Page 1: 3 ways to succeed at Local SEO


Today this paper will be all about how to do Local SEO. It will tell you how to become an expert in local

seo and how to be the best at what you do. I have been doing local seo and internet marketing for

around 10 years. I have my own company and I have been very successful at what I do. The way I have

successful at what I do is because I do not quit until I have finished or come to my goal. I always set a

goal and when I achieve that goal I take a break and then start going towards my next goal. You goal can

be as simple as getting $20 a day, or as big as getting $1,000+ a day. It doesn’t matter how big or how

small, just as long as you keep setting goals.

Anyways, back to how to do local seo. Local seo consists of 3 things.

1. On Page SEO

2. Citations

3. Reviews

Those are the 3 main things when it comes to local seo. Now, if you don’t know how to do those 3

things it doesn’t matter because I will tell you how to in this tutorial. First is on page SEO. Now on

page seo consists of a lot of things but the main things are not too many kw just put out, make sure

you have internal links (links from pages inside your site to other pages inside your site). Make sure

you have relevant pictures and videos on your site, and last but not least make sure you have

external links to other sites. You’re probably asking why that is, but it’s because google will see that

since you are linking to other sites that you are helping other people and are a legit site. Now

citations. Citations are just Yellow Pages and Angies list listings. They are simple, but there are

some key things you need to know about them. Make sure your information is consistent, make

sure your info is correct, and make sure to never change it.

Reviews are exactly what they sound like. Make sure on those listings and mainly google local

listings that you get a lot of reviews. Make sure if it’s possible to get a lot of good reviews. Reason

is because if you don’t then Google can see that you’re not a good site and that you may be hurting

people are a fake/scamming site.

Those are just a few things about Local SEO. If you have any other questions feel free to email me or

visit my website to see my local SEO service.

Email: [email protected]
