
4 Easy Steps to prepare for a Vaginal Mesh Lawsuit Claim.

Since the 1970s, doctors have been

using “vaginal mesh” or “surgical

mesh” to support or hold in women’s

pelvic organs. Performed to treat

pelvic organ prolapse (POP)–a con-

dition in which a woman’s pelvic or-

gans fall into or through her vaginal

opening–and stress urinary inconti-

nence (SUI)–a condition marked by

the involuntary leakage of urine–

these mesh operations originally involved the placement of the mesh product (sometimes

called a “bladder sling”) through incisions in the patient’s abdomen.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, in recent years, the most consistently re-

ported complication to arise in connection with the use of surgical mesh has been erosion:

the mesh wears through the vaginal mucosa and exposes its rough and uncomfortable

surface to the patient and her partner. Patients also report instances of mesh contraction

(shrinkage). These complications are causing women to bleed, swell up, develop infec-

tions, and experience debilitating pain.

The Rottenstein Law Group has already gotten thousands of calls and is representing hun-

dreds of vaginal mesh clients, so we know what’s on the minds of potential claimants. We

know what you’re thinking, and we know what you’re worried about.

If you’re reading this guide, then you’re concerned about the harm that your vaginal mesh

or bladder sling implant might be causing, or might already have caused, you—an unfor-

tunate circumstance that we wish you weren’t in. But it also means you realize that being

informed can help improve your situation—which is good—and you’re looking for trust-

worthy information now—another good thing. The Rottenstein Law Group believes that

you should be as knowledgeable as possible, so we offer these suggestions...

This is a preview of the Rottenstein Law Group’s 4 Easy Steps to Preparing for a Vagi-

nal Mesh Lawsuit Claim. To read the full version, visit

or call (888) 725-9207 to speak with one of our attorneys.

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