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Weight Loss and Well-Being: Weight Loss and Well-Being: 34 Tips34 Tips

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Tip 1 - Recurring Weight Loss Requires Tip 1 - Recurring Weight Loss Requires Lifestyle ChangeLifestyle Change

This means changing the way we eat, the way we sleep, and the amount of physical activity we

engage in on a daily basis.

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Tip 2 – The Small Stuff CountsTip 2 – The Small Stuff Counts

It's the small things that you do daily that can add up to reaping big results.

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Tip 3 – Repetition is The KeyTip 3 – Repetition is The Key

A repetitive task eventually forms a new habit in which will bring automatic results.

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Tip 4 – Your Body Loves SleepTip 4 – Your Body Loves Sleep

Your body requires good sleep in order to repair muscles, re-vitalize itself, and to keep stress

levels low.

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Tip 5 – Seek Like-Minded PeopleTip 5 – Seek Like-Minded People

If you associate with others trying to lose weight, you can form a support group to help motivate

each other.

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Tip 6 – Set Goals and VisualizeTip 6 – Set Goals and Visualize

Goals are as important as visualizing. NASA, Olympic Athletes, and Military practice

visualizing to increase their mission success rate.

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Tip 7 – Research and InvestigateTip 7 – Research and Investigate

Take all information with a grain of salt. Do your own due-diligence on every thing you hear and

read to find out the facts for your self. Also known as “critical thinking.”

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Tip 8 – Read Books and Listen To AudioTip 8 – Read Books and Listen To Audio

We have easy access to awesome literature and presentations about nutrition, health, and well-being. We should not hesitate indulge in

this information.

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This could be the only thing preventing you from shrinking the waistline. Apply yourself and give it

all you've got.

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Tip 10 – Focus on Health and Not Tip 10 – Focus on Health and Not Weight LossWeight Loss

Focusing on weight loss can discourage you. Instead, keep a healthy mindset and focus on eating and doing things in a healthy manner.

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Tip 11 – Ignore The IgnorantTip 11 – Ignore The Ignorant

Ignorance is not bliss. Learn to shut your mind off from those who crack too many useless

jokes and also those who try to bring you down.

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Tip 12 – Seek Help From Those Who Tip 12 – Seek Help From Those Who KnowKnow

To get you to point B, it is wise to seek counsel of those who already have what you want (a thin

body) and find out how they lost their weight.

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Tip 13 – Consume Healthy InformationTip 13 – Consume Healthy Information

With critical thinking, you can sift through what you hear from the media, and “gurus” and find out and consume what healthy information will

work for you.

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Tip 14 – Practice Meditation or Quiet Tip 14 – Practice Meditation or Quiet TimeTime

Meditation or “quiet time” has been proven to lower stress levels in an individual. Eliminating stress is very important for those who want to

get in shape.

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Tip 15 – Apply The Knowledge In The Tip 15 – Apply The Knowledge In The Quick Guide I ProvideQuick Guide I Provide

No amount of knowledge will do anyone any good until they USE IT. Absorb and use what

this guide contains:

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Tip 16 – Practice Stress Release Tip 16 – Practice Stress Release MethodsMethods

There are other stress release methods other than meditation. Find a method that works for

you and do it.

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Tip 17 – Strengthen Your WillTip 17 – Strengthen Your Will

Guru's will tell you that you can't “will” yourself to lose weight. This is false. Strengthen your Will so that you can force yourself to follow through with building new and more beneficial habits.

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Tip 18 – Get Into The Right CareerTip 18 – Get Into The Right Career

What does this have to do with shredding stomach fat? A lot – being miserable means

your stressed. If your current job is a cause of it, find a way to step in the right career path.

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Tip 20 – Choose A Wise DoctorTip 20 – Choose A Wise Doctor

Not all doctors are smart. Certificates mean very little. Find a family doctor who will offer a

nutritional suggestion for a cure as opposed to being quick to fire a pill into your mouth. All

medications are toxic.

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Tip 21 – Don’t Listen To The Opinions of Tip 21 – Don’t Listen To The Opinions of OthersOthers

Opinions are a dime a dozen. Ask and you can receive millions of theories of how you can't do

something. Just like ignorance – build a wall inside your mind and don't listen to negative


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Tip 22 – Be RealisticTip 22 – Be Realistic

“I lost 60 lbs. In 3 weeks!!!”

It won't happen. What can happen is that you can lose up to half a pound every day. Set a realistic goal instead of kicking yourself in the

pants when you don't reach an unrealistic goal.

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Tip 23 – Keep PositiveTip 23 – Keep Positive

Positive thinking will help a person keep the Right Mental Attitude they need to reach their

daily weight loss goals.

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Tip 24 – Increase Your Monthly EarningsTip 24 – Increase Your Monthly Earnings

Just like chnaging careers for the better, if you desire more money for a better and healthier

lifestyle – go for it!

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Tip 25 – Pick up a HobbyTip 25 – Pick up a Hobby

Hobbies like reading a book, typing a blog, or taking photos can be relaxing. Find something

that you can do to help relax yourself – especially for when you complete your daily

exercise routine. A balanced life is a good life.

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Tip 26 – Listen To Motivational SpeakersTip 26 – Listen To Motivational Speakers

Listening to motivational speakers can give you that kick-in-the-pants that you needed to change

your daily diet or get you into physical motion. (We all need that from time to time)

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Tip 27 – Read for InspirationTip 27 – Read for Inspiration

Feeling discouraged at times? Read a biography or any story where someone got

knocked down in life and sprung back up and accomplished more than they did before. It does

not have to be a fitness story but any inspirational story will work fine.

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Tip 28 – Go Get a MassageTip 28 – Go Get a Massage

A massage can work many wonders for both your mind and body.

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Tip 29 – Make Things FunTip 29 – Make Things Fun

Everything we do in life should be enjoyed. Make your recipes and exercise routines fun so

that it will encourage you to do more.

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Tip 30 – Do a Good Deed For a Fellow Tip 30 – Do a Good Deed For a Fellow HumanHuman

Doing good for others will eventually come back to you. An idea is to share the ideas you have

learned and implemented to shrink your over all belly fat with those who are trying to do the

same as you. (Also known as “Karma.”)

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Tip 31 – Develop Your MindTip 31 – Develop Your Mind

An idea is what gives birth to just about any plan or event. Develop your mind to keep it strong so

that your body can become strong, too.

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Tip 32 – Have a Plan and Adjust Along Tip 32 – Have a Plan and Adjust Along The WayThe Way

A plan does not have to be perfect. Have a daily plan where you eat the appropriae foods and an exercise plan that you will follow through on. If you find a flaw in your plan, fix it and move on.

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Tip 33- Not Too Much and Not Too LittleTip 33- Not Too Much and Not Too Little

Too thin is just as bad as having too much fat. We should strive for balance in eating, balance in mental and physical exercise, and balance in the things we enjoy. Too much of anything is not

a good thing.

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Tip 34 – Believe In YourselfTip 34 – Believe In Yourself

This is the most important. You must believe in your ability to do the things required for a lean

body. It's just that simple.

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For your Free “Quick” Guide, go to:

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