Download docx - 2015


2015Dear Sir;


The undersigned would like to inform your good office that;

1. That the opened an account with your good office by means of a board resolution No. 4 series of 2015. Attached hereto is the copy of the said resolution marked as Annex A.

2. That a certain person in the name of who is a member of) as a treasurer of the aforementioned association was suspended by the Board of Directors of the said association by means of a board resolution dated 13 April 2015. Attached hereto is the copy of the said resolution marked as Annex B.

3. That said caused to withhold the withdrawal of funds of the which causes inconveniences and difficulties on the part of the association and its members.

4. That the said act or acts of the above-mentioned treasurer are not authorized by the association and hence, his act or acts should not be given effect.

5. Therefore, the undersigned, in behalf of the association, most respectfully prays in your good office that the withholding of the withdrawal of funds of the above-mentioned association be denied and allow the association to withdraw its funds.

Thank you

Very respectfully yours;
