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Under the Guidane o! 





Elect!c"l "#$ I#%t&'e#t"t!(# E#)!#ee!#) De*"t'e#t

T+"*" U#!e%!t-, P"t!"l"(Declared as Deemed-to-be-University u/s 3 of the UGC Act., 1!"#

P(%t B") N(. /2, P"t!"l" 100

P&#3"4 I#$!"6


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I o)e *+eia, thank* to -r. "u*h+inder Sin/h SD% 0 2V GRID De3i/arh indu*tria,

trainin/ oordinator !or a,,o)in/ me to undertake the a!ore*aid trainin/ at their +remi*e*.

I am etreme,y /rate!u, to -r. Santo*h Sonar (eturar &ha+ar Uni3er*ity "atia,a )ho

o!!ered the 3a,uab,e /uidane oo+eration and *u//e*tion in +ur*uin/ my trainin/.


At the ,a*t but not the ,ea*t I e+re** my thank* to -r. Ra3inder Goya, 5Head E,etria,

and In*trumentation En/ineerin/ De+artment &ha+ar Uni3er*ity "atia,a6 !or hi* e!!ort in

aom+,i*hment o! thi* ta*k.


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A *ub*tation i* an a**emb,y o! a++aratu* )hih tran*!orm the harateri*ti* o! e,etria,

ener/y !rom one !orm to another *ay !rom one 3o,ta/e ,e3e, to another ,e3e,. Hene a

*ub*tation i* an intermediate ,ink bet)een the /eneratin/ *tation and the ,oad unit*.

&here are t)o bu* bar* in 02V yard and t)o bu*7bar* in 2V yard. &he inomin/ !eeder*

are onneted to bu*7bar throu/h ,i/htin/ arre*tor* a+aiti3e 3o,ta/e tran*!ormer ,ine

i*o,ator iruit breaker* urrent7tran*!ormer* ,ine i*o,ator et. &he bu*7bar* are to ha3e an

arran/ement o! aui,iary bu*.

In the 02V Grid De3i/arh the inomin/ 02V *u++,y i* *te++ed do)n to 23 )ith the

he,+ o! tran*!ormer* )hih i* !urther* *u++,ied to di!!erent *ub7*tation aordin/ to the

,oad.02V Grid De3i/arh ha* a ,ar/e ,ayout on*i*tin/ o! No*. o! tran*!ormer* ratin/

100-VA and 10-VA )ith their 3o,ta/e ratio re*+eti3e,y 0$2V in addition to the*e

tran*!ormer* t)o other tran*!ormer o! ratin/* 1-VA and 1$0-VA )ith their 3o,ta/e ratio

$112V. &here i* one *ub*tation tran*!ormer. &here are many other e9ui+ment:* are a,*o

in*ta,,ed in 0 2V yard*.

At ;0 2V Grid De3i/arh; the *e+arate ontro, room *)ithe* and !u*e*. &here are meter*

!or readin/ +ur+o*e. <u* bar ha* their o)n ontro, +,ant in their ontro, room*. &he

ontro, +ane, arrier the a++ro+riate re,ay*. Nee**ary meter* indiatin/ ,am+ ontro,.

&he trainin/ at /rid *ub*tation )a* 3ery he,+!u,. It ha* im+ro3ed my theoretia, one+t* o! 

e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution. "rotetion o! 3ariou* a++aratu* )a* a /reat

thin/. -aintenane o! tran*!ormer iruit breaker i*o,ator in*u,ator bu* bar et. )a*

ob*er3ab,e. I had a hane to *ee the remote ontro, o! the e9ui+ment:* !rom ontro, room

it*e,! )hih )a* 3ery intere*tin/.


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1. IN&R%DU'&I%N >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

. SU<S&A&I%N


4. #AVE &RA"

?. IS%(A&%R

. "%&EN&IA( &RANS@%R-ER


8. "%#ER &RANS@%R-ER 


10. 'IR'UI& <REA2ER

11. EAR&HING1. "R%&E'&I%N RE(AC

1=. '%N&R%( R%%-

14. <A&&ERC R%%-

1?. 'A"I'A&%R <AN2





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0 2V GRID i* ,oated in De3i/arh "atia,a .&he /rid reei3e* 0 2V ,ine* and *te+* do)n

!urther into 2V and 11 2V ,ine* .&he 2V Grid )a* *etu+ in the year 1B4 and it i*

modi!ied to 02V u+ to @eb 014&he 3ariou* om+onent* u*ed !or *te++in/ do)n the3o,ta/e and +rotetion are in*ta,,ed in the /rid ,ike tran*!ormer* iruit breaker* re,ay*

urrent tran*!ormer* +otentia, tran*!ormer* battery bank bu*bar ,i/htnin/ arre*tor

in*u,ator* a+aitor bank* and 3ariou* other *en*or* and de3ie*.




• 2V

1. <hunerheri

. -a/ar Sahib

=. Rohar a/ir 

• 11 2.V.

1 ha)a,a+ur 10. a)a,a+ur 

. -ehon 11. Dudhan

=. <an/ra 1. U"S701

4. 2i*an+ur 1=. U"S70

?. "arta+/arh 14. U"S70=

. Ha*an+ur 1?. <inFa,

. -a*in/an 1. u,khan

8. Shekhu+ur 1. Ga/ro,a

B. <hunerheri 18. #a,iyan



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&he +roFet entit,ed S&UDC %@ VARI%US '%-"%NEN&S USED IN 0 2V


)a* arried out to ha3e dee+ and *ound kno),ed/e o! )hat are the 3ariou* om+onent* u*ed

in the /rid ho) are the 3ariou* om+onent* in*ta,,ed )hat i* the u*e o! the 3ariou*

om+onent* ho) do the*e om+onent* )ork et . It a,*o /a3e a kno),ed/e o! ho) the

 +o)er tran*!ormer o+erate it* +rotetion maintenane and ,ot o! other thin/* re,ated to

tran*!ormer. &hi* +roFet made me a)are o! a,, the*e thin/*.

%ur main +ur+o*e !or thi* 3i*it i* to be !ami,iar )ith indu*tria, en3ironment and to /et

 +ratia, kno),ed/e o! e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution Student* o! =rd

*eme*ter )i,, /et the idea o! e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution.



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An e,etria, *ub7*tation i* an a**emb,a/e o! e,etria, om+onent* in,udin/ bu*bar*

*)ith/ear +o)er tran*!ormer* aui,iarie* et.

&he*e om+onent* are onneted in a de!inite *e9uene *uh that a iruit an be *)ithed o!! durin/ norma, o+eration by manua, ommand and a,*o automatia,,y durin/ abnorma,

ondition* *uh a* *hort7iruit. <a*ia,,y an e,etria, *ub*tation on*i*t* o! No. o! inomin/

iruit* and out/oin/ iruit* onneted to a ommon <u*7bar *y*tem*. A *ub*tation reei3e*

e,etria, +o)er !rom /eneratin/ *tation 3ia inomin/ tran*mi**ion ,ine* and de,i3er* e,et.

 +o)er 3ia the out/oin/ tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

Sub7*tation are inte/ra, +art* o! a +o)er *y*tem and !orm im+ortant ,ink* bet)een the

/eneratin/ *tation tran*mi**ion *y*tem* di*tribution *y*tem* and the ,oad +oint*.

@i/ .1 Gra+hia, 3ie) o! 0 2V Grid


A**oiated )ith maFor *ub7*tation* in the tran*mi**ion and di*tribution *y*tem in,ude the


1. "rotetion o! tran*mi**ion *y*tem.

. 'ontro,,in/ the Ehan/e o! Ener/y.=. En*ure *teady State &ran*ient *tabi,ity.

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4. (oad *heddin/ and +re3ention o! ,o** o! *ynhroni*m. -aintainin/ the *y*tem

!re9ueny )ithin tar/eted ,imit*.

?. Vo,ta/e 'ontro,J reduin/ the reati3e +o)er !,o) by om+en*ation o! reati3e +o)er


. Seurin/ the *u++,y by +ro3in/ ade9uate ,ine a+aity.

. Data tran*mi**ion 3ia +o)er ,ine arrier !or the +ur+o*e o! net)ork monitorin/J

ontro, and +rotetion.

8. @au,t ana,y*i* and +in7+ointin/ the au*e and *ub*e9uent im+ro3ement in that area o! 


B. Determinin/ the ener/y tran*!er throu/h tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

10. Re,iab,e *u++,y by !eedin/ the net)ork at 3ariou* +oint*.

11. E*tab,i*hment o! eonomi ,oad di*tribution and *e3era, a**oiated !untion*.

&C"ES %@ SU<S&A&I%N

&he *ub*tation* an be ,a**i!ied in *e3era, )ay* in,udin/ the !o,,o)in/

1. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# (lt")e leel% e./. A.'. Sub*tation EHV HV -V (VJ

HVD' Sub*tation.. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# O&t$(( ( I#$((  %utdor *ub*tation i* under o+en *k3.

Indoor *ub*tation i* in*ide a bui,din/.

=. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# c(#9!)&"t!(# e./.

'on3entiona, air in*u,ated outdoor *ub*tation or 

S@ Ga* In*u,ated Sub*tation 5GIS6

'om+o*ite *ub*tation* ha3in/ ombination o! the abo3e t)o

4. Cl"%%!9!c"t!(# 4"%e$ (# "**l!c"t!(# Ste+ U+ Sub*tation A**oiated )ith /eneratin/ *tation a* the /eneratin/

3o,ta/e i* ,o).

"rimary Grid Sub*tation 'reated at *uitab,e ,oad entre a,on/ "rimary

tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

Seondary Sub*tation A,on/ Seondary &ran*mi**ion (ine.

Di*tribution Sub*tation 'reated )here the tran*mi**ion ,ine 3o,ta/e i* Ste+

Do)n to *u++,y 3o,ta/e.


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<u,k *u++,y and indu*tria, *ub*tation Simi,ar to di*tribution *ub7*tation but

reated *e+arate,y !or eah on*umer.

-inin/ Sub*tation Need* *+eia, de*i/n on*ideration beau*e o! etra

 +reaution !or *a!ety needed in the o+eration o! e,etri *u++,y.  -obi,e Sub*tation &em+orary re9uirement.


"rimary Sub*tation* reei3e +o)er !rom EHV ,ine* at 4002V 02V 1=2V

and tran*!orm the 3o,ta/e to 2V ==2V or 2V 52V i* unommon6 to *uit

the ,oa, re9uirement* in re*+et o! both ,oad and di*tane o! u,timate on*umer*.

&he*e are a,*o re!erred to KEHV: Sub*tation*.

Seondary Sub*tation* reei3e +o)er at $==2V )hih i* *te++ed do)n

u*ua,,y to 112V.

Di*tribution Sub*tation* reei3e +o)er at 112V . 2V and *te+ do)n to a

3o,t *uitab,e !or (V di*tribution +ur+o*e* norma,,y at 41? 3o,t*



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(i/htin/ arre*tor i* a de3ie )hih +rotet* the o3erhead ,ine* and other e,etria, a++aratu*

3iL tran*!ormer !rom o3erhead 3o,ta/e* and ,i/htin/ #hen the +o*iti3e,y har/ed ,oud

 +rodue ne/ati3e har/e on the o3erhead ,ine by e,etro*tati indution then the ne/ati3e

har/e i* ho)e3er +re*ented ri/ht under the ,oud and +ortion o! the ,ine a)ay !rom the ,oud

 beome* +o*iti3e,y har/ed &hi* har/e on the ,ine doe* not !,o)

E3ery in*trument mu*t be +roteted !rom the dama/e o! ,i/htin/ *troke. &he three +rotetion

*in a *ub*tation i* e**entia,7

• "rotetion !or tran*mi**ion ,ine !rom diret *troke*

• "rotetion* o! +o)er *tation or *ub*tation !rom diret *troke*

• "rotetion o! e,etria, a++aratu* a/ain*t tra3e,in/ )a3e*

E!!eti3e +rotetion o! e9ui+ment a/ain*t diret *troke* re9uire* a *hie,d to +re3ent ,i/htin/

!rom *trikin/ the e,etria, ondutor to/ether )ith ade9uate draina/e !ai,itie* o3er in*u,ated


I#%t"ll"t!(# 7(c"t!(# :;

In*ta,, arre*ter e,etria,,y a* ,o*e a* +o**ib,e to the a++earatu* bein/ +roteted (ine and

/round onnetion* *hou,d be *hort and diret


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@i/ =.1 (i/htnin/ Arre*ter*


&he arre*ter /round *hou,d be onneted to the a++aratu* /round* and the main *tation

/round uti,iLin/ a re,iab,e ommon /round net)ork o! ,o) re*i*tane. &he e!!iient o+eration

o! the ,i/htnin/ arre*ter re9uire* +ermanent ,o) re*i*tane /round* Station ,a** arre*ter*

*hou,d be +ro3ided )ith a /round o! a 3a,ue not eeedin/ !i3e ohm*.

',earane*7 &he*e are /i3en on the dra)in/*. &he*e are the maimum reommended. &he

term K,earane: mean* the atua, di*tane bet)een any +art o! the arre*ter or di*onnetin/

de3ie at ,ine +otentia, and any obFet at /round +otentia, or other +ha*e +otentia,.

It on*i*t o! a i*o,ator in *erie* and onneted in *uh a )ay that ,on/ i*o,ator i* in u+)ard

and *hort i*o,ator i* in do)n)ard *o that initia,,y ,ar/e +otentia, u+ to earth i* derea*ed to


An idea, arre*tor mu*t there!ore ha3e the !o,,o)in/ +ro+ertie*

1. It *hou,d be ab,e to drain the *ur/e ener/y !rom the ,ine in a minimum time

. Shou,d o!!er hi/h re*i*tane to the !,o) o! +o)er urrent

=. "er!ormane o! the arre*ter* *hou,d be *uh that no *y*tem di*turbane* are

introdued by it* o+eration

4. Shou,d be a,)ay* in +er!et !rom to +er!orm the !untion a**i/ned to it


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?. A!ter a,,o)in/ the *ur/e to +a** it *hou,d ,o*e u+ *o a* not to +ermit +o)er urrent

to !,o) to /round

@i/ =. (i/htnin/ Arre*ter*


(i/htnin/ i* a !orm o! 3i*ib,e di*har/e o! e,etriity bet)een rain ,oud* or bet)een a rain

,oud and the earth &he e,etri di*har/e i* *een in the !orm o! a bri,,iant ar *ometime*

*e3era, ki,ometre* ,on/ *trethin/ bet)een the di*har/e +oint* Ho) thunder,oud* beome

har/ed i* not !u,,y under*tood but mo*t thunder,oud* are ne/ati3e,y har/ed at the ba*e

and +o*iti3e,y har/ed at the to+ Ho)e3er !ormed the ne/ati3e har/e at the ba*e o! the

,oud indue* a +o*iti3e har/e on the earth beneath it )hih at* a* the *eond +,ate o! a

hu/e a+aitor

#hen the e,etria, +otentia, bet)een t)o ,oud* or bet)een a ,oud and the earth reahe* a

*u!!iient,y hi/h 3a,ue 5about 10000 V +er m or about ?000 V +er in6 the air beome*


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ioniLed a,on/ a narro) +ath and a ,i/htnin/ !,a*h re*u,t*.


It i* u*ed to tra+ the ommuniation *i/na,* *end "('' room throu/h 'V&. ReFetion

!i,ter* are kno)n a* the ,ine tra+* on*i*tin/ o! a +ara,,e, re*onant iruit 5 ( and ' in

 +ara,,e,6 tuned to the arrier !re9ueny are onneted in *erie* at eah and o! the +roteted

,ine *uh a iruit o!!er hi/h im+edane to the !,o) o! arrier !re9ueny urrent thu*

 +re3entin/ the di**i+ation. &he arrier urrent u*ed !or "(' 'ommuniation ha3e to be

 +re3ented !rom enterin/ the +o)er e9ui+ment* *uh a* attenuation or e3en om+,ete ,o** o! 

ommuniation *i/na,*. @or thi* +ur+o*e )a3e tra+ or ,ine tra+ are u*ed bet)een tran*mi**ion

,ine and +o)er *tation e9ui+ment to a3oid arrier +o)er di**i+ation in the +o)er +,ant redue

ro** ta,k* )ith other "(' 'iruit* onneted to the *ame +o)er *tation.   En*ure +ro+er 

o+eratin/ ondition* and *i/na, ,e3e,* at the "(' tran*mit reei3e e9ui+ment irre*+eti3e o! 

*)ithin/ ondition* o! the +o)er iruit and e9ui+ment* in the *tation*.

7!#e '"tc+!#) 9!lte "#$ *(tect!e e=&!*'e#t:;

@or mathin/ the tran*mitter and reei3er unit to ou+,in/ a+aitor and +o)er ,ine mathin/

!i,ter* are +ro3ided. &he*e !,itter* norma,,y ha3e air orra, tran*!ormer* )ith a+aitor 


&he mathin/ tran*!ormer i* in*u,ated !or 710 2V bet)een the t)o )indin/* and +er!orm

t)o !untion*. @ir*t,y it i*o,ate* the ommuniation e9ui+ment !rom the +o)er ,ine.

Seond,y it *er3e* to math .


&he tran*mitter on*i*t* o! an o*i,,ator and a am+,i!ier. &he o*i,,ator /enerate* a !re9ueny

*i/na, )ith in ?0 to ?00 HZ !re9ueny band* the tran*mitter i* +ro3ided *o that it modu,ate*


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the arrier )ith +roteti3e *i/na,. &he modu,ation +roe** u*ua,,y in3o,3e* takin/ one ha,! 

y,e o! ?0 HZ *i/na, and u*in/ thi* to reate b,ok to arrier.

@i/ 4.1 #a3e &ra+


&he reei3er* u*ua,,y on*i*t o! and a,ternate mathin/ tran*!ormer band +a** !i,ter and

am+,i!ier detetor.

&he am+,i!ier detetor on3ert* a *ma,, inomin/ *i/na, in to a *i/na, a+ab,e o! o+eratin/ a

re,ati3e,y inten*i3e arrier reei3er re,ay. &he tran*mitter and reei3er at the t)o end* o! 

 +roteted eah orre*+ond* to ,oa, a* !ar a* tran*mittin/.


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#hen arryin/ out in*+etion or maintain* )ork in *ub*tation it i* e**entia, to di*onnet

re,iabi,ity the unit o! other *tation on )hih the )ork i* done !rom a,, other +art* on

in*ta,,ation in order to en*ure !u,, *a!ety o! )orkin/ *ta!! .So /uard a/ain*t mi*take it i*

de*irab,e that *hou,d be done by an a++aratu* i* a,,ed IS%(A&%R. In other )ord* a de3ie

)hih i* u*ed to o+en or ,o*e the iruit either )hen ne/,i/ib,e urrent i* interru+ted or 

)hen no *i/ni!iant han/e in 3o,ta/e aro** the termina, o! eah +o,e o! the i*o,ator )i,,

re*u,t !rom o+eration .they mu*t on,y be o+ened or ,o*ed )hen urrent i* Lero. &here i*

*in/,e ear thin/ I*o,ator u*ed .

I*o,ator i* *)ithin/ de3ie u*ed to o+en 5or ,o*e6 a iruit either )hen a ne/,i/ib,e urrent

ei*t* or )hen no *i/ni!iant han/e in 3o,ta/e aro** the termina, o! eah +o,e o! the

i*o,ator )i,, re*u,t !rom the o+eration.

<road,y *+eakin/ i*o,ator are the *)ithe* )hih:* o+erate under ;No urrent ondition.&hu* i*o,ator i* an a++aratu* )hih make* a 3i*ib,e and re,iab,e di*onnetion o! the unit or 

the *etion a!ter o+enin/ the iruit breaker.


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I*o,ator* are !i,e )ith earthin/ b,ade* a* an inte/ra, +art o! it. &hey may be i*o,ator* )ith

*in/,e ear thin/ b,ade* or t)o earth,in/ b,ade* on either *ide o! it.&hey mu*t on,y be o+ened

or ,o*ed )hen urrent i* Lero. I*o,ator* are ,a**i!ied into !o,,o)in/ ate/orie*.

1. <u* i*o,ator

. (ine i*o,ator

=. &ran*!ormer i*o,atin/ *)ith


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@rom on*trutiona, +oint o! 3ie) the i*o,ator may be ,a**i!ied a*7

1.&he +o*t7 entre +o*t rotatin/ +art doub,e +o*t break ty+e.

.&)o +o*t *in/,e ty+e.

=.<a*e 7 Eah +i+e +ha*e i*o,ator i* mounted on a robu*t ba*e o! *tea, on*trution


&here are t)o ty+e* o! in*trument tran*!ormer7

1. "otentia, &ran*!ormer 

. 'urrent &ran*!ormer

P(te#t!"l T"#%9('e:;


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Simi,ar to '& it i* another ty+e o! in*trument ty+e o! in*trument tran*!ormer .&ran*!ormer 

u*ed !or 3o,ta/e mea*urement* are a,,ed 3o,ta/e tran*!ormer or "otentia, tran*!ormer. it may

 be o! 1 +ha*e or = +ha*e

&he*e tran*!ormer* make the in*trument* *uitab,e !or mea*urement o! hi/h 3o,ta/e and

i*o,atin/ then !rom hi/h 3o,ta/e. the*e &M. Are onneted in +ara,,e, and *eondary )indin/

i* a,)ay* o+en kt.

&he +rimary ha* ,ar/e no o! turn in *eondary)hih +ro3ided *te+ do)n o! 3o,ta/e and

then the 3o,tmeter i* onneted aro** *eondary termina, the hi/h 3o,ta/e ,ine.Some term*

re,ated to "& 7

1. Rated 3o,ta/e 7 the a+aity 3o,ta/e o! the "& )hih it an *tand

. Rated tran*!ormer ratio7 &he ratio o! the rated +rimary 3o,ta/e to the rated *eond 3o,ta/e.

=. Rated *eondary 3o,ta/e7 1=0 $ root 5=6 =.= VAR.

Vo,ta/e tran*!ormer )hih *te+ do)n *y*tem 3o,ta/e to *u!!iient !orm hi/h 3a,ue to ,o)

3a,ue are nee**ary in e3ery *y*tem !or

Indution o! d. *u++,y 3o,ta/e ondution.

-eterin/ o! the *u++,y o! ener/y.



De*i/n and ran/e* are *e,eted aordin/ to the *eondary *iLe o! +otentia, tran*!ormer !or 

indiatin/ in*trument* meter and re,ay*. <ut a,ibration o! the*e in*trument* i* done

aordin/ to the +rimary 3o,ta/e



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  @i/ .1 "otentia, &ran*!ormer 


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&he urrent tran*!ormer* are ke+t in the ate/ory o! the in*trument tran*!ormer. &he '.&. are

u*ed to redue$ *te++in/ do)n A.' !orm hi/h 3a,ue to ,o)er 3a,ue !or mea*urement $

 +rotetion $ ontro,.

&hey are u*ua,,y in*ta,,ed in the outdoor *)ith. &he +rimary ondutor at hi/h 3o,ta/e )ith

re*+et to earth. &he *eondary o! '.&. i* Fu*t ,ike the rin/ ty+e '.&. the +rimary )indin/

on*i*t* o! a 3ery !e) turn* and there!ore there i* no. a++reiation 3o,t dro+ aro** inFetion

'urrent i* tran*!ormed by '.&. the urrent tran*!ormer i* u*ed )ith +rimary )indin/

onneted in *erie* )ith the ,ine arryin/ the urrent to be mea*ured and there!ore +rimary

urrent i* de+endent u+on ,oad onneted in the *y*tem.

@i/ .1 'urrent &ran*!ormer 


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-ea*urement o! a,ternatin/ urrent i* one o! the mo*t !re9uent o+eration not on,y beau*e o! 

it:* inheriant but a a,*o beau*e it i* nee**ary in determinin/ other +arameter* o! e,etria,

iruit. A urrent tran*!ormer 3a,ue o! urrent i* u*ed !or

1. Indiation o! urrent

. k)h and k) meter*

=. &e,ementry

4. "roteti3e re,ay et

A urrent tran*!ormer i* intended to o+erate norma,,y )ith rated urrent o! the *y*tem

!,o)in/ throu/h the +rimary )indin/ )hih i* inrea*ed in the *erie* )ith the net)ork 

Seondary )indin/ o! urrent tran*!ormer onneted to mea*urin/ in*trument* and re,ay

*u++,ie* urrent* iru,atin/ in the de*i/n o! urrent tran*!ormer.


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&here are t)o +o)er tran*!ormer* o! 10 -VA and 100 -VA . &hey are u*ed on3ert 02V$2V.And t)o +o)er tran*!ormer* are u*ed o! 0 -VA and 1$0 -VA )hih on3ert

2V$112V. #hih tran*!orm* e$e ener/y !rom one 3o,ta/e ,e3e, to another de*ired ,e3e,

)ith orre*+ondin/ han/e in urrent 3a,ue and )ithout any han/e in !re9ueny 3a,ue.

&he +hy*ia, ba*i* o! a tran*!ormer i* mutua, indution bet)een the iruit* ,inked by a

ommon ma/nitude +u,*e 3o,ta/e *u++,ied to one *et o! )indin/ a,,ed +rimary *)ith bui,d*

u+ a ma/nitude !,u throu/h the iron.

A tran*!ormer in *im+,e*t !orm on*i*t o! t)o ma/neti oi, )hih are e,etria,,y *e+arated

!rom eah other but ma/netia,,y ,inked throu/h +ath o! re,utane .

@i/ 8.1 "o)er &ran*!ormer 

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&ran*!ormer +art* are7

1. <U'HH%(Z RE(AC It i* a 3ery *en*iti3e /a* and oi, o+erated in*trument )hih *a!e,y

detet the !ormation o! /a* or *udden +re**ure in*ide the oi, tran*!ormer.

. '%NSERVA&%R It i* u*ed to +ro3ide ade9uate *+ae !or the e+an*ion o! oi, )hen

tran*!ormer i* ,oaded or )hen ambient tem+rature han/e*.

=. SI(I'A GE( <REA&HER It *uk* the moi*ture !rom the air )hih i* taken by

tran*!ormer *o that dry air i* taken by tran*!ormer.

4. D%U<(E DIA"HRAG- EM"(%SI%N VEN& It i* u*ed to di*har/e ee** +re**ure in

the atmo*+here )hen ee** +re**ure i* de3e,o+ed in*ide the tran*!ormer durin/ ,oadin/.

?. %I( (EVE( INDI'A&%R It i* u*ed to *ho) the oi, ,e3e, in the tran*!ormer.

. #indin/ tem+erature indiator u*ed to *ho) the tem+erature o! tran*!ormer )indin/.

. RADIA&%RS &he*e are u*ed !or oo,in/ o! the tran*!ormer oi,.


@i/ 8. Variou* "art* o! &ran*!ormer 



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&ran*mi**ion ,ine in*u,ator* are de3ie* u*ed to ontain *e+arate or *u++ort e,etria,

ondutor* on hi/h 3o,ta/e e,etriity *u++,y net)ork*. &ran*mi**ion in*u,ator* ome in

3ariou* *ha+e* and ty+e* in,udin/ indi3idua, or *trin/* o! di*k* ,ine +o*t* or ,on/ rod*.

&hey are made o! +o,ymer* /,a** and +ore,ain77eah )ith di!!erent den*itie* ten*i,e

*tren/th* and +er!ormin/ +ro+ertie* in ad3er*e ondition*.

P!# T-*e I#%&l"t(%

"in ty+e in*u,ator* are u*ed !or the tran*mi**ion o! ,o)er 3o,ta/e*. A *in/,e +in ty+e in*u,ator 

i* u*ed to tran*mit 3o,ta/e* u+ to 11 kV 5ki,o3o,t*6 and hi/her 3o,ta/e* re9uire t)o7 three7 or 

!our7+iee +in in*u,ator*. &hey are not eonomia,,y !ea*ib,e !or == kV and hi/her

tran*mi**ion ,ine*. "in ty+e in*u,ator* are *eured )ith *tee, or ,ead bo,t* onto tran*mi**ion

 +o,e*. &he*e are ty+ia,,y u*ed !or *trai/ht7runnin/ tran*mi**ion ,ine*.

@i/ B.1 "in ty+e in*u,ator 

S&%*e#%!(# T-*e I#%&l"t(%:;

Su*+en*ion ty+e tran*mi**ion ,ine in*u,ator* *u*+end and *u++ort hi/h 3o,ta/e tran*mi**ion

,ine*. &hey are o*t e!!eti3e !or hi/her 3o,ta/e tran*mi**ion ty+ia,,y re+,ain/ mu,ti+,e +in

ty+e in*u,ator*. Su*+en*ion ty+e in*u,ator* ha3e a number o! interonneted +ore,ain di**

)ith eah indi3idua, unit de*i/ned to *u++ort a +artiu,ar 3o,ta/e. &o/ether a *y*tem o! the*e


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di** i* a+ab,e o! e!!eti3e,y *u++ortin/ hi/h 3o,ta/e*. &here are three ty+e* o! *u*+en*ion

in*u,ator* emented a+ *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*J inter,inkin/ or He),ett *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*J

and ,ink or ore *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*.


@i/ B. Su*+en*ion ty+e in*u,ator 

St"!# T-*e I#%&l"t(%

Strain ty+e in*u,ator* are horiLonta,,y *u*+ended *u*+en*ion in*u,ator*. &hey are u*ed to

hand,e mehania, *tre**e* and take the +re**ure o!! a ondutor at the end o! a tran*mi**ion

,ine at a *har+ orner or ur3e or o3er ,on/ ri3er ro**in/*. Strain in*u,ator* are ty+ia,,y

u*ed !or hi/her 3o,ta/e tran*mi**ion*.


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@i/ B.= Strain ty+e in*u,ator 

S+"c<le T-*e I#%&l"t(%:;

Shak,e ty+e in*u,ator* *imi,ar to *train ty+e in*u,ator* are u*ed on *har+ ur3e* end +o,e*

and in *etion +o,e*. Ho)e3er un,ike *train in*u,ator* *hak,e in*u,ator* are de*i/ned to

*u++ort ,o)er 3o,ta/e*. &he*e in*u,ator* are *in/,e round +ore,ain +art* that are mounted

horiLonta,,y or 3ertia,,y.


@i/ B.4 Shak,e ty+e in*u,ator 



A iruit breaker i* an automatia,,y o+erated e,etria, *)ith de*i/ned to +rotet an

e,etria, iruit !rom dama/e au*ed by o3er,oad or *hort iruit It* ba*i !untion i* to

detet a !au,t ondition and by interru+tin/ ontinuity to immediate,y di*ontinue e,etria,

!,o) Un,ike a !u*e )hih o+erate* one and then ha* to be re+,aed a iruit breaker an be

re*et 5either manua,,y or automatia,,y6 to re*ume norma, o+eration 'iruit breaker* are

made in 3aryin/ *iLe* !rom *ma,, de3ie* that +rotet an indi3idua, hou*eho,d a++,iane u+

to ,ar/e *)ith/ear de*i/ned to +rotet hi/h 3o,ta/e iruit* !eedin/ an entire ity.

In any iruit arryin/ a ,ar/e amount o! urrent i! a ontat i* o+ened then norma,,y a *+ark 

i* +rodued due to !at that urrent tra3er*e* it* +ath throu/h air /a+ Arin/ i* harm!u, a* it

an dama/e +reiou* e9ui+ment media are +ro3ided bet)een ontat*.

&hi* i* one o! the im+ortant e9ui+ment in +o)er *y*tem It +rotet* the *y*tem by i*o,atin/

the !au,ty *etion )hi,e the hea,thy one i* kee+ on )orkin/ E3ery *y*tem i* *u*e+tib,e to

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!au,t or dama/e* )hi,e an be au*ed due to o3er,oadin/ *hort7iruitin/ earth !au,t et thu*

to +rotet the *y*tem and i*o,ate the !au,ty *etion ' < are re9uired A+art !rom breakin/ and

makin/ ontat* a ' < *hou,d be a+ab,e o! doin/

1. 'ontinuou*,y arry the maimum urrent at +oint o! in*ta,,ation. -ake and break the iruit under abnorma, and norma, ondition

',o*e or o+en the !au,ty *etion on,y )here !au,t ei*t*

&here are di!!erent ar 9uenhin/ media7

16 Air b,a*t

6 %i,

=6 S@ /a*

46 Vauum

In 0 kV Grid De3i/arh S@ /a* iruit breaker are u*ed a* !or /reater a+aity S@ ty+e

 breaker* are 3ery e!!iient .


&he out*tandin/ +hy*ia, and hemia, +ro+ertie* o! S@ /a* make* it an idea, die,etri

media !or u*e in +o)er *)ith/ear.&he*e +ro+ertie* o! S@ /a* make* it an idea, die,etri

media !or u*e in +o)er *)ith/earthe*e +ro+ertie* are in,uded

16 Hi/h die,etri *tren/th

6 uni9ue ar 9uenhin/ abi,ity

=6 Ee,,ent therma, *tabi,ity

46 Good therma, onduti3ity

In addition at norma, tem+erature S@ i* hemia,,y inertin!,ammab,enonorro*i3e and

non7onden*ab,e at ,o) tem+erature*.

S@ 3er*u* oi, 7

S@ i* not !,ammab,e and toi ,ike oi,.It i* ea*ier to hand,emaintain and re+air e9ui+ment

!i,,ed )ith S@.

In a*e o! breakdo)n o! oi, *tron/ *ur/e* o! +re**ure may our due to *udden de3e,o+ment

o! /a*eou* +rodut*.In a*e o! breakdo)n o! S@the on,y +re**ure ri*e )i,, re*u,t !rom the

therma, e+an*ion o! /a*.


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@i/ 10.1 S@ 'iruit <reaker 


 Earthin/ i* the +ro3i*ion o! a *ur!ae under the *ub*tation )hih ha* a uni!orm +otentia, a*

near,y a* Lero or e9ua, to Ab*o,ute Earth +otentia,. &he +ro3i*ion o! an earthin/ *y*tem !or an

e,etri *y*tem i* nee**ary by the !o,,o)in/ rea*on.

1. In the e3ent o! o3er 3o,ta/e on the *y*tem due to ,i/htin/ di*har/e or other *y*tem !au,t.&he*e +art* o! e9ui+ment )hih are norma,,y dead a* !or a* 3o,ta/e are onerned do not

attain dan/erou*,y hi/h +otentia,.

. In a three +ha*e iruit the neutra, o! the *y*tem i* earthed in order to *tabi,iLe the

 +otentia, o! iruit )ith re*+et to earth.

&he re*i*tane o! earthin/ *y*tem i* de+endin/ on *ha+e and materia, o! earth e,etrode


the earthin/ i* o! t)o +rini+a, ty+e* 7


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1. Neutra, Earthin/

. E9ui+ment <ody Earthin/

Ne&t"l E"t+!#)7

 Neutra, Earthin/ a,*o kno)n a* Sy*tem Neutra, Earthin/ 5or Groundin/6 mean* onnetin/

the neutra, +oint i.e. the *tar +oint o! /eneratortran*!ormer et. to earth. In rotatin/ mahine*

/enerator tran*!ormer iruit et. the neutra, +oint i* a,)ay* onneted to earth either

diret,y or throu/h a reatane. &he neutra, +oint i* u*ua,,y a3ai,ab,e at e3ery 3o,ta/e ,e3e,

!rom /enerator or tran*!ormer neutra,. I! neutra, +oint i* not a3ai,ab,e then the mo*t ommon

method u*ed i* u*in/ a Zi/La/ tran*!ormer. Suh a tran*!ormer ha* no *eondary. Eah +ha*e

o! +rimary ha* t)o e9ua, +art*. &here are = ,imb* and eah ,imb ha* t)o )indin/ +ro3idin/!,u den*ity under norma, ondition. Sine the !,ue* are o++o*ite the tran*!ormer take* 3ery

*ma,, ma/netiLin/ urrent under norma, ondition*. Durin/ !au,t the iruit i* +rimary *ide

)hih +ro3ide* 3ery ,e** im+edane to the urrent. &he /roundin/ tran*!ormer* are *hort time

ratin/. &heir *iLe i* a,mo*t one tenth a* om+ared to +o)er tran*!ormer.

Elect!c"l E"t+!#):;

e,etria, Earthin/ i* di!!erent !rom neutra, earthin/. Durin/ !au,t ondition the meta,,i +art*

o! an e,etria, in*ta,,ation )hih do not arry urrent under norma, ondition* may attain

hi/h +otentia, )ith re*+et to /round. A* human body an to,erate on,y I0.1?A$& urrent

!or a /i3en time t *o to en*ure *a!ety )e onnet *uh meta,,i +art* to earth by mean* o!

Earthin/ *y*tem )hih om+ri*e* o! e,etria, ondutor to *end !au,t urrent to earth. &he

ondutor u*ed i* /enera,,y in the !orm o! rod* +,ate* +i+e* et.

Earthin/ *y*tem en*ure* *a!ety in !o,,o)in/ )ay* 7

1. &he +otentia, o! earthen body doe* not reah dan/erou*,y hi/h 3a,ue about earth

*ine it i* onneted to earth.

. Earth !au,t urrent !,o)* throu/h earthin/ and readi,y au*e* the o+eration o! !u*e or

an earth re,ay.

'onnetion o! E,etria, E9ui+ment to Sub*tation7 A++aratu* "ath to be onneted

1.Su++ortin/ o! bu*

in*u,ator <a*e +,ate


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.Hi/h 3o,ta/e iruit

 breaker %+eratin/ mehani*m !rame

=. I*o,ator %+eratin/ mehani*m !rame bed

4. "otentia, tran*!ormer &ran*!ormer tank (V

?. "o)er tran*!ormer 'ore tank  

Me!t% (9 #e&t"l E"t+!#):;

1. Arin/ /roundin/ i* redued.

. Vo,ta/e o! heatin/ )ith re*+et to earth remain* at harm,e** 3a,ue they donOt inrea*e to

root = time* o! norma, 3a,ue.

=. Suitab,e neutra, +oint.

4. &he earth !au,t re,ayin/ i* re,ati3e,y *im+,e u*e!u, amount o! earth !au,t urrent i* a3ai,ab,e

to o+erate earth !au,t re,ay.

?. &he o3er 3o,ta/e due to ,i/htenin/ are di*har/ed to earth.

. Im+ro3ed *er3ie re,iabi,ity due to ,imitation o! arin/ /round and im+ro3ed o!

unnee**ary !rin/in/ o! '<.

At De3i/arh the neutra, +oint o! +o)er tran*!ormer i* onneted *o,id,y to earth /enera,,y the

earth onnetion are +ro3ided )hih ,ead* re,iabi,ity.


A re,ay i* an e,etria,,y o+erated *)ith 'urrent !,o)in/ throu/h the oi, o! the re,ay reate*

a ma/neti !ie,d )hih attrat* a ,e3er and han/e* the *)ith ontat* &he oi, urrent an

 be on or o!! *o re,ay* ha3e t)o *)ith +o*ition* and they are doub,e thro) 5han/eo3er6


Re,ay* a,,o) one iruit to *)ith a *eond iruit )hih an be om+,ete,y *e+arate !rom the

!ir*t @or eam+,e a ,o) 3o,ta/e battery iruit an u*e a re,ay to *)ith a =0V A' main*

iruit &here i* no e,etria, onnetion in*ide the re,ay bet)een the t)o iruit* the ,ink i*

ma/neti and mehania,.

&he oi, o! a re,ay +a**e* a re,ati3e,y ,ar/e urrent ty+ia,,y =0mA !or a 1V re,ay but it an

 be a* muh a* 100mA !or re,ay* de*i/ned to o+erate !rom ,o)er 3o,ta/e*. -o*t I'* 5hi+*6

annot +ro3ide thi* urrent and a tran*i*tor i* u*ua,,y u*ed to am+,i!y the *ma,, I' urrent to


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the ,ar/er 3a,ue re9uired !or the re,ay oi, &he maimum out+ut urrent !or the +o+u,ar ???

timer I' i* 00mA *o the*e de3ie* an *u++,y re,ay oi,* diret,y )ithout am+,i!iation

Re,ay* are u*ua,,y S"D& or D"D& but they an ha3e many more *et* o! *)ith ontat* !or 

eam+,e re,ay* )ith 4 *et* o! han/eo3er ontat* are readi,y a3ai,ab,e @or !urther 

in!ormation about *)ith ontat* and the term* u*ed to de*ribe them +,ea*e *ee the +a/e on


T-*e% (9 Rel"-%

&he*e are a,,ed norma,,y o+ened norma,,y ,o*ed in GSS ontro, room there i* +ane, in

)hih the re,ay* are *et and there are many ty+e* o! re,ay*

1. %3er 3o,ta/e re,ay*

. %3er urrent re,ay*

=. I D - & !au,t re,ay

4. Earth !au,t re,ay

?. <uhe,oL:* re,ay

. Di!!erentia, re,ay

%VER V%(&AGE RE(AC 7 &hi* +rotetion i* re9uired to a3oid dama/e o! *y*tem in a*e

,ine beome* o+en iruited at one end &he*e !au,t )ou,d tri+ the ,oa, iruit breaker thu*

 b,ok the ,oa, and remote end* &hi* re,ay i* o+erated i e ener/iLed by 'V& onneted to


%VER 'URREN& RE(AC: 7&hi* re,ay ha* the u++er e,etroma/net o! non7diretiona, re,ay

onneted in *erie* )ith ,o)er non7diretiona, e,etroma/net #hen the !au,t urrent !,o)

throu/h re,ay urrent oi, )hih +rodue* !,u in ,o)er ma/net o! diretiona, e,ement &hu*

the diretiona, re,ay ha* the )indin/ o3er the e,etroma/net* o! non7diretiona, e,ement and

 +rodue* a !,u in ,o)er ma/net and thu* o3er urrent o+erate*.


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EAR&H @AU(& RE(AC 7)hen a ondutor break* due to *ome rea*on and it i* earthen then

earth !au,t our* &he !au,t urrent i* 3ery hi/h thu* there i* need to o! o3er urrent re,ay

&hi* re,ay ha* minimum o+eratin/ time

DIRE'&I%NA( RE(AC 7 It a,,o)* !,o)in/ the urrent on,y in one diretion then on,y thi*

re,ay o+erate* It ha* a )indin/ onneted throu/h the 3o,ta/e oi, o! re,ay to ,o)er ma/net

)indin/ a,,ed urrent oi, #hih i* ener/iLed by ' & i! !au,t our* &hi* re,ay o+erate*

)hen 3$I i* ,e** than theoretia, 3a,ue &he 3$I i* norma,,y on*tant .

@i/ 1.1 %3er 'urrent and Vo,ta/e Re,ay*

DI@@EREN&IA( RE(AC:  7 &hi* re,ay o+erate* )hen +ha*e di!!erene o! t)o e,etria,

9uantitie* eeed* the +redetermined 3a,ue It ha* a,)ay* t)o e,etria, 9uantitie*J hene in

400k3 GSS !or tran*!ormer di!!erentia, re,ay i* u*ed


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INVERSE &I-E 'HARA'&ERIS&I'S RE(AC 7 &he re,ay u*in/ here ha3in/ the in3er*e

time harateri*ti* ha3in/ the time de,ay* de+endent u+on urrent 3a,ue &hi* harateri*ti

i* bein/ a3ai,ab,e in re,ay o! *+eia, de*i/n &here are7

  i. E,etroma/neti Indution ty+e

  ii. "ermanent ma/neti mo3in/ oi, ty+e

iii. Stati ty+e

<U'HH%(Z:S RE(AC 7 It i* the +roteti3e de3ie o! the tran*!ormer #hen any !au,t

our* in the tran*!ormer then it indiate* about !au,t and )e di*onnet the tran*!ormer !rom

the iruit It i* u*ed in the +o)er tran*!ormer It i* onneted bet)een the tank and

on*er3ator It ha* t)o !,oat* on )hih t)o merury *)ith are attahed %ne !,oat i* u*ed !or 

the be,, indiation and other !,oat i* u*ed !or the tri++in/ In the norma, +o*ition the re,ay i*

!i,,ed )ith the oi, and ontat* o! the merury *)ith are o+ened #hen the earth !au,t our*

in the tran*!ormer then it inrea*e* the tem+erature o! oi, and oi, !,o)* into the on*er3ator 

throu/h re,ay %n the )ay it make* the ontat* o! the tri++in/ iruit *hort So in the )e an

*ay that thi* re,ay )ork* a* iruit breaker.


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&o remote ontro, o! +o)er *)ith /ear re9uire* the +ro3i*ion o! *uitab,e ontro, +,ate*

,oated at a *uitab,e +oint remote !rom immediate 3iinity o! '< O* and other e9ui+ment*.

 At ;02V DEVIGARH; the *e+arate ontro, room +ro3ided !or remote +rotetion o! 

02V *)ith yard* tran*!ormer inomin/ !eeder outin/ !eeder*. <u* bar ha* their o)n

ontro, +,ant in their ontro, room*. &he ontro, +ane, arrier the a++ro+riate re,ay*.

 Nee**ary meter* indiatin/ ,am+ ontro, *)ithe* and !u*e*. &here are meter* !or readin/

 +ur+o*e. A iruit onernin/ the +ane, i* *ho)n on the +ane, )ith *tandard o ,our.

%n eah +ane, a ontro, *)ith i* +ro3ided !or remote o+eration o! iruit breaker. &here are

t)o indiator* )hih *ho) that )eather iruit breaker i* ,o*ed or o+en. A ontro, *)ith !or 


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eah in*u,ator i* a,*o +ro3ided. &he +o*ition indiator o! i*o,ator i* a,*o done )ith the he,+ o! 

*in/,e ,am+ and indiator. &he o ,our o! *i/na, ,am+* are a* !o,,o)* 7

RED :; @or iruit breaker or i*o,ator i* ,o*e o+tion

GREEN :;  @or '< or i*o,ator in o+en +o*ition.

In addition to u*ed indiation an a,arm i* a,*o +ro3idin/ !or indiatin/ abnorma, ondition

)hen any +roteti3e re,ay or tri++in/ re,ay ha* o+erated. It* on*tant* ener/ie* on aui,iary

a,arm. Re,ay )hih on o+eration om+,ete* the a,arm be,t iruit.

E#e)- Mete:;

&he*e are !itted on di!!erent +ane, to reord tran*mitted ener/y and reorded in ener/y hour*.

@or thi* +ur+o*e -#H meter ha3e been +ro3ided.

W"tt Mete:;

&hi* i* mounted on eah !eeder +ane, to reord im+ort or e+ort +o)er.

Fe=&e#c- P(?e:;

"ro3ided to eah !eeder to mea*ure !re9ueny )hih ana,o/ or di/ita,.

V(lt Mete :;

"ro3ided on eah +ane, or the +ur+o*e o! indiation o! 3o,ta/e.


&he*e are u*ed to indiation the ,ine urrent.

MVAR Mete:;

"ro3ided !or indiatin/ +o)er !ator o! im+ort and e+ort.

M"@!'&' I#$!c"t( De'"#$ :;


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'hie! re9uirement o! the*e indiator* to reord the minimum +o)er !ator taken by !eeder 

durin/ a +artiu,ar +eriod. &hi* reord the a3era/e +o)er *ue**i3e +redetermined +eriod.

@i/ 1=.1 'ontro, Room


&here i* a battery room )hih ha* ?? batterie* o! 3o,t eah !or 1=2V *etion and 110 batterie* !or 02V *etion. &here!ore D.'. +o)er a3ai,ab,e i* !or !untionin/ o! the ontro,

 +ane,*. A battery har/er to har/e the battery.

1. Variou* +art* o! ,ead aid batterie*7

1. ",ate*

. Se+arator*

=. E,etro,yte

4. 'ontainer


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?. &ermina, +ort

. Vent +,u/*

@i/ 14.1 Vie) o! <attery Room


I#!t!"l c+")!#)

It i* the !ir*t har/in/ /i3en to batterie* by )hih the +o*iti3e +,ate* are on3erted to ,ead

 +eroide )herea* the P3e +,ate* )i,, on3erted to *+on/y ,ead. A,*o in a !u,,y har/ed

 battery the e,etro,yte *+ei!i /ra3ity )i,, be at it* hi/he*t 3enue or 1. and it* termina,

3o,ta/e )i,, be 4 3o,t*


#hen a !u,,y har/ed battery de,i3er* it* ener/y out by meetin/ a ,oad the ,ead +eroide o!

the Q3e +,ate* *,o),y /et* on3erted to ,ead *u,+hate and the *+on/y ,ead o! the P3e +,ate*

a,*o /et* on3erted into ,ead *u,+hate durin/ thi* time the *+ei!i /ra3ity o! the e,etro,yte


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a,*o derea*e* the 3a,ue around 1.00 and the termina, 3o,ta/e a,*o derea*e* !rom it* initia, to

a ,o)er 3a,ue )hih may be around 1.8? or 1.8.


 A a+aitor bank i* a /rou+in/ o! *e3era, identia, a+aitor* interonneted in +ara,,e, or in

*erie* )ith one another. &he*e /rou+* o! a+aitor* are ty+ia,,y u*ed to orret or ounterat

unde*irab,e harateri*ti* *uh a* +o)er !ator ,a/ or +ha*e *hi!t* inherent in a,ternatin/

urrent 5A'6 e,etria, +o)er *u++,ie*. 'a+aitor bank* may a,*o be u*ed in diret urrent

5D'6 +o)er *u++,ie* to inrea*e *tored ener/y and im+ro3e the ri++,e urrent a+aity o! the

 +o)er *u++,y. Sin/,e a+aitor* are e,etria, or e,etroni om+onent* )hih *tore e,etria,

ener/y. 'a+aitor* on*i*t o! t)o ondutor* that are *e+arated by an in*u,atin/ materia, or

die,etri. #hen an e,etria, urrent i* +a**ed throu/h the ondutor +air a *tati e,etri!ie,d de3e,o+* in the die,etri )hih re+re*ent* the *tored ener/y. Un,ike batterie* thi*


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*tored ener/y i* not maintained inde!inite,y a* the die,etri a,,o)* !or a ertain amount o!

urrent ,eaka/e )hih re*u,t* in the /radua, di**i+ation o! the *tored ener/y. &he ener/y

*torin/ harateri*ti o! a+aitor* i* kno)n a* a+aitane and i* e+re**ed or mea*ured by

the unit !arad*. &hi* i* u*ua,,y a kno)n !ied 3a,ue !or eah indi3idua, a+aitor )hih

a,,o)* !or on*iderab,e !,eibi,ity in a )ide ran/e o! u*e* *uh a* re*tritin/ D' urrent

)hi,e a,,o)in/ A' urrent to +a** out+ut *moothin/ in D' +o)er *u++,ie* and in the

on*trution o! re*onant iruit* u*ed in radio tunin/. &he*e harateri*ti* a,*o a,,o)

a+aitor* to be u*ed in a /rou+ or a+aitor bank to ab*orb and orret A' +o)er *u++,y



@i/ 1?.1 'a+iator <ank 

 &he u*e o! a a+aitor bank to orret A' +o)er *u++,y anoma,ie* i* ty+ia,,y !ound in

hea3y indu*tria, en3ironment* that !eature )orkin/ ,oad* made u+ o! e,etri motor* and

tran*!ormer*. &hi* ty+e o! )orkin/ ,oad i* +rob,emati !rom a +o)er *u++,y +er*+eti3e a*


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e,etri motor* and tran*!ormer* re+re*ent induti3e ,oad* )hih au*e a +henomenon

kno)n a* +ha*e *hi!t or +o)er !ator ,a/ in the +o)er *u++,y. &he +re*ene o! thi*

unde*irab,e +henomenon an au*e *eriou* ,o**e* in term* o! o3era,, *y*tem e!!iieny )ith

an a**oiated inrea*e in the o*t o! *u++,yin/ the +o)er. &he u*e o! a a+aitor bank in the

 +o)er *u++,y *y*tem e!!eti3e,y ane,* out or ounterat* the*e +ha*e *hi!t i**ue* makin/

the +o)er *u++,y !ar more e!!iient and o*t e!!eti3e. &he in*ta,,ation o! a a+aitor bank i*

a,*o one o! the hea+e*t method* o! orretin/ +o)er ,a/ +rob,em* and maintainin/ a +o)er

!ator a+aitor bank i* *im+,e and o*t e!!eti3e. %ne thin/ that *hou,d a,)ay* be ke+t in

mind )hen )orkin/ )ith any a+aitor or a+aitor bank i* the !at that the *tored ener/y i!

inorret,y di*har/ed an au*e *eriou* burn* or e,etri *hok*. &he inorret hand,in/ or

di*+o*a, o! a+aitor* may a,*o ,ead to e+,o*ion* *o are *hou,d a,)ay* be eeri*ed )hen

dea,in/ )ith a+aitor* o! any *ort.



&he trainin/ at /rid *ub*tation )a* 3ery he,+!u,. It ha* im+ro3ed my theoretia, one+t* o! 

e,etria, +o)er tran*mi**ion and di*tribution. "rotetion o! 3ariou* a++aratu* )a* a /reat

thin/. -aintenane o! tran*!ormer iruit breaker i*o,ator in*u,ator bu* bar et )a*


  I had a hane to *ee the remote ontro, o! the e9ui+ment* !rom ontro, room it*e,!

)hih )a* 3ery intere*tin/.

  So the trainin/ )a* more than ho+e to me and he,+ed me to under*tand about +o)er 

*y*tem more.

 No) I ha3e *tudied a ,ot about the e,etria, tran*mi**ion *y*tem. %ne mu*t ha3e ne3er

thou/ht that *o many thin/* are re9uired !or Fu*t *)ithin/ on a te,e3i*ion or a re!ri/erator or

*ay an e,etri trimmer. &he three )in/ o! e,etria, *y*tem 3iL. Generation tran*mi**ion and

di*tribution are onneted to eah other and that too 3ery +er!et,y. Here man and e,etriity

)ork a* i! they are a !ami,y. (ot* o! ,abour a+ita, and in!ra*truture i* in3o,3ed in the

*y*tem Fu*t to ha3e a *in/,e +ha*e0V?0HL +o)er *u++,y at our hou*e*. At ,a*t I )ou,d



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E#e)- S"e$ I% E#e)- P($&ce$


1. ))).e,etria,

. ))).)

=. )))

4. ))).*,ide*

?. "o)er Sy*tem by '.(.#adh)a

. "o)er Sy*tem by V.2. -ehta

. E,etria, -ahine by ".S. <imbra

8. &ha+ar (ibrary


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