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Get Users Hooked to Your App

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3 Tips to Get

More Users

Hooked to Your



The holy grail of mobile strategy is getting users addicted to your product,

but there are different routes that will get you to this coveted destination. The

rise of behavioral psychology gives marketers a new set of tricks that will

drive users crazy, and then immediately drive major sales. To effectively

influence users, a savvy mobile agency should become familiar with different

methods, as some are not applicable to certain apps, and not every user

responds positively to each technique.

Here are 3 different types of dependency you can encourage in users, that

will ensure your app becomes an inseparable part of their daily routine:

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A better app that provides users with a service they actually NEED goes a long way,

even in the red ocean of apps. Take Waze, for instance. This app has managed to

change the way millions of people drive in such a deep sense, that many of us can

no longer get from point A to point B without the wisdom of the masses. We depend

on it to guide us even when we know exactly how to get to our current destination,

and the traffic is nowhere near busy at the moment.

While this option seems pretty obvious, building an essential app is extremely hard to

do. On the bright side, your product doesn't have to answer the most urgent of

needs. If you can fundamentally change one simple action and make is easier or

more convenient, going back to the annoying traditional path might be painful

enough for users to help you achieve your goal.



Dependency: A

Mobile Must-


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FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out - is what drives millions worldwide to constantly stare

at their smartphones and hit refresh. Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter – we want it all, all

the time. Any mobile agency should pay special attention to this modern day

phenomenon, since mobile is the classic platform to tap into it and make a profit.

Adding a social component to your app will not only make for a better app and

increase user engagement, it will also plant the seed in the users' minds to make them

think of what they might be missing when they're logged out. You can also use the

push mechanism to give users a taste of what goes on in the wonderful world of your

app while they're away. Sending them relevant messages regarding time sensitive

offers and mysterious deals should help do the trick and seriously boost your retention







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This unique mobile strategy will only really work with some users, but when it does – it

will pay off big time. Competitiveness drives people to do the craziest things and invest

their most precious resources, so why not utilize this trait to gain something from it?

Turning your product into a competitive game can really increase retention and

engagement rates. If you let users know that their friends and family seem to be doing

much better than they are, they will go to extreme lengths in order to maintain their

hard-earned position in the game.

Create an even better app by adding the option to share victories on social media and

compete head-to-head with others, preferably people users actually know. You will be

surprised to find out just how invested competitive users get. This strategy will turn your

app from a fun little hobby to a personal goal that goes far beyond the mobile world.

Apps come and go, and very few successfully make the transition from a trendy nice-to-

have to a permanent must-have. Your mobile agency should keep in mind that in this

arena, just like anywhere else, emotions call the shots. If implemented into your mobile

strategy, the above mentioned mechanisms will inspire the right feelings in your target

audience and let users (and competitors) know that you are here to stay.




May the Best

User Win

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About us

Moburst is a full service, global mobile marketing agency that helps

companies grow their mobile business. After redefining hundreds of apps

and A/B testing every possible feature in every vertical, our team knows

what works for each product, and how to deliver the most relevant

experiences for each user. We love solving clients’ tough mobile challenges

and believe that the combination of creative thinking, advanced technology,

and data drives success at scale.

Hundreds of companies, from local startups to large global brands such as:

Microsoft Accelerator, Get-Taxi, Conduit, Sony Music and Nielsen Innovation,

have leveraged our product refinement, app store optimization (ASO), user

acquisition, and mobile consulting services to enhance their product and

maximize their KPIs.

Every day, our team’s mission is to innovate creative solutions that connect

brands with highly targeted audiences that convert into loyal users.

Moburst has offices in New York City, Israel and San Francisco.

To learn more, visit or contact us at [email protected].

