  • FAST Choose the type of fast that is best for you. Remember, the fast should be a sacrifice and a challenge. Our hope is that everyone would participate. If you have any health problems, please consult with your doctor before beginning any fast.

    Total Fast – No water, no food. | Regular Fast – Water only, no food. Semi-Total Fast – Juices, smoothies or a vitamin drink each day. No solid foods. (No sugar, tea or coffee.) Partial Fast – Eat one meal a day. (No sugar, tea or coffee.) Daniel Fast – Eat foods that grow from the ground. (No animal products, sugar, tea or coffee.)

    eFAST In addition to fasting from food, we recommend you consider fasting from the things that take your time away from prayer and seeking God, such as electronic entertainment, internet, TV, movies, social media, games etc. This time should be replaced with daily Bible reading, prayer, journaling and seeking God in worship. Each day during your fast, we encourage you to keep a daily journal and write down any revelations that God gives you.

    Saturday, January 9 – FIRST FOCUS | MAIN EVENT SERVICE AT 6:30 PM Purpose. Think about how you will participate in this fast. Establish the purpose of your fast. You are not on a “hunger strike” to force God to do what you want. A “fast” is a voluntary humbling of your carnal appetites to enable you to fully worship God and seek His face. Your purpose is to draw nearer to God and in the process become more like Him. Resolve and purpose in your heart to be committed to the entire seven days of prayer and fasting. Joel 2:15, Rom 12:1, Is 58:6, 2 Chron 7:14 Day 1 – Sunday, January 10 – MORNING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 10:00 AM | START FAST AT SUNSET Commitment. Make a solid commitment today to go deeper in the Lord, deeper in the Word and deeper in prayer. Devote yourself to seeking God's presence and His vision for your life, even (and especially) during those times you feel weak. Arrange a special time each day to spend in communion with the Father. God will honor you and bless your time with Him. Deut 8:3, Joel 2:12-13, Luk 11:2-3, Ex. 33:13

    Day 1 – Sunday, January 10 – EVENING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 7:00 PM | START OF FAST Consecration. We are God’s chosen and set apart ones. There’s a cost to walking the narrow road; it cannot be done while holding hands with the world. The Kingdom of God has its own set of priorities, values, standards and way of thinking, separate from the world. As we grow in maturity, we naturally have a love for holiness and a hate for sin. Living a life of “no compromise” becomes our daily desire and

    preference. What does compromise look like to you, and have you allowed it to seep into your life? Take inventory of your schedule, your activities, your motives, and the condition of your heart. Consecrate yourself afresh to God and ask Him to purify and renew your heart. Ps 51:12, Ex 19:22, Rom 12:1, James 4:8, Ez 36:26 Day 2 – Monday, January 11 – MORNING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 10:00 AM Blessings and Favor on our Nation and Israel. Pray and repent for America. Ask God to lead the people of our city and nation to His truth by the power of the Holy Spirit. Declare that the leaders of our city and nation would turn their hearts to God and walk in integrity and alignment with God’s values. Ask for an outpouring of revival to sweep across the land. Pray that the nation of Israel would become a blessing and light for all the surrounding countries, and that God would send revival and pour out the Spirit of Grace and Supplication. Isa 61:4, Jer 29:7, Deut 11:12, Is 62:4 Day 2 – Monday, January 11 – EVENING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 7:00 PM Blessings and Favor on Portland-Vancouver Metro. Pray and repent for the sins of the metro area. Ask God to appoint the Portland-Vancouver metro area as cities of refuge and churches as places of spiritual awakening. Together, we declare that spiritual strongholds of darkness would be removed, and city leaders would rule with justice and walk in righteousness. Ask that the metro area would be filled with peace and prosperity. Petition God that our cities would recognize the time of God’s visitation with many turning to righteousness, and that a revival would flow out of this region that blesses the nations. Num 35:1-6, Joshua 20:1, Mat 5:14, Jer 29:7 Day 3 – Tuesday, January 12 – MORNING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 10:00 AM The Persecuted Church. Ask God to protect and deliver the persecuted church from her enemies. Pray that persecuted believers would know the hope that God gives and that the Holy Spirit would strengthen them, and that persecuted believers would have access to a Bible. Let’s declare they would know how to share the gospel and fearlessly tell others about Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. Agree that they would be provided with jobs and safe places to live and be surrounded with Christian families. Ask that the body of Christ would remember to intercede for the persecuted church. Ps 31:16, Heb 13:3, 1 Cor 12:26-27, Zeph 3:17-19, Eph 6:19-20 Day 3 – Tuesday, January 12 – EVENING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 7:00 PM Ministries and Friends of The River Church. Pray that the ministry friends of TRC would walk in love and their purpose would be kept pure, as for the Lord and not for men; that Christ would be preeminent in their activities, and they would walk in humility and integrity. Declare that God’s strength and vision would be renewed in them. Let’s agree that God’s grace would equip them with wisdom and all they need, so their good works would edify the church and give glory to the Father. Together, we declare that they would preach the Word with demonstration of the Holy Spirit and in power, and that revival fire would continually grow in their hearts and increase through their ministry as “sent ones.” Is 52:7, Rom 10:13-15, Rev 14:6, 1 Cor 2:4 Day 4 – Wednesday, January 13 – MORNING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 10:00 AM Schools, Universities, Staff and Students. Pray that God restores honor, integrity, virtue and peace in American classrooms, and that His anointing would rest upon those He has placed in positions of authority and responsibility. Let’s declare that the wisdom, honor, power and glory of God would be demonstrated in our school system. We petition God that the hand of violence against the students and staff in our schools would be stayed, and any plan to bring them harm would be dismantled and rendered harmless. Ask that abundant blessings would rest on programs that release truth and bring Christ into public classrooms. Together, we decree that God’s kingdom will come and raise up a generation of people who worship Him in spirit and in truth. Ps 119:9-11, Ps 91:11-12, Jos 1:9 Day 4 – Wednesday, January 13 – EVENING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 7:00 PM Relationships with God and Man. God uses the people placed in our lives to teach us what love is. We learn who God is and who we are, through our relationships with each other. What has God been showing you through those you encounter in your life? Ask for His wisdom, counsel and discernment as you embrace relationships in the way He would direct. Pray that God gives you vision to see people as He sees them, as loved children of God. Examine your relationships and see if there are any barriers that hinder you from loving as Jesus loved. Trust the counselor, ask God if there is anyone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from. Make sure there is nothing standing between you and God. Together, let’s pray for healthy Godly relationships for the body of Christ. James 4:8, Luk 10:27, Mat 18:21-22, 1 John 4:7

    ZOOM PRAYER MEETINGS: ID: 562.779.0731 | PASSWORD: 653152 There will be two special prayer focuses every day during the seven days. This is a great opportunity to increase your personal and/or family time of prayer. Be sure to check the daily prayer focus for the schedule of events and prepare ahead of time. During most days, there will be two one-hour ZOOM prayer meetings which will occur through the “Zoom Cloud Meetings” App. Download the app press JOIN and write in the ID code and Password above. That will bring you into the meeting!

    2021 Congregational Prayer & Fasting Guide

    Dear TRC, I’m so excited to present you with our 2021 prayer guide. As the world begins the New Year by making resolutions for personal gain, we will begin this year by seeking to surrender our vision and agenda to the Lord, and by allowing Him to rewrite it for us. This season, more than ever, we need to seek for eternal things to be manifested and revealed through our lives.

    Once again, I encourage you to join us on this seven-day journey and to fully participate in this time of strategic and intentional consecration. We need everyone’s collaboration and heartfelt participation for it to bring about real, lasting change. The Lord is eager to meet with us personally, so let’s not take it lightly!

    This guide is designed to unite us all in one heart and mind, so please follow along daily by praying and fasting. Also, make plans to join us for the Zoom daily prayer times and don’t forget our big finale, the All Night Prayer Watch! Remember, that this is all centered around knowing Him more. This will bring us closer to Him and enable us to hear His voice regarding His plans for this season. Aligning our priorities with God’s is the best thing that we can do!

    Together Building His Kingdom, Pastors Joshua & Sarah Alvarez

  • Day 5 – Thursday, January 14 – MORNING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 10:00 AM Marriages. Pray for protection on all the marriages in the church. Thank Him that He is raising up husbands to be strong spiritual leaders of their homes, and that marriages are aligning into godly order. We declare His abundant grace, love, respect, honor and unity between husbands and wives, and for marriages to be strengthened and restored to its original purpose. Praise God for a full restoration. Remember to pray specifically for each couple that comes to mind. Gen 1:27-28, Eph 5:22-25, Col 3:12-14 Day 5 – Thursday, January 14 – EVENING FOCUS | PRAYER AT HOUSE OF BREAD 7:00 PM (ZOOM TOO!) Youth. Ask God that our youth would be lit on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit and for parents to have divine wisdom in guiding them into truth. Let’s pray that our children and youth will develop godly friendships and have the character and integrity to stand in contrast to the world’s view. We decree that they will grow in purity, have renewed passion for Jesus and His purposes in their hearts. Together, we declare protection over all families in the church. Ps 127:3, Prov: 22:6, 1 Tim 4:12, 1 Cor 13:4-7, Deut 6:5 Day 6 – Friday, January 15 – MORNING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 10:00 AM Renew your Mind. Healing and transformation come into our lives through personally receiving Truth from the Living God. Ask God for a fresh revelation of what He is saying to you today, and that your heart and mind would be aligned with His heart for you and His vision for your life. Choose to agree with Him. Declare that any negative habits or patterns of thinking would be broken and held captive to the obedience of Christ. Agree that your thoughts, words, actions and desires will reflect His truth for your life. Write down any revelations He brings, meditate on His Truth and declare it with your words. Ps 119:11, Rom 12:2, 1 Pet 1:13-15, 2 Cor 10:5 Day 6 –Friday, January 15 – EVENING FOCUS | ZOOM PRAYER 7:00 PM Identity. Jesus received what we deserved (punishment for our sins), and He gave us His righteousness in exchange! He gave us a brand-new identity! We’ve been adopted as His sons and daughters and are heirs to the Kingdom. God sees you as a precious treasure, and He longs for you to walk in the full identity which you were created for. Most of us have knowledge of our identity in Christ, but have you had a full revelation in your heart to this reality? Ask God to show you if there is any area of your life that does not fully reflect His gift offering. Discuss the disconnect with your Father today and decide by faith to move forward. When you see yourself more accurately, your life will flourish, and nothing will be impossible. Everything about you will be transformed as you begin to closely mirror Jesus’ image. Gen 1:27, John 15:16, Rom 8:14-17, 1 Peter 2:9-10, 2 Pet 1:3-4 Day 7 – Saturday, January 16 – MORNING FOCUS Pastors, Elders, Leaders. Let’s pray for wisdom and direction as our Pastors lead the church, and for protection and blessings on their lives, marriages and families. Ask for continued refreshing, spiritual vision and fresh anointing for this season for our pastors, elders and ministers. Together, we agree with God for new levels of growth and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and for fresh fire to fall on each ministry as the Lord leads us into a new year. Jer 3:15, Eph 4:11-12, Rom 1:11-12, Ps 32:8 Day 7 – Saturday, January 16 – EVENING FOCUS | JOIN US FOR MAIN EVENT SERVICE TONIGHT! Finances, Jobs, Businesses. Commit all that you are and all that you have to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. Partner with Him to become a faithful steward of all the finances and resources that He has given to you. Pray that He would bless you and your family abundantly so that you can bless others. Ask God for His blessings and favor on our church finances and for an increased portion this year so that His Kingdom will be advanced through us. Pray for all of your brothers and sisters who need employment, that doors would be opened and that they would have favor with employers. Let’s believe that God will provide their financial needs in abundance and that each child of God will be a witness and a testimony at their workplace. Matt 16:18, Rom 8:32, Eph 3:14-19 Day 7 –Sat., Jan. 16 – BREAK FAST AT SUNSET | JOIN US AT NIGHT WATCH (SAT. 5:30 PM – SUN. 3:00 AM) Celebrate: Celebrate and thank God today for what He has done through our seven days of fasting, for the breakthroughs you’ve experienced and for those you anticipate for 2021. Take time today to meditate on God’s faithfulness, goodness and loving-kindness. Resolve not to have just a “season” of prayer and fasting, but to develop a life of prayer and fasting. Let this fast set the tone for the entire year ahead and begin a lifestyle of fasting, prayer and continual communion with God. Psalms 136:1-12

    "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6)


    January 10–16, 2021

    "Where there is no vision, the people

    perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." (Prov. 29:18)

