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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    What is SmartForms ?

    SAP Smart Forms is new print solution introduced in SAP Basis Release 4.6C as the tool for creating and maintaining foms to Print the Business Documents such as Experience Letters,Offer Eetters,Purchase Brders,Sales Orders.

    In One word , SmartForms is the Smartest way to work with Forms.

    Note : All the SAP Script (Old Solution for Printing Forms) functionalities are still Possible in SMARTFORMS .

    Note : Event SAP Scripts can be converted into Smart Forms Also. ,? "4

    Note : In Smartforms most of the functionalities can be ac Clickings(Doub1e Click , Right Click .. .).

    Features Of SAP Smart Forms n;!# & $ ~ ~ ~ & I:$, kg &i"i"rrv$w:I " '-.'b-.,, k. .% !;1 *:SF-. ;& y?.,~:;:$$$j&, ~:i,~;z&$+

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    ,'" B*, Differences Between SAP script I\\ and ~ m a r t ~ i r m s . : ~

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    1 1 1 at the time of Activating the - - I I re usable. I are re usable via 1


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    Paragraph and Character formats are not


    eMax Technologies,Ameerpet,Hyderabad Ph KO: +9140 -65976727, Cell No: 99484 44808,98490 34399,


    Smartform. Paragraph and Character formats


  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Structure of a Form

    A form consists of pages, output areas, addresses, graphics (such as company logo, Scanned Signature Of HR Manager), and data or text contents. Within an output area, you can use static or dynamic tables to display data or texts in lines, columns, or cells. To further structure and format text and data, use paragraphs with the paragraph and character formats. In SAP we call output areas as Windows.

    A Form Consists Of :

    i) Main Window ii) Secondary Window iii) Copies Window iv) Copies Window You can position windows anywhere on a page, even overlapping. You can position the

    same window (determined by the technical name on several pages of a form, so that the same contents are displayed on all these pages. You can choose a different size for the window on each page, except for the main window (Height Should be same in all the Pages).

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  • SrnartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Main Window

    In a main window you display text and data, which can cover several pages (flow text). As soon as a main window is completely filled , the system continues displaying the text in the main window of the Same Pagelnext page. It automatically triggers the page break.

    You can define only one window in a form as main window. AND the Same MAlN Window can be Placed up to 99 times on the same page which ranges from MAllVOO to MAIN98.The Data on MAlN Window always starts printing from MAIN00 and after Completely filled the text will be extended to MAIN01 , MANIN02 etc.

    Note : The main window must have the same width on each page and with in page also when MAIN01 ,MAIN02 exists, but the height can differ.

    - e ~ &&$

    Note : A page without main window must not call itself as next page, sin$E?fhis would trigger an endless loop: In such a case, the system automatically

    Note : MAIN Window is used to Print the Dynamic Length Items, Sales Order Items etc

    Note : Text and data that do not fit int displayed.

    Note : Secondary Address, Vendo

    Copies Windows :

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  • SniartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Note : We can use the system fields SFSY-COPYCOUNT or SFSY-COPYCOUNTO to query whether the current output is the original or, respectively, which number the copy has.

    e If you mark identical Copies SAP Smart Forms buffers the output to increase performance. Within such a window, any queries of the system fields SFSY- COPYCOUNT or SFSY-COPYCOUNTO Rave no effects. If you mark Different Copies SAP Smart Forms generates the contents again for each copy. You use this option if, for example you want to number your copies consecutively (Copy 1, Copy 2, Copy 3, and so on).

    Final Window : You may want to display or query values on the first page that are determined only during processing. For example, you may want to name the grand total in the letter text of an invoice. However, this amount is determined only after listing all individual items. Or you may want to query on the first page within a condition the total number of pages, which the system calculates only after processing all pages.

    DriverIPrint Program

    Reads the Data from Database Tables and Pass the Data to SmartForm via the

    Function Module Generated at the time

    Smartfonn and it acts as the Interface

    Note : When you activate the Smart Form, the system generates a unique function module that encapsulates all attributes of the Smart Form. As soon as the application program calls the function module, the Smart Form uses the module's interface (which corresponds to the form interface) to transfer data from Program to Layout.

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Com~romise in Qualitv. Would You?

    Note : We Can still write all the data retrieval statements to select further data during form processing. However, we should not use this method of data retrieval. Especially When We print mass forms, performance will be degraded considerably.

    Note : Use the Driver Program to Retrieve the data and Form to Print the Data Always.

    Creating Forms and Printing Data :

    Steps to Create Smart Form: L

    Execute Transaction SMARTFORMS Select Form and Enter the Name for the form and Click on Create

    / I SAP Fonn Builderr Change Fonn ZGDEMO-PRINT-PO

    Enter the Description

    Notice the Global Settings L

    Global Definitions

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Form Attributes in Detail : Header Data of the form.

    Form ZGDEMO-PRINT-PU Active Descrlptton Demo to Prlnt the PO Detalls

    General Attributes Output Optlans

    Created by SAPUSER Changed by SAPUSER Date 12.04.2008 Date 12.04.2008

    * Tlme 15'49.55 Tame 16:56:1 7

    Package STMP

    ~ a n g u a g e EN - - - - .. .

    &!TO All Languages rlcted Language Control i .,TO Selected Languages I (3' Do N o t Translate

    Global Definitions in ~ e t a i l : Form Variables, Which Can be accessed from any window of the Form. \\,


    Notice that by default, PAGE1 and Window MAIN is Created.

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    -J ic'--;a Farm ZGC=aEblO-PRIINT-PO - a G l o b a l Settinas

    Form Attributes F o G I

    %FAG D, MAIN Main Window

    1 To Create Further PagesNindows

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    m Form Interface @ Global Definitio

    "7 a Pages a n d Wind

    , .

    Note : Repeat the above Procedure for each New Pagemindow.


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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Coinpromise in Quality, Would You?

    ITO Print the Text On the WINDOW 1 : Displaying of all texts in the form using text nodes. The only exception is addresses, which are displayed using their own node.

    Right Click On the respective Window and Create -> Text

    /rp/ Click On Text Editor - . Page 9 of 85 Compiled By : Ganapati Adimulam

    eMax Technologies,Ameerpet,Hyderabad Ph No: +9140 -65976727, Cell No: 99484 44808,98490 34399,

  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Positioning the Text

    sgquent text nodes,

    Linked Text Nodes

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    F v ~ e s of ~extsl: - h e n e r a 1 Attributes $ - Web Properti I 1 TeM Tilae Text Element p

    Text element : is the Default TEXT Type . Text module : To include a text module Include text : To include an existing SAPscript text

    Text Element in Detail : To include data from the form i tables) or system data (date, time) into the text, use syste the text When processing the form, SAP Smart Forms rep1 corresponding values.

    -in the

    Steps to Create Text Module:Execute Transaction SMARTFORMS and Select Text Module , Provide the name ->Create

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    P . , , ,

    Text Module ZTERMS " -

    Descrlptlon Terms & Conltions

    ' Management

    2. m o d s once s o l d cannot be r e t u r n e d 3. 15% for the next 1 month


    Now this Module Can be used in any no of Forms. t

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  • SmartFynns@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    To Include it in the Windows, Create %he Node TEXT and Select the type as Text Module

    eneral Attributes

    ~ t a r t ~ i m e New Paragraph

    R COPY No error if no text exist Always copy style from text

    I \ Select the Text type as Te t Module, Enter the Text Module Name, Language and Select a No errnr if no text exists ( to Print the form even the Te

    Including SAPscript Texts :

    You use the text type lnclude Text already exists in the system. To iden Text ID, and the Language. This allo

    Note : This text type corresponds t the standard text editor (transaction

    Note : If there is no text modules instead. They can anslation systems.

    d Select Text Type as Include Text

    Enter the Text Name ( d e c t From the list).

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Printing Background Pictures on the Page::

    . ..\.

    Lable Temp 1 ate j Flow Loalc * F ~ l d e r $ "

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    The tGansaction ,@';;ver) and then

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    printing Data in Tabular ~ o r r n a t Note : There are TWO Types Of NODES available to print the data in Tabular Format.

    e The table node :Tables are dynamic because the table size depends on the amount of data selected at runtime. The template node : Templates are static because the number of columns and lines are determined before the actual output.

    Note : Line Types are used to Specify the Layout of both node types .

    Line Types : Line types are used to construct the layout of templates and tables.

    Line Type describes the following attributes bf a table line:

    The width of the table line The number and width of individual cells within

    Note : A major difference between height: line types of templates all h height of table lines dynamically (d

    Line Types for Tables :

    The height of a table included in the ou depends on the c is truncated, inste

    Define Line Types.

    L1 - For Header

    L2 - For Body (Items) L3 - For Footer

    Table Output Using Line Types

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    Printing Tables: Note: The table can cover one or more pages, depending on the number of lines. This is why you display tables in the main window Always.

    SAP Smart Forms divides a table into a Header, a Main area, and a Footer. These output areas of the table automatically appear as directly inferior nodes of the table node in the navigation tree.

    Right Click on the respective Window->Create->Table

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  • SmartForms@eMAX : We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    a 0 Pages and W~ndows 0 %PAGE1 New Page D a LOGO Print Company Logo G'. CADDRESS Print CompanyP " QJ MAIN Main Window

    .- - - - - - .- - - - - -- -- - >

    %TABLEI !New .---! Table 1 D Header

    Notice that a Table and Header(Cal1ed Only Once), Main Area(Cal1ed For Each RecordJLine) and Footer(at the End of

    Each Area can has it's own Line Structure and Generally Header (For Column Headings) and Main Area(Contents ) contains Similar Line tvpe(Structure) and Footer has a ~ i f ferent Structure.

    D Main Area L

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    the PageITable

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Define the Line Types : HEAD - N - BODY with 5 Columns IHERD-N-BODY 1 c*j 1 a p,OO iCMi3,OO )CMl3,OO 1CM13,0O ICM13,00 I C M ~ This Line type Can be used for both Header and MAIN Area.

    Line FOOTER

    1 Make Sure that the Table I I 1 Table Width 15,OO CM I Width Equals to the Sum of all the Columns of the Line Type. I \HEAD-N-BODY ( ;$j I a \3,80 /CM]3,88 [EM13 ,BO ]CM)3,OO ]~M13,00 IcM]] Similarly FOOTER


    Click 0

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Provide the Internal Table to be looped and it's Work Area - LOOPLoop/."

    Operand IT-E KP O l NTO WA-E KP 0 1 1 Row to 1

    To Print Header DataQColumn Headings) Right Click On the Header ->Create->Table Line

    W h l A l h l RAgin \Al indn$nt 1' 1 I k U Y Y

    ,---- -- --. D iHpariert D 'M! create

    " "

    Right Click On CELLl->Create->TEXT

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    Enter the Line Type HEAD-N-BODY(A1ready used for both Header i.e for Column Headings). Notice that CELLS (CELL6 to CELL10) are opened according to the line Structure.

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    To Print Data in the CELLS Wight Click on CEkL6->Create->TEXT

    ~7 - %ROW2 New Li

    ult Paragraph) and program

    er Cells(CELL7,8,9,10) with the respective t

    Possible Operations in Calculations :

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality,

    0 Pages and Windows

    L)- CADDRESS Print Company V Q-J MAIN Main Window

    Would You?

    #gf, / yl Operation is to determine the kind of calculation you want to exe~~$$$!$#$h@~abl&~;~~ Forms assigns the result of the operation to the field you ~ ~ e c i f i e b u i i d e ~ w ~ $ ~ @ & ~ ~ %.", ??= N ~ a m e . You can then use the target field name to display the result. F;i. . ,,. ,

    \ ,,b . .. , $,

    , ~ , , . . . \ . ~

    @ ;@i . \"A , * \ f?!k .4

    Possible Automatic Operations , , . ,. , . ~ . ~ . \. f . s s p s P \, . s~ '~. c;/ j;p

    al field, the target field, which you need to display the result of

    is, a column of the table), for which to execute the operation, and specify the calculation. 3. Depending on whether you execute a cdlculation on all items of the table or on items

    of a sort level, display your result either in the footer or at the beginning or end of a sort level.

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  • w

    We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You? Calculating Subtotals

    You want to display subtotals after a sort level break of a sort criterion. So that Make Sure that the Internal Table is Sorted based on the required Fields.

    Sort Criteria in Table:

    Before you start reading an internal table, you can tell SAP Smart Forms to sort it. With the sorting, you can divide the table into different sort levels:

    Beginning of Sort Level (Event on Sort Begin)

    (of 1st Sort Criterion)

    End of Sort Level (Event on Sort End)


    cords and to display subtitles or subtotals at the

    g of your internaLtable, use the Data tab of the table or loop node. In the sort Crit box you can enter the fields by which to sort the table.

    1 st Sort Criterion

    The sequence in which you enter the field names into the table control determines the sort sequence. To change it at a later time, use the black arrows above the control. Use the radio buttons to choose whether to sort the field in ascending or in descending order.

    2nd Sort Criterion

    3rd Sort Criterion

    Note : To display data(Sub Totals) before or after a sort level, mark Event on Sort Begin andlor Event on Sort End. In the navigation tree, an event node appears for which you can create inferior nodes. In these inferior nodes you specify the data you want to display at this event (for example, subtotals).

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    %TABLEI NewTable 1

    D Ma~n Area

    Note: SAP Smart Forms cannot recognize whether example, before passing it at the for events, you must still enter the sorting Sorted.

    Go to the Calculations tab o e following fields:

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    I Sort Criterion '/ I 'The subtotals are formatted according to the relevant and displayed after each sort level.

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    Calculating Grand Totals

    On the Calculations tab fill the following fields:

    1 column 1 value i I

    -9 fJ i Initialization / (active) k - v 9 t h 4L .'=r-,*-&* e* "**, v-.

    1. To display the grand total, include a table li this table line.

    2. You can specify whether to display She tota grand total at the end of the tab9fTo do this Break of the footer. tz $, ..;,"ihp & :

    "A\*- Numbering Table Items Conse~ut~vely: output in which the individual items of y

    s and the table heading by one cell that displays II in the main area insert a text node. Use the

    text node to display

    *: Value

    - --

    - I \


    I Operation Field Name

    I I

    Target Field Name

    i I

    Target Field Name NUMBER I I

    7-- -- ~ ~ ~ l _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - .I

    -- .



    I Event Before Loop -- . I

    Initialization 1 -

    After Loop ."'f

    3. If desired, you can display NUMBER at the end of the table in the footer area.

    7 G ; l ~ l

    Note : The items of the table are numbered consecutively.

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    B 1 Templates in DeQail(Static Table) ". The layout of a template is static, which means that you determine it before the Smart Form is executed. To do this, you can define line types in the Table Painter, whose sequences and appearances are the same as in the output.

    Line Types for Templates :

    The layout of a template is static, which means that you determine it before the Smart Form is executed. To do this, you can define line types in the Table Painter, whose sequences and appearances are the same as in the output. Describing a template with line types could look like this:

    The output of thi hich only three different line types are used:

    Line type L1 for the first two line of the template. The Table Painter shows the interval in the bracket after the name of the line type. Line type L2 for the third line of the template. This line type has a different fixed line height.

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    - -

    Line type L3, which is no line type of its own, but only a reference to L1. The Table Painter shows the name of the reference line type below the name of the line type. Line type L4 for the fifth line.

    Note: By specifying an interval you can use one line type for several subsequent lines of the template. By specifying a reference you can reuse any existing line type at any position of the template. You can make changes only to the 'master' line type.

    Note: Unlike with line types for tables, for templates you specify a fixed line height for the line type. Any output that does not fit into a cell is truncated.

    Printing Templates: Use node type Template to display a table whose layout and size (number of lines and columns) is determined before the runtime of the appli$tion A"- program. So that a template is also called a static table. &-'c- ."$@

    mi& 4 ,,- , @ Creation Of a template, needs to define a table layout to determine&tkg.Gf&g&&goregh line. The cells are used to display the contents of the inferior nodes ~ P t h i r e m ~ l a ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y a l l o w s you to position text and a graphic side by side . I!i,

    Note : You can create a te

    1. Use the context m

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  • SmartFom~s@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Q f?,l FOLDER1 LI

    P QJ MAIN Maln Window

    Every time we print the Data , the Target Line and Column No should be

    Displaying Graphics in Templatesk , .

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Com~romise in Oualitv. Would You?

    Combining Templates and Windows You use line types to define the layout of templates. However, to create a template like the one below, you cannot use the template concept of Smart Forms:

    The cells of the colored part cover several lines. However, SAP to specify for a cell of a line type that you want this cell to cover

    To print such a layout in a form, you must divide the create one template per window. To p r i n~ f% templat three windows in SAP Smart Forms (sg$&Prently c


    This to print templates of any complexity in a form.

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  • SrnartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Smart Style in Detail : Smart Style is the collection of re-usable Paragraph and Character Formats.

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  • We Never Com~romise in Oualitv. Would You?

    Note : A Smart Style must be assigned to each Smart Form. Can be done globally for the entire Smart Form in the form attributes. In addition, you can assign a Smart Style locally to a node, for example, a text node. This assignment then applies for the entire subtree and overrules the global settings.

    A Smart Style contains :

    e Header data containing the default values(Paragraph) of a Smart Style Paragraph formats including indents and spacing, font attributes, tabs, and outline and numbering Character formats including effects (superscript, subscript), barcode and font attributes Colors and underlines for a paragraph or character format Preview

    Paragraph Formats : A paragraph format contains in font settings, text color, tabs, numbering and outline. have a unique name.

    To Create :

    1. In change mode of the Smart Crea fe.

    2. In the Paragraph Format field 3. Select the desired attributes on 4. Choose Acfivafe.

    special output attributes to sections

    Attributes Of Charact

    mart Style, choose the Characfer Formats node and then

    2. In the Characfer Formaf field, enter a two-character character key. 3. Select the desired attributes on the individual tab pages. 4. Choose Acfivate.

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    Events : You specify an event to determine when to print a particular node.

    You can specify events for the following node types :

    0 For each node type that offers the Conditions tab c For headers and footers of table and folder nodes

    For control breaks before or after which you want to make a certain output fexample, subtotals).

    Note: Events control the output of the specified node and of all existing infgfior nodes. i f you d:gg/&

    specify several events, the system links them with a logical OR.

  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Branching Within the Form : Via Alternative.

    Helps to process one of two nodes, alternatively (including inferior nodes).

    1. Create a node of type Alternative . 2. On the General Attributes tab determine an unstructured condition in the Node

    Conditions box. The system offers the same features as in the Outpuf Conditions box on the Conditions tab.

    3. The alternative node has two directly inferior nodes: TRUE and FALSE. Insert your inferior nodes there.

    Note : LOOP able line by line.

    taining customer data and an internal table containing : Use the loop to read the customer data and display it.

    dt;use the customer number to display the orders of this ttfe orders of all customers on one form.

    2. Enter a unique name for the node and a description (for example, loop on customer table).

    3. Read the data from an internal table into a work area. 4. Create inferior nodes in which you display the fields of the read table lines.

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Migrating SAPscript Ifoams".~~ delivers Smart Forms for important business processes. If for your needs no such standard forms exist or if you have your own SAPscript forms, you can use two tools to migrate them.

    Individual Migration

    When converting a SAPscript style into a Smart Style, the system converts all paragraph and character formats with all their properties and attributes without any changes. Thus you can use the converted Smart Style without making any adaptations.

    Note : The system does not migrate the print program (data retrieval) or the form logic contained in the print program. You must make the required changes to the respec yourself.

    Migrating a SAPscript form

    1. Go to the SAP Smart Forms initial screen (transaction 2. In the Form field enter the name of the Sm 3. Choose Utilities + Migrate SA Pscript form.

    The dialog window 4. Enter the name and the 5. Choose Enter.

    This takes you to the

    Up lpad Form Download Form

    I--/ cs Display Change Create -.

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    D/ 6 FOOTER Footer lines L& la HEADER Header linesllogo

    ~nverting a SAPscript style

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  • SrnartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Mass Migration of SAPscript Forms

    1. Execute the Standard Program SF-MIGRATE. 2. Select the names and the language of the SAPscript forms and choose Execute.

    The system creates the Smart Forms under the names of the SAPscript forms plus the extension -SF and It also displays a list of the migrated forms.

    Form Logic: In the Form Builder you describe a Smart Form by a set of nodes. To do this, you build up a tree structure on the left side of the user interface:

    es of a node according to other rules (for example, in a loop).

    You use the form logic to control the flow of the form output. The following rules apply throughout:

    1. The nodes in the tree structure are processed from top to bottom. This is easier to understand.

    2. For each node there is a tab page, which you can use to link the node to a condition. If the condition is true, the system processes the node. If not, it skips the node and all its inferior nodes.

    3. You must define a next page for each page. However, you can also go to other pages dynamically .

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Example for Form Logic The diagram below shows the tree structure of the root node Pages and Windows:

    NodeElementary node

    Node on same level a s nodes 7 and 9

    Superior node of node 8

    Inferior nodes o f n o d e 5

    \\ Note : A nodep)flo&n inferioi node $ also called elementary node. Elementary nodes can never havg inferJor nodes. If the condition of node 7 is false, neither node 7 nor node 8

    o'c'essing rcesumes directly with node 9. J i

    *+A ::* Overview o f rent Mode Types : -@!,;7

    When a Smart Form is Created, the tree structure of the Form Painter already contains two root nodes: 1.e i) Global Settings ii) Pages and Windows.

    You use the inferior nodes of the Global Setfings node to maintain Form Attribufes, the Form Interface, and Global Definitions. You use the inferior nodes of the Pages and Windows node to create the pages of your form, position elements on these pages, and determine the sequence in which you want to process these elements.

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  • SmartForrns@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Inferior Nodes of Node - Pages and Windows

    Nodes and the other inferior nodes: . . . . . . .


    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    ~escription 1 Possible Directly Inferior ' Modes

    . . . . . . , . , . . . , 1 , , . , ~ ... .".., ~ .,. A page of the form. Directly inferior nodes of this node can be placed

    Main window Secondary window Copies window Final window

    Elementary Nodes (Without lnferio

    phics in the form. To include background

    All except window, page, table, and template nodes

    odes, loop nodes,

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  • We Never Com~romise in Oualitv. Would You?

    ou use this node to print a table cell of

    Flow Control p-i Node T y p e ~ ~ ~ e s c r i p t i o n

    Other Nodes

    Command . You use this node to execute i commands (next page, parag

    numbering, printer control) ! -- r--...---...-- ...............

    You use this node to process inferior i @ I i nodes repeatedly. ............ --

    n / A l t e r i i t i v e YOU use this node topran

    All except window and page nodes

    All except window and page nodes

    (no inferior nodes)

    1 . . . . . . .

    program code (for example, conversion routines).

    on a condition. e nodes TRUE

    . . . .

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    , $, \ . .\ : . \,'.',:,:::'~,,\

    eMax Technologies,Ameerpet,Hyderabad Ph No: +9140 -65976727, Cell No: 99484 44808,98490 34399,

  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Printing System Fields : The following rules apply for system fields:

    e You can display the values of any system fields in the form e YOU are not allowed to assign values to system fields (in program lines nodes)

    You can query all system fields (for example, in conditions) except SFSY- FORMPAGES and SFSY -JOBPAGES . You can query SFSY-FORMPAGES only within final windows.

    Note: All System Fields of Smart Forms are available in Structure SFSY.


    &SFSY-PAGE& 1





    you can use this field to suppress output that is intended only for these output formats (for example, pushbuttons).

    I I

    /Field /;:


    Displays the date. \ \ . ,\

    &SFSY-TIMEL L G h e time of day in the form HH:MM:SS.


    Queries whether the original is printed or which number the copy has. COPYCOUNT = 1 : orginal, COPYCOUNT = 2 : first copy; COPYCOUNT = 3: second copy, and so on.

    " * *


    r r------ Queries whether the original is printed or which number the copy has. COPYCOUNT = 0 : orginal, COPYCOUNT = 1 : first COPY; COPYCOUNT = 2 : second copy, and so on.

    I - F G c a n query in program lines nodes. This enables

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    1 you to react dynamically to error situations during output. Up to now, this 1 1 field can be used only for include texts and text modules: 1 i b~ SFSY-SUBRC = 0 :Text module or include text found and

    printed ! e SFSY-SUBRC = 4 :Text module or include text not found

    KY-"SERGE I Logon name of the user who prints the form. -- 1

    4' When using the fields &SFSY-FORMPAGES& or &SFSY- JOBPAGES@, you must keep ) ~~ecifl~d,~i,si&nored. Q ~ T ~ . ~ ~ #/

    thsj', sign to the left(

  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    List Of Formatting Options for Fields - - - - -- - - - --- - . - -. --- -- -- -- - .. -. - .-

    I I Syntax ;I)Lription I

    I &field()& / Sets the output length to . 1 I

    &field+& Skips offsets () in the field value (character fields only). If the offset is greater than the length of the value, nothing is displayed.

    &field(R)& ~ight~justif ied display. Use this option only when specifying an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . ... .. ... . . . .. . ....

    ft-justified blanks in the value by the fill character .. . .. .

    en formatted using the edit mask JPDAT.

    7- 7

    If the field is deflned by a Data Dictionary type, Smart Forms sets the output length to the value specified there.

    Since this representation uses Japanese characters, it is only to be used in the Japanese version of the SAP System.

    &field(C)& value as a sequence of words separated by blanks. Option C shifts these words to the left and leaves one blank in-between as a separator. Any leading blanks are omitted. This effect corresponds to that of the ABAP statement CONDENSE.


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    Suppresses the sign

    I B f i e l d o B /8field(.cnat.numberr

    &field(E)& r- ponent . &field(T)& I

    1 &field(Z)&- / Suppresses leadingkeros i" numbers '\

    -- - --

    \ I 8field(1)8 resses display of initial values ---- ---- -

    /(K)L ' \I,/ ~eic t ivates routine specified in the Data Dictionary I I \ \

  • SmartForms @eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Steps to Convert SmartForms Output to PDF :

    1. Print the smartform to the spool. 2. Note the spool number. 3. Download a PDF file (Acrobat Reader) version of the spool by running Program RSTXPDFT4 and entering the noted spool number.

    How do you make sure that both, the SMARTFORM & it's function module gets transported? Or does the FM with same name gets generated automatically in the transported client?

    A smartform is transported no differently than any other object. if it is assigned to a development r?

    Typically, generate the SF, then use function to use the name you get bac

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Example Proqram and Lavsut , Which Covers All the SmartForm Features:

    Requirement : Develop a Form to Issue the Credit Card Statements to the Customers for City Bank.

    Note : Sample Output of the form .

    1 ,000 .00 SHOP @ RS BROS

    PAGE I Of

    , 0 0 0 . 0 0 SHOP @ CHERMAS I I ZADDA

    10. 0 1 . 2 0 0 8 T4 2Cf0.00 PETROL @ I N D I A N O I L , ERRA ZADDA

    1 1 . 0 1 . 2 0 0 8 T 5 8 0 0 . 0 0 SWEETS @ ABHIRUCHI , AMEERPET 3 12. 0 1 . 2 0 0 8 T 6 5 ,000 .00 SAREES @ K A L A N I K E T A N t


    T o t a l Is : 10200.00

    L a n k K e y : 88991122 3 a n k N a m e : C i t y B a n k I N D I A L t d Z i t y

    ,a B E%zti WmW. c i t i b a n k . corn ard NO : 018301004245

    ) Grand Tota l : 12200.00

    u s t o m e r N o u s t o m e r Name t r e e t j ~ n o

    Z i t y

    inaature Of Manaaer

    77777 A d m u l a m S a n a t h N a g a r S a n a t h N a q a r

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    a n a n a t i adimulam~avahoo. corn

  • SrnartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Input & Outputs for Each Window :

    A - : Print the Logo Of the City Bank. Iri Real time , Either Logo or GRAPHIC is provided. 16 GRAPHIC is not provided, Convert it into GRAPHIC through SE78.

    B : Print as ORIGINAL for the Original and for Copies as COPIES . This is of -

    VVindow Copies. Use the System Variable &SFSY-COPYCOUNT& , Check it and Print it.

    C : Address of the Customer from KNAl and Print the Credit Card No from the -

    Custom Table. /&i' 42y

    D : Print the Bank Address , Here in this example, We ar%prinfjgg the fixed -

    Address i.e given in the Form Output. In Real time, ~ ~ s s - - , ~ b $ J ~ - ~ ~ ( ~ a n + k ---- Master Data). - 3- - " 6 5 bS ; ~3-d *---- % r,g-sz : r "-id/

    E d 4 5 " E:;

    E : Print the Page numbers using the syste 4 - :$&=-.

    "... gjy- a{ accordirlg to

    Note: Print the Total at Page Le and also Grand Totals in the Last Page(at the End of the

    ned image (GRAPHIC) and

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  • SrnartForn~s@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Create a Custom Table with the below details to Maintain the Customer Credit Expenses .

    Dictionam: Disnlav Table

    ji'KE Kftg. * v M . active z E ! L T a b'e. __-..-__-____.-.

    . , . . . , , ,. . . . . . , . . . . . ..... . . . . , , . . . .... . . ... . , , , , . . . . .. ...... , , . . . . . . , ,, . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . .. ...... . ....... .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ,

    ShottText 'customer Credit CardPayrn~nt Details .

    ~n&ules , Dellven and blatntenanc nencvi~;antdy ~ ~ e l d s .

    Contents -> Create Entries. \

    Data Browser: Table ZCREDIT-PAYMENTS Select Entries 8 - - - - - - . - - - - -- - -


    - - . - -. - - -- - - - -

    pi ;a I~ ~a leg p- :a1 T i i rwl IT; I~ : ~a] la, ral {B? [st ps, 14 121

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    - - - - - - - - -

    Step1 : Execute Transaction SMARTFORMS -> Select Form Option and Provide Name -> Click On Create.

    I SAP SmaFt Forms: initial Screen I

    Enter the Description

    ) SAP Form Builder: Change Farm ZBDEMfBO-CREDIT-CAWDDPAYWIEPdiPS I

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  • SmartForms@eMAX We Never Compromise in Quality, Would You?

    Double Click On Form(Function Module) Interface


    ata to Print Customer

    )SAP Farm Builder: Change Form ZCDEMO-CREDIT-CARD-PAYMENTS 1

    Click on Tables to Declare the Internals passed from the Driver Program Enter IT-DETAILS LIKE ZCREDIT-PAYMENTS.

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