  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011



    Installation and Configuration





    Team Member EmailKTH Credits

    Zhaoyu Wang [email protected] 30

    Saber Khamooshi [email protected] 15

    Dan Wu [email protected] 15

    Hantao Wang [email protected] 15

    IliasKaronis [email protected] 15

    Muhammad SheharyarSaeed [email protected] 15

    NomanMumtaz Ali [email protected] 15

    Champion BjrnPehrson

    Coach Bruce Zamaere


    Erik Eliasson

    My Anderberg

    Hans Eriksson

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011



    Revision History .............................................................................................. 2

    1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 3

    2. Purpose ........................................................................................................ 3

    3. Scope ........................................................................................................... 3

    4. Audience ...................................................................................................... 4

    5. Assumptions................................................................................................. 4

    6. Installation & Configuration ......................................................................... 5

    6.1 Use of backslash .................................................................................. 5

    6.2 Snort package Installation ................................................................... 5

    6.3 Set up LAMP ...................................................................................... 6

    6.4 Install and Configure BASE .............................................................. 10

    7. Test Snort ................................................................................................... 13

    8. Links &References ..................................................................................... 15

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    Revision History

    Version Date Changes Author(s)

    Version 1.0 23 August,


    Draft version of IDS

    installation and

    configuration guide

    Muhammad Sheharyar Saeed

    Zhaoyu Wang

    Version 2.0 2



    Add testing part Muhammad Sheharyar Saeed

    Zhaoyu Wang

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    1. Introduction

    An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or application such as SNORT,

    which can monitor network and system activities for malicious activities, basing on

    some rules, to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of network

    system resources [1]


    An IDS is different from a firewall. Metaphorically, a firewall likes a lock of a

    building, while an IDS likes a monitoring system of this building. Once a thief is

    breaking into the building or an internal staff doing something bad, the real-time

    monitoring system will ring the alarm.

    The figure right shows a simple

    IDS. Data coming into a switch

    with mirrored port is mirrored to

    the port which the IDS is

    connected to. The interface on the

    IDS is in promiscuous mode

    allowing it to inspect all traffic [2]


    2. Purpose

    The purpose of the present document is to guide through the installation and

    configuration of IDS (Intrusion detection system) on the Ubuntu server which will

    operate in the SomaliREN Network Operations Center.

    3. Scope

    The document provides a step by step guidance on how to install as well as configure

    IDS on the NOCs Ubuntu Server in order to satisfy the required monitoring


  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    4. Audience

    This manual is addressed to the SomaliREN teams members working on network

    deployment tasks and the responsible for the NOC Somali network engineers.

    5. Assumptions

    This manual will cover the installation and configuration of Snort on Ubuntu 11.04

    platform. Snort can be installed with a package or manually. We choose to install it

    with a package; therefore we will not need to look after the Snort dependencies or

    install tools for the compilation. [3]

    The following packets will be installed step by step:


    Including: libltdl7, libmysqlclient16, libprelude2, mysql-common, oinkmaster,

    snort-common, snort-common-libraries, snort-mysql and snort-rules-default


    Including: Libpcap0.8-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, mysql-client-5.0,

    mysql-server-5.0, bison, flex, apache2, libapache2-mod-php5, php5-gd,

    php5-mysql, libphp-adodb and php-pear

    Basic Analysis and Security Engine (BASE)

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    6. Installation & Configuration

    6.1 Use of Backslash

    There will be several examples in our manual, where one line in this document will

    not be enough for one line displayed in the Ubuntu terminal. So we will use \ to split

    it into multiple lines. For instance, the following should be one line in your

    configuration file, not two.

    If you are copying and pasting, you can remove the backslashes to make it in one line. [4]

    6.2 Snort Package Installation

    The first step, lets install snort with following command:

    It will prompt to set the address range for the local network:

    output database: log, mysql, user=snortuser password=somaliren dbname=snort \


    #apt-get install snort-mysql

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    The networks under surveillance: any

    And the prompt about setting up a database for snort-mysql to log to will be popped


    We want to set up a database manually; therefore we select . [5]

    6.3 Set up LAMP

    After snort-server is installed, now it is time to install LAMP

    (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP); MySQL will serve as the database for snort. Issuing

    the following command to install LAMP:

    During the install process, it will ask you to set MySQL root password.

    # sudo tasksel install lamp-server

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    Next step, we will create snort database.

    Enter the MySQL editing mode with user root:

    Create snort database named snort in MySQL editing mode:

    It is dangerous to access the database with root user; therefore wed better to create a

    new user who can only access the snort database.

    In our scenario, we set somaliren as the password of the new mysql user named

    snortuser. You can replace it to set a password you want.

    Reload mysql privileges:

    The snort database is ready, now we need to create the tables inside the database:

    # sudo mysql -u root -p

    >create database snort;

    >grant all on snort.* to snortuser@localhost identified by 'somaliren';

    >flush privileges;


  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    Luckly the tables are already prepared. What we have to do is to find and import them

    into MySQL.

    Use the following line to search the create_mysql.gz file:

    The output should looks like this:

    As shown above, it is located in the /usr/share/doc/snort-mysql/creat_mysql.gz.

    Unzip this file with the following line:

    Now, it is time to import the tables to MySQL:

    Then enter your password for MySQL root user to continue.

    dpkg -L snort-mysql




















    #gzip d /usr/share/doc/snort-mysql/create_mysql.gz

    #mysql -u root -p snort < /usr/share/doc/snort-mysql/create_mysql

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    Since snort-mysql and LAMP packages are installed, it is time to configure our snort

    to access the snort database of MySQL.

    The snort.conf file can be found in /etc/snort/snort.conf.

    Find the following line:

    Change it to:

    Change the password somaliren to the password you have set for your snort


    In the same file, find following lines and uncomment them:

    Now we are ready to start Snort.

    The following figure shows the screenshot of starting snort service. [6]

    #nano /etc/snort/snort.conf

    # output database: log, mysql, user=root password=test dbname=db host=localhost

    output database: log, mysql, user=snortuser password=somaliren dbname=snort \


    ruletype redalert


    type alert

    output alert_syslog: LOG_AUTH LOG ALERT

    output database: log, mysql, user=snortuser password=snortpassword dbname=snort

    \ host=localhost


    #snort u snort c /etc/snort/snort.conf

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    6.4 Install and Configure BASE

    Download base-1.4.5 with the following command:

    We need to un-compress the file and put it in the correct location:

    ADOdb (Active Data Objects Data Base) is needed for BASE. AdOdb is a database

    abstraction library for PHP. Download it with following command:

    Un-press the file and put it in the correct folder:

    Now Base is installed, it is time to configure it.

    The first step is to modify the file named base_conf.php.dist. It located in the BASE


    # wget

    #tar zxvf base-1.4.5.tar.gz

    #mv base-1.4.5 /var/www/base/



    #mv adodb513 /var/www/base/

    #nano /var/www/base/base_conf.php.dist

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    The following lines should be changed, according your settings.

    After this we should rename this file from base_conf.php.dist to base_conf.php.

    Then import the BASE MySQL tables into the snort database:

    Another thing is to set BASE GRAPHS:

    1. We need to install php5-gd for handling graphics directly from PHP scripts.

    2. Then restart the apache:

    3. Download and install the php-pear package for the libraries.



    $alert_dbname = snort;

    $alert_host = localhost;

    $alert_port = ;

    $alert_user = snortuser;

    $alert_password = somaliren;

    $archive_dbname = snort;

    $archive_host = localhost;

    $archive_port = ;

    $archive_user = snortuser;

    $archive_password = somaliren;

    #mv /var/www/base/base_conf.php.dist /var/www/base/base_conf.php

    # mysql -u root -p snort < /var/www/base/sql/create_base_tbls_mysql.sql

    # apt-get install php5-gd

    # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    # apt-get install php-pear

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    4. Install the following packages: Because there are some dependencies, it is

    important to install the scripts in the following order. [7]

    #pear install --force Image_Color

    #pear install --force Image_Canvas

    #pear install --force Image_Graph

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    7. Test Snort

    Finally, the installation and configuration is done. It is time to check our work:

    Open a web browser and go to http://localhost/base/base_main.php and look at your


    The following is the screen shot of our BASE page:

    For testing our Snort server, we run NMAP on another machine to perform a portscan

    of the Snort server using following command: is the IP address of Snort server. The portscan traffic is seen as a threat.

    Open the webpage of BASE to check the TCP Traffic Profile. The portscan alerts

    should be seen as follows:

    And these alerts can also be sent by email:

    # nmap -p1-65535 -sV -sS -O

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    This small window can be found at the bottom of the page.

    The following picture shows the received email:

  • IDS Installation and configuration manual Version 2.0 2 Sep, 2011


    8. Links &References

    [1]. Intrusion Detection System, Wikipedia, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:

    [2]. Snort IDS, Ubuntu, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:

    [3]. Snort_tutorial, Openmaniak, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:

    [4]. Snort manual.pdf,, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:

    [5]. Snort_tutorial, Openmaniak, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:

    [6]. Snort IDS, Ubuntu, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:

    [7]. Snort tutorial base, openmanika, last view 24 Aug, 2011; Available:
