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3. ARTICLES 9-11





8. SHORT FORMS 21-22

9. ANTONYMS 23-25

10. SYNONYMS 25-27

11. CROSSWORD 28-30


13. HOMOPHONES 32-35




17. BALLAD 43






23. WORD MAZE 58-59

24. WRITING 60-66


26. PHONETICS 69-77




30. TENSES 90-92




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1. What are modals? All The Auxiliary verbs except “Be”, “Do” & “Have” are called

“Modals”. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exists in their helping

forms; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence. The verbs can,

could, may, might, will, would, should, must, and ought to, are called ‘Modal

Auxiliary Verbs’. They are used before the Infinitives of other verbs and add

certain kinds of meaning to the utterances. Need and Dare can sometime used

as modal auxiliary verbs and the expression “had better” is used like a modal

auxiliary. Modal verbs can be used to say with all these situations.

Possible – may, can

Certainly possible – must,

Possible by force/compulsion/obligation – should, ought to

Willingly possible – shall, will, would

Impossible – can’t,

Probable – might, could

Improbable – couldn’t, mightn’t

Modal Uses Examples


Ability/ possibility Inability/ Impossibility Asking for permission request

They can control their own budgets. We can’t fix it? Can I write here? Can you help me?


Asking for permission Request Suggestion Future possibility Ability in the past

Could I borrow your dictionary? Could you say it again? We could try to fix it ourselves. I think we could have another “Gulf

War”. He gave up his old job, so he could work

for us.

May Asking for permission future possibility

May I have another cup of coffee? India may become a major economic


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Might Present possibility Future possibility

We’d better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.

They might give us 10% discount.

Must Necessity Obligation Prohibition

We must say good bye now. They must not disrupt the work.

Shall Offer Suggestion Asking what to do

Shall I help you with your luggage? Shall I do that or will you?

Should Saying what’s right Recommending action Uncertain prediction

We should sort out this problem at once. I think we should check everything

again. Profits should increase next year.

Will Instant decisions Offer, promise Certain prediction

I can’t see any taxis, so I will walk. I will do that for if you like. I will get back to you on Monday.


Asking for permission request Making arrangements Invitation preferences

Would you pass the salt please? Would you mind waiting a moment? Would you prefer tea or coffee? I’d like tea please.

Rewrite the Sentence using modals and identify language functions;-

1. Please return my library books.



2. The files are heavy. I’ll carry them for you.



3. Let me switch on the fan, ok?

Do you ……………….

Function ……………….

4. “Bring the books to my office”



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Modal verbs 1. Will you please return my library books?


2. Would I carry the files for you?

Seeking permission

3. Do you mind if I switch on the fan?


4. Would you bring the books to my office?




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2. If clauses Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or if clauses.

If clause is used when:

a. It is possible to fulfill conditions.

Form: If + simple present, will – future

If I find her address, I will send her an invitation

b. It is theoretically possible to fulfill conditions.

Form: If + simple past, would + infinitive

If I found her address I would send her an invitation

c. It is impossible to fulfill conditions.

Form: If + past perfect, would + have past perfect

If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

Type- 1: If + the simple present tense + will / can or may / might.

Probable Actions in the future

1. If you leave before ten you’ll catch the train.

2. If you don’t hurry, you might miss it.

3. The bowl will break, if you drop it.

4. I can get some more milk if there is enough.

Type- 2: If + the simple past tense + would, could or might.

Less probable actions in the future.

1. If we saved Rs.500 We’d have enough for a holiday trip.

2. We might save enough if we worked overtime.

Unreal actions in the present.

3. If we were rich I’d travel around the world.


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4. We could buy a new car If you didn’t spend so much on clothes.

Type – 3: If + the past perfect tense + would have, could have or might


Impossible actions in the past

1. If it had rained yesterday there wouldn’t have been many people here.

2. If I hadn’t been ill I could have gone yesterday.

Other types of If clauses. 1) If + present tense + the imperative.

a.. If it’s raining take a coat.

b. Don’t wear those shoes if you want to go for walking.

2) If + simple present tense + simple present tense. a. If you mix blue and yellow you get green.

b. If the temperature falls below zero, water freezes.

3) If + present continuous / Present perfect tense + modal verb. a. If you’re planning a holiday, I’ll tell you about ours.

b. If you haven’t been to Mysore you ought to go there.

4) If+ modal verb + modal verb. a. If you can’t find your dress it might be in the cupboard.

b. Well, Suman can’t use this shirt if he won’t wash up.

5) If + will / would + modal verb. a. If you’ll give me your address, I can send you the information.

b. If you would kindly wait a moment please, Mr. Kumar won’t be long.

6) If + should + modal verb + imperative. a. I think it’s going to be nice but if it should rain we can have the meals



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Exercise; Complete the sentence with appropriate clauses :-

1. If I ……………. (Have + bring) my camera we ……………. (Will + have

take) some photographs.

2. If you ………….. (Have + go) to the station at 10.a.m you wouldn’t

……………….. (Have + miss) the train.

3. If you ………….. (Have + score) more marks, you ………. (Will + have + get) seat in the college you wanted.

Key answers 1. Have brought, will have taken

2. Have gone, have missed

3. have scored, will have got



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3. Articles (A, An, The) Articles are the demonstrative adjectives. We use articles before countable and

uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns are things we count.

Ex; One banana, two bananas

Uncountable things / nouns are things we cannot count

Ex: Sand, Rice

We can use a / an with singular countable nouns.

E.g.: a student, an umbrella, an orange.

Article ‘a’ is used before the word which starts with a consonant sound and a is

called indefinite article because it leaves indefinite the person or thing spoken of;

E.g.: a bat, a cow, a dog, a rose, a doctor, a european, a one rupee note.

Article ‘an’ is used before the word which starts with a vowel sound and an is

called indefinite article because it leaves indefinite the person or thing spoken of;

E.g.: an apple, an egg, an ice cream, an underpass, an hour (‘h’ is silent), an essay, an

MLA (sound of the letter ‘M’ / em/ ).

Article ‘The’ is called definite article.

‘The’ is used when we are mentioning of one particular thing

E.g.: I sat on the chair nearest to the door

We use ‘the’ when there is only one of some thing.(Universal objects)

The earth goes round the sun.

The moon goes round the earth.

‘The’ is used before the names of peaks, oceans, seas, deserts...

E.g., the Mount Everest, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Thar desert

‘The’ is used before musical instruments

The flute, the violin, the guitar, the saxophone

‘The’ is used before superlative degree.


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E.g. : The Nile is the longest river in the world

Raju is the tallest boy in the class

‘The’ is used before ordinal numbers

E.g.: the first, the second….

‘The’ is used before directions

The south, the north, the east etc.

Omission of articles

1. The article is omitted before the names of the persons or places.


Fill in the blanks with suitable articles;-

1. There are seven days in ……….week.

2. It wasn’t your fault it was …………accident

3. t.

4. I eat ……..banana every day.

5. There is ……….hair in my soup.

6. I am looking for ……….job.

7. It was ………….good suggestion.

8. I am ………optimist.

9. I had ………….. Sandwich and ………apple for breakfast.

10. I am going to see ……………

11. Do you want ……….egg.

12. What is ………… of that man we met yesterday?

13. ……….sun is a star.

14. Which is …………highest peak in the world?

15. Can you tell me where ……….room No 25 is please? It is on

……………second floor.

16. Do you often listen to …………Radio?

No, infact I haven’t …………Radio?

Key answers


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1.a 2. an 3.a 4.a 5.the 6.a

8.a, an 9.a(not particular) 10. An 11.the

12.the, the 13.the 14.the, the 15.the, the



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4. Question tags.

Form:- We form question tags with

a. The auxiliary verbs / be form / have / do form.

b. Modal verb.

Type – 1

After a positive statement we use negative tag to ask if a person agrees with

the statement.

1. Its lovely today, isn’t it? Positive statement + negative tag.

2. You’ll be on holiday next week, won’t you? - Positive statement + negative


3. Bab likes this weather, doesn’t he?

4. You saw Jennifer yesterday, didn’t you?

Type – 2

After a negative statement we use a positive tag to ask if a person agrees with

The statement.

1. We haven’t had a nice summer, have we?

2. The dog can’t get ant, can it?

3. I won’t be long you’ll be back soon, will you?

Type – 3

After a positive statement we can use a positive tag when we have just found out

or just remembered some information.

After ‘had better’ we use a tag with had.

After ‘would’ rather we use a tag with would.

After suggestions with let’s and after ‘offers’ we use a tag with shall.

After an imperative we use a tag with will, would, can, could.

1. Let’s have some fresh air. Shall we?

2. Open the door. Will you?

3. Shut the window. Can you?



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5. Collocations

Collocations are the words which frequently appear together

in a natural way. It means a natural combination of words, it refers to the way

English words are associated with each other. They will also help one to speak

English in a more natural and accurate way.

Ex. Home work, make mistake, commit suicide.

Six types of collocation.

1. Adjectives and nouns:

Ex: 1. we had a brief chat with the head master.

2. Unemployment is a major problem in the country.

2. Nouns and verbs:

Ex: We have launched a new product this month.

3. Noun + noun:

Ex: Every parent feels a sense of pride when their child does well.

4. Verbs with prepositional expression.

Ex: I was filled with horror when I saw the burns on her face.

5. Verbs and Adverbs:

Ex. Renu placed the baby gently on the tiny chair.

6. Adverbs and Adjectives:

Ex: They are happily married.


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Collocations are the words which frequently appear together in a natural way.

Ex: verbs + noun

1. Make - trouble

Lot of noise

An excuse

2. Do - one’s duty


Lot of damage

3. Become - weak


4. Commit - Crime



5. Perform - Operation

6. Raise - Doubts

7. Draw - Money

8. Lay - Emphasis

9. Investigate - Case


10. Open - The door

The window

The book

2. Adjective + nouns Beautiful - Pictures






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Handsome - Person

Difficult - Problem


Interesting - Story


Important - Person



Lucky - Person

Curly - Hair

Chubby - Cheeks

Dimple - Chin

Red - Rose

Simple - Task

3. Verbs + adverbs Sing - Beautifully


Run - Fast

Listen - Carefully

Write - Beautifully



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Match the words in Box “A” and Box “B” that collocate.

Box A

Make Brisk Rapid Speedy Prompt Swift Exchange

Irreparable Lay Combat Commit Cold Hatch Rising

Shake Sign Break Come Cross Step Beat


Blessing See Herculean Back Cry Tug of Rain

My cup of Mouth Nuclear Like father Fish Down to Spare

Come under Keep Pay Catch Take a Have a Do



Box B

Violence Square


Out of

water In disguise Forward Like son Task

Wolf A crime Friendship War Payment Earth Attack

Attention Watering A favor Chance Fire a noise the bush

Tea The road The ice Action Damage Eye to eye




The deed Time Hands Ideas Across Quiet Weapon

Progress Recovery Emphasis Sea levels Haircut The egg war




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6. Figures of speech 1. Simile:

Comparison between two objects of different kinds. It is marked by words as,

like, so.


1. Mercy droppeth as gentle rain from heaven.

2. He fights like a loin.

3. She sings like a Nightingale.

4. He swims as fast as fish.

5. Poet wondered lonely as a cloud.

2. Metaphor.

Comparison between unlike things, without using word such as, ‘like’ or ‘as’


1. Laugh for the time brief a thread length of a span.

2. He is a lion in the battle field.

3. Tippu is the tiger of Mysore.

4. Camel is the ship of desert.

5. Youth are the salt of the nation.

6. Sarojini Naidu is the nightingale of India.

3. Personification.

Giving human like traits or characteristics to non living things. (Inanimate

objects are said to be animate objects)


1. God moves in a mysterious way.

2. I am the land I wait.

3. Death lays his icy-hands on the king.

4. Death embraced him.

5. A chain link necklace chokes me now.

4. Alliteration


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A repetition of the same or similar sounds at the beginning of the words.


1. Sound sleep by night, study and ease.

2. I had a dove and sweet dove died.

3. Giving, giving, and giving to the very end I die.

4. She sells the sea shells on the sea shore.

5. Synecdoche.

A term for a part of something that refer to the whole of something. (Whole to

part, part to whole)


1. Tell that the sculptor well those passions read.

2. Which yet survive, stamped on those lifeline things.

3. The hand that mocked them.

4. Sweet little red feet why should you die.

5. The village arise when the sun rise in the east.

6. Irony: Use of a word or a phrase conveys a meaning opposite to its usual



1. Water, water everywhere, and all the boards did shrink. Water, water

everywhere or any drop to drink.

2. Operation is successful but patient is dead.

3. Love is a sweet poison.

7. Hyperbole.

Over exaggeration of the statement.


1. Ring with azure word, he stands.

2. He has tongues of the word.

3. The bag weighed a ton.

4. Sachin is the god of cricket.



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7Editing Paragraph Errors INTRODUCTION;-

Editing a paragraph means, detecting the mistakes in a paragraph regarding language

items and correcting them. The errors may be as follows.

1. Articles

2. Correct form of verb & words

3. Prepositions & conjunctions

4. Punctuations (.,? “”)

5. Numbers (singular & plural)

6. Subject and verb agreement

7. Capital letters

8. Spellings Instructions; - Paragraphs are given below. They

have errors. Edit the paragraphs using the clues

given below;- Paragraph – 1

There was an great deal in conversation about rain but his family. He was very

proud of his large family finally we got down to business.


a. Error in the article

b. Error in preposition

c. Error in conjunction

d. Error in verb form

Paragraph – 2

The next day as smitha with her father are leaving for the concert. Her brother

smile and said, enjoy yourself though ____words came out in painful gasps lucky



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a. Error in the conjunction

b. Error in the auxiliary verb

c. Error in the verb from

d. Fill the blank with correct article

Key answers;- Paragraph 1 ;- a) a b) of c) and d) get

Paragraph 2; - a) and b) were c) smiled d) the



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8. SHORT FORMS List of some short forms;-

1 C – see 21 Mr – mister 2 R – are 22 Mrs – misters 3 U – you 23 Ms – miss 4 Y – why 24 msg – message 5 V – we ,b-be 25 Pls/plz – please 6 K – ok 26 O M G - oh my god 7 N – and 27 Str8 – straight 8 2 – to 28 b’day – birth day 9 4 – for 29 gd – good

10 Da-the, dat – that 30 mrng – morning 11 4m – from 31 evng – evening 12 Fwd – forward 32 aftnun – after noon 13 Coz/b’coz – because 33 n8 - night 14 Cum – come 34 2morw / tmrw – tomorrow 15 tnks / thnx – thanks 35 Y’day – yesterday 16 frnd – friend 36 l8 – late 17 frnz – friends 37 yr – year 18 bro – brother 38 gonna – going to 19 Sis – sister 39 Wanna – want to 20 Ppl - people 40 Gb – good bye

Decode the following short forms and write in full sentences : 1. How r u?

2. Mr. n Mrs Bond r leaving 4 B’luru 2 morw

3. Hpy b’day 2 u.

4. U ppl stnd in a str8 line.

5. Y r u l8?

6. Wt r u dng?

7. Sum 1’s w8ing 4 u here.

8. My bro n sis r cmng 2morw

9. I don’t wanna c dis movie

10. Pls cl.


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11. Wt’ll v do nw?

12. Wn’ll u cm?

13. Y didn’t u atnd my cl?

14. Thnx 4 ur lvly gift

15. Dats k meet me in da evng.

16. Last n8 I couldn’t cl coz ..zzing.

17. U w8 4 10 min.

18. ? s dis?

19. Wt did u,ve 4 brkfst 2 day.

20. C U l8r k?


1. How are you?

2. Mr. and Mrs. Bond are leaving for Bangalore tomorrow.

3. Happy birthday to you.

4. You people stand in a straight line.

5. Why are you late?

6. What are you doing?

7. Someone is waiting for you here.

8. My brother and sister are coming tomorrow.

9. I don’t want to see this movie.

10. Please call

11. What will we do now?

12. When will you come?

13. Why did not you attend my call?

14. Thanks for your lovely gift

15. That ok. Meet me in the evening.

16. Last night I could not call because I was sleeping

17. You wait for ten minutes.

18. What is this?

19. What did you have for breakfast today. 20. See you later.Ok.


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9. Antonyms (opposite words / negative words)

A Hero

Expected X unexpected. Kill X saves. Strong X weak. Strength X weakness. Coward X brave. cowardice X bravery, Attack X defend. Buy X sell. Cut X join. Whisper X shouts. Light X dark. Question X answer. Appear X disappear. remember X forget, true X false, cruelty X kindness, Important X unimportant. Late X early. Silence X noise. Continue X discontinues. presence X absence now X then touched X untouched mortal X immortal, Near X far. heavy X light, true X false, notorious X famous, Grateful X ungrateful. Usual X unusual. Clever X fool.

Grandma Climbs A


Happy X unhappy, old X new/young, laugh X weep, better X worse, agree X disagree, all X none, hell X heaven, peace X war, wanted X un wanted, daunted X un daunted. start X end. right X left/ wrong

There’s A Girl

By The Tracks

Regular X ir regular. believe X disbelieve. silent X noisy. arrive X depart. connect X disconnect. forward X back ward. employed X un employed. future X present. help X hinder. numerable X innumerable. conscious X un conscious. deep X shallow. morning X evening. full X half/empty. today X tomorrow

Quality of Mercy

Gentle X harsh. give X take. god X devil. justice X In justice. mightiest X weakest

The Gentle Man of

Rio en Medio

beautiful X ugly. Understanding X misunderstanding. fresh X faded/stale. careful X careless. obedient X disobedient. finally X initially. refuse X accept. complete X in complete. generous X miser

I am the Land Own X disown. patient X impatient


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The Bird of Happiness

Ancient X modern. poor X rich. suffer X enjoy. long X short. covered X un covered. end X beginning. death X birth/life. sharp X blunt. plenty X scanty. destroy X create. hardship X happiness. comfort

Laugh And Be Merry

Wrong X right. length X width. friend X enemy. proud X humble

The Concert

Catch X drop. understand X misunderstand. lucky X un lucky. painful X painless. master X servant. fold X un fold. exit X entrance. carry X miscarry. kind X un kind. possible X impossible

Jazz Poem Two

Living X dead. close X open. done X un done. shaven X un shaven. trained X un trained. high X low. black X white

The Discovery

Furious X patient. quickly X slowly. enough X plenty. content X dis content. ignore X consider. discipline X in discipline. bitter X sweet. wild X mild. common X un common. used X un used. clear X un clear. known X un know. bless X curse

Balled of the Tempest

Fearful X fearless. clear X un clear. silence X nuisance

Colours of Silence

Before X after. certain X uncertain. same X different. normal X abnormal. able X unable. comfortable X un comfortable. interesting X un interesting. ready X unready. natural X un natural. knowledge X ignorance. hopeful X hopeless. optimistic X pessimistic. characteristic X uncharacteristic. popular X unpopular. ability X in ability. success X failure

The Blind Boy Bright X dull. make X mar

Science and Hope of Survival

Freedom X slavery. promotion X demotion. balance X imbalance. thin X thick. secretly X openly. difference X similarity. respect X disrespect. efficient X in efficient. civilization X barbarism. release X arrest. responsibility X irresponsibility. wisdom X stupidity. humanly X cruelly

Off to Outer Space

Last X first. pass X fail. inner X outer


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Tomorrow Morning

Narayanpura Incident

Include X exclude. small X big. different X same. outside X in side. dressed X undressed. dare X scare. hide X seek. believable X unbelievable

On the Top of the World

Experienced X in experienced. difficult X easy. encourage X in encourage. successful X un successful. willing X un willing

A Great Martyr Ever Cherished

Die X bear. patriot X traitor. memory X forget. pride X humbleness

Dr .B.R Ambedkar

Major X minor. permanent X temporary. Legal X illegal. obedience X disobedience. Public X private. direct X misdirect/in direct. Creative X destructive. powerful X powerless. Inferior X superior. noble X ignoble. Dream X reality.

10. Synonyms

(Words which give similar / nearer meaning)

Sternly - seriously, strictly, gravely

Apparition - ghost, devil, demon

Mortal - temporary, ordinary

Burglar - highwayman, thief, house – breaker

Notorious - infamous, evil – minded

Undaunted - courageous, daring, bold

Genius - talented, brilliant

Chore - task, work

Panic - dread, fright

Implore - request, appeal

Personnel - staff

Strained - forced constrained, tense

Majesty - royal power, greatness, nobility


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Attitude - view point, mood, opinion, leaning

Attribute - quality, character, trait

Negotiation - bargain, official discussion, transaction

Ragged - torn, tattered, patched, worn out

Deed - agreement

Abode - home, residence, dwelling, house

Own - possess, have, occupy

Puny - small, tiny, miniature

Rage - anger, furious, fret

Ordeal - sufferings, calamity, distress

Reckless - unmindful, foolish, thoughtless, wild

Jubilant - happy, mirthful, joyful merry glad,

Splendid - excellent, beautiful, magnificent, wonderful, unique

Bother - disturb, trouble, perplex, provoke

Solitude - alone, loneliness, seclusion, isolation

Trifle - little, petty, trivial, small, insignificant

Melancholy - sad, grief, pensive

Vision - forethought, sight, eyesight, view

Startle - surprise, wonder, astonish, amazed, shock, stun

Ominous - bad, gloomy, threatening, ill-fated

Abundant - bright, glittering, shining, twinkling, gleaming

Savior - god, lord

Peer - look, gaze, inspect

Loyal - obedient, faithful, trustworthy, sincere

Big - mammoth, large, huge

Barley - scarcely, hardly, inadequately, meagerly

Fringe - border, edge, verge, margin

Stout - brave, determined

Accomplish - achieve, fulfill

Mourn - regret, show. sorrow, grieve, languish,


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Hapless - unlucky, ill-luck, ill-fated

Annihilation - destruction, ruin

Fundamental- basic

Obvious - clear

Scared - frightened, feared

Crest fallen - dejected, disappointed

Immense - great, tremendous, enormous

Fascinated - attracted, lured, enchanted, charmed

Oppression - cruelty, in humanity, injustice, tyranny



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11. CROSS WORD Will the clues given bellow fill the following cross word puzzle with

appropriate words?

Across Down 1.1 – Synonyms for home (5) 1.1 – Being proud (8) 1.7 – A journey (6) 10.2 – Put together (3) 2.4 – Small family (3) 3.3 – Quantify (7) 3.8 – To elevate (5) 1.5 – A tree (3) 4.1 – First number (3) 5.8 – Go out (4) 5.1 – Look casually (6) 3.8 – Usual (7) 6.8 – Full of passenger (5) 1.10 – Keeping away (10) 8.1 – Create fear (8) 1.12 – After ten (6) 10.7 – Losing one’s memory (6) 10.12 – Definite article (3) 12.1 – Vital gas (6) 12.8 – Leaping fire (5)

1.1 1.5 1.7 1.10 1.12


3.3 3.8


5.1 5.8



10.2 10.7 10.2

12.1 12.8 DRAFT

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1 2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9




14 15


17 18

Across 1 - To make a sound louder (7)

7 -A short unit in music (3)

8 - A lot of musicians play together (9)

11 -A popular dance in 1950 (5) given in cross word

13 - To call off (6)

14 - We will begin the work……Thursday (preposition) (2)

15 - Top rock stars ….. a lot of money (verb) 4

16 - A collective word for trumpets, trombones, etc (5)

17 - A song sung by two people (4)

18 - If you want to record a song, you should make………..of good studio (3)

Down 1 - Preposition (2)

2 - It is not stereo (4)

3 - A long playing record (given in cross word) (2)

4 - Music & paintings are examples of this (3)

5 - The maestro keeps looking at it, as he conducts orchestra (6)

6 - Another name for word instrument (5)


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7 - The most famous pop group of all time (7) given in cross word

9 - Musical entertainment to audience (7)

10 -It might be a CD. Or else vinyl (6)

12 - A flutist plays but a vocalist (5)

16 - It has forms like is, am, was


1. Across down

1.1 – abode 1.1 - arrogant

1.7 - voyage 10.2 - fix

2.4 - elf 3.3 - measure

3.8 - raise 1.5 - elm

4.1 - one 5.8 - exit

5.1 - glance 3.8 - routine

6.8 - train 1.10 - alienation

8.1 - threaten 1.12 - eleven

10.7 - forget 10.12 - the

12.1 - oxygen

12.8 - flame

2. Across Down 1 - amplify 1 - at

7 - bar 2 - mono

8 - orchestra 3 - LP

11 - twist 4 - Art

13 - cancel 5 - Charts

14 - one 6 - organ

15 - earn 7 - Beatles

16 - brass 9 - concert

17 - duet 10 - record

18 - use 12 - sings

16 - be


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12. Flow chart Read the following paragraph and complete the given following.

Gandhiji was travelling from Durban to Martiburg in South Africa. He

had a first class ticket. He sat in the train after sometime a passenger

came and asked him to go to other compartment. Gandhiji showed his

first class ticket and refused to leave the compartment. After sometime

two policemen came and forcefully pushed him out of the train. His

baggage was thrown out. So Gandhiji felt very sad.

Flow Chart Gandhiji was going to


Passenger come and asked him to


Gandhiji refused to leave the compartment because


Two policeman came and


Gandhiji felt


Key answers 1. Martiburg

2. Go to the other compartment.

3. He had first class ticket.

4. Forcefully pushed him out.

5. very sad.



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13. Homophones

Words that sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings are

called homophones.

E.g : 1) buy – opposite of sell

By – preposition

2) peace – calmness

Piece – a bit/ part of anything

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words;-

1. We had ………many apples to carry (two / too)

2. Grandma told a ………..(storey / story)

3. I …………. A horse at the Marina Beach (rode / road)

4. The books are over ……..on the shelf (there/ their)

5. ………….received the letter (knight / night)

6. She …………..the news paper (red / read)

7. ‘A Hero’ is written ……..R.K Narayan (buy / by)

8. He thought ………….a plan (off / of)

9. Anselmo ……… the office (went / vent)

10. Mr Rao is the ………..of our college (principal / principle)

11. Wait for me for half an ………….(our / hour)

12. The snake crawled into a………….(hole / whole)

13. He solved the …………..(some / sum)

14. Rama is ………… of Dasharatha (son/sun)

15. Don’t………….the time (waist / waste)

16. The cat is under the ……….(cot / caught)

17. I don’t ………..Latin (now /know)

18. Jogfall is a beautiful ……..(site/sight)

19. Today …………is good (weather / whether)

20. He gave a ………..answer(write / right)

21. Gandhiji preached truth and ……………( piece / peace)


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22. The river changed its …………..( coarse / course)

23. Let us go to the …………(fare / fair)

24. He is a member of the municipal ……….(counsel / council)

25. Many students …………. in the streets (room / roam)

26. The poet ………….. as a cloud ( wondered / wandered)

27. The heavy rainfall ……….a large part of the state (affected / effected)

28. The monkey has a long …………(tail / tale)

29. They could not ………..the bundle (brake / break)

30. She ………..a sun (bore / boar)

31. Please open the …………..(gate / gait)

32. It is an incurable ………(disease/ decease)

33. The patient is in ………..for a week (coma / comma)

34. The police ……………. the whistle ( blew / blue)

35. She lost her ……….. in the class (dairy / diary)

36. The thief hid in the……… (cell / sell)

37. Don’t …………. With others affairs (medal / meddle)

38. Our office is on the third …………. Of the this building (storey / story)

39. The Sahara is the largest …………(desert / dessert)

40. The cricket ……….won the trophy ( team / teem)

41. One must be loyal to …………country ( once / one’s)

42. He was released on …………( bale / bail)

43. He bought ………….dress ( bridal / bridle)

44. The wages of the …………..have been raised (minors / miners)

45. Education plays an important ……….. ( role / roll)

46. He was the ……….. chief – minister of Karnataka ( former / former)

47. He gave me …….. for Rs 10000 (check / cheque)

48. He ………… me ( gaged / gazed)

49. We should not …………the best friends (loose / lose)

50. The patient needs fresh……… ( air / ear)

51. Please convey me ……….to my parents ( compliments / complement)


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Answers 1. Too

2. Story

3. Rode

4. There

5. Knight

6. Read

7. By

8. Of

9. Went

10. Principal

11. Hour

12. Hole

13. Sum

14. Son

15. Waste

16. Cot

17. Know

18. Sight

19. Weather

20. Right

21. Peace

22. Course

23. Fair

24. Counsil

25. Roam

26. Affected

27. Tail

28. Break

29. Bore


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30. Gate

31. Disease

32. Coma

33. Blew

34. Diary

35. Cell

36. Meddle

37. Storey

38. Desert

39. Team

40. One’s

41. Bail

42. Bridal

43. Miners

44. Role

45. Former

46. Cheque

47. Gazed

48. Lose

49. Air 50.air 51.compliments



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14. Unseen passage Read the passage and answer the questions.

The baby bomb was dropped on the densely populated industrial town of

Hiroshima in Japan on 6th August 1945. The city of Hiroshima was flattened.

At least 78.000 people possible many thousands more were killed or fatally

injured. As great a number were injured and all their dwelling were damaged

or destroyed. The city’s military garrison was wiped out. Only a handful of

doctors remained alive and most hospitals medical supplies ever destroyed.

Citizens of neighboring towns described the burned, living and dead as no

longer recognizably human with their flesh raw and blackened, their hair gone

and the features melted on their faces. It was the most shocking sight man had

ever witnessed.

1. The passage is about a ______________ (fill in the blanks)

2. Where did the incident take place?

3. What had happened to the militancy garrison?

4. The survivors couldn’t be given medical help. Why do you think so?

Key Answers.

1. Effect of war / bomb.

2. Hiroshima in Japan.

3. Wiped out.

4. A handful of doctors remained alive.

Passage 2.(For exercise)

A poor little girl was walking along the lonely deserted road. She was

wearing a worn out dress and her feet bare. She had been asked by her father to

sell boxes of matches and to bring home the money.

The girls pocket was full of unsold boxes of matches. She did not want

to go home because father would beat her for not bringing back any money.

Sadly she lit one match after another. Suddenly the figure of her

grandmother who had died a year before appeared in front of her smiling


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happily. As the last flaming match was beginning to die out, her grandmother

took her in her arms and carried her up to the heavens. The next morning the

passersby found the frozen girl lying in the ice with a pretty smile on her lips.

Her burnt matches lay scattered all around her.

1. What work did the father give her?

2. Where was the girl at the beginning of the story?

3. Why did the girl not want to go home?

4. What did the grandmother do to the child?



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15. Phrasal verbs

These are combinations of verbs and prepositions where in individual

meanings of the contributing verb and the particle totally different from the meaning

of the phrase are so formed. The same verb used when in combination with different

particle (prepositions) would have different meanings and would need to be used in

opt contexts.


No. Verb Preposition


meaning Usage in a sentence

1. Put In Contribute She put in her best effort.

2. Put Away Keep aside

They put away their

books after doing their

home work.

3. Put On Wear You could put on your

pink address.

4. Set - Right adverbial

meaning (correct)

We tried to set the those


5. Set Off Go away

We set off on a



Phrasal verbs are very often have an idiomatic meaning. Phrasal verbs are based on

monosyllabic roots of German origin belonging to the following types.

Motion - bring, carry etc.

Rest - sit, stand etc.

Affect - cut, kick, scrape etc.

Give - give, get, have etc.

Making - put, make, let etc.

1. I was so hungry, I could eat a mango.


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2. She is older than the hills.

3. I could sleep for a year. I was so tired.

I. Choose the correct phrase and fill in the blanks;- 1. She ___________ tuberculosis (recovered by/ recovered from).

2. He ____________the term of the contract finally (agreed to / agreed of).

3. What time does Preetham ____________from work? (get back / get down)

4. The tires had ____________ (worn on / worn out)?

5. He will ____________my house work (helps me up / help me with).

6. He could not __________Spanish (make in / make out).

7. He ____________bad habits (give in / give up).

8. The sweets were _____________at the end of the program (given away /

given out).

9. He was _____________with great care (brought on / brought up).

10. The car __________in the middle of the journey (broke up / broke down).

11. I left my mobile phone on the train, luckily, I __________from a passenger.

(Got it with / got it back.)

12. Aero plane ____________ on the right time (took on / took off).

13. When teacher entered the class, all the students __________ (stood on / stood


14. The Head master ______________peon (called for / called off).

15. He __________the tree (fell from / fell off).

16. The ship __________storm (ran into / ran unto).

17. She is _____________English (good in / good at).

18. They are _______________smokes (afraid of / afraid off).

19. He is ______movies (fond to / fond of).

20. Cricket team is ___________eleven players (consisted with / consisted of).


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Key answers 1. Recovered from. 11. Got it back

2. Agreed to. 12. Took off.

3. Get back. 13. Stood up.

4. Worn out 14. Called for.

5. Help me with. 15. Fell off.

6. Make out. 16. Ran into.

7. Give up. 17. Good at.

8. Given away. 18. Afraid of.

9. Brought up. 19. Fond of.

10. Broke down. 20. Consisted of.



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16. Language Functions. We use language to communicate while communicating we structure the

language to express our intention or purpose. The purpose for which the language is

used indicates the function.


Function Formal Informal



I’m convinced that………

I consider…………………

I’m of the opinion/view…..

I hold the view……………

Personally I consider

I think…………………….

If you ask me……………

I’d say………………..

The way I see it…………..

Asking for


I should be interested to


I wonder if you could tell


I wonder if someone could

tell me………………….

Do you know…………….

Do you happen to know….

Any idea………………….

Any clue………………….

Can you tell me ………….


I agree entirely with ………

That’s Precisely my own

view / opinion……………

I’m exactly of the same


I think I’d accept.

Yes I agree how true……..

Well, that’s the thing…….

Right, I’m with you there.

I couldn’t agree more…….

That’s what I was



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Similarly single function may have many structures or expressions as can be seen in

the seeking permission listed by Wilkins (1976).

1. Can/May I use your telephone?

2. Please let me use your telephone?

3. Is it all right to use your telephone?

4. If it’s all right with you, I’ll use your telephone?

5. Am I allowed to use your telephone?

6. Do you mind if I use your telephone?

7. Would you mind if I used your telephone?

8. You don’t mind if I use your telephone?

9. Do you mind me using your telephone?

10. I wonder if you have any objection to me using your telephone.

11. Would you permit me to use your telephone?

12. Would you be kind as to allow me to use your telephone?

13. Would it possible to use your telephone?

14. Do you think you could let me use your telephone?

15 Should be most grateful if you would permit me to use your telephone?



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17. The Ballad

The ballad is a lyrical folk song. It is mainly sung by ministers and folk


It is a simple short story in verse. The subject matter is common events and

actions. The theme may be love, war, adventure, harvesting and so on….. Sometimes

the themes are fierce or tragic. The ballad is measured in which it is written.

1 2 3 4

The ice / was here / the ice / was there.

1 2 3

The ice / was all / a round.

1 2 3 4

It cracked / and growled / and roared / and howled.

1 2 3

Like Nois / es in / a swound.

The first line contains four lambs and the second three, the line 1 and line 3 and

2 line 4 rhymes with each other.



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18. Auxiliaries

Auxiliary verbs “Be” “Do” “Have”

An auxiliary verb helps the main verb and is also called a “helping verb”.

Person Number Pronouns Be' form Do' form Have' form

Present Past Present Past Present Past

First Singular I Am Was Do Did Have Had

Plural We Are Were Do Did Have Had

Second Singular You Are Were Do Did Have Had

Plural You Are Were Do Did Have Had

Third Singular He, She,

It Is Was Does Did Has Had

Plural They Are Were Do Did Have Had

“Be” as an auxiliary verb:

a. Used in progressive sentences :

I am taking a bath

She is preparing dinner for us

They have been studying whole night

b. Used in passive sentence :

I was given a free meal

This song has been sung by all nations.

“Do” as an auxiliary verb:

a. Used in negative sentences

I do not know the truth

She doesn’t agree with me

They did not arrive here yet

b. Used in questions :

Do you want to have another one?

Did he finish his homework?

“Have” as an auxiliary verb


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a. Used In perfect sentences:

I have been following you for a mile

She had been queen of the town

Choose the correct auxiliary verbs;- 1. The train ………….just arrived (have / has)

2. They ………been learning English for two years (have / has)

3. My uncle …………..not eat fish now a days (does / did)

4. ………….anybody rings up for me? (do / did)

5. She ………….not play the Piano (do / does)

6. I …………….not working today ( is / am)

7. The boy ……………playing with his toys (is / are)

8. What ………….you doing at the moment (are / is)

9. The first innings ………..very interesting (was / were)

10. Neither the children nor their mothers ……………..admitted in hospital (was /


11. Everyone of the boys …………….sitting silent in the hall (was /.were)

12. Every leaf ……………fallen from this tree (has / have)

13. Either Amrutha or her friends ………taken it (have / has)

14. Each of the boys ……….done his homework (has / have)

15. Ram as well as sham ………..intelligent (is / are)

16. One of the boys ………..punished (was / were)

17. Bread and butter ………….his daily diet (was / were)

18. His father and uncle …………their own businesses (has / have)

Verbs :talking about the future. Will - life will be very different in a hundred years.

Shall - we shall get in this rain.


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Going to - Are you going to take a picnic?

Going to - I’m going to read this book.

Be + to - I’m American president is to visit India.

Be+ about to - I’m about to leave the home station.

Will + have + ed form: I have some work to do but I’ll have finished it by

about eight.

Uses of will and shall. Future - Meeting will be on 12th next month.

Deciding - I think I’ll buy it.

Requests - will you shut the window please?

Invitations - will you please visit the training centre?

Promises - I will write I promise.

Refusing - The car won’t start what’s wrong with it?

Certainty - I sent the parcel last week. So they’ll have it by


Strict orders - you’ll do as I tell you.



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19. Prepositions

At - 8’o’ clock I go to school at 9’o’ clock.

10.30 The hospital closes at 5.30 P.M.

Mid night

On- Monday Good bye! see you on Monday.

25th April I don’t come on Wednesday.

New years Day The drama is on 22 November.

In- April / June I am going to Hyderabad in October.

1985 / 1750 I was working here in 1998.

Summer / spring / Madikeri is lovely in rainy season.

Rainy season


I lived in Bangalore from 2010 to 2014

Until + end of a period

The MLA is going to Bangalore. He will be there until Monday

Since + a time in the past ( to now)

Since Monday, since 1975, since 2.30.

John has been in Chikamagalur since Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rao have been living since 1968 in Bangalore.

For-a period of time

Ravi studied in this school for three years.

I am going out of station for a few weeks.

In, on, at (places)

in bed at home on a bus

in hospital at office on the first floor


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in the sky at station on the way

in a car at friends house

To Under By

to Belur under the table by the window

to the airport under the tree by the door

Above and Below

A is above the line


B is below the line.

Exercises 1. The dog swam………….the river.

2. The book fell …………the shelf.

3. The car came ………….the corner.

4. They got ………………the train.

5. They went ………the house ……..the window.

6. I looked …………the window.

7. Do you know how to put a film ……….this camera?

8. In volleyball you have to hit the ball ……the net.

9. The photo is hanged ………….the wall.

10. I am not going out this afternoon, I am staying ………home.

11. Next month we hope to go ………Mysore.

12. I went …………Sagar’s house yesterday.

13. Don’t sit …………the floor.

14. What is there ……………your bag.

15. There are lots of fish …………this river.

16. My brother lives ………Bangalore.

17. There is a small park …………the top of the hill.




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To ``

going to mysore.


Coming from Bangaluru

In to

We jumped in to the water.


We walked up the hill.


Don’t fall down the stairs.


The Aeroplane flew over the mountain.


The bridge is built across the river.


We went through the city.



__ - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -


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The new road goes round the village.

The car came round the corner.


I was walking along the road.



The ball is under the table


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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20. Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases or clauses.

Words: tired but happy

Phrases: by the river or near the lake

Clauses: the lion roared and the mouse ran.

Coordinating Conjunctions: these can be remembered as “fan boys” – For, and,

nor, but, or, yet, so,

Subordinating Conjunctions:

A - After, although, as, as if, as soon as

B - Because, before, by the time

E - Even if, even though

I – if, in case

S – Since, so that

T – Than, that, though, till

U – Unless, until

W – When, whenever, where, wherever, while

Correlative Conjunctions: both----and, either---- or, neither-----nor, not only but

also, whether----or.

Combine using linkers given in brackets:-

1. It rained heavily. We reached home in time (Though)

2. There is shortage of water. Some people are wasting it unthinkingly. (although)

3. There was heavy traffic. We were delayed. (since)

4. The students played for an hour. They attended to their studies later on. (And,


5. We expected a difficult question paper. The questions asked in the examination

were easy. (but)

6. The flight was delayed. The weather was cloudy (as)

7. The student scored less marks. He did not study properly. (because)

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction:-


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1. Receptionists must be able to relay information………….pass messages


2. I did not go to the show ……………. I had already seen it.(because/so)

3. Keep the food covered…………the flies will contaminate it.(or/and)

4. …………he is thin, he is strong (though, as)

5. Susie………….phoned………..wrote after she left home. (either--or, neither---


6. She had an unpleasant experience……….she was in Thailand (while, because)

7. That must be the place ………..the bird of happiness lives (where, when)

8. I did not sell the trees……….I could not, they are not mine (because, since)

Key answers 1. Has - III P – Singular

2. Have - III P – Plural

3. Does - Present tense

4. Did - Past tense – Question

5. Does - III P- Singular

6. Am - I Person

7. Is - III P-singular

8. Are - II Person

9. Was - Singular

10. Were - Plural

11. Was - Everyone - Singular

12. Has - Every - Singular

13. Have - Friends - Plural

14. Has - Each - Singular

15. Is - III Person-Singular

16. Was - One of - Singular

17. Was - Singular

18. Have - Plural


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21. The Regular Comparison of Adjectives.(Degrees of


1. Cheap.

2. Expensive.

3. Tall.

4. Long.

5. Big.

6. Happy.

I. This radio is cheap.


Radio picture Radio picture

1200Rs. 3800Rs.

1. Radio ‘A’ is cheaper than Radio B

2. [Petrol] Expensive [Vegetables].

“Petrol is more expensive than the vegetables”.

3. Mohan Darshan.

Darshan is taller than Mohan.

Mohan is shorter than Darshan

4. [A-Bridge picture short] [B-Bridge picture long]

B is longer than A.


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Diagrams 1. Look at the two symbols, write a sentence using smaller than based on what

you see.

Symbol ‘A: __@ symbol B: _@_

2. Look at the two circles. Write a sentence using bigger than based on what you


3. look at the two ladders write a sentence using ‘Taller Than’ based on what you


Ladder-A Ladder-B

4. Look at the two arrows, write a sentence using ‘Shorter Than’ based on what

you see.

Arrow- A Arrow-B




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22. Format of Admission Form Name of the institution:

Name of the student:

Date of birth:

Father’s name……………………… Education……………

Mother’s name ……………………..... Education……………

Occupation: Father………………….. Income………………

Mother………………….. Income…………………

Number of dependents:

Nationality, Caste, Religion:………………………….

Whether SC / ST:……………………………

Permanent Address:……………………….

Details of school studied:………………….

Language studied:

Core subject:

Medium :

Please admit my son / daughter to your school for ………..STD


Sign of parent Sign of student

Name of the school Class Year


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1.Imagine you are booking a ticket to visit Bangalore. Give the details in the

following reservation form.


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2. Imagine you are booking a ticket to visit Mysore. Give the details in the

following Reservation Form


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Look for words in the maze, which matches with the given meaning, one is done for














1. The book of maps ( line – 2)

2. Opposite of ‘noble’ ( line – 10)


3. One who teaches ( line – 5)

4. Past form of ‘buy’ (line – 3)


5. It is the furniture ( done for you)


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1. Synonym for kindness

2. The place where are lot of fruit trees (line – 6)


3. Unpleasant (line - 2)

4. Torn, tattered ( line – 7)


5. Royal power.


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24. Writing Completion of Dialogue I. Rewrite the sentences by using the clue given and identify the language function:

Ex : please return my library books.

Begin with ‘will’: Will you please return my library books

Function: seeking permission.

The files are heavy I’ll carry them for you.

Begin with ‘would’ …………………..

Function: ………………………..

II. Complete the conversation with modal auxiliary:

Raju: can you come with me to the market?

Ravi: No I can’t

a. Can

b. Can’t

c. Won’t

d. Don’t

Raju: Why can’t you come?

Ravi: I …………go to driving class.

a. Can b. has c. must d. have

III. Complete the following Dialogue:

Imagine you are Raju write a dialogue convincing your father to take you to Dasara.

Ex: Raju : father, where shall we go for the coming vacation?

Father: I have no idea.

Raj : Shall we go to Dasara.

Father: What’s there to see in Dasara.

Raju: We can see elephant carnival, palaces, exhibition and many more.

Father: Yes, this seems better. We’ll go to Dasara.

Raju: Thank you, father.


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Imagine you are Harish. Write a dialogue asking permission from the Headmaster to

attend your sister’s marriage.

Profile writing Given below is a profile of Mr. Prasanna, assistant in an office.

Name: Mr. Prasanna

Age: Around 50 years

Education: Graduate

Height & weight: 5 feet, solid built.

Family: Small, one male and a female

Reason for popularity: Helpful, kind hearted

Hobbies: Gardening, stamp collection, reading books.

The above information is given in the form of paragraph:

Mr. Prasanna is 50 years old is an assistant in an office. He is a 5 feet tall and has

solid built physique. He is a graduate having a small family a son and daughter. He is

kind hearted, helpful and known for his generosity. His hobbies are gardening, stamp

collection and reading books.

Dialogue Writing Arun and Prveen are on a visit to Mysore Zoo. They want to get some information

from the staff. Some hints are given to help you to ask question and get answers.

Ticket counter, Drinking water, Anaconda, Crocodiles, Refreshments, African


Describe the experience at the zoo to your brother.

(Elder brother: Arun younger brother: Harish)

Harish: Brother, you visited the zoo yesterday. Will you give me some information

about zoo?


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Arun: Ok. With pleasure

Harish: where can we get the tickets?

Arun: There is a ticket counter at the left of the entrance.

Harish: What can we see at first?

Arun: You can see anaconda at the first near the drinking water counter.

Harish: Are there bigger crocodiles?

Arun: Yes, we find many types of crocodiles, both big and small

Harish: Where can we view the African elephants closely?

Arun: We can view them closely near by a refreshment counter.

Harish: Thank you, brother for giving me helpful information.

Writing notices 1. Write a notice to the students for the payment of examination fees.

All the 10th standard students are hereby informed to pay the exam fees with

in 30-03-2015 at the office counter without fail.

Date: 15/03/2015

Head Master Signature

2. Write a notice to the public not to enter the stadium after 8 pm to 5 am

The public are hereby noticed not to enter the stadium after 8:00 pm to 5:00

to stop the illegal activities. Those who disobey the notice are punishable under

the prohibition act 01/1998.

Date: 20-08-14

Deputy Commissioner Signature


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Advertisements 1. “Rain slashes Hassan”

Hassan: 25-09-2014

The heavy rain slashed yesterday in Hassan. The down pour started at 4 pm

to 7 pm. The roads were submerged in water. Many vehicles on the roadside

were drowned. It is a record since 21 years.

2. “Mega Rajasthan sale”

Hassan: 20-09-2014

“Buy one get one free”

Offer only for 2 days

Place: Slater’s hall. R C road, Hassan

“Rajasthani Kurtas, carpets, dress materials, blankets, bedsheet with pillows

and many more household articles are available.”

3. “14 thousand teacher will be recruited within November” Education


The Education Minister told the media that there will be 14 thousand teacher

recruitment. Within November on the inauguration of Vidya Bhavan,


E – Mail writing Ex: you want to convey message to your friend about your visit to Kanyakumari.

How would you sent it in a message format? Write an e – mail by using the following


The date you set sail

Places of visit

Talks you listened to


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People you met

Weather you had felt.


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Writing Dialogues In the present 10th std. Text book, the following functions of language are used

for writing dialogues.

1. Accepting Invitation.

2. Refusing Invitation.

3. Expressing Sympathy.

4. Seeking Opinion.

5. Expressing Gratitude.

6. Narrating.

7. Seeking Permission.

8. Seeking Information.

9. Persuading.

Sample Dialogues. Situation - 01- (Accepting invitation) Imagine that you are Pavan and your friend

Vikas invites you to watch a movie. Accept his invitation.

Pavan : Hi, Vikas, how are you?

Vikas : Hi . I’m quite Ok. How nice to see you here.

Pavan : By the by Vikas, I’m planning to watch a movie this evening. How about

you joining me?

Vikas : Oh! Why not. Actually you have snatched my idea.

Pavan : Is it ? how fantastic. Let’s enjoy the evening them.

Vikas : Ok Pavan let’s do enjoy .Bye.

(Snatched my idea =have the same idea)

Situation-0-(Seeking permission)

Imagine that you are Sneha ask your teacher’s permission to be on leave to look after

your sick mother at home.

Sneha : Good evening sir

Teacher : Good evening. What brings you’re here?


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Sneha : Sir ….My mother is sick at home ,so……

Teacher : So……? What do you expect from me?

Sneha : Sir, please permit me to have leave for two days.

Teacher : Two days ? Why?

Sneha : Sir actually there is no one at home to look after her, That’s why I need your

kind permission sir.

Teacher : Ok, go ahead.

Sneha : Thank you sir.

Exercise: Your friend met with an accident and hospitalized. You have to

sympathize him / her. Write short dialogue using the above situation.

(Phrases in text book page – 36)



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25. Dictionary work

Rearrange the following in the alphabetical order;- 1 Argue, accept, agree, account. 2 Beat, board, boast, boat. 3 Crest, create, creep, credit. 4 Dream, dreadful, dreadlock, dress. 5 Emigrate, emotion, empire, eminence. 6 Flavor, favourite, flexible, flesh 7 Gracious, graceful, graduation, gradual. 8 Humanity, humorous, humility, hunter. 9 Immortal, important, impress, imitation

10 Junction, judgment, justice, jumbled. 11 Knight, knowledge, knives, knighthood. 12 Liberation, liberalism, library, location. 13 Machine, mission, market, mechanic. 14 Noble, nominee, nomination, notice. 15 Opponent, operation, optimistic, oppressor. 16 Poet, point, police, pocket. 17 Quake, quick, quarrel, quality. 18 Report, reaction, realistic, remind. 19 Swallow, sweetly, sweep, swimmer. 20 Teacher, teakwood, teapot, technical. 21 Ultimatum, unanimous, undertake, unbelievable. 22 Vaccinate, vanish, vacation, vagabond. 23 Wallpaper, walkman, warden, wonder. 24 Xylophone, x-mas, Xerox, xenophobia. 25 Yesteryear, yesterday, yellowish, yearbook. 26 Zoom, zoology, zodiac, zone. 27 Emerge, attribute, educate, attention. 28 Absent, object, adjust, obedient. 29 Manager, messenger, major, master. 30 Dedicate, defeat, determine, dead.



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1 Accept, account, agree, argue. 2 Beat, board, boast, boat. 3 Crest, create, creep, credit. 4 Dreadful, dreadlock, dream, dress. 5 Emigrate, eminence, emotion, empire. 6 Favourite, flavor, flesh, flexible. 7 Graceful, gracious, gradual, graduation. 8 Humanity, humility, humorous, hunter 9 Imitation, immortal, important, impress.

10 Judgment, jumbled, junction, justice. 11 Knight, knighthood, knives, knowledge. 12 Liberalism, liberation, library, location 13 Machine, market, mechanic, mission. 14 Noble, nomination, nominee, notice. 15 Operation, opponent, oppressor, optimistic. 16 Pocket, poet, point, police. 17 Quake, quality, quarrel, quick. 18 Reaction, realistic, remind, report. 19 Swallow, sweep, sweetly, swimmer. 20 Teacher, teakwood, teapot, technical. 21 Ultimatum, unanimous, unbelievable, undertake. 22 Vacation, vaccinate, vagabond, vanish. 23 Walkman, wallpaper, warden, wonder. 24 Xenophobia, Xerox, x-mas, xylophone. 25 Yearbook, yellowish, yesterday, yesteryear. 26 Zodiac, zone, zoology, zoom. 27 Attention, attribute, educate, emerge. 28 Absent, adjust, obedient, object. 29 Major, manager, master, messenger. 30 Dead, dedicate, defeat, determine.


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26. Phonetics

A correspondence between the sound and the symbol used to represent it in

writing. Unfortunately, is not perfect for any language, and indeed in the case of a

language like English, it is far from satisfactory. Because of such a mismatch

between spelling and sound, a learner of a language like English cannot be sure of

how to pronounce a word that he encounters for the first time in the written from. Nor

can he be sure of how a new word heard by him would be spelt. The latter is as much

a problem of a child whose mother tongue is English as a anther learner of English.

Ways to overcome the problem:

To overcome the problem discussed above, a need had been felt to evolve an

alphabet in which words of any language could be written unambiguously. One such

alphabet, which is used very extensively by phoneticians all over the world. The

International Phonetic Alphabet (or IPA) devised by the international phonetic

association. It is claimed to have symbols to represent all the sounds that exist in the

languages of the world: it can therefore be used to transcribe words of any language,

i.e., to write them down more or less as one pronounces them.

There are several varieties of English – British English, American English,

Australian English, Canadian English, etc. in India, for academic purpose, we follow

R.P. (received pronunciation) the variety of English spoken by the educated class in

the southern part of England, around London.

The phoneme:

Every language has a large number of vowel and consonant forming the sound

system of that language. These sounds can be grouped into a limited number of

distinctive sound units and these sound units are called the phonemes of the language.

English in R P has 44 phonemes in its sound system (but only 26 letters of alphabet).

The vowels of R.P:

How many vowels are there in English? The very apt answer is five. We at this

stage, must be very clear that there are five vowel letters in English – a, e, I, o, and u;


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but there are twenty vowel sounds (or vowels phonemes, to be precise) made up of

twelve pure vowels or monophthongs and eight vowel glides or diphthongs.

These are listed below, along with examples that illustrate their occurrence in

the initial, medial and final positions. A blank space in the table indicates the non-

occurrence of a vowel.


Vowel Initial Medial Final

/ i: / east seen key

/ I / it hit duty

/ e / end lend

/ ae / and land

/ a: / arm harm car

/p/ on cot

/c/ All caught saw

// Put

/:/ Ooze chose shoe

// Up cup

/3:/ earn turn sir

/e/ Ago police tailor


/ei/ eight straight stray

/aI/ ice mice my

/ci/ Oil boil boy

/eu/ Oak joke slow

/re/ Out shout how

/re/ Ear beard clear

/ee/ Air shared care

/ue/ Cured poor


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Of the 12 monophthongs, 7 are shot:

/ I, e, ae, p, u, u, v, e /

And 5 long:

/ I; a; c; u; 3; /

Diphthongs are all long vowels.

Before we discuss vowel phonemes in detail, let’s repeat a few very important

pieces of information we have done so far.


(44 phonemes)

Consonants vowels

(24) (20)

Pure vowels/ Diphthongs/

Monophthongs vowel glides

(12) (8)

Short vowels Long vowels

(7) (5)


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Group 1:

Ask five / six members in your group to say the vowels and identify the vowels

that they are not able to discriminate while producing (speaking). Also analyze the

reasons for it.

Group 2:

Read the following paragraph and identify the words which have the following

diphthongs/ monophthongs.

/3:/ /e/ /I / / /

Earlier most of our students depended on the teacher in the classroom for a rice

variety of exposure to language. But nowadays they have technology by them.

Learners in the classroom, if they are equipped with those skills required to them to

use the computer, can find the CDs that accompany some dictionaries in the market

coming to their rescue. To all boys and girls in the classroom a dictionary with a CD

may be a near and dear companion. They can also become more appropriate in their

use of language.

Group 3:

Design three tongue-twisters for practicing the sounds

a. / p / / c: /

b. / ci / / Ie/

c. / ee / / ue /

Group 4:

Compare the vowels in Kannada with those in English and try to identify the

vowel sounds in English that may be problematic for the learners.

Consonants: Consonants are speech sounds during the articulation of which there is

either a complete or a partial closure of the air passage through the mouth./ p / is a

consonant because during its articulation the two lips are in firm contact with each

other and thus there is a total obstruction of the oral air passage.


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27. Reported speech Reporting verbs: “There’s a game this evening” Mohan says.

1. Statements: Raju tells, “The training begins at 8 O clock”.

‘Say and tell’ are reporting verbs which report.

Statements or thoughts’

The reporting verb (eg says) usually comes before

The reporting clause (there is a game this evening.)

2. Reporting in the present tense:-

Chethan is reading Suman’s letter and reporting what he reads to a


1. “I’m having a great time in America” Chethan says.

Suman says he is having a great time in America.

2. My girl friend likes it here, too (change into reported speech).


(He mentions that his girl friend likes it there too).

3. We’ll be home next Tuesday


(He says that they’ll be home later. )

1. When the reporting verb is in the present tense (says, mentions)

then the tense of the verbs in indirect reported speech

(I’m having, likes, I’ll be) does not change.

2. Sometimes pronouns, adjectives and adverbs change in reported


Eg. I-He, My-his, Here-there.


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Reporting in the past tense.

Manoj is reporting Babu’s words to Raju.

1. We need Raju.

Mohan said that they needed you.

2. I’m starting a coaching class.

He told me he was starting a coaching class.

3. I haven’t found anyone who can teach

He said that he hadn’t found anyone who could teach.

4. I’ll be at the training center.

He told me that he would be at the training centre.

Reported speech I. Reporting orders and requests.

1. We report orders with tell + object + infinitive.

“Take the pills before meals”

The doctor told me to take the pills before meals.

2. “you mustn’t smoke”

He told me not to smoke.

3. I was told to take the pills before meals”.

You were asked not to take the pills.

4. Can I have some water please?

He/ she asked if he could have some water.

II. Reporting suggestions advise etc.

Suggestions: let’s go out.

Teacher suggested going out.

Advice: you’d better phone the police.

Mr. X advised me to phone the police.

Warnings: Don’t be late.

I warned you not to be late.

Threats: if you don’t go I’ll call the police.


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I threatened to call the police.

Promises: I’ll send you a post card.

He promised to send us a post card.

Invitations: ‘would you like to have lunch with us?

The guest invited us to lunch.


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Letter is a media for communication.

Types of letter a) Personal letter c. Complaint Letter

b) Official letter d. Application Letter

Parts of a Letter

1 From address

2 To address

3 Salutation (respected sir)

4 Subject of the letter

5 Body of the letter

6 Complementary close (yours faithfully)

7 Signature


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Address of the writer (FROM)





Step- 2

‘To’ Address




Step -3 (Respected sir / Madam)

Step - 4 Subject : Regarding ………………………………………………………….


Thanking you


yours faithfully


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Imagine that you are Shanthi / Shivanna, 10th std, G.H.S Hulikal.

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the roads and drainage system

in your locality.


Shanthi, 10th standard Govt high school, hulikal Date


The Editor, Deccan Herald, Bangalore.

Respected sir ,

Sub : “Regarding bad condition of Roads”

There are four main roads and ten bye lanes in our village. The roads have not

been swept for nearly one month. Flies and mosquitoes have been haunting us. I

request you to draw the attention of concerned authorities to get the roads swept

without fail.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,



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Address of the writer (From)




To address,




Step-3 (Respected Sir/Madam) Step-4 Subject : ……………………………………………………………………

I have passed the S.S.L.C examination in April -___________

Thanking you,

Place : Yours obediently

Date : xyz


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Imagine that you are Ramya / Ranjith Studied in Government high school

Hulikal. Write a letter to Your Head Master requesting to issue Transfer




D/o Mohan



The Head Master,

Govt High School,


Respected sir,

Sub : Requesting to issue T.C

I have passed the S.S.L.C Examination in April this year, in first class, with

register no-F1578736.

I wish to continue my studies at Vivekananda college, Bangalore, I request you

to kindly issue me the transfer certificate. I have returned all the books I had

borrowed from the school library.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully


Place : Hulikal

Date :


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My dear. _________

I am fine, I expect the same from you, I am studying very well

Yours lovingly XYZ






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Imagine that you are Jyothi / Prasad studying in 10th Std, Government

High School Tiptur.

Write a letter to your Father requesting him to send Rs. 500 / buy

stationery things.



Govt high school

Tiptur ,

Date :

My dear father,

I am fine, I expect the same from you. I am studying well. The teacher has

informed us buy 10-two hundred page notebooks and 8-hundred page notebooks. I

need Rs. 500/ will you send the amount to enable me to buy notebooks.

Yours lovingly




Kallappashetty garden,



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29.The Active and the Passive voice I.The passive - simple Tenses.

The simple present tense.

1. Active : The cleaners / empty / the bins / every day.

Passive: The bins are emptied by the cleaners/ everyday.

2. Active voice : Does the manager lock the door?

Passive : Is the door locked by the manager?

3. Active voice : People heard the bomb five miles away.

Passive voice : The bomb was heard by the people five miles away.

4. Did the bomb injure many people?

Were many people Injured?

Active : How much has the government spent on them?

How much the government has been spent on them?

III. The Passive will and other modal verbs.


After modal verbs we use be + past participle to form the passive.

Break fast will be brought to your room

Meals cannot be served after 11.00 p.m.

Your key should be given in before

IV. It + Passive verb + clause.

1. Active: people say that the company is in difficulties.

Passive: It is said that company is in difficulties.

2. Active: They decided to appoint a new manager.


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Passive: It was decided to appoint a new manager.

Use:- we can use [It] and the passive voice.

1. Before a clause with that, we can use these verbs.

Say, think, feel, believe, know, expect, suppose, and report.

2. Before an Infinitive we can use these verbs, agree, decide, arrange.



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29. S.S.L.C. Examination Model Question paper Second language English

Marks:80 Time: 3 Hours

General Instructions:-

Attempt all questions

15 minutes is allotted a cool off time.

Your are not allowed to write during the cool off time.

Read the instructions and questions carefully.

Section ‘A’

(prose, poetry, supplementary reading and vocabulary)

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete

statements. Write the correct or the most appropriate answer in the space provided.

1. The gentleman, Don Anselmo, was very fond of __________________

a. Children. c. Money.

b. The land. d. dress.

2. Wangjia was sent by the folic for some purpose. It was_______________

a. To meet the monsters. c. to meet the bird of happiness.

b. To get on a long journey d. to learn more about the word.

3. ‘Discipline is a thing of the past, sir, it’s you or us’ who said


a. Franciso. c. Juan patino.

b. Guillermo ires. D. Pedro qutirrez.

II. Answer the following questions in 2 or 3 sentences each. 2x4=8

4. In the darkness Swamy felt something was moving down. What did he do


5. Satish saw a bird through the window. How did the bird appear to him?

6. Smitha, on seeing the newspaper, almost shouted with excitement why she

did react so?

7. What reward does a scientist get the study of science? How is it different

from those of lawyers and business people in this respect?


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Read the following extracts and answer the question give (qn.8,9 and 10).

8. There was nothing we could do, legally we owned the tress, but the old man

had been so generous refusing what amounted to a fortune for him. It took

most of the following winter to buy the trees.

a. Who were the legal owners of the trees after the deed was signed?


b. Who refused to take more money? Why?


9. Looking at him defiantly in the face wangjia replied, “you can shout for all

your are worth! But I m fond of my own grandpa, and I’ll never kill another


a. Who was wangjia talking to? 1

b. What had the child done? 2

10. “what ! does that child stand between me and death?” said Columbus

a. When did Columbus say this?

b. What had the child done?

11. After Roma made a full recovery, Baleshwar met her. Briefly describle how

Roma thanked him, and what Baleshwar said in reply. 4

(In about 8-10 sentences)


“Satish Gujral became a great artist” support this statement mentioning a

few of his Achievements.

(In about 8-10 sentences)


12. How, according to the poet, can we better the world? The poet says we can

do with ___________(chose the most appropriate one and fill in the blank).


a. Song c. dance.


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b. Joy d. wine.

13. What power of the king dose his scepter stand for? 1

(answer in a word / a phrase / a sentence).

14. ‘I wait….’ Is repeated in the poem “I am the land”. What feeling or the

quality of the speaker is expressed through this repetition? 1

Answer the following in 2-3 sentences each.

15. What is uncommon about the desire or the quality of the grand mother?

How does the poet term this uncommon quality or desire? 2

16. Give at least two descriptions of the jazz player to show that he is sad while

not playing the instrument. 2

17. The sailors in the ‘Ballad of the Tempest’ shuddered in silence. When did

they do so?

18. Read the following extract, and answer the questions

“There won’t be any calendar _______day light will be on the switch and

winter under lock”

a. Why are calendars useless in the outer space? 1

b. ‘Winter under lock’ what does this mean? 2

19. Quote from memory the eight lines of the poem beginning with

O say………………………………….



………………………………………..Day or night?


How does the speaker in the court try to convince sky lock that mercy is twice

blessed and is a divine quality? Write briefly in about 8 sentences. 4

Supplementary reading

Answer the following in about 4-6 sentences each.


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20. Why were the students marching in the street? Why was it termed



When did Dicky Dolma climb Mt. Everest? How does she describe this


21. Hanifuddin had to battle with hardships right from his early age. Give a few

Examples to illustrate this


“Dr. Ambedkar was a voracious reader”. Give some examples to support

this Statement. 2

22. Combine the word in column A with its collective word in B 1


Curly (hair, journey, man, fight)

23. Write the opposites of these word 1/2x2=1

a. True b. End

24. The spelling of a word is jumbled write the word


25. Which one of these words has only one syllable? Tick it

Ago, school, survey, topper 1



Read the passage and answer the question (26-29)

Charlie Chaplin (Charles Spencer chaplin) was bron on 16th April at

kennington in London. At an early age, Charlie performed on stage with his father

and brother, Sydney. By the age of eighth, Charlie chaplin was already a seasoned

stage performer. His skill as a comedian developed under the guidance of fred karno.

26. Who is the paragraph about? 1


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27. Which sentence in the paragraph suggests that he was born in a family of

actors. Write that sentence. 1

28. Charlie chaplin was a great comedian (true / false) tick the right one 1

29. Who was his tutor in the art of acting? 1

30. A dialogue is given below. Read it and answer the questions that follow

(questions 30,31)

Father: father, I suggest we sell the


Grandfather: (keeps silent for a moment)

No, we should not

Father: But, why?

Grandfather: it is inherited it’s my prized possession

The silence of the grandfather.

Suggests his_______________ willingness / unwillingness to sell the land


(tick the right underlined word).

31. Which word in the conversation above means ‘property’? 1

32. Look at the two lines. Write a sentence using ‘longer than’ based on what

you see

Line A x____________x line B x__________x 1

3cms 5cms

33. The aero plane took off/took on at the right time 1

(Tick the right phrase and write is separately).

WRITING 34. A paragraph is given below. It has four errors. Edit the paragraph, clues are


The old man came in. he bow to all of us. Then he removed his hat and

glove. He handed over his things or the boy. The boy stood behind the old

man’s chair.


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a. Verbal mistake to be corrected.

b. Noun plural to be corrected.

c. Preposition to be corrected.

d. Apostrophe to used.


35. Imagine you are Sangeetha/Uday living in Gadag at 24, 3rd cross, bender

extension. Write a letter to your cousin Janaki inviting her to attend your

baby brother’s birthday. 4


Write a letter to you father, telling him about your performance in formative

assessments and summative assessment of 9th standard. And telling him about

your preparation for 10th standard. And telling him about your preparation for

10th standard exams.

Grammar (Language use)

36. Read the conversation 1

a. Have you completed the work?

b. No, not yet, we are attending to that work now

The passive from of the underlined sentence is…………………..

……………………………… (Choose the right one).

a. That work was attended to now.

b. That work is being attended to now.

c. That work is attended to now.

d. That work will be attended to now.

37. Read the conversation.

Hamiz : when will he come here, Santosh?

Santosh: don’t know. He_______________come any time. The most

appropriate modal verb in the blank is.

a. Must b. will c? Can d) might 1

38. Let’s start now,___________? 1


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The question tag to be used above is

a. Can we? b) Shall we? c) De we? d) Must we?

39. We spoke in better cheer 1

The correct ‘wh’ question for the above statement is

a. How did we speak?

b. How do we speak?

c. How have we spoken?

d. How are we speaking?

40. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions and articles 1/2x4=1

I was walking alone. I saw __________ small crowd had gathered in

front________ the park gate. I stood ____________ a while to watch

_____________ scene.

41. Read the conversation. Based on it, complete the reported form given


Chand: hello, prashant,

Prashant: how are you?

Chand: I’m fine. Thank you. Are you working in this company?

Prashant: Yes, I am. I joined this firm last year

Chand and Prashant greeted each other. Chand asked Prashant_________

Prashant replied he was and he________________ 2

42. Fill in the blanks choosing the right from of the verbs given in brackets you

can ____ (see) him now. See, how he _________ (be, stand). His face his

______________(wrinkle) 1/2x4=1

43. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate linking words given in brackets the

summons came from the soviet president_____________ I has to there. At

was show a letter from the American president, ___________, to my

surprise, __________ a few days.

I was called to Geneva. The meeting was held so _________ we could hold

talks (and, that, after, so) 1/2x4=1


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Reference skill

44. Arrange the following words in the order in which they are put in a

dictionary Crest, create, creep, credit 2

45. A thesaurus gives ___________of words 1

46. A message reads like this ‘YRV here’

What does it mean? Write it in the normal way 1