Page 1: 3 tips for English presentation

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3 Tips for English presentation

(especially for Japanese)

1000 Speakers Conference in English2014 July 11Yosuke Kato

Page 2: 3 tips for English presentation


Tips for presentation, not for reporting

If you need to make an 'report' to print and distribute, please follow the way more suitable for your purpose

● In the 'report', this kind of notice and memorandum are also written in the paper.

● You can just 'talk' when you make a 'presentation'

This page is a 'bad example'

● Too much texts

● Reading what you can see

● Audience will easily forget the key message(Actually, no message...)

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Font size : larger than 20 points recommended

The title above is 28 points This text is 22 points

● Any outline levels use the same size (my style)

This size was enough for 100+ audience

● The audience were young (high school students)


●32 points characters

●40 points characters

Consider the audience eyesight!

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1 page, 1 message (topic)

The largest characters= The title at the top= The topic you want to express

Main Topic (title)

Additional Chart(If any)


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Use English from the draft

Japanese draft will be too much to translate into English

Example : Twitter (140 characters limited)

● Only few expression can be written within 140 characters. So it's a good idea to use the shorten words, e.g. “abbr.”(117 characters)

● The translation (not literal) of above sentence:140文字では、少ししか表現できません。短縮表現(要するに略語)を使うというのもアリです。(45 characters)

If you write your draft in Japanese, you'll need much more space when you translate.

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Just 3 tips

Larger than 20 points

1 page, 1 message

English from the draft

At least!

The very basic, but difficult...

The bullet lines of key messages (page titles) can be drafted in Japanese. Please try to use English when you start drafting the pages to avoid the layout issue.