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Mycological Progress ISSN 1617-416XVolume 11Number 4 Mycol Progress (2012) 11:869-878DOI 10.1007/s11557-011-0801-y

Two new species of Pluteus (Pluteaceae,Agaricales) from India and additionalobservations on Pluteus chrysaegis

C. K. Pradeep, A. Justo, K. B. Vrinda &Varghese P. Shibu

Page 2: · 2018-09-05 · thin-walled, hyaline. Pleurocystidia less frequent, similar to cheilocystidia except for slightly larger size, 42–73×11.5– 16 μm, thin-walled,

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Page 3: · 2018-09-05 · thin-walled, hyaline. Pleurocystidia less frequent, similar to cheilocystidia except for slightly larger size, 42–73×11.5– 16 μm, thin-walled,


Two new species of Pluteus (Pluteaceae, Agaricales)from India and additional observations on Pluteus chrysaegis

C. K. Pradeep & A. Justo & K. B. Vrinda &

Varghese P. Shibu

Received: 14 October 2011 /Revised: 22 November 2011 /Accepted: 25 November 2011 /Published online: 29 December 2011# German Mycological Society and Springer 2011

Abstract Two new species of Pluteus collected in KeralaState (India) are described based on morphological andmolecular (nrITS) characters. Pluteus brunneosquamulosusof sect. Celluloderma is characterized by the squamulose,‘Lepiota-like’, pileus, subglobose to broadly ellipsoidspores, cheilocystidia with a long flexuous neck andlageniform or narrowly utriform caulocystidia. Pluteusvelutinus belongs in sect. Hispidoderma and is uniquein its shallowly depressed, hygrophanous, orange-brown,\velvety, squamulose pileus, the pleurocystidia very commonlyprovided with an apical digitate projection up to 10 μm long ortapering towards apex and the pileipellis as a trichoderm ortrichohymeniderm. P. chrysaegis from India and P. conizatusvar. africanus from Africa are considered synonymous basedon morphological and molecular evidence.

Keywords Taxonomy . Kerala .Hispidoderma .

Celluloderma . ITS phylogeny


During our continuing study on the agaric family Plutea-ceae (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) of Kerala State, India,several noteworthy collections belonging to the genus Plu-teus Fr. were made. It seems that the genus Pluteus isparticularly diverse in the region as earlier publications

(Pradeep et al. 2002; Pradeep and Vrinda 2005a, b; 2006;2008) documented 15 species from the State.

Morphological and molecular studies revealed twopreviously undescribed species: P. brunneosquamulosus,belonging to section Celluloderma Fayod and P. velutinus ofsection Hispidoderma Fayod which also occurs in northernJapan. Molecular data from new collections of P. chrysaegissuggest that this rarely recorded species is probably widelydistributed in the tropics and it is the same taxon which is alsoknown under the name Pluteus conizatus var. africanus.Morphological, molecular and phylogenetic details ofthese three species are discussed in detail in the presentarticle.

Materials and methods

Conventional morphology based taxonomic methods wereemployed for this study (Pradeep et al. 2002). Colournotations refer to Kornerup & Wanscher (1978). Descriptiveterms used in the descriptions follow Vellinga (1988). AllIndian holotypes are deposited in the Herbarium of RoyalBotanic Gardens, Kew (K) and isotypes at the MycologicalHerbarium of Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute(TBGT).

Standard procedures for DNA isolation, PCR andsequencing were applied (Justo et al. 2011a, b). The ITSregion was amplified using primer pairs ITS1-F and ITS4(Gardes and Bruns 1993; White et al. 1990). ITS sequencesgenerated by Justo et al. (2011a, b) and additional GenBanksequences were used for the phylogenetic analyses.Sequences were aligned using MAFFT version 6 (; Katoh and Toh 2008)with the Q-INS-i option. The alignments were then examinedand manually corrected using MacClade 4.05 (Maddison and

C. K. Pradeep (*) :K. B. Vrinda :V. P. ShibuTropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute,Palode, Trivandrum, Kerala 695562, Indiae-mail: [email protected]

A. JustoBiology Department, Clark University,950 Main St, Worcester, MA 01610, USA

Mycol Progress (2012) 11:869–878DOI 10.1007/s11557-011-0801-y

Author's personal copy

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Maddison 2002). Alignments have been deposited inTreeBASE ( A Maximum Likelihood analysis was runusing the RAxML servers (http://phylobench.vital––bb/index.php; Stamatakis et al. 2008).


Pluteus brunneosquamulosus Pradeep & Vrinda sp. nov.Figs. 1, 6a-c

Mycobank MB563402Pileus 8−26 mm latus, convexus vel applanatus, brunneus,

squamulosus. Lamellae liberae, confertae, albidae ad roseae.Stipes 5−27×1−2.5 mm, albidus, centralis, cylindricus.Sporae 4.5−7×4.5−6 μm, subglobosae vel ellipsoideae.Basidia 21−28.5×6−6.5μm, clavata, 4-sporigera. Cheilocys-tidia 22.5−57.5×7.5−10 μm, lageniformia. Pleurocystidia42−73×11.5−16 μm, hyalina. Trama hymenophoralisbilateralis, inversa. Cuticula pilei cellulis, clavatis velvesiculosis. Caulocystidia 16−73×8−16.5 μm, versiformia.Fibulae absentes.

Basidiomes small to medium-sized, thin. Pileus 8–26 mmin diameter, convex when young becoming plano-convex toapplanate with a low umbo or with a low depression at the

centre; surface uniform with predominant brown colours[‘brown’ (6E4), ‘teak brown’ (6E5/6 F5)] in buds whichare smooth and entire, becoming darker at the disc [‘brownishbeige’ (6E3), ‘café-au-lait’ (6D3), ‘burnt umber’ (6 F6), ‘darkbrown’ (6 F7), ‘brownish grey’ (6 F8)] and paler elsewhere;splits or breaks in concentric fashion in dry weather exposingthe underlying white context to appear squamulose except atthe disc (appears like a Lepiota) or washed off during heavyrain to become pellucid–striate, moist or dry; margin straightto slightly uplifted in old ones, entire to incised. Lamellae free,white, ‘orange white’ (5A2), ‘yellowish orange’ (5A3) topink, up to 5 mm wide, crowded with lamellulae of differentlengths, edge concolourous to sides, entire. Stipe 5–27×1–2.5 mm, central, cylindric, curved, equal or narrowly taperingdown, hollow; surface silky white, smooth except at extremebase which is greyish and pruinose. Context in pileus andstipe white, thin. Basal mycelium none. Odour mild notdistinctive. Spore print pink.

Spores 4.5–7×4.5–6 μm, avL05.4 μm, avW04.8 μm,Q0(1) 1.05–1.33, avQ01.16, subglobose to broadly ellip-soid, a few ellipsoid, thick-walled with a guttule. Basidia21–28.5×6–6.5 μm, clavate, 4-spored, thin-walled, hyaline.Lamella edge heteromorphous with scattered cheilocystidia.Cheilocystidia 22.5–57.5×7.5–10 μm, lageniform with astalk and a long (often flexuous) neck with obtuse apices,

Fig. 1 Pluteus brunneosquamulosus. a habit, b basidia, c spores, d cheilocystidia, e pleurocystidia, f terminal pileipellis elements, g caulocystidia[K (M) 172152]. Scale bars010 μm for microstructures and 10 mm for habit

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thin-walled, hyaline. Pleurocystidia less frequent, similar tocheilocystidia except for slightly larger size, 42–73×11.5–16 μm, thin-walled, hyaline. Hymenophoral trama inverselybilateral with convergent hyphae, 4–11 μmwide, thin-walled,hyaline. Subhymenium well developed, pseudoparenchy-matous. Pileal trama composed of interwoven hyphae, 5–16 μm wide, thin-walled, hyaline. Pileipellis a hymenidermwith transitions towards an epithelium composed of clavate,vesiculose to pyriform elements, 20.7–70.6×5–40.8 μm,thin-walled with brown intracellular contents. Stipitipelliscomposed of parallel hyphae, 7–13.6 μm wide, thin-walled,hyaline. Caulocystidia present on both upper and lower part.Caulocystidia 16–73×8–16.5 μm, lageniform, narrowlyutriform, clavate to cylindro-clavate, thin-walled, hyalinein the upper part, but with greyish contents in the lower part.Oleiferous hyphae present. Clamp-connections absent.

Habit and habitat: In groups or scattered on fallen palmsheath and among exposed dead roots of Caryota urens L.or among moss in tropical evergreen forest, India.

Specimens examined: India, Kerala state, Trivandrumdistrict, Palode, TBGRI campus: 27 Jul 2009, TBGT 12794(holotype, K (M) 172152); 10 Aug 2009, TBGT 12839; 20Aug 2009, TBGT 12875; 21 Aug 2009, TBGT 12878; 26Aug 2009, TBGT 12886.

Discussion: The epithelial pileipellis, the non-metuloidalhymenial cystidia, together with the molecular data (Fig. 2),place Pluteus brunneosquamulosus in section CellulodermaFayod. It is characterized by the (i) medium sized basidiomeswith convex to plano-convex brown squamulose pileus; (ii)distinctive concentric cracking of pellicle to appear like aLepiota; (iii) silky white stipe; (iv) subglobose to broadlyellipsoid spores; (v) cheilocystidia with a long flexuous neck;(vi) lageniform to narrowly utriform caulocystidia; (vii) andabsence of clamp-connections. A comprehensive literaturesearch was made (Singer 1956, 1958, Smith and Stuntz1958; Horak 1964; Homola 1972; Pegler 1977, 1983, 1986;Orton 1986; Vellinga 1990; Banerjee and Sundberg 1993;Minnis and Sundberg 2010) which confirmed the uniquenessof this fungus. Morphologically the most similar taxa arethose placed by Singer (1986) in stirps Pulverulentus (e.g. P.pulverulentus Murrill, P. eliae Singer), Jamaicensis (e.g. P.fluminensis Singer, P. cinereofuscus J.E. Lange, P. pallescensP.D. Orton, P. rimosus Murrill), and Tucumanus [e.g. P.tucumanus Singer, P. albolineatus (Berk & Broome)]Sacc. which are characterized by the predominantlybrown colours or olive-brown colours in the basidiocarps,without distinct yellow, orange or red tints. Though some taxain this group (viz. P. albolineatus, P. rimosus) may exhibit aradially rimose or cracking pileipellis it does not havethe same squamulose Lepiota-like aspect of Pluteusbrunneosquamulosus. Moreover, the shape and size ofthe spores and cystidia also separate our new speciesfrom all the taxa mentioned above.

In the phylogenetic analyses (Fig. 2) P. brunneosquamu-losus is placed as the sister taxon of the North Americancollection tentatively reported by Homola (1972) as Pluteuseliae. Minnis and Sundberg (2010) considered this collec-tion to be P. jamaicensis but molecular data showed that it isnot that species (Fig. 2). Whether it actually represents theauthentic Pluteus eliae, a species described from Bolivia(Singer 1958), remains uncertain and additional SouthAmerican collections will be required to verify this. Amongother characters, Homola’s P. eliae differs from the presenttaxon by the entire, non-cracked pileipellis, wider andclavate or narrowly clavate cheilocystidia, (up to 24 μmwide)in contrast with the narrowly lageniform (up to 10 μm wide)cheilocystidia of P. brunneosquamulosus. The percentagesimilarity between the ITS sequences of P. brunneosquamu-losus and P. eliae is 95% (31 base pair differences). Both taxaare placed in an unresolved position outside the majorlineages recognized in Sect. Celluloderma by Justo et al.(2011a, b). Many species of stirps Jamaicensis for whichmolecular data are available (P. cinereofuscus, P. fluminensis,P. jamaicensis and P. pallescens) are placed together in thecinereofuscus clade (Fig. 2).

Pluteus velutinus Pradeep, Justo & Vrinda sp. nov.Figs. 3, 6d-f

Mycobank MB563403Pileus 9−42 mm latus, convexus vel applanatus, brunneus,

velutinus, pruinosus vel squamulosus. Lamellae liberae,confertae, albidae ad roseae. Stipes 25−75×2−9 mm,centralis, cylindricus. Sporae 5.5−9.5×5−7 μm, subglobosaevel ellipsoideae. Basidia 18−32×6.5−10 μm, clavata, 4-sporigera. Cheilocystidia 32−70×(9.5) 12−30 μm, lagenifor-mia. Pleurocystidia 45−88×12−28 μm, hyalina. Tramahymenophoralis bilateralis, inversa. Cuticula pilei trichoder-mialis. Caulocystidia 35−76×10−30 (40) μm, versiformia,clavata vel vesiculosa. Fibulae absentes.

Pileus 9–42 mm in diam., convex to applanate with asmall shallow depression at centre; surface brown to orangebrown [‘greyish orange’ (5B3), ‘brownish orange’ (5 C3),‘flesh’ (6B3), ‘café-au-lait’ (6D3), ‘brown’ (6E3), ‘cognac’(6E7)] uniformly or with a slightly darker disc, becomingpaler [‘brownish grey’ (6 C2), ‘camel’ (6D4)] hygropha-nous, velvety in young specimens, pruinose throughoutwhen mature, becoming squamulose around the disc, insome specimens squamulose all over, dry; margin straight,entire to incised, pellucid striate. Lamellae free, ‘orangewhite’ (5A2), ‘pale orange’ (6A3), up to 6 mm, crowdedwith lamellulae of different lengths; edge concolourous tosides, entire. Stipe 25–75×2–9 mm, central, cylindric, oftencompressed in lower half, curved, tapering up from abulbous base, stuffed becoming hollow, brittle with whitemycelium at the base; surface cream to brown [‘orangewhite’ (5A2), ‘greyish orange’ (5B3), ‘brownish orange’(5 C3), ‘brownish grey’ (6 C2)] extreme base with

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cinereofuscus clade

mammillatus / ephebeus clade

romellii / aurantiorugosus clade

seticeps / podospileus clade

chrysophlebius / phlebophorus clade

thomsonii clade

Outgroup (sect. Pluteus)

Pluteus sp.

Pluteus diettrichii

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greyish tinge, fibrillose-striate. Context in pileus andstipe white, thin. Odour mild, agreeable, becomingstrongly unpleasant when dried. Spore print pink.

Spores 5.5–9.5×5–7 μm, avL07.7 μm, avW06.2 μm,Q0(1) 1.17–1.50, avQ01.29, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid,

very rarely globose or subglobose, thick-walled with aguttule. Basidia 18–32×6.5–10 μm, clavate, 4–spored,thin-walled, hyaline. Lamella edge sterile with crowdedcheilocystidia. Cheilocystidia 32–70×(9.5) 12–30 μm,lageniform, narrowly utriform or ovoid, more rarely clavate,with obtuse apices, rarely with a small projection up to 9 μmlong, thin-walled, hyaline. Pleurocystidia 45–88×12–28 μm,scattered to abundant, present all over lamellar sides, (broadly)clavate, fusiform, narrowly lageniform or narrowly utriform,very commonly with an apical digitate projection up to10 μm long or tapering towards apex, thin-walled, hyaline.

Fig. 2 Best Tree from the Maximum Likelihood analysis of sect.Celluloderma. Bootstrap values≥70% are shown on the branches.Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. Root length hasbeen reduced to facilitate graphical representation. Clade names followJusto et al. (2011a)




d1 d2



f1 g1

f2 g2

Fig. 3 Pluteus velutinus. a habit, b basidia, c spores, d cheilocystidia, e pleurocystidia, f terminal pileipellis elements, g caulocystidia; d1-g1[K (M) 172153]; d2-g2 (TNS-F 12365). Scale bars010 μm for microstructures and 10 mm for habit

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leoninus clade

plautus/longistriatus clade

umbrosus clade


outgroup (sect. Celluloderma)

P. pantherinus

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Hymenophoral trama inversely bilateral with convergenthyphae, 3–24 μm wide, inflated, thin-walled, hyaline.Subhymenium well developed, pseudoparenchymatous.Pileal trama composed of interwoven hyphae, 4–26.5 μmwide, inflated, thin-walled, hyaline. Pileipellis a trichodermor trichohymeniderm composed of clavate, cylindro-clavate,cylindrical or fusiform elements, a few with apical projec-tions, (40) 70–140×13–27 μm, thin-walled with brownintracellular contents. Stipitipellis composed of longitudi-nally parallel hyphae, 4–5.5 μm wide, thin-walled, hya-line or with brown intracellular pigment. Caulocystidiaabundant, present all over stipe surface, 35–76×10–30(40) μm, mostly clavate but also narrowly utriform orellipsoid, some slightly strangulated, thin-walled, withbrown intracellular contents. Oleiferous hyphae present.Clamp-connections absent.

Habit and habitat: Gregarious and scattered on deadleaf sheath of Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (Arecaceae) in tropicalevergreen forest, India. Gregarious on fallen rotten wood ofbroad-leaved trees (in deciduous forest) in Japan.

Specimens examined: India, Kerala State, Trivandrumdistrict, Palode, TBGRI campus: 14 Aug 2009, TBGT12851 [holotype, K (M) 172153]; 17 Aug 2009, TBGT12855; 19 Aug 2009, TBGT 12869; 7 Sept 2009, TBGT12902; 8 Sept 2009, TBGT 12904; 14 Sept 2009, TBGT12911; 18 May 2010, TBGT 13225; 20 May 2010, TBGT13237; 30 Jun 2010, TBGT 13354; 9 Nov 2011, TBGT13040. Japan: Hokkaido, Iwamizawa-shi, Midorigaoka,Tonebetsu Nature Park, 9 July 2005, coll. S. Takehashi,TNS-F 12365; ibidem, 17, Sept 2005, TNS-F 12372.

Discussion: Pluteus velutinus is characterized by theshallowly depressed, hygrophanous, orange-brown, velvetyto squamulose pileus; relatively large subglobose to broadlyellipsoid spores; lageniform or clavate pleurocystidia withdigitate projections; lageniform or utriform cheilocystidia;clavate caulocystidia and trichodermial pileipellis. Thegeneral morphological characters, especially the aspectof the pileus, point to a relationship with the EuropeanPluteus granulatus Bres., and the results from the phyloge-netic analysis place both taxa in the same clade but they areclearly distinct species and are not sister taxa (Fig. 4). Thetaxonomy of the species of P. granulatus and P. plautusWeinm. is not well resolved, with very different taxonomicopinion existing in the literature (Vellinga and Schreurs 1985,Orton 1986). P. depauperatus Romagn. and P. dryophiloides

Fig. 4 Best Tree from the Maximum Likelihood analysis of sect.Hispidoderma. Bootstrap values≥70% are shown on the branches.Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. Root length hasbeen reduced to facilitate graphical representation. Clade names followJusto et al. (2011a)


Fig. 5 Pluteus chrysaegis. a. pleurocystidia, b. pileipellis, c, d. cheilocystidia [ K (M) 172154]. All structures mounted in Congo red and KOH.Scale bars020 μm

Mycol Progress (2012) 11:869–878 875

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P.D. Orton are morphologically similar to P. velutinus. P.depauperatus differs in its ellipsoid to oblong spores withavQ01.65 and utriform, lageniform pleurocystidia without anarrow apex or digitate projections (Kühner and Romagnesi1956; Vellinga and Schreurs 1985). P. dryophiloides haspredominantly utriform and much wider (60–94×24–52 μm)pleurocystidia, without narrow apex or digitate projections(Orton 1986).

The Japanese collections studied by us were reported byTakehashi et al. (2010) as ‘Pluteus cf. exiguus’. However, P.exiguus Pat. has a distinctly squamulose and smaller (up to20 mm) pileus, pleurocystidia very scarce or absent andclavate cheilocystidia with a distinct narrow apex or apicalprojections (Kühner and Romagnesi 1956; Vellinga 1990;pers. obs.). Pluteus exiguus is a very rarely recordedmushroom in Europe and it is known from Central-WesternEurope (Kühner and Romagnesi 1956; Orton 1986; Vellinga1990) and South into Mediterranean Spain (Justo andCastro 2007).

The ITS sequences from the Japanese collections of P.velutinus were reported as ‘Pluteus sp. I’ in the molecularphylogenies of Justo et al. (2011a, b) as no satisfactoryspecies level identification was possible. The ITS sequence

of the holotype of P. velutinus from India is 99% identical(one single nucleotide difference) with the Japanese sequences,therefore confirming that the same species occurs in two placesseparated by more than 7000 km under totally different climateconditions and habitat characteristics. Other species of Pluteus(e.g. P. cervinus, P. longistriatus, P. romellii) show similarlywide geographic distribution (Justo et al., 2011a) but it is notknown what dispersal mechanisms are responsible for thesedistribution patterns and whether they are natural oranthropogenic.

Pluteus chrysaegis (Berk. & Broome) Petch, Ann. RoyalBot. Gard. Peradeniya 5: 271, 1912 Fig. 5, 6g

≡ Agaricus chrysaegis Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc.,Bot. 11: 536, 1871≡ Entoloma chrysaegis (Berk. & Broome) Sacc., Syll.Fung. 5: 61, 18870 Pluteus conizatus var. africanus Horak, Bull. Jard.Bot. Nat. Belgique 47: 89, 1977

P. chrysaegis was originally described from Sri Lankaand known only from the type collection (Pegler 1986) untilit was recently found again in Kerala State, India by Pradeep

Fig. 6 Basidiomata in situ. a-c Pluteus brunneosquamulosus, d-f Pluteus velutinus, g Pluteus chrysaegis. Scale bars010 mm

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and Vrinda (2006). An additional collection of this specieswas recently made at a second locality in Kerala (India:Kerala State, Trivandrum district, Palode, TBGRI campus:3 May 2011, TBGT 13587 [K (M) 172154] and sampled formolecular analysis. The ITS sequence of P. chrysaegis is98% identical with the sequence of P. conizatus var. africanusfrom Central Africa. Morphologically both taxa are almostidentical and characterized by the golden-yellow pileus withdark-brown rugulose center and the only difference is in thesize of the pileus, up to 55 mm in P. chrysaegis (Pegler 1986,Pradeep and Vrinda 2006) and up to 80 mm in P. conizatusvar. africanus (Horak and Heinemann 1978). Microscopicallythey are also practically identical; however, this is not imme-diately obvious when comparing the descriptions of P. con-izatus var. africanus by Horak (Horak and Heinemann 1978)and of P. chrysaegis by Pegler (1986) or Pradeep and Vrinda(2006) as the different authors emphasizes different aspects ofthe microanatomy of this species.

Pluteus conizatus var. africanus as described by Horak(Horak and Heinemann 1978) is mainly characterized by the(sub-) globose spores 5–6×4–4.5 (5) μm; pleurocystidia50–70×14–27 μm, lageniform to utriform, mostly with thinwalls but some with slightly thickened wall, cheilocystidia25–60×7–17 μm, fusiform, with thickened wall; pileipellisa hymeniderm composed of clavate or subfusiform cells10–25×5–8 μm. Our observations on the original collectionsdeposited at BR (Goossens-Fontana 623 (holotype),Goossens-Fontana 950, Thoen 5250) agree well withHorak’s description except in the slightly longer pleurocysti-dia (up to 80 μm) and pileipellis elements (up to 40 μm).Horak emphasized the combination of golden-yellow basidio-carps, thick-walled cystidia and hymenidermal pileipellis asthe most defining characters of this variety, which he separat-ed from P. conizatus (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. var. conizatusby the smaller pileipellis cells and the pleurocystidia mostlywith thin walls. Despite the fact that Singer (1956) included P.conizatus in sect. Pluteus, because of the thick-walled cystidiathat he considered metuloids, Horak treats P. conizatus var.africanus as a member of sect. Celluloderma because of thehymenidermal pileipellis.

Pluteus chrysaegis as described by Pegler (1986) andPradeep and Vrinda (2006) is mainly characterized by the(sub-)globose spores 4.5–6×4–5.5 μm; pleurocystidia 38–84×10–23 μm, lageniform more rarely fusoid, with thinwalls; cheilocystidia 22.5–57×6–15 μm, fusiform, with thinwalls; pileipellis composed of clavate cells 19.5–33 (40)×9–18 μm intermixed with fusiform pileocystidia 31–60×7–13 μm. Pradeep & Vrinda also noted the presence of caulo-cystidia in the upper part of the stipe, 19.5–33×7.5–10.5 μm, ventricose, mucronate. Both Pegler (1986) andPradeep & Vrinda (2006) described the hymenial cystidiaas ‘thin-walled’ but in Pluteus chrysaegis the cheilocystidia,and also some pleurocystidia, show slightly thickened 0.5–

1.5 (2) μm wide walls, especially near the apex (Fig 5).These authors considered the more fusiform elements in thepileipellis (Fig. 5) to be dermatocystidia, and consequentlyplaced P. chrysaegis in Sect. Celluloderma subsect. MixtiniSinger, but molecular data places P. chrysaegis in sect.Hispidoderma, and not related with any of the taxa withMixtini-type pileipellis (e.g. P. eludens, P. multiformis, P.podospileus, P. seticeps, P. thomsonii) of sect. Celluloderma(Fig 4; Justo et al. 2011a).

Given the similarity of the Indian and African collectionsin morphology and molecular characters both taxa are con-sidered to represent one species for which the name Pluteuschrysaegis is more appropriate. Molecular data places P.chrysaegis as part of the P. leoninus lineage (Fig. 4) andsister to P. castri Justo & E.F. Malysheva; another yellowspecies, known from Russia and Japan and also character-ized by the relatively short elements of the pileipellis incomparison with other members of sect. Hispidoderma(Justo et al. 2011a). This position of P. chrysaegis alsoindicates that the slightly thick-walled cystidia of this spe-cies do not have the same origin as the metuloids found insect. Pluteus.

Pluteus conizatus var. conizatus originally describedfrom Sri Lanka, and so far only known from the holotypeand an additional collection (Singer 1956; Pegler 1986),apparently differs from P. chrysaegis in the ‘dull yellowishbrown, greyish towards umbo’ pileus, and the narrowlyfusoid or lageniform pleurocystidia with up to 3 μm thickwall (Pegler 1986). Cheilocystidia are described as ‘similarto the pleurocystidia but with thinner walls’ and the pilei-pellis as ‘a disrupted trichodermium of narrow, semi-erect toerect septate hyphae, with terminal elements 20–42×4–7.5 μm’ (Pegler 1986). Both Pegler and Singer (Singer1956; Pegler 1986) placed this species in sect. Pluteus, butthe structure of the pileipellis suggests a closer relationshipwith P. chrysaegis and P. castri in sect. Hispidodermadespite the thick-walled cystidia. Modern collections of P.conizatus are needed to clarify its taxonomic position.

Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the reviewers for theircomments and suggestions which helped us to improve the manuscript.A. Justo acknowledges financial support from the NSF grantDEB0933081. The curators of TNS-F are gratefully acknowledgedfor the loan of collections.


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