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PARISH STAFF Very Rev. Dennis P. Yurochko, VJ, JCL, STL, Administrator [email protected] Rev. Joseph M. Freedy, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon Brian M. Podobnik, Deacon [email protected] Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Hand, Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] Michael Mackey, Director of Music Ministries [email protected]


Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m.

Daily (Mon.–Fri.): 12:00 noon

RECONCILIATION Saturday: 12:00 noon

BAPTISM: Held at 12:30 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month. Pre-Baptismal instruction required. Please notify the Rectory three months before the anticipated date of birth.

MARRIAGE: Weddings are held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Diocesan Regulation requires an approved pre-marriage preparation program. Bride and Groom must make arrangements for the wedding ceremony with one of the priests at least six months prior to the wedding date.

PRIESTHOOD OR RELIGIOUS LIFE: Please contact the Vocation Office at 412-928-5836.

PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN: Concerns or reports contact Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline 1-888-808-1235.

RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and of Children (RCIC) are ongoing programs for those who wish to know more about the Catholic Church or are seeking membership in the Church. Please call the Rectory for more information.

PARISH CEMETERY: St. Agatha Cemetery is being managed by The Catholic Parish Cemeteries Association of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Allegheny Regional Office. For all questions and inquires, please call 412-256-9370.

PARISH MEMBERSHIP: New parishioners are always welcome! Please visit the Rectory so we may welcome you and complete a Parish Census Form. Parish Census Forms are also available in the Vestibules of the Church and on our website.

BULLETIN DEADLINE: All information must be received by Monday at noon, in written form.

March 11, 2018

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “Serving the growing Greater Bridgeville Area, Holy Child Roman Catholic Parish is a faith-filled family with a strong sense of community and a rich diverse heritage. With the grace we receive in the Sacraments, God calls and enables us as His Holy Children to be a “welcoming home for all who seek Him”. Following Jesus Christ, whom we receive in the Eucharist, we strive to serve, evangelize and build His kingdom on Earth, through prayer, education, social / outreach groups and the Liturgy.”


Parish Office: 412-221-5213 Fax: 412-257-2461 Extensions:

Fr. Dennis Yurochko…413 Fr. Joseph Freedy…..411 Linda Grimes…..410 Lisa Klancher…...424

CCD: 412-221-6514 CCD Fax: 412-257-9742 Parish Email: [email protected] Parish Website:

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Loving God, help us never forget the fullness of mercy that you have shown us in the life, death, and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ. May we turn to your

light and shine it on the darkness of our lives so that the light of your love may clearly be seen in us and shine on others through us.

For God So Loved the World: God the Father’s great act of love for us, his children, was sending his only Son, Jesus, into the world. By coming to earth, Christ humbles himself by taking on human flesh,

yet he is able to show us a new and vibrant way of life by teaching love without condition and mercy in all circumstances. The ultimate sign of this love comes as Jesus takes our sins, the sins of all the world upon himself and reconciles us to the Father as he suffers and dies on the cross. Then follows the light of the resurrection in which the gates of heaven are flung open so that we can live with God for ever. And while these moments happened once and for all some 2,000 years ago, God’s love for us did not end with the deaths of his Son. As Christ remains with us in the sacraments, so the love of God is alive and active for us in the same, powerful way. The love of God endures forever! As we prepare for the changes to come as part of the On Mission for The Church Alive! Initiative, we are called to remember that God is always at work for us and through us. While we may face challenges, it is God who will strengthen the Church, so great is his love for us. Let us cooperate with him in the days to come to help the

Church grow. Visit to learn more and to stay informed.

Parish Share 2018: Your gifts continue to come in. Every gift returned brings us closer to our goal of $84,212.00. As of this printing we have reached approximately 44% of that goal. So, we continue to ask for your gifts. We have always reached and exceeded our goals in the past and we are sure we will again this year. Please remember to send your gifts, we would love to hear from everyone. Every dollar collected over our goal will stay with our Parish. Thank you for your continued support.

St. Agatha Cemetery Clean Up: We have been informed by the Catholic Parish Cemeteries Association that there will be a clean up crew working on removing all Christmas Decorations on Thursday, March 15. If you have any decorations on your loved ones graves that you would like to keep, please remove them before that date.

Youth Group: All High Schoolers are invited on Sunday, March 18th from 6:00-7:30 PM at St. Barbara Parish Hall to hear Dave VanVickle speak about Angels & Demons and their influence on our Spiritual lives. Pizza, Games, Growing in Faith. See flyer in this bulletin.

Young Adults: All young adults are invited to LaBella Bean on Thursday, March 22 to hear Vinny & Christina Costain speak about the adventure of true Christian Living. No cost. Beer, Wine, Appetizers provided. Questions, please contact Tony Ferguson at [email protected]

Join Us for a Seven Church Tour on Holy Thursday! The tradition is an ancient practice, probably originating in Rome, where early pilgrims visited the seven major basilicas as penance. The seven areas may also be related to the historical seven deacons of Rome, whose responsibility was to minister to the poor. There will be a bus departing after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Holy Child to visit the following Churches: St. Mary (Cecil), Holy Rosary (Muse), St. Patrick (Oakdale), St. Columbkille (Imperial), Holy Trinity (McKees Rocks), St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Carnegie), St. Barbara (Bridgeville. Please call St. Barbara Parish Office at 412-221-5152 or email [email protected] to reserve your seat on the bus. There is no charge, but your reservation will guarantee your seat on the bus.

A Good Start to your Good Friday: Join us from 7:00 to 8:15 AM at St. Barbara Hall on Friday morning March 30 for a mini Bible study and reflection on the last words of Jesus, the seven things He said from the cross in the four gospel accounts of the crucifixion. No registration required.

Be A Man! Attention men of Holy Child and St. Barbara: We are starting up a men’s faith sharing group and invite you to be part of it! Our first 8 week program will run once per week from Easter through Pentecost, as we read and discuss Father Larry Richard’s book “Be a Man!”. Come and join us to deepen your understanding of the Catholic vision for male spirituality, in an open environment where we can lift one another as brothers in Christ to be true to our calling in Him. Details to come in future bulletins.

Reflecting on the Word

Instead of signs with “John 3:16,” I wish people held signs with “John 3:17:” “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” That’s the deeper message today. After multiple infidelities, King Cyrus announces God’s saving love: “Whoever, therefore, among you belongs to any part of his people, let him go up, and may his God be with him!” (2 Chronicles 36:23). Ephesians proclaims God’s lavish mercy that brought us to live “even when we were dead in our transgressions” (Ephesians 2:5). God loves us. Why do we fear bringing our darkness to light so that God’s love can transform us? I believe many have a poor image of God. Too many people picture God as a judge ready to condemn us if we are not the best little boys or girls in the world. Jesus paints another picture. God is rich in mercy. God reaches out to us over and over again, even after we choose dark-ness rather than light. We try to hide. But God seeks us out when we hide. God wants to raise us up when we fall down. Being raised up required admitting I’ve fallen down. Seeing the light required naming my darkness. Becoming whole requires naming my brokenness. In other words, I need to name my whole truth, for “Whoever lives the truth comes to the light” (John 3:21a). God meets us where we are, so invite God into your life as it is, whether in light or darkness. God hasn’t stopped reaching out. Remember, “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” Make that your operative image of God.. Living the Word Scripture Reflections and Commentaries for Sun-days and Holy Days. Year B

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Sunday Contributions For March 4, 2018: Regular Collection $13,494.00 Building Maintenance Collection $ 2,795.50 Thank you one and all for your continued generosity and support of our parish community.

Holy Child Christian Mothers & Guild monthly meeting Tuesday, March 20 at 1:00 PM in the Rectory Conference Room. Guest speaker, Fr. Richard Infante. All are welcome. Refreshments served.

2018 Baby Bottle Campaign: Don’t forget to fill the baby bottles with your loose change, bills or checks payable to “Human Coalition”. There will be members of the Christian Mothers by all the doors next weekend, March 17 & 18 to accept your donations.

Please remember to support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, so together we can continue to bring comfort and peace to our neighbors in need. The blue SVdP bins are available 24/7 in the Holy

Child parking lot for your clean, usable clothing donations. Thank you!

Holy Child Columbiettes Designer Purse Bingo: Tickets are on sale now! The Bingo is on Sunday, April 22nd at the Bridgeville Fire Hall. Doors open at 11:00 AM with Early Bird Games beginning at 12:30 PM. The Bingo begins at 1:00 PM. There will be a Chinese Auction and 50/50 Raffle. Admission is $25 per person. Tickets may be purchased by calling Marcy Schott at 412-608-5000 or email at [email protected]. Tickets are also available for purchase at the Holy Child Fish Fry.

We extend our condolences to the families of John R. Autry and Frank Roy Bondy, Jr. who were recently buried.

May they rest in peace in the kingdom of God. May their families and friends know the faithfulness of Christ’s love.

A Family Perspective (by Bud Ozar): Today’s gospel speaks of light and darkness. Often a parent is deliberately “left in the dark.” Darkness can be comforting for it makes no demands on us. Light can be disturbing for it forces us to take action. Parents walk a delicate balance of when to “sit in the dark” and when to “turn on the lights.”


Please remember in your pray-ers the sick, suffering, and housebound of our parish com-munity, in particular: Debra Mal-

enka Varner, Freddy Carothers, Ron Beck, Joseph Trombetta, Dan Rozell, Barbara Dunn, Diana Jordan Dubin, William & Pamela Lenart, Frank Barnes, Ben Nelson, Michael Shelleby, Trish Reese, Charlie Dru-zak, Ryan Estatico, Robert Perella, Elaine Matthews, Alice Davis, Laurie Denison, Diane Roach, Melanie Maksin, Julie Ross, Nancy Battista, Mary Lou Skalni-ak, Glynis Gilliand, Brayden Tilley, Bentley Dodge, Lois Misitis, Rachel Tome, Leo Pancari, Jr., Ralph Di-Nardo, Mary Ellen LoPinto, Mary Miklaucic, Norma Yorke, Olivia Longo-Martin, Emma O’Malley, John A. Pelusi, James Campbell, Jean Souza, Dan Kar-wowski, Tom Paholsky, Mark Kasper, Alice Regine, Mary Lloyd, Karen Godwin, Jean Pelusi-Terpack, Robert J. Terpack, Mary Cook Fox, Kathryn Story, Peggy Helstern, Eve Minutello, Karen Roemer, Doro-thy Paganini, Stephanie McKeel, Alexis Brown, Jeff Kollar, Zachary Fowler, Jessica Bookser, Jim Podob-nik, Stephen Kretchun, Jean Lemesh, Pat Manzella, Paul Crile, Gary Lee, Karen Hughes, Sydney Hawk, Roberta Brodie, Helen DeCarbo, Geoff Skundrich, Pastor Bruce Nordeen, Tracy Adams, Janet Maker, Kevin Willis, Lori Wright, Tammy Lechliter, Richard Sed, Glena Phillips, Mikey Lento, Isabella Yakos, Greg Wensell, Nick Hudacek, Madison Palivoda, Chad Pruchnitzky, Patti Kaley, Marge & Karen Scurich, Wayne Isenberg, Mary Conn, Paul Donati, Destiny Otricelli, Melissa Sill, Lucy Guskey, Mary Doane, Pat Flannery, Dolly Grimes, Cheryl Palmer, Barbara Drexler, Chris Larson, Judith Capurso, Dawson Wright, Virginia Davis, Margaret Chappel, Greg Katan-ick, Janice Priselac, Nancy Wanko, Karen Knepp, James Vokoun, Jerry Majcher, Heather Orient, Betha-ny Carder, Barbara Wood, David Kearns, Carey Fitti-paldo, Theresa Connelly, Anne Wisbar, Mark Hilker, Norman Leonard, Jacob Winlow, Bob Sweeney, Su-san Fischer, David Martin, Dino Trimble, Mariam Mol-lick, Bennett Huibregste, Steven Page, Jack McCallough, Lisa Cecere, Amanda Wyandt, Mark Montagna, Joan Knock, Ted Krzywiecki, Robert Faulkner, and Mary Donnelly. May God strengthen them in the midst of their struggles and allow them to know that they are spiritually connected with Holy Child through our prayers and intercessions.

Please remember to call the Parish Office at 412-221-5213 to add or remove names from the prayer list. Thank you and God Bless!

Calendar of Events for Week of March 11, 2018: Sun., March 11: St. Barbara 4th Grade CCD, 8 AM Mass,

Church Regular Religious Ed (CCD Classes) Confirmation Retreat at Seton LaSalle H.S. “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” Bible Study, 1 to 2:30

PM, St. Barbara Hall Mon., March 12: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Church Regular Religious Ed (CCD Classes) Pro-Life Group Mtg, 7 PM, Rectory Tue., March 13: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Church Scripture & Spirituality Reading Group, 7 PM, Rectory Adult Bible Study, 7 PM, Rectory Wed., March 14: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Church SVdP Mtg, 6 PM, Rectory Rosary, 6:30 PM, Church Eucharistic Adoration, 7-8 PM, Confessions

available, Church RCIA Mtg, 7 PM, St. Barbara Thur., March 15: Adult Bible Study, 9:30 AM, Rectory Rosary, 11:30 AM, Church Finance Council Mtg, 7 PM, Rectory Office Fri., March 16: Rosary, 11:30 AM, Church Divine Mercy Chaplet, after Noon Mass, Church Fish Fry, 11 AM to 1 PM & 4-7 PM, Rel. Ed. Bldg Stations of the Cross & Divine Mercy, 2:30 PM, St.

Barbara Church Stations of the Cross, 7 PM, Holy Child Church Sun., March 18: Baby Bottles Collected after all Masses Regular Religious Ed (CCD Classes) “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” Bible Study, 1 to 2:30

PM, St. Barbara Hall Youth Group Mtg, 6 PM, St. Barbara

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Fourth Sunday of Lent

SONG OF GATHERING: “Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior” - Missal #591

Responsorial Psalm: Led by Cantors

OFFERTORY HYMN: “In Perfect Charity” - Missal #

Holy, Holy—Mass of Creation—Missal # 879 Memorial Acclamation–Mass of Creation–Missal # 880

Great Amen—Mass of Creation—Missal # 881 Lamb of God – Mass of Creation—Missal # 882

COMMUNION HYMN: “How Great Thou Art” - Missal # 425

SONG OF SENDING FORTH: “The Church’s One Foundation” - Missal #420

Saturday, March 17, 2018—5:00 PM Mass:

Altar Servers: A. Shaffer Lector: S. Mathews EMEs (Host): R. Dobis, K. & L. Godwin EMEs(Cup): B. Lucas, E. Pandolfo, P. Stetzer, & C. Robinson

Sunday, March 18, 2018—8:00 AM Mass:

Altar Servers: A. Strittmatter Lector: W. Lyons EMEs (Host): P. Hiles, G. Kissinger, & B. Meehan EMEs (Cup): M. Schott & Three Needed

11:00 AM Mass:

Altar Servers: G. Loeffler Lector: D. Loeffler EMEs (Host): K. Hartnett, J. Kelly, & D. Lovett EMEs (Cup): T. Yunker, K. Odria, & Two Needed

5:00 PM Mass:

Altar Servers: N. Pruchnitzky Lector: J. Maochi EMEs (Host): A. Guskey, & Two Needed

Tuesday, March 20, 2018—7:00 PM Mass:

Altar Servers: Needed Lector: M. Kohler EMEs (Host): P. Stetzer, & Two Needed

EMEs = Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Saturday, March 10, 2018 5:00 PM † Lou Dernosek, Birthday, by Family

Sunday, March 11, 2018 Fourth Sunday of Lent

8:00 AM For the People of Holy Child Parish 11:00 AM † Walter R. Brooks, 12th Anniv, by Barb 5:00 PM † Debbie Zombek, by Mom & Dad

Monday, March 12, 2018 12:00 PM † Anthony Sottolano, by Daughter & Familyt

Tuesday, March 13, 2018 12:00 PM † Sister Giovanne Vidoni, Memorial, by Grace

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:30 AM (Broadmore Assisted Living) † Sylvia Marie

Becker, by Jerry Serrino 12:00 PM † Marcella & John McLaughlin, by Children &


Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:00 PM † William Keady, by Audrey Keady

Friday, March 16, 2018 12:00 PM † Mottey, Maisch & McGill Families, by Marga-

ret McGill 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross

Saturday, March 17, 2018 5:00 PM For the People of Holy Child Parish

Sunday, March 18, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Lent

8:00 AM † Silvio Roman, Birth, by Family 11:00 AM † Michael Chan, by Patty Masztak 5:00 PM † Gino Pastorelli, Birth, by Children

Readings for the Week of March 11, 2018 Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [6ab]/Eph 2:4-10/Jn 3:14-21 Scrutiny: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or Jn 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b [2a]/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 [8]/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18 [8a]Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23 [4a]/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23 [19a]/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12 [2a]/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 [12a]/Heb 5:7-9/Jn 12:20-33 Scrutiny: Ez 37:12-14/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [7]/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or Jn 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45

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