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Week 24:

The following takes place between 8/9/09 and 8/15/09

One Last Word

Acts 1:1-10

In this passage, Jesus gives us one last word of transformation.

MONDAY: Acts 1:1-3

Last Days: The past few weeks have gone by fast for the disciples. During this time, they lost a brother in betrayal, they

lost their Master to death, Jesus rose from the grave to defeat death, and they spent around forty days with Him after His

resurrection. They have a new allegiance to Christ now. They knew He was God. Their faith was deeper and their trust was stronger.

And Jesus continued to teach them about the Kingdom of God.

Today’s Assignment: How well do you pay attention to the Lord? Your days go by fast. Too fast. Do you let the

Lord prune your life spiritually so you can continue to grow? Do you love others as He calls you to love? How’s your fruit? Ask God to

help you be still and know He is God. Listen to Him. Obey.

WEDNESDAY: Acts 1:4-7

The Gift: Jesus was thinking ahead for the day that He would ascend back to Heaven. After He left, He was going to send a

gift from the Father – the Holy Spirit. This was going to be a day of radical transformation. The past three years, the disciples have

walked WITH Christ. They depended on Him to help them understand His parables, His miracles and His sacrifice. They learned only

what they could understand as Jesus explained things. His gift of the Holy Spirit was going to give them the connection to God that

would change their lives and the world forever. His Holy Spirit would have access to their thoughts and emotions and expectations

and shape them through their experiences. The Holy Spirit would be with them wherever they go – even now as Christ was preparing

to depart. Jesus said stay in Jerusalem and wait. The disciples really didn’t understand, but they would soon.

Today’s Assignment: The same Holy Spirit that Jesus promised in Acts is the same Holy Spirit that resides in the

hearts of believers. You have that connection between your heart and God like the disciples did. God has access to your heart to

shape you, prune you and help you grow so you can bear fruit. Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to shape your life.

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FRIDAY: Acts 1:8-9

New Mission: The transformational effect of the Holy Spirit is power. Apart from Him, we have no power. If we abide in

Him, He has the ability to use us in extraordinary ways. One way this power is expressed in is boldness. Boldness to share His love.

Boldness to stand in the face of adversity and suffering. Boldness to sacrifice. Boldness to trust God’s heart and to follow Him. The

disciples were about to literally go boldly where no man had gone before. Jesus called them His witnesses. Jesus was sending them

from where they were to the ends of the earth. His church was about to be established. Lives were about to be changed for eternity.

So Christ has given us His Holy Spirit. He has given us His power. He calls us His witnesses. And we start where we are. We go where

He leads. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, however long we are there, even if it is just for a moment – we are His witnesses.

This is our calling. This is the last thing Jesus spoke before He ascended to Heaven. Every transformational thought and parable and

miracle and expression He gave led up to this one moment. Jesus came to transform lives. It begins with a relationship with Him.

Then we become His witnesses. We are not alone. His Holy Spirit guide us with His power to boldly live a life that imitates our Savior.

Today’s Assignment: Have you been transformed? Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If you have not,

you can right now. Understand that your sin separates you from God. You cannot be good enough to earn His favor. We have been

purchased with the blood of Christ that He shed on the cross for our sins. Jesus died, was buried and rose again for you. He offers

the free gift of Life – the Living Water – for you so you can have a transformed life on this earth and live for eternity in Heaven with

Him. It starts with this. Then you become His witness. You have a story of transformation you have personally experienced. His Holy

Spirit will give you boldness to share His love with others. Start where you are. Where you live, work and play – this is your mission

field. Where you eat, shop and pass by – this is your mission field as well. No matter where you are or where you go, you are on

mission as His witness. This is His calling on your life. You have been given abilities and talents. You are accountable to Him for your

use of them. But you are His witnesses. You are accountable to Him as you live our life as such. God expects fruit from your life as

well – spiritual maturity and the lives you impact for Christ with the seeds you plant. Allow Jesus to do something extraordinary with

your life. God is able to do far more than you could ever ask or imagine. He has no limits. Be transformed.

Memorize Scripture: James 4:7