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A lthough the calendar (the

standard, Gregorian one) has

not changed in 2015, our church

calendar reflects an early change

of worship seasons for us at

Second Presbyterian Church.

The official beginning of

summer remains June 21, but our

summer worship schedule—with

one service in the sanctuary at 10

AM— begins almost a month

earlier on May 24, Pentecost

Sunday. Since both Pentecost and

Memorial Day come early this

year, our “Sizzlin’ Summer Sermon

Series”, now in its tenth year or so,

will follow suit. The book approved

for use as a guide by our Worship,

Music and Sacraments Council, at

my suggestion, is Breathing

Underwater: Spirituality and the

Twelve Steps, by Richard Rohr. It

will take us more than 12 weeks to

get through the ‘Twelve Steps.”

It is important for me to share

a word or two about this book

before we begin. I will also be

sharing something along these

lines in our ‘introductory’ summer

worship service on May 31.

As you may already know, a

twelve-step program is based on a

set of guiding principles

(sometimes understood by

members as being 'spiritual

principles') outlining a course of

action for tackling problems

including alcoholism, drug

addiction and compulsion.

(Continued on page 4)

“Bless the LORD, O my soul. You are clothed with honor and

majesty; You stretch out the heavens like a tent. You make springs gush

forth in the valleys; they flow between the hills.

By the streams the birds of the air have their habitation; they sing

among the branches. From your lofty abode you water the mountains; the

earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work. Bless the LORD, O my soul.

Praise the LORD!”

~from Psalm 104

2015 Sizzlin’ Summer

Sermon Series



Spirituality and the Twelve

Steps”- Richard Rohr

May 31—September 6

One Service at 10 AM

In the Sanctuary

A ‘Sizzlin’ Summer Sermon

Series’ is coming once again to

Second Presbyterian Church.

The Worship, Music and

Sacraments Council has endorsed

using this important resource as a

guide for our common worship


Written by Fr. Richard Rohr,

but grounded in the work of the

Twelve Step programs of Bill

Wilson and Alcoholics

Anonymous, this book is a

(Continued on page 4)

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Session Highlights—March 17, 2015

M oderator Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Blair called the Stated Meeting of

Session of the Second Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, to order on

March 17 and read a passage from John 12:20, Jesus Predicts His Death.

The operative verse, with which we are familiar, is “Very truly I tell you,

unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a

single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” Elders shared their

thoughts on this reading and the intended meaning of renewal:

The grain of wheat won’t grow unless it falls on soil. We are the

soil. The passage isn’t so much about death and rebirth, but that

God is always there.

If we didn’t have such a long cold winter, it would not have

prepared us for the spring and its renewal.

We make bread from wheat, which ties it to the Eucharist. A

whole stalk of wheat comes from just one grain. Consider the

multiplying effect; two bushels of wheat will make 2,500-3,000

loaves of bread.

As a result of a very productive and informative strategic planning

retreat for elders and trustees that John Wimberly, pastor and consultant,

led in early March, the focus of the March session meeting was

determining a “purpose statement” for Second Presbyterian. Unlike a

mission statement, a purpose statement is shorter in duration (18 months),

more obtainable, and can be acted upon.

Session agreed that our purpose statement should concentrate on

growing membership and increasing mission outreach -- making a

committed step to the way we go about developing our programs. We

don’t want to conduct another survey. Instead, we want to understand

what motivates one to come to church. After considerable discussion,

elders agreed that our purpose statement should comprise the following

key points:




Our 18-month goal is to engage and invigorate current and

prospective members by renewing old connections and developing new

ones, resulting in a 15 percent growth of our second family. Session is

committed to putting this goal into practice and will be developing

procedures on how to do so at its monthly meetings.

Rev. Blair closed the meeting with prayer.

~Scott Silverwood for the Session

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An Early Summer Prayer

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Originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a

method of recovery from alcoholism, the original Twelve Steps

were first published in the 1939 book Alcoholics Anonymous:

The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered

from Alcoholism. The method has been adapted as the

foundation of many other twelve-step programs.

There are very good reasons for us to spend some time

with this process, both practical and spiritual. Some say that

modern society, in general, is an addictive society, what with

modern media taking over our communications systems, new

fads emerging with the seasons, and temptations simply too

plentiful for us to resist. Other recent events have led us to

consider the sources and implications of living in the midst of

a society where addictions are more plentiful than we are

aware. The dangers are apparent and devastating, and it is

time to focus on getting well, together.

As I am beginning to understand this, the symptoms of

addiction emerge out of a lack of inner experience of intimacy

with oneself, with God, with life and with the moment. Richard

Rohr remarks that ‘We are souls searching for love, in all the

wrong places.’

Remembering the life, message and ministry of the one

who said “I am the way, the truth and the life’, is a great place

to start. Jesus provides the clearest teachings of our lives ever

given, and “Breathing Underwater’ references poignant

messages for anyone on a quest for life’s meaning. This

guidebook is a real treasure for all.

I am looking forward to every breath we take on our

Summer Worship Series, and I invite you to join me. Invite your

friends. Breathe deeply.

Come and worship, together.


(Continued from page 1)

unique combination of Biblical wisdom

and practical, day to day life practices.

Richard Rohr is a globally recognized

ecumenical teacher. He is a Franciscan

priest of the New Mexico Province and

founder of the Center for Action and

Contemplation (CAC) in Albuquerque,

New Mexico.

He is the author of numerous books,

including Everything Belongs, Adam’s

Return, The Naked Now, Breathing Under

Water, Falling Upward, Immortal

Diamond, and Eager to Love: The

Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi.

In Breathing Under Water we are

shown how the gospel principles in the

Twelve Steps can free anyone from any

addiction—from an obvious dependence

on alcohol or drugs to the more common

but less visible addiction that we all have

to sin.

Our (bad) habits can get the better of us.

We are all addicted in some way. When

we learn to identify our addiction,

embrace our weakness, and surrender to

God, we begin to bring healing to

ourselves and our world.

The chapters, and our corresponding

worship themes, include Powerlessness,

Desperate Desiring, Sweet Surrender, A

Good Lamp, Accountability is

Sustainability, The Chicken or the Egg:

Which Comes First?, Why Do We Need to

Ask?, Payback Time, Skillful Means, What

Comes Around Must Go Around.

A summary prayer, repeated often

throughout these sessions and our worship

will be:

We suffer to get well,

We surrender to win,

We die to live.

We give it away to keep it.

Come, be filled with worship, love

and joy; in Jesus’ name.

(Continued from page 1)

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Gretchen and Ted Martin By Anne Perry

Thanks for “Singing to

the Choir”

I guess we have Philip Olsen to

thank for helping to make all

this happen, but then I digress.

Let me start at the beginning.

Gretchen Martin grew up in in

Lancaster, PA and moved with her

family to Winchester, VA when

she was in high school. There she

graduated from John Handley

High School. She attended the

University of Virginia earning a BA

in both Spanish and philosophy,

and completed her educational

training with a M.S.Ed in

Secondary Education from the

University of Pennsylvania.

Gretchen, her parents, and

two younger sisters were all very

active participants in the

Presbyterian Church in Lancaster

and Winchester. In a small-world

coincidence, her parents were

married by Terry Schoener of

Warren, Ohio, who visited and

preached at Second Presbyterian

in 2009. Her dad served as a

trustee and a deacon, and her

mom taught Sunday school for

many years. Her parents now

reside in Los Angeles, CA, and one

sister lives in Florida, but Gretchen

is happy her youngest sister

resides nearby in Ellicott City.

Gretchen is a busy educator

teaching Spanish and leadership

at the Gilman School, as well as

serving as the Dean of Students

for the sixth grade.

Ted Martin is a “homegrown”

boy. He was raised in

Reisterstown, and graduated

from St. Paul's School in

Brooklandville. Ted also

attended the University of

Virginia where he earned a BA

in English. In 2008, Ted

received an MBA from The

University of Maryland. The

couple met and dated while

students at UVA. They married

in the University of Virginia

Chapel in 2004 and joyfully

celebrated their 11th

anniversary this month.

Ironically, the Episcopal priest

who performed their marriage

ceremony is the very same

priest who served at St. Paul's

School while Ted was a student

there. They are fortunate to have

his family also living close by.

Ted's older sister and her family

reside in Timonium and his

parents now live in Ruxton.

Soon after graduation from

college Ted accepted a position as

an IT administrator with Tessco

Technologies in Hunt Valley. The

young couple bought a home and

settled near there in Timonium.

As part of his MBA program

training Ted served a summer

internship with T. Rowe Price in

the summer of 2008. His

internship was productive and T.

Rowe Price offered him a position,

just as Gretchen was expecting

their first child, Teddy. It was

quite a year for them. Ted has

remained there ever since actively

serving in the marketing

department. Teddy, now 6 ½

attends Gilman’s kindergarten.

His twin siblings, brother Charlie

and sister Anna, born in February,

2013, are bouncing 2-year-olds

who go to daycare at the Goddard


When asked what prompted

them to choose Second

Presbyterian Church Gretchen

remarked that way back in

2005/06 former church and choir

member, Bruce Elliott, told her

there was a need for an alto

section leader in our church choir.

Being the good Presbyterian that

she is with experience singing in

her college choir and with the

Baltimore Choral Arts Society,

Gretchen applied for and got the

job. So she has been attending

Second Church for some time.

She took a hiatus while studying

for her MS, but returned right

after graduation. Ted very

willingly followed her, and the

(Continued on page 7)

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News from the Greater Church

I n April, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), along

with other faith-based organizations, signed on to

an amicus brief that calls for the lifting of a

preliminary injunction sought by more than 20 states

against President Barack Obama’s executive

immigration order. The injunction, if it prevails, will

put four to five million immigrants to the U.S. at risk

of deportation.

President Obama’s executive

order offered a legal reprieve to the

undocumented parents of U.S.

citizens and permanent residents

who have lived in the country for at

least five years. It also expanded the

2012 Deferred Action for Childhood

Arrivals (DACA) program that

allowed immigrants under 30 years

old who arrived as children to apply

for a deportation deferral. Neither of

these programs give undocumented

persons legal status, but they do

offer three years without the risk of

deportation, and the ability to work

with authorization. Families would

get to stay together and enjoy

improved economic stability.

“The effect of the Immigration

Guidance is to stay deportation

proceedings for four to five million

individuals residing in the U.S. who

pose no threat to national security or public safety

and who have longstanding and close family ties to

the U.S.,” the brief says.

The executive action “was issued in part to

address the enormous humanitarian costs associated

with unwarranted deportations and enables millions

of individuals in congregations across the country to

remain in the U.S. with their family members and to

worship freely.”

PC (USA)’s General Assembly has supported

comprehensive immigration reform and relief to

undocumented young persons (DREAMers) for years.

The 220th General Assembly (2012) recommended

that church councils be called to act “To address the

plight of students who are undocumented and

therefore unable to access many of the benefits of

our educational institutions, specifically by

advocating for the passage of the DREAM

Act” (Minutes, 2012, Part I, pp. 60,


In the same resolution, the 220th

General Assembly (2012) also directed

“PC(USA) Office of Public Witness to

make immigration reform one of the

top policy issues in their work with

members of congress and the White

House” (Minutes, 2012, Part I, pp. 61,

1159). Not all 11 million undocumented

persons will receive temporary relief

through these new programs, but a

significant number would benefit from

comprehensive immigration reform and

the DREAM Act.

“Stable families, the cornerstone of

American public life, are being

threatened and torn apart as a result of

the district court’s decision, and the

nation will suffer in the long run,” said

the Rev. Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of

the General Assembly.

According to the brief, “the Department of

Homeland Security’s Inspector General reported that

between 1998 and 2007, the government deported

108,434 alien parents of U.S. citizen children. A

similar number of individuals likely would have been

eligible for relief under the Immigration Guidance,

but for the district court’s preliminary injunction.”

The brief also points out that even before

deportation, detained immigrants are transported an

(Continued on page 7)

PC(USA) Shows Concern for Undocumented Immigrant

Families: Signs on to Amicus Brief

Effect of U.S. Deportation

Policies on Families

Between 1998 and 2007, the

government deported

108,434 alien parents of U.S.

citizen children. Because

detained immigrants are

transported an average of

370 miles before

deportation, regular contact

with their children and

families is virtually

impossible for many. And in

2011, more than 5,100 U.S.

citizen children were living in

foster care after a parent’s

detention or deportation.

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couple became so embedded in the

church that no one realized they had not

officially joined. This they decided to do

in 2009 and the whole family has become

actively involved. Gretchen still sings in

the choir, or in the Second at Nine group,

as often as her schedule allows. Ted has

just begun serving his second three-year

term as a trustee.

Young Teddy is involved wherever

he can be. He attends Sunday school,

plays the chimes, was in the Christmas

pageant, and sings in the cherub choir.

The twins are active participants in the

church nursery and enjoy the

companionship of their new friend

Andrew Paulk.

So, you see, I guess we do owe a

vote of thanks to our Music Director, Phil

Olsen, for giving Gretchen the

job.....otherwise this devoted young

family might have chosen to attend

another local Presbyterian church, and

that would certainly have been our loss. ‡

(The Martins—Continued from page 5)

average of 370 miles, making regular contact with

their children and families virtually impossible for

many. And in 2011, more than 5,100 U.S. citizen

children were living in foster care after a parent’s

detention or deportation.

“The PC(USA), along with its faith partners, will

continue to work tirelessly to seek justice for our

neighbors who simply want life, and life more

abundantly,” said Teresa Waggener, coordinator for

Immigration Issues and an Assistant Stated Clerk for

the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). “This amicus brief is

one of many ways we will continue to advocate for

changes that keep families together and offer hope.”

Other signers of the amicus brief include Church

World Service; The Leadership Conference of Women

Religious; Disciples Home Missions; The Sisters of

Mercy of Americas; Sojourners; the United Methodist

Church General Board of Church and Society; the

Franciscan Action Network; the Missionary Servants of

the Most Holy Trinity; NETWORK, a National Catholic

Social Justice Lobby; National Justice for Our

Neighbors; the Mennonite Central Committee U.S.;

the Conference of Major Superiors of Men; and Hope

for Peace & Justice.‡

(Immigration—Continued from page 6)

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Church Family News

We welcomed these new members on April 19, 2015:

Richard Thomas (RT) Arnold

Dr. Maggie Arnold

Mrs. Susan Haupt

Mr. Stephen William Arthur Randall

Miss Kristin Taylor Staffo

Ms. Grace Violet Skillman

We celebrated these baptisms:

The three children of Dr. Joseph and Elaine Strauss

on March 22, 2015.

Gabrielle Rachel Strauss, born October 10, 2010

Amelia JoAnn Strauss, born July 21, 2012

Luke Joseph Strauss, born June 10, 2014

Luke Arthur Creaby was baptized April 19, 2015.

Luke, born September 19, 2014, is the son of Kevin

and Julie Creaby and the brother of Genevieve.

Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study, Seminar Room

Would you like to experience the miracles behind

some of the world’s most beloved hymns and explore the

Scriptures related to them? In May we will begin a new

DVD Bible study, “Amazing Grace,” We’ll be taking an

extraordinary spiritual journey through the lives of the

people who wrote the most compelling Christian music

the world has ever known. Please come with us: view

exuberant and informative video segments that include

the lyrics and music of these spirit-lifting songs of hope

and renewal; share your perceptions; and participate in

the joyful Christian fellowship ever present when we

gather together.

All of our sessions begin at 10 a.m., last for about

one and one-half hours and are held at the church in

Meeting Room E. (Please use glass door entrance by the

Chapel on Stratford Rd.) Contact Gene Haupt at

410.366.7599 or [email protected].

Men’s Bible Study

Thursday, May 14, 7 AM, Westcott Room

All men are invited to join our Men’s Bible Study. The

discussion for May is Joshua: A Journey of Faith

chapter 20- The Cities of Refuge & God’s concern for

Justice, and chapter 21, The Place of Rest. Contact Tom

(Continued on page 10)

MAY 2nd

Jaye Crooks William Russell

3rd Kolby Brown

Mason Figler Laura Hobbins

Vivien Johnston Charles Russell

4th Sam Scott

5th Jacob Birmingham


Chris Allison Alex Brown

Charlie Fones Michele Karr John Riley

Beth Schminke

7th Marjorie Bookhout Todd Ruppert

Gay Shackelford

9th Shana Ward

10th Sallie Miller

Chris Silverwood Krissie Verbic

12th Juli Callahan

Janet Marquardt Aimee Smith

13th Michael Beckman

14th Deborah Scott


Nick Cornelisse Carly Troyer

18th Sue Haupt

Amy Mullins Parker Theoni

Meg Sims 19th

Nicolee Ambrose

20th Graham Duncan

22nd Zilani Hess-Mutinda

David Stoll Michael Stueck

24th Ann Hesselbacher

Olivia Verbic

25th David Levy Ken Simmons

Meg Watkins

26th Gregory Alspaugh

27th James Murphy

29th Nicholas Banister

Melanie Cornelisse

30th Nancy Wright

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3 Worship 9 AM —Chapel Sunday School —9:45 AM Adult Seminar—10 AM Worship 11:15 AM—Sanctuary Worship, Music & Sacraments 12:30 PM Community Concerts@ Second 7:30 PM

4 AA 8 PM

5 Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study 10 AM

6 Council Night 7 PM Handbell Choir 7 PM

7 Helping Hands 9 AM Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM

8 Tapas, Talk & Theology 7 PM


10 Worship 9 AM —Chapel Sunday School —9:45 AM Adult Seminar—10 AM Worship 11:15 AM—Sanctuary Youth Second Sundays 6 PM

11 AA 8 pm

12 Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study 10 AM Trustees 7 PM

13 Staff Meeting 9:30 AM Handbell Choir 7 PM

14 Men’s Bible Study 7 AM Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM


16 Habitat for Humanity– McCabe

17 Final Day of Sunday

School Worship 9 AM —Chapel Sunday School —9:45 AM Adult Seminar—10 AM Worship 11:15 AM—Sanctuary Community Concerts@ Second 3:30 PM

18 AA 8 PM

19 Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study 10 AM Session 7 PM

20 Handbell Choir 7 PM

21 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM

22 Charm City Bronze Handbell Concert 7 PM


24 Worship 10 AM —Sanctuary

25 Memorial Day

Church office closed AA 8 PM

26 Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study 10 AM Deacons 7 PM

27 Staff Meeting 9:30 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry 7 PM


29 30

31 Sizzlin’ Summer Worship

Series Begins Worship 10 AM —Sanctuary

June 1 AA 8 PM

2 Tuesdays at Ten Bible Study 10 AM

3 Council Night 7 PM

4 Helping Hands 9 AM



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Blair at [email protected].

Tapas, Talk & Theology Invitation to Psalms

Friday, May 8, 7 PM

Tapas, Talk and Theology is currently discussing the

Disciple Bible Study, “Invitation to Psalms.” The

format includes fellowship and a light supper

followed by study and discussion. This course offers

a deeper connection to the world of the Psalms so

that these well-known scriptures can help you give

voice to all aspects of our human experience---joy,

faith, uncertainty and sorrow. Carol Clark will host the

May 8th gathering. Anyone interested in this study

course is encouraged to attend. Contact Becky Ferrell

at [email protected] to confirm meeting date and

location, which are subject to change for weather or

other reasons.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wednesday, May 27, 7 PM

The Prayer Shawl Ministry of knitters and

crocheters will next meet on Wednesday, May 27 at

Nancy Flower’s home, at 11 Dellwood Street, Hunt

Valley, MD 21030 . Contact Nancy if you plan to

attend at 410-252-8491 or [email protected].

We’re working on shawls and baby blankets, and

will begin knitting chemo caps. Recipients continue

to be touched by the love and prayers that come with

these soft wraps – perhaps we knitters benefit the

most. We’d love to have you join us! Experienced

and beginners – all are welcome. Questions: Elaine

Logan, 410-243-0954 or [email protected].


Next Meeting: TBA

The Candlelighters group will finish its study of

Barbara Brown Taylor’s book Learning to Walk in the

Dark. The group usually meets on the 4th Monday of

the month, but will not be meeting a Memorial Day.

A new date will be announced soon. All women are

welcome! Contact Kate Foster Connors with

questions or for more information. Contact: Kate at

[email protected].

Please Welcome these New

Members to our Second Church


RT (Richard Thomas) Arnold and his wife, Dr.

Maggie Arnold met while both were students at

Duke University. They moved to Baltimore from New

York City where they were members of Brick

Presbyterian Church. They have 2 young sons, Rhett

and Finn, and appreciate our children’s program.

Maggie is a vascular surgeon at Bayview and RT

works for Eyewitness Surveillance.

Sue Haupt is a native of the Baltimore area. She and

her husband David, Gene and Marge Haupt’s son,

have just returned to this area after living several

years in Severna Park and Jacksonville, Florida. She

has joined churches and participated in choirs in

each city and is looking forward to joining our

Chancel Choir. Now that David has retired, they will

be living in Towson. They have 2 grown sons who are

married and currently living in Florida.

Steven Randall and Kristin Staffo met while both

were students at Washington and Lee University. Rev.

Blair will marry them at the W&L chapel in Lexington

VA, this June. Steve, a native of the Baltimore area,

works for Calvert St. Capital Partners in Lutherville.

Kristin, who grew up in Virginia, is applying for

graduate school in elementary education. They live in


Grace Skillman is a native of New Jersey, went to

The College of NJ, and taught elementary school in

Trenton for several years. She has lived in

Pennsylvania and So. Carolina and now has moved to

the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood nearby to be

closer to her daughter and grandchildren. She has

already indicated an interest in our Prayer Shawl


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CHURCHES OF CHARLES Vacation Bible School

July 27—31, 2015; 9 AM—12 NOON* *Before care available at 8 AM, and extended care

until 6 PM.

In this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God! Kids will learn new ways to show God’s love by Moving, Acting, Caring, Following and Sharing!

Register today


Shelby Herndon would like to extend an invitation to her Second friends to attend her art exhibition opening. Her Senior Art Show will be held at Carver Center for the Arts and Technology, 938 York Road, Towson, Maryland on May 12, 2015. Stop by anytime from 6:00-7:30 PM to say hello, and check out Shelby's hard work over the past four years. A few other students’ art will be on display also. She would love to see you, and light refreshments will be served! If you are unable to attend the show on the 12th, her work will remain on display through the 15th.

Net Robe

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Chamber Music by Candlelight Sunday, May 3, 7:30pm

Amy Lin Sunday, May 17, 3:30 PM
