

W E B S I T E D E S I G N ( H T T P S : / / B L O G . D E S I G N V E L O P E R . C O M / C A T E G O R Y / W E B S I T E - D E S I G N / )Û


5 Compell ing Reasons Your Website Should Be Responsive

There is no doubt that it’s the age of mobile devices now. I know it sounds ridiculous but more people in this world own smartphones than toothbrushes. Mobile

seems to become everything surrounding us from doing business, checking email, shopping or even playing game.

Because of that insanely increase of mobile devices, it’s a must for any kind of business to have a website that is mobile friendly. Actually, it’s not a big

problem. Usually, we have a website designed for desktop users and another one speci�cally developed for mobile users. But, the question is “Is is possible to

have a website that can use for both desktop and mobile?”. Absolutely, it can! Responsive web design comes to your rescue.

What is responsive website?Instead of explaining it words by words, let’s see it in action. Opening this blog on a desktop browser, then slowly make the browser thinner and wider. Do you

see it? The layout magically adjusts itself to �t any sizes of the browser. That is how responsive websites work!

B y V a n D o ( h t t p s : // b l o g . d e s i g n v e l o p e r . c o m / a u t h o r / v a n d o / ) o n S e p t e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 6




With this design, instead of creating different websites for different devices, you just need to rearrange the elements to �t into any screen sizes. Your sites will

look awesome everywhere. In other words, it ensures the website is effective and easy to use on any devices.

Bene�ts of Responsive Web DesignThe bene�ts of a responsive website are numerous, but I’ve summed up the most important advantages that actually affect your business.

E a s i e r to m a n a g e , l ow er c os t sWith traditional website style, you have to waste your time and squander your money to build a separate mobile website and a desktop one. Then, you need two

separate content strategies, SEO campaigns, etc. Needless to say, how complicated it is! Responsive design will give you spaces to breath. It’s much easier. You

just need to build a single foundation, then it will run on the same strategies and campaigns.


Moreover, one website always cost less than two, and the savings can be de�nitely substantial.

H a p p i e r v i s i to rs , m ore p o t en t i a l c u s tom ers

It’s really frustrated to zoom in and out, up and down, left and right on smaller device to read content. That’s obviously the last thing a customer wants when

they are on the move and need to �nd out about your business. Remember, people want convenience, not a challenge. Responsive design can help you relieve

this stress.


When sur�ng a responsive site on a mobile device, you don’t have to zoom, or shrink your screen anymore. The site will magically adjust to your screen size.

Visitors will get better experience. And as a result, you will get more happy visitors which also lead to more happy clients.


N o r i s k o f du p l i c i t yCreating multiple version of your website can’t avoid releasing duplicate content for the same product. And incase you didn’t know, Google actually penalizes

you for duplicate content. These penalties will hurt your ranking. Is there anything worse than that? Responsive web design helps you take away all this mess!

“ B i g B os s ” – G oog l e p re fe rs i t !Quite simply, Google prefers responsive web design. They recommended it, they meant it, and you know they are really a big deal! As the proverb goes “If you

are in Rome, do as Roman do“, there is no reasons for you to go against the wish of Google unless you want to harm your SEO.



But why does Google prefer responsive design? In my opinion, there are 2 main reasons for this case. The �rst one is it’s more convenient for Google bot to

evaluate your site instead of crawling multiple websites. Also, it’s much easier for users to share or interact with the website content. So, don’t hesitate to make

your web a responsive one as Google recommendations.

I n c rea s e s a l es a n d c on vers i on ra t esWhat are business website for if not improves sales?

Besides all of the search bene�ts, it was clear that responsive website also has ability to increase conversion rates which leads to increase sales. According to

a study from Google “What Users Want Most from Mobile Sites Today (

sites-today.html)“, when users visited a mobile-friendly site, 74% of them said that they were more likely to return to that site in the future and 67% of them were

more likely to buy on that site’s products or services.

Quite obviously, if you want to stay ahead of the competition, having a responsive website is the way to go.

At the end, it depends on your choice, whether you take it or not. But if you need help with a responsive website, we’re here to help you!

Are there any other bene�ts of responsive web design not listed here? Feel free to let me know your thinking in the comments below