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• By Lauren Dowley• Candidate no.- 2044• Centre no.- 64135

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MY PROPOSAL My 2nd Idea:

Light, pastel girly colours make the magazine look very girly and cute

Bows, flowers, hearts and bubbles will be the main shapes used at puffs

‘Life of Pop’ connotes that pop music is life for young girls

Target Audience= 13-16 aged girls

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Main image

Cover lines

Cover lines

Pug and puff

Pug and puff

Price, Issue number, Date and barcode

Main cover line

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Quote boxes


Text for interview

Anchorage text Main


Page numbers will be here

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Front Cover

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Double page spread

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Age- average around 12+ Gender- female Nationality- doesn’t matter Social class- middle class as upper class may

go for more classy magazines which have less abbreviations and lower class providing they have the money.

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MY AUDIENCE Demographics:

The audience will be most likely in group E because they will be too young even top get a Saturday job yet as they're still in school.

Psychographics: Aspirers because young girls are interested in who’s most

interested in who’s most popular and who isn’t, image appearance and fashion. This is why I will focus more no colour and puffs to make my magazine appeal more to the target audience.

Spending power- how much you have left to spend. Pocket money Price must be cheap £1.50 more popular more content £1.99  

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inform and educate or personal relations ship. Inform and educate as the reader may learn something new about  pop star or band that they didn’t before by reading the magazine. Personal relationship because by reading the magazine, you can build an admiration for a certain star or band.

• Maslow: social climber or care giver- Social climbers

because girls will feel that if they know more about certain stars or bands they are more privileged than others who may not know as much.  Care givers because girls may feel engaged with and/or sympathetic towards a star or band.

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‘Top of the Pops’- 1995

‘We Love Pop’ - 2011

Top of the Pops

Sound of Pop

We Love Pop

Top of the Pops

Sound of Pop

We Love Pop

Year 1

Year 2

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CONTENT UK top 40 charts Newest Pop singles and albums Interviews Horoscope start signs Posters Newest fashion trends Competitions News about latest TV Shows Make-up tips and looks incl. nails Fashion trends Agony aunt (famous celeb)

What have I used (content wise) in my flat plan for my magazine?

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PRINTING QUOTES/ COSTS First issue- around 40 pages Matt printing 10,000 copies £8 344.31 8 344.31 / 10,000= £0.83 £1.50 67p profit per issue £6,700 profit if sold all 10,000 copies Year 2: Increase price up to £1.99 and add more

content New printing costs: 11 228.44 /10,000= £1.12 87p profit per issue £8,700 if sold all 10,000 copies

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DISTRIBUTION 40 page copy= £55.37 per issue

£553,700 60 page copy= 83.30

£833,ooo 10,000 copies

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PROMOTION Above the Line – TV Advert, Billboard Campaign, Posters, radio adverts and cinema

adverts. Below the Line – Social Media, Email subscribers of your “magazine of inspiration” in

advance of the release date and other promotions like free giveaways, 10% off the magazine or buy one get one free offers.

TV advert about 30 secs long Target to advertise on Disney channels where children will see it more. Push strategies- getting retailers to stock a product Pull strategies- advertising on TV’s Push marketing- sending our e-mails to people to advertise the product Pull marketing- online banner ads or advertising on social media websites e.g. Facebook

Prices for printer posting

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£1277.50 per year

Life of Pop

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PRODUCTION PROCESS Process:• Decide date of publication,

Once the date for the release of my magazine has been chosen I will then be working with a schedule which is in the slide after this.

• Manage a schedule, This is where my schedule will be managed and decided which is

what everyone will have to work against.• Decide the over all budget,

The editorial team will choose what topics that will be included in the magazine, then look at how much money we have and decide a final budget for the production of whole magazine.

• Decide content that will be included, At this stage journalists and reporters do a lot of research about the

topics and content that will be included in the magazine, interviews will be arranged and artwork/ graphics are also worked on at this stage.

• Edit the magazine We edit the magazine to make sure all facts are correct, checking

spelling and grammar and the house-style is carried out.

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PRODUCTION PROCESS• Decide the layout of all the pages,

The editorial team then choose the layout of each page in the magazine and which order they should all go in. To do this, the main programme that is used is InDesign. Adverts are also placed in the magazine at this point.

• Proofreading, Once a hardcopy of the magazine has been printed,

editors will look through it and find and correct any mistakes.

• Send file of the magazine to the printer, Once proofread, the DTP file of the fully finished

magazine will be sent to the printer. If the editors approve he printing, the printer will then start mass printing.

• Distribution. The magazines are neatly packed and sent to a

warehouse where the magazines are distributed and then sold to the public.

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5-6 weeks prepWeek beginning: Monday 27th October 2014

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

 Task: decide the final deadline for the publication of the magazine and manage the schedule for the production of the magazine.

Discuss what topics will included in the magazine, who will be in it, what pictures to take, then discuss the final budget you wish to pay by looking at how much you have to spend and what the money will be spent on in the magazine.

Discuss what topics will included in the magazine, who will be in it, what pictures to take, then discuss the final budget you wish to pay by looking at how much you have to spend and what the money will be spent on in the magazine.

Discuss what topics will included in the magazine, who will be in it, what pictures to take, then discuss the final budget you wish to pay by looking at how much you have to spend and what the money will be spent on in the magazine.

 Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

  Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

  Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

Complete by:End of day

Complete by: Two days time

Complete by:The next day

Complete by:End of day

Complete by:One week time

Complete by: End of day

Complete by: End of day

Date: 27th October

Date: 28th October

Date: 29th October

Date: 30th October

Date: 31st October

Date: 1st November

Date: 2nd November

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Week beginning: Monday 3rd November 2014

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

 Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

 Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

 Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

 Gather content for the magazine. Artwork and graphics are also worked on at this point. Research is also collected by journalists through either the internet (on gossip websites) and interviews.

 Editing the magazine to make sure that all the facts are correct, the spelling is correct, grammar and punctuation is correct, that the house-style for the magazine is used, and that the page layout is revised and corrected if need be.

Decide the layout of each page using programs like InDesign and Photoshop to construct all of the pages in order to make the magazine.

 Decide the layout of each page using programs like InDesign and Photoshop to construct all of the pages in order to make the magazine.

Complete by: End of day

Complete by: End of day

Complete by: End of day

Complete by: End of day

Complete by: End of day

Complete by: Two days time

Complete by: The next day

Date: 3rd November

Date: 4th November

Date: 5th November

Date: 6th November

Date: 7th November

Date: 8th November

Date: 9th November

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Week beginning: Monday 10th November 2014

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Decide the layout of each page using programs like InDesign and Photoshop to construct all of the pages in order to make the magazine.

The editors of the magazine print out a hard copy of the magazine and read through it to try and find any mistake and then correct them.

 The editors of the magazine print out a hard copy of the magazine and read through it to try and find any mistake and then correct them.

 The editors of the magazine print out a hard copy of the magazine and read through it to try and find any mistake and then correct them.

Once the magazine's mistakes are corrected the DTP file of the magazine is sent to the printer making sure that you send all of the images and fonts with it as well.

The magazine is sent to a warehouse. From there the magazines are distributed and sent to shops to sell to the public.

The magazine is sent to a warehouse. From there the magazines are distributed and sent to shops to sell to the public.

Complete by:End of day

Complete by:Two days time

Complete by: The next day

Complete by:End of Day

Complete by:End of Day

Complete by:The next day

Complete by:End of day.

Date: 10th November

Date : 11th November

Date: 12th November

Date: 13th November

Date: 14th November

Date: 15th November

Date: 16th November

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Jobs and salaries (per year):• Commissioning editor- £26,500• Publishing commissioning editor- £18,000 -

£40,000 depending on experience • Publishing editor- £15,000- £23,000 depending

on experience • Editorial assistant - £15,000- £23,000

depending on experience • Magazine features editor- £25,000 to £40,000

depending on experience• Publishing copy-editor/ proof- reader- £44, 512

for proofreading and £52,000 for copy- editing and £62, 400 for large amounts of editing/rewriting.

• Press sub-editor£- £15,000 to £18,000 for a small magazine and £20,000 to £23,000 for a larger magazine

• publishing rights manager-£22,000 - £35,000 depending on experience

• Art director- £25,000 - £50,000 depending on experience

• Interns- £0.00• Photo editor- £25,000 to £40,000 depending on


Subscription sales:Special offers- e.g. 2-for-1 deal for the firth month or 12 issues for the price of 9

Start-up costs:£8 344.31 + £553,700= £562,044.31

Recruitment costs:£905,012

Marketing costs:£1277.50 for Facebook per year

£1,277.50 per year for Twitter

£1,277.50 per year for ItunesTOTAL= £3832.50


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MARKETING Consumer wants and needs (vs. Products)

You have to target the customers that would actually want to buy the product e.g. target young female teens instead of a male in his twenties.

Cost to satisfy (vs. Price)

Will the reader of my magazine want to go out and pay for transport (e.g. getting the bus or getting their parents to drive them and then pay for parking) to buy my magazine, especially if my magazine is expensive. They will also have to want to do that every month.

Convenience to buy (vs. Place)

Young teenagers would most likely want to buy a magazine in their local corner store or supermarket instead of ordering online or ordering over the phone as they wont have any debit or smart cards yet either.

Communication (vs. Promotion)

Using communication to approach audience rather than promoting which can come across as patronising or intimidating. When customers try to get in contact, try to be approachable, friendly and helpful and try to include the customers when advertising,. For example use mobile number to send out text updates for new subscriptions or issues.


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4 full page adverts = £10,000 (£2,500x4) 2 half page adverts= £3,600 (£1,800x2) 1 inner front cover= £5,000 1 outer back cover= £5,000 Total= £23,600

ITunes= £3.50 per day Run continuously £1,277.50 per year

Facebook= £3.50 per day Run continuously £1,277.50 per year

Twitter= £3.50 per day Run continuously £1,277.50 per year

TOTAL= £3832.50

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LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES All information obtained in my magazine must be

accurate and true, Must have permission from everyone whose photo

has been taken for my magazine, All content in my magazine must be copyrighted to

prevent others from copying or re-making my magazine,

Everyone who features in the magazine’s privacy must be respected, e.g. details of their personal life, home and health,

Journalists must not be intimidating to get answers. These issues must be checked before the magazine

is finally produced.

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PLAN FOR THE MAGAZINEOutgoing: Printing costs:

£,344.31 Distribution:

£553,700 Recruitment

costs: £905,012

Marketing costs: £3832.50

TOTAL: £1,470,888.81

1 year 2 years 5 years 10 years£0






Magazine profit over the years Money

coming into the magazine Per month:• £30,300Per year:• £356,400

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