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2 Page Rules Tricorne

What You NeedEach unit is a battalion of Infantry, 2 squadrons of Cavalry or a battery of Artillery represented by a base with wargaming miniatures (2mm or 6mm are ideal, but you can use whatever scale).The rules are written for fighting large battles quickly, with minimal superfluous detail. They use a six sided dice for everything.The base sizes I have used are 1 wide by 1/2 deep. All measurements are in 1 multiples so other sizes can be used just substituting the base width for 1 in the movement.Generals may be based on any square or round base up to 1 across.

UnitsUnits can be artillery, infantry, light infantry, heavy or light cavalry.Troops can be elite, average or poor. Some troops may have optional special abilities.Units may also be irregular.

Contingents and FormationsArmies are structures along the lines of contingents. An example of a contingent is Prince Eugene's Austrians at Blenheim. The army may contain 1+ contingents. All the troops in a contingent have one commander and may also have a special ability or characteristic.Units may join a formation which allows certain benefitsSingle line --------------- All units except flanking units get a 4+ save versus all damage caused by cavalryDouble line ======== where the second line is within 3 of the first. Units get the same save ability as a single line but units from the second line may replace those in the first as a free move. March columns formed of units one behind the other. A march column may move twice but any attacker may re-roll misses.Column of battalions may reroll misses in combat but attackers may reroll all misses in firing.Moving between formations takes one turn and the new formation must be centred on one of the units within the old formation.

Sequence of Playa. Player A moves his units, fires units, then makes Assaults.b. Player B moves his units, fires units, then makes Assaults.

MovementEither the unit, or part of its formation, must be within 6 of its contingent commanderInfantry 3Artillery 3Heavy Cavalry 6Light Infantry 6Light Cavalry 9

FireInfantry can fire up to 1 and firearm cavalry have the same range with 1 dice.Light artillery fires in bands of 2 inches with 2 dice and 4 incehs with 1 dice.Heavy artillery rolls 3 dice up to 3, 2 dice up to ^ and 1 dice up to 9.Units hit on a 6. They gain +1 dice for firing on the flank, +2 for firing on the rear. Units get a saving throw of 4+ if they are in hard cover, or fired upon by firearm cavalry. A saving throw of 6+ if the target is in light cover or light infantry, or the enemy is of poor quality,

Hits cause a move on the morale clockGood Weakened Broken Destroyed (removed)

AssaultUnits may assault units in base to base contact.Artillery may not assault but may be assaulted.Roll 1 d6 per unit (both sides)6s cause one hit on the morale clock.The following modifiers are applied.All Vs artillery +1d6Flanking +1d6In the rear +2d6opponent weakened +1d6opponent broken +2d6Shock troops +1d6Elite troops +1d6

Rally PhaseAll broken units move a double move towards their own baseline. All units may try to improve their morale state but rolling one d6.On a roll of 6 the unit moves one space back on the morale clock.The following modifiers apply +1 for elite+1 for an attached commander+1 in cover+1 more than 9 from all enemy-1 if poor.
