
5 Rarely Discussed Self-Publishing Mistakes:

What NOT To Do

1. Don’t self-publish your first draft: If you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of a

self-published author banging his head on his desk. It happens every few seconds. Listen

very, very carefully. There’s another bang. He thought the book was genius when he

clicked publish and he had even “spell-checked” the manuscript beforehand, but now the

Amazon reviewers are saying some really nasty things about his book. Things like, “I

couldn’t get past the first chapter because of all the errors” and “This was obviously self-

published…” Don’t be that guy. Fine-tune your manuscript by going through at least one

round of revisions and self-editing and then hire a professional editor to bring a different

perspective to the project. To paraphrase Ernest Hemingway: The first draft of anything is

crap. Don’t publish crap.

2. Don’t overprice your book: I’m really surprised that more authors aren’t discussing

this. I’ve seen multitudes of authors trying to sell their books at exorbitant prices. You

need to think as the consumer. Why would a customer pay $30 for your paperback book

instead of $12.99 for a NY Times bestseller? Or $9.99 for your ebook instead of $6.99

for Stephen King? They probably won’t! Try enticing the customer with a competitive

(or discounted) price and watch what happens.

3. Don’t count on sales at brick-and-mortar bookstores: It’s true that many indie

bookstores will happily stock your self-published print book. Some of them will work out

consignment deals with you. From my experience, they’ll want around 40%. Major

chains will want at least 50% and you’ll generally need to go through layers of

bureaucracy in order to get your book stocked. You’ll also need to take the risk of

making your book “returnable.” As you can imagine, this could get ugly very quickly.

For those reasons and many others, I advise self-publishing authors to focus primarily on

online sales. Your profit margins will increase and you’ll be able to cover a ton of ground

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4. Don’t think that just having an online presence is enough: “I’m on Facebook,” says

almost every self-published author. “I’m on Twitter. I’m on Pinterest. I have a blog. I

have a website…” This is all very nice, but it’s not enough to simply have an online

presence. You need to be active on all of your platforms. In other words, you can’t just

“set it and forget it.” Treat your online presence as you would your own home. Care for

it, live in it, and love it.

5. Don’t expect that strangers will automatically care about your book: I have to admit

that when I first started self-publishing, I thought everyone needed my book. Everyone.

My inspirational book could motivate and change lives. I knew it. But no one cared at

first (aside from friends and family, of course). I had to make them care. I accomplished

this by – wait for it – networking! I created Facebook groups (and even Myspace groups;

remember Myspace?). I befriended book lovers on Facebook. I reached out to fellow

writers by email and met them in person at signings and other events. Most importantly, I

made good impressions on those people and most of them supported me by helping

spread the word. I know this isn’t fun or sexy advice. Many self-publishing authors

looking for advice don’t want to hear that this ride could be a long one. Throw away the

idea of “quick and easy” and focus on building relationships!
