  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    7 th ADB Business Opportunities Fair

    17 March 2016

    Thematic Opportunities: Climate Change

    Virender K. DuggalSenior Climate Change SpecialistSustainable Development and Climate Change Department

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    Climate Change Challenges

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    Climate Change Challenges

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    Finance Knowledge Partnerships


    Strategic Priorities on Environment and

    Climate Change

    Clean Energy Investments, Energy Efficiency and Urban Development

    Increase Assistance for Sustainable Transport

    Scaling-up Support for Climate Change Adaptation

    Promote Natural Resources Management

    Strengthen Integrated Disaster Risk Management

    S e v e n

    P r i o r i

    t i e s

    Strengthen Policies and Capacities

    Facilitate Access to Climate Finance


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    ADB Climate Finance

    Year Mitigation Adaptation Total

    ADBresources External Subtotal

    ADBresources External Subtotal

    ADBresources External Subtotal

    2011 2,196 224 2,420 585 172 757 2,781 396 3,177

    2012 2,001 386 2,388 821 75 896 2,822 462 3,284

    2013 1,948 333 2,280 880 108 988 2,828 441 3,268

    2014 1,711 426 2,137 665 54 719 2,376 480 2,856

    2015 2,372 173 2,545 284 73 357 2,656 246 2,902

    ($ million)

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    ADB Climate Finance in 2015

    ADB Total Climate Finance (2015) = $2.902 Billion






    By Use By Source







    $ $

  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    ADB Climate Finance in 2015

    TOTAL $2.902 Billion









    Energy Transport Agriculture


    &Water Others

  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    ADB’s Climate Finance Target

  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    ADB Approaches to Climate FinanceMobilization

    Internally-managedfunds• Clean Energy

    FinancingPartnership Facility(CEFPF)

    • Climate ChangeFund (CCF)

    • Others withbilaterals

    Externally-managedfunds• Climate Investment

    Funds (CIFs)• Global Environment

    Facility (GEF)• Green Climate Fund


    Carbon finance• Asia Pacific Carbon

    Fund (closed in2014)

    • Future Carbon Fund

    Carbon MarketTechnical SupportFacility• CDM support• Domestic emissions

    tradingOther marketmechanisms• Japan Fund for the

    Joint CreditingMechanism

    • Renewable energycredits; FIT

    Direct projectfinance (lending,

    guarantees,syndications), andequity investment

    Public privatepartnerships: (PPPs)working with clientDMCs across stagesof PPPs






    private capital

    Ordinary CapitalResources / AsianDevelopment Fund

    (for sovereign andnon-sovereignprojects)• Loans• Grants• Equity investments• Guarantees• technical

    Assistance• Direct Value-

    Added Cofinancing

    Deploying its

    own resources

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    Mitigation InitiativesClean Energy

    > $2b/year investments

    Asia Solar Energy Initiative: 3,000 MW ofcapacity achieved by 2014 since 2010Quantum Leap in Wind: 1 GW by 2016,925 MW achieved as of 2014Hub for SE4All Initiative/ E4AllPartnership

    Sustainable Transport30% of investments for urban transport;25% for railways by 2020$3.75b of sustainable transportinvestments approved (2014)

    Transport mitigation investments total$413m (2014)

    Land Use and ForestManagement

    Piloting REDD+/FIP:

    Indonesia, Lao PDR

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    Adaptation Initiatives• Mainstreaming climate resilience in

    core development planning – Pilot Program on Climate

    Resilience for Bangladesh,Cambodia, Nepal, Papua NewGuinea, Samoa, Tajikistan and thePacific

    • Climate proofing vulnerableprojects: roads and bridges, ports,water supply and drainage

    • Knowledge support: regionalclimate projections consortium data

    facility , guidance and tools• Addressing social dimensions :

    migration, gender, health impacts• Greater emphasis on integration of

    adaptation and disaster risk

  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    Knowledge and Partnerships• Knowledge Products

    – Economics of climate change and GHGaccounting

    – Flagship studies (migration, agriculture,health) – Mitigation, clean energy and energy access – Adaptation, disaster risk management and

    climate risk screening tools – Disaster risk management – Climate technology and climate finance – Urban resilience and sustainable transport

    • Partnerships – Climate finance tracking and reporting, GHG

    accounting, transport (with MDBs, others) – Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (with UNEP,

    IGES, others) – Asia Clean Energy Forum, Urban Forum,

    Transport Forum (with several partners) – The Global Commission on the Economy and

    Climate – Centers of excellence (COEs) actively

    providing ideas (knowledge solutions) to solveproblems

    – Regional Consortium and Data Facility –

    Climate services for resilient development

  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    ADB’s Carbon Market ProgramCarbon Market Program

    Technical Support Facility Asia Pacific Carbon FundPre-2013Future Carbon Fund


    Commenced in 2006

    Implemented through severalTechnical Assistance

    TA 6363: Preparing Clean EnergyProjects Eligible for the Clean

    Development Mechanism

    TA 6438: Implementation of theTechnical Support Facility under the

    Carbon Market Initiative

    TA 8223: Supporting the Use ofCarbon Financing to Promote Green

    Growth in Asia and the Pacific

    TA 8654: Supporting the Use ofCarbon Financing from New Carbon

    Market Mechanisms to Promote GreenGrowth in Asia and the Pacific

    TA 9062: Supporting Low-CarbonDevelopment in Asia and the

    Pacific through Carbon Markets

    $151.8 million Trust Fund

    Commenced in 2007

    Fund Participants include SevenEuropean Governments

    Supported 71 CDM projects in 9 DMCs

    Contracted 15.63 million CERs

    Provided carbon finance to 1.9 GWrenewable energy projects

    All contracted CERs received anddistributed to Fund Participants

    Fund closed in 2014

    $115 million Trust Fund

    Commenced in 2009

    Fund Participants include FourGovernments and two private sector

    entities from Europe and Asia

    Contracted 11 million CERs as ofDecember 2015

    Supporting 38 CDM projects in12 DMCs

    Providing carbon finance support to1.2 GW renewable energy projects

    Disbursed more than $31 million

    Fund will close in 2021

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    Supporting the Use of Carbon Financing from New CarbonMarket Mechanisms to Promote Green Growth in

    Asia and the Pacific


    Budget $1.5 millionFunding Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (ADB trust fund)

    Implementation period 24 months

    Target countries Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines,Thailand and Viet Nam

    Objectives • Support build institutional capacities to effectivelyparticipate in, and take advantage of, bilateralmechanisms such as the Joint CreditingMechanism (JCM)

    • Provide direct technical support to projects underbilateral mechanisms such as JCM

    • Disseminate information and develop knowledgeproducts on new carbon market mechanisms

  • 8/19/2019 5 Plenary-Thematic Climate Change by VDuggal 17Mar2016


    Supporting Low -Carbon Development in Asiaand the Pacific through Carbon Markets


    Budget $1.5 millionFunding (donors) Government of Finland and the Government of


    Implementation period 24 months

    Objectives • Capacity building support to develop domesticETS and/or to link their domestic ETS to othernational or regional ETSs in the future

    • Support for the development of new carbonmarkets and mechanisms

    • Support existing CDM projects and transferknowledge and skills developed under the CDM tonew market mechanisms

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    Tata Khandke Wind Power ProjectThe project involves the construction and operation of 50.4 MW of wind power generation facilities (63units of 800 kilowatts) and a 30 to 132 kilovolt (kV) substation at Khandke village, as well as a 4 kmtransmission line to the nearest line-in-line-out point on the 132 kV transmission lines of MaharashtraState Electricity Transmission Company Limited.• Total project cost: $56 million• ADB involvement: $27 million loan and also receiving assistance

    from ADB's Technical Support Facility under its Carbon MarketProgram

    • Commissioned in December 2007• GHG emission reduction s: 83,022 tCO 2e per year • Social benefits: provides improved access to the local population,

    employment generation, improved economic activities, and reduceddependence on imported fossil fuel leading to increased energysecurity

    • Environmental benefits: reduces emissions of gaseous, liquid and/or solid effluents/wastes, and no negative impact to the surroundingenvironment.

    • Economic benefits: creates additional employment opportunities,improved availability of electricity to local consumers providing better opportunities for industries and economic activities

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    Virender K. DuggalSenior Climate Change Specialist

    Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department

    [email protected]
