Page 1: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

38 Reasons Why You Need a Social

Media Expert

Welcome to the 21st century, where self-driving cars are no longer a

distant sci-fi fantasy, kids have smartphones in pre-school, and to have a

successful business, you HAVE to be on social media!

Whether you have a social media expert on staff or outsource to an

agency, social media marketing is vital to the success of any modern

business. When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone

with a multifaceted skill set who has the power to take your business to

new heights.

Here are 38 reasons why every business needs a social media expert:

1. Sales/Leads: The end goal of any marketing strategy is to make more

money. Social media experts are highly skilled in turning followers into

customers. 75% of companies that marketed their products on social

media reported an increase in sales within 12 months. Furthermore, 74%

of consumers use social media to make purchase decisions.

Page 2: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

2. Tracking & Measure: Before acquiring sales, you need a way to track

it. A social media expert can help setup Facebook pixels, conversion

tracking codes, remarketing audiences and more. This will help

determine how an audience is progressing through the marketing funnel

from product view, lead, add to cart, sale, etc.

3. Timeliness: There’s more strategy behind social media marketing

than meets the eye. An expert knows what times to post certain

information on specific platforms to achieve optimal engagement.

Page 3: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

4. Quality Work: To keep your business’s social media profiles

engaging, you’ll need more than just a few basic images and some

Facebook ads. They know how to encourage audience participation and

engagement in ways beyond generic postings. Take a look at some of

LYFE Marketing’s design work:

Page 4: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the
Page 5: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

5. Lifelong learning: Consistently keeping up with all the latest social

media trends is nearly impossible for the average person. Social media

experts, however, are used to the lifelong learning process required to

keep up with the constantly evolving field.

Most fields change every few years but social media platforms change

every few weeks! it takes a special kind of person to have the stamina to

keep up!

6. Build recognition & credibility: Beyond acquiring sales, one of the

main goals of social media marketing is to build your brand’s image. A

social media expert can help your brand gain a favorable online

reputation. This can, in turn, transfer to real world brand recognition.

In this day and age, no one trusts a company without a social media

presence. If you want to run a trustworthy, credible business, you need

an attractive social media presence. An expert can help you achieve


7. Monitoring: When you’re running a business, checking your

company’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram isn’t the first thing on your

mind every day. However, these platforms should be monitored daily to

remove spam comments, respond to questions, and engage with

potential customers. This is one of the many duties of a social media


Page 6: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

8. Grow a long term audience: Marketing isn’t all about instant

gratification (though there certainly are some instant benefits). Growing

an established audience is something that happens over a long period of

time with great social media expertise.

Once you’ve established a sizable following, you can advertise to

thousands of people for free simply by making a social media post!

9. Targeting: Social media experts know who’s on what platform and at

what time. They also have a wealth of information on social media users’

interests, buying habits, and more. With all this information, they can

create target audiences tailored perfectly to your brand. This ensures the

Page 7: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

people you are advertising to are those who are most likely to be

genuinely interested in your product.

10. Crisis Management: Bad press can destroy a business. Social

media experts are there to provide an immediate response to concerns

and criticisms. Never let a bad review go unremedied!

Page 8: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

11. Increase website traffic: It’s not enough to sit and hope people will

find your website on their own. You need to lead them there! Social

media experts craft content and advertisements to direct customers to

your website.

12. Increase engagement: Interaction with your followers can turn them

into customers and can turn customers into repeat customers!

Social media experts encourage engagement in the form of likes,

comments, and shares, which in turn encourages customer loyalty. 53%

Page 9: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

of Americans who follow brands on social are reported to be more loyal

to those brands. Likewise, 90% of businesses have reported increased

exposure from social media!

13. Modernization: Once upon a time, TV, Magazine, billboard, and

radio ads were enough. Now, businesses have to adopt social media

marketing strategies to keep up in the modern age. After all, social

media is proven to now be more efficient than other forms of advertising.

14. Save money: Everyone wants to see results without spending too

much money. If done correctly, social media marketing can do just that!

Not only is social media more effective than other forms of advertising,

but it’s more affordable too!

Page 10: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

15. Analytic lens: So you have results, now what? A social media

expert can tell you what those results mean and how to change your

strategy if the results aren’t what you want them to be.

Are your leads not turning into sales? Are your boosted posts not getting

the engagement you want? A dedicated social media expert will get you

the results you need!

Page 11: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

16. #Hashtags: The right hashtags can encourage organic awareness

for your brand. Hashtags are also useful for organizing photos from

events and helping businesses find their audience. Experts know which

tags to use and when!

17. Cut out the waste: Social media experts can optimize ads and

quickly learn from data sets. They can ensure you don’t waste any ad

dollars through A/B split testing.

A/B split testing is when two or more versions of an ad are tested against

one another to figure out which one is more effective.

Page 12: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

18. Use data to your advantage: Marketing through Facebook gives

you access to massive quantities of data via audience insights. Social

media experts can combine this information with their own data to put

your business at an advantage.

For example, an expert can target a Facebook ad specifically to users

who have already clicked on your website and have a history of making

online purchases.

19. Go viral: Viral social media content is like word of mouth advertising

for the 21st century. 92% of people trust recommendations from

individuals over brands. Just imagine what thousands of shares and

retweets can do for your business!

Page 13: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

20. Personalization: Few advertising platforms offer the level of

personalization social media advertising allows. Geo-targeting and other

features allow social media marketers to personalize content and ads for

different sections of your target audience.

Page 14: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

21. Track ROI: It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what your return on

investment is when it comes to social media marketing. An expert knows

what to look at and how to calculate results.

Social Media marketing is extremely trackable. A skilled social media

marketer can measure sales, website traffic, app downloads, email

subscriptions, and more. Plus they can compare results to the amount of

time and money spent to determine ROI.

22. Necessity: People research everything online first, so if your

business isn’t active on social media, no one will take it seriously. It

takes more than just having a Facebook page; it takes an active and

successful social media presence.

23. Experience: Social media experts have experience. They know how

to create ads, optimize your campaign, and scale it! They know what

works and what doesn’t based on industry experience. That isn’t

something you can learn just from Googling it.

Page 15: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

24. Measurement & Reporting: There are a many elements to analyze

and data points available to pull on social media. For some, it can take

hours to properly track, measure and analyze correctly. Having an expert

who knows which data points are most valuable and develop monthly

reports for the business is critical. Also, experts have the ability to

determine whether or not the social media marketing campaign is

headed in the positive or negative direction and can offer assistance on

how to game plan for the upcoming month.

25. Voice: Consistency is key! Having an expert craft your business’s

Page 16: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

posts can ensure a consistent voice across all content. Is your brand

witty? Serious? Punny? A social media expert will be sure to embody

your brand’s personality.

26. Precise audience targeting: When you launch an ad on television,

you don’t get much control over who sees it. You just have to hope your

target audience is watching the right channel at the right time.

With social media ads, an expert can pinpoint your perfect audience

based on an extensive bank of data. Once an audience has been

optimized, the ads will be shown to just the right people. This way you

don’t have to waste money showing ads to people they don’t apply to.

27. Competitor analysis: One great feature of social media is that it

doesn’t just connect you to your audience, it connects you to your

competition as well. Social media experts can analyze your competitors’

accounts to find out what strategies work for them and where their weak

points are.

28. Relaxation: Social media management and marketing can be

stressful. However, it’s easy for someone who has devoted their life to it.

Sit back, relax, and leave the hard work to your social media expert!!

29. Instant feedback: Commercials take a long time to plan and even

more time to start generating responses. With social media, posts can

Page 17: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

be instant. This allows your brand to capitalize on current events in real

time and start tracking responses right away.

With undelayed communication, the possibilities are endless!

30. Rapidly expanding field: Commercials and billboards alone will no

longer suffice without working in conjunction with social media. Radio

took 38 years to reach 50 million users while Facebook added more than

200 million users in less than a year!

A social media expert can modernize your business’s marketing

strategies. They will also continuously update strategies as social media

platforms grow and evolve.

31. Storytelling: A social media expert has the ability to tell a story in

140 characters or less. That’s a feat in and of itself!

There is a very distinct skill set associated with social media marketing.

Being a good writer isn’t enough. Social media experts are more than

just good writers. They also know how to cater language to specific

Page 18: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

target audiences and how to convey a lot of information in a brief tweet

or Instagram caption.

32. Advertise without being obvious: People reject advertisements

because they see them as an attempt to control how they think or act.

Social media advertisements, however, can work around this


Sponsored posts look like your friends’ posts on Instagram or Facebook.

This technique makes your audience less likely to reject your ads. A

social media expert is skilled at writing ads that don’t sound like ads.

This way they can generate more leads and sales than traditional


33. Motivation: You can’t keep up with social media if you aren’t

motivated to do so. You have to enjoy it to be good at it because there’s

always something changing and something new to learn.

A new platform can basically revolutionize the field overnight. Remember

when MySpace ruled the pre-Facebook social media experience? Social

media experts become experts because they have the motivation to

keep up.

34. Save time: Social media management is extremely time-consuming.

Leave it to an expert who has the time to devote to it because it’s their


Page 19: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

For a business, the opportunity cost of having someone skilled in

something else spend too much time on social media can mean you’re

actually losing money. You’re better off hiring an expert.

35. Complicated terms and conditions: Does anyone actually read

Facebook or Twitter’s terms and conditions? Yes! Your social media

experts do.

Experts make themselves aware of even the most extensive and

convoluted rules. They can ensure your business’s page won’t be

blocked for violating even the weirdest terms. For example, did you know

Facebook does not allow ads with images that contain over 20% text?

Page 20: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

And aside from these complicated terms, data privacy has also been a

concern last year. In fact, 22% of online marketers say that data security,

ad blocking and restrictions in tracking have the biggest impression in

Page 21: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

their businesses this past year. If you have a social media expert

working for your business, you can be assured that they can pull off your

ad strategies without those tracking and privacy issues. Why? Well,

again simply because they keep themselves updated with these


36. Business savviness: Social media for business is very different

from personal social media use. Someone whose knowledge of social

media management comes entirely from their personal account would

not begin to understand the world of boosted posts, SEO, and lead

campaigns. Every business needs SEO, whether they realize it or not!

It takes an expert to know both the personal and business end of social

media and to know when to employ which strategies.

37. Constant contact: Social media allows you to remain in constant

contact with your customers/fanbase. You can respond to comments,

answer questions, and remove spam in real time.

Having a social media specialist managing your business’s accounts

means there will always be someone there to let your audience know

there’s a person on the other side.

38. Influencer marketing: 84% of marketers plan on executing at least

one influencer marketing campaign this year. If you want your business

to keep up, you need to adopt the same strategies.

Page 22: 38 Reasons Why You Need a Social Media When you hire a social media expert, you’re hiring someone with a multifaceted skill set who has the

Social media experts are ahead of the curve when it comes to influencer

marketing. They can track down the perfect influencer to benefit your


So there you have it, that’s 38 reasons why you should hire a social

media expert to help your business grow today!
