rules for Dallas elections which set donation amount limits on people newly seeking office but essentially place no donation amount limits on incumbents via unrestricted officeholder accounts which may be used for campaign purposes?

    MARCOS As you may know, I discovered this loophole in the city campaign finance rules and immediately called on the Mayor to return his loophole donations, which he refused. I think we need extensive ethics reforms at City Hall, including getting rid of office holder accounts

    The proposed Trinity Parkway toll road continues to make headlines. Do you see the Trinity Parkway as an essential roadway project to alleviate projected road congestion around our downtown core, or are there other solutions that Dallas should be focused on?

    MARCOS The current Trinity River Toll Road plan is nothing close to what was approved by voter in 1998 and 2007. We approved a park and a series of small lakes. Now the Mayor is pushing for a massive, loud and expensive multilane toll road down the middle of our Trinity parkland. One of my main goals as Mayor will be to end this boondoggle.

    Given that tax revenue for the City of Dallas should rise this year without a tax rate increase, what are the top priorities to which these additional funds should be directed citywide and within your district?

    MARCOS Improving basic city services to strengthen our neighborhoods with better roads, sidewalks, parks, walking trails and libraries. And, find ways to recruit economic development to Southern Dallas.

    I, Marcos G. Ronquillo, am seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas for the 2015 Dallas City Council elections.

    Signed Date 3/02/15