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No. 95]

Lotto Act 1981 .


WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard JohnTo Wit : JTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of_Governor .

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of[L .S.]

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia .

WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the Lotto Act1981 that that Act shall come into operation on a dayto be fixed by proclamation : Now therefore I, the Gov-ernor, acting with the advice and consent of the Execu-tive Council, do hereby fix 18 December 1981 as theday on which the Lotto Act 1981 shall come into opera-tion .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of Decem-ber, 1981 .

By His Excellency's Command,

W. R. B. HASSELL,-Chief Secretary .






AS the "Government Gazette" for Thursday, 24 Dec-ember 1981, will be published at 12 noon the closingtime for acceptance of notices for publication will be12 noon on Tuesday, 22 December 1981 .

Closing time for acceptance of notices to be pub-lished in the "Government Gazette" on Thursday, 31December 1981, will be 3 .00 p.m. on Tuesday, 29 Dec-ember 1981.


AUSTRALIA(Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m .)




Money Lenders Act 1912-1979 .PROCLAMATION .

WESTERN AUSTRALIA,I By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard JohnTo Wit: JTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John' ofGovernor.

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of[L. S .]

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia .

PURSUANT to the provisions of section 3(f) of theMoney Lenders Act 1912-1979, I, the Governor, actingwith the advice and consent of the Executive Council,do hereby exempt Australian United CorporationLimited and A .U.C. (Holdings) Limited, bodies corpor-ate whose registered office in Western Australia issituated at 40 Saint George's Terrace, Perth, fromregistration under that Act for a period of 3 yearscommencing on and from 22 December, 1981 .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of December,nineteen hundred and eighty-one .

By His Excellency's Command,IAN MEDCALF,

Attorney General.GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! !

Occupational Therapists Registration Act 1980.PROCLAMATION.

WESTERN AUSTRALIA,1By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard JohnTo Wit: fTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John ofGovernor .

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of[L .S .]

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia.

WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the Occupa-tional Therapists Registration Act 1980 that that Actshall come into operation on a date to be fixed byproclamation: Now therefore, I, the Governor, actingwith the advice and consent of the Executive Council,do hereby fix 11 December 1981 as the date on whichthe Occupational Therapists Registration Act 1980 shallcome into operation.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State at Perth, this 9th day of December,Ninteen hundred and eighty-one.

By His Excellency's Command,RAY YOUNG,Minister for Health .


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Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage,and Drainage Act 1909-1981 .

PROCLAMATION .WESTERN AUSTRALIA,1By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard John

To Wit : JTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the Royal


Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the Most


Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of

Governor .

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of

[L .S .]

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia .

UNDER section 57E of the Metropolitan Water Supply,Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909-1981, I, the Governor,acting with the advice and consent of the ExecutiveCouncil, and on the recommendation of the Metro-politan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Boardestablished under that Act, do hereby constitute anddeclare that part of the Metropolitan Water, Sewerage,and Drainage Area constituted under that Act that isdescribed in the schedule to this proclamation to bethe Mirrabooka Public Water Supply Area from theday that this proclamation is published in the Govern-ment Gazette .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of December,Nineteen hundred and eighty-one .

By His Excellency's Command,ANDREW MENSAROS,Minister for Water Resources .


Schedule .All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at

the westernmost northwestern corner of Swan Location883 and extending easterly and northerly along bound-aries of that location to the Top Water Level Mark ofGnangara Lake ; thence generally southeasterly, gen-erally northeasterly and generally northwesterly alongthat mark and onwards to the shore of Gnangara Lake ;thence generally northeasterly and generally north-westerly along that shore to the prolongation westerlyof the southern boundary of Location 1494 ; thenceeasterly to and easterly and northerly along boundariesof that location and onwards to the southern boundaryof Lot 25 of Location 1882, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Plan 8480 ; thence easterly along that boundaryand onwards to an eastern side of Steel Road ; thencesoutherly along that side to the northern boundary ofLocation 5199 ; thence easterly and southerly alongboundaries of that location to the northern boundaryof Lot 8 of Location 2470, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Plan 7216 (1 and 2) ; thence easterly along thenorthern boundaries of that lot and Lots 9-14 inclusive,Lot 28, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagrams 44991and Lots 16 and 17 and onwards to the northwesterncorner of Lot 18 ; thence easterly along the northernboundaries of that lot and Lots 19-26 inclusive to thenorthwestern corner of Lot 27 ; thence easterly andsoutherly along boundaries of that lot to a northernside of Gnangara Road ; thence easterly along that sideto the prolongation southerly of the western boundaryof Location 2828 ; thence northerly to and easterly alongwestern and northern boundaries of that location andonwards to the prolongation southerly of the westernboundary of Location 1605 ; thence northerly to andnortherly and easterly along western and northernboundaries of that location to the westernmost south-western corner of Location 3080 ; thence northeasterly,northerly and southeasterly along boundaries of thatlocation to the northern corner of Location 3079 ;thence southeasterly and southerly along boundariesof that location to the northeastern corner of Location2947; thence southerly along the easternmost easternboundary of that location and southerly along theeastern boundaries of Locations 1496 and 2950 to anorthern side of Gnangara Road ; thence easterly alongthat side to the prolongation northerly of the easternboundary of the northeastern severance of Lot 3 ofLocation 2516, as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram19049 ; thence southerly to and along that boundaryand southerly along the eastern boundary of Location1628 and onwards to the northwestern corner of Lot156 of Location B, as shown on Land Titles OfficePlan 3830(2) ; thence southerly along the western


[18 December 1981 .

boundary of that lot and onwards to a southern sideof Park Street ; thence westerly along that side to thenortheastern corner of Lot 350 of Locations 1315 andG, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 4560(2) ; thencesoutherly along the eastern boundaries of that lot andthe northern severance of Lot 345 and onwards to theeasternmost northeastern corner of the southernseverance of the last mentioned lot ; thence southerlyalong the eastern boundary of that severance and on-wards to the northern boundary of Lot 24 of Loca-tions H, 8284 and I, as shown on Land Titles OfficePlan 12868 ; thence westerly along that boundary andonwards to the northernmost northeastern corner ofLot 23 of Locations H, 8283 and I ; thence westerlyalong the northern boundary of that lot and westerlyand northwesterly along boundaries of Lot 22 to itsnorthernmost northwestern corner ; thence north-westerly to the northernmost northeastern cornerof Lot 21 of Locations H, 8282 and I ; thencewesterly along the northern boundary of that lot andwesterly, southwesterly and southerly along boundariesof Lot 20 to the prolongation easterly of the southernside of Harrow Street; thence westerly to and alongthat side to the eastern side of Rugby Street ; thencesoutherly along that side and onwards to the northernboundary of Lot 40 of Location K, as shown on LandTitles Office Plan 2747 ; thence westerly and southerlyalong boundaries of that lot and onwards to thesouthern side of Coast Road ; thence westerly alongthat side to an eastern side of Beechboro Road ; thencesoutherly along that side to a southern boundary ofLocation K ; thence westerly along that boundary tothe eastern side of Malaga Road ; thence southerly alongthat side to the southern boundary of Location Kl ;thence westerly along that boundary to a western sideof Alexander Drive ; thence generally northerly andgenerally northwesterly along sides of that drive to asouthern side of Camberwell Road ; thence westerlyalong that side to the prolongation southerly of theeastern boundary of Lot 81 of Location K, as shownon Land Titles Office Plan 4948(2) ; thence northerlyto and along that boundary and northerly along theeastern boundaries of Lots 80 and 79 and onwards toa southern boundary of Lot 1158 of Location I, asshown on Land Titles Office Plan 11288 ; thencegenerally southeasterly and northerly along boundariesof that lot to a southeastern side of Waddington Cres-cent; thence generally northeasterly, generally northerlyand generally northwesterly along sides of that crescentto the southern corner of Lot 1011 of Location H, asshown on Land Titles Office Plan 11463 ; thence north-easterly and northwesterly along boundaries of that lotto the eastern corner of Lot 1007 ; thence generallynorthwesterly along northeastern boundaries of that lotto its northwestern corner ; thence westerly to the north-eastern corner of Lot 1006 ; thence southwesterly alongthe northwestern boundary of that lot and westerlyalong the northern boundary of Lot 999 to its north-western corner; thence southwesterly to the easternmosteastern corner of Lot 1 of Location H, as shown onLand Titles Office Diagram 49740 ; thence northwesterlyalong the northernmost northeastern boundary of thatlot to the southeastern boundary of Lot 3 of LocationH as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 49980 ;thence northeasterly, northwesterly, westerly and south-westerly along boundaries of that lot to the easternmostsoutheastern corner of Lot 73 of Locations H and 1315as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 4617(2) ; thencenortherly along the eastern boundary of that lot and on-wards to the southeastern corner of the southern sever-ance of Lot 66 of Locations 1315 and G ; thence north-erly along the eastern boundary of that severance andonwards to the easternmost southeastern corner of thenorthern severance of the last mentioned lot ; thencenortherly along the eastern boundary of that severanceand onwards to the northern boundary of Lot 1250of Location 1315, as shown on Land Titles OfficeDiagram 55538 ; thence westerly along that boundaryto an eastern side of Rangeview Road ; thence northerlyalong that side and onwards to a northern side ofKingsway; thence easterly along that side to the south-western corner of Lot 69 of Location El, as shown onLand Titles Office Plan 8649 ; thence northerly alongthe western boundaries of that lot and Lot 70 to asoutheastern corner of Location 1803 ; thence northerlyand westerly along boundaries of that location to thesouthwestern corner of Lot 5 of Location 1224, asshown on Land Titles Office Diagram 29401 ; thencenortherly along the western boundary of that lot and

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18 December 1981 .]


onwards to the southern boundary of Location 883 andthence westerly, northwesterly and northerly alongboundaries of that location to the starting points asshown bordered on M .W.B . Plan No . 17521 .Lands and Surveys Public Plans Swan 1 :10 000 3 .1,

4.1, 4.2, Swan 1:2 000 20 .01, 20.02, Perth 1 :2 000

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and DrainageAct 1909-1981 .

PROCLAMATIONWESTERN AUSTRALIA,1By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard John

To Wit : 3Trowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John ofGovernor .

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of[L .S.)

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia .

UNDER section 57A of the Metropolitan Water Supply,Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909-1981, I, the Governor,acting with the advice and consent of the ExecutiveCouncil, and on the recommendation of the Metropoli-tan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board estab-lished under that Act do hereby constitute and declarethat part of the Metropolitan Water, Sewerage andDrainage Area constituted under that Act that isdescribed in the schedule to this proclamation to bethe Mirrabooka Underground Water Pollution ControlArea from the day that this proclamation is publishedin the Government Gazette .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State at Perth this 9th day of December,nineteen hundred and eighty-one .

By His Excellency's Command,ANDREW MENSAROS,Minister for Water Resources .


Schedule.All that portion of land bounded by lines starting at

the westernmost northwestern corner of Swan Location883 and extending easterly and northerly along bound-aries of that location to the Top Water Level Mark ofGnangara Lake ; thence generally southeasterly, generallynortheasterly and generally northwesterly along thatmark and onwards to the shore of Gnangara Lake ;thence generally northeasterly and generally north-westerly along that shore to the prolongation westerlyof the southern boundary of Location 1494 ; thenceeasterly to and easterly and northerly along boundariesof that location and onwards to the southern boundaryof Lot 25 of Location 1882, as shown on LandTitles Office Plan 8480 ; thence easterly along thatboundary and onwards to an eastern side of SteelRoad; thence southerly along that side to the northernboundary of Location 5199 ; thence easterly andsoutherly along boundaries of that location to the north-ern boundary of Lot 8 of Location 2470, as shownon Land Titles Office Plan 7216 (1 and 2) ; thenceeasterly along the northern boundaries of that lot andLots 9-14 inclusive, Lot 28, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Diagrams 44991 and Lots 16 and 17 and onwardsto the northwestern corner of Lot 18 ; thence easterlyalong the northern boundaries of that lot and Lots19-26 inclusive to the northwestern corner of Lot 27 ;thence easterly and southerly along boundaries ofthat lot to a northern side of Gnangara Road ; thenceeasterly along that side to the prolongation southerlyof the western boundary of Location 2828 ; thencenortherly to and easterly along western and northernboundaries of that location and onwards to the pro-longation southerly of the western boundary of Location1605; thence northerly to and northerly and easterlyalong western and northern boundaries of that locationto the westernmost southwestern corner of Location 3080 ;thence northeasterly, northerly and southeasterly alongboundaries of that location to the northern corner ofLocation 3079 ; thence southeasterly and southerly alongboundaries of that location to the northeastern cornerof Location 2947 ; thence southerly along the eastern-most eastern boundary of that location and southerly


along the eastern boundaries of Locations 1496 and2950 to a northern side of Gnangara Road ; thenceeasterly along that side to the prolongation northerlyof the eastern boundary of the northeastern severanceof Lot 3 of Location 2516, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Diagram 19049 ; thence southerly to and alongthat boundary and southerly along the eastern boundaryof Location 1628 and onwards to the northwesterncorner of Lot 156 of Location B, as shown on LandTitles Office Plan 3830(2) ; thence southerly along thewestern boundary of that lot and onwards to a southernside of Park Street ; thence westerly along that side tothe northeastern corner of Lot 350 of Locations 1315and G, as shown on Lands Titles Office Plan 4560(2) ;thence southerly along the eastern boundaries of thatlot and the northern severance of Lot 345 and onwardsto the eastern most northeastern corner of the southernseverance of the last mentioned lot ; thence southerlyalong the eastern boundary of that severance andonwards to the northern boundary of Lot 24 of Lo-cations H, 8284 and I, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Plan 12868 ; thence westerly along that boundaryand onwards to the northernmost northeastern cornerof Lot 23 of Locations H, 8283 and I ; thencewesterly along the northern boundary of that lot andwesterly and northwesterly along boundaries of Lot22 to its northernmost northwestern corner; thencenorthwesterly to the northernmost northeastern cornerof Lot 21 of Locations H, 8282 and I ; thence westerlyalong the northern boundary of that lot and westerly,southwesterly and southerly along boundries of Lot 20to the prolongation easterly of the southern side ofHarrow Street ; thence westerly to and along that sideto the eastern side of Rugby Street ; thence southerlyalong that side and onwards to the northern boundaryof Lot 40 of Location K, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Plan 2747 ; thence westerly and southerly alongboundaries of that lot and onwards to the southern sideof Coast Road ; thence westerly along that side to aneastern side of Beechboro Road ; thence southerlyalong that side to a southern boundary of LocationK ; thence westerly along that boundary to the easternside of Malaga Road ; thence southerly along thatside to the southern boundary of Location Kl ; thencewesterly along that boundary to a western side ofAlexander Drive ; thence generally northerly andgenerally northwesterly along sides of that drive toa southern side of Camberwell Road ; thence westerlyalong that side to the prolongation southerly of theeastern boundary of Lot 81 of Location K, as shownon Land Titles Office Plan 4948(2) ; thence northerlyto and along that boundary and northerly along theeastern boundaries of Lots 80 and 79 and onwards toa southern boundary of Lot 1158 of Location 1, asshown on Land Titles Office Plan 11288 ; thencegenerally southeasterly and northerly along boundariesof that lot to a southeastern side of WaddingtonCrescent ; thence generally northeasterly, generallynortherly and generally northwesterly along sides ofthat crescent to the southern corner of Lot 1011 ofLocation H, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 11463 ;thence northeasterly and northwesterly along boundariesof that lot to the eastern corner of Lot 1007 ; thencegenerally northwesterly along northeastern boundariesof that lot to its northwestern corner ; thence westerlyto the northeastern corner of Lot 1006 ; thence south-westerly along the northwestern boundary of thatlot and westerly along the northern boundary of Lot999 to its northwestern corner ; thence southwesterly tothe easternmost eastern corner of Lot 1 of Location H,as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 49740 ; thencenorthwesterly along the northernmost northeasternboundary of that lot to the southeastern boundary ofLot 3 of Location H as shown on Land Titles OfficeDiagram 49980 ; thence northeasterly, northwesterly,westerly and southwesterly along boundaries of thatlot to the easternmost southeastern corner of Lot 73of Locations H and 1315 as shown on Land TitlesOffice Plan 4617 (2) ; thence northerly along the easternboundary of that lot and onwards to the southeasterncorner of the southern severance of Lot 66 of Loca-tions 1315 and G ; thence northerly along the easternboundary of that severance and onwards to the eastern-most southeastern corner of the northern severance ofthe last mentioned lot ; thence northerly along theeastern boundary of that severance and onwards tothe northern boundary of Lot 1250 of Location 1315,as shown on Land Titles Office Diagram 55538 ; thencewesterly along that boundary to an eastern side of

13 .37, 13.38, 13 .39, 13 .40, 14 .34, 14 .35, 14 .36, 14.37,15 .35, 16.35, 17 .35, 18 .35, 19 .35, 19 .36, 19 .37, 20 .37,20.38, 20.39 and 20.40 .

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[18 December 198

Rangeview Road ; thence northerly along that side andonwards to a northern side Kingsway ; thence easterlyalong that side to the southwestern corner of Lot69 of Location El, as shown on Land Titles OfficePlan 8649 ; thence northerly along the western bound-aries of that lot and Lot 70 to a southeastern cornerof Location 1803 ; thence northerly and westerly alongboundaries of that location to the southwestern cornerof Lot 5 of Location 1224, as shown on Land TitlesOffice Diagram 29401 ; thence northerly along thewestern boundary of that lot and onwards to thesouthern boundary of Location 883 and thence westerly,northwesterly and northerly along boundaries of thatlocation to the starting points as shown bordered onM.W.B. Plan No. 17522 .Lands and Surveys Public Plans Swan 1 :10000 3 .1,

4.1, 4 .2. Swan 1 : 2000 20 .01, 20 .02, Perth 1 :2006

Acts Amendment (Land Use Planning) Act 1981 .PROCLAMATION

WESTERN AUSTRALIA,lBy His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard John

To Wit: jTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of

Governor .

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of

[L .S .I

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia.

WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the ActsAmendment (Land Use Planning) Act 1981 that thatAct shall come into operation on a day to be fixedby proclamation : Now therefore, I, the Governor,acting with the advice and consent of the ExecutiveCouncil, do hereby fix the day on which this proclama-tion is published in the Government Gazette as the dayon which the Acts Amendment (Land Use Planning)Act 1981 shall come into operation.


Small Claims Tribunals Amendment Act 1981 .PROCLAMATION

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard JohnTo Wit : irowbridge, Knight Commander of the Royal


Victorian Order, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of


Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of

[L.S .1

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia.

WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the SmallClaims Tribunals Amendment Act 1981 that that Actshall come into operation on a day to be fixed by pro-clamation : Now therefore, 1, the Governor acting withthe advice and consent of the Executive Council, dohereby fix 1 January 1982 as the day on which theSmall Claims Tribunals Amendment Act 1981 shallcome into operation .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of December1981 .

By His Excellency's Command,J. O'CONNOR,

Minister for Labour and Industry .GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! !

Petroleum Act 1967 .PROCLAMATION

WESTERN AUSTRALIA,1By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard JohnTo Wit: JTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Oraer, Knight of Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE,

Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John ofGovernor.

Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of[L .S .I

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia.

WHEREAS it is enacted by subsection (2) of section15 and subsections (2) and (3) of section 152 ofthe Petroleum Act 1967 that notwithstanding the LandAct 1933 or any other Act the Governor, by proclama-tion, may declare that any land of the Crown or partthereof reserved for or dedicated to any public purposeunder any Act and howsoever classified that :

(a) is not Crown land within the meaning of thatexpression in section 5 of the Act ; and

(b) is specified in the proclamation,is Crown land for the purposes of the Petroleum Act1967 and is land to which that Act applies, so longas the proclamation remains in force : Now, therefore,I the Governor acting with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council and in the exercise of thepowers under subsection (2) of section 15 of thePetroleum Act 1967, do hereby declare that the landof the Crown comprising Reserve No. 1184 classifiedas Class "C" and set apart for the purpose of Waterand Stopping Place, Reserve No . 16928 classified asClass "C" and set apart for the purpose of PublicUtility, Reserve No . 26818, classified as Class "C" andset apart for the purpose of Harbour and Port, ReserveNo. 34420 classified as Class "C" and set apart forthe purpose of Parklands and Reserve No . 34942classified as Class "C" and set apart for the purpose ofRecreation pursuant to the provisions of the Land Act1933, are Crown land for the purposes of the PetroleumAct 1967 and is land to which the Petroleum Act 1967applies so long as this proclamation remains in force,subject to:-

(a) In regard to Public Utility Reserve No . 16928Recreation Reserve No. 34942 and ParklandsReserve No. 34420

(i) Survey lines within the Reserves beingdelineated with minimum interferenceto and disturbance of vegetation andtimber, any traverse lines through tim-ber stands being cut by hand .The clearing and construction of tracksbeing limited to superficial blading andfilling in of soil irregularities only, sothat as far as is practicable rootstockand topsoil is left in place with itscontained seed load . Any shot holesdrilled being filled in and left in a safeand level condition .

(iii) On completion or abandonment of anyoperational area such measures as arereasonably practical being taken torestore the area to its original condition .and in regard to Water Reserve No .1184 also subject to :-

(iv) No explosives being used within aradius of 500 metres from any well, orbore and no activities being carriedout that will pollute or restrict thesupply of water in or to any facilitysituated on the reserve or in thedrainage system thereto and no damagebeing caused to any of the improve-ments the property of the Public WorksDepartment .

(b) In regard to Harbour and Port Reserve No .26818 .

(i) Prior consultation and agreement withthe Wharfinger before seismic workcommences and no damage beingcaused to any of the facilities, harbourworks or improvements the propertyof the Public Works Department .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of December1981 .

By His Excellency's Command,ANDREW MENSAROS,

Acting Minister for Mines .GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ! !

13.37, 13 .38, 13 .39, 13 .40, 14 .34, 14 .35, 14 .36, 14 .37,15 .35, 16 .35, 17.35, 18 .35, 19 .35, 19 .36, 19 .37, 20 .37,20 .38, 20.39 and 20.40

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of December,1981 . (ii)

By His Excellency's Command,JUNE CRAIG,

Minister for Urban Developmentand Town Planning .

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18 December 1981 .]


Petroleum Act 1967 .PROCLAMATION

WESTERN AUSTRALIA,) By His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Richard JohnT W't' JTrowbridge, Knight Commander of the RoyalRICHARD

Victorian Order, Knight es Grace of the MostTROWBRIDGE, Venerable Order of the Hospital of St . John of

Governor. Jerusalem, Governor in and over the State of[L.S .]

Western Australia and its Dependencies in theCommonwealth of Australia .

WHEREAS it is enacted by subsection (2) of section15 and subsections (2) and (3) of section 152 of thePetroleum Act 1967 that notwithstanding the Land Act1933 or any other Act the Governor, by proclamation,may declare that any land of the Crown or partthereof reserved for or dedicated to any public purposeunder any Act and howsoever classified that :

(a) is not Crown land within the meaning of thatexpression in section 5 of the Act ; and

(b) is specified in the proclamation,is Crown land for the purposes of the Petroleum Act1967 and is land to which that Act applies, so longas the proclamation remains in force : Now, therefore, Ithe Governor acting with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council and in the exercise of the powersunder subsection (2) of section 15 of the PetroleumAct 1967 do hereby declare that the land of theCrown comprising Reserve No. 948 classified as Class"C" and set apart for the purpose of Water pursuantto the provisions of the Land Act 1933, is Crown landfor the purposes of the Petroleum Act 1967 and island to which the Petroleum Act 1967 applies so longas this proclamation remains in force, subject to :-

(i) Survey lines within the Reserve being delineatedwith minimum interference to and disturbanceof vegetation and timber, any traverse linesthrough timber stands being cut by hand .

(ii) The clearing and construction of tracks beinglimited to a superficial blading and filling inof soil irregularities only, so that as far asis practicable rootstock and topsoil is left inplace with its contained seed load . Any shotholes drilled being filled in and left in a safeand level condition .

(iii) On completion or abandonment of any opera-tional area such measures as are reasonablypractical being taken to restore the area toits original condition .

(iv) No explosives being used within a radius of500 metres from any well or bore and noactivities being carried out that will polluteor restrict the supply of water in or to anyfacility situated on the reserve or in thedrainage system thereto and no damage beingcaused to any of the improvements theproperty of the Public Works Department .

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 9th day of December,1981 .

By His Excellency's Command,ANDREW MENSAROS,

Acting Minister for Mines .GOD SAV

QUEEN ! ! !

AT a Meeting of the Executive Council held in theExecutive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 the following Orders in Council wereauthorised to be issued :-

Child Welfare Act 1947-79 .ORDER IN COUNCIL.

WHEREAS by section 19 (2) (a) of the Child WelfareAct 1947-79, it is provided that the Governor mayappoint such persons, male or female, as he may thinkfit, to be members of any particular Children's Courtand may determine the respective seniorities of suchmembers and whereas by section 19 (1) (b) (ii) of thesaid Act the Governor may amend, vary or revoke anysuch appointment: Now therefore His Excellency theGovernor by and with the advice and consent of the



Executive Council doth hereby appoint the personnamed in the First Schedule hereto to be a Member ofthe Children's Court at the place mentioned and dothhereby revoke the appointments of the persons namedin the Second Schedule hereto as Members of theChildren's Court -at the place mentioned .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

First Schedule .Donnybrook-

June Kathleen Jones .

Second Schedule .Donnybrook-

Alan Charles Frost .Bernard Cecil Langridge .

Child e e Act 1947-79 .ORDER IN COUNCIL.

WHEREAS by section 19 (2) (a) of the Child WelfareAct 1947-79, it is provided that the Governor mayappoint such persons, male or female, as he may thinkfit, to be members of any particular Children's Courtand may determine the respective seniorities of suchmembers and whereas by section 19 (1) (b) (ii) ofthe said Act the Governor may amend, vary or revokeany such appointment : Now therefore His Excellencythe Governor by and with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council doth hereby appoint the personsnamed in the First Schedule hereto to be Members ofthe Children's Court at the place mentioned and dothhereby revoke the appointments of the persons namedin the Second Schedule hereto as Members of theChildren's Court at the place mentioned .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

First Schedule .Halls Creek-

William Alexander Taylor .Graeme James MacArthur .

Second Schedule,Halls Creek-

Charles Lewis McBeath .George Robert Applebee .

Child Welfare Act 1947-79 .ORDER IN COUNCIL .

WHEREAS by section 19 (2) (a) of the Child WelfareAct 1947-79, it is provided that the Governor mayappoint such persons, male or female, as he may thinkfit, to be members of any particular Children's Courtand may determine the respective seniorities of suchmembers and whereas by section 19 (1) (b) (ii) ofthe said Act the Governor may amend, vary or revokeany such appointment : Now therefore His Excellencythe Governor by and with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council doth hereby appoint Donald RobinKeen and Nola Robinson as Members of the Children'sCourt at Wiluna .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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[18 December 1981 .

Child Welfare Act 1947-79 .ORDER IN COUNCIL .

WHEREAS by section 19 (2) (a) of the Child WelfareAct 1947-79, it is provided that the Governor mayappoint such persons, male or female, as he may thinkfit, to be members of any particular Children's Courtand may determine the respective seniorities of suchmembers and whereas by section 19 (1) (b) (ii) ofthe said Act the Governor may amend, vary or revokeany such appointment : Now therefore His Excellencythe Governor by and with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council doth hereby appoint WallaceGeoffrey Wright as a Member of the Children's Courtat Wundowie.

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


WHEREAS by section 33 of the Land Act 1933, it ismade lawful for the Governor to direct that anyReserve shall vest in and be held by any person orpersons to be named in the order in trust for the likeor other public purposes to be specified in suchorder: And whereas it is deemed expedient as follows :-

File No. 2767/89, V2.-That Reserve No . 614 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Albany in trust forthe purpose of "Recreation" .

File No. 3094/64.-That Reserve No . 27355 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Esperance in trustfor the purpose of "Parkland" .

File No. 1646/61 .-That Reserve No . 27522 shouldvest in and be held by the Minister for Water Resourcesin trust for the purpose of "Water Supply".

File No. 669/68.-That Reserve No . 29844 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Busselton in trustfor the purpose of "Public Recreation" .

File No. 2580/69.-That Reserve No . 30097 shouldvest in and be held by The State Energy Commission ofWestern Australia in trust for the purpose of "PowerStation Site" .

File No. 1182/69.-That Reserve No . 30894 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Coorow in trustfor the purpose of "Gravel" .

File No. 1171/65.--That Reserve No . 31084 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Wyndham-EastKimberley in trust for the purpose of "Plant NurserySite".

File No. 2452/74.-That Reserve No . 34772 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Northam in trust forthe purpose of "Gravel" .

File No. 1075/78.-That Reserve No . 35311 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland and PedestrianAccessway .

File No. 1076/78.-That Reserve No . 35312 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1078/78.-That Reserve No. 35313 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland

trust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .File No. 1079/78.-That Reserve No . 35314 should

vest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way.

File No. 1081/78.-That Reserve No . 35315 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1080/78.-That Reserve No . 35316 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1082/78.-That Reserve No . 35317 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Drain .

File No. 1086/78.-That Reserve No . 35321 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland and Pedestrian AccessWay.

File No. 1087/78.-That Reserve No . 35322 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1088/78 .-That Reserve No . 35323 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedlandin trust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1090/78.-That Reserve No . 35324 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1089/78.-That Reserve No . 35325 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1092/78. That Reserve No . 35326 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Drain .

File No. 1099/78.-That Reserve No . 35331 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1100/78 .-That Reserve No . 35332 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .File No. 1101/78 .-That Reserve No . 35333 should

vest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Parkland .

File No. 1102/78.-That Reserve No . 35334 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1103/78:That Reserve No . 35335 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way.

File No. 1104/78 .-That Reserve No . 35336 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way.

File No. 1105/78.-That Reserve No . 35337 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1106/78.-That Reserve No . 35338 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1108/78.-That Reserve No . 35339 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way.

File No. 1109/78.-That Reserve No . 35340 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .File No. 1110/78.-That Reserve No . 35341 should

vest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1111/78.-That Reserve No . 35342 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1112/78.-That Reserve No . 35343 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1113/78.-That Reserve No . 35344 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedlandin trust for the purpose of Pedestrian Access Way .

File No. 1107/78.-That Reserve No . 35359 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Port Hedland intrust for the purpose of "Pedestrian Access Way" .

File No . 3737/980 .-That Reserve No . 37277 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Bayswater in trustfor the purpose of "Public Recreation" .

File No . 1318/980 .-That Reserve No . 37362 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Mundaring in trustfor the purpose of "Public Recreation" .

File No . 2877/981 .-That Reserve No . 37480 shouldvest in and be held by the Metropolitan Water SupplySewerage and Drainage Board in trust for "SeweragePurpose" .

File No. 569/981.-That Reserve No . 37505 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Esperance in trustfor the purpose of "Rubbish Disposal Site" .File No. 3406/981 .-That Reserve No. 37517 should

vest in and be held by the Shire of Dalwallinu in trustfor the purpose of "Sanitary and Rubbish DisposalSite" .

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File No. 1099/79.-That Reserve No . 37526 shouldvest in and be held by the Minister for Water Resourcesin trust for the purpose of "Water Supply" .

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by andwith the advice and consent of the Executive Council,does hereby direct that the beforementioned Reservesshall vest in and be held by the abovementioned bodiesin trust for the purposes aforesaid, subject neverthelessto the powers reserved to him by section 37 of thesaid Act .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


WHEREAS by section 33 of the Land Act 1933, it ismade lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserveshall vest in and be held by any person or personsto be named in the Order, in trust for any of thepurposes set forth in section 29 of the said Act, orfor the like or other public purposes to be specified insuch Order and with power of leasing ; and whereasit is deemed expedient as follows:-

File No. 3666/14, V2.-That Class "A" Reserve No .19464 should vest in and be held by the Town ofAlbany in trust for the purpose of "Park and Gardens" .

(The previous Order in Council dated 17 July 1934is hereby superseded .)

File No. 1321/58.-That Reserve No . 25168 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Manjimup in trustfor the purpose of "Infant Health Centre and Pre-Primary Centre" .

(The previous Order in Council dated 17 July 1974is hereby superseded.)File No. 5171/54, V2 .-That Reserve No . 37535

should vest in and be held by the Shire of Esperancein trust for the purpose of "Recreation" .

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, byand with the advice and consent of the ExecutiveCouncil, does hereby direct that the beforementionedReserves shall vest in and be held by the before-mentioned bodies in trust for the purposes aforesaidwith power to the said bodies subject to the approvalin writing of the Minister for Lands to each and everylease or assignment of lease being first obtained, tolease the whole or any portion thereof for any termnot exceeding twenty one (21) years from the date ofthe lease, subject nevertheless to the powers reserved tome by section 37 of the said Act ; provided that nosuch lease or assignment of lease shall be valid oroperative until the approval of the Minister for Lands,or an officer authorized in that behalf by the Minister,has been endorsed on the Lease Instrument, or Deedof Assignment, as the case may be .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Land Act 1933 .ORDER IN COUNCIL .

File No. 3563/40 .WHEREAS by section 33 of the Land Act 1933 it ismade lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserveshall vest in and be held by any person or persons to benamed in the Order, in trust for any of the purposes setforth in section 29 of the said Act, or for the like orother public purposes to be specified in such Orderand with power of leasing : and whereas it is deemedexpedient that Class "A" Reserve No. 22204 shouldvest in and be held by the Shire of Mandurah in trustfor the purpose of "Parklands and Recreation" .

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, byand with the advice and consent of the Executive Coun-cil, does hereby direct that the beforementioned Reserve


shall vest in and be held by the Shire of Mandurah intrust for "Parklands and Recreation" with power to thesaid Shire of Mandurah subject to the approval in writ-ing of the Minister for Lands to each and every leaseor assignment of lease being first obtained, to lease thewhole or any portion thereof for any term not exceed-ing twenty one (21) years from the date of the lease,subject nevertheless to the powers reserved to me bysection 37 of the said Act ; provided that no such leaseor assignment of lease shall be valid or operative untilthe approval of the Minister for Lands, or an officerauthorised in that behalf by the Minister, has beenendorsed on the Lease Instrument, or Deed of Assign-ment, as the case may be, and to the further conditionthat any lease be restricted to a Kiosk only .

(The previous Order in Council dated 28 May, 1980is hereby superseded .)

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Local Government Act 1960-1981 .ORDERS IN COUNCIL.

WHEREAS by section 288 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, it shall be lawful for the Governor,on request by a Council of a Municipal District, byOrder published in the Government- Gazette to declareany lands reserved or acquired for use by the publicor used by the public as a street, way, public place,bridge or thoroughfare, under the care, control, andmanagement of the Council, or lands comprised ina private street, constructed and maintained to thesatisfaction of the Council, or lands comprised in aprivate street, of which the public has had uninterrupteduse for a period of not less than ten years, as a publicstreet and if the Council thinks fit, that the Governorshall declare the width of carriageway and footpaths ofthe public street; and whereas the Councils mentioned inthe schedule hereto have requested that certain landsnamed and described in the said schedule, which havebeen reserved for streets within the said Councils, bedeclared public streets : Now therefore, His Excellencythe Governor, by and with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council, doth hereby declare the saidlands to be public streets and such land shall, fromthe date of this Order, be absolutely dedicated to thepublic as streets within the meaning of any law now orhereafter in force .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Schedule .City of Perth .

L. & S. Corres . 1068/981 (R . 6588) .Road No. 16122 (Newcastle Street) (Widenings of

Part) . The portions of Perth Town Lot W48 comprisedin Certificate of Titles Volume 1034 Folio 31 andVolume 834 Folio 79 being the subject of Land TitlesOffice Diagram 9388 and as shown on Diagram 565respectively.

(Public Plan Perth 2 000 14 .25 .)Shire of Mandurah .

L. & S . Corres. 888/68 (R . 6587) .Road No. 16765 (Clipper Way) . The whole of Murray

Location 1719 as delineated and bordered green onLands and Surveys Diagram 84456 .

(Public Plans Mandurah and Environs 04 .01 and04.40 . )

Shire of Wanneroo.L. & S. Corres . 990/981 (R . 6581) .Road No. 5867 (Wattle Avenue) (Widening of Part) .

That portion of Swan Location 1523 being the subjectof Land Titles Office Diagram 60429 .

(Public Plan Swan 1 :10000 2,4 .)

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Forests Act 1918 .ORDER IN COUNCIL.

Forests File 151/79 ; Lands File 2442/28 .WHEREAS by the Forests Act 1918, it is provided thatthe Governor may by Order in Council dedicate anyCrown lands as State Forests within the meaning andfor the purpose of that Act : Now therefore, His Ex-cellency the Governor with the advice and consent ofthe Executive Council doth hereby dedicate the areadescribed in the schedule hereto as an addition to StateForest No . 28 within the meaning and for the purposesof the said Act.

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Schedule.That portion of land contained in the road closed by

notice which appeared in the Government Gazette dated21 August 1981, containing an area of 3 .1200 hectaresas comprised in Wellington Location 5342 as shown onOriginal Plan 15077 .

(Public Plan Donnybrook SW 1 : 25 000.)

Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947-1980 .Abolition of Boddington Country Water Area

andExtension of Great Southern Towns

Country Water Area.ORDER IN COUNCIL.

P.W.W.S. 1175/69 .UNDER section 8 of the Country Areas Water SupplyAct 1947-1980, the Country Water Area constituted,defined and now subsisting as a Country Water Areaunder and for the purpose of that Act under thename or designation shown in Schedule "A" hereunderof this Order is hereby abolished .

Whereas it is enacted under section 8 of the CountryAreas Water Supply Act 1947-1980, that the Governormay by Order in Council alter or extend a CountryWater Area, now therefore His Excellency the Governor,by and with the consent of the Executive Council doeshereby extend the Great Southern Towns CountryWater Area as defined in Schedules "B" and "C"hereunder and assign the name of Great SouthernTowns Country Water Area thereto .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Schedule "A" .Boddington Country Water Area, as originally con-

stituted under the Water Boards Act 1904-1949 anddefined by Order in Council published in the GovernmentGazette dated 15 December 1950 and as constitutedBoddington Country Water Area under the CountryAreas Water Supply Act 1947-1954, by Order inCouncil published in the Government Gazette dated13 September 1957 and as amended by subsequentOrder in Council published in the Government Gazettedated 28 November 1975 and as shown bordered brownon Plan P.W.D ., W.A. 52881-2-2 and Plan P.W.D .,W.A. 52881-2-3 .

Schedule "B" .All that portion of land bounded by lines starting

from the intersection of a northwestern boundary ofthe Great Southern Towns Country Water Area withthe prolongation of a line parallel to and situate 10metres westerly from the western side of HoughtonsRoad and extending northerly to and generally northerlyalong that line to a line parallel to and situate 10 metressoutherly from a southern side of Pinjarra-WilliamsRoad ; thence generally westerly and generally north-westerly along that line to the prolongation southerlyof a line parallel to and situate 10 metres westerlyfrom the western side of Road Number 687 ; thencenortherly to and northerly and northwesterly alongthat line and onwards to a line parallel to and situate


[18 December 1981 .

10 metres westerly from a western side of Bannister-Marradong Road ; thence northerly and generallynortheasterly along that line to the southern boundaryof Williams Location 14098 ; thence westerly along thatboundary to the prolongation southerly of the western-most western boundary of Location 6583 ; thencenortherly to and northerly, easterly and again northerlyalong boundaries of that location to the southeasternside of Farmers Avenue ; thence southwesterly andwesterly along sides of that road to the prolongationsoutherly of the western side of Adam Street ; thencenortherly to and along that side and onwards to theleft bank of the Hotham River ; thence generally south-easterly, generally easterly, generally northeasterly andagain generally southeasterly upwards along that bankto the prolongation northerly of the eastern boundaryof the northern severance of Location 3082 ; thencesoutherly to and along that boundary and onwardsto a northern side of Hotham Street ; thence easterlyalong that side and onwards to the westernmost westernboundary of Location 5339 ; thence southerly alongthat boundary to the northeastern corner of Location9203 ; thence westerly along the northern boundary ofthat location and onwards to the northeastern boundaryof Location 9204 ; thence southeasterly and southerlyalong boundaries of that location to the easternmostnortheastern corner of Location 8016 ; thence southerlyalong the easternmost eastern boundary of that locationto its southeastern corner ; thence southeasterly to apoint situate 400 metres north and 400 metres eastfrom the westernmost southwestern corner of Location15033; thence south to the westernmost southern bound-ary of the last mentioned location ; thence westerly alongthat boundary to the northwestern corner of the northernseverance of Location 7290 ; thence southerly along thewestern boundary of that severance and onwards tothe northern corner of the southwestern severance ofthe last mentioned location ; thence southerly along thewestern boundary of that severance to the southeasterncorner of Location 15245 ; thence westerly along thesouthern boundary of that location and the southernboundaries of Locations 15691 and 13372 to a lineparallel to and situate 10 metres southeasterly fromthe southeastern side of Bannister-Marradong Road ;thence generally southwesterly and generally southerlyalong that line to a line parallel to and situate 10 metresnortheasterly from the northeastern side of RoadNumber 687 ; thence southeasterly and southerly alongthat line to a line parallel to and situate 10 metreseasterly from an eastern side of Pinjarra-WilliamsRoad ; thence generally southeasterly and generallyeasterly along that line to the prolongation northerlyof a line parallel to and situate 10 metres easterlyfrom the eastern side of Houghtons Road ; thencegenerally southerly along that line and onwards to anorthwestern boundary of the Great Southern TownsCountry Water Area and thence southwesterly alongthat boundary to the starting point, as shown borderedgreen on Plan P .W.D ., W.A . 52881-2-1 and PlanP.W.D ., W.A. 52881-2-3 .

Schedule "C" .All that portion of land bounded by lines starting

from the intersection of a line parallel to and situate10 metres westerly from a western side of Pinjarra-Williams Road with the northern boundary of the west-ern severance of Williams Location 2317 and extendingwesterly along that boundary to the northernmost east-ern boundary of Location 2026 ; thence northerly,westerly and southerly along boundaries of that locationto the northeastern corner of Location 2028 ; thencewesterly and southerly along northern and westernboundaries of that location to the northwestern cornerof Location 6971 ; thence southeasterly, southerly andeasterly along boundaries of that location to the westernboundary of Location 2027 ; thence southerly alongthat boundary and the western boundary of Location6448 to the northern boundary of the northernseverance of Location 8745 ; thence westerly along thatboundary and onwards to a southeastern boundary of thenorthern reverence of Location 7969 ; thence northeast-erly, westerly and southerly along boundaries of thatseverance to the northeastern corner of Location 10938 ;thence westerly and southerly along the northern andwestern boundaries of that location to the northeasterncorner of Location 7252 ; thence westerly along thenorthern boundary of that location to the eastern

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boundary of Location 5313 ; thence northerly andwesterly along boundaries of that location and onwardsto the eastern boundary of the eastern severance ofLocation 7294 ; thence northerly and westerly alongboundaries of that severance to the southeastern cornerof the eastern severance of Location 11854 ; thencenortherly and westerly along eastern and northernboundaries of that severance to an eastern side ofLower Hotham Road ; thence generally northerly alongsides of that road to the prolongation easterly of thenorthern boundary of the eastern severance of Location15189 ; thence westerly to and along that boundaryand onwards to and along the northern boundary ofthe western severance of the last mentioned location tothe southwestern corner of the western severance ofLocation 8530 ; thence northerly, easterly and againnortherly along boundaries of that severance to theprolongation westerly of the southern boundary ofLocation 8577 ; thence easterly to and easterly, northerlyand westerly along southern, eastern and northernboundaries of that Location to the southeastern cornerof the eastern severance of Location 13860 ; thencenortherly and westerly along eastern and northernboundaries of that severance to the southeastern cornerof the eastern severance of Location 7891 ; thencenortherly along the eastern boundary of that severanceto the southern boundary of the eastern severance ofLocation 6571 ; thence easterly, northerly and westerlyalong boundaries of that severance to the southeasterncorner of the eastern severance of Location 5820 ;thence northerly and westerly along eastern and northernboundaries of that severance to the southeastern cornerof the eastern severance of Location 353 ; thence north-erly along the eastern boundary of that severance tothe southernmost southwestern corner of the easternseverance of Location 7892 ; thence easterly, northerlyand westerly along boundaries of that severance to thesoutheastern corner of the eastern severance of Location13769 ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary ofthat severance to the southern boundary of the easternseverance of Location 249 ; thence easterly and northerlyalong boundaries of that severance to the southernboundary of Location 11816; thence easterly andnortherly along boundaries of that location to thesouth-western corner of Location 940 ; thence easterlyalong the southern boundary of that location and Loca-tion 1147 to the western boundary of Location 3409 ;thence southerly and easterly along western and southernboundaries of that location to a line parallel to andsituate 10 metres southwesterly from a southwesternside of Pinjarra-Williams Road ; thence generally south-easterly along that line to the northernmost northernboundary of the southeastern severance of Location3925 ; thence westerly along that boundary and onwardsto the northeastern corner of the northwestern severanceof the last mentioned location ; thence westerly andsoutherly along northern and western boundaries of thatseverance and onwards to the westernmost northwesterncorner of the southeastern severance of Location 3925 ;thence southerly along the western boundary of thatseverance to the northernmost northern boundary ofLocation 8034 ; thence westerly, southerly, easterly andnortherly along boundaries of that location to a lineparallel to and situate 10 metres southwesterly from asouthwestern side of Pinjarra-Williams `Road ; thencesoutheasterly along that line to the eastern side ofFletcher Road ; thence southerly along that side to thesouthwestern corner of Location 1140 ; thence easterlyalong the southern boundary of that location to thenortheastern corner of Location 13814 ; thence southerlyalong the eastern boundary of that location and Loca-tion 7691 to the northeastern corner of the easternseverance of Location 6866 ; thence westerly along thenorthern boundary of that severance and onwards tothe northeastern corner of the western severance ofthe last mentioned location ; thence westerly, southerlyand easterly along boundaries of that severance and-onwards to the northwestern corner of Location 13815 ;thence easterly and southerly along northern andeastern boundaries of that location to the southwesterncorner of the western severance of Location 2579 ;thence easterly along the southern boundary of thatseverance and onwards to and along the southernboundary of the eastern severance of the last mentionedlocation to a line parallel to and situate 10 metreswesterly from a western side of Pinjarra-Williams Roadand thence generally southerly along that line to thestarting point, as shown bordered green on Plan P.W.D .,W.A. 52881-2-2.



Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948-1978 .Manjimup Sewerage .

Reticulation Area No . 4 and No . 1Pumping Station and Rising Main .

ORDER IN COUNCIL .P.W.W.S. 2016/80 .

WHEREAS pursuant to section 15 of the CountryTowns Sewerage Act 1948-1978, proposals for the con-struction of the works mentioned in the Schedule here-under have been submitted to His Excellency theGovernor; and whereas the preliminary requirementsprescribed by sections 12 and 13 of the said Act havebeen complied with in relation to those proposals :Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, actingpursuant to section 11 of the said Act, and by andwith the advice and consent of the Executive Council,hereby authorises the construction of the works men-tioned in the Schedule hereunder .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Schedule.Manjimup sewerage works as shown on Plan P.W.D .,

W.A. 53184-1-1 and as described in an advertisementpublished pursuant to section 12 of the abovementionedAct, in the Government Gazette on 17 July 1981 .

Country Areas Water Supply Act1947-1980 .

Peppermint Grove Beach Water Supply.Extension of Peppermint Grove Beach

Country Water Area.ORDER IN COUNCIL .

P.W.W.S. 1755/77 .WHEREAS it is enacted by section 8 of the CountryAreas Water Supply Act 1947-1980, that the Governormay by Order in Council alter or extend a CountryWater Area : Now, therefore, His Excellency theGovernor by and with the advice and consent of theExecutive Council does hereby extend the boundariesof the Peppermint Grove Beach Country Water Areaas presently constituted so as to include in that CountryWater Area the portions of the State defined in theSchedule herewith .

R. D. DAVIESClerk of the Council .

Schedule .Extension to Peppermint Grove Beach

Country Water Area .All that portion of land bounded by lines starting

from the intersection of the prolongation northwesterlyof the northeastern boundary of Wellington Location5268 with the Low Water Mark of the Indian Ocean,a present northwestern corner of the Peppermint GroveBeach Country Water Area and extending generallynortheasterly along that low water mark to the pro-longation northwesterly of the northeastern boundaryof Lot 3 of Locations 182, 183 and 531 as shown onLand Titles Office Plan 8564 ; thence southeasterly toand along that boundary to the northern corner of thesouthwestern severance of Lot 4 of Locations 88 and181 to 183 inclusive ; thence southwesterly, southeasterlyand again southwesterly along boundaries of that sever-ance to the eastern corner of Lot 88 of Locations 88and 531, as shown on Land Titles Office Plan 12363,the present easternmost northeastern corner of thePeppermint Grove Beach Country Water Area andthence northwesterly, generally southwesterly, generallynorthwesterly, northeasterly and again northwesterlyalong boundaries of that water area to the startingpoint, as bordered green on Plan P.W.D ., W.A .53577-1-1,

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[18 December 1981 .

Water Boards Act 1904-1979 .Bunbury Water Board .ORDER IN COUNCIL .

P.W.W.S. 882/80 .WHEREAS by the Water Boards Act 1904-1979, it isprovided that before undertaking the construction ofworks in the Water Area the Minister shall submitplans of the proposed works to the Governor forapproval and that if they are approved he may forth-with make an Order empowering the Water Board toundertake the construction of the works : Now, there-fore, His Excellency the Governor by and with theadvice and consent of the Executive Council herebyapproves of the Bunbury Water Board Plan Loan No .53 Sheet Nos. 1 to 9 for the improvement of theBunbury Water Supply each of which were dulysubmitted for approval and hereby empowers theBunbury Water Board to undertake the construction ofthe works .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and DrainageAct 1909-1981 .

Metropolitan Water Supply.ORDER IN COUNCIL.

M.W.B . 813681/79 .WHEREAS by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewer-age, and Drainage Act 1909-1981 it is provided that,subject to the provisions of the Act, the MetropolitanWater Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board shall,with the approval of the Governor, have power toconstruct provide and extend Water Works, SewerageWorks and Metropolitan Main Drainage Works ; andwhereas the preliminary requirements of the said Acthave been complied with and the plan in respect of theworks hereinafter mentioned has been submitted to andapproved by the Governor in Council : Now thereforeHis Excellency the Governor by and with the adviceand consent of the Executive Council, does herebyempower the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage andDrainage Board to undertake the construction of thefollowing works under the said Act, namely:-

City of Cockburn .700 mm and 500 mm Distribution Mains-Jandakot-Hammond Road and Proposed M.W.B. Pipe Reserve/Easements-Yangebup Road to Mason Road .

(a) The construction of a seven hundred millimetrenominal diameter steel water main below ground andapproximately one thousand two hundred and twentyfive metres in length complete with valve pits and allnecessary apparatus, commencing at the intersection ofYangebup Road, Cooper Road and Hammond Roadand thence proceeding in a general northerly andnortheasterly direction along Hammond Road to ForrestRoad, thence continuing in a northeasterly and northerlydirection within a proposed Metropolitan Water Boardpipe reserve across Anning Park t 3270 to and acrossThomas Street and continuing in a general northerlydirection along a proposed Metropolitan Water Boardpipe easement within an existing State Energy Com-mission Transmission reserve to Briggs Street and ter-minating thereat.

(b) The construction of a five hundred millimetrenominal diameter steel water main, below ground andapproximately one thousand one hundred and fifteenmetres in length complete with valve pits and allnecessary apparatus, commencing at the terminatingpoint in (a) above and thence proceeding in a northerlydirection along a proposed Metropolitan Water Boardpipe easement within Pt . Lot 2 Cockburn Sound Loc .563 and an existing State Energy Commission Reserveto the northern boundary of Pt . Lot 2; thence in aneasterly and a northerly direction within the existingState Energy Commission Transmission Reserve toMason Road and thence proceeding in a westerlydirection along Mason Road to Annois Road andterminating thereat, as shown on plan M .W.B. 16362 .

This Order in Council. shall take effect from the18th day of December, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Executive Council.

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and DrainageAct 1909-1981 .

Metropolitan Water Supply .


M.W.B. 813686/81 .

WHEREAS by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewer-age, and Drainage Act 1909-1981 it is provided that,subject to the provisions of the Act, the MetropolitanWater Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board shallwith the approval of the Governor, have power toconstruct provide and extend Water Works, SewerageWorks and Metropolitan Main Drainage Works ; andwhereas the preliminary requirements of the said Acthave been complied with and the plan in respect of theworks hereinafter mentioned has been submitted to andapproved by the Governor in Council : Now thereforeHis Excellency the Governor by and with the advice andconsent of the Executive Council, does hereby empowerthe Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and DrainageBoard to undertake the construction of the followingworks under the said Act, namely :-

Shire of Wanneroo .

800 mm Whitfords Reservoir High PressureInlet Main-Padbury .

The construction of an eight hundred millimetrediameter steel water main below ground and approxi-mately four hundred and ten metres in length completewith valve pits and all other necessary apparatuswithin the existing Whitfords Reservoir Site t 32734Copperhead Avenue, Padbury, as shown on plan M .W.B .17736 .

This Order in Council shall take effect from the 18thday of December, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Executive Council.

Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, andDrainage Act 1909-1981 .

Metropolitan Sewerage .


M.W.B. 676214/81 .WHEREAS by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewer-age, and Drainage Act 1909-1981, it is provided that,subject to the provisions of the Act, the MetropolitanWater Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board shall,with the approval of the Governor, have power toconstruct provide and extend Water Works, SewerageWorks and Metropolitan Main Drainage Works ; andwhereas the preliminary requirements of the said Acthave been complied with and the plan in respect of theworks hereinafter mentioned has been submitted toand approved by the Governor in Council : now there-fore His Excellency the Governor by and with theadvice and consent of the Executive Council, doeshereby empower the Metropolitan Water Supply,Sewerage and Drainage Board to undertake the con-struction of the following works under the said Act,namely:-

City of Stirling .

Sewerage Reticulation Area 7B Balcatta .

The construction of two hundred and thirty milli-metre, one hundred and fifty millimetre and onehundred millimetre diameter reticulation pipe sewerstogether with manholes and all other apparatus con-nected therewith, as shown on plan M .W.B. 17570AAs Amended .

This Order in Council shall take effect from the18th day of December, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Executive Council .

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18 December 1981 .1

Local Government Act 1960-1981 .City of Bunbury .


WHEREAS in the Local Government Act 1960-1981,it is provided :-

(i) by section 12 (1) that the Governor may byOrder, made after the effective presentation tohim of a petition from the council of themunicipality and at least twenty or a majority,whichever is the lesser number, of the ownersof land within an area of outlying landadjoining the district of the municipality, annexthat area of outlying land to the district ; and

(ii) by section 12 (3a) that the Governor may,by Order, redescribe the boundaries of adistrict ;

and whereas there is an area of outlying land adjoiningthe district of the Municipality of the City of Bunburyas set forth in Schedule A to this Order ; and whereasthere are no owners of land other than the Crownwithin the area concerned ; and whereas the Councilof the Municipality of the City of Bunbury has presenteda Petition to the Governor in accordance with the pro-visions of the said section ; and whereas it is considereddesirable to annex to the district of the City of Bunburythe said area of outlying land : Now therefore HisExcellency the Governor acting with the advice andconsent of the Executive Council pursuant to the pro-visions of section 12 of the Local Government Act1960-1981, does hereby :-

1 . annex to the City of Bunbury that area ofoutlying land as described in Schedule A tothis Order ;and

2 . redescribe the boundaries of the Municipalityof the City of Bunbury as described in Sche-dule B to this Order .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Schedule A.Addition to City of Bunbury .

All that portion of land shown bordered in blue onLands and Surveys Miscellaneous Plan 1140 .

Area: About 269 .60 hectares.Lands and Surveys Public Plan : Bunbury and En-

virons 1 :10 000 1.7 .

Schedule B .Redescription of City of Bunbury .

All that portion of land bounded by lines startingfrom the intersection of the left bank of the CollieRiver with the eastern boundary of Leschenault Loca-tion 26 and extending southerly along that boundaryto the northwestern corner of Collie Agricultural AreaLot 45 ; thence easterly along the northern boundaryof that lot and easterly along the northern boundaryof Lot 44 to the northwestern corner of Lot 43 ; thencesoutherly and easterly along boundaries of that lotto the prolongation northerly of the western boundaryof Lot 49 ; thence southerly to and southerly, north-easterly, again southerly and again northeasterly alongboundaries of that lot to the prolongation northerlyof the eastern boundary of the northern severance ofWellington Location 4172; thence southerly to andalong that boundary and onwards to and along theeastern boundary of the southern severance of the lastmentioned location and again onwards to the eastern-most northeastern corner of the northeastern severanceof Location 4208 ; thence southerly along the easternboundary of that severance and onwards to the northernboundary of Leschenault Location 10 ; thence westerlyalong that boundary to the right bank of the PrestonRiver; thence generally southerly upwards along thatbank to the prolongation westerly of the easternmostnorthern boundary of Leschenault Location 12 ; thenceeasterly to and easterly and southerly along boun-daries of that location to a northeastern side of Boyanup



Road ; thence generally northwesterly along sides ofthat road to the prolongation easterly of the southernside of Centenary Road ; thence westerly to and alongthat side and onwards to the northeastern corner ofWellington Location 2420 ; thence westerly along thenorthern boundary of that location and onwards tothe southeastern boundary of Location 5262 ; thencenortheasterly and northwesterly along boundaries of thatlocation and onwards to the Low Water Mark of theIndian Ocean ; thence generally northeasterly alongthat low water mark to Point Casuarina; thence gener-ally southerly, generally southwesterly, generally south-easterly, generally northeasterly, again generally south-easterly, again generally southwesterly, again generallysoutherly, again generally southeasterly and generallynortherly along the Low Water Mark of KoombanaBay to the northern extremity of the western break-water of the entrance to Leschenault Inlet ; thence east-erly crossing the entrance to Leschenault Inlet to thenorthern extremity of Point Macleod ; thence generallysoutherly, generally southeasterly, generally north-easterly, again generally southeasterly, generally south-westerly, again generally southeasterly, generally easterly,again generally northeasterly and generally north-westerly along the Low Water Mark of Koombana Bayto the northern extremity of Point Busaco ; thencenortheasterly crossing the entrance to the Inner HarbourBasin to the northern extremity of Point Hamilla ;thence generally southeasterly, generally northeasterly,generally northwesterly, again generally northeasterly,again generally southeasterly, again generally north-easterly and again generally northwesterly along theLow Water Mark of Koombana Bay to the north-western extremity of the southwestern breakwater ofThe Cut; thence northeasterly to the northwesternextremity of the northeastern breakwater of The Cut :thence generally easterly along the Low Water Markof the northern shore of The Cut to the Low WaterMark of Leschenault Estuary : thence generally north-easterly along that mark to an east-west line passingthrough the northern extremity of Pelican Point ; thenceeast to Pelican Point and thence generally southeasterlyupwards along the left bank of the Collie River to thestarting point .

Lands and Surveys Public Plans : Bunbury and En-virons I : 2 000. 01 .31, 01 .32, 01 .33, 02 .33, 05 .30,05.33 . 05.34, 40.27, 4018, 40 .29, 40.30, and 40.31 ;1 : 10 000, 1 .5 . 1 .6, 1 .7, 1 .8, 2 .6, 8 .5 and 8,6 ; BunburyS.E. I : 25 000 .

Local Government Act 1960-1981,ORDER IN COUNCIL .

LG : SB-1-8 .WHEREAS in the Local Government Act 1960-1981,it is provided :-

(i) by section 10 that the Governor may, byOrder, declare the number of offices of coun-cillor of a municipality and for a ward of amunicipality ;

(ii) by section 20 that the Governor may, byOrder, determine matters relating to the repre-sentation of electors on the council of amunicipality

Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor, actingwith the advice and consent of the Executive Councilpursuant to the provisions of sections 10 and 20 ofthe Local Government Act 1960-1980, does hereby :-

(1) declare that the number of offices of councillorof the municipality of the Shire of SharkBay shall be 8 ;

(2) declare that after 1 May 1982, the numberof offices of councillor for the wards of theShire of Shark Bay shall be as follows :-

Denham-4East-2West-2 ;

(3) direct that an election be held on 1 May 1982,for the election of a person to the additionaloffice of councillor created by this Order forthe Denham Ward .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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Bills Assented To .

IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has Assented in the name andon behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, on the dateshown, to the undermentioned Bills passed by theLegislative Council and the Legislative Assembly duringthe Second Session of the Thirtieth Parliament.

Short Title of Bill ; Date of Assent; Act No.

Appropriation (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ; 14 De-cember 1981 ; No. 112 of 1981 .

Appropriation (General Loan Fund) ; 14 December1981 ; No. 113 of 1981 .

Loan; 14 December 1981 ; No. 114 of 1981 .Prisons ; 14 December 1981 ; No. 115 of 1981 .Acts Amendment (Prisons) ; 14 December 1981 ; No .

116 of 1981 .Reserves (No. 2) ; 14 December 1981 ; No. 117 of 1981 .Acts Amendment (Jurisdiction of Courts) ; 14 Decem-

ber 1981 ; No. 118 of 1981 ;Companies (Application of Laws) ; 14 December 1981 ;

No. 119 of 1981 .Justices Amendment ; 14 December 1981 ; No. 120 of

1981 .16 December 1981 .

B . OKELY,Acting Clerk of the Parliaments .

AUDIT ACT 1904 .

(Section 33 .)

The Treasury,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

IT is hereby published for general information that thefollowing officers have been appointed as CertifyingOfficers :

G. E. Peirce for the Mines Department from23/11/81 .

S . Dumitro for the Forests Department from30/11/81 .

S. Michaelson for the Department for CommunityWelfare from 19/11/81 .

T. H. Johnson for the State Government InsuranceOffice from 30/11/81 .

A. G. Skinner for the State Government InsuranceOffice from 16/11/81 to 27/11/81 .

D. Fowler for the State Government InsuranceOffice from 17/11/81 to 11/12/81 .

M. Nutini for the Education Department from5/11/81 to 30/11/81 .

A. M. Davy for the State Taxation Departmentfrom 23/11/81 to 30/11/81 .

T. Howard for the Department of Youth, Sportand Recreation from 23/11/81 to 24/12/81 .

K. S. Sharman for the State Housing Commissionfrom 26/11/81 to 2/12/81 .

It is hereby published for general information thatthe following appointments as Certifying Officers havebeen cancelled .

V. M. Goves for the Mines Department from6/11/81 .

W. C. Tanner for the Forests Department from27/11/81 .

A. Shone for the Department fqr Community Wel-fare from 18/11/81 .

A. Griffiths for the State Government InsuranceOffice from 30/11/81 .

[18 December 1981 .


(Sections 24 and 28 .)

Application for Finance Brokers Licence by Firm orPartnership .

To : The Registrar, Finance Brokers Supervisory Board :

We, ROBERT MURRAY BENJAMIN, 53 Leake Street,Peppermint Grove and SIMON JOHN McKEOWN, 21Vincent Street, Nedlands, hereby apply for a FinanceBrokers Licence under the Finance Brokers ControlAct 1975. The address for service of notices in respectof this application is Standfast Insurance Building, 44aKings Park Road, West Perth, W.A. 6005 .

Dated this 4th day of December, 1981 .



Appointment of Hearing .

I hereby appoint 16 December 1981 at 11 .30 o'clockin the forenoon as the time for hearing the foregoingapplication at the Offices of the Finance Brokers Super-visory Board, 184 St . George's Terrace, Perth .

C. A. FITZGERALD,Registrar,

Finance Brokers Supervisory Board .

Obiection to the granting of this licence shall be inthe approved form and may be served on the applicantand the Registrar at any time prior to seven daysbefore the date appointed for the hearing .


Application for Licence in the First Instance .

To The Court of Petty Sessions at Beaufort Street :I, ROBERT JOHN NEVIN, of 35 Wanjina Crescent,Wanneroo 6065, Self Employed Business Proprietor,having attained the age of twenty-one years, herebyapply on my own behalf for a licence under the above-mentioned Act. The Principal place of business will beat 29 Oakdale Street, Floreat 6014 .

Dated the 10th day of December, 1981 .

ROBERT JOHN NEVIN,Signature of Applicant .

Appointment of Hearing .I hereby appoint the 19th day of January, 1982, at

2.15 o'clock in the afternoon as the time for thehearing of the foregoing application at the Court ofPetty Sessions at Perth .Dated the 10th day of December, 1981 .

K. W. SHEEDY,Clerk of Petty Sessions .

Objection to the granting of the application may beserved on the applicant and the Clerk of Petty Sessionsat any time prior to seven days before the dateappointed for the hearing .

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18 December 1981.]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .


Application for Licence in the First Instance .

To The Court of Petty Sessions at Beaufort Street :I, JAMES ANTHONY WICK of 29 Oakdale Street,Floreat 6014, Self Employed Business Proprietor,having attained the age of twenty-one years, herebyapply on my own behalf for a licence under the above-mentioned Act . The principal place of business will beat 29 Oakdale Street, Floreat 6014 .

Objection to the granting of the application may beserved on the applicant and the Clerk of Petty Sessions


at any time prior to seven days before the dateSignature of Applicant .

appointed for the hearing.

Dated the 10th day of December, 1981 .





IT is notified for general information that the Determination in the above matter as published in the Government Gazette No. 92of 11 December, 1981 has been replaced by the following :


PURSUANT to Section 12 of the Public Service Arbitration Act 1966-1978, notice is hereby given that the titles, salaries orsalary ranges allocated to offices, and salary within each salary range so allocated to the following officers covered by the PublicService Professional Division (Inspectors of Machinery) Salaries Agreement 1981 No . 11 of 1981 shall be in accordance withthe following determination .


Appointment of Hearing.I hereby appoint the 19th day of January, 1982, at

2.15 o'clock in the afternoon as the time for thehearing of the foregoing application at the Court ofPetty Sessions at Perth .

Dated the 10th day of December, 1981 .K. W. SHEEDY,

Clerk of Petty Sessions.

ItemNo . Title of Office Name of Officer

Classification SalaryExcludingAllowances20/9/81 21/9/81


19 0588 Senior Inspector . . . . Vacant P3 P319 0590 Senior Inspector . . . . W. R . Lawrie P3 P3 22 58819 0600 Supervising Inspector Vacant . . . . P2 P2 . . . .19 0601 Supervising Inspector R. W. Faulds P2 P2 20 886190602 Supervising Inspector H. M. Shaw P2 P2 20 88619 0603 Supervising Inspector Vacant . . . . P2 P219 0612 Inspector B. L. Colbran PI P1 18 93619 0613 Inspector N. G. Lennox . . . . PI P1 17 73019 0164 Inspector L. J . Watts P1 P1 18 47619 0615 Inspector J. B. Heazlewood P1 P1 19 44719 0616 Inspector P. A. Doeglas P1 P1 18 93619 0617 Inspector H. Thompson P1 PI 19 44719 0618 Inspector W. K . Stokes PI P1 18 47619 0619 Inspector T. R. Duncan P1 PI 19 44719 0620 Inspector E. Cannings

. . . . PI Pl 19 44719 0621 Inspector J . E . Jones P1 P1 19 44719 0622 Inspector H. B. Klompmaker PI P1 19 44719 0623 Inspector N. K . Hartle PI P1 19 44719 0624 Inspector R. J. Tuffin PI PI 19 44719 0625 Inspector C. J . Boyd PI P1 19 44719 0626 Inspector A. Kay . . . . P1 PI 19 44719 0627 Inspector A. N. Merchant P1 P1 19 44719 0628 Inspector J. C . Christie PI P1 17 73019 0629 Inspector C. R. Davis P1 PI 17 26419 0630 Inspector R. Denning PI P1 19 44719 0631 Inspector M. G . Knight PI P1 18 93619 0632 Inspector C. F. Strauss PI P1 19 44719 0633 Inspector P. R. Lamb P1 P1 18 93619 0634 Inspector K. H . Erskine PI PI 19 44719 0635 Inspector D. H. Watson PI PI 18 93619 0636 Inspector F. C. Mackay P1 P1 19 44719 0637 Inspector R. P. Scott P1 P119 0638 Inspector J . H . Gartner Pl P1 19 44719 0639 Inspector D. Panich P1 P1 18 47619 0640 Inspector B. J. Kegg

. . . . P1 P1 19 44719 0641 Inspector W. J. G . Taylor P1 P1 19 44719 0642 Inspector V. R . Sullivan . . . . PI P1 19 44719 0643 Inspector D. C. House P1 PI 18 93619 0644 Inspector J. L . Ebert PI P1 18 476

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Crown Law Department,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has :-Approved of the following appointments to the Com-

mission of the Peace for the State of Western Australia .Kenneth Raymond Brown, of 49 Howes Crescent,

Dianella, and Reserve Bank of Australia, 45St. George's Terrace, Perth .

James Albert Mills, of Unit B, 4 Surbiton Road,East Fremantle .

Owen Lewis Mott, of "Glenalbyn", Moulyinning .R. M. CHRISTIE,

Under Secretary for Law .


Citation .

Commence-ment .

Appendixamended .


LOCAL COURTS ACT 1904-1976 .


His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

1 . These rules may be cited as the Local Court Amendment Rules 1981 .2. Pursuant to section 158 of the Local Courts Act 1904-1976 these

rules shall take effect at the expiration of one month from the publicationthereof in the Government Gazette .

3 . Part II of the Appendix to the Local Court Rules 1961*, as amended,is amended by deleting items 1 to 8 in the table of Bailiff's Fees and sub-stituting the following-

1 . Service of summons or other process ordocument (not otherwise specified in thistable) including anything related thereto . . . .


2 . Service of a judgment summons, includinganything related thereto and attendance atcourt thereon . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .



Barristers' Board of Western Australia .

NOTICE is given that the following persons have beenappointed members of the Barristers Board .

Robert John Krowberger .Robert John Viol .

A. R. PATERNOSTER,Secretary to the Barristers' Board .

3 . Warrant of execution :(a) Execution of, including service of

necessary notice and return to thewarrant

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

10.50(b) Attendance on the execution debtor

after seizure or to inspect or removegoods under seizure for sale whilstdebtor is in possession and attendanceat sale for each attendance which inthe opinion of the clerk is reasonablynecessary

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

4.80(c) For keeping possession of the goods

under seizure where the warrant isnot paid out within half an hour ofbailiff's entry such fee as the clerkmay allow per day including day ofentry not exceeding

. . . .

. . . .

2.60(d) Poundage-

(i) sale of goods or land bylicensed auctioneer includingauctioneer's charges . . . .

. . . . 15% on amountrealized .

(ii) sale of goods or land byauctioneer other than licensedauctioneer

. . . .

. . . .

. . . 10% on amountrealized .

(iii) where goods or land is notsold

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

4% on amountlevied .

(e) Carrier's charges, removal, storage ofgoods, costs of feeding animalsseized, incidental expenses of sale . . . .

Where the bailiff is in possession on morethan one warrant only one possessionattendance or inspection fee is payableapportioned equally among the severalwarrants .

* Reprinted in the Government Gazette on 17 November 1976 at pp . 4329-4560 .

Such reasonableamounts as theclerk mayallow .

[18 December 1981 .

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18 December 1981 .1


Chief Secretary's Department,Perth, 4 December 1981 .

C.S.D. 172/77 .IT is hereby notified for public information that theHon. Chief Secretary has accepted the withdrawal ofMr. David S . Walford of 59 Wolseley Road, Morley,as a Commissioner for Declarations under the Declara-tions and Attestations Act 1913-1972 .

K. G. SHIMMON,Director .

Chief Secretary's Department,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

THE Hon. Chief Secretary has approved the appoint-ment of the following persons as Commissioners forDeclarations under the Declarations and AttestationsAct 1913-1972 .

Ballard, Benjamin Gerald ; East Wagin.Brewer, Douglas Frank; Duncraig .Chopping, Graeme Spencer ; Kondinin .Cockman, Keith Henry ; Sorrento .Newland, David Lindsay Russell ; Ferndale .Perry, Mary Lillian ; Wickepin .Perry, William Thomas; Wickepin.Prior, Thomas Richard; Hilton.Wallace, Gregory John; Leeming .Woodward, Anthony; Bullsbrook .

K. G. SHIMMON,Director.

is not the property of the plaintifffrom the premises

. . .. 40.00 or 5%of annualrental valuewhichever islesser.

(d) Additional assistance including car-rier's charges for removal, storage ofgoods and incidental expenses

. . . . such amountas is in theopinion of theclerk reasonable .

5 . Bench Warrant

10 .50

6 . Order of Commitment


7 . Extra man where in the opinion of the clerkcircumstances make additional assistancenecessary for the execution of a Bench War-rant or Order of Commitment

. . . .


8 . Attendance in court except where otherwiseprovided

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .


By His Excellency's Command,


IN accordance with the provisions of the Fire BrigadesAct 1942 (as amended), and the regulations thereunder,I hereby declare the following candidate duly electedas a member of the Western Australian Fire BrigadesBoard for a period of three years as from 1 January1982 .To represent the Local Authorities designated in

Part III of the Second Schedule to the Act-Willoughby, Brian George .

D. A. COATES,Chief Electoral Officer,

Returning Officer .10th December, 1981 .


IN accordance with the provisions of the Fire BrigadesAct 1942 (as amended), and the regulations thereunder,I hereby declare the following candidate duly electedas a member of the Western Australian Fire BrigadesBoard for a period of three years as from 1 January1982 .To represent the Insurance Companies carrying on

business within the State-Willis, Reginald Barry.

10th December, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIESClerk of the Council .


D. A. COATES,Chief Electoral Officer,

Returning Officer.

4 . Warrant of Possession :(a) Execution of and return to the

warrant 10.50(b) Where vacant possession has not been

obtained for each attendance sub-sequent to entry of premises pos-sessed which in the opinion of the

4.80clerk is necessary(c) Removal of persons or property that

Page 16: 5164 -


[18 December 1981 .


I, WILLIAM RALPH BOUCHER HASSELL, ChiefSecretary, being the Minister administering the IndecentPublications and Articles Act 1902-1974, upon con-sideration of a report of the State Advisory Com-mittee on Publications that the publications specified inthe Schedule below are, for the purposes of paragraph(a) of subsection (1) of section 9 of that Act,undesirable reading for persons under the age of eighteenyears and should be classified as restricted publications,and acting in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 10 of that Act do herebydetermine that the publications specified in the schedulebelow shall be classified as restricted publications forthe purposes of that Act .

Dated this 9th day of December 1981 .

W. R. B. HASSELL,Chief Secretary.

Schedule .

Name of Publication ; Publisher.

Escort Vol. 1 No . 7 ; Paul Raymond Publications Ltd .,2 Archer Street, London, W.10 7HE .

Gallery Vol . 9 No. 9 September, 1981 ; MontcalmPublish . Corporation, 800 Second Avenue, NewYork, N.Y. 10017 .

Forum Vol. 10 No. 12 ; Forum International Ltd ., 21stFloor, 909 Third Avenue, New York, N .Y. 1002 .

Male Nudes Calendar 1982 ; Under Counter Publica-tions, P .O. Box 143 Greenacre, N .S.W. 2190 .

Chief Secretary's Department,Perth, 11 December 1981 .

CSD 220/71 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has-

l . Consented to the Western Australian FireBrigades Board ("the Board") borrowing thesum of SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL-LARS ($600 000) ("the Loan") from theCommonwealth Savings Bank of Australia("the Lender") on or about the 15th day ofDecember 1981 to enable the Board to carryout and perform the powers authorities andduties vested in or conferred or imposed onthe Board by the said Act, the loan togetherwith interest thereon at the rate of 16 .0% perannum to be repaid by 19 consecutive half-yearly payments each of FIFTY-THREETHOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ANDNINETY-SIX DOLLARS AND FORTY-SIXCENTS ($53 296 .46) on the 15th day of Juneand 15th day of December commencing onthe 15th day of June 1982 and a final paymentof FOUR HUNDRED AND TEN THOU-SAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTYDOLLARS AND TWO CENTS ($410 920.02)on the 15th day of December 1991 .

2 . Consented to the Board issuing a debentureunder the Seal of the Board to secure to theLender repayment of the Loan together withinterest at the rate aforesaid .

3 . Approve of the Board issuing the debenturein the form or substantially in the form ofthe debenture annexed hereto and of the pro-vision by the Board of a sinking fund forthe purpose of paying off the debenture beingdispensed with .

4 . Fixed the 15th day of December 1991 asthe time for redemption of the debenture,

pursuant to the provision of section 46 of the FireBrigades Act 1942-1979 and the regulations madethereunder.

K. G. SHIMMON,Director .

LO 11`O RULES 1981 .


Definitions .2.

Authority and object of Lotto .3 .

Coupons .4.

Forecast instructions and cost .5.


Delivery of Coupons .7 .

Acceptance of coupons by the Lotteries Commission .8 .

Drawing of Lotto and Division of Prizes .9 .

Payment of Prizes .10.

Claims and Notification of Results .11 .

General-Especially syndicate entries .12.

Time limits .13 .

Decisions by the Commission .

LOTTO ACT 1981 .



MADE by the Lotteries Commission of Western Australia .

Rule 1 .

Definitions .

1 .1 "The Commission" means Lotteries Commission of Western Australia, 334Rokeby Road, Subiaco, 6008 as constituted by the Lotteries Control Act 1954 andhereinafter referred to as "The Commission" .

1 .2 "Lotto" . A numbers game in which the subscriber is required to forecastor select six (6) winning numbers from I to 40 (subject to Rule 8) and hereinafterreferred to as "Lotto" .

1 .3 "Ordinary Coupons". The form containing 8- numbered blocks (games) eachconsisting of 40 squares numbered from 1 to 40 in which the subscriber's forecasts aremarked with a X.

Page 17: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]



1 .4 "Systems Coupon". The form containing only one numbered block (game)consisting of 40 squares numbered 1 to 40 in which the subscriber's forecasts aremarked with a "X" and seven boxes numbered 8 to 14 inclusive in which thesubscriber shows which system he has entered .

1 .5 "5 Weekly Coupon". The form containing 8 numbered blocks (games) eachconsisting of 40 squares numbered from 1 to 40 in which the subscriber's forecastsof 4 or 8 games participate in the next 5 Lotto draws .

The three types of coupons comprise three parts :-Original-to be forwarded to the Commission .Carbon-retained by the agent .Duplicate-to be retained by the subscriber .

1 .6 "Lotto Numbers Game Conditions" means the conditions of entry as printedon the coupon and these Rules .

1 .7 "Validating Machine" . A machine used at all selling points to encode couponspresented by subscribers for entry into Lotto by inserting on the coupon thefollowing information :

(i) Agent's identification number.(ii) Coupon number .(iii) Lotto number .

These encoded numbers appear in all official Lotto results .1 .8 "Lotto Drawing Equipment" . An electrically operated machine comprising a

clear plastic sphere set in a steel frame with a specially designed cradle within a spherewhich gathers several numbered balls and directs one only into a plastic ejection tube fordeposit into a small plastic container outside the sphere .

1 .9 "Claim Period" . The period of 14 days following a Lotto drawing in whicha subscriber may make a claim on the Commission for a Division 1, 2 or 3 prize .

1 .10 "Selling Point" means the offices or any branch or department of the Com-mission or the place of business of an Accredited Agent at which a Lotto coupon maybe received or paid .

1 .11 "Accredited Agent" hereinafter referred to as the "Agent" means the personor persons authorised by the Commission to accept and validate Lotto coupons for thepurpose of forwarding them to the Commission .

1 .12 "These Rules" means these Rules and any amendment, modification, variationor abrogation thereof for the time being in force and shall be effective on and afterthe 18th December, 1981 .

1 .13 "Subscriber/s", in relation to a game of lotto, means person whose nameappears on the face of an entry form in the space provided for the purpose .

1 .14 "Receipt, Receipted" shall mean that the coupon must have all the informationclearly imprinted by the validating machine in the space provided for this purpose as setout in Rule 1 .7 of these Rules.

1 .15 "Name and Address" means the subscriber's surname and initials plus resi-dential or postal address .

Rule 2 .Authority .

2 .1 Lotto Numbers Game is conducted by the Commission under authority of theLotto Act 1981 .

2.2 Each Lotto game will be identified by a number .Object of Lotto .

2.3 The object of Lotto is for subscriber/s to forecast or select six winning numbersfrom the numbers 1 to 40 (subject to Rule 8), drawn by the Lotto drawing equipment .

2.4 Lotto drawings will be conducted under the supervision of the State AuditorGeneral's representative as frequently as shall be determined by the Commission .

Rules for Participation .2.5 These Rules and the conditions provided on each Lotto coupon shall apply

to the drawing of each Lotto and shall be binding on all subscribers .2 .6 The Commission may at any time and from time to time add to, amend, modify

or abrogate these Rules .2.7 These Rules shall be displayed at this office of the Commission, at any branch

offices and the place of business of all accredited agents and may be made public byany other means .

Publication of Prize Winners' Names and Prizes .2 .8 The Commission will release the names and addresses of Division 1 prize winners

unless otherwise instructed by the subscriber . If a subscriber does not wish his nameand address to be published, the subscriber must indicate in the square provided forthis purpose on the Lotto coupon at the time of lodging the coupon (see Rule 7 .1) .

Rule 3 .Lotto Coupon .

3 .1 The subscriber makes his forecast by marking the numbers of his choice with a"X", the intersection of which must lie within the numbered square thus

nX~ and not


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[18 December 1981 .

3 .2 The original part only of the Lotto coupon shall be marked . The crosses mustbe legible and clearly marked with blue or black ball point pen to prevent doubt arisingat the time the coupon is evaluated to determine prizes . The use of any other symbolsmay disqualify that game .

3 .3 The Lotto coupon shall be comprised of three parts and shall not be detachedby the subscriber. The first or original part shall be retained by the Commission,the second part with its carbon backing by the Commission or authorised agent and thethird part shall be returned to the subscriber as evidence of his entry, after beingreceipted by the validating machine clearly showing complete details of the imprintas provided in Rule 1 .7 .

Rule 4 .

Forecast Instructions .4.1 Conditions shown on the Lotto coupon are to be read and construed as part

of these Rules .4 .2 Each game played shall not be ambiguous or incomplete and the Lotto coupon

must not be torn or disfigured so that forecasts are indecipherable .

Ordinary Entry .4 .3 A subscriber shall select six numbered squares in each game, marking each square

with a cross (X) .4 .4 Each coupon shall be completed for 4 or 8 games . If a minimum number of

4 games only is played, the games must be in consecutive number sequence showing onthe coupon commencing with game number 1 .

4 .5 If a subscriber shall mark more than six numbered squares in any game, onlythe first six numbered squares in arithmetical sequence will be accepted . Additionalnumbered squares shall be eliminated or disregarded .

4.6 The cost per game is 25c with a minimum of 4 games for $1 . Eight games cost$2 .

System Entry .

4 .7 On a system coupon the subscriber shall select the system by marking with a"X" any one of the seven boxes numbered 8 to 14 inclusive .

4.8 To complete the entry the subscriber shall select the same number of numberedsquares as shown in the system box selected and mark each square with a "X" . Forexample, eight crosses for a system 8 and a cross in the System 8 box .

4 .9 On the coupon beside the system box will be shown the cost for participationin that system . The system box marked by the subscriber shall govern the systementered by the subscriber . In the event that the subscriber shall mark more numberedsquares than the system selected only the first numbered squares in arithmetical sequenceas indicated will be accepted . Additional numbered squares shall be eliminated ordisregarded .

4 .10 The fees payable for each system entry are set out in the chart below . Thecolumn headed "Games Equivalent" shall be deemed to be the number of games inwhich the subscriber is to participate .


Games Equivalent

















_. . . .. ...~ .

28 7.0084 21 .00

210 52.50462 115.50924 231 .00

1 716 429 .003 003 750 .75

0 -$7.00 0 - *429.00

a - $21 .00 0 -$750.75

0 -$5250

0 -$115 .50

0 -$231 .00

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18 December 1981 .]



Five Weekly Entries .

4 .12 A subscriber shall select six numbered squares in each game marking eachwith a "X" .

4 .13 Each coupon shall be completed for 4 or 8 games. If a minimum numberof 4 games only is played, the games must be in consecutive number sequence shownon the coupon commencing with game number 1 .

4.14 If a subscriber shall mark more than six numbered squares in any game onlythe first six numbered squares in arithmetical sequence shall be accepted . Additionalnumbered squares shall be eliminated or disregarded .

4 .15 A subscriber who completes a S weekly coupon will be included in thenext 5 Lotto games inclusive of the one validated on the coupon subject to Rule 7 .

4 .16 The cost of a 5 weekly coupon for 4 games is $5 and for 8 games is $10 .

Rule 5 .

Cost .

5.1 The total cost of each Lotto coupon shall be paid before the coupon will beaccepted by the Commission for entry into any particular Lotto drawing .

5 .2 There is no limit to the number of Lotto coupons which may be lodged by anyone subscriber at any one time in respect of a particular Lotto drawing.

5 .3 The Commission may refuse to accept or reject after acceptance any couponwhich has been torn, defaced by writing or otherwise or any coupon where thereis any writing or other marks either in the space set aside by the Commission on thecoupon for the imprint of the validating machine or on the reverse side of any partof the original of the coupon or any coupon - in the opinion of the Commission

4.11 The following chart shows what a system entry can win:-


Number of Winning NumbersSelected


Systems-Number of Prizes

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

6 Winning Numbers plus the Sup- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1lementarv Number

2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

3 6 12 18 24 30 36 42

4 15 45 90 150 225 315 420

5 20 60 120 200 300 420

6 Winning Numbers 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

4 15 45 90 150 225 315 420

5 Winning Numbers plus the Sup- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1plementary Number

3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 15 30 50 75 105 140 180

5 10 30 60 100 150 210 280

5 Winning Numbers 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 15 30 50 75 105 140 180

4 Winning Numbers plus the Sup- 4 6 10 15 21 28 36 45plementary Number

5 12 24 40 60 84 112 144

4 Winning Numbers 4 6 10 15 21 28 36 45

3 Winning Numbers plus the Sup- 5 6 10 15 21 28 36 45plementary Number

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[18 December 1981 .

which has not been sufficiently or correctly filled in or otherwise completed or anycoupon which has not been receipted by the validating machine . In the event ofsuch disqualification or rejection the moneys paid in respect of such couponor game on that coupon may be refunded at the discretion of the Commission.

Rule 6 .

Delivery of Lotto Coupons .6 .1 Agents accepting and validating Lotto coupons for the purpose of forwarding

them to the Commission are not responsible for their accuracy .6.2 Lotto coupons will be accepted through the mail only if completed in

accordance with these Rules . Lotto coupons which arrive too late for the thencurrent drawing will be placed in the next available Lotto drawing . The subscriber'spart of the Lotto coupon when returned to the subscriber must clearly show completedetails of the imprint of the validating machine as provided in Rule 1 .7 .

6 .3 Where payment is tendered by cheque with a coupon accepted through the mail,the coupons submitted through the mail may be lodged in the first available Lottocurrent after notification to the Commission that such cheque has been paid .

Rule 7 .

Acceptance of Lotto Coupons by the Lotteries Commission .7 .1 A Lotto coupon shall be accepted for a particular drawing if it arrives

at the offices of the Commission within the time set out in Rule 12 of these Rulesso as to enable a microfilm of the original part to be made prior to the drawingof that particular Lotto . Once accepted, the coupon cannot be altered or withdrawn .

7 .2 The microfilm to be delivered to State Audit representative prior to the draw .7.3 A Lotto coupon not completed and forwarded in accordance with these

Rules will be excluded from the drawing . A coupon lodged with an accreditedagent which is not received at the head office of the Commission by the time aforesaidwill be placed in the next available drawing . The accredited agent will display anotice at the agency that a coupon or coupons have been excluded from the draw towhich that coupon refers.

7 .4 A coupon received by the Commission that has more than four (4) completedgames but less than seven (7) completed games will participate as for four completedgames subject to Rule 1 .7 and Rule 5 .2 . Only the first 4 games in arithmetical sequencewill be accepted .

7 .5 The Commission shall not be liable for loss or damage arising out of unlawfulacts of a third party or for fire, storm, tempest, flood, riot, civil commotion, lockouts or strikes prior to the acceptance of the Lotto coupons in respect of which a claimis made, and in any such case a subscriber shall be entitled only to a refund of thefee paid in respect of such coupon in full and final settlement .

7 .6 Acceptance of the Lotto coupon shall not be deemed to have been effecteduntil the original part of the coupon has been received at the head office of theCommission within the time provided under Rule 12 and clearly showing completedetails of the imprint of the validating machine as provided in Rule 1 .7 .

Rule 8 .

Drawing of Lotto and Division of Prizes .

8 .1 The first six numbers drawn will be referred to as the winning numbers andthe seventh number as the supplementary .

8 .2 There shall be five prize winning divisions in each Lotto comprising :-Division 1. 6 winning numbers in one game. If a correct number game is not

received, the prize pool will be jackpotted to the Division 1 prize pool forthe following week's draw . If necessary this procedure will be followed forfour successive draws. If on the fifth draw the Division 1 prize money hasnot been won the prize money accumulated in that Division will be added tothe prize money allocated to the next lower Division .

Division 2. Any 5 of thein one game .

Division 3 . Any 5

Division 4 . Any 4Division 5 . Any 3

in one game .

of the 6

of the 6of the 6

6 winning numbers, plus the supplementary number,

winning numbers in one game.

winning numbers in one game .winning numbers, plus the supplementary number,

Rule 9 .

Payment of Prizes .

9 .1 The prize pool shall be 60% of the subscriptions received for each Lotto andwill be distributed as follows :-

Division 1-30% of the total prize pool .Division 2-5% of the total prize pool .Division 3-15% of the total prize pool .Division 4-30% of the total prize pool .Division 5-20% of the total prize pool .

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9.2 Subscribers who consider they are entitled to a Division 1, 2 or 3 prizemust make a claim lodged by registered mail within the time specified in the LottoRules. Prize money distributed to Division 1, 2 and 3 winners will be paid afterthe claim period has lapsed. The subscriber's copy of the Lotto coupon must beproduced before any prize is paid .

9 .3 The prize pool distributed to Division 1, 2 and 3 winners shall be paid afterthe claim period of 14 days has lapsed .

9 .4 Subscribers making claims within the claim period of 14 days after the dateof drawing a particular Lotto and whose claims are approved by the Commission(i .e . their respective entries have been determined to be prize winning games) shallresult in the amount payable to each of the winners in Division 1, 2 and 3 andpublished as provisional winners being adjusted accordingly .

9.5 Subscribers who consider they are entitled to a Division 1, 2 or 3 prizemust peruse the published official list of results and if their coupon number doesnot appear on that list, then a claim must be lodged at the head office of theCommission within 14 days following the drawing of the particular Lotto byforwarding the subscriber's part of the coupon clearly showing complete details ofthe imprint of the validating machine as provided in Rule 1 .7 of these Rules anda stamped addressed envelope for reply.

9 .6 In the event of more than one game entered on one Lotto coupon winninga prize in different divisions and one or more of these prizes being in Division 1, 2or 3, all such prizes shall be paid at the Lotteries Commission head office at theexpiration of the claim period .

9 .7 If there are no winners in Division 3-the prize pool for that division willbe added to the prize pool for Division 4 .

9 .8 Payment of Division 4 and 5 prizes may be made at the accredited Lottoagent where the coupon was validated up to one calendar month, or at Ahern'sBranch Office for up to two calendar months after the drawing date. Claims forprizes older than two months must be forwarded to the Lotteries Commission office,334 Rokeby Road, Subiaco with postage for the remittance of the prize to be paidby the prize winner . An official result slip will be released as soon as possiblefollowing the Lotto coupon evaluation .

9 .9 The Commissioner may from, time to time fix a minimum guaranteed prize forDivision 1 in any particular Lotto .

Rule 10 .

Claims and Notification of Results .

10 .1 The Commission will publish the results of each Lotto draw as soon aspossible after each drawing . The published results will advise :-

(i) Numbers drawn .

(ii) Amount of Prize Pool allocated to each Division .

(iii) The number of provisional prize winners in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 and thenumber of prize winners in Divisions 4 and 5 .

(iv) The coupon number and any other particulars that may from time to timebe published for each provisional prize winner in any Division .

(v) The value of each prize in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 (subject to claimsDivisions) and the value of each prize in Divisions 4 and 5 .

(vi) The dates prizes are payable .

(vii) Date and time the claim period expires .

in these

10 .2 Division 1, 2 and 3 prize winners will be notified by letter after the completionof the evaluation of each Lotto .

10 .3 Subscribers who consider they are entitled to a prize and their coupon numberis not included in the results published by the Commission must lodge their claimat the head office of the Commission within the claim period of 14 days of thedrawing of the particular Lotto to which the claim is intended .

10 .4 The Commission shall not consider any claim not received by the Commissionwithin the prescribed claim period of 14 days following the drawing of the Lottoto which the claim refers. The lodging of the claim forms shall be at the costand responsibility of the claimant and the Lotteries Commission will not accept orrecognise any reason for the late lodgement of a claim form .

10 .5 In evaluating a Lotto coupon, the original part appearing on the microfilmshall be the valid or only part to be considered by the Commission in respect of suchevaluation .


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[18 December 1981 .

10 .6 Winners of prizes in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 who have not presented theircoupons for payment within two weeks of the date of the drawing of that particularLotto will be advised by post by the Commission to the name and address shownon the original part of the coupon, providing always and in the opinion of theCommission that a proper name and sufficient address is given in accordance withRule 1 .15 of these Rules to ensure safe delivery .

10.7 Notwithstanding that a Lotto coupon bears the name of a syndicatethereon, the Commission will only recognise the person whose name and addressappears on the space provided on such coupon in accordance with Rule 11 of theseRules as the absolute owner thereof .

10 .8 The subscriber shall accept all risks, losses, delays, errors or omissions whichmay occur in the ordinary course of delivery and the Commission or the accreditedagent shall be under no obligation to send any remittance of documents by registeredpost.

Rule 11 .


11 .1 Syndicate or group entries shall be permitted provided the Lotto coupon bearsthe name and full postal address in accordance with Rule 1 .15 of these Rules, of thesyndicate or group .

11 .2 The Commission shall not be bound by any rule of agreement made betweensyndicate or group entrants .

11 .3 Coupons bearing multiple addresses or which do not bear the name of theperson authorised to receive any prize won by the syndicate or group will not beaccepted by the Commission . (See 11 .1 .)

11 .4 If a Lotto coupon has been inadvertently received without complete detailsas provided in 1 .15 and 11 .1 of these Rules, and if that particular entry has won aprize or prizes, such prize or prizes will be withheld from mailing until the subscriberhas completed a statutory declaration containing such information as may be requiredby the Commission and in a form approved by the Commission claiming the said prizeand attaching the subscriber's part of the coupon .

11 .5 . If a coupon is inadvertently received by the Commission with several namesand addresses in the space provided for this purpose and if that particular entryhas won a prize or prizes, such prize or prizes shall be made payable (in accordancewith these Rules) to the first named in the space and/or forwarded to the first addressstated.

11 .6 Where a subscriber's copy part has been inadvertently lost or destroyed by anymeans and if that particular entry has won a prize, subscribers will be required tocomplete a satisfactory statutory declaration .

Rule 12.

Time Limits .

12 .1 Lotto coupons shall reach the offices of the Commission in sufficient time topermit a microfilm of the original part of the coupon to be made and completesuch formalities as may be required by the Auditor General's representative prior tothe drawing of that particular Lotto .

12 .2 Lotto coupons shall be delivered to the office of the Commission by theprescribed time which shall be determined by the Commission from time to timeand announced through the normal advertising and communication channels .

12 .3 Subscribers mailing Lotto coupons directly to the offices of the Commissionshall do so in accordance with Rule 12.1 .

12 .4 Rule 10.1 sets out the particulars included in the results to be published bythe Commission and as a rule :-

(i) The amount of provisional prize pool allocated to each division will beannounced at the beginning of the drawing of each Lotto .

(ii) The number of prize winners in each Division will be announced as soon aspossible following the completion of the evaluation of the coupons of eachLotto .

(iii) The value of Division prizes (subject to evaluation of claims) will beannounced at the same time.

Rule 13 .

Decisions by the Commission .

13 .1 All decisions made by the Commission concerning a Lotto including theeligibility of entries, the determination of prize winners and the amount and distributionof prize money and the meaning and effect of these Rules, shall be final and bindingon all subscribers to such Lotto and on every person making a claim in respectthereto .

Made on the 14th day of December, 1981 .R. M. INCE,

Secretary .

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18 December 1981 .]

LOTTO ACT 1981 .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .1 . These regulations may be cited as the Lotto Regulations 1981 .2 . These regulations shall come into operation on the day on which

the Act comes into operation.3 . In these regulations, unless the contrary i tention appears-

"the Act" means the Lotto Act 1981 .

4. (1) If an amount of prize money in a game of lotto conductedby the Commission is not claimed within the period of 7 years nextfollowing the date on which the result of that game of lotto was decided,the right to recover, and the liability of the Commission to pay, thatamount are extinguished .

(2) The Commission shall apply all prize moneys that are irrecoverableby virtue of subregulation (1) of this regulation in the manner and forthe purposes provided by subsections (3) and (4) of section 6 of the Act .

5 . (1) A court convicting a person of the offence of conducting anillegal game of lotto under section 11 of the Act shall, whether or notit imposes any penalty on the person, order that any moneys, securities,papers, documents, records or things used in connection with or relatingto the illegal game of lotto and seized under warrant issued under section9 of the Act to be forfeited to the Commission .

(2) The Commission shall apply all moneys forfeited, or resultingfrom a forfeiture, under subregulation (1) of this regulation in themanner and for the purposes provided by subsections (3) and (4) ofsection 6 of the Act .

Citation .

Commence-ment .

Interpreta-tion .

Unclaimedprizes .

Forfeitureof moneys,etc . seizedunder Act .

Employmentof agents .

6 . (1) The Commission may-(a) in its absolute discretion, grant or refuse an application for

appointment as an agent in connection with the conduct ofgames of lotto ;

(b) subject to any express agreement made between it and anagent appointed under this subregulation, suspend or cancelan appointment made thereunder.

(2) Nothing in this regulation prevents the Commission fromappointing as an agent under subregulation (1) thereof a person whohas been appointed as an agent under regulations made under theLotteries (Control) Act 1954 .

(3) A decision of the Commission under this regulation to grant,refuse, suspend or cancel an agency shall be final and binding andwithout an appeal to any person whatsoever other than the Commission .

By His Excellency's Command,R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

HEALTH ACT 1911 (AS AMENDED) .Public Health Department,

Perth, 7 December 1981 .P.H.D. 419/63 .

THE appointment of Mr 7. L. Sherman as HealthSurveyor to the Shire of Tammin for the period4 January 1982 to 5 February 1982 is approved .

J. C. McNULTY,Commissioner of Public Health .

HEALTH ACT 1911 (AS AMENDED) .Public Health Department,

Perth, 11 December 1981 .P.H.D. 222/61 .

THE appointment of Mrs . B. Buchbinder as HealthSurveyor to the City of Subiaco as from 30 November1981 is approved .The cancellation of the appointment of Mr . G .

Potter as Health Surveyor to the City of Subiaco ishereby notified .

J . C. McNULTY,Commissioner of Public Health .



Public Health Department,Perth, 10 December 1981 .

P.H.D . 503/81 .IN accordance with section 120 of the Health Act 1911(as amended), it is hereby notified for general informa-tion that the use of the following land as landfilldisposal sites is hereby cancelled.

Lots 208 to 219 on Plan 3405, Swan Location "T" .Lot 1 to 5 and Lot 7 to 9 and Lot 12, 13 and Pt .

16 on Plan 4434, Swan Location "U" .Lots 11 and 12 on Diag 31974, Swan Location'lu ll .

Reserve 6857, Swan Location "T" .Recreation land-Pall Mall, Swan Location "U"

and "V" .Note: The land being Lot Pt . 27, Swan Location

"U" is to be retained as a site for the disposal ofnon-putrescible waste .

J. C. McNULTY,Commissioner of Public Health .

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Public Health Department,Perth, 10 December 1981 .

P.H.D. 211/76/5 Ex. Co. 3849 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Council has-

1 . Authorised, pursuant to the Prevention of Crueltyto Animals Act and Control of Vivisection and Experi-ments Regulations 1959, the renewal of the authorityof the persons named in the Schedule hereunder toperform vivisection or other experiments on animalsfor a period of twelve months expiring on 30 June 1982 .

Schedule.Dr. J. H. Turner.Mr. R. G. Batey .Dr. R. L. Cooper.Dr. J. M. Jackson .

2 . Authorised, pursuant to the Prevention of Crueltyto Animals Act and Control of Vivisection and Experi-ments Regulations 1959, the persons named in the

Exemptionof certainevents of1982Festivalof Perth .


[18 December 1981 .

Schedule hereunder to perform vivisection or otherexperiments on animals for the period expiring on 30June 1982.

Schedule.Miss S. M. Forbes.

Miss L. J. M. Althuizen .Miss J. Anderson .Mr. M. Fowler.

J. C. McNULTY,Commissioner of Public Health .

RADIATION SAFETY ACT 1975 .Public Health Department,

Perth, 7 December 1981 .P.H.D. 358/77 .

THE appointment of Mr . M. Malaxos as an authorisedofficer, pursuant to section 42 of the Radiation SafetyAct 1975, is approved .

J . C. McNULTY,Commissioner of Public Health .

P.H.D. 321/77/1 ; Ex. Co. 3847 .Public Health Department,

Perth, 14 December 1981 .NOISE ABATEMENT ACT 1972 .


MADE by the Minister for Health, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor,under section 6 of the Noise Abatement Act 1972 .Citation .

1 . This order may be cited as the Noise Abatement (Festival ofPerth) Exemption Order 1982 .

2 . The Minister for Health hereby declares that all of the provisionsof the Noise Abatement Act 1972 and of the regulations made thereunderdo not apply to the acts or things specified in Schedule I to this order,being acts or things forming part of the 1982 Festival of Perth, subjectto the circumstances and conditions specified in Schedule II to this order .



Opening Concert rehearsals to be held in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth,from 6 p .m. to 10 .30 p.m. on 3 and 4 February 1982 .

2 . Opening Concert performance to be held in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth,from 6 p.m. to 10 .30 p.m. on 5 February 1982 .

3 . Discharges of artillery pieces made between Riverside Drive, Perth, and PerthWater during, and for the purposes of, the rehearsals referred to in item 1,or the performance referred to in item 2, of this Schedule .

4. Big Brass Band Concert to be held in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth, from6 p.m. to 10 .30 p .m. on 14 February 1982 .

5 . Jazz Jamboree to be held in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth, from 6 p .m .to 10.30 p.m. on 21 February 1982 .

6 . Top of the Pops Concert to be held in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth, from6 p.m. to 10 .30 p.m. on 28 February 1982 .

7 . Colonial Folk Dance to be held in the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth, from6.30 p.m. to 10 .30 p.m. on 6 March 1982.

8 . Northbridge Festival to be held in that portion of James Street, Perth, whichlies between Lake and Beaufort Streets and on the premises of The ArtGallery of Western Australia adjacent to that portion of James Street from 6 p.m.-

(a) on 26 February 1982 to 12 .30 a.m. on 27 February 1982 ;(b) on 27 February 1982 to 12 .30 a.m. on 28 February 1982 ;(c) on 28 February 1982 to 12 .30 a.m. on 1 March 1982 ;(d) on 1 March 1982 to 12.30 a.m. on 2 March 1982.

9 . Jazz Concerts to be held in The Art Gallery of Western Australia Amphitheatrefrom 8 p.m. to 10 p .m. on :

(a) 5 February 1982 ;(b) 14 February 1982 ;(c) 21 February 1982 ;(d) 28 February 1982 ;(e) 6 March 1982 .

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18 December 1981 .]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .




1 . A person serving on the organising committee of the 1982 Festival of Perthshall be available to act on any complaints received by the Council of the Cityof Perth concerning noise produced or alleged to have been produced within thedistrict of the City of Perth by any act or thing referred to in Schedule I tothis order and shall, on or before 30 January 1982, in writing notify theCouncil of the City of Perth of his availability so to act .

2 . The sound level at the boundary between the Supreme Court Gardens, Perth,and Governor's Avenue shall not exceed 75 dB (A) during the holding of anyof the acts and things referred to in items 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of ScheduleI to this order .

3 . The charge weight used in an artillery piece discharged during and for thepurposes of, the rehearsals referred to in item 1, or the performance referred toin item 2, of Schedule I to this order shall not, wherever that discharge takes place,exceed 250 grams per round .

4 . The sound level at the boundary between the amphitheatre of the Art Galleryof Western Australia and Perth Technical College measured at the farthest pointfrom the stage erected in that amphitheatre at which that measurement ispracticable shall not exceed 80 dB (A) during the holding of the NorthbridgeFestival referred to in item 8 and the Jazz Concerts referred to in item 9 ofSchedule I to this order .

RAY YOUNG,Minister for Health .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .



MADE by the Minister for Health, with the approval of His Excellency the Governorin Executive Council .Citation.

City ofCanningtree chippingmachineexempted .

Conditions .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

J. C. McNULTY,Commissioner of Public Health .

1 . This Order may be cited as the Noise Abatement (Tree Chipping)Exemption Order 1982 .

2. All of the provisions of the Noise Abatement Act 1972 and regula-tions made under that Act are declared not to apply for a period 1 April1982 to 31 October 1982 inclusive in respect of the operation by or onbehalf of the City of Canning of a tree chipping machine .

3 . The exemption granted in clause 2 of this Order is subject to theconditions set out in the schedule to this Order .

Schedule .

1 . At no time during the chipping process shall the level of sound emanating fromthe tree chipping machine exceed 90 dB (A) when measured at 7 metres from theclosest part of the machine .

2 . The tree chipping machine shall not be operated pursuant to the exemption-(a) on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a day that is appointed a public holiday by

or under the Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972, as amended ; or(b) on any other day, before 8 .30 a .m. or after 4.00 p.m .

3 . The tree chipping machine shall not be operated in a public place pursuantto the exemption for more than 15 minutes outside the same residence .

4 . The tree chipping machine shall not be continuously operated pursuant to theexemption for more than 1 hour within 800 metres of the same place .

5 . The tree chipping machine shall not be operated pursuant to the exemptionwithin 200 metres of a hospital, nursing home, or like institution .

6 . Each person operating the tree chipping machine pursuant to the exemptionshall, when so operating the machine, wear hearing protection rated at a minimumSLCso of 20 .

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[ 8 December 1981 .

Schedule-continued.7. Not less than 1 week before the tree chipping machine is operated pursuant o

the exemption within 800 metres of a residence written notice shall be given at theresidence of the time at which the machine will be so operated within 800 metres ofthe residence, with such particularity as is reasonably practicable .

8 . The council of the City of Canning shall, within 14 days of it or any of itsofficers receiving a complaint arising from the operation of a tree chipping machine,cause notice in writing of the complaint to be sent to the Director, Noise AbatementSection, Public Health Department specifying the details of the complaint .

RAY YOUNG,Minister for Health .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .R. D. DAVIES,

Clerk of the Council .

P.H.D. 87/73/V2 .NOISE ABATEMENT ACT 1972 .

NOISE ABATEMENT (TREE CHIPPING) EXEMPTION ORDER 1982 .MADE by the Minister for Health, with the approval of His Excellency the Governorin Executive Council .Citation .

City ofSouth Perthtree chippingmachineexempted .

Conditions .

1 . This Order may be cited as the Noise Abatement (Tree Chipping)Exemption Order 1982 .

2 . All of the provisions of the Noise Abatement Act 1972 and regula-tions made under that Act are declared not to apply for a period 1 April1982 to 31 October 1982 inclusive, in respect of the operation by or onbehalf of the City of South Perth of a tree chipping machine .

3 . The exemption granted in clause 2 of this Order is subject to thecondition set out in the schedule to this Order.


1 . At no time during the chipping process shall the level of sound emanating from,the tree chipping machine exceed 90 dB (A) when measured at 7 metres from theclosest part of the machine .

2. The tree chipping machine shall not be operated pursuant to the exemption-(a) on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a day that is appointed a public holiday by

or under the Public and Bank Holidays Act 1972, as amended ; or(b) on any other day, before 8 .30 a .m. or after 4.00 p .m .

3 . The tree chipping machine shall not be operated in a public place pursuantto the exemption for more than 15 minutes outside the same residence .

4 . The tree chipping machine shall not be continuously operated pursuant to theexemption for more than 1 hour within 800 metres of the same place .

5 . The tree chipping machine shall not be operated pursuant to the exemptionwithin 200 metres of a hospital, nursing home, or like institution .

6 . Each person operating the tree chipping machine pursuant to the exemptionshall, when so operating the machine, wear hearing protection rated at a minimumSLCso of 20 .

7 . Not less than I week before the tree chipping machine is operated pursuant tothe exemption within 800 metres of a residence written notice shall be given at theresidence of the time at which the machine will be so operated within 800 metres ofthe residence, with such particularity as is reasonably practicable .

8 . The council of the City of South Perth shall, within 14 days of it or any of itsofficers receiving a complaint arising from the operation of a tree chipping machine,cause notice in writing of the complaint to be sent to the Director, Noise AbatementSection, Public Health Department specifying the details of the complaint .

RAY YOUNG,Minister for Health .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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18 December 1981 .]



City of Cockburn .

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act a localauthority may make or adopt by-laws and may alter, amend or repeal any by-laws somade or adopted : The City of Cockburn hereby records having resolved on12 May 1981, being a local authority within the meaning of the Act and havingadopted with certain modifications the Model By-laws described as "Series A" tradeby the Governor pursuant to the Health Act 1911 (as amended) and reprintedpursuant to the Reprinting of Regulations Act 1964 in the Government Gazette on17 July 1963, doth hereby amend the said adopted by-laws and repeal certain otherby-laws as follows:-

1 . A new by-law is inserted in Part 1 after By-law 28 to stand as By-law 28A asfollows:-

28A . The keeping of any swine or pigsty within the whole district of theCity of Cockburn is forbidden except within the areas defined in the followingSchedules "A" and "B" .

Schedule "A" .

The portion of the district enclosed with a line commencing at the point wherethe standard gauge railway reserve crosses the northern boundary of the district thencesouthwesterly along this railway reserve to King Road, thence southerly along KingRoad to Prinsep Road thence southerly along Prinsep Road, to the northwest cornerof Jandakot Agricultural Area Location 153 thence easterly along the northern bound-aries of Jandakot Agricultural Area Locations 153, 152 and 134 to the northeastcorner of Jandakot Agricultural Area Location 134 thence southerly along the easternboundary of such location to Forrest Road, thence westerly along Forrest Road, to thejunction of Beenyup Road thence southerly along Beenyup Road to the junction ofBaningan Road thence westerly and southerly along Baningan Road to the junctionof Hird Road thence westerly along Hird Road to Hammond Road thence continuingwesterly across Hammond Road and along the northern boundary of Jandakot Agri-cultural Area Location 234 to the northwest corner of such location, thence southerlyalong the western boundaries of Jandakot Agricultural Area Location 234, and Cock-burn Sound Locations 464 and 458 to the southwest corner of Cockburn Sound Loca-tion 458 thence easterly along the southern boundary of Cockburn Sound Location 458to Russell Road thence westerly along Russell Road to the junction of FranklandAvenue thence southerly along Frankland Avenue to the southern boundary of thedistrict thence easterly along the southern boundary of the district to the easternboundary of the district thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the district tothe northern boundary of the district, thence westerly along the northern boundaryof the district to the starting point at the standard gauge Railway Reserve .

Schedule "B" .

Within premises registered by the City of Cockburn as an Abattoir under the provi-sions of section 191 of the Health Act 1911 (as amended) where pigs may be held fora period up to seven days prior to slaughter .

Dated the 12th day of May, 1981 .

The Common Seal of the City of Cockburn washereunto affixed by authority of a Resolutionof the Council in the presence of-


Deputy Mayor .

A. J. ARMAREGO,Town Clerk.

Recommended :RAY YOUNG,

Minister for Public Health .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council.


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[18 December 1981 .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .1 . This Order may be cited as the Poisons (Scheduled Substances) Amendment

Order (No. 2) 1981 .

2 . This Order shall take effect on and from 1 February 1982 .

3 . The Schedules referred to in section 20 of the Poisons Act 1964, as amended,and specified hereunder are amended as follows :

Schedule inAppendix "A"of Poisons

AmendmentAct 1964,as amended


- by inserting, in its appropriate alphabetical position, the followingSchedule


LINDANE in preparations for external human therapeutic usecontaining 2 per cent or less of lindane . " ;

- by deleting the item commencing "HEXACHLOROPHANE" andsubstituting the following item-

• HEXACHLOROPHANE in preparations for skin cleansingpurposes containing 3 per cent or less of hexachlorophane,except-

(a) in preparations for use on infants ; or(b) in preparations for the treatment of animals .




- by deleting the item commencing "IDOXURIDINE" and substitutingSchedule

the following item-•

IDOXURIDINE in preparations for cutaneous use containing0.5 per cent or less of idoxuridine. " ;

- in the item commencing "ISOPRENALINE", by deleting "80" andsubstituting the following-

100 " ,

by deleting the item "TRETINOIN ." and substituting the followingitem-

TRETINOIN for external human therapeutic use. "


- by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical positions, the followingSchedule




by deleting the item "ECONAZOLE." and substitu

e followingitem-" ECONAZOLE except when included in the Sixth Schedule . "

by deleting the item commencing "HEXACHLOROPHANE" andsubstituting the following item-

• HEXACHLOROPHANE, and substances containing hexachloro-phene for use on infants, and hexachlorophane in allother substances except when included in the Second orSixth Schedule . " ,

in the item commencing "KITASAMYCIN", by deleting "50" andsubstituting the following-" 100 " ,

in the item commencing "MEBHYDROLINE", by deleting"MEBHYDROLINE" and substituting the following-" MEBHYDROLIN "

by deleting the item "POLYMETHYLINE BIS TRIMETHYLAM-MONIUM compounds." and substituting the following item-"POLYMETHYLENE BISTRIMETHYL AMMONIUM


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18 December 1981 .]



by deleting the item commencing "SELENIUM" and substituting thefollowing item-

SELENIUMSELENIUM except-(a) when included in the Fifth or Sixth Schedule;(b) in animal feedstuffs in concentrations of 0.1 g/tonne

or less of selenium ; or(c) in compressed pellets for the control of selenium-

responsive conditions in sheep . " ,

by deleting the item "VINCA ALKALOIDS ." and substituting thefollowing item-" VINCA ALKALOIDS, including semi-synthetic derivatives . "


- by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical positions, the followingSchedule


DIMETHYL-2-BUTANONE and substances containing thatcompound in concentrations of more than 2 per cent,except when such compound or substance is included inthe Fourth or Sixth Schedule .

CYPERMETHRIN in substances containing 10 per cent or lessof cypermethrin .

3,6-DICHLOROPICOLINIC ACID and substances containingthat compound.

PIRIMICARB in substances containing 0 .5 per cent or less ofpirimicarb . " ,

in the item commencing "LINDANE", by inserting after "of lindane"the following-" except when included in the Second Schedule "


- by deleting the item commencing "SELENIUM SULPHIDE" andsubstituting the following item-

SELENIUMSELENIUM SULPHIDE in shampoos for the treatment ofanimals and in preparations containing 2 .5 per cent or lessof selenium sulphide for topical therapeutic use . " .


- by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical positions, the followingSchedule

items-" 2-CHLORO-N-C (4-METHOXY-6-METHYL-1,3,5-TRIAZIN-2-

YL) AMINOCARBONYLI BENZENE SULPHONAMIDEand substances containing that compound .

1- (4-CHLOROPHENOXY) -l-IMIDAZOL-1-YL-3,3-DIMETHYL-2-BUTANONE in substances containing morethan 40 per cent of that compound, except when includedin the Fourth Schedule .

CYPERMETHRIN and substances containing cypermethrinexcept when included in the Fifth Schedule .

1-12- (2,4-DICHLOROPHENYL) -4-ETHYL-I,3-DIOXOLAN-2-YL-METHYLI-IH-1,2,4-TRIAZOLE and substances con-taining that compound .

ECONAZOLE in preparations containing econazole for externalanimal use .


0-2-METHOXYCARBONYLPROP-l-ENYL-0,0-DIMETHYL-PHOSPHOROTHIOATE and substances containing thatcompound .


NITROFURAN and its derivatives, in preparations packed andlabelled for the treatment of ornamental caged birds orornamental fish only .

SULPHANILAMIDE and its derivatives, in preparations packedand labelled for the treatment of ornamental caged birdsor ornamental fish only. " ,

in the item commencing "HYDROFLUORIC ACID" by deleting para-graphs (d) and (e) and substituting the following paragraphs-" (d),when included in the Second, Fourth, or Seventh Schedule ;

(e) substances containing less than 15 mg/kg of fluoride ion ;(f) ammonium fluosilieate in preparations containing 3 .2 per

cent or less of ammonium fluosilicate for pesticidepurposes . "

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[18 December 1981 .

by deleting the item commencing "IMIDOCARB" and substituting thefollowing item-" IMIDOCARB and salts of imidocarb, and substances containing

imidocarb or salts of imidocarb . " ,in the item commencing "KITASAMYCIN" by deleting "50" andsubstituting the following-

100 " ,

by deleting the item commencing "LINDANE" and substituting thefollowing item-

LINDANE and substances containing lindane except whenincluded in the Second or Fifth Schedule . " ;

by deleting the item commencing "OLAQUINDOX" and substitutingthe following item-

• OLAQUINDOX and substances containing olaquindox, forgrowth promotion in pigs, except in animal feedstuffs inconcentrations of 100 mg/kg or less of the total activeprinciple . "

by deleting the item commencing "PIRIMICARB" and substitutingthe following item-" PIRIMICARB and substances containing pirimicarb, except when

included in the Fifth Schedule. " ,

by deleting the item commencing "TETRACYCLINE" and substitut-ing the following item-

TETRACYCLINETETRACYCLINE and salts of tetracycline in preparations-(a) for topical application to animals for ocular use

only ;(b) for intramammary infusion in animals when suit-

ably coloured with Brilliant Blue FCF or otherapproved colour as marker, and when packed inapplicator devices specially designed for the purpose ;or

(c) when packed and labelled for the treatment ofornamental caged birds or ornamental fishonly . " ,

by deleting the item commencing "(+)alpha-CYANO-3-PHENOXY-BENZYL(+) cis, traps-3-(2,2-DICHLOROVINYL)- 2,2-DIME-THYLCYCLOPROPANE CARBOXYLATE" ;

by deleting the item commencing "CAMPHECLOR";

by deleting the item commencing "PROCYMIDONE" .Seventh

by inserting, in their appropriate alphabetical positions, the followingSchedule

items-" CAMPHECLOR and substances containing campheclor .

MIREX and substances containing mirex .TERBUFOS and substances containing terbufos .

;by deleting the item commencing "BROMOCRIPTINE" .

By His Excellency's Command,R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Schedule "A"amended .

* Published in he Government Gazette on 3 September 1974 at pp. 3303-3340 .


EFFLUENT AND LIQUID WASTE AMENDMENT REGULATIONS 1981 .MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .Citation . 1 . These regulations may be cited as the Bacteriolytic Treatment of

Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste Amendment Regula-tions 1981 .


2 . In these regulations the Bacteriolytic Treatment of Sewage andregulations . Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste Regulations*, as amended, arereferred to as the principal regulations .

Reg . 23

3 . Regulation 23 of the principal regulations is amended in subregula-amended.

tion (110by deleting "six dollars" and substituting the following-11

.4. Schedule "A" to the principal regulations is amended in paragraph

(d) by 1 deleting "$6.00" and substituting the following-

By His Excellency's Command,R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council.

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18 December 1981.]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .

MEDICAL ACT 1894 .In the Matter of the Medical Act 1894 and Amendments

and in the Matter of Gamal Habib YacoubMedical Practitioner of 6 Cobelia Avenue,Katanning, 6317 .

THE Medical Board of Western Australia having heldan Inquiry into allegations of gross incompetency on18 November and 2 December 1981 in accordance withthe Act and having heard and considered the evidenceadduced before the Inquiry duly found as follows :-

1 . That it was proved to the satisfaction of theBoard that Dr. Gamal Habib Yacoub hadbeen guilty of gross incompetency .

2 . That the name of Gamal Habib Yacoub besuspended from the Medical Register for a

Minister for Police and Traffic .period six months as from 2 December 1981and on restoration to the Register he shall notpractise surgery in Western Australia until heprovides evidence of surgical competencyacceptable to the Medical Board .

Dated at Perth this 3rd day of December, 1981 .By Order of the Medical Board ofWestern Australia .

H. T. DEVITT,Registrar .

HOSPITALS ACT 1927-1981 .Department of Hospital

and Allied Services,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

KU 1.9 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to appoint under the provisions of theHospitals Act 1927-1981 Mrs J. E. Smeeton as amember of the Kununoppin and Districts HospitalBoard for the period ending 31 July 1984, vice Mr D .Kaeding, resigned .

W. D. ROBERTS,Commissioner,

Hospital and Allied Services .

Citation .

Principalregulations .

amended .


HOSPITALS ACT 1927-1981 .Department of Hospital

and Allied Services,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

RP 1.9 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasunder the provisions of the Hospitals Act 1927-1981accepted the resignation of Mr P . McIntyre as amember of the Royal Perth Hospital Board of Manage-ment from 9 November 1981 .

W. D. ROBERTS,Commissioner,

Hospital and Allied Services .

* Reprinted in the Government Gazette on 24 May 1979 at pp . 1369-1376 .

ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1974-1980 .

I, WILLIAM RALPH BOUCHER HASSELL, beingthe Minister of the Crown for the time beingadministering the Road Traffic Act 1974-1980, actingin pursuant to the powers conferred by subsection (2)of section 98A of that Act do hereby approve of thefollowing type of apparatus for ascertaining the speedat which a vehicle is moving. Apparatus bearing theTrade name-

DIGITECTOR .Dated at Perth this 9th day of December, 1981 .




WILLIAM RALPH BOUCHER HASSELL, beingthe Minister for the Crown for the time being ad-ministering the Road Traffic Act 1974, acting pursuantto the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of thatAct, hereby approve the suspension of Regulationsmade under such Act on the carriageways mentionedhereunder, within the Town of Albany and nominatedfor the purpose of motor cycle racing by members ofthe Albany Motor Cycle Club (Inc.) on Sunday, 31January 1982, between the hours of 8 .00 a.m. and6.00 p.m .

Racing to be strictly confined to-Lockyer Avenue, between Minna Street and Prior

Street to North Road .

North Road, between Lockyer Avenue and San-ford Street .

Sanford Street, between North Road and MinnaStreet.

Minna Street and Prior Street, between SanfordStreet and Symers Street.

Symers Street, between Prior Street and CockburnRoad .

Cockburn Road, between Symers Street and L ock-yer Avenue .

Dated at Perth this 16th day of December, 1981 .W. R. B. HASSELL,

Minister for Police and Traffic .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .1 . These regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicle Drivers

Instructors Amendment Regulations 1981 .

2. In these regulations the Motor Vehicle Drivers Instructors Regula-tions 1964*, as amended are referred to as the principal regulations .

Reg . 13

3 . Regulation 13 of the Principal regulations is amended by deleting"10.00" and substituting the following-

" 15.00 " .

4. The Schedule to the principal regulations is amended in FormNo. 2 by deleting "$10 .00" and substituting the following-

" $15.00 " .By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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[18 December 1981 .


Reg . 9amended .



REGULATIONS (No . 4) 1981 .His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Road Traffic (Drivers'Licences) Amendment Regulations (No . 4) 1981 .

2 . Regulation 9 of the Road Traffic (Drivers' Licences) Regulations1975*, as amended, is amended by deleting "$2" and substituting thefollowing-



,'By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


the Government Gazette 2


MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .Citation .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Road Traffic (Licensing)Amendment Regulations (No. 6) 1981 .

Reg. 14

2 . Regulation 14 of the Road Traffic (Licensing) Regulations 1975*,amended .

as amended, is amended by deleting "$2" and substituting the following-< .


"By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

July 1980 at pp. 2471-2478 .

* Reprinted in the Government Gazett o 29 December 1978 at pp . 4849-4866 .


By-Law No. 60-Care, Control and Management of Parking Facilities .By-Law Relating to Parking Facilities .

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act and allother powers enabling it, the Council at the abovementioned Municipality herebyrecords having resolved on 16 November 1981 to make and submit for confirmationby the Governor the following amendments to By-law No. 60:-

A . That Clause 20 be deleted .

B . That the Second Schedule be amended by:-

1 . Adding after the description of "Parking Station 2"

Clause 1, thefollowing:-

Parking Station 2A"Situated west of William Street and south of Mounts Bay Road and north

of the accessway road which runs from Mill Street between No. 2 andNo. 2A Parking Stations and Riverside Drive .

2 . Deleting Clause 1A and substituting therefor the following:-IA The hours referred to in Clause 15A in relation to Parking Stations

are:-In Parking Stations 1, 2, 3, 3A and 24:-

Monday to Friday inclusive-8 a .m. to 6 p.m .In Parking Station 8:-Monday to Saturday inclusive-6 .30 a.m. to 3.30 a .m . the

following morning.

3 . Deleting therefrom in Clause 2 sub-clause (d) .

4 . Deleting therefrom in Clause 3 sub-clause (g) and substituting therefor thefollowing:-

(g) In Parking Station 8:-From 6.30 a .m. to 7 p .m. on Monday to Friday inclusive-60c

for a five hour period or part thereof and $1 .20 for any periodwhich exceeds five hours on the same day .

From 6 p.m. to - 3 .30 a .m. the following morning on Friday andSaturday-50c for such period or part thereof .

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5. Deleting therefrom in Clause 3 sub-clause (m) and substituting therefor thefollowing :-(m) In Parking Station 25:-

From 8 a.m. to 6 p .m. Monday to Friday inclusive-40c for afive hour period or part thereof and 80c for any period whichexceeds five hours on the same day ;From 6 p .m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday-40c for

such period or part thereof .6 . Deleting therefrom in Clause 3 sub-clause (ma) and substituting therefor

the following :(ma) In Parking Station 25A:-

From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday to Friday inclusive-20c perhour or part thereof ;

From 6 p.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday-40c for suchperiod or part thereof .

7 . Adding to Clause 3 a new sub-clause (p) as follows :-(p) In Parking Station 2A:-

From 8 a.m. to 6 p .m. on Monday to Friday inclusive-40c perhour or part thereof .

8 . Deleting Clause 5 and substituting therefor the following :-5 . Parking Stations equipped with the ticket issuing machines :-

Parking Stations 2A, 3B, 4, 4A, 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 25A, 27and 31 .

9 . Deleting Clause 6 and substituting therefor the following:-6 . Parking Stations equipped with voucher validating machines:-

Parking Stations 1, 2, 3, 3A, 8 and 24 .

C . That the Third Schedule be amended by :-1 . Deleting in Clause 1 the whole paragraph relating to "Parking Station 2A".2 . Deleting therefrom in Clause 3 sub-clause (a) .3 . Deleting therefrom in Clause 3 sub-clause (d) the figure and letter "2A" .

Dated this 23rd day of November, 1981 .The Common Seal of the City of Perth was

hereunto affixed in the presence of-

CL.S .1


Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


Notice .I, BEING the Minister of the Crown for the time beingadministering the Industrial and Commercial Employees'Housing Act 1973 (as amended) acting pursuant tosubsection (2) of section 7 of that Act, and in thebelief that the employers set out in the schedule to thisnotice are entitled to become participating employers forthe purpose of that Act, hereby specify the employersset out in the schedule to this notice as participatingemployers for the purpose of that Act .

Dated at Perth this 14th day of December, 1981 .P. V. JONES,

Minister for Housing .

Schedule .Ottumwa Nominees Pty Ltd trading as Lynn Service

Group .Alexander Negoescu trading as Negus Dental Service .Geraldton Building Company (Port Hedland) Pty Ltd.Dugald Ferguson Machinery Pty Ltd .Auto Investments Ltd trading as Michael Terry and

Company .(3)-16271

F. C. CHANEY,Lord Mayor.

R. F. DAWSON,Town Clerk .

E. C. RUSHTON,Minister for Transport .

5 195

FISHERIES ACT 1905 .PART IIIB-Processing Licenses .

F. & W. 185/66 .THE public is hereby notified that I have issued a permitto Correia Fishing Co . Pty . Ltd. of 29A Birdwood Circus,Bicton, to establish a processing establishment to pro-cess fish in pursuance of the provisions of section 35Cof the Fisheries Act 1905, on board licensed boatMadeira, registered number LFB G296, subject to thefollowing conditions :

That the processing establishment-1 . Shall comply with the requirements of the

Fisheries Act 1905, and all Regulations, Ordersin Council, and Notices and Ministerial Direc-tions issued thereunder .

2. Shall comply with the requirements of theHealth Act 1911 (amended) .

3 . Shall be registered as an export establishmentpursuant to the provisions of the Export (Fish)Regulations made under the provisions of theCustoms Act 1901 (amended) and the Com-mercial (Trade Descriptions) Act 1905(amended) of the Parliament of the Common-wealth should it be used to process fish forexport .

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5196GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .[18 December 1981 .

4 . Shall not be used for the processing of marron(Cherax tenuimauus) unless a license is heldunder section 39C of the Fisheries Act 1905 .

5 . Shall not be used for the processing of fish orcrustacea caught by any other vessel .

6. Shall not be used for the processing of theflesh of rock lobster forming the group ofmuscles comprising the antennal pedunclemuscles (3 segments), the antennular platemuscles, the promoter and depressor antennalmuscles and the epistome muscles (commonlyreferred to as "horn" or "scalp" meat) .

7 . A freezer boat shall not be used, and a person-in-charge shall not permit or suffer a freezerboat to be used to process, store or handlerock lobster or portions of rock lobster in theAbrolhos Islands area as defined below, or shallhave on board such boat any gear, appliances,drapping, packing box or other equipmentwhatever that is used or might be used inthe processing of rock lobster .

8 . A freezer boat shall not be used, and a person-in-charge shall not permit or stiffer a freezerboat to be used to process rock lobster beforeall rock lobsters on that boat of a length lessthan that specified in the Second Schedule tothe Fisheries Act have been returned to theOcean .

9 . A person-in-charge of a freezer boat shall makecertain that all rock lobster of a length lessthan that specified in the Second Schedule tothe Fisheries Act are returned to the oceanprior to such freezer boat arriving at anyanchorage .

10. A person-in-charge of a freezer boat shall keepon board such boat an accurate record induplicate of the number of rock lobsters packedeach day in each box in each grade category,which record shall :

(a) be entered at the end of each day's pro-cessing at sea and be available for in-spection on board such boat at any timeduring a voyage;

(b) be available for inspection by a fisheriesinspector at the time of unloading oron demand; and

(c) on or before the third day after thecompletion of each cruise be forwardedto the Director, Department of Fisheriesand Wildlife, 108 Adelaide Terrace,Perth .

11. A person-in-charge of a freezer boat shallensure that no rock lobster or part thereofother than live rock lobster are unloaded fromthat freezer boat unless an inspector of fisheriesis present, provided that this requirement maybe waived by the Chief Fisheries Officer .

12. Where rock lobster pots authorised to be usedand set by a freezer boat have been set lessthan ten nautical miles from the nearest pointon the mainland such freezer boat shall proceedto an anchorage agreed upon between theperson-in-charge of the freezer boat and theChief Fisheries Officer and processing of rocklobster on board the freezer boat shall notcommence until such freezer boat has beenanchored or moored for a period of not lessthan fifteen minutes ; provided that this condi-tion shall not apply when the vessel is operatingnorth of 27 degrees 30 minutes of South lati-tude, or east of the 116th meridian of Eastlongitude .

Where a person-in-charge has taken a freezerboat to an agreed anchorage pursuant to thiscondition, the person-in-charge shall not departfrom the anchorage with . such boat until theprocessing of all rock lobsters on board iscompleted to the stage that the rock lobsters arede-tailed, boxed and placed in the freezers ofthat freezer boat .

For the purpose of these conditions :-(1) "Freezer Boat" means a boat authorised to

engage in the taking of rock lobsters in theWest Coast Rock Lobster Fishery and which

is required to be licensed as a processingestablishment pursuant to Part IIIB of theFisheries Act 1905 .

(2) "Abrolhos Islands Area" comprises the wholeof the waters bounded by lines starting fromthe intersection of 27 degrees 30 minutes Southlatitude and 113 degrees 37 minutes East lon-gitude and extending southeasterly to the inter-section of 29 degrees 30 minutes South latitudeand 114 degrees 30 minutes East longitude ;thence west to 113 degrees East longitude ;thence north to 27 degrees 30 minutes Southlatitude aforesaid and then east to the startingpoint .

(3) "Processing" in relation to fish, includes cuttingup, breaking up, filleting, preparing, packing,freezing, canning, preserving or otherwisetreating in any manner whatever .

In accordance with the provisions of section 35K, anyperson aggrieved by this decision may, within fourteendays after publication of this notice, appeal against thedecision or order by serving on the Minister for Fisheriesand Wildlife, a statement in writing of the grounds oftheir appeal .

B. K. BOWEN,Director .

WILDLIFE CONSERVATION ACT 1950-1980 .F. & W. 412/68 .


Minister for Fisheries and Wildlife, pursuant tothe powers conferred by section 14 and 17B of theWildlife Conservation Act 1950-1980, does hereby de-clare as follows :-

(1) That the period from five o'clock in the fore-noon of 1 January 1982, until seven o'clockin the afternoon of 31 December 1982, shallbe an open season in respect of those speciesof wild duck in the Second Schedule hereto inthose parts of the State which lie within theboundaries of the Kimberley, North-West andEastern Divisions, as defined in section 28 ofthe Land Act 1933, with the exception of thoseareas defined in the First Schedule hereto .

(2) That the species of wild duck in the SecondSchedule hereto are game species in all partsof the State in respect of which an open seasonon those species is declared by paragraph (1)of this notice.

(3) That a person shall not take any wild duckof a species declared to be a game speciesunder the Second Schedule hereto unless hehas been granted a licence under Regulation21 of the Wildlife Conservation Regulations .

(4) That a person shall not take any wild duck orthe egg of any wild duck, for the purpose ofkeeping it in captivity, or for the purpose ofaviculture or for the purpose of sale .

(5) That a person shall not sell any wild duck .(6) That a person shall not take any wild duck

by any means other than a shotgun licensedpursuant to the Firearms Act 1973, and havinga calibre of less than thirty-one fortieths of aninch of internal diameter (ten gauge) .

(7) That a person shall not take or attempt totake wild ducks from any boat, raft, launchor other type of boat which is powered by anytype of motor or engine or which is propelledor towed by any means other than by hand .

(8) That a person shall not take or attempt totake more than ten wild ducks in any one dayof the open season .

(9) That a person shall not have under his controlor in his possession or keep in any cold storeor any freezing chambers or other premisesat any one time-

(a) on opening day of the open season morethan ten wild ducks ;

(b) on any day other than opening day ofthe open season, more than twenty wildducks .

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18 December 1981 .]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A.


(10) That a person shall not possess or transport awild duck unless at least one fully featheredwing is attached to the bird and that the wingand plumage may be removed from the duck-

(a) when the duck is prepared for immedi-ate cooking, and

(b) after the duck is taken to the residenceof its owner for preservation.

First Schedule .(1) All nature reserves except those which may

have been classified as shooting or huntingareas pursuant to the provisions of section 12Aof the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950-1980 .

(2) All cities and towns which lie within all muni-cipal districts, within the meaning of the LocalGovernment Act 1960-1981 .

(3) All national parks, State forests, Crown land,timber reserves, town reservoirs and other areaswhere shooting is prohibited under the provi-sions of any other Act, Regulation or By-law .

(4) Lake Argyle and Lake Kununurra and all landwithin 1 .6 kilometres of their shores .

Second Schedule.Whistling Tree Duck (Dendrocygna arcuata)Plumed Tree Duck (Dendrocygna eytoni)Mountain Duck (Tadorna tadornoides)Black Duck (Anas superciliosa)Grey Teal (Anas gibberifrons)Blue-winged Shoveler (Anas rhynchotis)White-eyed Duck (Aythya australis)Wood Duck or Maned Goose (Chenonetta jubata)

G. E. MASTERS,Minister for Fisheries

and Wildlife .

TRANSFER OF LAND ACT 1893 .Application C114497 .

TAKE notice that Charles Herbert Prince, Farmer, IvyMary Prince, Married Woman, Norman Herbert VictorWallace, Shire Clerk, Florence June Doreen Wallace,Married Woman and Garry Norman Wallace, Farmer,all of Gingin have made application to be registeredunder the Act as proprietor of an estate in fee simplein possession in the land situated at Gingin beingSwan Location 546 containing 35 .7944 hectares com-prised in Memorial Book 27-925 .All persons other than the applicant claiming any

estate right title or interest in the above land anddesiring to object to the application are required tolodge in this office on or before 25 January 1982a caveat forbidding the land being brought under theoperation of the Act .

J . L. JAMIESON,Registrar of Titles,

Office of Titles, Perth .

FORFEITURES .THE following leases and licenses together with allrights, title and interest therein have this day beenforfeited to the Crown under the Land Act 1933-1977for the reasons stated :-

Name; Lease or License ; District ; Reason ;Corres. No . ; Plan .

Annandale M . W . ; 3116/7744 (C.L. 1980/412) ; BremerBay Lot 141 ; Non compliance with conditions ;2553/79; Bremer Bay 17 .31 .

Ostroeski K. J . & Gilmour S.; 338/15481 ; Point SamsonLot 91 ; Non payment of instalments ; 2769/67 ;Pt. Samson 13 .39 .

Rothnie B. E. 3116/6551 (Crown Lease 277/1977)Port Hedland Lot 3821 ; Non compliance with con-ditions; 3480/76 ; Port Hedland 24 .27 .

Taylor R. B. 3116/7635 (C.L . 333/1980) ; FitzroyLocation 88 ; Non payment of rent and non com-pliance with conditions ; 3330/78 ; Fitzroy CrossingRegional.

Titshall T. J . ; 345A/4782 ; Wandering Lot 42; Nonpayment of instalments ; 3267/73 ; WanderingTownsite.

Domiter, M . ; 338/13655 ; Kununurra Lot 1078 ; Non-compliance with conditions; 918/70; Kununurra23.16 .

Figgis, J . and L. M .; 338/15342; Exmouth Lot 385 ;Non-payment of instalments ; 3429/71 ; Exmouth15.12 .

9 December 1981 .B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Reserves .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to set apart as Public Reserves the landdescribed below for the purposes therein set forth .

File No. 569/981 .CASCADE.-No. 37505 (Rubbish Disposal Site),

Lot No. 34 (8 .950 2 hectares) . (Diagram 84799, PlanCascade Townsite (Cascades Road, in the Shire ofEsperance) .)

File No. 3406/981 .WUBIN.-No. 37517 (Sanitary and Rubbish Disposal

Site), Lot No . 85 (14 hectares) . (Diagram 84815, PlanWubin Regional (Thomas Road) .)

File No . 1649/96 .COOLGARDIE.-No. 37524 (Use and Requirements

of the Government Employees Housing Authority), LotNo. 2043 (1 935 square metres) . (Plan Coolgardie 9 .11(Taylor Street) .)

File No . 736/981 .DAMPIER.-No. 37525 (Tree Nursery Site), Loca-

tion No. 156 (19.517 3 hectares) . (Diagram 84818,Plan Roebuck Plains 1 :25 000 NW (Broome Road) .)

File No. 1099/79 .De WPI'L-No. 37526 (Water Supply), Location

No. 162 (6 991 square metres) . (Diagram 83779, PlanPoint Samson BJ65/13 .40 (Cliff Street, in the Shire ofRoebourne) .)

File No. 579/981 .COCKBURN SOUND.-No. 37529 (Public Recrea-

tion), Location No . 2659, formerly portion of Cock-burn Sound Location 16 being lot 379 on Diagram13483 (7 727 square metres) . (Plan Mandurah 2 00007.40 (Amazon Drive, Mandurah) .)

(The notice which appeared in the GovernmentGazette dated 6 November 1981, page 4531 under theheading Reserve No. 37342 is hereby cancelled .)

File No. 4117/67 .CUE.-No. 37531 (Use and Requirements of the

Government Employees Housing Authority), Lot No .498 (950 square metres) . (Diagram 84805, Plan Cue2 000 16 .07 (Darlot Street) .)

File No. 5171/54V2 .ESPERANCE.-No . 37535 (Recreation), Location

No. 457 (43.900 4 hectares) . (Reserve 201, Plan Esper-ance 1 :50 000 (Ravensthorpe-Esperance Road) .)

File No. 1086/980 .PORT DENISON.-No. 37540 (Government Re-

quirements), Lot No . 531 (860 5 square metres) .(Original Plan 14893, Plan Port Denison 2 000 34 .01(Ocean Drive, in the Shire of Irwin) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

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REVOCATION OF ORDERS IN COUNCIL .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to revoke as follows :-

File No. 2767/98, V2 .-The Order in Council issuedtinder portion of Executive Council Minute No. 305dated 10 February 1960 whereby Reserve No . 614(Plantagenet Location 102) was vested in the AlbanyRoad Board in trust for the purpose of "Recreationand Camping" and to approve of the cancellation ofthe relevant Vesting Order accordingly .

File No. 1321/58.-The Order in Council issued underportion, of Executive Council Minute No . 1920 dated17 July 1974 whereby Reserve No . 25168 (Walpolelot 163) was vested in the Shire of Manjimup in trustfor the purpose of "Infant Health Centre and Kinder-garten" and to approve of the cancellation of therelevant Vesting Order accordingly .y File No. 1960/64.-The Order in Council issued underportion of Executive Council Minute No . 919 dated27 April 1966, whereby Reserve No. 28073 (Kalgoorlielots R 576 to R 582 inclusive) was vested in the Townof Kalgoorlie in trust for the purpose of "Recreation"and to approve of the cancellation of the relevantVesting Order accordingly .File No. 2877/981 .-The Order in Council issued

under portion of Executive Council Minute No . 3283dated 27 October 1981 whereby Reserve No . 37480(Canning Location 3194) was vested in the MetropolitanWater Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Board in trustfor "Sewage Purposes" and to approve of the cancella-tion of the relevant Vesting Order accordingly .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

AMENDMENT OF RESERVES .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve, under section 37 of the LandAct 1933 of the amendment of the following Reserves :-File No. 925/96, V.3.-No. 3287 (at Esperance)

"Racecourse, Recreation and Agricultural Showground"to include Esperance Lot 827 as surveyed and shown onLands and Surveys Diagram 84609 and of its areabeing increased to 22 .455 .9 hectares, accordingly . (PlanE .109-4 (Brazier Street) .)

File No. 1649/96. No. 3306 (Coolgardie lots 1920and 2043) "Public Works" to exclude Coolgardie lot2043 and of its area being reduced to about 7 .6978hectares, accordingly . (Plan Coolgardie 2000 9 .11(Taylor Street) .)File No . 9730/05.-No. 9893 (Murray locations 1552

and 1590) "Government Requirements" to exclude thoseportions containing an area of 130 square metresand 534 square metres as comprised in Murray locations1736 and 1737 respectively both as surveyed and shownon Lands and Surveys Diagram 84831 and of its areabeing reduced to 1 .828 4 hectares, accordingly . (PlanMandurah 2000 2 .34 (Old Coast Road) .)

File No. 3605/07.-No. 11184 (Mount Magnet lots237 and 250) "Excepted from Sale" to exclude MountMagnet lot 237 and of its area being reduced to 1 012square metres, accordingly. (Plan Mount MagnetTownsite (Priestley & Watson Street) .)

File No. 402/13.--No. 14963, (Boddington Lots 33,81 and 84) "Caravan Park" to include BoddingtonLots 82 and 85 and of its area being increased to2.635 5 hectares, accordingly. (Plan Boddington Townsite(Wuraming Avenue) .)File No . 893/16.-No. 16969 (Avon, Kojonup,

Plantagenet, Williams Districts) "Railway (GreatSouthern)" to include Avon Location 28630 and PingellyLot 848 both as surveyed and shown on Original Plan14521 and of its area being increased to about2 286.538 6 hectares, accordingly. (Plan Pingelly 20005.2 (Marconi Street) .)

[18 December 1981.

File No. 2168/69. No. 18865 (Victoria District)"Excepted from Sale" to exclude the area surveyed andshown on Lands and Surveys Diagram 84809 as Vic-toria location 11457 and of its area being reduced toabout 1998.0181 hectares, accordingly . (Plan Boul-langer and Hill River 1:50000 (Jurien Road) .)

File No. 3607/61.-No. 26175 (Kent location 1704)"Water" to include Kent location 2063 as shown onOriginal Plan 15167 and of its area being increasedto 704.210 6 hectares, accordingly. (Plan Mainnerup1:50000 (Ravensthorpe-Jerramungup Road) .)

File No . 2717/62.-No. 26754 (Kalamunda lot 438)"Recreation" to include Kalamunda lot 597 (formerlyportion of Kalamunda lot 125 being lot 24 on Diagram30506) and of its area being increased to 1 .1022 hec-tares, accordingly. (Plan Perth 2000 24.19 (KershawAvenue, Lesmurdie) .)

File No . 1991/63 .-No . 27327 (Swan District)"Recreation and Park" to comprise Swan location 7840as shown on Lands and Surveys Reserve Plan 199 andof its area being increased to about 4.2200 hectares,accordingly . (Plans Perth 2000 11 .19 ; 12.19 (ArdrossStreet) .)

File No. 1646/61.-No. 27522 (Wubin lot 80) "WaterSupply" to comprise Wubin lot 86 as surveyed andshown on Lands and Surveys Diagram 84816 and ofits area being reduced to 41 .245 2 hectares, accordingly .(Plan Wubin Regional (Great Northern Highway) .)File No. 1250/55.-No. 28314 (Geraldton lot 1738)

"Government Requirements" to exclude the area survey-ed and shown on Lands and Surveys Diagram 84803as Geraldton lot 2836 and of its area being reduced to2 434 square metres, accordingly . (Plan Geraldton 200014.14 (Shenton Street) .)File No. 1631/66.-No. 29043 (Murray locations

1587 and 1703) "Hall Site and Children's Playground"to comprise Murray location 1736 as surveyed andshown on Lands and Surveys Diagram 84831 in lieuof locations 1587 and 1703 and of its area being in-creased to 3 185 square metres, accordingly . (PlanMandurah 2000 2.34 (Old Coast Road) .)

File No. 1459/67.-No. 29453 (Victoria locations10968 and 11217) "Water Supply" to include Victorialocation 11457 and of its area being increased to 22.109 9hectares, accordingly . (Plan Boullanger and Hill River1:50000 (Jurien Road) .)File No . 2405/66.-No. 31240 (Plantagenet locations

7040 and 7041) "Government Requirements" to excludethe area surveyed and shown on Lands and SurveysDiagram 84458 as Plantagenet location 7471 and of itsarea being reduced to 9442 .2253 hectares, accordingly .(Plan 446/80 E4 (Cape Riche Road in the Shire ofAlbany) .)

File No . 2275/74.-No. 32733 (Geraldton lot 2633)"Drainage" to include Geraldton lot 2836 and of itsarea being increased to 1 335 square metres, according-ly. (Plan Geraldton 2000 14 .14 (Shenton Street) .)

File No . 2133/73.-No. 35274 (Kalgoorlie lot 3618)"High School Site" to exclude the area surveyed andshown coloured dark brown on Original Plan 15158and of its area being reduced to 12 541 7 hectares,accordingly. (Plan Kalgoorlie Boulder and Environs28.40 (Cotter Street) .)File No. 2716/78.-No. 35888 (Murray location

1685) "Fire Station Site" to comprise Murray location1737 as surveyed and shown on Lands and SurveysDiagram 84831 in lieu of location 1685 and of itsarea remaining unaltered at 1800 square metres,accordingly. (Plan Mandurah 2000 2 .34 (Old CoastRoad) .)

File No . 2355/981 .-No. 37380 (King location 515)"Protection of Diversion Dam" to agree with recalcula-tion of area and of its area being increased to 79 .809 7hectares, accordingly. (Plan Deception Range andIvanhoe SE (Duncan Highway in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

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18 December 1981 .]


CANCELLATION OF RESERVES .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve, under section 37 of the LandAct 1933 of the cancellation of the following Reserves :-

File No. 13784/01.-No. 8136 (Kalgoorlie Lot 1437)"Use and Requirements of the Government EmployeesHousing Authority" . (Plan Kalgoorlie-Boulder 29 .36(Salisbury Street) .)File No . 3158/17.-No. 17058 (Avon Location

17658) "Church Site (Congregationalists)" . (Plan Bul-garin 1 :50 000 (in the Shire of Tammin) .)

File No . 6960/23 .-No. 18474 (Bodallin Lot 27)"Use and Requirements of the Minister for Works"(Plan Bodallin Townsite (Corboy Street) .)File No. 1529/41.-No. 22310 (Boddington Lots 82

and 85) "Police". (Plan Boddington Townsite (Wura-ming Avenue) .)

File No . 2318/51.-No. 23770 (Watheroo Lot 69)"Use and Requirements of the Government EmployeesHousing Authority" . (Plan Watheroo Townsite (MarahStreet in the Shire of Moora) .)File No . 1960/64.-No. 28073 (Kalgoorlie Lots

R576 to R582 inclusive) "Recreation" . (Plan KalgoorlieBoulder and Environs 28 .37 (Hay Street) .)File No. 4004/74.-No. 32973 (Meekatharra Lot

246) "Use and Requirement of the Shire of Meeka-tharra" . (Plan Meekatharra Townsite (Darlot Street) .)

File No . 936/57.-No. 37163 (Melbourne Location4061) "Use and Requirements of the Government Em-ployees Housing Authority". (Plan Wannamel 2135 -IV N.W. (Mogumber-Yarawindah Road) .)

File No. 1252/79-No. 37182 (Broome Lots 1235and 1261) "Use and Requirements of the GovernmentEmployees Housing Authority". (Plan Broome 200029.14 (Piggott Way) .)

File No . 6781/04, V2 .-No. 37187 (Kalgoorlie Lot1528) "Use and Requirements of the Government Em-ployees Housing Authority" . (Plan Kalgoorlie Boulderand Environs 30.36 (Whitlock Street) .)

File No. 3462/77.-No. 37248 (Lancelin Lot 470)"Use and Requirements of the Government EmployeesHousing Authority" . (Plan Lancelin 2000 21 .07 (Whit-field Street) .)

File No. 2005/78.-No. 37259 (Wyndham Lots 936,1100 and 1220) "Use and Requirements of the Govern-ment Employees Housing Authority (Plan Wyndham2000 22 .08 and 22 .09 (Delamere and Dulverton Streetsin the Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley) .)

File No . 4277/74.-No. 37293 (Laverton Lot 218)"Use and Requirements of Government EmployeesHousing Authority" . (Plan Laverton 2000 4 .34 (Duke-ton Street in the Shire of Laverton) .)

B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

CHANGE OF PURPOSE OF RESERVES .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve, under section 37 of the LandAct 1933, of the change of purpose of the followingReserves:-

File No. 2767/98, V .2.-No. 614 (Plantagenet Loca-tion 102) being changed from "Recreation and Camping"to "Recreation". (Plan A76-4 (Frenchman Road) .)

File No. 2104/61.-No. 26174 (Kent Location 1702)being changed from "Water" to "Water, Recreation andParklands". (Plan Mainnerup 1 :50 000 (Ravensthorpe-Jerramungup Road) .)

File No . 1321/58.-No. 25168 (Walpole Lot 163)being changed from "Infant Health Centre and Kinder-garten" to "Infant Health Centre and Pre-PrimaryCentre" . (Plan Walpole Townsite (Vista Street in theShire of Manjimup) .)

File No. 3607/61 .-No. 26175 (Kent Locations 1704and 2063) being changed from "Water" to "Water, Re-creation and Parklands" . (Plan Mainnerup 1 :50 000(Ravensthorpe-Jerramungup Road) .)File No. 2103/61 .-No. 26195 (Kent Location 1703)

being changed from "Water" to "Water, Recreation andParklands". (Plan Mainnerup 1 :50 000 (Ravensthorpe-Jerramungup Road) .)

File No. 2717/62.-No. 26754 (Kalamunda Lots 438and 597) being changed from "Recreation" to "PublicRecreation" . (Plan Perth 2 000 24 .19 (h ershaw Avenue,Lcsmurdie) .)

File No. 2580/69 .-No. 30097 (Onslow Lot 549)being changed from "Depot (Main Roads Department)"to "Power Station Site". (Plan Onslow 39 .05 (NorthWest Highway) .)

File No. 1171/65.-No. 31084 (Wyndham Lot 1241)being changed from "Fire Station Site" to "Plant NurserySite". (Plan Wyndham Sheet 2 (Ord Street) .)File No . 2877/981.-No. 37480 (Canning Location

3194) being changed from "Sewage Purposes" to "Sewer-age Purposes" . (Plan Perth 2 000 16 .20 (Carson Street,St. James in the City of Perth) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .

Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 11 December 198- .

File No. 2004/78 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of theLand Act 1933, of Greenhead Lot 31 being made avail-able for sale in fee simple at the purchase price of onethousand five hundred dollars ($1500 .00) and subjectto the payment for improvements at valuation, in cash,should the successful applicant be other than the formerlessee . (Plan Greenhead Townsite (Morcombe Street) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

5199 .

LAND ACT 1933 .

Land Release.

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 11 December, 1981 .

File No. 2778/980 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933, of Swan Location 10226 being made availablefor sale in fee simple to adjoining holders only at thepurchase price of one hundred and fifty dollars($150.00) .Applications, accompanied by the amount of $150,

must be lodged at the Department of Lands and Sur-veys, Perth, on or before Wednesday 23 December 1981 .

All applications lodged on or before the closing datewill be treated as having been received on that date,and if there are more applications than one for thelocation, the application to be granted will be decidedby the Land Board . (Plan Perth 2000 17 .32 (NearMorley Drive, Morley) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

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LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release.

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 11 December 1981 .

File No. 2782/980 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of theLand Act 1933, of Swan Location 10235 being madeavailable for sale in fee simple to adjoining holdersonly at the purchase price of one hundred and fiftydollars ($150 .00) .Applications, accompanied by the amount of $150 .00

must be lodged at the Department of Lands and Sur-veys, Perth, on or before Wednesday 23 December 1981 .

Any applications lodged on or before the closing datewill be treated as having been received on that date,and if there are more applications than one for thelocation, the application to be granted will be decidedby the Land Board . (Plan Perth 2 000 17 .32 (MorleyDrive, Morley) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 11 December 1981 .

File No . 2995/78 .APPLICATIONS are invited under section 45A of theLand Act 1933 for the purchase in fee simple ofLake King Lot 164 containing an area of 2 365 squaremetres for the purpose of "Tavern" at the purchaseprice of $2000.00 and subject to the followingconditions:-

(a) The purchaser shall erect on the lot purchaseda "Tavern" to comply with Local Authorityby-laws within two (2) years from the duedate of the first instalment . If this conditionhas not been complied with in the timeprescribed, the land may be absolutely forfeitedtogether with all purchase money and fees thatmay have been paid .On payment of the first instalment of purchasemoney a license will be available upon whicha mortgage can be registered. A Crown Grant(freehold) will not issue until the purchaserhas complied with the building conditions .

(b) A deposit of 10% of the purchase price ispayable on application and the balance ofpurchase money shall be paid within twelvemonths of the date of approval of applicationby four (4) equal quarterly instalments onthe first days of January, April, July andOctober in each year. The first instalment ofpurchase money shall become due and payableon the first day of the quarter next followingthe date of approval of application, theCrown Grant fee being payable with the lastinstalment of purchase money, but a CrownGrant shall not issue until the conditionsunder which the lot was made available forsale have been fulfilled .

(c) Intending applicants shall submit with theirapplication detailed plans of proposeddevelopment together with a proposeddevelopment programme. In this regard,applicants are strongly advised to consult withthe Local Authority prior to submitting anapplication . The Minister for Lands reserves theright to refuse any application on the groundsthat the proposed development is inadequateor unsuitable.

(d) The successful applicant will be required toobtain a provisional certificate for a TavernLicence issued by the Licensing Court ofWestern Australia . Such application shall bemade within four months from the date ofacceptance of the land application . Should theapplicant fail to do so or be unsuccessful in


[18 December 1981 .

the application to the Licensing Court, the landapplication will be cancelled and the depositpaid refunded.

(e) The successful applicant must acknowledge thefact that a reticulated water supply will notbe available in the forseeable future andpurchasers will be responsible for their ownwater requirements .

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Governor'spermission to hold this land . Written approval of thePermanent Head concerned should accompany suchapplication .Applications, accompanied by a deposit of $200 .00

must be lodged at the Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth on or before Wednesday, 20 January 1982Together with the required detailed information andcompleted Land Board questionnaire .

All applications lodged on or before the closing datewill be treated as having been received on that date,and if there are more applications than one for thelot the application to be granted will be decided bythe Land Board .

(Plans Lake King 37 .16 and 37.17 (Varley Road) .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 11 December 1981 .

File No. 2995/78 .APPLICATIONS are invited under section 45A of theLand Act 1933 for the purchase in fee simple of LakeKing Lot 165 containing an area of 5415 square metresfor the purpose of "Motel" at the purchase price of$2 000.00 and subject to the following conditions:-

(a) The purchaser shall erect on the lot purchaseda "Motel" to comply with Local AuthorityBy-laws within two (2) years from the duedate of the first instalment . If this conditionhas not been complied with in the time pre-scribed, the land may be absolutely forfeitedtogether with all purchase money and fees thatmay have been paid .On payment of the first instalment of

purchase money a licence will be availableupon which a mortgage can be registered . ACrown Grant (freehold) will not issue untilthe purchaser has complied with the buildingconditions .

(b) A deposit of 10% of the purchase price ispayable on application and the balance ofpurchase money shall be paid within twelvemonths of the date of approval of applica-tion by four (4) equal quarterly instalmentson the first days of January, April, July andOctober in each year . The first instalmentof purchase money shall become due andpayable on the first day of the quarter nextfollowing the date of approval of application,the Crown Grant fee being payable with thelast instalment of purchase money, but aCrown Grant shall not issue until the condi-tions under which the lot was made availablefor sale have been fulfilled .

(c) Intending applicants shall submit with theirapplication detailed plans of proposed develop-ment, together with a proposed develop-ment programme . In this regard, applicantsare strongly advised to consult with the LocalAuthority prior to submitting an application .The Minister for Lands reserves the right torefuse any application on the grounds that theproposed development is inadequate or un-suitable .

(d) The successful applicant must acknowledgethe fact that a reticulated water supply willnot be available in the forseeable future andpurchasers will be responsible for their ownwater requirements .

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18 December 1981 .]

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Gov-ernor's permission to hold this land . Written approvalof the Permanent Head concerned should accompanysuch application .

Applications accompanied by a deposit of $200 .00must be lodged at the Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth on or before Wednesday, 20 January 1982together with the required detailed information andcompleted Land Board questionnaire .

All applications lodged on or before the closing datewill be treated as having been received on that date,,and if there are more applications than one for thelot the application to be granted will be decided bythe Land Board .

(Plans Lake King 37 .16 and 37.17 (Varley Road) .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

APPLICATION FOR LEASING .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 11 December 1981 .Corres. 2906/76 .

APPLICATIONS are invited under section 32 of theLand Act 1933 for the leasing of that portion ofReserve No. 35899 (Mount Kokeby Lots 14, 40, 41and 60) containing an area of 1 .433 4 hectares for thepurpose of "Grazing" for a term of 1 year at a rentalof $40 .00.

The land is made available for leasing subject tothe following conditions :

(1) The land shall not be used for any purposeother than "Grazing" without the priorapproval in writing of the Minister for Lands .

(2) The lease shall be renewable at the will ofthe Minister for Lands and subject to deter-mination at three months' notice by eitherparty after the initial term of one (1) year .Should the lease be so renewed, the rentalfixed may be reappraised at such amount asthe Minister for Lands may at any time andfrom time to time determine .

(3) The lessee shall not without the previousconsent in writing of the Minister for Landsassign, transfer, mortgage, sublet or part withthe possession of the demised land .

(4) The land shall be occupied and used by thelessee for the purpose specified within nine (9)months of the commencement of the leaseand thereafter will be continuously so used tothe satisfaction of the Minister .

(5) The lessee shall, within twelve months fromcommencement of the lease, fence the externalboundaries to the satisfaction of the Minister .

(6) No structures will be erected without theprior approval in writing of the Minister forLands.The lessee shall indemnify the Minister againstall claims for damage to property or personsarising from the use of the land .

(8) The Minister or his representative may enterthe land for inspection at any reasonable time .

(9) Compensation shall not be payable to thelessee in respect of any improvements effectedby him on the demised land and remainingthereon at the expiration or earlier determina-tion of the lease .

(10) It shall be lawful for the lessee at any timewithin the three calendar months immediatelyfollowing the expiration of the term or earlierdetermination of the lease, to take down, re-move, and carry away any buildings, structures,improvements and plant the property of thelessee.

(11) On determination of the lease, the lessee shallfill in, consolidate and level off any uneven-ness, excavation or hole caused by him duringthe term of the lease or by removal of hisimprovements and shall leave the demised landin a clean, neat and tidy condition to thesatisfaction of the Minister for Lands andshall remove any or all waste matter asrequired by the Minister .




(12) Power is reserved to the Minister for Landsto direct that that number of stock depasturingon the demised land shall be reduced if theMinister is of the opinion that the demisedland is overstocked to an extent sufficient orlikely to cause permanent damage to the land ;failure to comply with any such direction willresult in the forfeiture of the lease .

Applications must be lodged at the Department ofLands and Surveys, Perth on or before Wednesday, 13January 1982 accompanied by a deposit of $43 .00 to-gether with the completed Land Board Questionnaire .

All applications lodged on or before that date willbe treated as having been received on the closing date,and if there are more applications than one for thelots, the application to be granted will be decided bythe Land Board .

(Mt Kokeby 2000 BH 33 Pts 38 .36, 38 .37, 39 .36,39.37 (Ludgate Street) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 11 December 1981 .

IT is hereby notified for General Information that theland Board has determined that the following Appli-cations for Land shall be granted .

Derby Lot 631, containing 2 .0234 hectares to beleased for the purpose of "Agriculture", to Peter LloydRing of 339 Rowan Street, Derby, W .A .

Yurabi Locations, situated at Fitzroy Crossing, to beleased for the purpose of "Cultivation and Grazing" :-

Location 16, containing 3 .683 8 hectares, to JamesRobert Motter of Cherrabun Station, FitzroyCrossing, W .A.

Location 17, containing 4.589 1 hectares, toTerrance James O'Grady and Carol AnnO'Grady both of the Crossing Inn, FitzroyCrossing, W .A .

Location 18, containing 4 .716 9 hectares, to KeithClifford Anderson of Leopold Downs Stationvia Fitzroy Crossing, W .A .

Location 19, containing 4.6219 hectares, to RonaldKevin George and Marguerite Jean Paine bothof P.O. Box 425, Broome, W.A .

Location 20, containing 4 .355 7 hectares, to RodneyHand and Maria Virginia Hand both of theDepartment of Community Welfare Hostel,Fitzroy Crossing, W.A.

Fitzroy Locations, situated at Derby, to be leasedfor the purpose of "Agriculture" :-

Location 104 containing 1 .141 8 hectares, toWilliam King C/o Box 303, Derby, W .A.

Location 105 containing 1 .000 0 hectare, to MarkDodd of P .O. Box 533, Broome, W.A .

Location 106 containing 1 .000 0 hectare, to GeorgeHerbert Say C/o Box 159, Derby, W .A.

Location 107 containing 2.8444 hectares, toCornelius Franciscus L. M. Haverkort andHelen Mary Haverkort both C/o the StateHealth Laboratory, Regional Hospital, Derby,W.A.

Location 108 containing 1 .313 4 hectares, to VictorGeorge William Green and Wendy Green bothof the Looma Community P.M.B. 2 Derby,W.A .

Location 109 containing 3 .184 3 hectares, to ClydeRussell Russ and Lesley Gay Russ both ofMt Barnett Station via Derby, W .A.

Location 112 containing 1 .1012 hectares to PeterBrooking of P .O. Box 228, Derby, W .A.

Location 114 containing 1 .000 0 hectare to NormaLillian Brierley of P .O. Box 198, Derby, W.A .

Location 115 containing 1 .000 0 hectare to KennethJames Prouse of P.O. Box 198, Derby, W .A .

Location 116 containing 9 982 square metres toPeter Richard Kneebone of P .O. Box 302,Derby, W.A

Location 131 containing 9 982 square metres toColin Raymond Russ and Cheryl Jane Russboth of Gibb River Station via Derby, W .A .

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[18 December 1981 .

Location 132 containing 1 .265 2 hectares to DennisStanley Christophers and Colleen Ann Christo-phers both of 681 Kunamarra Street, Derby,W.A .

Location 133 containing 1 .144 9 hectares to JosephFrancis Boschetti of 4 Rowell, Crescent, Derby,W.A .

Location 134 containing 1 .000 0 hectare to CarlJohn Drysdale of P.O. Box 419, Derby, W.A .,

Location 135 containing 1 .000 0 hectare to NorbertRohringer and Ann-Britt Rohringer both of598 Knowsley Street, Derby, W .A .

B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

HOUSING ACT 1980 .Cancellation of Dedication .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .Corres. No. 847/44 V4 .

IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governorin Executive Council has been pleased to cancel underthe provisions of the Housing Act 1980, the dedicationof the lands described in the following Schedule .

R. W. MICKLE,Acting Under Secretary for Lands .

Schedule .Lot or Location No ; Corres. No .

Canning Location 1703 ; 619/57 .Swan Location 6101 ; 3806/56 .Swan Location 6422 ; 631/58 .Swan Location 6888 ; 2327/59 .Swan Location 7148 ; 1205/60 .Swan Location 7416 ; 794/61 .

SPECIAL LEASE .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 11 December 1981 .File No . 1653/71 .

IT is hereby notified for general information that it isintended to lease for a term of twenty one years KingLocation 208 for the purpose of Agriculture to ArthurEdward John Hobbs and Doreen Tyrrell Hobbs .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

NAMING OF LEES PARK .City of Cockburn .

Department of Lands and Serveys,Perth, 18 December J981 .

No. 1831/61 .IT is hereby notified for general information that thename of "Lees Park" has been applied to those portionsof Cockburn Sound Location 15 being part of Lot 17on Diagram 23584 and Lot 24 on Diagram 39127 andbeing the whole of the land comprised in Certificatesof Title Volume 1443 Folio 863 and Volume 367Folio 88A respectively .

(Public Plan Peel 1 :2 000 10 .40.)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

SUBURBAN LAND .Gascoyne Location 323 .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 1253/75 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve, under section 10 of the LandAct 1933, of Gascoyne Location 323 being set apartas Suburban Land .

(Plan Carnarvon Regional 1 :10000 (in the Shire ofCarnarvon) . )

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .


Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

Corres. No. 3278/981 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the name Leschenault being applied to thelocality, in the Shire of Harvey, shown bordered inpink on Miscellaneous Plan No . 1156 .

(Public Plans Lake Preston S .E. 1 :25000 and Bun-bury 1 :10000 2.1 and 1 .8 .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

NAMING OF LOCALITIES.Shire of Port Hedland .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

Corres. No. 2010/71D .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the naming of localities in the Shire of PortHedland, as set out in the Schedule hereunder .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

Schedule .Name ; Description .

Mindaroo ; Shown bordered Light Green onMiscellaneous Plan 925 .

Kleinig ; Shown bordered black on MiscellaneousPlan 925 .

Koombana ; Shown bordered dark blue on Miscel-laneous Plan 925 .

Madarinah; Shown bordered purple on Miscel-laneous Plan 925 .

South Hedland ; Shown bordered dark green onMiscellaneous Plan 925 .

Wedgefield ; Shown bordered yellow on Miscel-laneous Plan 925 .

Redbank; Shown bordered light blue on Miscel-laneous Plan 925 .

(Public Plan Port Hedland Regional 1 :10 000 5.5, 5.6,5 .7, 6 .6 and 6 .7 .)

NAMING OF STREET.Shire of Port Hedland .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

Corres. No. 3306/981 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the name Golf Road being applied to thewhole of Road No . 16318 ; commencing from the south-western side of a surveyed road on the left bank ofSouth Creek and extending southwestward along thesoutheastern boundary of Forrest location 5164 (Res-erve No. 35915) and onward along and through partof Reserve No. 9701 to terminate on the northernside of Quartz Quarry Road .

(Public Plan Port Hedland 1 :10000 5 .5 .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

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18 December 1981 .]

NAMING OF STREETS .Shire of Wanneroo .

Department of Land and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

Corres. No. 2895/59, V2 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve under section 10 of the Land Act1933 of the naming of Streets, in the Shire of Wan-neroo, as set out in the Schedule hereunder .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lanc.

Schedule .(a) Mosey Street- All that portion of surveyed road

commencing from the southeastern side of GnangaraRoad (Road No. 7815) and extending southeastwardalong the northeastern boundary' of Lot 100 of SwanLocation 1599 (Land Titles Office Diagram 61520)thence southward along the eastern boundaries of thesaid Lot 100 and Lot 101 of Location 1599 (Diagram61519) to terminate at a line in prolongation eastwardof the southern boundary of the last mentioned lot .

(b) Rimmer Road-All that portion of surveyedroad from the northeastern side of Mosey Street(Described in (a) above) and extending northeastwardalong the southeastern boundaries of Lots 73, 74 and75 of Swan Location 1599 (Land Titles Office Diagram57256) Lot 76 of Location 1599 (Diagram 57258) Lot15- of Locations 2288 and 7365 (Diagram 42894) andLot 16 of Locations 2288 and 7365 (Diagram 42895)to terminate at a line in prolongation southward ofthe eastern boundary of the last mentioned lot .

(Public Plan Swan 10 000 3 .1 .)

CH NGE OF NAME OF STREET.City of Gosnells .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 3137/70 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the change of name of part of Austin Avenueto Caruso Court; commencing from a line in prolonga-tion southward of the eastern side of Belmont Road(Road No . 3906) and extending northeastward along thenorthwestern boundary of part of Lot 168 of CanningLocation 13 (Land Titles Office Plan 10855) and thenorthwestern boundaries of Lots 169 and 170 of Loca-tion 13 (Plan 10855) to terminate on the southwesternside of Davison Street.

(Public Plan Perth 2000 20 .15 .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .


Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No . 5557/51 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the change of name of part of Pearson Streetto Pearson Place; commencing from the northwesternboundary of Swan Location 9896 (Reserve No . 35968)and extending northwestward to and along the north-eastern boundary of Lots 796 to 809 inclusive of Perth-shire Locations Am and Al (Land Titles Office Plan6286) to terminate at a line in prolongation north-eastward of the southeastern side of T urriff Road .

(Public Plan Perth 2000 9 .27 and 10 .27 .)B. L. O'HALLORAN .Under Secretary for Lands .



CHANGE OF NAME OF STREET.Town of Claremont .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 7351/22.IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the change of name of part of Elliott Roadto Shenton Place ; commencing from the northern sideof Shenton Road and extending northward along theeastern boundaries of Lots 9 and 14 of Swan LocationP.230 (Land Titles Office Diagram 19784) and alongpart of the eastern boundary of Lot 21 of LocationP.230 (Land Titles Office Diagram 25986) to terminateat a southern boundary of Swan Location 7813 (Res-erve No . 27367) .

(Public Plans Perth 2000 8 .21 and 8 .22.)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

CHANGE OF NAME OF STREETS .Shire of Beverley .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

Cones. No . 1436/980 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933 of the change of street names in the Shire ofBeverley as set out in the Schedule hereunder .

B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

Schedule .(a) Part of Clulow Road to Leigh Road ; being all

that portion of surveyed road commencing from aline in prolongation southward of the western boundaryof Avon Location 9958 and extending eastward alongthe northern boundary of the eastern severance ofLocation 10244 and the northern boundary of Location9108 to terminate at the western side of Road No . 3861 .

(b) Part of Clulow Road to Batys Road ; being allthat portion of Road No . 5864 commencing from thenorthern side of Road No . 3861 and extending north-ward along the eastern boundary of the southeasternseverance of Location 10694 to terminate at a linein prolongation northeastward of the northernmostnorthwestern boundary of the said severance .

(Public Plan Quajabin 1 :50 000 .)


Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 September 1981 .

Corres. No. 830/72, V2.IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933 of the change of name of streets in the Shireof Gingin, as described in the Schedule hereunder .

B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

Schedule .(a) part of Brockman Street to Cheriton Road being

that portion of Road No. 9930 commencing at a linein prolongation eastward of the northern side of Gingin

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Brook Road (Road No . 1903) and extending northwardthrough portion of Swan location 398 to terminate at thenorthern boundary of Gingin Townsite .

(b) part of Gingin Brook Road to Brockman Streetbeing the whole of Road No. 1903 and portion ofRoad No. 17 commencing at a line in prolongationsouthward of the western side of Cheriton Roaddescribed in (a) above and extending westward alongthe northern boundary of Swan Location 375 thencenorthwestward along a northeastern boundary of thesaid location and through portion of location 398 toterminate at a line in prolongation southward of theeastern boundary of location 389 .

(Public Plans Gingin 2000 15 .12 and Regional .)

CHANGE OF NAME OF STREET.Shire of Mandurah .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 5337/52, V3 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933 of the change of name of Part of Red Road toManna Road ; commencing from the northern side ofLakes Road and extending northwestward along thesouthwestern boundary of Lot 5 of Cockburn SoundLocation 16 (Land Titles Office Plan 6646), Lot 28 ofLocation 16 (Plan 7089), and onward to and alongthe southwestern boundary of Lot 29 of Location 16(Plan 7089) to terminate at a line in prolongationwestward of the northern boundary of the last mentionedlot.

(Public Plan Mandurah and Environs 1 :10000 2 .1 .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

CHANGE OF NAME OF STREET.Shire of Narembeen .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 3309/981 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933 of the change of name of part of Cumminin Road(Road No. 4940) to Koolberrin Road ; commencingfrom the northwestern side of Kondinin NarembeenRoad and extending northwestward along the south-western boundary of Avon Location 19892, thencethrough Location 17212 and 17210, then westward alongthe southern boundary of Location 17209 thence to andalong the southern boundary of Lot 1 of Location 27180(Land Titles Office Diagram 60073) and the southern-most southern boundary of the eastern severance ofLocation 27179 to terminate at a line in prolongationsouthward of the western boundary of the said severance .

(Public Plan Narembeen 1 :50 000 .)B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

CHANGE OF NAME OF STREETS .Shire of Wanneroo .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

Corres. No. 1036/71 .IT is herby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve, under section 10 of the Land Act1933, of the change cf street names in the Shire ofWanneroo as set out in the Schedule hereunder .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

[18 December 1981 .

Schedule.(a) Dania Close to Atwick Way ; commencing from

the southwestern side of Deyoung Road and extendingsouthwestward along the southeastern boundary of Lot627 of Swan Location 1370 (Land Titles Office Plan13495) to terminate at a line in prolongation southeast-ward of the southern boundary of the said Lot 627 .

(b) Gretel Avenue to Gretel Court ; commencingfrom the eastern side of Sovereign Drive and extendingnortheastward along the southeastern boundaries ofLots 213, 212 and 211 of Swan Location 1370 (LandTitles Office Plan 10776) thence northwestward alongthe northeastern boundary of the said Lot 211 toterminate at a southeastern boundary of Lot 4 ofLocation 1370 (Land Titles Office Plan 10758) .

(Public Plan Swan 2000 8 .02 and 8 .03 and Yanchep2 000 36 .35 .)

SALE OF UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT LANDS .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .Corres. No. 7605/04, V3 .

IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Executive Council has beenpleased to approve under the provisions of the Uni-versity Endowment Act Amendment Act 1927 of thesale of the lands set out in the Schedule hereunder .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

Schedule.Land ; Certificate of Title Volume ; Folio .

Beacon Lot 45 ; 1029; 547 .Ardath Lot 3 ; 1029 ; 550 .Karlgarin Lot 32 ; 1029; 549 .Kulja Lot 39; 1029 ; 545 .Morawa Lot 122; 1029; 551 .Pithara Lot 10 ; 1029 ; 546 .Broomehill Lot 263 ; Crown Grant 311/124 .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No . 1897/47 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933, of Brookton Lot 26 being made available forsale in fee simple at the purchase price of two thousanddollars ($2 000 .00) and subject to the payment forimprovements at valuation, in cash, should the success-ful applicant be other than the former lessee .

(Plan Brookton 1 .18 (Corner Smith and RichardsonStreets) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 941/980 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933, of Broome Lot 974 being made available forsale in fee simple at the purchase price of one thousandone hundred and fifty dollars ($1 150 .00) and subjectto the payment for improvements at valuation, in cash,should the successful applicant be other than theformer lessee .

(Plan Broome 2 000 29 .14 (Gregory Street) .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands.

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18 December 1981 .]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A.


LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No . 3193/79 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of theLand Act 1933, of Collie lot 2069 being made availablefor sale in fee simple at the purchase price of twothousand two hundred and ninety dollars ($2 290 .00)and subject to the payment for improvements at valua-tion, in cash, should the successful applicant be otherthan the former lessee .

(Plan Collie 2 000 31 .31 (Marshall Street) .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release.

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No . 3895/74.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933, of Coolgardie Lots 42 and 45 being madeavailable for sale in fee simple at the purchase priceof five hundred dollars ($500 .00) per lot and subjectto the payment for improvements at valuation, in cash,should the successful applicant be other than the formerowner.

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Gover-nor's permission to hold this land . Written approvalof the Permanent Head concerned should accompanysuch application .

Applications, accompanied by a deposit of $50 .00must be lodged at the Department of Lands andSurveys, Perth, on or before Wednesday 23 December1981 .

All applications lodged on or before the closing datewill be treated as having been received on that date,and if there are more applications than one for eitherlot, the application to be granted will be decided by theLand Board.

(Plan Coolgardie 2 000 9 .11 (Woodward Street) .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release.

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 2560/70 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933, of Exmouth Lot 846 being made availablefor sale in fee simple at the purchase price of onethousand dollars ($1000.00) and subject to thepayment for improvements at valuation, in cash, shouldthe successful applicant be other than the formerlessee.

(Plan Exmouth 2000 15 .11 (Brockman Street) .)B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 2496/01, V2 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933 of Kalgoorlie Lot 1735 being made availablefor sale in fee simple at the purchase price of fivehundred dollars ($500.00) and subject to the paymentfor improvements at valuation, in cash, should the suc-cessful applicant be other than the former lessee.

(Plan Kalgoorlie-Boulder 30.38 (Corner Barton andMafeking Streets) .)

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 974/980 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933 of Karratha Lot 2493 being made availablefor sale in fee simple at the purchase price of fivethousand and ten dollars ($5 010 .00) and subject to thepayment for improvements at valuation, in cash, shouldthe successful applicant be other than the former lessee .

(Plan Karratha 1 :2 000 32.24 (Coolawanyah Road) .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LAND ACT 1933 .Land Release .

Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18 December 1981 .

File No. 437/70 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to approve under section 45A of the LandAct 1933 of Port Hedland Lot 1014 being made avail-able for sale in fee simple at the purchase price oftwo thousand six hundred dollars ($2 600 .00) and sub-ject to the payment for improvements at valuation, incash, should the successful applicant be other thanthe former lessee.

(Plan Port Hedland 2000 24 .27 (Murrena Street) .)B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

APPLICATION FOR LEASING .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .Corres. 915/78 .

APPLICATIONS are invited under section 32 of theLand Act 1933 for the leasing of Gledhow Lot 101(Portion Reserve 30409) containing an area of 1.6946hectares for the purpose of "Grazing" for a term of1 year at a rental of $50 .00 .The land is made available for leasing subject to

the following conditions :-(1) The land shall not be used for any purpose

other than "Grazing" without the priorapproval in writing of the Minister for Lands .

(2) The lease shall be renewable at the will ofthe Minister for Lands and subject to deter-mination at three months' notice by eitherparty after the initial term of one (1) year .Should the lease be so renewed, the rentalfixed may be reappraised at such amount asthe Minister for Lands may at any time andfrom time to time determine .

(3) The lessee shall not without the previous con-sent in writing of the Minister for Landsassign, transfer, mortgage, sublet or part withthe possession of the demised land.

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[18 December 1981 .

(4) The land shall be occupied and used by thelessee for the purpose specified within nine(9) months of the commencement of thelease and thereafter will. be continuously soused to the satisfaction of the Minister .The lessee shall, within twelve months fromcommencement of the lease, fence the externalboundaries with a stock proof fence to thesatisfaction of the Minister .

(6) No structures will be erected without the priorapproval in writing of the Minister for Lands .

(7) The lessee shall not cut down, fell, injure ordestroy any living timber or scrub upon thedemised land except for the purpose ofdestroying poisonous growth or by the agist-ment of stock in reasonable numbers .The lessee shall indemnify the Ministeragainst all claims for damage to property orpersons arising from the use of the land .The Minister or his representative may enterthe land for inspection at any reasonable time .Compensation shall not be payable to thelessee in respect of any improvements effectedby him on the demised land and remainingthereon at the expiration or earlier determina-tion of the lease .

(11) Power is reserved to the Minister for Landsto direct that the number of stock depasturingon the demised land shall be reduced if theMinister is of the opinion that the demisedland is overstocked to an extent sufficient orlikely to cause permanent damage to the land ;failure to comply with any such direction willresult in the forfeiture of the lease .

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Gov-ernor's permission to hold this land . Written approvalof the Permanent Head concerned should accompanysuch application .

Applications must be lodged at the Department ofLands and Surveys, Perth on or before Wednesday20 January 1982, accompanied by a deposit of $48 .00,together with the completed Land Board Questionnaire .All applications lodged on or before that date will

be treated as having been received on the closing date,and if there are more applications than one for thelot, the application to be granted will be decided bythe Land Board .

(Plan Albany and Environs 08 .05 .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands.





LICATION FOR LEASING .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .Corres. 3702/980 .

APPLICATIONS are invited under section 116 of theLand Act 1933 for the leasing of all or portion of DeWitt Location 153 containing an area of 21,2122hectares for the purpose of "Roadhouse and TransportTerminal" for a term of 21 years at a rental of $3 400.00per annum for the total site, to be adjusted on a pro ratabasis if a smaller area is allocated .

Intending applicants shall submit with their applica-tions details of intended utilisation and proposed develop-ment indicating size and type of intended structures,cost estimates, source of funds and programme for con-struction whether staged or not .The Minister for Lands reserves the right to refuse

any application on the grounds that the proposedutilisation, development and/or development programmeis inadequate or unsuitable or that the applicant hasfailed to show adequate capacity to fund the develop-ment .

The successful applicant shall be responsible for theconstruction of any portion of the Western Access Roadas is necessary and for the provision of Drainage,Water and Power Supply, to the specifications of theLocal Authority and/or the appropriate servicingauthority .

Where the in-going lessee indicates that he anticipatesa requirement for freehold during the currency of thelease, the Hon. Minister shall signify the extent of de-velopment (which may be additional to that requiredas the basis for leasing the site) that will be necessaryto enable the issue of a Crown Grant.

Subject to agreement between the lessee and the Min-ister, the foregoing development obligations and otherconditions set out herein may be varied or added tofrom time to time .

At any time during the currency of the lease, subjectto the agreed development obligations and other condi-tions having been met to the satisfaction of the Hon .Minister, the lessee may surrender or partially surrenderhis lease to the intent that he may apply for the freeholdof either all or portion of the said land .

In the event of the lessee surrendering either all orportion of his lease and becoming the successful appli-cant for purchase of the said land, a purchase priceshall be determined at the time of such surrender andfees associated with the issue of a Crown Grant shallbe payable.The land

made available for leasing subject tothe following conditions :-

(1) The land shall not be used for any purposeother than "Roadhouse and Transport Termi-nal" without the prior approval in writing of theMinister for Lands .

(2) The rent shall be subject to reappraisal at theend of the third year of the term and eachsuccessive three year period thereafter .

(3) The lessee shall pay the actual cost of surveywhen called upon .

(4) The lessee shall not without the previous con-sent in writing of the Minister for Lands assign,transfer, mortgage, sublet, or part with thepossession of the demised land .

(5) The land shall be occupied and used by thelessee for the purpose specified within nine(9) months of the commencement of the leaseand thereafter will be continuously so usedto the satisfaction of the Minister .

(6) The lessee shall commence construction withinnine (9) months and thereafter continue con-struction and complete and operate the workswithin two (2) years from the date of thecommencement of the lease .

(7) All buildings, erections, paving, drainage andother works shall be to the approval of theLocal Authority and the lessee shall perform,discharge and execute all requisitions andworks unto the demised land as are or maybe required by any local or public authorityoperating under any statute by-law or regula-tion .

(8) The lessee shall, within twelve months fromcommencement of the lease, fence the externalboundaries with a security fence to the satis-faction of the Minister .

(9) The lessee shall maintain existing and futureimprovements to the satisfaction of the Minis-ter for Lands .

(10) The only residence permitted will be that ofthe Lessee or a Manager or Manager/Care-taker .

(11) The lessee shall indemnify the Minister againstall claims for damage to property or personsarising from the use of the land .

(12) The Minister or his representative may enterthe land for inspection at any reasonable time .

(13) The lessee shall not apply for a license to sellliquor without the prior written consent of theMinister. In the event of the granting of sucha license the rent shall be subject to immediatereappraisal .

(14) Compensation will not be payable for damageby flooding of the demised land .

(15) Compensation shall not be payable to thelessee in respect of any improvements effectedby him on the demised land remaining thereonat the expiration or earlier determination ofthe lease .

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18 December 1981 .]



(16) It shall be lawful for the lessee at any timewithin the three calendar months immediatelyfollowing the expiration of the term or earlierdetermination of the lease, to take down,remove, and carry away any buildings, struc-tures, improvements and plant the propertyof the lessee .

(17) On determination of the lease, the lessee shallfill in, consolidate and level off any unevenness,excavation or hole caused by him during theterm of the lease or by removal of his im-provements and shall leave the demised landin a clean, neat and tidy condition to thesatisfaction of the Minister for Lands andshall remove any or all waste matter as re-quired by the Minister .

(18) Access to and egress from the site shall be inaccordance with the requirements of the MainRoads Department.

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Gover-nor's permission to hold this land . Written approval ofthe Permanent Head concerned should accompany suchapplication.Applications must be lodged at the Department of

Lands and Surveys, Perth on or before Wednesday 3February 1982 accompanied by a deposit of $1735 .00together with the required development details andcompleted Land Board Questionnaire.

All applications lodged on or before that date willbe treated as having been received on the closing date,and if there are more applications than one for thelocation, the application to be granted will be decidedby the Land Board .

(Plan Karratha Regional 6 .5 .)B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

APPLICATION FOR LEASING .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .Corres : 3942/76, TLE :AS .

APPLICATIONS are invited under section 117 of theLand Act 1933 for the leasing of the Jurien lots as shownin the schedule for the purpose of "Light Industry" fora term of 21 years at the annual rentals shown in thesaid schedule .

Intending applicants shall submit with their applica-tions details of intended utilisation and proposed devel-opment indicating size and type of intended structures,cost estimates, source of funds and programme forconstruction whether staged or not .

The Minister for Lands reserves the right to refuseany application on the grounds that the proposedutilisation, development and/or development programmeis inadequate or unsuitable or that the applicant has_failed to show adequate capacity to fund the develop-ment .

A limit of one lot per person shall apply unless thedevelopment plan clearly indicates that more land isnecessary . For the purpose of this condition a husbandand wife are deemed to be one.

The service premiums shown in the schedule are pay-able within 30 days of acceptance of application.

Where the in-going lessee indicates that he anticipatesa requirement for freehold during the currency of thelease, the Hon . Minister shall signify the extent ofdevelopment (which may be additional to that requiredas the basis for leasing the site) that will be necessaryto enable the issue of a Crown Grant .

Subject to agreement between the lessee and theMinister, the foregoing development obligations andother conditions set out herein may be varied or addedto from time to time .

At any time during the currency of the lease, subjectto the agreed development obligations and other con-ditions having been met to the satisfaction of the Hon .Minister, the lessee may surrender his lease to theintent that he may apply for purchase of the said land .

In the event of the lessee surrendering his lease andbecoming the successful applicant for purchase of thesaid land, a purchase price in accordance with theSchedule shall apply for a period of 3 years from thedate of approval of his lease (following which periodthe price shall be subject to review) and fees associatedwith the issue of a Crown Grant shall be payable .

The land is made available for leasing subject to thefollowing conditions:-

(1) The land shall not be used for any purposeother than "Light Industry" without the priorapproval in writing of the Minister for Lands .

(2) The rent shall be subject to reappraisement atthe end of the third year and each successivethree year period thereafter .

(3) The lessee shall commence construction withinnine (9) months and thereafter continue con-struction and complete and operate the workswithin two (2) years from the date of thecommencement of the lease .

(4) All buildings, erections, paving, drainage andother works shall be to the approval of theLocal Authority and the lessee shall perform,discharge and execute all requisitions andworks unto the demised land as are or maybe required by any local or public authorityoperating under any statute by-law or regu-lation .

(5) The lessee shall indemnify the Minister againstall claims for damage to property or personsarising from the use of the land .

(6) The Minister or his representative may enterthe land for inspection at any reasonable time.

(7) Compensation shall not be payable to thelessee in respect of any improvements effectedby him on the demised land and remainingthereon at the expiration or earlier determina-tion of the lease .

(8) It shall be lawful for the lessee at any timewithin the three calendar months immediatelyfollowing the expiration of the term or earlierdetermination of the lease, to take down,remove, and carry away any buildings, struc-tures, improvements and plant the propertyof the lessee.

(9) On determination of the lease, the lesseeshall fill in, consolidate and level off any un-evenness, excavation or hole caused by himduring the term of the lease or by removal ofhis improvements and shall leave the demisedland in a clean, neat and tidy condition to thesatisfaction of the Minister for Lands andshall remove any or all waste matter as re-quired by the Minister .

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Gov-ernor's permission to hold this land . Written approvalof the Permanent Head concerned should accompanysuch application .

Applications must be lodged at the Department ofLands and Surveys, Perth on or before Wednesday 20January 1982 accompanied by the deposit shown inthe schedule together with the required developmentdetails and completed Land Board Questionnaire .

All applications lodged on or before that date will betreated as having been received on the closing date,and if there are more applications than one for anylet, the application to be granted will be decided bythe Land Board .

B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

Schedule .Lot ; Street ; Area ; Service Premium ; Purchase Price ;

Annual Rental ; Deposit .

$122 .50 .

618 ; Carmella ; 2 162 m 2 ; $2 600 ; $2 275 ; $185 ;$127 .50 .

619 ; Carmella ; 2 063 m2 ; $2 525 ; $2 225 ; $180 ;$125.00.

620 ; Carmella ; 2 000 m 2 ; $2 450 ; $2 200 ; $175 ;

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$135 .00 .(Plan Jurien 2 000 03.07 .)


[18 December 1981 .

APPLICATIONS FOR LEASING.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .Corres. 3617/62 .

APPLICATIONS are invited under section 117 of theLand Act 1933 for the leasing of Muchea Lot 133 con-taining an area of 1487 m 2 for the purpose of "LightIndustry" for a term of 21 years at a rental of $100 .00per annum .

Intending applicants shall submit with their applica-tions details of intended utilisation and proposed develop-ment indicating size and type of intended structures,cost estimates, source of funds and programme forconstruction whether staged or not .

The Minister for Lands reserves the right to refuseany application on the grounds that the proposed utilisa-tion, development and/or development programme isinadequate or unsuitable or that the applicant hasfailed to show adequate capacity to fund the develop-ment .

Where the in-going lessee indicates that he anticipatesa requirement for freehold during the currency of thelease, the Hon . Minister shall signify the extent ofdevelopment (which may be additional to that requiredas the basis for leasing the site) that will be necessaryto enable the issue of a Crown Grant .

Subject to agreement between the lessee and theMinister, the foregoing development obligations andother conditions set out herein may be varied or addedto from time to time.

At any time during the currency of the lease, subjectto the agreed development obligations and other condi-tions having been met to the satisfaction of the Hon .Minister, the lessee may surrender his lease to theintent that he may apply for purchase of the said land .

In the event of the lessee surrendering his leaseand becoming the successful applicant for purchase ofthe said land, a purchase price of $1000 .00 shall applyfor a period of 3 years from the date of approvalof his lease (following which period the price shall besubject to review) and fees associated with the issue ofa Crown Grant shall be payable .

The land is made available for leasing subject to thefollowing conditions :-

(1) The land shall not be used for any purposeother than "Light Industry" without the priorapproval in writing of the Minister for Lands .

(2) The rent shall be subject to reappraisementat the end of the third year and each successivethree year period thereafter .

(3) The lessee shall not without the previous con-sent in writing of the Minister for Lands,assign, transfer, mortgage sublet or part withthe possession of the demised land .

(4) The lessee shall commence construction withinnine (9) months and thereafter continue con-struction and complete and operate the workswithin two (2) years from the date of thecommencement of the lease.

(5) All buildings, erections, paving, drainage andother works shall be to the approval of theLocal Authority and the lessee shall perform,discharge and execute all requisitions and worksunto the demised land as are or may berequired by any local or public authorityoperating under any statute by-law or regula-tions .

(6) The lessee shall, within twelve months fromcommencement of the lease, fence the externalboundaries to the satisfaction of the Minister.

(7) The lessee shall maintain existing and futureimprovements to the satisfaction of the Min-ister for Lands .

(8) The lessee shall indemnify the Minister againstall claims for damage to property or personsarising from the use of the land .

(9) The Minister or his representative may enterthe land for inspection at any reasonable time .

(10) The land shall be filled to levels specified by,and acceptable to the Minister or his nomineeand the Shire Council .

(11) Compensation shall not be payable to thelessee in respect of any improvements effectedby him on the demised land and remainingthereon at the expiration or earlier determina-tion of the lease.

(12) It shall be lawful for the lessee at any timewithin the three calendar months immediatelyfollowing the expiration of the term or earlierdetermination of the lease, to take down,remove and carry away any buildings, struc-tures, improvements and plant the propertyof the lessee .

(13) On determination of the lease, the lessee shallfill in, consolidated and level off any uneven-ness, excavation or hole caused by him duringthe term of the lease or by removal of hisimprovements and shall leave the demised landin a clean, neat and tidy condition to thesatisfaction of the Minister for Lands andshall remove any or all waste matter as re-quired by the Minister .

A person in the employ of the State must applythrough the Under Secretary for Lands for the Gov-ernor's permission to hold this land. Written approvalof the Permanent Head concerned should accompanysuch application .

Applications must be lodged at the Department ofLands and Surveys, Perth on or before Wednesday20 January, 1982 accompanied by a deposit of $85together with the required development details andcompleted Land Board Questionnaire .

All applications lodged on or before that date willbe treated as having been received on the closing date,and if there are more applications than one for thelot, the application to be granted will be decided by theLand Board .

(Plan Muchea Townsite 20 .26 .)B . L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

621 ; Carmella ; 2 100 m 2 ; $2 675 ; $2 250 ; $180 ;$125 .00 .

647 ; Carmella ; 2 097 m 2 ; $2 575 ; $2 725 ; $220 ;$145 .00 .

648 ; Carmella ; 1 635 m 2 ; $2 000 ; $2000 ; $160 ;$115 .00 .

649 ; Carmella ; 2 666 m 2 ; $3 275 ; $3 125 ; $250 ;$160 .00 .

650; Carmella ; 2 976 m 2 ; $3 650 ; $2 725 ; $220 ;$145 .00 .

651 ; Carmella ; 3 126 m2 $3 825 ; $2 800 ; $225 ;$147 .50 .

652 ; Carmella ; 2 500 m 2 ; $3 075 ; $2 475 ; $200 ;$135.00 .

654 ; Carmella ; 2 750 m2 ; $3 375 ; $2 600 ; $210 ;$140.00.

655 ; Carmella ; 3 498 m2 ; $4 300 ; $3 000 ; $240 ;$155 .00 .

656; Carmella ; 2 500 m2 ; $3 075 ; $2 475 ; $200 ;$135 .00 .

657 ; Carmella ; 2 500 m 2 ; $3 075 ; $2 475 ; $200 ;$135 .00 .

660 ; Carmella ; 2 500 m 2 ; $3 075 ; $2 475 ; $200 ;$135 .00 .

661 ; Carmella ; 2 500 m 2 ; $3 075 ; $2 475 ; $200 ;

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LAND RELEASEDepartment of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 18th December, 1981 .

NOTICE is hereby given, and it is hereby declared that the portions of Crown land described in the Schedule hereto, are, inpursuance of the powers conferred to me under Part V of the Land Act 1933 and amendments, open for selection under andsubject to the provisions of that Part of the said Act .AND further notice is hereby given that-

(i) Applications must be lodged at the Department of Lands and Surveys, Perth, not later than the date specified in thesaid schedule .

(ii) All applications lodged on or before the said date will be treated as having been received on the closing day, and ifthere are more applications than one for any portion of land, the application to be granted shall be determined by theLand Board .

(iii) Any portions of land remaining unselected will continue to be available until applied for or otherwise dealt with .(iv) If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary to deal with the allocation of any portion of land, the applicants for same

will be duly notified of the date, time and place of meeting of the Board, and there shall be an interval of at least sevendays between the closing date and the sitting of the Board .

(v) A person in the employ of the State must apply through the Under Secretary for Lands for the Governor's permissionto hold this land . Written approval of the Permanent Head concerned should accompany such application .


Applications to be lodged not later than Wednesday, January 20, 1982

(a) Subject to Mining Conditions .(b) Subject to payment for improvements .(c) Subject to examination of survey .(d) Subject to survey .(e) Subject to classification .(f) Subject to pricing.(g) Available to adjoining holders and holders of nearby land who are capable, in the opinion of the Minister, of con-

veniently working their land and this land as one holding .(h) In order to minimise environmental hazards consequent upon clearing and cultivation of virgin land the successful

applicant shall submit an "Initial Development Plan" in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Agri-culture to the satisfaction of the Minister for Lands . Development of the allotted land shall proceed generally inaccordance with this plan .

D. J. WORDSWORTH,Minister for Lands .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Closure of Streets .

WHEREAS Esso Australia Ltd, being the owner of theland which adjoins the street hereunder described hasagreed to the request of the City of Belmont and Shireof Kalamunda to close the said street.

Belmont and Kalamunda .File No. 819/71 V .2 .B 1068. All that portion of Hardy Road (Road No .

2681) along portion of the northeastern boundary ofCanning Location 292 ; from a line in prolongationsouthwestward of the northwestern boundary of PortionLot 1 of Swan Location 32 (Office of Titles Plan7495) to the northwestern boundary of Lot 6 of SwanLocation 32 (Office of Titles Diagram 56014) .

(Public Plan Perth 20 .21 .)

WHEREAS, Alberto Musca, being the owner of the landwhich adjoins the street hereunder described has agreedto the request of the City of Stirling to close the saidstreet.

Stirling.File No. 3655/76 .5.275. All that portion of Lawley Street (Road No .

5897) comprising Swan Location 9954, surveyed andshown bordered pink on Lands and Surveys Diagram83595 .

(Public Plan Perth 2000 12 .30 .)

WHEREAS, Australasian Conference AssociationLimited, Hereford Pty Ltd, being the owners of theland which adjoins the street hereunder described haveagreed to the request of the Town of Albany to closethe said street.


File No . 2659/79 .A. 396 . (a) The whole of the road widening along

the southern boundary of Lot 242 of PlantagenetLocation 42 (Office of Titles Plan 10692) .

(b) The whole of the road widening along the easternboundary of Lot 243 of Plantagenet Location 42 (Officeof Titles Plan 10693 .)

(Public Plan Albany 12.07.)

WHEREAS, Minister for Lands, being the owner of theland which adjoins the street hereunder described hasagreed to the request of the Town of Bassendean toclose the said street .

Bassendean .

File No. 1911/77 .B. 1070 . All that portion of Station Street now

comprised in Swan Location 9646, surveyed and shownbordered pink on Original Plan 14165 .

(Public Plan Perth 2000 18 .30 .)

Name of District Area Purchase Price Plan File No. Distance and Direction fromand Location No . in hectares (Locality)

Plantagenet 7469 . . . . 9-5643 $478 (a) (c) (g) Mondurup NE 620/981 About 33 Kilometres east of1 :25 000 Cranbrook Townsite (Salt

River Road)

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5 21 0

WHEREAS, Desmond James Riddle, Jock BradleyManders, Lesley Kay Manders, Noel Brodie Little andReginald Francis Arthur, being the owners of the landwhich adjoins the street hereunder described haveagreed to the request of the Town of Kalgoorlie toclose the said street .

Kalgoorlie .File No . 3172/980 .K.875. (a) The whole of the surveyed way, along

the northeastern boundary of Kalgoorlie Lot 1148 ;from the southeastern side of Buller Street to a linein prolongation northeastward of the southeasternboundary of the said Lot 1148 .

(b) The whole of the surveyed way, along thenortheastern boundary of Kalgoorlie Lot 1158 ; from aline in prolongation northeastward of the northwesternboundary of the said Lot 1158 to the northwestern sideof White Street.

(Public Plan Kalgoorlie-Boulder 29 .37.)

WHEREAS, the State Energy Commission of W.A .,being the owner of the land which adjoins the streethereunder described has agreed to the request of theTown of Kwinana to close the said street.


File No. 1427/980.K. 877 . All that portion of Leath Road, shown

coloured blue on Lands and Surveys Diagram 84615 .(Public Plan Peel 2000 8.37 .)

WHEREAS, Andrew Bispham Mitchell, Warren AstleyAndrew Mitchell and Ross Milne Samuel Mitchell, beingthe owners of the land which adjoins the street hereunderdescribed have agreed to the request of the Shire ofAlbany to close the said street.

Albany .File No. 2515/79 .A. 399 . (a) All that portion of Hassell Road now

comprised in Plantagenet Location 7476, surveyed andshown bordered green on Original Plan 15151 .

(b) All that portion of Hassell Road now comprisedin Plantagenet Location 7473, shown bordered pinkon Original Plan 15151 .

(Public Plan 446/80 CD4 and Green Range NE1 :25 000 .)

WHEREAS, Jaxon Construction Pty Ltd and IsolatedChildrens Hostel Incorporated, being the owners ofthe land which adjoins the street hereunder describedhave agreed to the request of the Shire of Boulder toclose the said street .

Boulder .File No. 1829/981 .B. 1069 . The whole of the surveyed way, along the

southeastern boundary of Kalgoorlie Lot 1460 ; fromthe northeastern side of Salisbury Road to a line inprolongation southeastward of the northeastern boundaryof the said lot 1460 .

(Public Plan Kalgoorlie-Boulder 29.36 .)

WHEREAS, Romolo Guglielmana, Dora Guglielmana,Robert Bruce Munro and Darrell Anne Munro, being theowners of the land which adjoins the street hereunderdescribed have agreed to the request of the Shire ofCarnarvon to close the said street .

Carnarvon .File No. 4060/69, V2.C. 1026 . (a) The whole of Cobden Terrace, varying

in width, along the right bank of Gascoyne River ; fromthe northeastern boundary of Carnarvon Suburban Lot12 (Portion of Reserve 27898) to the southwesternboundaries of Lot 1 of Gascoyne Locations 219 and187 (Office of Titles Diagram 22817) and GascoyneLocation 313 (Reserve 32296) .


[18 December 1981 .

(b) The whole of the surveyed road along the westernboundary of Carnarvon Suburban Lot 33 ; from a linein prolongation eastward of the southern boundary ofSuburban Lot 32 (Portion of Reserve 21225) to theright bank of the Gascoyne River.

(Public Plan Carnarvon Regional 2.2.)

WHEREAS, Rodney Lionel Barber and Gary ArthurBarber, being the owners of the land which adjoins thestreet hereunder described have agreed to the requestof the Shire of Collie to close the said street .

Collie.File No. 723/45 .C. 1033 . The whole of the surveyed road, along

portion of the western boundary of Wellington Location4348 ; from a line in prolongation eastward of thenorthern boundary of Location 2658 to a line inprolongation southwestward of the southeastern boundaryof Location 4348 .

(Public Plan Muja SW 1:25 000 .)

WHEREAS, Minister for Lands, being the owner of theland which adjoins the street hereunder described hasagreed to the request of the Shire of Cuballing toclose the said street .

Cuballing .File No . 3237/980 .C. 1032. (a) All that portion of Derby Street along

the southwestern boundaries of Cuballing Lots 180, 182,184 (portion of Reserve 9067), 186, 188 and onward toand along Lots 210, 212, 214, 216 and 218 ; from thesoutheastern side of Colin Street to the northwestern sideof Rose Street.

(b) All that portion of Walton Street along thesoutheastern boundaries of Cuballing Lots 168, 169 andonward to and along lots 178, 179, 188 and 189,excluding the intersecting portion of Smith Street ;from the eastern side of Condor Street (Road No .8542) to the southwestern side of Clifford Street .

(Public Plan Cuballing Townsite .)

WHEREAS, Malcolm John Wilkins, Henry CharlesEngelke and Malvern Herbert Whybrow, being theowners of the land which adjoins the street hereunderdescribed have agreed to the request of the Shire ofDandaragan to close the said street .

Dandaragan .File No. 2561/58 .D. 654. All that portion of road No . 12066 along the

northern boundary of the western severance of VictoriaLocation 10175; from the southwestern side of BrandHighway (Road No . 12551) to the eastern boundaryof Location 10169 .

(Public Plan Cowalla 1 :50 000.)

WHEREAS, Minister for Lands, being the owner of theland which adjoins the street hereunder described hasagreed to the request of the Shire of Denmark to closethe said street.

Denmark .File No. 2229/980 .D. 657 . All that portion of Hodgson Street, now com-

prised in Denmark Lot 991 as surveyed on OriginalPlan 15094 .

(Public Plan Denmark 21 .11 .)

WHEREAS the Shire of Dundas requests the closure ofthe road described hereunder .

Dundas .File No. 1554/79 .D. 660. All that portion of Protected Road 20 .12

metres wide starting from the southern extremity ofPrincep Street on a southern boundary of NorsemanTownsite and extending generally southward and gen-erally southwestward through Pastoral Lease 3114/1051

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(Woolyeenyer) to a point on the northern side of aroad extending along the northern boundaries of DundasLocation 221, situated northward of the northernmostnorthwestern corner of the northeastern severance ofthe lastmentioned location.

(Public Plans 350/80, 371/80 and NorsemanRegional .)

WHEREAS, Maxwell Ernest Tink, Glenys Helen Tink,Raymond Terrace Harris and Audrey Rose Harris, beingthe owners of the land which adjoins the street here-under described have agreed to the request of the Shireof Esperance to close the said street .

Esperance .File No. 1597/70 .E. 202 . All those portions of surveyed road, in Esper-

ance Townsite now comprised in the land the subjectof Office of Titles Plan 10160 .

(Public Plan E92-4 .)

WHEREAS, Minister for Lands, being the owner of theland which adjoins the street hereunder described hasagreed to the request of the Shire of Irwin to closethe said street .

Irwin .File No. 2651/71, V2.I. 76 . All those portions of Healy and Fletcher Streets

now comprised in Port Denison Lot 532 shown borderedpink on Original Plan 15050 .

(Public Plan Port Denison 34 .40 .)

WHEREAS, John Joseph Murray, Marie Therese Mur-ray, Walter Nokes, Barbara Victoria Nokes, Ian KeithBailye and Sharon Lorraine Bailye, being the ownersof the land which adjoins the street hereunder describedhave agreed to the request of the Shire of Kojonup toclose the said street .

Kojonup .File No. 601/71 .K. 879. All those portions of Road No. 8919 and

Road No. 12449, along the northern boundary of Kojo-nup Lot 126 and portion of the northern boundary ofLot 127; from the southernmost northwestern boundaryof Lot 12 (Office of Titles Diagram 58778) to a linejoining the northwestern corner of Lot 126 and thewesternmost southwestern corner of Lot 11 (Diagram58778) .

(Public Plan Kojonup 10 .17 .)

WHEREAS, Arnold John Harrison, Ada May Harrison,Donald Alfred Crouch, Priory Park Pty . Ltd. andPartridge Estate Pty . Ltd ., being the owners of the landwhich adjoins the street hereunder described have agreedto the request of the Shire of Kojonup to close thesaid street .

Kojonup .File No. 524/980 .K. 880. (a) All that portion of Banyarrah Road,

along the western boundaries of Kojonup Locations5860 and 4893 ; from a line in prolongation westwardof the northern boundary of Location 5860 to a linein prolongation northwestward of the southwesternboundary of Location 4893 .

(b) All that portion of surveyed road along thenorthern and northeastern boundaries of Kojonup Loca-tion 6900 and portion of the northeastern boundary ofLocation 7480 ; from a line joining the northwesterncorner of Location 6900 and the southernmost south-western corner of Location 4896 to a line in prolonga-tion southward of the eastern boundary of Location4893 .(4)-16271

WHEREAS, Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited beingthe owner of the land which adjoins the street hereunderdescribed has agreed to the request of the Shire of LakeGrace to close the said street .

Lake Grace.File No. 1589/980 .L. 109 . All that portion of Road No. 9219 and the

whole of the surveyed road, plus widenings, now com-prised in Newdegate Lot 158, surveyed and shown bor-dered pink on Lands and Surveys Diagram 84411 .

(Public Plan Newdegate Townsite .)

WHEREAS, Minister for Lands, being the owner ofthe land which adjoins the street hereunder describedhas agreed to the request of the Shires of Lake Graceand Kulin to close the said street .

Lake Grace and Kulin .File No. 3428/980 .L. 111. (a) The whole of the surveyed road, plus

widenings, through Roe Location 3035 ("A" Class Re-serve 36128) ; from the southwestern side of Pingaring-Varley Road North to the northwestern side of DragonRocks Road (Road No. 7748) .

(b) The whole of the surveyed road, through RoeLocation 3035 ("A" Class Reserve 36128), excludingthe intersecting portion of Dragon Rocks Road (RoadNo. 7748) ; from the southern side of Pingaring-VarleyRoad North to a line in prolongation southwestward ofthe southeastern boundary of Roe Location 3071 .

(Public Plan 375/80 C4 .)

WHEREAS, Conservator of Forests, Giuseppe De Pilato,Lina De Pilate, William Charles Daubney and MavisEvelyn Daubney, being the owners of the land whichadjoins the street hereunder described have agreed tothe request of the Shire of Manjimup to close thesaid street.

Manjimup .File No. 2609/74 .M. 919 . (a) The whole of the surveyed road through

Nelson Location 10293 ; from the northeastern side ofDeeside Coast Road to the southwestern corner of Loca-tion 6615 .

(b) The whole of the surveyed road along the north-western boundary of Nelson Location 10304 and throughLocation 12000; from the southeastern side of PooleRoad to the northwestern side of Middleton Road .,

(c) All that portion of surveyed road along part ofthe southeastern boundary of Nelson Location 10331 ;from a line in prolongation eastward of the southernboundary of the said location to a line in prolongationwestward of the southern boundary of Location 10334 .

(d) All that portion of surveyed road along part ofthe northwestern boundaries of Nelson Location 10333 ;from the northwestern side of Middleton Road to thesouthwestern side of Deeside Coast Road .

(e) All that portion of surveyed road along part ofthe western boundary of Nelson Location 10302 ; fromthe northern side of the road along the southern bound-ary of Location 10302 to the southeastern corner ofLocation 10309 .

(Public Plan 443 D/40 A4.)

WHEREAS, David Alexander Robinson, Brian Coffeyand Edith Betty Coffey, being the owners of the landwhich adjoins the street hereunder described have agreedto the request of the Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdaleto close the said street .

Serpentine-Jarrahdale .File No. 2448/79 .S. 274. All that portion of road bounded by lines

starting from the northeastern corner of CockburnSound Location 479 and extending westward and south-ward along boundaries of that location to a pointsituate 359 degrees 30 minutes, 25 .01 metres from thenorthwestern corner of Lot 13 as shown on Land TitlesOffice Diagram 57338 ; thence 267 degrees 46 minutes,20.13 metres to an eastern boundary of a Drain Reserveextending along the eastern boundaries of Peel Estate

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[18 ecember 1981 .

Lots 824 and 827 ; thence northward along that boundaryto the southwestern corner of the southern severance ofCockburn Sound Location 795; thence eastward alongthe southern boundary of that severance to a southwest-ern side of Hall Road and thence southeastward alongthat side to the starting point .

(Public Plan Peel 1 :10 000 4 .4 .)

WHEREAS, St. David Pty . Ltd., being the owner ofthe land which adjoins the street hereunder describedhas agreed to the request of the Shire of Swan to closethe said street .

Swan .File No. 2511/980.S. 280. All that portion of Great Eastern Highway

(Road No. 28), now comprised in the land the subjectof Office of Titles Diagram 61938 .

(Public Plan Perth 2 000 22 .32 .)

WHEREAS, Gareth Gwilyn Evans, being the owner ofthe land which adjoins the street hereunder described hasagreed to the request of the Shire of Wagin to closethe said street.

aFile No. 2212/981 .W. 1190. All that portion of Venture Street along the

southwestern boundaries of Wagin Lots 464 and 580 ;from the southeastern side of Vernal Street to the north-western side of Vale Street .

(Public Plan Wagin 21 .35 .)

WHEREAS, Timothy Richard Bowman Chamberlainand John Magri, being the owners of the land whichadjoins the street hereunder described have agreed tothe request of the Shire of Westonia to close the saidstreet .

Westonia .File No. 1671/981 .W. 1182. All that portion of surveyed road, along

the northwestern boundaries of Yilgarn Locations 335and 336 ; from the western side of Boodarockin Roadto a. line in prolongation northward of the westernboundary of Location 336 .

(Public Plan 35/80 Fl and 54/80 EF4 .)

And whereas the Councils have requested closure ofthe said streets ; and whereas the Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has approved these requests ; it is notified thatthe said streets are hereby closed .

B. L. O'HALLORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

LOCA GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .IT is hereby declared that, pursuant to the resolutionof the City of Belmont passed at a meeting of theCouncil held on or about 26 October, 1981, the under-mentioned lands have been set apart, taken, or resumedunder section 17 of the Public Works Act 1902, for thepurpose of a new road, that is to say :-

Belmont .1538/76 (MR 1317) MRD 471/74 .Road No. 5102 (May Street) (Widening of Part) .

That portion of Swan Location 34 being part of theland shown bordered green on Land Titles Office Plan8167 and being the subject of Certificates of TitleVolume 25 Folio 183A and Volume 26 Folio 363A .

1 786 square metres being resumed from Swan Loca-tion 34 .

(Public Plan Perth 2000 18 .22 .)

IT is hereby declared that, pursuant to the resolutionof the City of Stirling passed at a meeting of the Coun-cil held on or about 19 February 1981 the under-mentioned lands have been set apart, taken, or re-sumed under section 17 of the Public Works Act 1902,for the purpose of a new road, that is to say :-

Stirling.773/981 (R6564) .Road No. 1864 (Frobisher Street) (Widening of

parts) . Those portions of Perthshire Location Au asdelineated and coloured dark brown on Lands andSurveys Diagram 84748 and as delineated and marked"Road Widening" on Land Titles Office Diagram 61285 .

95 square metres being resumed from PerthshireLocation Au .

(Notice of Intention to Resume gazetted on 5 June1981 .)

(Public Plan Perth 2000 11 .30 .)

IT is hereby declared that, pursuant to the resolutionof the City of Stirling passed at a meeting of the Councilheld on or about 12 February 1980 the undermentionedlands have been set apart, taken, or resumed undersection 17 of the Public Works Act 1902, for the pur-pose of a new road, that is to say :-

Stirling .776/76 (R6566) .Road No. 16754 (Selby Street) . (i) A strip of land

20.12 metres wide, widening at its terminus, commenc-ing at a line in prolongation southeastward of Lot 26of Herdsman Lake Lot 148 (Land Titles Office Diagram29761) and extending, as surveyed northward along the.eastern boundary of that lot, Herdsman Lake Lot 148and Lot 1 of Lot 148 (Diagram 14458), to terminateat the southern side of a surveyed road (Flynn Street) .The intersecting portions of Road 16169 are hereby

superseded .(ii) (Widenings of Part) . That portion of Herdsman

Lake Lot 148 as delineated and coloured dark brownon Lands and Surveys Diagram 84210 .

199 square metres being resumed from Herdsman LakeLot 148 .

(Notice of Intention to Resume Gazetted September4, 1981 .)

(Public Plan Perth 2000 10 .27 .)

IT is hereby declared that, pursuant to the resolutionof the Town of Albany passed at a meeting of theCouncil held on or about 30 September 1981 theundermentioned lands have been set apart, taken, orresumed under section 17 of the Public Works Act 1902,for the purpose of a new road, that is to say :-

Albany .3236/77 (R6578) .Road No. 16631 (Drew Lane) (Widening of Part) .

That portion of Lot 83 of Albany Town Lot 648 andAlbany Suburban Lot 372 (Land Titles Office Plan3951) as delineated and coloured dark brown on Origi-nal Plan 14844 .

315 square metres being resumed from Albany TownLot 648 and Albany Suburban Lot 372 .

(Public Plan Albany 2000 12 .05 and 12.06 .)And whereas His Excellency the Governor has de-

clared that the said lands have been set apart, taken,or resumed for the purpose of the said roads, and thatplans of the said lands might be inspected at the De-partment of Lands and Surveys, Perth, it is herebynotified that the lands described above are roads withinthe meaning of the Local Government Act 1960-1981,subject to the provisions of the said Act .

Dated this 9th day of December, 1981 .By Order of His Excellency,

D. J. WORDSWORTH,Minister for Lands .

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18 December 1981 .]


CORRIGENDUM .Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 18 December 1981 .File No . 2230/980 .

ON page 4247 of the Government Gazette dated 9October 1981 under the heading of Mount Marshallamend Road No. 16676 to read Road No . 16696.

B . L. O'HAL LORAN,Under Secretary for Lands .

BUSH FIRES ACT 1954-1979 .Suspension of Section 25 .

Bush Fires Board,Perth, 15 December 1981 .

Corres. No. 56 .IT is hereby notified that the Hon . Minister administer-ing the Bush Fires Act 1954-1979, has approved, pur-suant to the powers contained in section 25B of thesaid Act, of the suspension of the operation of theprovisions of section 25 of the said Act, that relateto a fire lit, or which is lit, for the purpose of destroyinggarden refuse or rubbish or for and like purpose until12 April 1982 on land set aside for the Augusta-Margaret River Shire's rubbish disposal sites situatedon Reserve No . 18838 at Margaret River ; Reserve No .22987 at Witehcliife ; Portion of Reserve No. 276.8 atGracetown; Reserve No . 18612 at Warner Glen ; Re-serve No. 23973 at Alexandra Bridge ; Reserve No .30088 at Karridale ; on Railway Reserve adjacent toSussex Location 1720 at Cowaramup ; Reserve No .21425 at Augusta, subject to the conditions specifiedhereunder, which are identical for each of the sitesdescribed above .

Specified Conditions .1 . All bush and grass of an inflammable nature save

standing live trees to be removed from the entiresite prior to the first fire being lit .

2. All dumping of rubbish to be confined to the pitprovided by the Council for the purpose and a signadvising the public to this effect to be erected atthe site .

3 . A sign warning of prohibition of unauthorisedlighting of fires to be erected and maintained atthe site .

4 . Fires to be lit by Council's rubbish collecting con-tractors or such persons as specifically authorisedto do so by the Shire Clerk .

5 . Fires to be lit only in the centre of the site .6 . Forests Department, Margaret River must be in-

formed on the morning of each fire prior to thefire being lit.

7 . No fires to be lit on land subject to this suspen-sion on a day for which the fire danger forecastissued by the Bureau of Meteorology in Perth inrespect of the locality is "very high" or "extreme" .

J . A. W. ROBLEY,Superintendent.

SHIRE OF KULIN .IT is hereby advised that Council has appointed thefollowing persons as Bush Fire Control Officers forthe Kulin Shire .All previous appointments apart from dual appoint-

ments are hereby cancelled:-Chief Fire Control and Chief Fire Weather Officer

-L. E. Treloar .Deputy Chief Fire Control and Deputy Fire

Weather Officer- W. G. Walker .Bush Fire Officers :E. R. Pyne, W. Price, G. R. Meikle, G . Battison,

N. Baker, K. Coxon, G. Varone, B. Mudge, W. Steere,E. J. Mullan, K. Giles, N . Scadding, D . Gray, L. Dow-dell, J. Howe, J . Tholstrup, J. Ryan, and D . Quicke .

L. E. TRELOAR,Shire Clerk .



BUSH FIRES ACT 1954-1979.Town of Narrogin .

Firebreak Order and Information .Notice to all Owners and/or Occupiers of landwithin the Municipality of the Town of Narrogin .

PURSUANT to the powers contained in section 33 ofthe above Act, you are hereby required, on or before1 November 1981 or within fourteen (14) days of yourbecoming the owner or occupier should this be after1 November 1981 clear firebreaks in accordance withthe following and thereafter to maintain the firebreaksclear of inflammable material up to and including 14March 1982 (inclusive) .

1 . Where the area of the land is 1350 squaremetres or less in area all inflammable material on theland shall be removed by burning, close mowing, culti-vation, grubbing or approved spraying .

2. Where the area of the land exceeds 1 350 squaremetres in area, firebreaks at least 2 .5m wide shall becleared of all inflammable material inside all externalboundaries of the land and also surrounding all buildingssituated on the land by burning, cultivation or approvedspraying .

If it is considered to be impracticable to clear fire-breaks as required by this notice, you may apply tothe Council or its duly authorized Officer not laterthan 25 October 1981 for permission to take alterna-tive action to abate fire hazards on the land . If per-mission is not granted by the Council or its dulyauthorized Officer, you shall comply with the require-ments of this Notice .

The penalty for failure to comply with this Noticeis a fine of $40 .00 by Infringement Notice or $400 .00by Prosecution and a person in default is also liable,whether prosecuted or not, to pay the costs of per-forming the work directed, by the date required by thisnotice.

If the requirements of this notice are carried outby burning, such burning must be in accordance withsection 18 of the Bush Fires Act . Permits may beobtained from Fire Control Officers .

For Information, the prohibited burning andrestricted burning dates for Narrogin are as follows .These dates may be varied by fourteen days by theCouncil if conditions warrant. (Refer Public Notices"Narrogin Observer" .)

Prohibited Burning 1 November 1981 to 14 Feb-ruary 1982 .

Restricted Burning 15 February 1982 to 29 March1982.

G. J. PEARCE,Town Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .City of Canning Town Planning Scheme No. 16-

Amendment No. 261 .T.P .B . 853/2/16/18, Pt. 261 .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Cityof Canning in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended)has prepared a Town Planning Scheme amendment forthe purpose of adding Lot 6 (No . 43), Bungaree Road,Wilson, to the Schedule of Special Zones of the SchemeText, to permit its use as a Dental Surgery for onlyone Dental Practitioner .

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,1317 Albany Highway, Cannington and will be openfor inspection without charge during the hours of9 .00 a .m. to 4.00 p .m. on all. days of the week exceptSaturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays until and in-cluding 29 January 1982 .

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[18 December 1981 .

The plans and documents have also been depositedat the office of the Town Planning Department, Perthand will similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m .Any person who desires to make a submission on

the amendment should make the submission in writingin the form prescribed by the regulations and lodge it R. H. FARDON,with The Town Clerk, Canning City Council, P .O .Box 42, Cannington, W.A. 6107 on or before 29January 1982 .

N. I. DAWKINS,Town Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .City of Gosnells Town Planning Scheme No . 1-

Amendment No . 161 .T .P .B. 853/2/25/1, Pt. 161 .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Cityof Gosnells in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended)has prepared a Town Planning Scheme amendment forthe purpose of rezoning Lots 2, 14 and 21, on thecorner of Albany Highway and Olga Road, Madding-ton, from Residential "A" and Public Use to Commer-cial-Non-Retail.

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells and will be open forinspection without charge during the hours of 9 .00a.m. to 4 .30 p.m. on all days of the week exceptSaturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays until andincluding 29 January 1982.The plans and documents have also been deposited

at the office of the Town Planning Department, Perthand will similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p .m .

Any person who desires to make a submission onthe amendment should make the submission in writingin the form prescribed by the regulations and lodgeit with The Town Clerk, Gosnells City Council, P .O .Box 23, Gosnells . W.A. 6110 on or before 29 January1982 .

G. WHITELEY,Town Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme mendmenthas Leon Prepared and is Available for Inspection .

City of Melville Town Planning SchemeNo. 2-Amendment No . 245 .

T.P.B. 853/2/17/5, Pt . 245 .NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Cityof Melville in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended) hasprepared a Town Planning Scheme amendment for thepurpose of rezoning various lots fronting Fyfe Circle,Formby Way, Clifford Way, Bowler Place, Mott Placeand Norris Place, Bullcreek, from "GR4, UrbanDevelopment Zone, Public Use Reserve and Communica-tions Reserve (Local Road)" to "SR4, GR4 `T' and `Q',Public Use Reserve and Communications Reserve (LocalRoad) " .

All plans and documents setting out and explaining theamendment have been deposited at Council Offices,Almondbury Road, Ardross and will be open for inspec-tion without charge during the hours of 9 .00 a.m. to4.00 p.m. on all days of the week except Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays until and including 15January 1982 .

The plans and documents have also been deposited atthe office of the Town Planning Department, Perth andwill similarly be open for inspection for the same periodbetween the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p.m .

Any person who desires to make a submission onthe amendment should make the submission in writing inthe form prescribed by the regulations and lodge itwith the Town Clerk, Melville City Council, P .O . Box130, Applecross, W .A. 6153 on or before 15 January1982 .

Town Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .

City of Melville Town Planning SchemeNo. 2-Amendment No . 252 .

T.P.B. 853/2/17/5 , Pt. 252.NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City ofMelville in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended) hasprepared a Town Planning Scheme amendment for thepurpose of rezoning Part Reserve 9366, Co-Sound Loca-tion 549 and Part Co-Sound Location 549, Lot 1, from"Deferred Urban" to "Development Zone", as shownon the amending plan adopted by the Council on 10November 1981 .All plans and documents setting out and explaining

the amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,Almondbury Road, Ardross and will be open for in-spection without charge during the hours of 9 .00 a.m .to 4.00 p.m. on all days of the week except Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays until and including 16February 1982 .

The plans and documents have also been deposited atthe office of the Town Planning Department, Perth andwill similarly be open for inspection for the same periodbetween the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m .

Any person who desires to make a submission on theamendment should make the submission in writing in theform prescribed by the regulations and lodge it with theTown Clerk, Melville City Council, P.O. Box 130,Applecross, W .A . 6153 on or before 16 February 1982 .

R. H. FARDON,Town Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .Shire of Boulder Kalgoorlie-Boulder Joint Town

Planning, Scheme-Amendment No . 2 3 .T.P.B. 853/11/3/2 , Pt. 23 .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Boulder Shire Councilin pursuance of its powers under the Town Planningand Development Act 1928 (as amended) has prepareda Town Planning Scheme amendment for the purpose ofrezoning Somerville Suburban Area Lots 91, 92, 93 and94, from "Extensive Development" to "Tourist Zone"and the balance of the Somerville Suburban Area,bounded by Wortley Street, Gatacre Street, Great East-ern Highway and the West Kalgoorlie Industrial Area,from "Extensive Development Zone" to "Industry", asdepicted on the amending plan adopted by Council on14 September 1981 .All plans and documents setting out and explaining

the amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,Davidson Street, Kalgoorlie and will be open for in-spection without charge during the hours of 9 .00 a.m .to 5.00 p.m. on all days of the week except Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays until and including 18March 1982 .The plans and documents have also been deposited

at the office of the Town Planning Department, . Perthand will similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p .m .

Any person who desires to make a submission on theamendment should make the submission in writing inthe form prescribed by the regulations and lodge itwith the Shire Clerk, Boulder Shire Council, PLO . Box42, Boulder, W.A. 6432 on or before 18 March 1982 .

R. G. HADLOW,Shire Clerk.

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18 December 1981 .]




Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .

Shire of Collie Town Planning SchemeNo. 1-Amendment No . 51 .

T.P .B . 853/6/8/1, Pt . 51 .NOTICE is hereby given that the Collie Shire Councilin pursuance of its powers under the Town Planningand Development Act 1928 (as amended) has prepareda Town Planning Scheme amendment for the purpose ofrezoning Lot 1, (No. 1243), Moira Road, Collie, from"Residential" to "Residential GR5" .

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,Throssell Street, Collie and will be open for inspectionwithout charge during the hours of 9 .30 a.m. to 4 .30 p.m .on all days of the week except Saturdays, Sundays andPublic Holidays until and including 29 January 1982 .

The plans and documents have also been deposited atthe office of the Town Planning Department, Perth andwill similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p .m .

Any person who desires to make a submission on theamendment should make the submission in writing inthe form prescribed by the regulations and lodge it withthe Shire Clerk, Collie Shire Council, Throssell Street,Collie, W .A. 6225 on or before 29 January 1982 .

L. J. CHRISTINGER,Shire Clerk.


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .Shire of Kojonup Town Planning Scheme No. 1-

Amendment No. 21 .T.P .B. 853/5/11/1, Pt . 21 .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Kojonup Shire Coun-cil in pursuance of its powers under the Town Planningand Development Act 1928 (as amended) has prepareda Town Planning Scheme amendment for the purposeof rezoning Kojonup Lots 62 and 66, Forsythe Road,Lots 63, 64 and 65, Flanagan Road, Lots 67, 68 and69, Bignell Road and Lot 227, Kanning Road, from"Rural" to "Special Rural", and including particularsrelative to this land in Schedule 2 of the Scheme Test .All plans and documents setting out and explaining

the amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,107 Albany Highway, Kojonup and will be open forinspection without charge during the hours of 9 .00 a .m .to 4 .00 p.m. on all days of the week except Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays until and including 29January 1982.The plans and documents have also been deposited

at the office of the Town Planning Department, Perthand will similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p.m .Any person who desires to make a submission on

the amendment should make the submission in writingin the form prescribed by the regulations and lodge itwith The Shire Clerk, Kojonup Shire Council, 107Albany Highway, Kojonup, W.A, 6395 on or before29 January 1982 .

P. DURTANOVICH,Shire Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .

Shire of Murray Pinjarra Town PlanningScheme-Amendment No. 19 .

T.P.B. 853/6/16/1, Pt . 19,NOTICE is hereby given that the Murray Shire Coun-cil in pursuance of its powers under the Town Planningand Development Act 1928 (as amended) has prepared

a Town Planning Scheme amendment for the purposeof rezoning Lots 44, 45 and 46 . Hampton Road andLots 190, 191 and 192, Greenlands Road, Pinjarra,from "Residential T'" to "Racecourse and StablesZone" ; and amending Clause 3 .11 of the Scheme Textto include additional provisions relating to the Race-course and Stables Zone .

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,Pinjarra Road, Pinjarra and will be open for inspectionwithout charge during the hours of 9 .00 a .m . to4.00 p .m. on all days of the week except Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays until and including 29January 1982 .

The plans and documents have also been depositedat the office of the Town Planning Department, Perthand will similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p.m .

Any person who desires to make a submission onthe amendment should make the submission in writingin the form prescribed by the regulations and lodge itwith The Shire Clerk, Murray Shire Council, P .O. Box21, Pinjarra, W .A. 6208 on or before 29 January 1982 .

B . M. BAKER,Shire Clerk .


Notice that a Town Planning Scheme Amendmenthas been Prepared and is Available for Inspection .

Shire of Wanneroo Town Planning SchemeNo. 1-Amendment No. 205 .

T.P.B. 853/2/30/1, Pt . 205 .NOTICE is hereby given that the Wanneroo ShireCouncil in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended)has prepared a Town Planning Scheme amendment forthe purpose of rezoning portion of Part Lot 835, SwanLocation 1315, corner Coolibah Drive and WarwickRoad, Greenwood. from "Hotel" to "Special Zone(Restricted Use) Office" ; and including relative par-ticulars in Section 2-Special Zones (Restricted Use)of Schedule 1 of the Scheme Text .

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe amendment have been deposited at Council Offices,Shenton Avenue, Joondalup and will be open for in-soection without charge during the hours of 8 .45 a.m .to 4.45 p .m. on all days of the week except Saturdays,Sundays and Public Holidays until and including 29January 1982 .

The plans and documents have also been depositedat the office of the Town Planning Department, Perthand will similarly be open for inspection for the sameperiod between the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p.m.

Any person who desires to make a submission onthe amendment should make the submission in writingin the form prescribed by the regulations and lodge itwith The Shire Clerk, Wanneroo Shire Council, P .O .Box 21, Wanneroo, W .A. 6065 on or before 29 January1982.

J. D. REIDY-CROFTS,Shire Clerk.


Notice that a Planning Scheme has been Preparedand is Available for Inspection .

Shire of West Pilbara Town Planning SchemeNo. 2-Onslow Townsite .

T.P .B . 853/10/3/2 .NOTICE is hereby given that the West Pilbara ShireCouncil in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended), hasprepared a Planning Scheme with reference to an areasituate wholly within the Shire of West Pilbara andenclosed within the inner edge of the broken blackborder on a plan now produced to Council and markedand certified by the Shire Clerk under his hand dated22 November 1979 as Scheme Area Map for the pur-pose of:-

(a) Setting aside 1


re public use asReserves .

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(b) Controlling land development.(c) Determining and setting aside land for future

Urban use .(d) Other matters authorised by the Enabling Act .

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe Planning Scheme have been deposited at CouncilOffices, Second Avenue, Onslow, and will be open forinspection without charge during the hours of 8 .45 a.m .to 12 noon ; and 1.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. on all daysof the week except Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holi-days, until and including 18 March 1982 .The maps and other documents have also been depo-

sited at the office of the Town Planning Department,Perth, and will similarly be open for inspection for thesame period between the hours of 10 a .m. and 4 p .m .

Any person who desires to make a submission on thePlanning Scheme should make the submission in writingin the form prescribed by the regulations and lodge itwith the Shire Clerk, West Pilbara Shire Council,Second Avenue, Onslow, W.A. 6710, on or before 18March 1982.

D. G. McCUTCHEON,Shire Clerk.


Notice that a Modification has been made to a TownPlanning Scheme Amendment and is Available forInspection.

Town of Claremont Town PlanningScheme-Amendment No . 66 .

T.P.B. 853/2/2/1 , Pt. 66,NOTICE is hereby given that the Claremont TownCouncil in pursuance of its powers under the TownPlanning and Development Act 1928 (as amended)has prepared a Town Planning Scheme Amendment forthe purpose of including Lots 6, 7 and 8, HammondRoad, Claremont, in a Special Zone (Additional Use)to enable the development of seven single storey

aped dwelling units and adding relative particularso Section i of the Special Zones Schedule of the

Text and the following modification has beeno the said Town Planning Scheme Amendment-The area of the Amendment has been extended

to include a private Right-of-Way abutting theabove described allotments .

All plans and documents setting out and explainingthe amendment and modification thereto have beendeposited at Council Chambers, 308 Stirling Highway,Claremont and will be open for inspection withoutcharge during the hours of 9 .00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. onall days of the week except Saturdays, Sundays andPublic Holidays until and including 8 January 1982 .

The plans and documents have been deposited at theoffice of the Town Planning Department, Perth, andwill s ri( rly be oven for inspection for the sameperiod bctw : .c the hours of 10

and 4 p.m .Any person who desires to make a submission on the

modification to the Town Planning Scheme Amend-ment should make a submission in writing and lodgeit with The Town Clerk, Claremont Town Council,308 Stirling Highway, Claremont, W .A. 6010 on orbefore 8 January 1982 .

D. H. TINDALE,Town Clerk .


[18 December 1981 .


Notice of Amendment .Stock Road Important Regional Road .

File 809-2-17-2 ; Amendment No. 388/33 .1 . It is hereby notified for ublic information that

in accordance with the provisions of section 33 of theMetropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Act 1959-1980, The Metropolitan Region Planning Authority on

22 July 1981 resolved to amend the MetropolitanRegion Scheme, and that the Hon . Minister for UrbanDevelopment and Town Planning has granted preliminaryapproval to the amendment referred to in the FirstSchedule hereto .

2. Copies of the map sheets that form part of theScheme which is being amended are available for publicinspection free of charge, during normal office hoursfrom Monday to Friday inclusive of each week, excepton public holidays, at the places mentioned in theSecond Schedule hereto, and

3 . Please note that all persons who desire to makesubmissions either supporting or objecting to anyprovision of the amendment may do so in writing in theform prescribed (Form 6A) . Forms for making asubmission are available at the places of exhibition ofthe proposed amendment and shall be lodged with theSecretary, The Metropolitan Region Planning Authority,22 St. George's Terrace, on or before Monday, 25January 1982.

H. R. P. DAVID,Secretary.

First Schedule .

Metropolitan Region Scheme Map Sheet Number 19is amended by substituting the proposed zones andreservations as shown on Amendment Map Sheet number19/7m .The purpose of the Amendment is to rationalize the

Stock Road reservation between Peel Road and theSwan River.

The effect of the Amendment is to-Delete the Important Regional Road reservation

for Stock Road north of Canning Highway,and return the land to the Urban Zone andParks and Recreation Reservation .

Reduce the width of the Important Regional RoadsReservation for Stock Road between GarlingStreet and Canning Highway, and return theland to the Urban Zone.

Exclude the Stock Road Important Regional Roadsreservation between Peel Road and LeachHighway and include this land and someadjacent . Industrial zoned land, in the "OtherMajor Highways" reservation .

The Amendment is depicted on Metropolitan RegionPlanning Authority Plan numbered 3 .0292, and is shownin more detail on supporting Plans SP70, 1 .0851, and2.0242 .

Second Schedule .

Public inspection :(1) Office of the Town Planning Department,

2nd Floor, Oakleigh Building, 22 St . George'sTerrace, Perth .

(2) Office of the Municipality of the City of Perth,27 St. George's Terrace, Perth .

(3) Office of the Municipality of the City ofMelville, Almondbury Road, Ardross .

(4) Office of the Municipality of the City ofFremantle, Cur. William Street and NewmanStreet, Fremantle.

(5) Office of the Municipality of the City ofCockburn, 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood .

(6) Office of the Municipality of the City of SouthPerth, Sandgate Street, South Perth .

(7) The State Reference Library, 40 James Street,Perth (between the hours of 9 .00 a.m. and9.45 p.m. Monday to Saturday, inclusive ofeach week and between 2 .00 p.m. and 5 .00p.m. on Sunday) .

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18 December 1981 .]


PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.Tenders, closing at West Perth at 2 .30 p .m. on the dates mentioned hereunder, are invited for the following projects .Tenders are to be addressed to the Minister (either for Works or for Water Resources, as indicated on the tender document)

C/- Contract Office,Public Works Department,Dumas House,2 Havelock Street,West Perth . Western Australia 6005

and are to be endorsed as being a tender for the relevant project .The highest, lowest, or any tender will not necessarily be accepted .As from the 1st January 1982, tenders called for Architectural and Engineering Contracts will be governed by the "General

Conditions of Contract N .P.W.C. Edition 3 (1981) and Amendments (W.A .)," a copy of which is available from the ContractOffice as above and from P .W.D. Country Offices, free of charge .


ContractNo . Project Closing

DateTender Documentsnow available at

22813t ._. . Geraldton College of Technical and Further Education- 22/12/81 P.W.D., West Perth

22814 . . . .

Additions Primary Industries and Catering/Hotel ManagementBuildings

Exmouth Hospital Repairs and Renovations . . . . 22/12/81

P.W.D., A .D ., Geraldton

P.W.D., West Perth

22818* Royal Perth Rehabilitation Hospital Shenton Park Day Hos- 22/12/81

P.W.D., A .D ., CarnarvonPolice Station, ExmouthP.W.D., West Perth

22822 . . . .pital-Outpatients Building

Collie Senior High School Technical and Further Education 22/12/81 P.W.D ., West Perth

22823 . . . .

Facilities Classrooms and Workshop

Geraldton-College of Technical and Further Education Ad- 22/12/81

P.W.D ., A.D. BunburyClerk of CollieP.W.D ., West Perth


ditions Primary Industries and Catering/Hotel ManagementBuilding Electrical Installation Nominated Sub Contract

Mingenew Water Supply 225 m3 Reinforced Concrete Circular 22/12/81

P.W.D., A.D ., Geraldton

P.W.D ., West Perth22827

Roofed TankWarwick Centre-Mental Health Services Additions and Alter- 22/12/81

P.W.D., W.S ., GeraldtonP.W.D., West Perth


Esperance Senior High School Technical and Further Education 22/12/81 P.W.D ., West Perth22836

Mechanical ServicesCollie Senior High School Technical and Further Education 22/12/81

P.W.D., A.D ., KalgoorlieP.W.D ., West Perth

22840Facilities-Mechanical Services

Fremantle-John Curtin Senior High School External Repairs 22/12/81P.W.D., A.D ., BunburyP.W.D., West Perth

22841and Renovations

Metropolitan Prison Complex Canning Vale-on the above site 12/1/82 P,W.D., West Perth


Bounded by Nicholson and Warton Roads Extension to Sewerin Staff Housing Area the Contract Period will be 8 weeks

Katanning Police Station-New Police Station and R .T.A. 19/1/82 P.W.D., West Perth


Patrol Centre-Alterations and Additions to O .I.C.'s Quarters

Denmark Sewerage Reticulation Area No. 2 Gravity Sewers- 19/1/82

P.W.D., A .D ., AlbanyClerk of Courts, KatanningP.W.D., West Perth

ADQ 2947Schedule of Rates Contract

Kalgoorlie-Eastern Goldfields-Post Secondary Education 22/12/81 P.W.D., A.D., Furniture

ADQ 2945

Library Resource Centre Supply and Lay Carpet

Birralee Primary School Odin Road, Innaloo Supply and Lay 22/12/81

Office, 2nd Floor, Room223 2 Havelock Street,West Perth 6005

P.W.D., A.D ., DistrictSupervisor Hannan Street,Kalgoorlie W.A ., 6430

P.W.D., A.D ., Furniture

A Q 2954


Leederville Technical College Supply and Lay Carpet . . . . 22/12/81

Office, 2nd Floor, Room223 2 Havelock Street,West Perth 6005

P.W.D., A.D ., Furniture

ADQ 2955 North Albany High School Stage 1 Supply and Lay Carpet . . . . 22/12/81

Office, 2nd Floor, Room223 2 Havelock Street,West Perth 6005

P.W.D., A.D ., Furniture

22844 . . . . Wanneroo Primary School-Repairs and Renovations . . . .

. . . . 19/1/82

Office, 2nd Floor, Room223 2 Havelock Street,West Perth 6005

P.W.D., A .D ., DistrictSupervisor Campion House63 Serpentine Road,Albany 6330

P.W.D ., West Perth22845 . . . . Moora-Central Midlands Senior High School-Internal and 26/1/82 P.W.D ., West Perth22846 . . . .

External Repairs and RenovationsKununurra District High School-Repairs and Renovations- 2/2/82

Clerk of Courts, MooraP.W.D ., West Perth

22847 . . . .

External and Internal

Maylands Police Academy Lecturing Branch-Electrical Install- 19/1/82

P.W.D., A .D ., KununurraP.W.D., A .D ., DerbyP.W.D., A .D ., South HedlandP.W.D ., West Perth

22848 . . . .ation

Perth Rural & Industries Bank of W.A. Barrack Street-Manu- 19/1/82 P.W.D ., West Perth22849 . .. .

facture, Supply and Installation of CarpetBeverley Police Station and Quarters-Erection 26/1/82 P.W.D., West Perth

P.W.D., A .D ., NorthamClerk of Courts, Beverley

Page 56: 5164 -


[18 December 1981 .



Kojonup Sewerage .

Reticulation Area No . 4 .

Preliminaries to Construction .

Notice of Intention .

P.W.W.S. 2151/81 .NOTICE is hereby given of the intention of the Ministerfor Water Resources to undertake the construction ofthe works hereinafter described by virtue of the powerscontained under the provisions of the Country TownsSewerage Act 1948-1978 .

A description of the proposed works :The works will comprise gravity sewers with manholes

and all other appurtenances connected therewith .

The localities in which they will be constructed :The works will be constructed in Kojonup in the

vicinity of Gordon Street, Broomehill Road, BlackwoodRoad and Crescent Road, as shown on Plan P.W.D .,W.A. 53584-1-1 .The purposes for which they are to be constructed :

The works are to be constructed to dispose of wastewater from the properties shown as capable of beingsewered on Plan P.W,D ., W.A. 53584-1-1 .

K. T. CADEE,Under Secretary for Works.

The times when and places at which the plans may beinspected :

The plans may be inspected at the office of theMinister for Water Resources, room 847, 8th Floor,Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth ; theoffice of the Public Works Department, Narrogin ; andthe office of the Shire of Kojonup, Kojonup, for onemonth on and after the 21st day of December, 1981,between the hours of 10 .00 a .m. and 3 .30 p.m. Mondayto Friday .

ANDREW MENSAROS,Minister for Water Resources .

NOTES .1 . Section 14 of the Country Towns Sewerage Act

1948-1978, provides that :1 .1 Any local authority or person interested may

object in writing to the construction of theproposed works .

1.2 Every such objection shall be lodged withthe Minister within one month from thedate of the publication of the advertisementin the Government Gazette .

2 . Section 66 of the Country Towns Sewerage Act1948-1978, empowers the Minister to make and levysewerage rates in respect of all rateable land withinany area in which a sewer, or any part thereof, iscompleted and ready for use.

3 . The timing of construction of the works shownon the plan is subject to funding .




Royal Perth Rehabilitation Day Hospital Shenton Park Out-patients Building-Mechanical Services Deposit on Document$40 each

Subiaco Primary School Supply and Lay Carpet

Como High School Supply and Lay Carpet


P.W.D., West Perth


P.W.D., A .D ., FurnitureOffice, 2nd Floor, Room223, 2 Havelock Street,West Perth 6005


P.W.D., A .D ., FurnitureOffice, 2nd Floor, Room223, 2 Havelock Street,West Perth 6005

* Deposit on document $150 .t Deposit on document $100 .


ContractNo . Project Contractor Amount

$22793 Mount Magnet Water Supply-1 000 m3 Reinforced Concrete Whatley Concrete Construe- 67 587


Narrogin Sewerage Imhoff Tanktion

Whatley Concrete Construe- 81330

22784 West Perth Technical Extension Service Stage II-Landscapetion

Commercial Furnishers Pty . 158 205

22802Office Furniture

Canning Vale Metropolitan Prison Complex-High TensionLtd .

K. G. K. Simpson Pty. Ltd 15 960

22798 . . . .Switch Room

Fremantle Hospital-Theatre and X-Ray Block Alterations L. I . Iskra & Co . Pty . Ltd 13 506

22772Mechanical Services Electrical Doc . 433

Perth Cultural Centre-Alexander Library Building Structural Consolidated Constructions 5 120 000


Woodmans Point Camp (Old Quarantine Station, Munster)Pty . Ltd .

Beaconsfield Building Co . Pty . 133 567


Department for Youth, Sport and Recreation-KitchenDining Block Additions

Kalbarri Primary School-Toilets and Two Classrooms

Ltd .

George Giudice & Co . 132 00022805 The Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre Block T-C .S .S .D . K. G. K. Simpson Pty . Ltd . 26 660

22779Conversion 1981

Wooroloo Training Centre-Electrical Upgrade 1981 Stage 11 Verlinden's Electrical (W.A .) 63 565

22803 Northam Police Station Police Department-Alterations andPty. Ltd .

R. C. & B . L. Hunter 34 689Additions 1981

Contract Closing Tender DocumentsNo . Project Date now available at

Page 57: 5164 -

18 December 1981.]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .




MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .



Reg. 12amended .

Reg .13repealed andsubstituted .

Citationandprincipalregulations .

Reg. 11substituted .

Financialyear .

Reg. 11Ainserted .

Form ofnoticeof rateassessment .

Scheduleadded .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Navigable Waters Amend-ment Regulations (No . 6) 1981 .

2 . In these regulations the Navigable Waters Regulations*, as amended,are referred to as the principal regulations .

3 . Regulation 12 of the principal regulations is amended by insertingafter paragraph (b) the following paragraph-

(c)(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this regulation the personin charge of any sailing vessel or motor boat competing in anorganized event shall comply with regulation 13 of these regula-tions . "

4. Regulation 13 of the principal regulations and the heading theretoare repealed and the following regulation and heading are substituted-

Duty of Person in Charge of Vessels atall Times .

13 . It is the duty of every person in charge of a motor boator sailing vessel to be conversant with, and to abide at all timesby, these regulations and the Prevention of Collisions at SeaRegulations 1977 made under section 89 of the Western AustralianMarine Act 1948 . " .

By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

*Reprinted in the Government Gazette 23 July 1979 at pp . 2047-2069 .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

1 . (1) These regulations may be cited as the Land Drainage Amend-ment Regulations 1981 .

(2) In these regulations the Land Drainage Regulations 1978* arereferred to as the principal regulations .

2 . Regulation 11 of the principal regulations is repealed and thefollowing regulation is substituted-

11 . (1) The financial year of a board is the year ending on 30June .

(2) The first year to which subregulation (1) of this regula-tion applies is the year ending on 30 June 1983 . " .


3 . After regulation 11 of the principal regulations, the followingregulation is inserted-

" 11A . The form of the notice of assessment required to be servedunder section 93 of the Act is as set out in the Schedule to theseregulations. "

4 . At the end of the principal regulations, the following Schedule isadded-

Published in the Government Gazette 17 November 1978 .

Page 58: 5164 -


PWWS 348





Under Secretary,Public Works Department .




Reg. 11A




Date of Issue









Please quote onall correspondence



Assessment No .

Please quote onall correspondence


Assessment No .

[18 December 1981 .

Last Day ForPayment

Total Payable



Page 59: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]



PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS-This account is payable by the last day for payment shown on the front of the account .

Legal proceedings may be taken for recovery of the amount outstanding if not paid by thedue date .

-Payment should be forwarded to the branch office shown .-Cheques, Money Orders and Postal Orders are to be made payable to the Public WorksDepartment .When remitting by mail do not forward bank notes or postage stamps .

CORRESPONDENCE-All correspondence should be addressed to the Under Secretary and directed to the branch

office shown .

PROPERTY OWNERSHIP CHANGES-All changes of ownership must be notified immediately .

OBJECTIONS-An objection against an Assessment may be lodged in writing within 42 days from the date

of issue shown .The lodging of an objection shall not affect the liability of the ratepayer to pay the assessedrates, shown on the account .

ARREARS-Arrears on your account are indicated by Code 2 .

Dated this 27th day of November 1981 .ANDREW MENSAROS,

Minister for Works .

By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council.




Kwinana-Mundijong-Jarrahdale Railway Act 1961 ; Public Works Act 1902 (as amended)

P.V.O. PW 1760/81

Road DiversionKwinana-Mundijmrg-Jarrahdale Railway

THE Minister for Works hereby gives notice in accordance with the provisions of section 17 (2) of the Public Works Act 1902(as amended) that it is intended to take or resume under section 17 (1) of that Act, the pieces or parcels of land described in theSchedule hereto, and being all in the Peel Estate District, for the purpose of the following public work, namely Road Diversion-Kwinana-Mundijong-Jarrahdale Railway and that the said pieces or parcels of land are marked off on Plan P.W.D ., W.A .53342 which may be inspected at the Office of the Minister for Works, Perth . The additional information contained in theSchedule after the land descriptions is to define locality only and in no way derogates from the Transfer of Land Act des-cription .


No. on PlanP.W.D., W.A .No. 53342

Owner or ReputedOwner

Occupier or ReputedOccupier Description

Area(approx .)

1 . Anthony LawrencePatrick Duffy andSylvia Duffy

Anthony LawrencePatrick Duffy andSylvia Duffy

Portion of Peel Estate Lot 431 and being part ofthe Land in Certificate of Title Volume 1468Folio 974

8 196 m2

2 . Paul Ernest CharlesKeen and KayeKeen

Paul Ernest CharlesKeen and KayeKeen

Portion of Peel Estate Lot 432 and being part ofthe Land in Certificate of Title Volume 1463Folio 87

6 669 m 2

Page 60: 5164 -



Metropolitan Sewerage .

Notice of Intention .

M.W.B. 676755/81 , (S04.042) .

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 20 of theMetropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and DrainageAct 1909-1981 of the intention of the Board to under-take the construction and provision of the followingworks namely :

Sewerage Reticulation Area 4J Cannington .

City of Canning.

Description and Locality of Proposed Works :

The construction of two hundred and thirty millimetrediameter, one hundred and fifty millimetre diameterand one hundred millimetre diameter reticulation pipesewers together with manholes and all other apparatusconnected therewith. The above works and localitiesare shown on plan M .W.B . 17757, a copy of which ispublished herewith .

The Purpose for which the Proposed Works are to beConstructed and Provided :

For the disposal of waste water and to connectpremises to the main sewer .

PPDPoSED X» 5 SW»H is~ OSED Xe!m0.E5 l OEPif5uiw XfiafS

aNE. t0 EE SGaVED BOaUFnEU paK ,,,,,,,,,,

E%iSiW S a a XAw NMN tray _-o- _-111 GDw+On .-


[18 December 1981 .

The Times and Place at which the Plan may beInspected :

At the office of the Board, Metropolitan WaterCentre, 629 Newcastle Street, Leederville, for onemonth on and after the 18th day of December, 1981,between the hours of 9 .30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m .

H. J. GLOVER,Commissioner .


Sections 19, 21 and 22 of the Metropolitan WaterSupply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909-1981 providethat any local authority or person interested may lodgea written objection with the Board against the con-struction or provision of the proposed works withinone month after the date of publication of the abovenotice .

After the period for receipt of objections has expired,and the objections, if any, have been met by amend-ment of the proposal or are, in the general publicinterest, not sufficient to cause the proposals to beamended, the Governor may make an order, a noticeof which is published in the Government Gazette,authorizing the Board to carry out the construction orprovision of the proposed works .

Page 61: 5164 -

I8 December 1981 .]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .



Metropolitan Sewerage .

Notice of Intention .

M .W.B. 688666/81 ; (SO4.189, SO3 .047) .

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 20 of theMetropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and DrainageAct 1909-1981 of the intention of the Board to undertakethe construction of the following works, namely :-

City of Gosnells .

Sewerage Reticulation Area 6C Thornlie and KenwickPumping Station No. 1-Gayhurst Road Rising Main

Diversion .

Description and Locality of Proposed Works :

The construction of three hundred and eightymillimeter diameter and two hundred and thirtymillimetre diameter reticulation pipe sewers togetherwith manholes and all other apparatus connectedtherewith and a three hundred millimetre diameter risingmain approximately one hundred and twenty metres inlength. The above works and localities are shown onM.W.B. 17779, a copy of which is published herewith .The Purpose for Which the Proposed Works are to be

Constructed :

For the diversion of Kenwick Pumping Station No . 1,Gayhurst Road and for the disposal of wastewater .







The Times and Place at Which the Plan may beInspected :

At the office of the Board, Metropolitan Water Centre,629 Newcastle Street, Leederville, for one month onand after the 18th day of December, 1981, between thehours of 9.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m .

H. I. GLOVER,Commissioner .


Sections 19, 21 and 22 of the Metropolitan WaterSupply, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1909-1981 providethat any local authority or person interested may lodgea written objection with the Board against theconstruction or provision of the proposed works, withinone month after the date of publication of the abovenotice .

After the period for receipt of objections has expired,and the objections, if any, have been met by amendmentof the proposal or are, in the general public interest, notsufficient to cause the proposals to be amended, theGovernor may make an order, a notice of which ispublished in the Government Gazette, authorising theBoard to carry out the construction or provision ofthe proposed works .


Page 62: 5164 -



WATER BOARDS ACT 1904-1979 .

Bunbury Water Board .

Notice of Making up Rate Book .

PURSUANT to section 79 of the Water Boards Act1904-1979 notice is hereby given that the Rate Book ofthe Bunbury Water Board for the financial year ended30 September 1982 is made up and is open to inspectionby ratepayers during normal office hours .

W. J . CARMODY,Secretary .

WATER BOARDS ACT 1904-1979 .

Bunbury Water Board .

Notice of Striking of Rate in the Bunbury Water Area .

IN accordance with the provisions of section 94 of theWater Boards Act the Bunbury Water Board herebygives notice that a rate of 8 .9 cents in the dollar on theGross Rental Value of all land in the Bunbury WaterArea has been levied for the year ending 30 September1982 .

The full amount of such rate is payable forthwith inadvance .

P . J. USHER,Chairman.

WATER BOARDS ACT 1904-1978 .

Harvey Water Board .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .

Proposed Loan (No . 11) of $150 000 .

PURSUANT to section 114 of the Water Boards Act1904-1978, the Harvey Water Board hereby gives noticethat it proposes to borrow the sum of one hundredand fifty thousand dollars ($150 000) by sale of adebenture or debentures, repayable at the office of theBoard, Uduc Road, Harvey .

Payment of interest and repayment of principal areto be made by half-yearly instalments with a final pay-ment at the end of 4 years . (The equal half-yearlyinstalments are the same as would be required if theloan had a currency of 16 years .)

The Bank of New South Wales, Harvey, which hasagreed to advance the Board a stem of $80 000 as partof the required loan, is prepared without commitment,to consider renegotiation of the amount outstanding atthe expiration of the initial 4 year period .

Purpose: Replacement and upgrading of water mains/reticulation .

Plans, specifications, estimates and statements areopen for inspection at the Council Office, Harvey, duringnormal office hours for thirty-five (35) days after pub-lication of this notice .

Note: The proposed loan was previously advertisedin the South West Times on 10 February 1981, andindicated that the loan would be repaid over a periodof fifteen years .

T. G. STANIFORD,Chairman .

L. A. VICARY,Secretary.



For the Year Ended 30 June 1981 .

[18 December 1981 .


Assets .$

Current Assets :$

Cash on Hand-Municipal Fund

2900.00Sundry Debtors :


106 304 .86Other

13 803 .91Stock on Hand

49 370 .05Other

27 959 .27

Non-Current Assets :

$200338.09 200 338 .09

Trust Fund

. . . .

47 737 .04Loans Trust Fund

62 247.78Town Planning Re-De


267 199 .90Investments-Trust Fund

66 921 .03Private Works Recoverable

25 859.50Interest Accrued

479.62Loan Funds Unexpended

62 247 .78Transfers to Reserve Funds

20 726 .00

Deferred Assets :

$553418 .65 553 418 .65

Sundry Debtors Self SupportingLoans and Assisted Sewerage . . . .

691 107 .57Trust Account

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

21689.78Town Planning Re-Development


112 072.45Reserve Fund Contras

20 726 .00

Fixed Assets :

$845595 .80 845 595 .80

Freehold Land

403 613 .67Buildings

2000786 .52Furniture and Equipment

82 079.02Machinery Plant and Equipment . . . .

314 983 .44Barbecues

1 115 .00Tools

. . . .

12 673 .52Museum and Art Gallery Co

12 469 .00Fencing

21 038 .00

$2 848 758 .17 2 848 758 .17

Total Assets

. . . 1 $4 448 110 .71

Receipts .

Rates Including Annual Garbage Charges

1566639 .85Payments in lieu of Rates


. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . . 10 824 .30Government Grants and Recoups 603 223 .68Statutory Road Grants 350 700 .00Income from Property 152 380 .82Sanitation Charges 7081 .80Fines and Penalties

. . . . 2 103 .00Other Fees 5671 .76Miscellaneous Revenue 16 679 .88Income from Other Works 100 712 .63All Other Revenue 225 718 .40Transfers and Recoups from Trust and 33 321 .70Loan Works Account (Contra) 554611 .33Sales of Assets 114 385 .15

Total Receipts

$3 751 475 .00

Payments .

Administration : $Staff Section 293 443 .67Membership Section 29 508 .85

Debt Service 564 423 .24Public Works and Services-Streets Roads and Bridges 535445 .47Parks, Recreation Grounds, Baths, Beaches 271 779 .47Building Construction and Equipment 356 354 .93Building Maintenance Operating Costs 408 123 .16Town Planning 56 274 .79Health Services 78 728 .12Sanitation 136 121 .19Bush Fire Co o 3433 .09Traffic Control 23 998 .00Building Control . . . . 40 733 .85Public Works and Parks/Rese

ads 48 918 .06Plant Machinery and Tools 130 997 .68Plant Operation Costs -(7684 .34)Materials

25 987 .69Donations and Grants

100 586 .92Transfers to Trust and Rese

60 372 .78Other Works and Services

68 733 .60Miscellaneous Expenditure

13 459 .61All Other Expenditure

74 074 .12Loan Funds Expenditure

554 611 .33

Total Payments

$3 868 425 .28


Municipal Fund Credit 1/7/80

100 868 .64Add Receipts as per Statement

3 751 475 .00

$3 852 343 .64Less Payments as per Statement

. . . . $3 868 425 .28

Municipal Fund Debit 30/6/81 $16081 .64

Page 63: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]

Contingent Liability-The amount of Interest included inLoan Debentures issued payable over the life of the loans andnot shown under the heading of Loan Liability is $2 373 119 .18of which amount $468 822 .65 is represented by Self SupportingLoans .

We hereby certify that the figures and particulars above arecorrect dated this 13th day of November, 1981 .



I have audited the books, accounts and vouchers of the Townof Albany for the year ended 30 June, 1.981 . In my opinion,the balance sheet as at 30 June, 1981 and the related FinancialStatments are prepared on a basis consistent with the accountingdirections of the Local Government Act, and present a trueand fair view of the State of Affairs of the Town of Albany .The accounting and other records examined by me are properlykept in accordance with the provisions of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981 .


Auditor .




Credit Balance 30 June 1981




$3386869 $4018245

We hereby certify that the figures and particulars in accordancewith Statements attached are correct .

Dated 10th December, 1981 .

F. G . J . BAKER,Mayor .

L. G. BAKER,Town Clerk .

I have audited the books of Account of the Town ofKwinana for the year ended 30 June 1981 . In my opinionthe balance sheet and related Financial Statements are preparedon a basis consistent with the Local Government AccountingDirections and present a true and fair view of the state ofaffairs of the Town of Kwinana as at 30 June 1981 .

E. PEGG,Auditor, State Audit Department .


ENDED 30 JUNE 1981 .Receipts.

RatesLicencesGovernment Grants andC. A. R . GrantIncome from Prope ySanitationFines and PenaltiesCemetery FeesOther Fees . .All Other Revenue

$1 576 193

Payments .


101 81212 628

168 374856 56858 82428 365

2008 027

26 43778 945

4427 136690

2 17035 3283 7079 416

178 584

$1 577 653


Debt ServicePublic Works and ServiceBuilding and Equipment . . . .Library ServiceRiver ImprovementsTown Planning CostsHealth ServicesSanitationOther Health ServicesBushfire ControlRanger ExpensesCemetery ExpendtiurePurchase of PlantMaterials not AllocatedDonations and GrantsAll Other Expenditure


$Credit Balance 1st July, 1980

3 386Add : Receipts as per Statement

1 576 1931 579 579Less : Payments as per Statement

1 577 653Credit Balance 30th June, 1981

. . . .


Assets .

$137 165117 359268 306

1 933 209

Current AssetsNon Current AssetsDeferred AssetsFixed Assets

Total Assets


365 9052 886

413 440164 880106 566Ill 519

1 0144 0988 290

397 595


Assets.1979-1980 1980-1981

Current Assets 108 052 100 248Non Current Assets 2 676 889 3 200 299Deferred Assets 910 913 1 107 444Fixed Assets

. . . . 2 559 231 2 922 178Intangible Assets 6 853 6 634

$6261938 $7 336 803

Current LiabilitiesLiabilities .

. . 2 914 16 547Non Current Liabilities 1 832 619 2 191 045Long Term Liabilities . . . . 1 039 536 1 110 966

$2875069 $3 318 558


Total Assets 6 261 938 7 336 803Total Liabilities 2 875 069 3 318 558

Receipts . $Rates . . 1 021 920Licences 20 151Government Grants 531 103Income from Property 190 147Sanitation 165 889Fines and Penalties 5 998Private Works 161 845Contribution to Works 128 716Other Receipts 118 335


Payments .Administration 100 676Debt Service 194 316Public Works and Service 1 142 800Library Service 35 788Jetties and Foreshore 5 466Town Planning 47 358Health Services 39 759Sanitation

. . . .

. . . . 190 551Bush Fire Control 24 256Building Control . . . . 31 254Stock 3 944Donations and Grants 6 400Dog Control 18 318Private Works

. . . . 118 600Property Operating Costs 247 920Security

.. . .

. . . . 26 847Capital Purchases 58 434Other Expenditure 397Community Recreation 25 626


SUMMARY . $Debit Balance 1 July 1980 2 914Add Receipts

. . . . 2 344 104

2 341 190Less Payments

. . . . 2 324 110

Liabilities .$ $

Current Liabilities :18 981 .64Bank Overdraft-Municipal Fund . . . .

Sundry Creditors 51 097 .13Accrued Charges 11563 .80Suspense Account 4013 .95

$85656 .52 85 656 .52Non Current Liabilities :

112 880 .73Trust FundTown Planning Re-Developme

112 072 .45SchemesLoan Capital Fund 62 247 .78Private Works Recoverable 25 859 .50Reserve for Parking Facilities 20 620 .66Town Planning Re-Development

267 199 .90FundsReserve Fund Co tras 20 726 .00

$621607 .02 621 607 .02Deferred

Loan LiabilityLiabilities :

. . . $3 639 347 .60 3639347 .60

Total Liabilities $4 346 611 .14

SUMMARY . $Total Assets . . . . 4 448 110 .71Total Liabilities . .. . . . . . 4346611 .14

Municipal Accumulation Fund-Surplus $101499 .57

Page 64: 5164 -



Contingent Liability-The amount of interest included in LoanDebentures issued payable over the life of the Loans andnot shown under the heading Loan Liability approximately$1 067 378 .42 of which $3 864.55 relates to a loan for a LocalYouth Club, and $311 954 .86 to Loans for Sewerage ExtensionWorks for the P.W.D .We hereby certify that the figures and particulars shown

above are correct .J . L. MUMME,

Shire President .L . J . CHRISTINGER,

Shire Clerk .

I have audited the books of account of the Shire of Colliefor the year ended 30 June 1981. In my opinion, the balancesheet and the related financial statements are prepared on abasis consistent with the Local Government Act AccountingDirections and present a true and fair view of the state ofaffairs of the Shire of Collie at 30 June 1981 .

P . D. ANDREW,Auditor, State Audit Department .


ENDED 30 JUNE 1981 .Receipts.

Rates . . . .Rates JerramunguEx Gratia RatesLicencesGovernment GrantsIncome from PropertySanitation ChargesFines and PenaltiesCemeteryVerminOther FeesHealth Service RecoupsOther RevenueRefunds


$799 940 .6910 361.49

909 .56194 650 .45608 053 .56138 554 .2523 207 .451015 .18216 .0097 .50

2354 .00494 .63

298 849 .134541 .96

8 December 1981 .

We hereby certify that the above figures are correct .R. K. BROWN,

President .R . J . SIMS,

Shire Clerk .

I have audited the books of account of the Shireof Gnowangerup for the financial year ended 30 June1981 . In my opinion the Balance Sheet and related financialstatements have been prepared on a basis which is generallyconsistent with the Local Government Act Accounting Directionsand presents a true and fair view of the state of affairs of theShire of Gnowangerup as at 30 June 1981 subject to myseparate report .

N. R. WOODS,Auditor, State Audit Department.

SHIRE OF WANNEROO.Appointment of Shire Clerk.

IT is hereby notified that Mr. John Devlin Reidy-Crofts has been appointed Shire Clerk to be effectivefrom 9 December 1981 and the appointment of NoelSydney Bennetts is hereby cancelled .

M. C. O'BRIEN,President .

CITY OF COCKBURN .IT is hereby notified for Public information that MrRobert Evans has been appointed Assistant Ranger andan Authorized Officer in accordance with the provi-sions of the Control of Vehicles (Off Road Reserves)Act 1981, effective as from Monday, 7 December 1981 .

A. J. ARMAREGO,Town Clerk.


IT is hereby notified for public information that MrRobert Leslie Thompson has been appointed ActingShire Clerk for the period 12 December 1981 to 13March 1982, during the absence of the Shire Clerk onLong Service Leave .

A. A. CARTER,President .

SHIRE OF GOOMALLING .Acting Shire Clerk .

IT is hereby notified for public information that MrRonald Peter Boardley has been appointed Acting ShireClerk for the period 7 December 1981 to 4 January1982, inclusive, during the period of annual leave ofthe Shire Clerk.

C. B . WHITFIELD,President.

SHIRE OF RAVENSTHORPE .IT is hereby notified for public information that MrBevan Charles Burkin has been appointed BuildingSurveyor for the Shire of Ravensthorpe .

K. C. WILLIAMS,Shire Clerk.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley .

IT is hereby notified for public information that MrsTeresa Rose Bishop, has been appointed as honoraryinspector under section 665A(2) of the above Actfor the control of litter within the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley .

M. N. BROWN,Shire Clerk .

Payments .

Stall AdministrationAdministration-MembersDebt ServicePublic Works/ServicesOther ServicesBuilding Construction and Equip eBuilding MaintenanceTown PlanningHealth ServicesSanitation ServicesVermin ServicesBush Fire ControlTraffic ControlCemeteriesRecreation Officer

$2 083 245 .85

167 184 .0023 052.63308 868 .41744 556.86730829856 947 .6093 767.022507 .7519 046 .1724 332.772495 .271 663 .677716.382656 .342312.40

Public Works and Overheads 136 544.58Less Allocated to Works and Cr. 149 309 .86Plant-Machinery-Tools 218 894 .35Plant Operation Costs 267 696 .90Less Allocated to Works a d Servic r . 240 838 .58Materials 8922.52Less Allocated to Works vices Cr . 22 535 .96Main Roads Trust Fund 172 570.27Donations 9326.09Other Works/Services 55 927 .98Other Payments 6968 .05Transfer to Other F ds 95500 .00

$2 089 856 .59

Balance 1/7/80


12 832 .01Receipts as per State e

Cr. 2 083 245 .85

Cr . 2 096 077 .86Payments as per Statement

Dr. 2 089 856 .59

Cr . $6221 .27

BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 JUNE 1981 .Assets .

6221 .27Municipal Fund AccountSundry Debtors 61 534 .07Non Current Assets 468 160 .31Deferred Assets 575 527 .27Fixed Assets

2 156 044 .74

$3 267 487 .66

Liabilities .

2 153 .18128 529 .30

2 265 953 .61

$2 396 636 .09


. . . . 3 267 487 .66

. . . . 2 396 636 .09

$870851 .57

Liabilities .

Current Liabilities 58 181 Current LiabilitiesNon Current Liabilities 84 649 Non Current LiabilitiesDeferred Liabilities 1 185 369 Deferred Liability

Total Liabilities $1 328 199

Total Assets 2 456 039Total Liabilities

. . . . 1328 199

Municipal Accumulation A/c Surplus $1 127 840 Total AssetsTotal Liabilities

Page 65: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]




Municipality of the Shire of Katanning


THE several registered proprietors or owners in fee simple, or persons appearing by the last memorial in the Office of the Reg-istrar of Deeds to be seined of the fee simple respectively of the several pieces of land described in the third column of the Ap-pendix to this notice and persons appearing in the Register Book or by memorial in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds to haverespectively an estate or interest in the land, and whose names appear in the first column of the Appendix to this notice .

Take notice that-(1) Default has been made in the payment to the Council of the abovenamed Municipality of a rate charged on the

several pieces of land described in the third column of the Appendix to this Notice, and the default has continuedin respect of each separate piece of land for a period greater than three years ;

(2) The total amount owing to the Council in respect of rates and other amounts charged on each piece of land is shownin the second column of the Appendix set opposite the description of that piece of land ;

(3) Payment of these amounts representing rates or as the case requires is hereby required ; and(4) In default of payment, the pieces ofland will be offered for sale by public auction after the expiration of one hundred

and five days from the date of service of this notice at a time appointed by the Council .The pieces of land in respect of which the rates specified in the second column of the Appendix are owing are those

severally described in the third column of the Appendix and set opposite- the respective amounts so specified .Dated the 18th day of December, 1981 .

T. S. RULAND,Shire Clerk.


LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981(Section 584)



NOTICE is hereby given that default in the payment of Rates for a period of not less than three (3) years having occurred The Shire of Murray, actingunder the powers conferred by Sub-Division C of Division 6 of Part XXV of the Local Government Act 1960-1981 will offer for sale by Public Auction atThe Murray Shire Council Chambers on the 19th day of February, 1982 at 10 a .m ., the pieces of land specified in the schedule hereto .

B . M. BAKER,Shire Clerk.

Names of Registered Proprietorsor Owners, and also of all

other Persons having an Estateor Interest in the Land

Amount owing showingseparately the amount owing

as Rates, and any otherAmounts owing

Description of the several Piecesof Land referred to

Estate Mrs . G . Charlton P.W.D. Water Rates $141 .67 Lot 714 Cullen Street, KatanningShire Rates $398 .09

Estate Mrs. A . L . Leslie Shire Rates $370 . . . Portion of Kojonup Location 255 and beingSanitary charges $94 Lot 3 the subject of Diagram 18532 (CreekGarbage charges $41 St., Katanning)

Mrs. D . E. Hoddell . . . . Shire Rates $342 Portion of Kojonup Location 366 and beingLot 3 on Diagram 4051 (Kojonup Road,Katanning)


Name of Other RatesDescription of Land Title Street Description Name of Registered Person Out- Other ChargesReference of Proprietor Appearing to stand- Due on the Land

Improvements have an interest ing

Pinjarra Town Lot 101 of Volume 487, Hampton Nil Dorothy Hazel Sim Commissioner of State 377 .04 Caveat No .Suburban Lot 40 Folio 106A Taxation A639263 Land

Public Works Depart- Taxment $117 .33 water/

drainageCoolup Townsite Lots 134, Volume 1189 Berger Nil Joyce Harriett Butler . . . . Public Works Depart- 928 .50 $81 .00 Drainage135, 136 Folio 533, 534, ment

and 535


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[18 December 1981 .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .City of Belmont .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No . 130) of $200 000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981 the City of Belmont hereby gives noticethat it proposes to borrow money by sale of a singledebenture on the following terms and for the under-mentioned purposes . Loan No. 130 of $200 000 (TwoHundred Thousand Dollars) repayment over a periodof ten (10) years by equal half yearly instalments atthe office of the Council, 215 Wright Street, Clover-dale. Purpose: Construction of Roads and Footpaths .

The statement required by section 609 of the LocalGovernment Act 1960-1981 for the above Loan isopen for inspection at the office of the Council duringthe usual business hours for thirty-five (35) days afterpublication of this notice .

Dated this 16th day of December 1981 .F. W. RAE,

Mayor .E. D . F. BURTON,

Town Clerk .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .City of Gosnells .

Notice of Intention to Borrow.Proposed Loan (No . 238) of $200 000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Council of the City of Gosnellshereby gives notice that it proposes to borrow money,by the sale of debentures, for a period of ten years,initially for 4 years at the current ruling rate of interest,to be re-negotiated for a further six years at the thenruling rate of interest, repayable to the Bank of NewSouth Wales, Gosnells, by half-yearly instalments ofprincipal and interest, for the following purpose : Pro-posed Loan No . 238 of $200 000 . Purpose : Construc-tion of Roadworks .

Plans, specifications, estimates and the statement re-quired under section 609 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, are open for inspection by ratepayersat the office of the Council during normal workinghours for a period of thirty-five days after publicationof this notice.

R. D. HARRIS,Mayor.

G. WHITELEY,Town Clerk .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .City of Gosnells .

Notice of Intention to Borrow.Proposed Loan (No . 239) of $50 000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Council of the City of Gosnellshereby gives notice that it proposes to borrow money,by the sale of debentures, for a period of 15 years,repayable to the State Government Insurance Office,Perth, by half-yearly instalments of principal and in-terest, for the following purpose : Proposed Loan No .239 of $50 000. Purpose : Land purchase for recreation .

Plans, specifications, estimates and the statement re-quired under section 609 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, are open for inspection by ratepayersat the office of the Council during normal workinghours for a period of thirty-five days after publicationof this notice .

R. D. HARRIS,Mayor.

G. WHITELEY,Town Clerk.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .City of Gosnells .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No . 240) of $200000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Council of the City of Gosnellshereby gives notice that it proposes to borrow money,by the sale of debentures, for a period of 15 years,repayable to the Bank of New South Wales, Gosnells,by half-yearly instalments of principal and interest, forthe following purpose: Proposed Loan No . 240 of$200 000. Purpose: Construction of Langford SportsPavilion.

Plans, specifications, estimates and the statementrequired under section 609 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, are open for inspection by ratepayersat the office of the Council during normal workinghours for a period thirty-five days after publicationof this notice.

R. D. HARRIS,Mayor .

G. WHITELEY,Town Clerk .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Town of Geraldton .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No . 177) (Readvertised)

of $71000.PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Town of Geraldton hereby givesnotice that it proposes to borrow money by the saleof a debenture on the following terms and for thefollowing purpose . Seventy one thousand dollars($71000) for ten years repayable at the office of theCommonwealth Savings Bank, Forrest Place, Perthby twenty equal half-yearly repayments of principaland interest . Purpose: Road Construction .

Plans, specifications and estimates required by section609 are open for inspection by ratepayers at theoffice of the Council, Cathedral Avenue, Geraldtonduring office hours for 35 days after the publication ofthis notice .

L. J. HARRIS,Mayor .

J. W. FLATOW,Town Clerk .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Town of Geraldton.

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No . 180) of $36 500.

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Town of Geraldton hereby givesnotice that it proposes to borrow money by the saleof a debenture on the following terms and for thefollowing purpose. Thirty six thousand and five hundreddollars ($36 500) for seven years repayable at theoffice of the Commonwealth Savings Bank, ForrestPlace, Perth by fourteen equal half-yearly repaymentsof principal and interest. Purpose : Purchase of KerbMachine and part payment for a Prime Mover .

Plans, specifications and estimates required by section609 are open for inspection by ratepayers at the officeof the Council, Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton duringoffice hours for 35 days after publication of this notice .

L . J. HARRIS,Mayor.

J. W. FLATOW,Town Clerk .

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18 December 1981 .]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Town of Narrogin .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No . 109) of $20000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Town of Narrogin hereby givesnotice that it proposes to borrow money by the saleof Debentures on the following terms and for thefollowing purpose, twenty thousand dollars ($20000)for 15 years repayable by 30 equal half-yearly instal-ments of Principal and Interest at the Office of theTown of Narrogin, Earl Street, Narrogin . Purpose :Construction of Public Conveniences, Narrogin .

Plans, specifications and estimates as required bysection 609 are open for inspection by ratepayers atthe Office of the Council for 35 days after the publi-cation of this notice .

R. W. FARR,Mayor .

G. J . PEARCE,Town Clerk.


Town of Northam .Proposed Loan No . 160 .

THE loan repayment period for this loan should read"eight half yearly instalments" of principal and interestand not "six" as shown in Government Gazette No. 77of 9 October 1981 .

Proposed Loan No . 161 .The loan repayment period for this loan should read

"twelve half yearly instalments" of principal and interestand not "fourteen" as shown in Government GazetteNo. 77 of 9 October 1981 .

F. A. R. KILLICK,Mayor .

J. BOWEN .Town Clerk .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Capel .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No. 36) of $20 000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, the Council of the Shire of Capel herebygives notice of its intention to borrow money by saleof the debentures on the following term and for thefollowing purpose: $20 000 for 10 years repayable atthe office of the Council, Capel, by 20 equal half-yearlyinstalments of principal and interest . Purpose : Con-struction of a Depot .

Plans, specifications, estimates and statements requiredby section 609, are open for inspection by ratepayersat the Shire Office, Capel, during normal office hoursfor a period of 35 days after publication of this notice .

Dated this 24th day of December, 1981 .W. A. SPURR,

President .T. W. BRADSHAW,

Shire Clerk .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Northampton .

Notice of Intention to Borrow .Proposed Loan (No . 106) of $17 000 .

PURSUANT to section 610 of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981 the Shire of Northampton hereby givesnotice that it proposes to borrow money by the saleof a debenture on the following terms for the follow-ing purpose. Loan No. 106 of $17 000 for a period



of four years repayable at the Bank of New SouthWales, Kalbarri by seven half yearly instalments ofprinciple and interest and one final instalment of prin-ciple and interest . Purpose : Construction of P .C.Y.C .Hall, Kalbarri .

Plans specifications and estimates of costs as requiredby section 609 of the Local Government Act are openfor inspection at the Council Office during normaloffice hours for thirty-five (35) days after publicationof this notice .

Note : The repayments are to be met by the KalbarriPolice and Citizens Youth Club .Dated this 11th day of December, 1981 .

R. W. ALLEN,Shire President .

H. J. FRASER,Shire Clerk .

CORRIGENDUM .Department of Local Government,

Perth, 11 December 1981 .THE notice published at page 5022 of GovernmentGazette dated 4 December 1981, under the heading"Local Government Act 1960-1981 Municipal Election"is hereby cancelled .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Dundas .Sale of Land .

Department of Local Government,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

LG: DS-4-6 .IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has directed under the pro-visions of section 266 of the Local Government Act1960-1981, that the Shire of Dundas may sell thefollowing land by private treaty to Central NorsemanGold Corporation N.L.:-

(1) Norseman Lot 204 being the land containedin Certificate of Title Volume 1050 Folio 232 ;

(2) Norseman Lot 714 being the land containedin Certificate of Title Volume 1390 Folio 420 ;

(3) Norseman Lot 21 being the land containedin Certificate of Title Volume 1410 Folio 139 ;

(4) Norseman Lot 400 being the land containedin Certificate of Title Volume 1070 Folio 167 ;

(5) Norseman Lot 122 being the land containedin Certificate of Title Volume 400 Folio 151A .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .City of Fremantle.Lease of Land .

Department of Local Government,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

LG: F-4-4 .IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has directed under the pro-visions of section 267(3) of the Local GovernmentAct 1960-1981, that the City of Fremantle may leaseLot 252 and Lot 22 being the land contained inCertificate of Title Volume 1408 Folio 924 and Certifi-cate of Title Volume 1077 Folio 386 respectively tothe W.A. Portuguese Club (Inc.) for a period ofeight years without calling public tender .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .

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LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .City of Stirling .Lease of Land .

Department of Local Government,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

LG : ST-4-4 .IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has directed under the pro-visions of section 267(3) of the Local Government Act1960-1981, that the City of Stirling may lease :-

(i) portion of each of Swan Location 7947 andPerth Shire Location Au and being Lot 1,the subject of Diagram 47972 and being thewhole of the land in Certificate of TitleVolume 1399 Folio 123 ;

(ii) portion of each of Swan Location 3174 andbeing Lot 1 on Plan 8333 being part of theland in Certificate of Title Volume 1476 Folio084 ;

to the Education Department for a period of eight yearswithout calling public tender .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Albany.Lease of Land .

Department of Local Government,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

LG : AY-4-4B .IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has directed under the pro-visions of section 2670) of the Local Government Act1960-1981, that the Shire of Albany may lease Reserve33850 to Mr. D. Moir for a period of five years withoutcalling public tender .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Albany .Lease of Land .

Department of Local Government,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

LG : AY-4-4A .IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has directed under the pro-visions of section 267(3) of the Local Government Act1960-1981, that the Shire of Albany may lease portionof Reserve 22998 to the Baptist Union of WesternAustralia (Inc .) until 1st January, 1988, without callingpublic tender .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .


[18 December 1981 .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Mandurah .

Lease of Land .Department of Local Government,

Perth, 9 December 1981 .LG: MH-4-4A .

IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has directed under the provi-sions of section 267(3) of the Local Government Act1960-1981, that the Shire of Mandurah may leaseReserve 37304 to the South Mandurah Bowling andSocial Club (Inc.) for a period of twenty-one yearswithout calling public tender .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Merredin .

Loan .Department of Local Government,

Perth, 9 December 1981 .LG: MD-3-8 .

IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has approved of seweragereticulation works in Area No. 11 of the MerredinSewerage Scheme being declared a work and undertakingfor which money may be borrowed under the provisionsof Part XXVI of the Local Government Act 1960-1981by the Shire of Merredin .

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .Shire of Sandstone .

Loan .Department of Local Government,

Perth, 9 December 1981 .LG: S-3-8 .

IT is hereby notified for public information that HisExcellency the Governor has approved of the purchaseand installation of generating plant and equipment,minor capital works and upgrading the distributionsystem for the Sandstone Electricity Undertaking onbehalf of the State Energy Commission, being declareda work and undertaking for which money may beborrowed under the provisions of Part XXVI of theLocal Government Act 1960-1981, by the Shire ofSandstone.

P. FELLOWES,Secretary for Local Government .


Municipality of the City of Melville .

By-laws Relating to Parking Facilities .

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act and ofall other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipality herebyrecords having resolved on the 27th day of May, 1980 to make and submit forconfirmation by the Governor the following by-laws :-

PART I.-DEFINITION AND OPERATION .1 . These by-laws shall be cited as The City of Melville Parking Facilities By-laws .2 . Interpretation-In these by-laws unless the context otherwise requires-

"Act" means the Local Government Act 1960-1981 ."Authorised Officer" means an Officer of the Council authorised by the Council

to perform duties in accordance with these by-laws .

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18 December 1981 .]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .

523 1

"Authorised Vehicle" means a vehicle authorised by the Council, Town Clerk,Authorised Officer, Inspector or by any Act to Stand on a Road .

"Bicycle" means any two-wheeled Vehicle that is designed to be propelled solelyby human power .

"Bus" shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the Road Traffic Act ."Carriageway" means a portion of a Road that is improved, designed or

ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, and includes the shoulders and areasincluding embayments at the side or centre of the Carriageway used forthe Standing or Parking of Vehicles, and where a Road has two or moreof those portions divided by a median strip the expression means eachof these portions separately .

"Commercial Vehicle" shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the RoadTraffic Act .

"Council" means the Council of the Municipality of the City of Melville ."District" means the district of the Municipality of the City of Melville ."Driver" shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the Road Traffic Act."Footway" includes every footpath, lane or other place intended for the use

of pedestrians only or habitually used by pedestrians and not by Vehicles ."Form" means a form in the fourth Schedule of these by-laws ."Inspector" means a parking inspector appointed by the Council under these

by-laws and includes a chief parking inspector and an assistant parkinginspector or Ranger .

"Metered Space" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Metered Zone" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Motor Cycle" shall have the same meaning as prescribed in the Road Traffic

Act, but does not include a Motor Cycle to which is attached a sidecaror sidebox .

"Municipality" means the Municipality of the City of Melville ."No Parking Area" means a portion of a Carriageway or Parking Facility

where the Parking of Vehicles is prohibited ."No Standing Area" means a portion of a Carriageway or Parking Facility where

the Standing or Parking of Vehicles is prohibited ."Notice" means a notice in the form of Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Fourth

Schedule issued pursuant to these by-laws ."Offence" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Owner" of a Vehicle means the person who is the registered holder of the

requisite vehicle licence under the Road Traffic Act in respect of thatVehicle as detailed and supplied by the Road Traffic Authority or, if theVehicle is not licensed under the Act, the person who owns the Vehicleor is entitled to its possession .

"Park" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Parking Area" means a portion of a Carriageway or Parking Facility where

the Parking or Standing of Vehicles is permitted subject to the provisionsof these by-laws .

"Parking Facilities" includes any Carriageway land buildings shelters MeteredZones Metered Spaces Parking Stalls and other facilities open to thepublic generally for the Parking of Vehicles with or without charge andSigns notices and facilities used in connection therewith .

"Parking Meter shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Parking Region" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Parking Stall" means a section or part of a Street, or of a Parking Station,

which is marked or defined by painted lines or by metallic studs or bysimilar devices for the purpose of indicating where a Vehicle may Standor be Parked whether on payment of a fee or charge or otherwise, butdoes not include a Metered Space .

"Parking Station" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act ."Property Line" means the boundary between the land comprising a Street,

and the land that abuts thereon ."Reserve" shall have the same meaning as a public reserve as defined in the

Act, but shall not include a Road or Street Verge ."Road" means any road, Street, lane, thoroughfare or similar place which the

public is allowed to use and includes all of the land lying between theproperty lines including the street verge and footpath appurtenant theretoand which is within the Parking Region .

"Road Traffic Act" means the Road Traffic Act 1974-80 as amended ."Schedule" means a schedule of these by-laws,"Sign" means a traffic sign mark structure or device approved by the Council

placed or erected on or near a Road or within a Parking Station or Reservefor the purpose of regulating guiding directing restricting or prohibiting theParking or Standing of Vehicles.

"Stand" shall have the same meaning as defined in the Act and "Standing" hasa correlative meaning .

"Street" shall have the same meaning as "Road" ."Street Verge" means that portion of a Road which lies between the boundary

of a Carriageway and the property line adjacent thereto ."Taxi" has the same meaning as taxi-car in the Road Traffic Act .

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[18 December 1981 .

"Ticket Issuing Machine" means a Parking Meter that is installed by the Counciland that issues as a result of a prescribed coin or coins being inserted intothe machine a ticket showing the period during which it shall be lawful toremain Parked in the Metered Space or Parking Stall to which it is appurtenant.

"Trailer" means a Vehicle (not including a semi-trailer) drawn by anotherVehicle but not including a sidecar attachment to a Motor Cycle or anyVehicle that comes within the description of a caravan in the Road TrafficAct .

"Vehicle" includes any vehicle which comes within the interpretation of thatexpression in the Road Traffic Act .

3 . (1) These by-laws apply to the Parking Region and all Parking Stations ParkingFacilities and Metered Zones in the Parking Region other than a Parking Facility orPat king Station that-

(a) is not owned controlled or occupied by the Municipality.(h) is owned by the Municipality but is leased to another person .

(2) These by-laws apply to any sign that-(a) was erected by the Commissioner of Main Roads prior to the coming into

operation of these by-laws within the Municipality, and(b) relates to the Parking or Standing of Vehicles within the Parking Region,

and such a Sign shall be deemed for the purpose of these by-laws to have been erectedby the Council under the authority of these by-laws .

4. For the purpose of these by-laws Vehicles shall be divided into the followingclasses :-

(a) Buses .(b) Commercial Vehicles including any other Vehicle (not being a Trailer or a

Vehicle to which a Trailer is attached) constructed primarily for conveyancetherein or thereon of goods .

(c) Motor Cycles and Bicycles .(d) Taxis .(e) All other Vehicles not otherwise classified .

5 . Where under these by-laws the Standing or Parking of Vehicles in a Street iscontrolled by a Sign, that Sign shall be read as applying to the part of the Streetwhich-

(a) lies beyond the Sign and in the direction of the arrows if included in that Sign ;(b) lies between the Sign and the next Sign beyond that Sign ;(c) is that side of the Carriageway of the Street nearest to the Sign .

6 . The portion of the District that is defined in the first Schedule is hereby con-stituted as a Parking Region to which these by-laws shall apply .

FRED ZONES .7 . Subject to these by-laws, section 231 (3) of the Act, and the Road Traffic Act,

the Council may constitute determine and vary and also indicate by Signs identifyingMetered Spaces Metered Zones and Parking Stalls ; and

(a) permitted times and conditions of Parking therein depending on and varyingwith locality ;

(b) permitted classes of Vehicles to park therein ;(c) the manner of Parking therein .

8 . Subject to By-law 11, no person shall Park or Stand a Vehicle in a MeteredSpace during the hours specified in accordance with the second Schedule unless theappropriate fee as indicated by a Sign on the Parking Meter appurtenant thereto isinserted and the Parking Meter activated forthwith .

9 . The payment of a fee pursuant to By-law 8 shall entitle the Owner or personin charge of a Vehicle to Park or Stand the Vehicle in the Metered Space for theperiod specified in accordance with the second Schedule but does not authorise theParking of the Vehicle during any time when Parking or Standing at that space may beotherwise prohibited in accordance with these by-laws .

10 . Subject to By-law 11, no person shall permit a Vehicle to remain Parked orStanding in a Metered Space during the hours specified in accordance with the secondSchedule when the Parking Meter appurtenant to that space exhibits the sign"Expired" .

11 . The Council may by resolution declare that the provisions of By-laws 8 and9 shall not apply during the periods and days specified in the resolution .

12 . No person shall Stand a Vehicle in a Metered Space in a Road otherwise thanparallel to the kerb and as close thereto as practicable and with the Vehicle in linewith the Parking Meter appurtenant to such space and wholly within such space, providedthat where a Metered Space is set out otherwise than parallel to the kerb the provisionsof this by-law, other than the provisions that a Vehicle shall Stand wholly within suchspace, shall not apply thereto .

13 . (1) No person shall insert or cause to be inserted or attempt to insert into thecoin slot of a Parking Meter anything other than the prescribed coin or coins.

(2) For the purpose of this by-law and By-law 14 the following legal tender coinsand none other shall be prescribed coins, namely-

ten cents and twenty cents .

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18 December 1981 .]



14 . No person shall operate or attempt to operate a Parking Meter by any meansother than the insertion of the prescribed coin or coins in the slot provided therefor,unless otherwise inscribed on the Parking Meter .

15 . No person shall Stand or attempt to Stand a Vehicle in a Metered Space inwhich another Vehicle is Standing .

16 . Any Parking Stall marked with the symbol "M/C" is reserved for the Parkingof Motor Cycles and Bicycles and no person shall Stand in any part of that Stall anyVehicle other than a Motor Cycle or Bicycle to which no side-car or side-box is attached .Such Motor Cycle or Bicycle may be Parked in such Stall without payment of a fee, butfor no longer duration of time than that permitted for Parking within that Parking Zone .

17 . Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws and notwithstanding anyother Sign or notice, no person without the permission of the Council or an Inspectorshall Stand a Vehicle in a Metered Space if the Parking Meter adjacent to suchMetered Space is hooded with a hood marked "No Parking" "Reserved Parking""Temporary Bus Stand" "Temporary Loading Zone" or "Authorised Vehicles Only" .


18 . (1) Subject to these by-laws, section 231 (3) of the Act, and the RoadTraffic Act the Council may constitute determine and vary and also indicate by Signs-

(a) Parking Stalls ;(b) Parking Stations ;(c) permitted times and conditions of Parking in Parking Stalls and Parking

Stations depending on and varying with locality ;(d) permitted classes of Vehicles to Park in Parking Stalls and Parking Stations ;(e) the manner of Parking in Parking Stalls and Parking Stations but such dis-

cretionary authority shall not be exercised in a manner inconsistent with theprovisions of these by-laws .

(2) No person shall Stand a Vehicle in a Parking Stall in a Street otherwise thanparallel to the kerb and as close thereto as practicable and wholly within such ParkingStall and headed in the direction of the movement of traffic on the side of the Street onwhich the Parking Stall is situated provided that where a Parking Stall is set outotherwise than parallel to the kerb the provisions of this by-law, other than theprovision that a Vehicle shall Stand wholly within such space, shall not apply .

(3) (a) Unless otherwise directed by an Inspector or Authorised Officer no personshall Park a Vehicle in a Parking Station otherwise than wholly within a Parking Stall .

(b) No person shall stand a Vehicle so as to obstruct an entrance to, an exit from,or a Roadway within a Parking Station or beyond the limits of any defined row ofParking Stalls within a Parking Station .

(c) No person shall Stand a Vehicle, except with the permission of the Council oran Inspector or Authorised Officer, on any part of a Parking Station whether or notsuch part be marked as a Parking Stall if a Sign is exhibited prohibiting the Standingof Vehicles thereon .

(d) No person shall permit a Vehicle to Stand on any part of a Parking Stationwhether or not that part is marked as a Parking Stall if an Inspector or AuthorisedOfficer directs the Driver of such Vehicle to move same .

(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws and notwithstanding anyother Sign or notice, no person without the permission of the Council or an Inspectorshall Stand a Vehicle in a Parking Stall if such Stall is marked by a Sign marked"Reserved Parking" "Temporary Stand" or "Authorised Vehicles Only" .

19 . Subject to By-law 21 no person shall-(a) Park a Vehicle or permit a Vehicle to remain Parked in any Parking Station

specified in the first Schedule between the hours specified in accordance withthe second Schedule unless-

(i) in the case of a Parking Station having an Inspector on duty theappropriate fee is paid when demanded ;

(ii) in the case of a Parking Station equipped with Ticket Issuing Machinesthe appropriate fee is inserted in the Ticket Issuing Machine.

(b) Park a Vehicle or permit a Vehicle to remain Parked in any Parking Stationspecified in the first Schedule if the Parking Station in that Schedule isdeclared to be set aside for Vehicles of a different class .

20 . (1) No person shall insert or cause to be inserted or attempt to insert into thecoin slot of a Ticket Issuing Machine anything other than the prescribed coin or coins .

(2) For the purpose of this by-law the following legal tender coins and none othershall be prescribed coins, namely-

ten cents and twenty cents .(3) The insertion of a prescribed coin or coins into any Ticket Issuing Machine

shall be effected only in accordance with the instructions printed on that particularmachine or an associated Sign or notice .

21 . The Council may by resolution declare that the provisions of By-law 19 and22 do not apply during periods on particular days specified in such resolution .

22 . No person shall permit a Vehicle to remain Parked in a Parking Station afterthe expiration of the period for which the prescribed fee has been paid and during aperiod for which a fee is prescribed .

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5234GOVERNMENTGAZETTE,W.A.[18 December 1981 .

23 . No person shall remove or cause to be removed any Vehicle which has beenParked in a Parking Station until the appropriate fee has been paid for the periodduring which the said Vehicle has been Parked .

24 . Any person paying a fee at a Parking Station shall be entitled to receive areceipt showing the period of continuous Parking in one Parking Stall permitted bysuch payment.

25, Any Driver of a Vehicle in a Parking Station which is equipped with aTicket Issuing Machine shall on purchasing from the Ticket Issuing Machinea ticket or tickets for a period or periods of Parking place such ticket or ticketsinside his Vehicle in such a position that the time of issue printed on the ticketor tickets by the machine shall be clearly visible and legible to an Inspector examiningthe ticket or tickets from outside the Vehicle .

26 . Any Driver of a Vehicle in a Parking Station not equipped with ParkingMeters or a Ticket Issuing Machine shall on demand produce to an Inspector orAuthorised Officer a receipt showing that the appropriate parking fee has been paidin respect of that Vehicle .

27 . No person shall Stand or attempt to Stand a Vehicle in a Parking Stall inwhich another Vehicle is Standing, but this by-law does not prevent the parkingof a Motor Cycle and a bicycle together in a Parking Stall marked "M/C" if theBicycle is Parked in accordance with By-law 29 .

28 . (1) No person shall permit a Vehicle to Stand in a Parking Stall whichis at the time set aside for use by Commercial Vehicles unless-

(a) the Vehicle is a Commercial Vehicle ; and(b) some person is actively engaged in loading or unloading Goods to or from

the Vehicle,and in any case for more than a period of thirty minutes .

(2) In these by-laws "Goods" means an article or collection of articles weighing atleast fourteen kilograms of which. the content is at least 0 .2 cubic metre .

(3) A parking Stall is set aside for use by Commercial Vehicles if there is a Signthereon or adjacent thereto marked "Loading Zone" .

29 . No person shall Stand or permit to Stand any Bicycle-(a) in a Parking Stall other than one marked "M/C" ; or(b) in a "M/C" Parking Stall other than against the kerb .

30 . No person shall-(1) permit a Vehicle to Stand in a Parking Stall which is set aside for use by

Buses .(2) Park or Stand a Vehicle in a Stall set aside for handicapped persons unless

the Driver or passenger is the holder of a disabled persons permit .

STANDING AND PARKING GENERALLY .31 . Subject to section 231 (3) of the Act the Council may by resolution constitute

determine and vary and also indicate by Signs, prohibitions restrictions and regulationsfor Parking and Standing of Vehicles for a specified class or of specified classesin all Streets or specified Streets or in specified parts of Streets or Reserves at alltimes or specified times, but such discretionary authority shall not be exercised in amanner inconsistent with the provisions of these by-laws .

32 . (1) No person shall Stand a Vehicle in a Parking Facility which is notdivided into Parking Stalls if by a Sign thereon or adjacent or referrable thereto :-

(a) the Parking of Vehicles is prohibited ;(b) the Standing of Vehicles is prohibited ;(c) such a Sign prohibits or restricts the Standing or Parking of Vehicles

during any period or periods, during such a period or periods ;(d) such a Sign permits the Standing or Parking of Vehicles for a specified time,

for longer than that time ;(e) it is set apart for the Standing of Vehicles of a different class ;(f) in a Parking Area it is contrary to any limitation in respect of time, days,

periods of the day, classes of persons or classes of Vehicles indicated by theinscription on the Sign or Signs associated with the Parking Area ;

(g) it is defined as an area mCycle without a side-car,

a Bicycle ;(h) it is defined as a Loading Zone, unless that Vehicle is :

(i) a Commercial Vehicle engaged in the loading or unloading of Goods,or

(ii) a Vehicle taking up or setting down passengers, and then only if thatVehicle does not have a Trailer attached ;

(i) it is for use by Authorised Vehicles Only, unless written permission of theCouncil, Town Clerk, Authorised Officer or an Inspector has first beenobtained .

32 . (2) No person shall Stand a Vehicle in a Parking Area whether that ParkingArea includes Metered Spaces or Parking Stalls or not, except in accordance withthe provisions of these by-laws and in a manner indicated by the inscription on aSign Parking Meter or Ticket Issuing Machine associated with that Parking Area .

ed "M/C", unless that Vehicle is a Motor

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33 . No person shall Park a Vehicle on any portion of a Street-(i) for the purpose of effecting repairs to it, other than the minimum repairs

necessary to enable the Vehicle to be moved to a place other than aRoad; or

(ii) if the Vehicle is exposed for sale .

34. No person shall Stand a Motor Cycle without a side-car or a Bicycle in aParking Stall unless a Sign "M/C" is marked on that Parking Stall .

35 . Subject to the provisions of By-law 18(3)(d), any person Standing a Vehicleon a Carriageway shall Stand it-

(a) on a two-way Carriageway so that it is as near as practicable to andparallel with the left boundary of the Carriageway and headed in thedirection of the movement of traffic on the side of the Road on whichthe Vehicle is Standing ;

(b) on a one-way Carriageway so that it is as near as practicable to andparallel with either boundary of the Carriageway and headed in thedirection of the movement of traffic on the side of the Road on whichthe Vehicle is Standing ;

(c) so that it is not less than 1 .2 metres from any other Vehicle, except aMotor Cycle or a Bicycle Parked in accordance with these by-laws ;

(d) so that at least 3 metres of the width of the Carriageway between theVehicle and the farther boundary of the Carriageway or between it anda Vehicle Standing on the far side of the Carriageway is available for thepassage of other Vehicles ;

(e) so that it does not cause undue obstruction on the Carriageway ;(f) so that it is entirely within the confines of any Parking Stall marked on

the Carriageway .

36. (1) No person shall Stand a Vehicle partly within and partly outside aParking Area .

(2) Where a traffic sign or Signs associated with a Parking Area are not inscribedwith the words "Angle Parking", then-

(a) where the Parking Area is adjacent to the boundary of a Carriageway,any person Standing a Vehicle in the Parking Area shall Stand it asnear as practicable to and parallel with that boundary .

(b) where the Parking Area is at or near the centre of the Carriageway,any person Standing a Vehicle in that Parking Area shall Stand itapproximately at right angles to the centre of the Carriageway unless aSign associated with the Parking Area indicates or marks on the Carriagewayindicate that Vehicles are to Stand in a different position .

(3) (a) where a Sign associated with a Parking Area is inscribed with thewords "Angle Parking" any person Standing a Vehicle in the Parking Area shallStand the Vehicle at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the centre of theCarriageway, unless otherwise indicated by the inscription on the Sign or by markson the Carriageway.

(b) In By-law 36 (3) (a) "Vehicle" means a motor car or motor wagon (utilitytype up to 3 tonne gross) as defined in the Road Traffic Act .

(4) By-law 36 (3) does not apply to a person Standing a Motor Cycle or aBicycle in a Parking Area .

37 . (1) No person shall Stand a Vehicle so that any portion of the Vehicle is-(a) between any other Standing Vehicle and the centre of the Carriageway ;(b) on or adjacent to a median strip ;(c) in front of a right-of-way passage or private drive or Private Carriageway

or so close thereto as to deny Vehicles reasonable access to or egress fromthe right-of-way passage or private drive or private Carriageway ;

(d) on any Road so as to cause an obstruction ;(e) on or obstructing any footway or pedestrian crossing ;(f) between the boundaries of a Carriageway and any double longitudinal line

consisting of two continuous lines or between a double longitudinal lineconsisting of a continuous line and a broken or dotted line and theboundary of the Carriageway near to the continuous line unless there isa distance of at least 3 metres clear between the Vehicle and the doublelongitudinal line .

(2) The provisions of By-law 37 (1)(c) and (d) of these by-laws do not applyto a Bus that Stands in a Bus Stand marked on the Carriageway for the purposeof setting down or taking up passengers.

38 . (1) No person shall Stand a Vehicle so that any portion of the Vehicle is-

(a) within 1 metre of a fire hydrant or fire plug, or of any Sign or markindicating the existence of a fire hydrant or fire plug ;

(b) within 3 metres of a public letter pillar box, unless the Vehicle is beingused for the purpose of collecting postal articles from the pillar box .

(2) No person shall Stand a Vehicle so that any portion of the Vehicle is within6 metres of, the nearer property line of any Road intersecting the Road on the sideon which the Vehicle is Standing .

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[18 December 1981 .

(3) No person shall Stand a Vehicle so that any portion of the Vehicle is within9 metres of the departure side of-

(a) a Sign inscribed with the words "Bus Stop" or "Hail Bus Here" unless theVehicle is a Bus stopped to take up or set down passengers ;

(b) a pedestrian or children's crossing established on a two-way Carriageway .(4) No person shall Stand a Vehicle so that any portion of the Vehicle is within

18 metres of the approach side of-(a) a Sign inscribed with the words "Bus Stop" or "Hail Bus Here" unless the

Vehicle is a Bus stopped to take up or set down passengers ;(b) a pedestrian crossing or children's crossing .

39 . No person shall permit a Vehicle to Stand in any part of a Street upon beingdirected by an Inspector to remove the Vehicle .40 . An Inspector may mark the tyres of a Parked Vehicle with chalk or any

other non-indelible substance for any purpose connected with or arising out of hisduties and powers and no person shall remove alter or tamper with such a markmade by an Inspector so that the purpose of the affixing of such mark is defeatedor likely to be defeated .

41 . (1) No person having Parked a Vehicle in a Metered Space shall insert orcause to be inserted a further coin in the Parking Meter appurtenant to such Meteredspace so that the Parking time allowed by the coin or coins previously inserted forthe Parking of such Vehicle shall be extended beyond the maximum time applicableto that Metered Space, unless such Vehicle has first been completely removed fromsuch Metered Space for a period of not less than two consecutive hours.

(2) A person having Parked a Vehicle for the duration of time permitted forParking in a Road where Parking is restricted as to time, shall not Park such Vehiclein such Road on that day unless it has first been removed from such Road for atleast two consecutive hours .

42 . The Council or an Inspector may-(a) permit a person who requires the use of a Metered Space or Parking Area

in order to carry out urgent or essential work for a longer period or periodsthan that prescribed as the maximum period for which the Metered Spaceor Parking Area may ordinarily be used, to use that Metered Space orParking Area for such a longer period or periods upon payment of thenormal fee or fees, if any, for that longer period or periods plus a servicecharge of One Dollar on each occasion .

(b) prohibit the Standing of any other Vehicle in that Metered Space or ParkingArea during the period or periods in which the Metered Space or ParkingArea is set aside pursuant to sub-bylaw (a) of this by-law .

43 . (1) No person shall-(a) Park a Vehicle or any combination of Vehicles that together with any pro-

jection on or load carried by the Vehicle or combination of Vehicles is morethan 8 metres in length on a Carriageway for any period exceeding one hour .

(b) Subject to the provisions of these by-laws Park a Tractor (prime movertype) and/or semi-trailer as prescribed in the Road Traffic Act in a streetor on a street verge for more than two hours in any twelve hour period .

(2) Nothing in this by-law mitigates the limitations or conditions imposed by anyother by-law or by any Sign relating to the Parking or Standing of Vehicles .

44 . No person shall Stand or permit a Vehicle to Stand on land which is nota Street or Parking Facility without the consent of the owner or person in occupationof such land .

45 . (1) No person, unless authorised in that behalf by the Council, shall drivea Vehicle upon or over any portion of a Reserve, except a licensed Vehicle upona Carriageway or a Parking Area or Parking Station .

(2) No person shall Park a Vehicle on any part of a Reserve, including any pavedareas, for the purposes of conducting a business .

(3) No person unless authorised in that behalf by the Council shall leave anyVehicle, whether in charge of any person or not, stationary upon a Reserve exceptupon a Carriageway or Parking Area or Parking Station and then only for suchperiod as is specified by a Sign .

46. The Council, Town Clerk, Authorised Officer or an Inspector may permit,provided such permission in no way contravenes the Road Traffic Code, a personwho requires a space in an area where Signs restrict the Standing of Vehicles orlimit the time for the Standing of such Vehicles to carry out urgent essential orofficial duties and to occupy such space with a Vehicle for a specified time or for alonger time than the maximum period prescribed by the Sign .

MISCELLANEOUS .47 . An Inspector shall be furnished with a certificate of his appointment in a

form determined by the Council from time to time.

48. No person shall assume the duties of or act as or pretend to be an Inspectorunless he has been appointed by the Council in such a capacity .

49 . No person shall in any way obstruct or hinder an Inspector in the executionof his duty.

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50 . (1) A Notice served under section 669 C (2) of the Act in respect of anOffence alleged to have been committed against one of these by-laws shall be inor to the effect of Form 1 of the fourth Schedule .

(2) Subject to sub-bylaw (3) of this by-law an infringement notice served undersection 669D of the Act in respect of an Offence alleged to have been committedagainst one of these by-laws shall be in or to the effect of Form 2 of the fourthSchedule .

(3) An infringement notice served under section 669D (2) of the Act in respectof an Offence against one of these by-laws shall be in or to the effect of Form 3of the fourth Schedule .

(4) A Notice sent under section 669 D (5) of the Act withdrawing an infringe-ment notice served under that section in respect of an Offence alleged to have beencommitted against one of these by-laws shall be in or to the effect of Form 4 ofthe fourth Schedule .

51 . No person other than the Driver or Owner of a Vehicle shall removefrom the Vehicle any Notice thereto or left therein or thereon by an Inspector orAuthorised Officer.

52 . No person shall without the authority of the Council mark set-up or exhibitany Sign purporting to be or resembling a Sign marked set-up or exhibited by theCouncil under the authority of these by-laws.

53 . No person shall remove damage deface or misuse any Parking Meter orParking Station or any part thereof or attempt to do any such acts .

54 . No person shall without the permission of the Council affix any board signplacard notice or other thing to or paint or write upon any part of a ParkingMeter of Parking Station or attempt to do any such act .

55 . Any person who ignores or does not follow or otherwise contravenes anySign or inscription thereon commits an offence .

56 . (a) A Sign marked erected established or displayed on or near a Road isin the absence of evidence to the contrary presumed to be a Sign marked erectedestablished or displayed under the authority of these by-laws .

(b) The first three letters of any day of the week when used on a Sign indicatesthat day of the week .

57 . Any obstructing Vehicle or any Vehicle permitted to remain Standing in aParking Facility for more than twenty-four hours without the consent in writingof the Town Clerk may be towed away or otherwise removed to the Council Depotor other place authorised by the Council from time to time .

58. Any Vehicle impounded under the provisions of By-law 57, once impoundedshall then be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Council's then currentby-laws relating to the Removal and Disposal of Obstructing Animals and Vehicles .

59 . An Authorised Officer or Inspector appointed by the Council is authorised to-

(a) carry into effect the provisions of these by-laws .

(b) make enquiries and investigations concerning any alleged purported oractual Offence against any of the provisions of these by-laws and includesthe power to interview question and obtain particulars from persons where-soever living in respect of Offences and suspected Offences within theParking Region .

(c) recommend to Council the institution of prosecutions .

(d) institute and conduct prosecutions as directed by the Council or the TownClerk .


60. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of theseby-laws or any part thereof commits an offence and is liable on conviction to aPENALTY not exceeding EIGHTY DOLLARS .

61 . The amount appearing in the final column of the third Schedule directlyopposite an Offence described in that Schedule is the modified penalty for thatOffence if dealt with under section 669 D of the Act .

62. A penalty for an Offence against these by-laws (not being a modified penalty)may be recovered by the Council in taking proceedings against the alleged offenderin a Court of Competent Jurisdiction .

63 . The Council shall cause adequate records to be kept of all infringementnotices served and modified penalties received under section 669 D of the Act inrespect of Offences against these by-laws .

64 . The issue of an infringement notice by an Inspector or Authorised Officerin accordance with the fourth Schedule of these by-laws shall be deemed sufficientEVIDENCE that an Offence has been committed .

65 . Discharge of an issued infringement notice shall be effected as described onthat infringement notice .

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[18 December 1981 .

First Schedule .By-law 6 .

PARKING REGION OF THE MUN C AL TThe whole of the District with the exception of :-

(a) All declared highways and main Roads .(b) The approach and departure prohibition areas of all traffic control

installations .(c) Prohibition areas applicable to all bridges and subways .(d) Any Road under the control of the Commissioner of Main Roads .


No. 1 Point Walter Reserve-"A" Class No . 4813 .Recreation, Golf Links, Parking-Honour Avenue, Bicton . Vested 27/4/61 .

No. 2 Deepwater Point Reserve-Mt . Pleasant .Recreation and Parking.(No. 29) Vol. 1225 Folio 215. Part Canning Location 61 Diagram 12675

being Lots 54: 55 : 56 : 57 : 58 : 59 : 60. Part Swan Location 56 Diagram 12666being Lot 61-Part 10 and 12 .

Foreshore Reserve No. 30732 Swan Location 8545. Vested 23/12/70 .No. 3 Applecross Hall and Canning Bridge Library .

Hall (No . 2) Vol . 860 Folio 44 Part Lot 180 . Part Swan 61 Plan 1751 (Sheet 1) .Library (No. 3) Vol . 870 Folio 197 Part Lot 181. Part Swan 61 Plan 1751

(Sheet 1) .Library and Hall patrons vehicles only-all hours .

No. 4 Len Shearer Reserve and Aquatic Centre .Reserve No. 26742-Cockburn Sound 2005. Vested 13/4/77 .

No . 5 Bicton Reserve-"A" Class No. 33997 .Recreation and Parking .Swan Location 9961 Plan No . 14550. Vested 8/8/79 .

Second Schedule .By-law 8 .


The hours of operation and Parking fees shall be as specified in a notice on therespective Parking Meter or Ticket Issuing Machine, or in a Sign or notice adjacentto the Metered Space, Parking Meter or Ticket Issuing Machines or on a notice at ornear the entrance to a Parking Station .

Third Schedule .Nature of Offence

Standing or Parking in a No Standing Area . . .Standing or Parked during a Restricted Period . . .Standing or Parked within 6 metres of a Property Line (Intersection)Standing or Parked on Property without Consent of OwnerStanding or Parked in a Prohibited Area of a Parking Station . . .Not Loading or Unloading in a Loading ZoneStanding or Parked in a Bus Stand . . . .Standing or Parking a Vehicle of a Different ClasParking in a No Parking AreaStanding or Parked in a Handicapped Persons Parking StallStanding or Parked in an Authorised Only Area without AuthorityStanding or Parked on a Reserved Parking Stall . . . .Obstruction on a CarriagewayDouble Parked or Standing . . . .

. . . .Standing or Parked on or adjacent to MediaObstructing a R .O.W. etc .Standing or Parked on a Footway . . . .Standing or Parked within 1 metre of Fire Hydrant . .Standing or Parked within 9 metres of departure of a Bus Stop

or pedestrian crossing . . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .Standing or Parked within 18 metres of Approach of a Bus Stop children

or pedestrian crossing . . . .Failing to move vehicle whenRemoving a Chalk MarkDriving or Parking on a ReserveAll other Offences not specified

in a restricted Area . . .

children10 .00

10 .00requested 10.00



Modified Penalty

20.0020.0020.0020.0010.0010.0010.0010 .0010 .0010.0010 .0010.0010.0010.0010.0010.0010.0010 .00

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Fourth Schedule .

Form 1 .

City of Melville .

Parking Facilities By-laws .Municipal Offices,Almondbury Road,Ardross 6153 .


To Serial No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Datethe owner of vehicle make TypePlate No

You are hereby notified that it is alleged that on theday of 19at aboutthe driver or person in charge of the above vehicle did. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the

City of Melville Parking Facilities By-laws .You are hereby required to identify the person who was the driver or person in charge

of the above vehicle at the time when the above offence is alleged to have been com-mitted .

Unless within twenty-one days after the date of the service of this notice you :-(a) inform the Town Clerk of the City of Melville or

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(designation(s) of authorised officer(s))

as to the identity and address of the person who was the driver or person incharge of the above vehicle at the time of the above offence; or

(b) satisfy the Town Clerk of the City of Melville that the above vehicle had beenstolen or unlawfully taken, or was being unlawfully used, at the time of theabove offence,

you will, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be deemed to have committed theabove offence and Court proceedings may be instituted against you .

Signature of Authorised OfficerDesignation

Form 2 .

City of Melville .

Parking Facilities By-laws .Municipal Offices,Almondbury Road,Ardross 6153 .

INFRINGEMENT NOTICE .To Serial No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DateYou are hereby notified that it is alleged that on

the day of 19at about you did. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

in contravention of the provisions of By-law No of theCity of Melville Parking Facilities By-laws .

The modified penalty prescribed for this offence is $If you do not wish to have a complaint of the above offence heard and determined

by a Court you may pay the modified penalty within twenty-one days after the dateof the service of this notice .Unless payment is made within twenty-one days of the date of the service of this

notice Court proceedings may be instituted against you.Payment may be made either by posting this form together with amount of

$mentioned above, to the Town Clerk of the City of Melville orby delivering this form and paying that amount at the Municipal Offices, AlmondburyRoad, Ardross between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p .m. on Mondays to Fridays .

Signature of Authorised OfficerDesignation


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Plate No



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Form 3 .

City of Melville .

Parking Facilities By-laws .

Municipal Offices,Almondbury Road,Ardross 6153 .


To Serial No

(not to be completed where notice is attached to or left in or on vehicle)


the owner of vehicle make Type

You are hereby notified that it is alleged that on

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

at about you did

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• . . . . of the

City of Melville Parking Facilities By-laws .

The modified penalty prescribed for this offence is $

If you do not wish to have a complaint of the above offence heard and determinedby a Court you may pay the modified penalty within twenty-one days after the dateof the service of this notice .

Unless within twenty-one days after the date of the service of this notice :-

(a) the modified penalty is paid ; or(b) you-

(i) inform the Town Clerk of the City of Melville or

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(designation (s) of authorised officer(s) )

as to the identity and address of the person who was the driver orperson in charge of the above vehicle at the time of the above offence ;or

(ii) satisfy the Town Clerk of the City of Melville that the above vehiclehad been stolen or was being unlawfully used at the time of the aboveoffence,

you will, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be deemed to have com-mitted the above offence and Court proceedings may be instituted against you .

Payment may be made either by posting this form together with the amount of$mentioned above, to the Town Clerk of the City of Melville orby delivering this form and paying that amount at the Municipal Offices, AlmondburyRoad, Ardross between the hours of 9 .00 a .m. and 4.00 p .m. on Mondays to Fridays .

Signature of Authorised Officer


Name :

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If your name and address do not appear in this notice please complete above to enablea receipt to be forwarded .

[18 December 1981 .

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Form 4.

City of Melville .

Parking Facilities By-laws .Municipal Offices,Almondbury Road,Ardross 6153 .

WITHDRAWAL OF INFRINGEMENT NOTICE .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date

for the alleged offence of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Modified Penalty $is hereby withdrawn .

Signature of Authorised OfficerDesignation

Dated the 27th day of February, 1981 .The Common Seal of the Municipality of the City

of Melville was hereto affixed in the presenceof-

1L.S .7


J. F. HOWSON,Mayor .

RALPH H. FARDON,Town Clerk .

JUNE CRAIG,Minister for Local Government .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


Municipality of the Shire of Mundaring .

By-laws Relating to Removal and Disposal of Obstructing Animals or Vehicles .IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the Local Government Act and ofall other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipality herebyrecords having resolved on 20 October 1981 to make and submit for confirmation bythe Governor, the following By-laws .

The By-laws published in theGovernmentGazetteof 1 December 1970 and amendedon 29 July 1977, are hereby amended as follows-

By-law 12 of the Principal By-laws is amended by adding after the word "destroyed"in line 7, the following words, "or offered for sale by private treaty" .

Dated this 12th day of November, 1981 .The Common Seal of the Shire of Mundaring was

hereunto affixed by authority of a resolutionof the Council in the presence of-

T. BROZ,President .

M . N. WILLIAMS,Shire Clerk .

Recommended-JUNE CRAIG,

Minister for Local Government .

Approved by His Excellency, the Governor, in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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[18 December 1981 .


Municipality of the Shire of Mundaring .

By-laws Relating to the Control of Reserve No . 23165-Lake Leschenaultia, Chidlow .IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act and of allother powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipality herebyrecords having resolved on the 20th day of October, 1981, to make and submit forconfirmation by the Governor, the following amendments to these by-laws which werepublished in the Government Gazette of 11 September 1970 and amended by noticepublished in the Government Gazette on 22 March 1974 .

Delete the whole of Schedules "B" and "C" and substitute :-

Schedule "B" .

Dated this 12th day of November, 1981 .The Common Seal of the Shire of Mundaring was

hereunto affixed by authority of a resolutionof the Council in the presence of-

[L.S .]


T. BROZ,President .

M. N. WILLIAMS,Shire Clerk .

JUNE CRAIG,Minister for Local Government .

Approved by His Excellency, the Governor, in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


The Municipality of the Shire of Shark Bay .

By-laws relating to Management and Use of the Monkey Mia Jetty .

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act and of allpowers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipality hereby recordshaving resolved on the 20th day of February, 1981, to make and submit for confirma-tion by the Governor the following by-laws :-

1. In these by-laws unless the context otherwise requires :"Council" means the Council of the municipality of the Shire of Shark Bay ."Authorised Officer" means an officer of the Council authorised to supervise the

enforcement of these by-laws ."Jetty" means the Monkey Mia jetty located at Edel Location 34 ."Member of the Police Force" means a member of the police force of Western

Australia ."Vessel" means any ship, lighter, barge, boat, raft or craft of whatsoever description

and howsoever navigated or propelled .

Use of Jetty .2 . (a) No person shall land at, use or enter the jetty except in accordance with these

by-laws .(b) No person shall land at, use or enter the jetty while it is under repairs or other-

wise closed as may be signified by signs .

Moored Vessels to Jetty .3 . (a) No person shall moor or make fast any vessel to the jetty or any part

thereof except to such mooring piles, ring bolts - or other fastenings as are providedand no person shall permit a vessel to remain alongside any jetty unless so moored orfastened .

(b) No person shall cause any obstruction on or to the jetty or impede the freepassage of other persons on the jetty .

Fees to be paid on each occasion a vehicle enters the Reserve-(a) Omnibus $3 .00(b) All other vehicles $1.00

Schedule "C" .

Camping Fees-Camping-tent with use of public facilities only-

4-man tent, per person, daily

. . . . 60cfor each additional person occupying one ten over 4 persons,


. . . .

. . . . 20c

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18 December 198]GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A .


Vessels not to Remain at Jetty .4 . (a) Any person with a vessel fastened to or alongside the jetty shall remove the

vessel forthwith on order for removal being given by an authorised officer or a memberof the police force.

(b) Any person with a vessel fastened to or alongside the jetty shall leave thevessel so fastened only while embarking or disembarking passengers or cargo or whileeffecting repairs to the vessel .

(c) Any person with a vessel loading or discharging cargo shall not come alongsideor be fastened to the jetty until the cargo is ready to load or discharge as the casemay be.

(d) Except with the written permission of the Council, no person with a vesselexceeding 13 .5 metres in length, shall permit that vessel to remain alongside the jettybetween the hours of 6 .00 p.m. and 6 a.m. the following morning .

Cargo or Property on Jetty .5 . (a) No person with property intended for shipment on to a vessel shall place

that property on the jetty until the vessel is alongside the jetty, and such property shallbe removed from the jetty as soon as practicable after being placed thereon .

(b) Property unloaded from a vessel on to the jetty shall be removed from the jettyas soon as practicable .

(c) A person who leaves property or is in charge of property left on the jetty contraryto this sub-bylaw, commits an offence .

(d) Property which remains on the jetty contrary to this by-law may be removedby an Authorised Officer and the cost of removal and of any subsequent storage of theproperty shall be deemed a debt to the Council payable jointly and severally by theowner, consignor and consignee of the property, and may be recovered by action in acourt of competent jurisdiction .

Explosives on Jetty.6 . Without the written permission of the Council, no person shall land, place or

handle on the jetty any explosives as defined in section 4 of the Explosives and DangerousGoods Act 1961 .

Vehicles on Jetty .7 . (a) No person shall drive a vehicle of a gross weight exceeding three (3) tonnes

onto the jetty or allow it to remain on the jetty .(b) No person shall ride or have a bicycle on the jetty .

Damage to Jetty .8 . (a) Without prejudice to the liability of other persons, if any, the owner of a

vessel is personally responsible for all damage to the jetty caused by a person employedby him .

(b) Where damage to the jetty is caused by an owner or by a person employed byhim, the Council may repair the damage and the cost of such repair shall be a debtdue to the Council and payable by the owner and may be recovered in a court ofcompetent jurisdiction .

Fishing from Jetty.9 . A person shall not fish from the Jetty so as to obstruct or interfere with the free

movement of vessels approaching or leaving the jetty or so as to cause a nuisanceon the jetty .

Fires on Jetty .10 . No person shall, under any pretext whatsoever light, place or keep a fire upon

or so near to the jetty as to endanger the jetty .

Rubbish from Jetty.11 . No person shall throw or cause to be thrown any glass, stone or other missile,

or any filth, dirt, rubbish or other matter of a similar nature from the jetty .

Loitering on Jetty .12 . No person shall loiter, lounge, camp or sleep or erect a tent, camp or fly on

the jetty .

Materials not to be Removed .13 . No person shall remove or cause to be removed from the jetty any gravel, stone,

timber or other material .

Pipelines to Jetty .14 . No person shall construct or install any pipelines to the jetty except with the

written permission of the Council and approval from the Harbour and Light Depart-ment as per the Jetties Act 1926 .

Obstruction of Jetty or Officers .15 . (a) No person shall place or cause to be placed on the jetty any obstruction .

(b) No person shall obstruct any representative officer or workman of the Councilengaged in construction, repairing, adding to or working on the jetty .

Interference with Vessels .16 . No person shall without the consent of Council, or the owner of the vessel,

move, let go or otherwise interfere with a vessel at its moorings .(6)-16271

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[18 December 1981 .

Penalties .17 . A person who by act or omission contravenes any of the provisions of these

by-laws commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a maximum penalty of twohundred dollars .

Fees.18 . Vessels exceeding 13.5 metres in length shall be subject to a berthing fee of

$20 per day . Subject to Clause 4 (d) of this by-laws the day shall be between thehours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m . Vessels below 13 .5 metres in length will not be subject toa berthing fee . Measurement of the vessel is to be calculated by the identical methodas used for the purpose of licensing vessels .

Dated this 2nd day of November, 1981 .The Common Seal of the Municipality of the Shire

of Shark Bay was hereunto affixed in thepresence of-


Shire President.G. E. WHEELER,

Shire Clerk .

Recommended-JUNE CRAIG,

Minister for Local Government .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1981 .

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1960-1981 .The Municipality of the Shire of Wanneroo .

By-laws relating to Fencing .IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act and of allother powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipality herebyrecords having resolved on the 23rd day of September, 1981, to make and submit forconfirmation by the Governor the following amendment to By-laws relating to Fencingpublished in the Government Gazette on 11 November 1977 .By-laws No. 3 of the principal By-laws is amended in sub-bylaw (d) paragraph

(IV) by substituting the numeral "12" in the fourth line with the numeral "9" .By-law No. 4 of the principal By-laws is amended by substituting the numeral "12"

in the third line with the numeral "9".

Dated this 28th day of October, 1981 .The Common Seal of the Shire of Wanneroo was

hereunto affixed by authority of the resolutionof the Council in the presence of-



Acting Shire Clerk.

Recommended-JUNE CRAIG,Minister for Local Government .

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 9th day ofDecember, 1951 .

D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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18 December 1981 .]





MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

Custody .

Use of thecommonseal .

Seat book .


4. The common seal shall be kept in the custody of the executiveofficer, who shall be responsible for its safety .

5 . (1) The common seal is not duly affixed to any document unless-(a) it is affixed thereto in the presence of any two members of the

Board, or in the presence of a member of the Board and theexecutive officer ;

(b) the persons required by paragraph (a) of this subregulation tobe present when the common seal was affixed to the documenttestify on the document by their signatures that the commonseal was affixed in their presence ; and

(c) the sealing clause is in the form, or substantially in the form,set out in the Schedule to these regulations .

(2) A reference in subregulation (1) of this regulation to a memberof the Board includes a reference to a person acting under section 14 or15 of the Act in the office of a member who is not present .

(3) The Board may from time to time by notice publishedGazette authorize-

(a) a person appointed under section 28 (1) of the Act as an officerof the Institute ; or

(b) a person rendering services to the Institute pursuant to section30 (1) of the Act,

for the time being to carry out the functions and perform the duties ofthe executive officer under these regulations .

6 . The executive officer shall maintain and keep in his custody a recordof all documents to which the common seal has, been affixed .

Schedule .

Sealing Clause .

The common seal of the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute of Western Australia was hereuntoaffixed in the presence of :

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

in the

Citation . 1 . These regulations may be cited as the Solar Energy Research (Com-mon Seal) Regulations 1981 .

Interpreta- 2 . In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears-tion .

Form . 3 .

"common seal" means the common seal of the Institute ;"executive officer" means the person for the time being having auth-

ority under regulation 5 (3) of these regulations ;"the Act" means the Solar Energy Research Act 1977 .

The form of the common seal shall be an embossed seal as depicted

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[18 December 1981 .



(Section 7 (2))

IN exercise of the power conferred by subsection 2 of section 7 of the Construction Safety Act 1972-77, the Minister for Minesand the Minister for Labour and Industry hereby jointly declare that the provisions of the Construction Safety Act, 1972-77,shall apply as from the service of this notice until the completion of the work specified in column 4 of the Schedule to such workthat is to be or is being constructed on or about the mine or part of the mine specified herein .


Alcoa of Australia

Kwinana Refinery

Kwinana bauxite storage

Removal of existing conveyor system inLimited

area in and between

buildings 15 and 14 and between buildingsBuildings 14,15 and 16 15 and 16 ; the installation of a new conveyor

system together with associated structuralalterations .

Dated this 4th day of December 1981 .PETER JONES,

Minister for Mines .

R. J. O'CONNOR,Minister for Labour and Industry.

Citation .

HolidayResortsTradingHours .



MADE under subsection 12 of section 92A by the Minister for Labour and Industry .1. This Order may be cited as the Factories and Shops Exemption

Order (No. 21), 1981 .

2. It is hereby declared that-

(a) the shops in the area specified in the Schedule 1 of this Orderare exempt from the provisions of Division II of Part IX ofthe Act until 9 .00 pan . during the following periods, all datesbeing inclusive:-

December 1, 1981 to December 2, 1981 .December 4, 1981 to December 9, 1981 .December 11, 1981 to December 16, 1981 .December 18, 1981 to December 23, 1981 .December 26, 1981 to December 30, 1981 .

Schedule 1 .

The Townsite of Rockingham .

The Locality of Rockingham Park .

The Locality of Safety Bay .

The Locality of Shoalwater Bay .

(b) the shops in the areas specified in the Schedule 2 to this Orderare exempt from the provisions of Division II of Part IX ofthe Act until 9 .00 p .m. during the following periods, all datesbeing inclusive :-

January 1, 1982 to January 6, 1982 .January 8, 1982 to January 13, 1982.January 15, 1982 to January 20, 1982 .January 22, 1982 to January 27, 1982 .January 29, 1982 to February 3, 1982 .February 5, 1982 to February 10, 1982 .February 12, 1982 to February 14, 1982 .February 26, 1982 to March 2, 1982 .April 10, 1982 to April 14, 1982.April 24, 1982 and April 26, 1982 .May 17, 1982 to May 19, 1982 .May 21, 1982 to May 26, 1982 .May 28, 1982 to May 29, 1982 .June 5, 1982 to June 7, 1982 .August 30, 1982 to September 1, 1982 .

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

Name of Company Location Mine or part of Mine Description of Work

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18 December 1981 .]




Department of Labour and Industry,Perth, 7 December 1981 .

IT is hereby notified for general information that theMinister for Labour and Industry has, in accordancewith section 85 (7) of the Industrial Arbitration Act1979, appointed :-

(a) Keith Scapin, Industrial Registrar, as Clerkof the Western Australian Industrial AppealCourt; and

(b) Trevor John Pope, Deputy Registrar, to actas Clerk of the Western Australian IndustrialAppeal Court in the absence from that office atany time of Keith Scapin.

B. R. COLCUTT,Under Secretary forLabour and Industry.

Schedule-continued .

September 3, 1982 to September 8, 1982 .September 10, 1982 to September 12, 1982 .October 2, 1982 to October 4, 1982.December 4, 1982 to December 8, 1982 .December 10, 1982 to December 15, 1982 .December 17, 1982 to December 22, 1982 .December 24, 1982.December 26, 1982 to December 29, 1982 .December 31, 1982.

Schedule 2 .

The Townsite of Busselton .

The Townsite of Denmark.The Townsite of Kalbarri .

The Townsite of Rockingham .

The Locality of Rockingham Park .

The Locality of Safety Bay .

The Locality of Shoalwater Bay .

The Locality of Two Rocks .

(c) the shops in the area specified in the Schedule 3 to this Orderare exempt from the provisions of Division II of Part IX of theAct until 9 .00 p.m. on every Sunday for the period January 1,1982 to December 31, 1982, excluding Anzac Day, April 25, 1982,and during the following periods, all dates being inclusive :

January 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26 and 29, 1982 .February 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15 16 and 19, 1982 .March 1, 1982 .April 12, 1982 .May 17, 18, 21, 24, 25 and 28, 1982 .August 30 and 31, 1982 .September 3, 6, 7 and 10, 1982 .October 4, 1982 .December 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 24, 27, 28 and 31, 1982 .

Schedule 3 .

The Townsite of Mandurah .

(d) the shops in the areas specified in the Schedule 4 to this Orderare exempt from the provisions of Division II of Part IX of theAct until 7 .30 p.m. on each Saturday, except Christmas Day,December 25, 1982, during the following period, all dates beinginclusive:-

(i) January 1, 1982 to December 31, 1982 .

Schedule 4 .

The Townsite of Geraldton .

The Shire of Greenough.

R. J. O'CONNOR,Minister for Labour and Industry .

SMALL CLAIMS TRIBUNALS ACT 1974 .Department of Labour and Industry,

Perth, 10 November 1981 .IT is hereby notified for general information that HisExcellency the Governor in Council, acting under theprovisions of section 5 of the Small Claims TribunalsAct 1974, has been pleased to appoint as a part-timereferee of the Small Claims Tribunal, Roger AnthonyMacknay, for a term of three years from 1 January1982.

B. R. COLCUTT,Under Secretary .

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[18 December 1981 .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .Citation .

Co nmence-ment .

Principalregulations .

Regulation 5repealed .


5 . The Schedule to the principal regulations is amended in item 8 ofForm 1, by deleting "Consumer Protection Bureau?" and substituting thefollowing-

Bureau Bureau of Consumer Affairs? "By His Excellency's Command,

R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

Published in the Government Gazette on 7 March 1975 at pp . 844-847.


RS ACT 1971-1981 .Order.

I, NORMAN RICHARD FLETCHER, Commissionerfor Consumer Affairs, in pursuance of section 23Q(1)of the Consumer Affairs Act 1971-1978 hereby prohibitfor a period of 28 days the supply of a particular classof goods described in the Schedule .

Dated this 15th day of December, 1981 .N. R. FLETCHER,

Commissioner for Consumer Affairs .

Schedule .Goods of a class known as "The World's Cutest

Doll" made in Korea .

CONSUMER AFFAIRS ACT 1971-1981 .Order.

I, NORMAN RICHARD FLETCHER, Commissionerfor Consumer Affairs in and for the State of WesternAustralia being satisfied that a Consumer Affairs Author-ity namely the Honourable John Colington Moore . Min-ister for Business and Consumer Affairs, in and for theCommonwealth of Australia has by notice dated16 December 1981 published in the CommonwealthGazette on 16 December 1981 prohibited the supplyof a class of goods described in the Schedule hereto .

Dated this 16th day of December, 1981 .N. R. FLETCHER,

Commissioner for Consumer Affairs .

Schedule .Novelty money boxes designed or marketed for use

by children where the accessible coating material con-tains any lead or any lead-containing substance so thatthe concentration of lead calculated as the elementexceeds 2 500 mg/kg of the coating material .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Small Claims TribunalsAmendment Regulations (No. 2) 1981 .

2 . These regulations shall come into operation on and from 1 January1982 .

3 . The Small Claims Tribunals Act Regulations 1975*, as amended,are referred to as the principal regulations .

4 . The principal regulations are amended by repealing regulation 5 .

CONSUMER AFFAIRS ACT 1971-1981 .Order .

I, NORMAN RICHARD FLETCHER, Commissionerfor Consumer Affairs, in pursuance of section 23Q (1)of the Consumer Affairs Act 1971-1981 hereby prohibitfor a period of 28 days the supply of a particular classof goods described in the Schedule .

Dated this 16th day of December, 1981 .N. R. FLETCHER,

Commissioner for Consumer Affairs .

Schedule .Goods of a class known as foam-filled, mufti-coloured

soft balls or other similar shapes labelled "Nursery SoftToys" made in Hong Kong by H . K. Henry Toys .


Agriculture Protection Board,South Perth, 10 December 1981 .

ACTING pursuant to subsection 15(1) of the Agri-culture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976-1981,the Agriculture Protection Board hereby cancels theappointment of Johannes Arent Swarts as Chairman ofthe Control Authorities of Zones 4, 6, 7 and 9 consti-tuted under section 13 of the said Act, and appointsin his stead :

Michael Tait Sexton to the Chairman of the Con-trol Authorities of Zones 4, 6 and 7 ;

Eric Gregory Pearson to be chairman of the ControlAuthority of Zone 9 .

Passed by resolution of the Agriculture ProtectionBoard at the Ordinary meeting of the said Board heldon 7 December 1981 .

E. N. FITZPATRICK,Chairman .

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18 December 1981 .]




1968-1978.BEEKEEPERS ACT 1963-1980 .

Department of Agriculture,South Perth, 11 December 1981 .

Agric. 1147/77 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to appoint Herron Cleveland Williams asan inspector pursuant to section 7(1) of the PlantDiseases Act 1914-1981, section 8 of the Stock Diseases(Regulations) Act 1968-1978 and section 5 of the Bee-keepers Act 1963-1980 .

E. N. FITZPATRICK,Director of Agriculture.


Department of Agriculture,South Perth, 11 December 1981 .

Agric. 910/76 .HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hasbeen pleased to appoint David John Blair as the deputyfor Mr. Oscar Elton Butcher in accordance with section8 (3) of the Western Australian Meat IndustryAuthority Act 1976.

E. N. FITZPATRICK,Director of Agriculture .


Agriculture Protection Board,South Perth, 27 October 1981 .

PURSUANT to section 37 of the Agriculture andRelated Resources Protection Act 1976-1980, the Agri-culture Protection Board hereby lists the classes ofplants that are for the time being the subject of adeclaration made under section 35 of that Act, togetherwith the matters specified pursuant to subsection (2)of that Section in relation to each class :

Declared Plants .Aquarium Plants ; PI; Whole State of W .A .Plants of any class used or grown in aquariums

unless they are plants that are on premises for the timebeing accredited by the Chief Agriculture ProtectionOfficer as premises free from any snail capable ofacting as intermediate hosts for the Fluke Fasciolahepatica, or are in the course of being moved fromsuch premises .Aquatic Weeds :

Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) ; P1,P2 ; Whole State of W .A .

Arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis) ; P1, P2 ;Whole State of W.A.

Elodea (Elodea canadensis) ; P1, P2 ; Whole Stateof W.A .

Lagarosiphon (Lagarosiphon major) ; P1, P2 ;Whole State of W.A .

Leafy elodea (Egeria densa) ; Pl, P2; Whole Stateof W.A .

Sagittaria (Sagittaria graminea) ; P1, P2; WholeState of W.A .

Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) ; P1, P2; Whole Stateof W.A .

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) ; P1, P2 ;Whole State of W.A .

Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) ; Pl, P2 ; WholeState of W .A.

Apple of Sodom (Solanurn hermannii) : P1, P3 ; Mu-nicipal districts of Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Murray,Mandurah, Waroona, Harvey, Collie, Dardanup,Capel, Donnybrook-Balingup, Busselton, Augusta-Margaret River, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Green-bushes, Nannup and Manjimup and the City ofBunbury .

Artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus) ; P1, P2 ; WholeState of W.A.

Arum lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) ; P1, P2 ; Mu-nicipal districts of Albany, Plantagenet, Denmark,Manjimup, Nannup, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Boy-up Brook, Dardanup, Capel, Donnybrook-Balingup,Augusta-Margaret River and those portions of theState constituted as the Harvey region under sec-tion 13 of the Act, except the lands shown in theSchedule to categories Pl, P3 below .

P1, P3; Municipal district of Busselton .Schedule .

Wellington Locations 17, 20, 48 and all of thatarea bounded by the Old Coast Road and theScenic Drive adjacent to the Leschenault Inlet .

P1, P4 ; Town of Albany .African thistle (Augusta thistle) (Berkheya rigida) ; P1,

P2 ; Whole State of W .A .Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum) ; P1 ; Whole State

of W.A.P2 ; All Municipal districts except the Shires of

Boulder and Coolgardie and the Town of Kal-goorlie .

P3 ; Municipal districts of Boulder and Cool-gardie and the Town of Kalgoorlie .

Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus agg.) ; P1, P2 ; Municipaldistricts of Dardanup, Capel, Donnybrook-Balingup,Busselton, Augusta-Margaret River, Boyup Brook,Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Nannup, Manjimup, Plan-tagenet, Denmark and Albany, the Town of Albanyand those portions of the State constituted as theHarvey region under section 13 of the Act, exceptthe lands shown in the Schedule to categories forP1, P3 below.

Schedule .P1, P3 ; Murray Locations 163, 612, 1119, 1120,

1121, 1122, 363, 461, Part of Murray Locations392, 9, 905, 892, 906, Part of Murray Location518 .

Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19,21, 22, 35, 37, 48 of Wellington Location 1 .

Lots 2, 3, of Wellington Location 50 .Wellington Locations 1839, 3939, 207, 1522,

Part of Wellington Location 51, Part of WellingtonLocation 56 .

Boneseed (Ch ysanthemoides monilifera) ; P5 ; Lands inthe control of the Government and local authori-ties in the whole State of W .A .

Calotropis (Calotropis procera) ; P1, P4 ; All Municipaldistricts in that portion of the State of W .A. Northof the 26th parallel of latitude .

Camelthorn (Alhagi pseudalhagi) ; Pl, P2; Whole Stateof W.A .

Cape tulip (Homeria breyniana) (One-leaf), (Hoineriaminiata) (Two-leaf) ; Pl ; Whole State of W.A .

P2 ; All Municipal districts and Towns except theShires of Northam, York, Beverley, Brookton, Cor-rigin, Pingelly, Cuballing, Wickepin, Wandering,Boddington, Williams, Narrogin, Wagin, WestArthur, Wanneroo, Swan, Mundaring, Kalamunda .Kwinana and Rockingham and those portions ofthe State constituted as the Harvey region undersection 13 of the Act, except the lands shown inthe Schedule to category P3 below : and the Townsof Northam and Narrogin and all Shires, Townsand Cities in the Perth metropolitan area .

P3 ; Municipal districts of Northam, York,Beverley, Brookton, Corrigin, Pingelly, Cuballing,Wickepin, Wandering, Boddington, Williams, Nar-rogin, Wagin, West Arthur, Wanneroo . Swan, Mun-daring, Kalamunda, Kwinana and Rockingham ; andthe Towns of Northam, Narrogin and Armadale,and the lands shown in the schedule below .

Schedule .

853, 4201, 907, 2281, 224, 173, 2606 .P4; All Shires, Towns and Cities in the Perth

metropolitan area .

Part Lot 78 of Cockburn Location 16 . Cockbu:nLocations 173, 174, 175, 176, 180, 181, 182, 191,192, 193, 194, 34, 394, 395, 396, 805, 162, 369,811, 138, 370 .

Wellington Locations 4238, 1208, 945, 528, 100-1,

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[18 December 1981 .

Common Heliotrope (Heliotropittrn europaeum) ; PI ;All that portion of the State of W .A. South of the26th parallel of latitude .

P2 ; Municipal districts of Northampton, Chap-man Valley, Mullewa, Greenough, Irwin, Mingenew,Morawa, Three Springs, Carnamah, Perenjori,Coorow, Dalwallinu, Moora, Dandaragan, Wongan-Ballidu, Victoria Plains, Gingin, Chittering, Tood-yay, Goomalling, Northam, York, Beverley,Quairading, Cunderdin, Tammin, Kellerberrin,Dowerin, Wyalkatchem, Trayning, Koorda, Mt.Marshall, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Westonia, Yil-garn, Merredin, Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Brookton,Wandering, Boddington, Corrigin, Pingelly, Cubal-ling, Wickepin, Narrogin, Williams, West Arthur,Wagin, Dumbleyung, Woodanilling, Katanning,Broomehill, Kojonup, Tambell up, Cranbrook,Plantagenet, Denmark, Albany, Kondinin, Kulin,Lake Grace, Ravensthorpe, Esperance, Serpentine-7arrahdale, Murray, Mandurah, Waroona, Harvey,Collie, Dardanup, Cape], Donnybrook-Balingup,Busselton, Augusta-Margaret River, Boyup Brook,Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Nannup, Manjimup, Wan-neroo, Swan, Mundaring, Kalamunda, Kwinana andRockingham ; all Shires, Towns and Cities in thePerth metropolitan area ; and the Towns of Gerald-ton, Northam, Narrogin, and Albany, the City ofBunbury and all alienated land in the Shire ofDundas within 50 kilometres from any point onthe Kalgoorlie-Esperance railway line between thesouthern boundary of the Shire of Dundas and the175 kilometre peg of that railway line .P3 ; Municipal districts of Kent and Gnowan-

gerup .P4; (a) All land in the Eastern land division

South of the 26th parallel of latitude except forthe Shires of Westonia and Yilgarn and those por-tions of the Shires of Merredin, Mullewa andPerenjori in that division.

(b) All land in the Eucla division except theShire of Esperance and those portions of theShires of Ravensthorpe, Lake Grace, Kondinin andNarembeen and except all alienated land in theShire of Dundas within 50 kilometres from anypoint on the Kalgoorlie-Esperance railway linebetween the southern boundary of the Shire ofDundas and the 175 kilometre peg of that railwayline .

Cotton bush (narrow leaf) (Goinphocarpus frnticosus) ;P1, P2 ; Whole State of W .A . except those portionsconstituted as the Harvey region under section 13of the Act, shown in the Schedule to P1, P3 below .

Schedule.P1, P3 ; Lots 1, 2, 8, 9, 3, 11, 12, 29, 25, 34, 35, 36

of Wellington Location 1 ; Wellington Location 5 .Dock (Rurnex obtusifolius (Broadleaf), Rurnex con-

gloineratus (Clustered), Rrunex crispus (Curled)Rurnex pulcher (Fiddle), Ruinex brownii(Swamp)) ; P1, P4 ; Municipal districts of Morawa,Three Springs, Perenjori, Carnamah and Coorow .

Doublegee (Emex australis) ; P1, P3 ; Municipal dis-tricts of Dardanup, Capel, Donnybrook-Balingup,Busselton, Augusta-Margaret River, Kent, Gnowan-gerup and Ravensthorpe .

Doveweed (Erenrocarpas setiger) ; P1, P2 ; Whole Stateof W.A .

Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) ; P1, P2 ; WholeState of W.A.

Geraldton carnation weed (Euphorbia terracina) ; P1,P2; All Municipal districts and Towns in the Stateof W.A. except the region of Esperance as definedunder section 13 of the Act, and the Shires ofNorthampton, Chapman Valley, Greenough, Mul-lewa, Irwin, Mingenew, Morawa, Three Springs,Carnamah, Perenjori, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Moora,Dandaragan, Wongan-Ballidu, Victoria Plains,Gingin, Chittering, Bayswater, Belmont, Kalamunda,Mundaring, Peppermint Grove, Rockingham, Swanand Wanneroo ; the Towns of Armadale. Bassen-dean, Claremont, Cockburn, Cottesloe, East Fre-mantle, Kwinana and Mosman Park : the Cities ofCanning, Fremantle, Gosnells, Melville, Nedlands,Perth, South Perth, Stirling and Subiaco .

P1, P4; Region of Esperance as defined undersection 13 of the Act .

Gorse (Ulex europaeus) ; P1, P2; Whole State of W.A.Gorteria (Gorteria personata) ; P1, P2 ; Whole State of

W.A .Harrisia cactus (Eriocereus martinii) ; P1, P2; Municipal

districts of Port Hedland, East Pilbara, Roebourneand West Pilbara .

Hoary cress (Cardaria draba) ; P1, P2 ; Whole State ofW.A.

Horehound (Marrubiurn vulgare) ; P1 ; Whole State ofW.A.

P2 ; All Municipal districts, Towns and Citiesexcept the Shire of Ravensthorpe.

P3 ; Municipal district of Ravensthorpe .Mesquite (Genus prosopis) ; P1, P2 ; Whole State of

W.A .Mexican poppy (Argernone inexicana) ; P1 ; Whole State

of W.A .P2 ; All Municipal districts, Towns and Cities

except the Shires of Port Hedland, East Pilbara,Roebourne, West Pilbara and those portions of theState constituted as the Carnarvon, Leonora andKalgoorlie regions under section 13 of the Act .

P3 ; Municipal districts of Port Hedland, EastPilbara, Roebourne and West Pilbara .

P4 ; Those portions of the State constituted as theCarnarvon, Leonora and Kalgoorlie regions undersection 13 of the Act .

Mintweed (Salvia reflexa) ; P1, P2 ; Municipal districtsof Sandstone, Wiluna, Leonora, Laverton, Men-zies, Boulder, Coolgardie and the Town of Kal-goorlie and pastoral areas of the Shire of Dundas .

Noogoora burr (Xanthiurn occidentale, Xanthiumenvanillesii, Xanthirun italicum, Xonthium orien-ale) ; P1, P2 ; Whole State of W .A .

Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia aculeata) ; PI, P2 ; All Muni-cipal districts in that portion of the State of W.A .North of the 26th parallel of latitude.

Paterson's curse (Echiurn plantagineum) ; P1 ; All thatportion of the State of W.A. South of the 26thparallel of latitude .

P2 ; Municipal districts of Dardanup, Capel,Donnybrook-Balingup, Busselton, Augusta-MargaretRiver, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes,Nannup, Manjimup, Plantagenet, Denmark, Albany,Ravensthorpe and Esperance ; and all alienated landin the Shire of Dundas within 50 kilometres fromany point on the Kalgoorlie-Esperance railway linebetween the southern boundary of the Shire ofDundas and the 175 kilometre peg of that railwayline, Town of Albany and those portions of theState constituted as the Harvey region under sec-tion 13 of the Act, except the lands shown in theSchedule to category P3 below .

P3 ; Municipal districts of Mullewa, Morawa,Carnamah, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Moora, Dandara-gan, Wongan-Ballidu, Gingin, Chittering, Brookton,Corrigin, Pingelly, Wandering, Boddington, Wil-liams, Cuballing, Wickepin, Narrogin, Dumbleyung,Wagin, West Arthur, Woodanilling, Katanning,Broomehilll, Kojonup, Tambellup, Cranbrook,Kondinin, Kulin, Lake Grace, 1{ent and Gnowan-gerup and the Town of Narrogin and lands listedin the Schedule below .

Schedule .Lots A18, A36, A37, 51, 52, 57, 54 of Cockburn

Location 16 .Cockburn Locations 263, 237, 238, 546 .Lots 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,

94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 of Murray Location 1 .Murray Locations 545, 716, 387, 355, 321 .

P4; Municipal districts of Goomalling, York,Beverley, Quairading, Dowerin, Wyalkatchem,Tammin, Kellerberrin, Nungarin, Westonia, Yilgarn,Merredin, Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Northampton,Cha:pman Valley, Greenough, Mingenew, Irwin,Three Springs, Perenjori, Victoria Plains, Toodyay,Northam, Cunderdin, Koorda, Mt . Marshall, Tray-ning, Mukinbudin, Wanneroo, Swan, Mundaring,Kalamunda, Kwinana and Rockingham ; and allShires, Towns and Cities in the Perth metropolitanarea and the Towns of Geraldton and Northam and

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(a) all land in the Eastern land division southof the 26th parallel of latitude except for theShires of Westonia and Yilgarn and those portionsof the Shires of Merredin, Mullewa and Perenjoriin that division ;

(b) all land in the Eucla division except theShire of Esperance and those portions of the Shiresof Ravensthorpe, Lake Grace, Kondinin and Narem-been in that division and except all alienated landin the Shire of Dundas within 50 kilometres fromany point on the Kalgoorlie-Esperance railway linebetween the southern boundary of the Shire ofDundas and 175 kilometre peg of that railway line .

Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) ; P1, P2 ; Municipaldistricts of Tambellup, Albany, Cranbrook, Plan-tagenet, and the Town of Albany .

P1, P4 ; Municipal district of Denmark and theWalpole Ward of the Shire of Manjimup .

Perennial thistle (Canada thistle) (Cirsium arvense)P1, P2; Whole State of W.A .

Prickly pear (Opuntia sppi ; P1, P2 ; All Municipaldistricts in that portion of the State of W .A. Northof the 26th parallel of latitude .

Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) ; P1, P2 ; Whole State ofW.A.

Saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus) ; P1 ; Whole Stateof W.A .

P2 ; Municipal districts oaf Northampton (exceptthat portion north of the Murchison River), Irwin,Carnamah, Coorow, Dalwallinu, Dandaragan,Moora (except for Melbourne Loactions 3485, 3499,3493), Wongan-Ballidu, Victoria Plains, Gingin,Chittering, Goomalling, Toodyay, Northam. York,Beverley, Quairading, Cunderdin, Tammin, Keller-berrin (except for locations 7416, 7703, 16508,7868, 9098, 8206, 9099, 16416, 16417, 7574, 7561,7235 and 8875), Dowerin, Wyalkatchem, TrayningKoorda, Mt. Marshall, Mukinbudin, Westonia, Nun-garin, Merredin, Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Serpen-tine-Jarrahdale, Murray, Mandurah, Waroona, Har-vey, Collie, Dardanup, Donnybrook-Balingup .Capel, Busselton, Augusta-Margaret River, BoyupBrook, Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Nannup, Manji-mup, Brockton, Corrigin, Pingelly, Wandering,Boddington, Williams, Cuballing, Wickepin, Nar-rogin, Dumbleyung, Wagin, West Arthur, Wood-anilling, Katanning, Broomehill, Kojonup, Tam-bellup, Cranbrook, Plantagenet, Denmark, Albany,Kondinin, Kulin, Lake Grace, Kent, Gnowangerup,Ravensthorpe (except all land inside a 24 kilometreradius from the centre of the Ravensthorpe town-site), Esperance (except all land inside a 20 kilo-metre radius from the Grass Patch townsite) andall alienated land in the Shire of Dundas within50 kilometres from any point on the Kalgoorlie-Esperance railway line between the southern boun-dary of the Shire of Dundas and the 175 kilometrepeg of that railway line and the Shires of Wan-neroo, Swan, Mundaring, Kalamunda, Kwinana,Rockingham and all Shires, Towns and Cities inthe Perth metropolitan area and the Towns ofNortham, Narrogin and Albany and City of Bun-bury .

P3 ; Municipal districts of Northampton (exceptthat portion South of Murchison River), ChapmanValley, Mullewa, Greenough, Mingenew, Morawa,Three Springs, Perenjori, Yilgarn and the Town ofGeraldton and areas as follows-

(a) Melbourne Locations 3485, 3490 and 3493in the Shire of Moora .

(b) Locations 7416, 7703, 16508, 7868, 9098,8206, 9099, 16416, 16417, 7574, 7561,7235 and 8875 in the Shire of Keller-berrin .

(c) All land inside a 24 kilometre radius fromthe centre of the Ravensthorpe townsiteand

(d) All land inside a 20 kilometre radius fromthe Grass Patch townsite .

P4 ; All Municipal districts of the Kimberley,North West, Eastern and Eucla land divisions exceptthe Shires of Westonia and Yilgarn and those por-tions of the Shires of Merredin, Mullewa and Peren-jori in the Eastern division ; and except the Shireof Esperance and those portions of the Shires of



Ravensthorpe, Lake Grace, Kondinin and Narem-been in the Eucla division and except that portionof the Shire of Dundas within 50 kilometres fromany point of the Kalgoorlie-Esperance railway linebetween the southern boundary of the Shire ofDundas and the 175 kilometre peg of that railwayline .

Sida acuta, Sida cordifolia, Parthenium Weed, (Pathe-nium hysterophorus) Giant Sensitive Plant, (Mimosapigs) ; P1 ; All that part of the State north of the26th parallel of latitude .

Silverleaf nightshade (Solanum elaegnifolium) ; P1, P2 ;Whole State of W.A .

Skeleton weed (Chonrilla juncea) : P1, P2 ; WholeState of W.A .

Soursob (Oxalis pes-caprae) ; P1, P3 ; Those portionsof the State constituted as the Cunderdin regionunder section 13 of the Act .

P1, P4 ; Whole State of W.A. except those por-tions of the State constituted as the Cunderdinregion under section 13 of the Act .

Stemless thistle (Onopordum acaulon) ; P1, P2; WholeState of W.A .

St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) ; P1, P2 ;Whole State of W.A .

Thornapple (Datura stramonium (Common), Daturaferox (Fierce), Datura leichhardtii (Native), Daturawvrightii (Hairy), Datura inoxia (Downy) Daturametel) ; P1, P2 ; Whole State of W .A.

Variegated thistle (Silybum marianum) ; P1 ; WholeState of W.A .

P2 ; All Municipal districts except the Shires ofBridgetown - Greenbushes, Nannup, Plantagenet,the Balingup Ward of the Donnybrook-BalingupShire and those portions of the State constituted asthe Harvey region under section 13 of the Act,except the lands shown in the Schedule to categoryP3 below .

P3 ; Municipal districts of Bridgetown-Green-bushes, Nannup, Plantagenet and the BalingupWard of the Donnybrook-Balingup Shire .

Schedule.Lots 28, 29, 30 of Wellington Location 50 .Lots 13, 15, 39, 40, 25, 1, 34, 35, 36, 3 of

Wellington Location 1 .Wellington Locations 688, 3233, 3232, 3337,

3218, 2979 .Yellow burr weed (Amsinckia calycina, Amsinckia

intermedia, Amsinckia lycopsoides) ; P1, P2 ; WholeState of W.A .

Approved by resolution of the Agriculture ProtectionBoard at the ordinary meeting of the said Board heldon 27 October 1981 .

E. N. FITZPATRICK,Chairman .


Agriculture Protection Board,South Perth, 27 October 1981 .

PURSUANT to section 37 of the Agriculture andRelated Resources Protection Act 1976-1980, theAgriculture Protection Board hereby lists the classes ofanimals that are for the time being the subject of adeclaration made under section 35 of that Act, togetherwith the matters specified pursuant to subsection (2)of that section in relation to each class :

MAMMALS .Table A .

Table A : Native Pest Mammals-Category A7 .Wombats (Vombatus and Lasiorhinus spp.)-whole of

the State .Agile Wallaby (Macropus agilis)-whole of the State .Red Kangaroo (Megaleia rufa)-whole of the State .Euro (Macropus robustus) -whole of the State .Western Grey Kangaroo (Macro pus fulinginosus)-

whole of the State.

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Table B .Table B: Mammals which under special circumstances

may be introduced and kept ; or kept ; subject to permits-Categories A4 and A6 ; or A6 .Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra)-Category A6-whole

of the State .Deer held in captivity (Family Cervidae)-Category

A4, A6-whole of the State .Cattle (Bos taurus and domesticated Bos indicus)-

Category A6-A11 that portion of land bounded bylines starting from the intersection of the centreline of the Ord River with the prolongation south-westerly of the northernmost northwestern boundaryof King Location 367 and extending northeasterlyto and along that boundary and onwards to andalong the northwestern boundary of Location 355to the western corner of Location 353 ; thencenortheasterly and generally southeasterly alongboundaries of that location to its eastern corner ;thence 119 degrees 32 minutes, 330 .02 metres ;thence 119 degrees 55 minutes, 775.2 metres ;thence 132 degrees, 27 minutes, 232 .63 metres,to the western corner of Location 354 ; thencegenerally easterly, northeasterly and southeasterlyalong boundaries of that location to a southeasterncorner of Pastoral Lease 3114/640 ; thencenortheasterly, north, east, again north and againeast, again north and again east along boundariesof that pastoral lease to the western boundary ofLocation 393; thence southerly and generally east-erly along boundaries of that location to a northernboundary of Pastoral Lease 3114/640 ; thence east,south, southwesterly, again east and again southalong boundaries of that pastoral lease to thenortheastern corner of Location 335 ; thencesoutherly along the eastern boundary of thatlocation and southerly and southwesterly alongboundaries of Location 330 to the eastern cornerof Location 332 ; thence southwesterly along thesoutheastern boundary of that location and Loca-tions 349 and 328 and onwards to a north-southline passing 40 .23 metres west of TrigonometricalStation HJ 13 ; thence south along that line tothe northern boundary of Kununurra Townsite ;thence east, south and northwesterly along bound-aries of that townsite to the prolongation north-easterly of the southeastern boundary of Location508 as surveyed and shown on Lands and SurveysDiagram 83019 ; thence southwesterly to andsouthwesterly and westerly along boundaries ofthat location to the southeastern corner of Loca-ion 438 ; thence westerly, southwesterly, againwesterly ; northwesterly and again westerly alongboundaries of that location and westerly along thesouthern boundaries of Locations 520 and 448to the southwestern corner of the lastmentionedlocation ; thence south along the prolongation southof the western boundary of Location 448 to thecentre line of the Ord River ; thence generallysoutheasterly and generally southerly, upwards,along that centre line to the prolongation east ofthe southern boundary of Location 51'2 ; thencewest to and west, north, northwesterly and generallynortheasterly along boundaries of that location tothe prolongation southerly of the southernmostwestern boundary of Location 369 ; thence northerlyto and along that boundary and onwards to thenorthernmost southwestern corner of the last-mentioned location ; thence northerly along thenorthernmost western boundary of Location 369and onwards to the prolongation westerly of theeasternmost northern boundary of Location 421 ;thence easterly to the centre line of the Ord River ;thence generally northerly, downwards, along thatcentre line to the southern boundary of Reserve1062; thence east, north and west along boundariesof that reserve to the centre line of the OrdRiver and thence generally northerly, downwards,along that centre line to the starting point .

Pigs (Sus scrofa)-Category A6-(same area as detailedunder Cattle (above) .)

Table C .Table C: Domestic Mammals which are Feral or

become Feral from time to time or which may runwild or be at large-Categories A2, A4 and A6 .Feral Donkeys (Equus asinus)-whole of the State .


[18 December 1981 .

Feral Goats (Capra hircus)-whole of the State .Feral Pigs (Sus scrofa)-whole of the State .Feral Camels (Camelus spp.)-whole of the State .Feral Buffalo (Bubalus bubalus)-whole of the State.Deer-run wild or at large (Family Cervidae)-whole

of the State .Table D .

Table D : Mammals which may be introduced intoand kept only in approved zoos, circuses and wildlifeparks : subject to permits-Categories A4 and A6 .All Australian spp. not indigenous to W.A.-all ap-

proved zoos, circuses and wildlife parks .Dingo (Canis familiaris)-all

roved zoos, circusesand wildlife parks .

Fallow Deer (Dana dama)-all approved zoos, circusesand wildlife parks .

Chital Deer, Axis Deer (Axis axis)-all approved zoos,circuses and wildlife parks .

Barbary Sheep (Ammotragus lervia)-all approved zoos,circuses and wildlife parks .

Lion (Panthera leo)-Wanneroo Lion Park only.Macaque Monkeys (Macaca spp.)-all approved zoos,

circuses and wildlife parks .Table E .

Table E : Mammals which may not be introduced orkept and the numbers of which must be reduced andkept under restriction-Categories A1, A3, A5 .Dingo (Canis familiaris)-whole of the State except in

approved zoos, circuses and wildlife parks .

Dingo hybrids and domestic dogs run wild or being atlarge (canis fat? iliaris) -whole of the State .

Table F .Table F: mammals which may not be introduced into

or kept in W.A. and which must be eradicated-Cate-gories A1, A2, A3 .Foxes (Vulpes vulpes)-whole of the State .Hares (Lepus spp.)-whole of the State .Rabbits (Order Lagomorpha)-whole of the State .Squirrels, Indian Palm (Funambulus pennanti)-whole

of the State.All mammals not included in Tables A-E inclusive

or included in Schedule 1 attached : whole of the State .

BIRDS .Table J .

Table J : Native Pest Birds-Category A7 .Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) in the whole of the

State.White-tailed Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus bau-

dinii and C . funereus latirostris) in the municipaldistricts of the Shires of Denmark, Donnybrook andPlantagenet.

Table K .Table K : Birds which may be introduced into W .A .

and which may be kept subject to Permits-CategoriesA2, A4, A6 . Whole of the State (except Rink-neckedPheasants) .Alexandrine Parakeet, Large Indian parakeet (Psitta-

cula eupatria) .Brown Parrot (Poicephalus tneyeri) .Crimson Rosella, Crimson parrot, Campbell parakeet,

Red lory, lowry or parrot, Pennants parakeet, Moun-tain lory or parrot. (Platycercus elegans) .

Cutthroat finch, Ribbon finch (Amadina fasciata) .Eastern Rosella (Golden mantle), Common rosella,

Red-headed rosella, Red rosella, Rosella, Roseyrosella, Golden mantled rosella, Golden mantledparakeet, Nonpariel parrot, Rosehill parakeet(Platycercus eximius) .

Hooded Siskin, Venezualian siskin, Red siskin (Cardue-lis cucullata) .

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King Parrot, Eastern king, Australian king parrot,Queensland king, King lory, Red Lory, Scarlet andgreen parrot (Alisterus scapularis) .

Little Lorikeet, Red Faced lory, Red-faced Iorikcet,Little keet, Jerryang, Gizzi (Glossopsitta pusilla) .

Moustached Parakeet, Red-breasted parakeet, Red-breasted parrot (Psittacula alexandri) .

Musk Lorikeet, Red-crowned lorikeet, Red-eared lorikeet,Green keet, Green leek, King parrot (Glossopsittaconcinna) .

Namaqua Dove, Cape Dove, Masked dove, Harlequindove (masqued and cape) (Oena capensis) .

Orange-cheeked Waxbill, Fawn breasted waxbill (Estrildamalpoda) .

Ostrich (Struthio carnelu) .Rainbow Lorikeet, Blue-mountain parrot or lorikeet,

Blue-mountain lory, Blue bellied lorikeet (Tricho-glossus haematodus) .

Pheasants, ring-necked (whole of the State-exceptRottnest Island) (Phasianus colchices) .

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, Green and gold lorikeet, Greenand yellow lorikeet, Greenie, Gold and green lory,Scaly-breasted lory, Green keet, Green parrot oflorikeet (Tricholglossus chlorolepidotus) .

Silver Pheasant (Lophura nycthemera) .Siskin, European siskin, Aberedivine, Barley bird

(Carduelis cucullata) .Table L.

Table L : Birds which may not be introduced intoW.A. but which may continue to be kept in W.A .Subject to permits-Categories A1, A2, A6-Whole ofthe State (Except Sulphur-crested Cockatoo) .Agapornis Hybrids.Blossom-headed Parakeet (Psittacula cyanocephala) .Bronze Mannikin, Bronze-winged mannikin . Hooded

weaver (Lonchura cucullata) .Chukor Partridge, Chukar, Chukor, Chukka partridge

(Alectoris graeca) .Fischer's Lovebird, African lovebird

(Agapornisfuscheri) .

Madagascar Weaver, Madagascar cardinal. Madagascarfody (Foedia madagascariensis) .

Magpie Mannikin (Lonchura f ringilloides) .Masked Lovebird, African lovebird, Yellow-collared

lovebird, Black-masked lovebird (Agapornis per-sonata) .

Monk parakeet, Quaker parrot, Quaker parakeet, Greenparakeet (Myopsitta monachus) .

Nyasa Lovebird, African lovebird, Lillian's lovebird,Nyassaland lovebird (Agapornis lilianae) .

Peach-faced Lovebird, African lovebird . Rosy-facedlovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) .

Red-fronted Parakeet, Red-fronted kakariki (Cyano-ramphus novaezelandiae) .

Red-headed Finch, Aberdeen finch, Red-headed amadina(Amadina erythrocephala) .

Rose-ringed Parakeet, Indian ringneck, Indian ringneckparrot or parakeet, Ringneck parrot or parakeet,African ringnecked parakeet, Rose-ring parakeet(Psittacuia krameri) .

Ruddy Ground Dove, Talpacoti (Columbigallina tal-pacoti) .

Strawberry Finch, Red avadavat, Scarlet avadavat, Indianavadavat, Bombay avadavat, avadavat, Tiger finch,Javan avadavat, Red munia, Red waxbill (An2an-dava arnandava) .

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, White Cockatoo (Cacatuagalerita) A4, A6 whole of the State-A2 south of26'S.

Waxbill, St. Helena waxbill, Common waxbill, Red-eared waxbill (Estrilda astrild) .

White-backed Munia . White-backed mannikin, Sharp-tailed munia, or finch, Striated mannikin or finchor munia, Bengalese (mannikin) (Lonchurastriata) .

White-headed Munia, White-headed mannikin, White-headed nun, pale-headed mannikin (Lonchuramaja) .

White-throated Munia, Common silverbill, Africansilverbill, Indian silverbill (Lonchura malabarica) .

Table M .Table M : Birds which may not be introduced into

W.A. but which may continue to be kept in W .A. Sub-ject to Permit, by those persons who kept them priorto 27/6/75-Categories Al, A2, A6-whole of theState .Black-headed Munia, Black-headed mannikin or nun .

Tri-coloured mannikin or nun . Three-colouredmunia or mannikin (Lonchura malacca) .

Black-rumped Waxbill, Red-browned finch, Senegal wax-bill (Estrilda troglodytes) .

Bullfinch, European bullfinch, Black-headed bully,Black-cap, Budbird or finch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) .

Chaffinch, Apple bird, Chaffey (Fringilla coelebs) .Collared Turtle Dove, Pink-headed dove, Indian ring

dove, Indian turtle dove, Blonde turtle dove, Bar-bary dove (fawn and white) (Sireptopelia decaoczo) .

Combassou, Steel finch, Senegal finch or waxbill, Greenindigo-bird, Village Combassou (Vidua chalybeata) .

Fan-tailed Widow Bird, Red-shouldered whydah (Eu-plectes axillaris) .

Greenfinch, Green linnet (Carduelis chloris) .Green Avadavat, Green munia, Amaduvada (Aman-

dava formosa) .Java Sparrow, Rice bird or finch, Paddy finch (Padda

oryzivora) .Linnet (Acanthis cannabina) .Red-billed Leiothrix, Pekin robin, Chinese Hill-tit (Leio-

thrix lutea) .Rufous-backed Mannikin, Black and white mannikin

(Lonchura bicolor) .Spicefinch, Spotted munia, Spice bird, Rice bird or

finch, Scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata) .Skylark, English skylark, Ground lark, Common Lark,

Field lark (Alauda arvensis) .White-winged Widow Bird (Euplectes albonotatus) .Yellow-fronted Parakeet, Yellow kakariki (Cyanoramn-

phus auriceps) .Yellow-fronted Canary, Green singing finch, Mozam-

bique canary, Yellow-eyed canary (Serinus mozam-bicus) .

Yellow-mantled Widow Bird, Yellow-shouldered widowbird, Golden shouldered whydah (Euplectes macrou-rus) .

Table N .Table N : Birds which may not be introduced into or

kept in W.A.-Categories Al, A2, A3-whole of theState .Blackbird, English Blackbird (Turdus merula) .California Quail (Lophortyx californicus) .House Sparrow, sparrow (Passer domesticus) .House crow, Indian Crow, Ceylon Crow (Corvus Splen-

dens) .Indian Myna, Indian house mynah, Calcutta mynah,

Common myna, Common mynah (Acridotherestristis) .

Red-billed Quelea, Red-billed weaver, Red-billed dioch,Sudan dioch, Blackfaced dioch, Quelea bird (Queleaquelea) .

Red-whiskered Bulbul, Red eared bulbul (Pyenonotusjocosus) .

Songthrush, English Song Thrush (Turdus ericetorurn) .Starling, Common starling, Black starling, Brown starl-

ing, Grey starling (Sturnus vulgaris) . .Tree sparrow, Mountain sparrow, Chocolate-head spar-

row, Copper head (Passer rnontanus) .Weavers, all species except White-winged widow bird

(Euplectes albonotatus), Fan-tailed widow bird(Euplectes axillaris), Yellow-mantled widow bird(Euplectes inacrourus), Madagascar Weaver (Fou-dia madagascariensis) .

E otic birds other than the birds specifically classed inthis Notice and those in the exempt List in Sche-dule 2 of this Notice .

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[18 December 1981 .

Table O .Table 0 : Birds whose numbers must be reduced and

kept tinder restriction-Category A5 .Corella, Little (Cacatua sanguinea) . Municipal districts

of Coorow and West Kimberley .Eagles, Wedge-tailed (Aquila audax) . Municipal dis-

tricts of Boulder, Broome, Carnarvon, Coolgardie,Cue, Laverton, Leonora, East Pilbara, Meekatharra,Murchison, Roebourne, Sandstone, Upper Gas-coyne, West Pilbara and Wiluna .

Galahs (Cacatua roseicapilla), Municipal districts ofCoorow, Moora, Morawa, Mukinbudin, Mullewaand Westonia .

Parrots, Port Lincoln or 28 (Barnardius zonarius) .Municipal districts of Armadale-Kelmscott andBridgetown-Greenbushes .

Parrots, Red Capped or W.A. King (Purpureicephalusspurius) . Municipal districts of Collie and WestArthur .

Parrots, Rosella Western (Platycerus icterotis) . Muni-cipal districts of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Arma-dale-Kelmscott .

INSECTS .Ants, Argentine (Iridoinyrinex lusmilis) A2; whole

State of W.A .Grasshoppers, Small plague (Austroicetes cruciata) AS ;

whole State of W .A .Locusts, Australian Plague (Chortoicetes terminifera)

A5; whole of the State of W .A .Grain Weevils :

Lesser Grain Borer, (Rhizopertha dominica) Al,A5 ; whole of the State .

Rust-red Flour Beetle (Tribolium castaneum) Al,A5 ; whole of the State .

Confused Flour Beetle (Tribolium confusum) A1,A5 ; whole of the State .

Sawtooth Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis)Al, A5 ; whole of the State .

Flat Grain Beetle (Cryptolestes spp.) Al, A5 ;whole of the State .

Rice Weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) Al, A5 ; wholeof the State.

Granary Weevil (Sitophilus granarius) A1, A5 ;whole of the State .

Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) Al, A5 ;whole of the State.

Angoumois Grain Moth (Sitotraga cerealella) ALA5; whole of the State .

Warehouse Moth (Ephestia spp .) Al, A5 ; wholeof the State.

Warehouse Beetle (Trogoderrna variabile) A

2;whole of the State.

MOLLUSCS .Liver-fluke snails (Lymnaea coiurnella), (Lymnaea

viridis), (Lymnaea auricularia rubiginosa), (Lyin-naea peregra), (Lymnaea tomentosa), Al, A2, A3 ;whole of the State .

Schedule 1 . Exempt Mammals.All mammals indigenous to Western Australia not

included in Tables A to F .Dog (Canis familiaris) .Cat (Felis cattus) .Horse (Equus cabellus) .Sheep (Ovis aries) .Cattle (Bos taurus and domesticated Bos indicus) .Pig (Sus scrota) .Goat (Capra hircus) .Donkey (Equus asinus) .Camel (Camelus spp .)Ferret (Mustela furo) .Guinea Pig (Cavia poreellus) .

Black rat (Rattus rattus) .Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) .House mouse (Mus musculu .s) .Marine mammals of the orders :

Cetacea (whales, etc.) .Pinnipedia (Seals, walruses, etc .) .Sirenia (Dugongs, seacows, etc.) .

Schedule 2: Exempt Birds .All Australian species not specifically listed in Tables

J to 0 inclusive .African Fire-finch (Lagnosticta senegala) .Aurora Finch (Pytilia phoenicoptera) .Bleeding Heart Pigeon (Gallicolumba luzonica) .Copper Pheasant (Syrnaticus soemmerringi) .Cordean Bleu and Blue-breasted Waxbill (Estrilda

angolensis) .Cuban Finch (Tigris canora) .Domestic Canary (Seriruts canarius) .Domestic Ducks Muscovy (Cairina mosclrata) .Domestic Mallard (Anas platyrynchos) .Domestic Fowl and all Bantams (Gallus gallus) .Domestic Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) .Elliott's Pheasant (Syrrnaticus ellioti) .Fire-backed Pheasant (Lophura diardi) .Golden Pheasant (Clnrysolophus pietas) .Golden-breasted Waxbill (Estrilda subflava) .Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) .Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) .Impeyan Pheasant (Loplurra impejanus) .Indian Turtle Dove (Streptopelia chinensis) .Jacarini Finch (Volantinia jacarini) .Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucornelana) .Lady Amherst's Pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae) .Lavender Finch (Estrilda caerulescens) .Melba Finch (Pytilia melba) .Olive Finch (Tiaris olivacea) .Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) .Pigeons (Columba livia) .Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria cucullata) .Red-faced Parrot-finch (Erythrura psittacea) .Reeve's Pheasant (Syrrnaticus reevesii) .Senegal Turtle Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis) .Swinhoe Pheasant (Lophura swinhoei) .Mute (or White) Swan (Cygnus olor) .

Approved by resolution of the Agriculture ProtectionBoard at the ordinary meeting of the said Board heldon October 27, 1981 .

AMPHIBIANS .Toads, African (Xenopus laevis) A1, A2, A3 ; whole

of the State of W .A .Toads, Giant (Bufo inarinus) Al, A2, A3 ; whole of the

Chairman .State of W.A .


MARGARINE ACT 1940-1979 .(Section 25 .) .

Notice .1, RICHARD CHARLES OLD, being the Ministeradministering the Margarine Act 1940-1979, actingunder the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection (1)of section 25 of the Act hereby declare that the maxi-mum quantity of table margarine which holders of tablemargarine licences, taken in the aggregate, may manu-facture during the period of 12 months commencingon 1 January 1982 is 13 000 tonnes .

Dated this 10th day of December, 1981 .R. C. OLD,

Minister for Agriculture .

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DAIRY INDUSTRY ACT 1973-1981 .Direction by the Minister to the Dairy IndustryAuthority under section 27 .I, RICHARD CHARLES OLD, Minister for Agricul-ture, being the Minister for the time being administeringthe Dairy Industry Act 1973, pursuant to the powersconferred by section 27 of the said Act, hereby directthe Dairy Industry Authority to determine applicationsfor market milk and special products milk quotas madeto it under section 26 of the Act in respect of thequota year commencing on 1 January 1982, on thefollowing bases or principles-

1 . (1) Subject to this paragraph, a dairyman holdinga market milk quota or a special products milk quotaat the end of the 1981 quota year shall, upon applicationduly made, be granted a market milk quota or aspecial products milk quota, as the case requires, forthe 1982 quota year of an amount that is not less thanthe amount held by him at the end of the 1981 quotayear (disregarding the whole or any part of a marketmilk quota surrendered by the dairyman on or im-mediately before 31 December 1981) .Provided that

(a) the dairy premises to which the applicationrelates and upon which milk is to be producedare the same as the dairy premises referred toin the quota certificate held by the applicantimmediately before the end of the 1981 quotayear; or

(b) where the application relates to more than onedairy premises upon which milk is to be pro-duced, each of those premises is referred to ina quota certificate held by the applicant im-mediately before the end of the 1981 quotayear (in this paragraph called "an expiringquota certificate") and the amount of milk tobe produced upon each of those premises isthe same as is specified in such an expiringquota certificate .

(2) If the requirements of subparagraph (1) (a) ofthis paragraph apply to, but are not satisfied by, adairyman in his application he shall not be granted amarket milk quota or a special products milk quota,as the case may be.

(3) If the requirements of subparagraph (1) (b) ofthis paragraph apply to, but are not satisfied by, adairyman in his application, the application shall betreated, notwithstanding its contents, as if it were fora market milk quota or a special products milk quotain the same terms, as to the premises upon vhich themilk is to be produced and the amount of milk to beproduced on each of those premises, as is provided forin each of the applicant's expiring quota certificates .

(4) Where a dairyman short supplied the market milkquota applicable to him at any time during the yearending on the 30th June 1981, the market milk quotato be granted to the dairyman for the 1982 quota yearshall be of an amount that is equal to the product of365 and the number obtained after ascertaining theaverage daily supply to be delivered under the marketmilk quota applicable to the dairyman at any timeduring the year ending on the 30th June 1981, andsubtracting therefrom the number that is equal to theaverage daily amount short supplied by the dairymanin respect of that quota in the month of greatest averagedaily short supply in relation to the quota for the timebeing applicable to him at any time during the yearending on the 30th June 1981, but disregarding the29th and 30th June 1981 .

(5) Where a dairyman short supplied the specialproducts milk quota applicable to him at any timeduring the year ending on the 30th June 1981, thespecial products milk quota to be granted to the dairy-man for the 1982 quota year shall be of an amountthat is equal to the product of 365 and the numberobtained after ascertaining the average daily supply tobe delivered under the special products milk quotaapplicable to the dairyman at any time during the yearending on the 30th June 1981 and subtracting therefromthe number equal to twice the average daily amountshort supplied by the dairyman in respect of that quotain the month of the greatest average daily short supplyin relation to the quota for the time being applicableto him at any time during the year ending on the 30thJune 1981, but disregarding the 29th and 30th June1981 .

Minister for Agriculture .

(6) Subparagraphs (4) and (5) of this paragraphshall not apply where a dairyman by written noticeserved on the Authority within 14 days of receiving fromthe Authority its decision on his application for amarket milk quota or a special products milk quotasatisfies the Authority that the short supply was dueto reasons beyond his control; and in any event amarket milk quota shall not under subparagraph (4) bereduced to less than 89 425 litres for the quota year .

2 . A special products milk quota for a maximumof 18 250 litres for the 1982 quota year may begranted to a dairyman who held a market milk quotaduring 1981 but who was not also holding a specialproducts milk quota .

3 . A dairyman who has not previously held amarket milk quota may be granted such a quota of notless than 89 425 litres for the 1982 quota year andshall be selected for this purpose in accordance withthe principles set out in paragraph (c) of the principlespublished in the Government Gazette on 24 December1976 .

4. A dairyman who is granted a market milk quotaunder paragraph 3 of these principles and applies forthe grant of a special products milk quota may begranted a special products milk quota not exceeding87 600 litres for the 1982 quota year.

5 . Supply under a quota granted pursuant to para-graph 3 or 4 of these principles shall commence onsuch date as the Authority may specify .

6 . (1) The Authority may refuse an applicationif approval of the application would result in theapplicant or the applicant together with any personassociated with the applicant (as determined by theAuthority in accordance with subparagraph (2) of thisparagraph) holding a market milk quota of more than89 425 litres or a special products milk quota ofmore than 18 250 litres for the quota year .

(2) The Authority may determine that a person isassociated with an applicant if that person holds amarket milk quota or a special products milk quotaand is-

(a) a partner of the proposed transferee ;(b) a corporation of which the proposed trans-

feree is an officer or director ;(c) where the proposed transferee is a corporation

an officer or director of the corporation ;(d) an officer or director of any corporation of

which the proposed transferee is an officer ordirector ;

(e) an employee or employer of the proposedtransferee ;

(f) an employee of a natural person of whomthe proposed transferee is an employee ;

(g) a corporation whose directors are accustomedor under an obligation whether formal orinformal, to act in accordance with the direc-tions, instructions or wishes of the proposedtransferee or, where the person is a corpora-tion, of the directors or management of thatperson ;

(h) a corporation in accordance with the directions,instructions or wishes of which, or of thedirectors or management of which, the pro-posed transferee is accustomed or under anobligation, whether formal or informal, to act ;

(i) a corporation in which the proposed trans-feree holds a substantial interest ; or

(j) where that person is a corporation-a personwho holds a substantial interest in the corpora-tion,

but persons shall not be regarded as associates if theAuthority is satisfied on representations made by oneor more of them and after its own enquiries (if any)that they are commercially independent in their res-pective enterprises .

R. C. OLD,

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[18 December 1981 .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Agricultural Products (Apple and PearGrading) Regulations 1981 .

2 . The Agricultural Products (Apple and Pear Grading) Regulations 1977,published in the Government Gazette on 4 May 1977 are repealed .

3 . (1) In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires-"blemish" in relation to an apple or a pear, means any superficial disfigurement

of the fruit that is unlikely to affect its keeping, in sound condition, andincludes scratch marks, rub marks, brown sunburn marks, hail marks, frostmarks, russeting, healed injuries, healed insect bites or stings and spray burns ;

"diameter", in relation to the size of an apple or pear, means the greatesttransverse measurement of an apple or pear taken at right angles to its axis ;

"disease", in relation to an apple or a pear, means any abnormal condition of,or in, a fresh apple or pear and includes any condition arising fromfunctional disorders caused by, or due to, any insect, fungus, bacteriumor virus ;

"mature" in relation to an apple means if-(a) being an apple of the Cleopatra variety or of the Jonathan variety

or of a Jonathan strain or type it is-(i) 70 millimetres or more in diameter and has been picked

on or after the seventh day of February ; or(ii) less than 70 millimetres in diameter and has been picked

on or after the fourteenth day of February,in the season in which it is grown ;

(b) being an apple of the Golden Delicious variety or of the Deliciousvariety or of a Delicious strain or type is-

(i) 70 millimetres or more in diameter and has been picked onor after the first day of March ; or

(ii) less than 70 millimetres in diameter and has been pickedon or after the fourteenth day of March,

in the season in which it is grown ;(c) being an apple of the Granny Smith variety it has been picked on

or after the first day of April in the season in which it is grown ; or(d) being an apple of any variety other than the varieties referred to in

paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of this definition, it has developed acolour, flavour and texture typical of the variety to which it belongswhen mature ;

"mature" in relation to a pear means if-(a) being a pear of the Bartlett variety it is-

(i) 60 millimetres or more in diameter and has been picked onor after the first day of January ; or

(ii) less than 60 millimetres in diameter and has been picked on orafter the thirty-first day of January,

in the season in which it is grown ; or

(b) being a pear of any variety other than the Bartlett variety, it hasbeen harvested at a stage which will ensure that the normal ripeningprocess will be completed ;

"percentage of colour characteristics", in relation to apples means the aggregatepercentage of the surface of the fruit which has red colour of intensitycharacteristic of the variety when mature ;

"regulation" means one of these regulations ;

"sound", in relation to an apple or a pear, means not overripe, not soft, not wilted,free from disease, free from excessive bruising and free from physical injuriesthat would affect the keeping of the apple or pear.

(2) For the purposes of these regulations in relation to the sizes of apples orpears-

55 mm means at least 55 millimetres, but less than 60 millimetres in diameter ;60 mm means at least 60 millimetres, but less than 65 millimetres in diameter ;65 mm means at least 65 millimetres, but less than 70 millimetres in diameter ;70 mm means at least 70 millimetres, but less than 75 millimetres in diameter .

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18 December 1981 .]



4. Apples of the varieties set out in the table to this regulation and offeredfor sale in the State shall at the time of sale be graded for quality in accordancewith the several grades therein appearing, and shall conform to the minimum size,and have the minimum colour characteristic for each grade, set out in the table,

* Millimetres in diameter .

1" For each apple .

5 . For the purpose of the grading of apples for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising apples of one variety that are well formed,

mature, clean, sound and of which the skin is unbroken ; and includes applesthat have-

(a) subject to regulation 7, slight surface blemishes, where the total areaof the blemishes does not exceed the area of a circle of-

(i) 5 millimetres diameter, in the case of fruit that is 65 millimetresor less in diameter ; or

(ii) 10 millimetres diameter, in the case of fruit that is greaterthan 65 millimetres in diameter ;

(b) subject to regulation 7, yellow sunburn marks, where those marksare not unsightly ;

(c) smooth but not unsightly russet, where the area of the surfaceaffected does not exceed 30% .

"Grade II" means a grade comprising apples of one variety that are reasonablywell formed, mature, clean, sound and of which the skin is unbroken ; andincludes apples that have-

(a) slight surface blemishes, where the surface so affected does notexceed the area of a circle of-

(i) 5 millimetres diameter, in the case of fruit that is 65 milli-metres or less in diameter ; or

(ii) 10 millimetres diameter, in the case of fruit that is greaterthan 65 millimetres in diameter ;

(b) yellow sunburn marks of any dimension ;(c) russet of any dimension .

"Grade III" means a grade comprising apples that are of one variety, clean,sound and of which the skin is unbroken, but otherwise do not complywith the requirements of Grade I or Grade II .

6 . For the purpose of grading of pears for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising pears of one variety that are not less than

55 millimetres in diameter, are well formed, mature, clean, sound ofwhich the skin is unbroken and includes pears that have-

(a) slight surface blemishes and dead Black Spot infections, where thetotal area of the surface so affected does not exceed the area of acircle of 10 millimetres in diameter ;

(b) smooth but not unsightly russet, where the area so affected does notexceed 40% of the surface of the fruit ; in the case of the varietiesknown as Bartlett (Williams), Packham's Triumph and Cornice .




Mini-mum% ofcolourcharac-teristicneces-saryt


Mini-mum% of




% ofmum



Cleopatra .. . . Cleo. 60 60 65Delicious . . . . Del . 60 25 60 65Dougherty. . . . Dhty. 55 25 55 65GoldenDelicious G. Del . 60 60 65GrannySmith G. S . 60 60 70Jonathan Jon . 55 30 55 65LadyWilliams . . . . L. W . 55 30 55 65Yates

. . . . Yates 55 30 55 20 65Any otherRed Variety

Name ofVariety 55 20 55 65

Any otherGreen Variety

Name ofVariety 60 60 65



Grade II III

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525 8GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W .A .[18 December 1981 .

"Grade II" means a grade comprising pears of one variety that are not lessthan 55 millimetres in diameter, are reasonably well formed, mature, clean,sound and of which the skin is unbroken; and includes pears that have-

(a) slight surface blemishes, where the surface so affected does not exceedthe area of a circle of 15 millimetres diameter ;

(b) russet of any dimension ."Grade III" means a grade comprising pears of one variety, that are not less

than 65 millimetres in diameter, clean, sound and of which the skin isunbroken but otherwise do not comply with the requirements for Grade Ior Grade II.

7. (1) For the purpose of grading apples into Grade I, the number of applesthat are affected by slight surface blemishes shall not exceed 20% of the numberof apples so graded .

(2) For the purpose of grading apples into Grade I the number of apples affectedby not unsightly yellow sunburn shall not exceed 20% of the number of applesso graded .

8. All pears for sale in the State shall. at

the time of sale conform to one of

the grades of quality referred to in these regulations .

9. (1) Where apples and pears are for sale in the State in a case or containerprescribed under the Fruit Cases Act 1919, such cases or containers shall-

(a) be fully and firmly filled ;(b) contain only one variety of apples or one variety of pears ;(c) bear, on one end, particulars of-

(i) the variety ;(ii) the grade of quality .

(2) The particulars required under subregulation (1) (c) of this regulation shallbe in letters and figures of not less than-

(a) 5 millimetres in height, where those particulars are printed on a labelattached to the case or container ; or

(b) 20 millimetres in height, where those particulars are stencilled on thecase or container .

10. A person exposing apples or pears for sale by retail, shall display withthe fruit a readily visible sign or label showing the grade of such apples or pearsto enable the fruit to be identified by a purchaser as being of that grade .

By His Excellency's Command,R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Agricultural Products (Stone FruitGrading) Regulations 1981 .

2. The Agricultural Products (Stone Fruit Grading) Regulations 1977 published inthe Government Gazette on 4 May 1977 are repealed .

3. (1) In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires-"blemish", in relation to stone fruit, means any superficial disfigurement of the

fruit that is unlikely to affect its keeping in sound condition, and includesscratch marks, rub marks, brown sunburn marks, healed injuries, healedinsect bites or stings and spray burns ;

"diameter" in relation to the size of an apricot, plum, peach or nectarine, meansthe greatest transverse measurement of the fruit taken at right angles to itsaxis ;

"mature", in relation to stone fruit, means having reached the stage of develop-ment which will ensure a proper completion of the ripening process ;

"sound", in relation to stone fruit, means not over-ripe, not affected by storagedisorders, not shrivelled, free from disease, excessive bruising and physicalinjuries which would affect the keeping quality of the stone fruit .

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18 December 1981 .]




(2) For the purposes of these regulations in relation to the sizes of stone fruit-30 mm means fruit of at least 30 millimetres but less than 35 millimetres in

diameter ;35 mm means fruit of at least 35 millimetres but less than 40 millimetres in

diameter ;40 mm means fruit of at least 40 millimetres but less than 45 millimetres in

diameter ;45 mnz means fruit of at least 45 millimetres but less than 50 millimetres in

diameter ;50 mm means fruit of at least 50 millimetres but less than 55 millimetres in

diameter ;55 mm means fruit of at least 55 millimetres but less than 60 millimetres in

diameter .

4 . For the purpose of grading stone fruits for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising-

(a) apricots of one variety, that are sound, clean, well formed, mature,free from broken skins, free from unsightly blemish or cracking andnot less than 30 millimetres in diameter ;

(b) peaches of one variety, that are sound, clean, well formed, mature,free from broken skins or unsightly blemish and except for thevariety Flordasun which may be not less than 50 millimetres indiameter, not less than 55 millimetres in diameter ;

(c) plums of one variety, sound, that are clean, well farmed, mature,free from broken skins, free from unsightly blemish, and with theexception of the varieties known as Cherry Plum, Wilson and Gemwhich may be less than 40 millimetres in diameter, shall have adiameter of not less than-

(i) 50 millimetres in the case of the variety Narrabeen ;(ii) 45 millimetres in the case of the varieties Wickson, Creswell,

Mariposa and Elephant Heart;(iii) 40 millimetres in the case of any other variety of plums not

referred to in this regulation;(d) nectarines of one variety, that are sound, clean, well formed, mature,

free from broken skins or unsightly blemish and o less than 45millimetres in diameter .

"Grade II" means a grade comprising-(a) apricots of one variety that are sound, clean, mature, free from broken

skins and not less than 35 millimetres in diameter;(b) peaches of one variety that are sound, clean, mature, free from broken

skins and not less than 60 millimetres in diameter ;(c) plums of one variety that are sound, clean, mature, free from broken

skins and with the exception of the varieties knownn as Cherry Plum,Wilson, and Gem, which may be less than 40 millimetres in diameter,shall have a diameter of not less than-

(i) 55 millimetres in the case of the variety Narrabeen ;(ii) 50 millimetres in the case of the varieties Wickson, Creswell,

Mariposa and Elephant Heart;(iii) 45 millimetres in the case of any other variety not referred

to in this regulation ;(d) nectarines of one variety that are sound, clean, mature, free from

broken skins and not less than 50 millimetres in diameter .

5 . All stone fruit for sale in the State shall at the time of sale conform to oneof the grades of quality referred to in these regulations .

6 . (1) Where stone fruit are for sale in the State in a case or container prescribedunder the Fruit Cases Act 1919 such cases or containers shall-

(a) be fully and firmly filled ;(b) contain only one variety of stone fruit ;(c) bear, on one end, particulars of-

(i) the variety ;(ii) the grade of quality .

(2) The particulars required under subregulation (1) (c) of this regulation shallbe in letters and figures of not less than-

(a) 5 millimetres in height, where those particulars are printed on a labelattached to the case or container ; or

(b) 20 millimetres in height, where those particulars are stencilled on he caseor container .

7 . A person exposing stone fruit for sale by retail shall display with the fruit areadily visible sign or label showing the grade of such stone fruit to enable the fruitto be identified by the purchaser as being of that grade.

By His Excellency's Command,R. D. DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .

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REGULATIONS 1981 .MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Agricultural Products (Citrus FruitGrading) Regulations 1981 .

2 . The Agricultural Products (Citrus Fruit Grading) Regulations 1977 publishedin the Government Gazette on 4 May 1977 are repealed .

3 . (1) In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires-"clipped" means the citrus fruit has been cut from the tree, with the stalk

trimmed and smoothed to the level of the button, by means of a sharp,blunt nosed clipper or by such other methods as will produce the sameeffect ;

"diameter", in relation to the size of citrus fruit, means the greatest transversemeasurement of the fruit taken at right angles to its axis ;

"disease" means any abnormal condition of or in citrus fruit arising fromfunctional disorders, or caused by, or due to, the presence, operation,development or growth of any insect, fungus, bacterium or virus ;

"disfigured", as applied to citrus fruit, means a condition of the fruit causedby scars, scratches of the skin, cavities, punctures or blemishes, due toinsect or fungus pest, hail marks or oil stains and, in the case of oranges,includes excessive navel segments ;', as applied to citrus fruit, means a condition of the fruit whereby theweight of its juice is less than 33 per cent of the total weight of thefruit when extracted by means of rotating the halves of a freshly dividedorange, lemon, grapefruit or mandarin, under moderate hand pressure only,on a conical glass lemon squeezer, and squeezed through a strainer ofnot less than 12 meshes per centimetre ;

"mature", in relation to oranges, means fruit that has developed an orangeflavour in the juice or is in such a condition that the quantity N/IO sodasolution required to neutralise the acidity content of ten cubic centimetresof juice, drawn from the mixed juice of not less than five oranges, takenat random from any box or boxes of the same grade of quality oforanges, is not more than 30 cubic centimetres and, in the case of othercitrus fruit, the term has its ordinary meaning ;

"sound", in relation to citrus fruit, means fruit that is not over ripe, notsoft, not wilted and that is free from excessive bruising or physical injuriesaffecting the keeping quality of the fruit.

(2) For the purposes of these regulations in relation to the sizes of citrus fruit-40 mm means fruit of at

diameter ;45 mm means fruit of at least

diameter ;50 mm means

diameter ;55 mm means fruit of at least

diameter ;60 mm means fruit of at least

diameter ;65 mm means fruit of at least

diameter ;70 mm means fruit of at least

diameter ;75 mm means fruit of at least

diameter .


least 40 millimetres but less than 45 millimetres in

45 millimetres but less than 50 millimetres in

fruit of at least 50 millimetres but less than 55 millimetres in

55 millimetres but less than 60 millimetres in

60 millimetres but less than 65 millimetres m

65 millimetres but less than 70 millimetres in

70 _ etres but less than 75 Ilimetres in

75 millimetres but less than 80 millimetres in

4 . For the purpose of the grading of oranges for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising oranges that are not dry and that are

clean, sound, mature, clipped or so picked from the tree as to beundamaged, of normal shape and appearance for their variety, of reasonablyeven orange colour, free from disease, not disfigured in excess of 10 percent of the total surface area of the fruit and of which the diameter isnot less than 60 millimetres ;

"Grade II" means a grade comprising oranges that are not dry and that areclean, sound, mature, clipped or so picked from the trees as to beundamaged, of reasonably normal shape and appearance for their variety,free from disease, not disfigured in excess of 25 per cent of the totalsurface area of the fruit and of which the diameter is not less than60 millimetres .

For the purpose of the grading of lemons for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising lemons that are not dry and that are

clean, sound, clipped or so picked from the tree as to be undamaged, ofnormal shape and appearance for their variety, free from more than slightmalformation and marked corrugation or ridging, free from disease, ofreasonably even colour, not disfigured in excess of 10 per cent of thetotal surface area of the fruit and of which the skin is of good textureand the rind is not of more than medium thickness and of which thediameter is not less than 55 millimetres ;

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"Grade II" means a grade comprising lemons that are not dry and that are clean,sound, clipped or so picked from the tree as to be undamaged, of reasonablynormal shape and appearance for their variety, free from disease' and thatare not disfigured in excess of 25 per cent of the total surface area of thelemon and of which the diameter is not less than 55 millimetres .

6. For the purpose of the grading of grapefruit for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising grapefruit that are not dry and that are

clean, sound, mature, clipped or so picked from the tree as to be undamaged,of normal shape and appearance for their variety, free from malformationand marked corrugation or ridging, free from disease, of reasonably yellowcolour, not disfigured in excess of 10 per cent of the total surface area of thefruit and of which the skin is of good texture, the rind is not thick and thediameter is not less than 70 millimetres ;

"Grade II" means a grade comprising grapefruit that are not dry and that areclean, sound, mature, clipped or so picked from the tree as to be undamaged,of reasonably normal shape and appearance for their variety, free fromdisease, not disfigured in excess of 25 per cent of the total surface area of thefruit and of which the diameter is not less than 70 millimetres .

7 . For the purpose of the grading of mandarins for quality-"Grade I" means a grade comprising mandarins that are not dry and that are

clean, sound, mature, clipped or so picked from the tree as to be undamaged,of normal shape and appearance for their variety, of reasonably even colour,free from disease and not disfigured in excess of 10 per cent of the totalsurface area of the fruit and of which the diameter is not less than 40 milli-metres ;

"Grade II" means a grade comprising mandarins that are not dry and that areclean, sound, mature, clipped or so picked from the tree as to be undamaged,of reasonably normal shape and appearance for their variety, free from diseaseand not disfigured in excess of 25 per cent of the total surface area of thefruit and of which the diameter is not less than 40 millimetres .

8 . All citrus fruit for sale in the State shall at the time of sale conform to one ofthe grades of quality prescribed by these regulations .

9 . (1) Where citrus fruit are for sale in the State in cases or containers prescribedunder the Fruit Cases Act 1919 such cases or containers shall-

(a) be fully and firmly filled ;(b) contain only one variety of citrus fruit ;(c) bear, on one end, particulars of-

(i) the variety ;(ii) the grade of quality .

(2) The particulars required under subregulation (1) (c) of this regulation shall bein letters and figures of not less than-

(a) 5 millimetres in height, where those particulars are printed on a label attachedto the case or container ; or

(b) 20 millimetres in height, where those particulars are stencilled on the caseor container.

10 . A person exposing citrus fruits for sale by retail shall display with the fruit areadily visible sign or label showing the grade of such citrus fruit to enable the fruitto be identified by the purchaser as being of that grade .

By His Excellency's Command,R. D . DAVIES,Clerk of the Council .


Resolution of the Council dated 21 October 1981 .

Western Australian Institute of Technology,Bentley, 27 October 1981 .

THE Council of the Western Australian Institute of Technology has made the Statuteset out in the Schedule hereunder .

Dr. DON WATTS,Director .



1 . In this Statute, unless the context otherwise requires-"Common Seal" means the Common Seal of the Institute described in . Section 2 ."Graduation Seal means the Graduation Seal of the Institute described in

Section 3 .

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Schedule-continued .

2 . The form of the Common Seal of the Institute is-

3 . The form of the Graduation Seal of the institute is-

4 . (1) The Administrative Secretary shall hold the Common Seal in safe custodyand available for use as authorised by this Statute .

(2) The Academic Registrar shall hold the Graduation Seal in safe custody andavailable for use as authorised by this Statute.

5 . (1) Except as provided in Section 6, the Common Seal shall only be used bythe authority of the Council .

(2) The Graduation Seal shall only be used by the authority of the Council .6 . Where a document required to be under the Common Seal relates to a matter

or matters which the Chairman or Director considers are formal or of special urgency,the Chairman or Director may authorise the use of the Common Seal on thatdocument . The Chairman or Director authorising the use of the Common Seal underthis section shall report the circumstances to the Council at the first opportunity .

7 . (1) The Administrative Secretary may affix the Common Seal to-(a) all Statutes made by the Council; and(b) documents or classes of documents which the Council have authorised to be

sealed with the Common Seal .(2) The Academic Registrar may affix the Graduation Seal to all documents or

classes of documents which the Council have authorised to be sealed with the GraduationSeal .

8 . (1) Every document to which the Common Seal is affixed shall be signed bythe Chairman or the Director and countersigned by the Administrative Secretaryor by some other person appointed by the Council for the purpose .

(2) Every certificate of an award to which the Graduation Seal is affixed shall besigned by the Director and countersigned by such person as shall be appointed by theCouncil for the purpose.

9 . (1) Whenever the Common Seal is affixed to a document the following sealingclause shall be inserted at the end of the document-

"The Common Seal of the Western Australian Institute of Technology was heretoaffixed on the day of 19 by the authority ofthe Council (or the Chairman or Director as the case requires)" .

(2) There shall be inserted at the end of every certificate of an award a sealingclause in the following form-

"The Graduation Seal of the Western Australian Institute of Technology was heretoaffixed on the

day of


by the authority ofthe Council".

10 . (1) The Administrative Secretary shall maintain a register of the use of theCommon Seal in which he shall record, in respect of each document to which theCommon Seal is affixed, particulars of the nature of the document, its date, the auth-ority for it and the name and title of the persons signing and countersigning the docu-ment as required by section 8 (1) .

(2) The Academic Registrar shall maintain a register of the use of the GraduationSeal in which he shall record, in respect of each certificate of an award to which theseal is affixed, particulars of the certificate, its date, the authority for it and the nameand title of the persons signing and countersigning the document as required bysection 8 (2) .

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Schedule-continued .

11 . The Council may, by resolution, from time to time determine either generallyor in any particular case or cases that in relation to any certificate of an award towhich the Graduation Seal is affixed, the signature of the Director or the other personappointed by the Council to countersign the affixing of the Graduation Seal or bothmay be affixed by some mechanical means and be a facsimile of those persons' signaturesin such manner as may be specified in the Council's resolution .

12 . The Council may, by resolution, from time to time, determine the functionsof the Council that may be exercised without the use of the Common Seal for thatpurpose and except where the Act or any other Act or a Statute requires that theCommon Seal be affixed to an instrument, that an instrument or class of instrumentmay be signed by an officer of the Institute without the use of the Common Seal .

13 . Statute No. 1-Common Seal adopted on 20 August 1975 is hereby repealed .

The Common Seal of the Western AustralianInstitute of Technology was hereto affixedon the 27th day of October, 1981 by theauthority of the Council-



P. E. HOBBS,Administrative Secretary .


Resolution of the Council dated 21 October 1981 .

Western Australian Institute of Technology,Bentley, 27 October 1981 .

THE Council of the Western Australian Institute of Technology has made theStatute set out in the Schedule hereunder .

Dr. DON WALlS,Director.



1 . Definitions .In this Statute-

"Guild" means the Student Guild of the Western Australian Institute of Technologyestablished by section 44 of the Western Australian Institute of TechnologyAct upon the making of the original Statute No. 4 on 14 January 1969 ;

"Guild regulations" means regulations made by the Guild under section 12 of thisStatute;

"Guild rules" means rules made by the Guild under section 7 of this Statute orunder any regulation;

"Student society" means any club, society or association within the Institutewhich is registered with the Guild in the manner prescribed by the Guildregulations .

2 . Objects .The objects of the Guild shall be-

(a) to further the common interest of the enrolled students ;(b) to provide for and encourage communication among enrolled students in

matters of common interest ;(c) to provide extra-curricular activities for the general well-being of enrolled

students ;(d) to represent enrolled students whenever such representation is necessary or

desirable, and to provide a recognised means of communication between thestudents and the Institute authorities ;

(e) to cooperate with any body or organisation having kindred aims ;(f) to provide, conduct or manage educational, cultural, sporting, welfare,

recreational or commercial facilities or activities intended for the benefitdirectly or indirectly, of enrolled students ;

(g) to accommodate and provide for all types of amenities or facilities forenrolled students .

3 . Powers .For the purpose of carrying out its objectives the Guild shall have power-

(a) pursuant to the Act, to expend and invest moneys ;(b) to operate banking accounts ;(c) to transact such financial business as may be necessary to carry out the

objects of the Guild ;(d) to borrow, raise or secure the payment of money for any of the objects of

the Guild, and in particular, by mortgaging or charging the property of theGuild or any part thereof ;

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[18 December 981 .

Schedule-continued .

(e) to enter into contracts on behalf of the Guild or any student society, theterms of which have been approved by the Guild Council ;

(f) to lend moneys to enrolled students ;(g) to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any

real or personal property and to sell, let or mortgage it ;(

o exercise general supervision and control over all student societies, and tomake grants thereto for approved purposes ;

(i) to register student societies with the Guild, and affiliate registered societieswith subsidiary Counc .ls of the Guild ;

(j) to assume the care, control and management of the property and financialaffairs of any student society, for such period as the Guild Council thinks fit ;

(k) to engage and dismiss employees ;(1) to incorporate or cause to be incorporated any student society under the

Associations Incorporation Act or under the Companies Act or any likelegislation for the benefit of the members of that society or to limit theliability of the Guild, and to hold shares in any company so incorporated ;

(m) to hold licences under any legislation for the time being in force ;(n) to admit to Associateship persons other than members of the Guild, in the

manner prescribed by Guild regulations and rules made thereunder ;(o) as prescribed- by the Guild regulations, to impose fines upon members of the

Guild, upon members and officers of student societies and on student societiesfor breaches of the provisions of this Statute, the Guild regulations or theGuild rules ;

(p) generally, to act in any other manner authorised by this Statute or necessaryor convenient for giving effect to this Statute.

(q) to recommend to Institute Council that amendments be made to Statute 4or Statute 9 .

4 . ManagemenSubject to this Statute and the Guild regulations, the Guild Council shall be

responsible for and have the entire control and management of the affairs andproperty of the Guild and may act in all matters concerning the Guild in suchmanner as appears to it to be best calculated to promote the interest of the Guild9,nd the enrolled students .

5 . Membership.Any enrolled student may be a member of the Guild, excepting a member of the

full-time academic staff of the Institute and such persons or classes of person as theInstitute Council declares by resolution to be ineligible for membership,

6 . Subscriptions .The annual subscription to the Guild shall be such sum as shall be approved by the

Institute Council after report and recommendation by the Guild Council .

7 Guild Council .(1) The Guild shall be governed by a Council to be known as the Guild Council .

The number of members of the Guild Council, the manner of election of thosemembers, and all other matters relative to membership of the Guild Council, shallbe prescribed by the Guild regulations provided that any enrolled student (whethera member of the Guild or not) may vote at any election held to fill a vacancy inthe office of President. member of the Council or any other elective office in theadministration of the Guild, but a net-son shall not hold any such office unless heis a member of the Guild .

(2) The Guild Council may in the manner prescribed by the Guild regulationsmake, alter or repeal rules but only when the power to do so is specified in aGuild regulation and then only to the extent specified .

8 . Officers .The officers of the Guild shall comprise the President and such other officers

as shall be prescribed by the Guild regulations . The manner of election of officersand their rights and duties shall be as prescribed by the Guild regulations .

9 . General Meetings and Referendums .(1) Proceedings at a general meeting of the Guild and the manner in which a

referendum shall be conducted shall be as prescribed by the Guild regulations .(2) A general meeting of the Guild may debate any issue of concern to members

of the Guild .(3) At a general meeting of the Guild, each member present in person shall have

one vote . Associates of the Guild shall not be entitled to vote .(4) Resolutions passed at any general meeting of the . Guild shall be in the form

of a recommendation to the Guild Council .(5) A referendum of members held by the Guild shall determine Guild policy

on the issues submitted to the referendum . The result of such a referendum shall bindthe Guild Council .

10 . Communication .The Guild shall be the recognised means of communication between e students or

any section of the students and the Institute Council .

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Schedule-continued .

11 . Seal .(1) The Common Seal of the Guild shall be in the following form-

(2) The Guild Council shall provide for the safe custody of the Common Sealwhich shall only be used by the authority of a resolution of the Guild Counciland in the presence of the President of the Guild who shall sign every instrumentto which the Seal is affixed and every such instrument shall be countersigned by someother person appointed by the Guild Council .

12 . Regulations.(1) The Guild may make, alter and repeal regulations subject to the provisions

of this Statute to provide for-(a) the administration, organisation, finances and functions of the Guild ;(b) the interpretation of regulations and rules ;(c) the implementation of the objects and powers of the Guild and the other

provisions of this Statute ; and(d) any other matter required by this Statute to be prescribed by regulation .

(2) Regulations may be made, altered or repealed in accordance with the followingprocedure-

(a) In this subsection, "absolute majority of the Guild Council" means a majorityof all the members of the Guild Council for the time being holding office,regardless of the number attending the meeting of the Guild Council,and no casting vote shall be counted .

(b) The Guild Council may resolve to make, alter or repeal a regulation subjectto the resolution being passed by an absolute majority of the Guild Counciland its being confirmed in accordance with this subsection .

(c) The resolution as so passed shall be published-(i) by being posted on the official Guild notice board ; and(ii) in the Guild newspaper or any other publication generally circulated

among the students, produced under the authority of the GuildCouncil ;

in both cases notice being given to the members of the Guild that theyare entitled to have the resolution considered at a general meeting of theGuild if notice requesting a meeting is given to the President of theGuild signed by not less than 200 members within 14 days after theresolution is first published .

(d) If no notice requesting a general meeting is given, the resolution shall bedeemed to be confirmed after the expiration of the period of 14 daysspecified in paragraph (c) above .

(e) If notice is given to the President of the Guild within the period of 14days specified in paragraph (c) above, the resolution shall be consideredat the next general meeting of the Guild, or the Guild Council may convenea special general meeting for the purpose . The resolution shall be confirmedif it is passed by a majority of the members of the Guild present at themeeting .

(f) Where a general meeting has been called following a requisition by Guildmembers to debate proposed changes to Guild Regulations as in (c) aboveand no quorum is present within thirty minutes of the advertisedcommencement time, the meeting shall lapse and the proposed regulationchanges shall be deemed to be confirmed .

(g) If a resolution is amended at a general meeting, the amended resolutionshall be considered at the next meeting of the Guild Council and theresolution shall be confirmed if it is passed by an absolute majority of theGuild Council. If the Guild Council rejects amendments passed by thegeneral meeting the amendments will be put to a referendum of members of theGuild within 20 teaching days .

(h) A regulation or the alteration or repeal of a regulation shall be submittedto the Institute Council for approval and shall take effect on the day afterit is approved by the Institute Council, or such later date as may be specifiedin the resolution passed by the Guild Council, and approved by theInstitute Council .


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[18 December 1981 .


13 . Accounts.(1) The Guild Council shall keep such accounting and other records as will

sufficiently explain the transactions and financial position of the Guild .(2) The Guild Council shall each calendar year produce to a general meeting of

members of the Guild for adoption an audited balance sheet made up as at the last dayof the Guild's financial year, and an audited statement of income and expenditure forthat year.

(3) A copy of the Guild's audited annual balance sheet and statement of incomeand expenditure shall be transmitted to the Institute Council as soon as practicableafter it has been adopted by the Guild .

14 . Records .(1) A copy of this Statute and any amendments and a copy of all Guild regulations

and Guild rules made under this Statute and any amendments shall be recorded in aGuild Statute Book .

(2) An entry in the Guild Statute Book of any Guild regulations made underthis Statute and any alteration to a Guild regulation, signed by the AdministrativeSecretary of the Institute and the President of the Guild, shall be prima facie evidencethat the subject matter of the entry was duly approved by the Institute Council .

(3) An entry in the Guild Statute Book of any Guild rule made tinder thisStatute or any alteration of a Guild rule signed by the President of the Guildshall be prima facie evidence that the subject matter of the entry was duly approvedby the Guild.

15. Repeal and Transitional Provisions .(1) Statute No . 4 adopted on 15 December 1976 is hereby repealed .(2) All regulations made under the authority of the repealed Statute No . 4

shall be deemed to be regulations duly made under this Statute and shall (exceptwhere inconsistent with this Statute) continue in force until altered or repealedin accordance with this Statute .

The Common Seal of the Western AustralianInstitute of Technology was hereto affixed onthe 27th day of October 1981 by the authorityof the Council-

Dr. DON WATTS,f L .S. ]


P. E. HOBBS,Administrative Secretary .


Resolution of the Council dated 21 October 1981 .

Western Australian Institute of Technology,Bentley, 27 October 1981 .

THE Council of the Western Australian Institute of Technology has made the Statuteset out in the Schedule hereunder .

Dr. DON WA I IS,Director.



1 . This Statute applies to elections of members of staff and the Alumni Associationto Council pursuant to paragraphs (g), (gb) and (gc) of subsection 1 of section9 of the Act.

2. In this Statute unless the contrary intention appears-"academic staff" means those members of the staff of the Institute who have been

appointed to the full time academic staff ;"other staff" means those members of the full time salaried staff of the Institute

other than the academic staff ;"Alumni" means the Alumni Association of the Institute ;"Alumni member" means a person enrolled as a member of the Alumni Association

pursuant to the rules of that Association ;"candidate" means a member of the academic staff or a member of the other staff

or a member of the Alumni, nominated for election to Council in themanner prescribed for that purpose ;

"elector" means a member of the academic staff or the other staff or the Alumni asappropriate .

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Schedule-continued .3 . Separate rolls shall be kept of the names and mailing addresses of-

(1) the academic staff;(2) the other staff ;(3) the Alumni members .

For each election the certified roll of persons eligible to vote at that election shallbe the roll as at 4 .00 p.m. on the day on which nominations for that election close,provided that up to 5 .00 p.m. on the day prior to the day appointed for the election,the Returning Officer may add to the roll the name of any person otherwise qualifiedto vote whose name has been inadvertently omitted from the roll .

4 . Any member of the academic staff, the other staff and the Alumni is eligible to-(a) nominate a candidate;(b) be nominated as a candidate ;(c) vote;

in respect of elections to the appropriate category of Council membership .

5 . The Returning Officer for elections is the Administrative Secretary .

6 . The Returning Officer shall send to each elector notice of an election not morethan ten (10) weeks and not less than six (6) weeks before the expiry of the term ofoffice of an elected member and shall include in the notice the conditions of nominationpursuant to section 7 .

7 . (1) Nominations shall be in writing, signed by the proposer and the nomineeand dated and lodged with the Returning Officer by the date specified for the close ofnominations.

(2) A proposer shall not nominate a number of nominess greater than the numberof vacancies to be filled .

(3) Nominations shall remain open for a period of at least seven (7) days .

8 . If the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies the ReturningOfficer shall declare each candidate elected in the manner provided in section 18 .

9 . If the number of candidates exceeds the number of vacancies the election shallbe by ballot .

10 . Elections shall be held not less than seven (7) days and not more thantwenty-one (21) days after the closing date for nominations .

11 . Where a ballot is required, the Returning Officer shall not later than seven (7)days after the last day for receiving nominations, send to each elector-

(1) A voting paper, containing the names of the candidates in an order determinedby lot and an envelope marked "Council Voting Paper" .

(2) Notice of the day appointed for the election .(3) An identification declaration .(4) Notice of the place where voting papers may be lodged and a return envelope .

12 . Envelopes containing the declaration and envelope marked Council VotingPaper shall be opened from time to time as decided by the Returning Officer, and ifthere is any doubt as to the correctness of the declaration, the decision of the ReturningOfficer as to the acceptability of it and the voting paper shall be final .

13 . The voter's name appearing on the declaration shall be checked against thecertified roll of persons eligible to vote at the election and, if in order, its receipt shallbe indicated against the name on the roll and the envelope which is marked "CouncilVoting Paper" removed from the envelope and placed unopened in the Ballot Boxset aside for this purpose .

14 . The ballot closes at 2 .00 p.m . on the day appointed for the election .

15 . Each candidate may appoint one scrutineer from the electors by notification inwriting addressed to the Returning Officer .

16 . An election shall not be invalidated by inadvertent failure to give any personqualified to vote any notice required by this Statute .

17 . The system of voting to be used shall be the optional preferential system andshall be conducted as follows-

(1) Ballot papers shall be marked by placing the numeral 1 beside the name of thecandidate for whom the voter wishes to vote . If a voter wishes to expressa second or any subsequent preference he shall place the numeral 1 besidethe candidate of his first preference and the numerals 2, 3, 4 and so on innumerical order beside the name or names of any candidate or candidatesfor whom he wishes to express a second or any subsequent preference . Inan election to fill two or more vacancies, a voter shall express a preferencefor at least the same number of candidates as there are vacancies to be filled,but subject thereto, a ballot paper shall not be invalid merely because thevoter has not expressed a preference for all of the candidates .

(2) As soon as practicable after the close of the ballot the Returning Officershall, with the assistance of such other officers as he may appoint, scrutinisethe ballot papers and eliminate any invalid votes. He shall then count andrecord the number of votes (other than second or subsequent preferences)expressed for each candidate .

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[18 December 1981 .

Schedule-continued .(3) In the case of an election at which only one vacancy is to be filled, the

Returning Officer shall declare elected the candidate (if any) who has anabsolute majority of votes . If no candidate has an absolute majority on thefirst count, the Returning Officer shall eliminate the candidate with the lowestnumber of votes and shall distribute these votes amongst the remaining can-didates according to the next preferences (if any) expressed on the ballotpaper .This procedure shall be repeated until one candidate has an absolute majoritywhereupon that candidate shall be declared elected .

(4) In the case of an election at which two or more vacancies are to be filled,the candidates receiving the lowest number of votes shall be progressivelyeliminated and their next available preference distributed until there remainonly such number of candidates as there are vacancies to be filled .

18 . Within the period of two days after the result of an election is known, theReturning Officer shall declare each successful candidate elected by giving notice tothat effect in writing to the Director and posting a copy of the notice on the noticeboard which the Institute shall provide outside the main entrance to the InstituteAdministration building .

19 . Statute No. 5-Election of Academic Staff to Council-adopted on 19 March1969 and amended on 20 October 1971 is hereby repealed .

The Common Seal of the Western AustralianInstitute of Technology was hereto affixedon the 27th day of October, 1981 by theauthority of the Council-


Director .P. E. HOBBS,Administrative Secretary .


AMENDMENT REGULATIONS (No . 14) 1981 .MADE by the Minister for Education .Citation .

Commence .went.Principalregulations.

Schedule2 amended .

1 . These regulations may be cited as the Education Act AmendmentRegulations (No . 14) 1981 .

2 . These regulations shall take effect on and from 1 January 1982 .3 . In these regulations the Education Act Regulations 1960*, as

amended, are referred to as the principal regulations .4 . Schedule. 2 to the principal regulations is amended by deleting Item

1 and substitutng the following Item-

`' 1 .-GENERAL TUITION FEES .Fees to be charged to students in courses classified as adult educa-

tion courses-(a) Class instruction-

(i) the fee for the course is the amount calculated onthe basis of $1 .25 per hour, or part thereof, ofinstruction in the course;

(ii) where a student is admitted to a course before othird of the total number of hours of instructionthe course have elapsed, the fee is assessed on thebasis of the total number of hours of instruction inthe course, but where a student is admitted to acourse when not more than two-thirds of the totalnumber of hours of instruction in the course remainto be given, the fee is assessed on the basis of thenumber of hours of instruction remaining ;

(b) Correspondence i rstruction-the fee for the course is calcu-lated, without r, -nrd to when the student is admitted to thecourse, on the b : ~~s _,F $2.50 per lesson ;

and where the calculation of fees does not result in whole dollars,the total shall be rounded to the nearest, highest whole dollar . " .


5 . Schedule 6 to the principal regulations is amended by deleting6 amended . Item I of Part 1 and substituting the following-

I. . Computer equipment :(a) for a secondary school, $ for $ to a maximum subsidy

of $3 000 in any one financial year;(b) for a primary school, $ for $ to a maximum of $2 000

in <ny one financial year,but the total assistance granted to each of these categories ofschools shall not exceed an amount to be determined annually bythe Minister. "

Reprinted in the Government Gazette on 19 March 1971 .

V. L. GRAYDEN,Minister for Education .

Page 107: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]




Tenders for Govnrnnient Supplies

Date ofAdvertising

ScheduleNo . Supplies Required Date of


1981 1982Nov. 27 . . . . 885A/1981 Central Data Processing Facilities-Inhouse or Equivalent Bureau Facilities-

State Housing Commission

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . . Jan . 7Dec . 4 893A/1981 Toilet Deodorant Cakes (recalled Item 19)-Soaps, Soap Powders, Bleaches,

Cleansers, Metal and Furniture Polishes Contract-Various Govt . Departments . . . .

. Jan. 7Dec . 4 907A/1981 Narrow Gauge Sleeper Renewer Machines (2 only)-Westrail Jan . 7Dec. 4 908A/1981 Bed Type Universal Milling Machine (1 only)-Westrail Jan . 7Dec. 4 909A/1981 Word Processing System-Education Department

. . . . Jan . 7Dec. 4 910A/1981 VHF Low Band Multi Channel Transceivers-(approx . 35)-Forests Dept. Jan . 7Dec. 4 911A/1981 Spectrophotometers (3 only) : Flame Photometers (3 only) : Tissue Embedding

Centre (1 only) : ph Meter Tester (1 only)-State Health Laboratory Services Jan . 7Dec. 4 912A/1981 16 mm Film Projectors (40 only)-Education Department ._ . Jan . 7Dec. 18 938A/1981 IBM Compatible Peripherals and Associated Services -M.R.D . Jan. 7Dec. 18 939A/1981 Diesel Alternator Sets (3 only)-P .W.D Jan . 7Dec . 4 898A/1981 Bandages and Dressings (1 year period)-various Govt . Departments Jan. 14Dec . 4 899A/1981 Readymixed Concrete (1 year period)-P.W.D Jan. 14Dec . 4 900A/1981 Pump and Motor Units (3 only) for Mitchell Road Water Pumping Station-

M.W.B Jan. 14Dec . 4 904A/1981 Alarm Dialling Equipment (2 year period)-P.W.D . Jan. 14Dec. 11 913A/1981 Magnetic Flowmeter (2 x 900 mm and I x 800 mm) for Control Meters Stations

at Serpentine and Canning Mains-M .W.B.Jan. 14

Dec. 11 914A/1981 Paper Bed Pan Covers, Paper Bags and Urinal Covers (1 year period)-VariousGovernment Departments

Jan . 14

Dec. 11 915A/1981 Bolts and Nuts, Coach Screws, Set Screws and Nuts (6 month period)-VariousDepartments

Jan . 14

Dec. 11 916A/1981 Colour Television Receivers (63 cm) (65 only)-P .W.D .

. .

. . . . Jan . 14Dec. 11 917A/1981 Radio and Public Address Equipment for Primary Schools-P .W.D Jan. 14Dec . 11 918A/1981 7 . 9 m Mobile Dental Caravans (4 only)-P .W.D Jan, 14Dec. 11 919A/1981 Motor Cycles (450 cc) (7 only)-R .T.A Jan. 14Dec . 11 920A/1981 Diesel Powered Two Wheel Drive Cab/Chassis (4 only)-Forests Department Jan. 14Dec. 18 948A/1981 Police Special Solo Motor Cycles (750 cc to 850 cc) (36 only)-R .T.A.

._ . Jan. 14Dec. 18 950A/1981 Poultry (1 year period)-Various Government Departments Jan. 14Dec. 18 951A/1981 Gap Bed Centre Lathe (1 only)-P.W.D .

. . Jan, 14Dec. 18 953A/1981 Top Running Bridge Crane (10 tonne) (i only) for Muns

atM.W.B .

Jan . 14

Dec . 4 902A/1981 Heavy Duty VHF Radio Equipment (2 year period)-P .W.D . Jan . 21Dec. 4 903A/1981 Light Duty VHF Radio Equipment (2 year period) ---- .P.W.D Jan . 21Dec. 11 921A/1981 PVC Coated Nylon Tarpaulin Material (approx 25 000 metres)- es r it Jan . 21Dec. 11 922A/1981 Motorised Tamping Machines (10 only)-Westrail

. . . . Jan . 21Dec. 18 952A/1981 Car and Wagon Axles (60 only) and Wheels (12.0 only)-Westrail Jan . 21Dec. 18 954A/1981 Spraying of Slow Breaking Anionic Bituminous Emulsion (approx 152 900

litres)-Albany DivisionJan . 21

Dec. 18 956A/1981 Toothbrushes (1 year period)-Various Government Departments Jan . 21

For Sale by Tender

Date of Schedule For Sale Cute ofAdvertising No . Closing

1981 1982Dec. 18 923A/1981 1977 Holden HZ Utility (XQD 329) and 1978 Holden HZ One Tonne Utility

(XQG 145) at KarrathaJan. 14

Dec. 18 924A/1981 Holden HZ Sedan (XQI 070) : Holden HZ Utility (XQI 589) and Torana "SL"Sedan (XQI 073) at Kununurra

Jan 14 .

Dec. 18 925A/1981 Holden HZ One Tonne Table Top (3 only) and Dodge D5N 30 cwt, Truck (1only) at South Hedland

Jan. 14

Dec. 18 926A/1981 1978 Toyota FJ45 Landcruisers Tray Top (XQL 838) at Karl Jan .Dec. 18 927A/1981 Holden HZ Utility (1 only) : International 7 Tonne Truck Tip (1 only) : Suzuki

LJ80 Vans (2 only) : Nissan Patrol Utility (1 only) : Toyota FJ45 LandcruiserVan (1 only) : Dart Caravans (2 only) and Modern Caravan (1 only) at

Jan . 4

Forrestf eldDec. 18 928A/1981 1979 Holden HZ Panel Van (XQI 485) at Geraldton . . . . Jan . 14Dec. 18 929A/1981 Toyota FJ45 Utility (XQG 691) at Port Hedland

. . Jan. 14Dec. 18 930A/1981 1973 Chamberlain R1250 Rubber Tyred Loader (UQN 314)

a gooriie Jan 14Dec. 18 931A/1981 Isuzu KB25 Utility (MRD 4532) (Re-Called) at Derby Jan . 14,Dec. 18 932A/1981 1978 Holden HZ One Tonne Fiat Top (XQF 105) at Kununu a Jan. 14Dec. 18 933A/1981 C.P. 160A Air Compressor (PW 263) at Geraldton

. . . Jan. 14Dec. 18 934A/1981 Ropa iviess Caravan (UQV 615) at Derby

. . . .

. . . .

._ Jan. 14Dec. 18 935A/1981 Finsbury 2m . SPPDM/W self-priming water pump (MRD . 737) at Caranv_on. _ __Jan . 14Dec . 18 936A/1981 1975 Volkswagon Kombi (UQM 018) at Harvey

._ .

. . .

._ . Jan. 14Dec. 18 937A/1981 Caravans (6 only) at Carlisle

. . . . Jan. 14

Page 108: 5164 -



[18 December 1981 .

Tenders addressed to the Chairman, State Tender Board, 74 Murray Street, Perth, will be received for the abovementionedschedules until 10 a .m. on the dates of closing .

Tenders must be properly endorsed on envelopes otherwise they are liable to rejection .Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, 74 Murray Street, Perth and

at points of inspection .No Tender necessarily accepted

B. E. CORBOY,Chairman, Tender Board

STATE TENDER BOARD OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA-continued.For Sale by Tender-continued

(MRD 080) at East Perth

Date ofAdvertising

ScheduleNo. For Sale Date of


1981 1982Dec. 18 940A/1981 1980 Holden WB Utility (XQK 189) at Port Hedland . . . . Jan . 14Dec. 18 941A/1981 1953 Leyland Royal Tiger Bus (XQA 438) at Cunderdin Jan. 14Dec. 18 942A/1981 1974 Holden One Tonne Truck (UQO 934) at Harvey . . . . Jan . 14Dec. 18 943A/1981 1976 Holden HX One Ton (UQZ 847) at Manjimup . . . .

. . . .

. . . . Jan. 14Dec. 18 944A/1981 1975 Holden HX One Ton (UQR 439) and 1956 Bedford 3 Ton Truck (UQE

609) at LudlowJan . 14

Dec. 18 945A/1981 1967 Allis Chalmers Grader (UQE 833) at Collie

. . . . Jan . 14Dec. 18 946A/1981 1980 Holden Utility (XQM 207) at Derby

. . Jan. 14Dec. 18 947A/1981 1978 Holden HZ Station Wagon (XQD 389) at Karratha Jan. 14Dec. 18 949A/1981 C.P. Mobile Air Compressor (PW 222) at Exmouth . . . .

. . . .

. . . . Jan. 14Dec. 18 957A/1981 Scrap Lithographic Film Negatives (18 month period) at Government Printing

OfficeJan . 21

Dec. 18 955A/1981 Steel sections, full panels, half panels, transoms, heavy bracing frames, handrailpanels, scrap steel and aluminium tubular sections at Welshpool

Jan . 28


ScheduleNo . Contractor Particulars

DepartmentConcerned Rate

349A/80 Email LtdSupply and Delivery of

Twelve thousand (12000) approx . 20 mm P.W.W.S $34 .53 each

418A/81 Hawker Siddeley En-Service Water Meters

Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation M.W.B $3086143


gineering P/L


Equipment for the Beenyup Wastewatertreatment Plant

Workshop Equipment (Items 51-67) Metal- Education . . . . Details on application

795A/81 Various

working for Thornlie Technical College

Purchase and Removal ofDetails on applicationMiscellaneous Equipment (Car Refriger- A .P.B .

813A/81 R. J . Geary . . . .

ators, Sprayers, Transceivers etc) at SouthPerth

Kodak Statfile MK3 Process Camera at East M.R.D . $476

814A/81 Soltoggio Bros .Perth

$21222Caterpillar Grader (MRD 700) at East M.R.D .

816A/81 VariousPerth

Used and Unused Car, Truck and Tractor Forests Details on application

817A/81 K. J . WoolcockTyres at Como

Item 1 : Quantity of Automotive Parts and P.W.D . $58Sundries

Item 2 : Quantity of Electrical Parts and $58

821A/81 Cavalier Caravans P/LSundries

Item 1 : Arrow Single Berth Maintenance M .R.D . $568Caravan (MRD 861)

Item 2 : Ropa Office Caravan (MRD 588) at $256

822A/81 B. Lording . . . .Derby

Stihl Chainsaw, 041 Model, at Jarrahdale . . . . Forests $62823A/81 M. K . Corry . . . . Chainsaw, McCulloch, 1977 Promac 850, at P .W.D . $63 .50

824A/81 A. R . Byrne . . . .East Perth

Item 1 : Stihl Chainsaw 041 Model (FD 5949) Forests $121 .50Item 3 : Stihl Chainsaw, 041 Model (FD $121 .80

6059)J. Dickson . . . . Item 2 : Stihl Chainsaw, 041 Model (FD $125 .50

5950)J. Zappia Item 4 : Stihl Chainsaw, 020 Model (FD $50

6115)Item 5 : Stihl Chainsaw, 020 Model (FD $50

825A/81 B. Rayner

. . . .6116) at Como

Mitsui Seiki Air Compressor, 1973 (PW 281) P .W.D . $1500

828A/81 R. G . Machineryat East Perth

$5001Chamberlain CJD 791 Loader Backhoe M .R.D.

Page 109: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]




Tender No .

116/81 . . . .

Tender No .

151) at Kununurra



Tenders are invited for the following projects.Tender documents are available from the Clerk-in-Charge, Orders Section, Main Roads Department, Waterloo Crescent,

East Perth .


Loading and Carting screened Aggregate Geraldton and Mt . Magnet areas . . . .

Acceptance of Tenders

33/81 . . . .

Suply and delivery of Screened Laterite GravelKwinana Freeway

78/81 . . . .

Concrete Aprons to Workshop Narrogin Depot . . ..89/81 . . . .

General Purpose Shed Narrogin Depot

. . . .72/81 .. . .

Supply and Erection General Purpose Shed Carn-arvon Depot

77/81 .. . .

Painting and Repairs to Houses Carnarvon Division102/81 .. . .

General Purpose Shed Bunbury Depot98/81 .

Installation of Raised Reflective Pavement MarkersKwinana Freeway between Judd Street and SouthStreet and Leach Highway between Amur Placeand Benningfield Road


Closing Date

Cooper Sands

Successful Tenderer

L. R. Sims & Co.Boral Cyclone Ltd .Boral Cyclone Ltd .

R. S . Basset . .Mills & Hassall (1966) Co .De Neefe Signs

. . . .

. . ..

December 1981


$$8/tonneex pit


4 4865 0268 788

6 5058 730

13 065

D. R. WARNER,Secretary, Main Roads .

ScheduleNo . Contractor Particulars Department

Concerned Rate

829A/81 Cavalier Caravans Pty .Ltd .

Bunnings 5-berth Skid Mounted Sleeper M .R.D .Caravan (MRD 954) Port Hedlandat

$3 258

Michigan 180B Rubber Tyred Dozer (MRD151) at East Perth

M.R.D .830A/81 W. & P. Machinery $14198Sales

832A/81 M. H. Choake

. . . . Dodge D5N 226 30 Cwt . Truck (MRD 776)at East Perth

M.R.D . $700

W. & P. Machinery835A/81 BHB 3 Ton Mobile Crane (PW 119) at EastPerth

P.W.D. $11109Sales

848A/81 R. G. Machinery Lincoln Welding Plant (PW 250) at EastPerth

P.W.D. $1701

859A/81 G. Smith Dodge 30 cwt. Table Top Truck 1976 D5N(XQC 179) at Karratha

P.W.D. $827

876A/81 M. B . Alcock. . . . Item 1 : Toyota F355 Landcruiser Wagon1978 (XQF 669) at Forrestfield

Agriculture $6127 .87

Dunkerton & Fox Item 2 : Suzuki LJ80 Van, 1978 (XQF 581) $2144Motors Item 3 : Suzuki LJ80 Van, 1978 (XQF 586)

at Forrestfield$3087

889A/81 Eastway Motors Dodge D5N 698 Model Crew Cab Truck(UQQ 240) at East Perth

All Tenders Declined

M.R.D . $1789

787A/81 Purchase and Removal of 1978 Tristar 16'x 7' Aluminium Airboat and Trailer (XQT


Page 110: 5164 -



Tenders are invited for the supply of the undermentioned stores .Tenders close at Wembley at 10.00 a .m. on 29 December 1981 .

SPECIAL NOTE-STOCK:Tenderers are requested to specify-1. Country of Origin .2. Brand or make of material .3. In this contract preference may be given to W .A. or other Australian made stocks in accordance with Government

Policy .

Tender No .

Particulars of Stores

CP 10810 . . .

7 200 pads of 20 leavesCP 10845 . . . .

300 Self Adhesive LabelsCP 10849 . . . .

2 500 single leaves

. . .CP 10850 . . . .

400 books of 50 in triplicateCP 10851 . . .

200 books of 50 in triplicate


THE notice appearing in the Government Gazette No.90 dated 4 December 1981 under the above headingon page 5044 under the sub-heading "The rights ofoccupancy for the undermentioned Reserves have beenrenewed" is amended by changing the expiry date forTemporary Reserves 7154H to 7156H and 7167H from13/8/1982 to 13/9/1982 .

D . R. KELLY,Under Secretary for Mines .

G ACT 1978-1981 .THE Minister for Mines pursuant to the powers con-ferred on him by section 57 (4) of the Mining hot1978-1981 does hereby declare that no application foran exploration licence shall be made or granted withrespect to the various parcels of land as shown shaded"grey" on the undermentioned Mines Departmentplans-

1-13 .1-RAgoor1W .1 .13.2-Perth .1 .13.3-Wiluna .1 .13.4-Meekatharra .1 .13.5-Oakover River .1 .13.6-Hamersley Range.1 .13.7-Halls Creek .1 .13.8-Esperance .

Dated this 16th day of December, 1981 .P. V. JONES,Minister for Mines .




Successful 'renderer


[18 December 1981 .


297 x210 mm148 x 210 mmloxmomm210 x 305 mmloxhomm,297 x210 mm

Baskerville & Pratt . . . . 845 .00George Percival . . . . . . . 51-00Exel Press 43 .50B. & S. General

. . . .

.. . .

337 .00B. & S . General

. . . .

227 .00

WILLIAM C. BROWN,Government Printer .

MINING ACT 1978-1981 .

THE Minister for Mines pursuant to the powers con-ferred on him by section 19 of the Mining Act 1978-1981 hereby gives notice that all the Crown land (notbeing Crown land that is the subject of a mining tene-ment or an application therefor) contained in the areadescribed hereunder and situated in the Lennard Shelf-Ellendale area is exempt from Division 2 of Part IVof the Mining Act 1978-1981 .

Description of Area .

Thence North to Starting Point .

Dated this 16th day of December, 1981 .P. V. JONES,Minister for Mines .

Lennard Shelf/Ellendale Area .

Latitude . Longitude .Starting Point 17'00' 124°30'

Thence South East to 18°00' 126°00'

Thence East to 18°00' 126°15'

Thence South to 18°45' 126°15'

Thence West to 18°45' 126°00'

Thence North to 18°40' 126°00'

Thence West to 18'40' 124°30'

Tender No . Description

CP 10924 . . . . 2 000 two part fanapart setsCP 10925 100 pads of 50 leaves . . . .CP 10936 10 000 pads of 50 leavesCP 10937 _ . 100 books of 50 in quadruplicateCP 10939 . . . . 1 000 books of 50 in triplicateCP 10941 . . . . 50 000 single forms

. . . .

. . . .

Page 111: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]




Department of Mines,Perth, 25 November 1981 .

In accordance with the provisions of the Mining Act 1904 His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleasedto deal with the following mining tenements .

D. R. KELLY,Under Secretary for Mines .

The undermentioned applications for Leases were approved conditionally :



Department of Mines,Perth, 9 December 1981 .

IN accordance with the provisions of the Mining Act 1904 His Excellency the Governor i Executive Council has been pleasedto deal with the following mining tenements and Temporary Reserves .

D. R. KELLY,Under Secretary for Mines.

The rights of occupancy for the undermentioned Temporary Reserves have been granted for a term of twelve (12) months fromthe date of this notification .

Goldfield District No. of Applications

Mt. Margaret Mt. Malcolm 37/3095Murchison Mt. Magnet 58/2341

No . Occupant Locality



. . . . Anaconda Australia Inc. Situated North-West of Uaroo Home- Ashburtonstead

8662H to Minatome Australia Pty . Ltd . Situated North-West of Uaroo Home- Ashburton8664H stead


. . . . Dampier Mining Company Ltd Situated approximately 20 kms North- GascoyneWest of Dairy Creek Homestead

Esso Exploration and Production Aus-tralia Inc. and Eagle Corporation Ltd .


. . . . Situated East of Garries Lagoon


8717H and Situated at Bompas Hill, North-West of Gascoyne & South-WestWestern Collieries Limited8718H Mineral Field


. . . . Western Collieries Limited Situated at Bompas Hill, West of Gascoyne and South-West Mineral Field

Esso Exploration and Production Aus-tralia Inc.

8720H Situated at Thadoona, 24 kms South-Westof

Peak Hill and Murchison

8721H Esso Exploration and Production Aus-tralia Inc.

Situated at Thadoona, 20 kms South-Westof

Peak Hill

8722H Esso Exploration and Production Aus-tralia Inc.

Situated at Lake Gregory Peak Hill

8733H to Maitland Mining N.L. Situated at Brockman and Mt . Bradley . . . . Kimberley8740H

Dampier Mining Company Limited8741H

. . . . Situated South of Lake Minigwal Mt. Margaret8742H to Dampier Mining Company Limited Situated East of Lake Minigwal Mt. Margaret8746H


. . . . Freeport of Australia Incorporated Situated at Mt. Bradley . . . . Kimberley8748H

. . . . P.C. Technical Services Pty. Ltd . Situated at Mt . Florence West Pilbara8749H P.C. Technical Services Pty. Ltd . Situated North of Mt. Florence West Pilbara8750H P.C. Technical Services Pty. Ltd . Situated North of Mt . Florence West Pilbara8751H Aquitaine Australia Minerals Pty . d . Situated at Watrara Pilbara8752 to C.R.A. Exploration Pty. Ltd . Situated West of Wandagee Hill Gascoyne8755H

Alcoa of Australia Limited8756H

. . . Situated 12 kms South-West of Windi-murra Station Homestead



. Nibta Holdings Pty . Ltd . Situated West of Mt . Broome West Kimberley8758H and Dampier Mining Company Li ed Situated South-East of Mount Crofton . . . . Pilbara8759H


. . . . Stoekdale Prospecting Ltd . Situated at Horseshoe Townsite Peak Hill8761H C.R.A. Exploration Pty . Ltd. Situated at Mount Herbert West Kimberley8762H

. . . . Western Mining Corporation imite Situated at Indee Homestead Pilbara8763H to Dampier Mining Company Limited Situated at Forrest River Kimberley8765H

8766H to Afemco Pty . Ltd Situated at Carranya Station Kimberley8771H

Dampier Mining Company Ltd .8772H

. . . Situated North of Deacon Warburton Mineral Field8773H to West Coast Holdings Ltd . and Command Situated at the Capricorn Ra e Ashburton8778H Minerals N.L.


. . . . Carpenteria Exploration Company Pty .Ltd .

Situated at Croydon Pilbara

8780H to Carpenteria Exploration Company Pty . Situated at Bamboo Creek Pilbara8783H Ltd .

Page 112: 5164 -


Clause 2of SecondSchedulemodified .

Clause 8of SecondSchedulemodified .


[18 December 1981 .



MINING ACT 1904 continued.

MINING ACT 1978-1981.



MADE by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council under clause 15 of theSecond Schedule to the Mining Act 1978-1981 .Citation .

1 . This Order may be cited as the Mining (Anomalies Prevention)Order 1981 .

Interpretation . 2 . In this Order-"the Act" mean the Mining Act 1978-1981 .


3 . This Order shall come into operation on the date on which thement.

remaining provisions of the Act referred to in section 2 (2)' thereof comeinto operation .

4 . Clause 2 of the Second Schedule to the Act is modified by inserting-(a) after "2 .", the following-,, (1) " ; and(b) after the existing clause, the following subclause-

(2) Every gold mining lease, coal mining lease or minerallease granted under the repealed Act by virtue of subclause(1) of clause 8 of this Schedule as a result of an applicationreferred to in that subclause shall be deemed to be a mininglease granted under this Act and shall, subject to this Actand, insofar as those terms and conditions and encumbrancesare not inconsistent with this Act, subject to-

(a) the terms and conditions under which it was sogranted (other than a term or condition restrictingthe scope of that gold mining lease, coal mininglease or mineral lease to certain minerals) ; and

(b) any encumbrances to which it is subject under therepealed Act,

remain in force for the period for which it was so grantedunder the repealed Act and shall then expire, and whileit is in force the holder thereof has the right in priorityto any other person to mark out in accordance with thisAct and/or apply for a mining tenement under and in accord-ance with this Act in respect of the land or any part thereofwhich is the subject of that gold mining lease, coal mininglease or mineral lease . "

5 . Clause 8 of the Second Schedule to the Act is modified in subclause(3) by deleting "When a mining tenement is granted" and substitutingthe following-

Subject to subclause (2) of clause 2 of this Schedule, when amining tenement is granted " .

By His Excellency's Command,R. D. DAVIES,

Clerk of the Council .

No . Occupant Locality Goldfield

8784H to Carpenteria Exploration Company Pty . Situated at Annie Gap West Pilbara8786H Ltd .

8787H Aquitaine Australia Minerals Pty. Ltd Situated at May Creek . . . .

. . . . Pilbara8788H West Coast Holdings Ltd., and Command Situated West of Mt . Boggola . Ashburton

Minerals N .L .8789H Amoco Minerals Australia Company . . . . Situated at Mulgul Homestead . . . . Peak Hill8791H to Dampier Mining Company Limited Situated at Plumridge Lakes

. . . . Warburton Mineral Field8794H

8795H and Nord Australex Nominees Pty . Ltd Situated North of Jackson Townsite Yilgarn8796H

8797H to West Coast Holdings Ltd., and Command Situated South of Capricorn Range Ashburton8803H Minerals N.L .

8804 and Esso Exploration and Production Inc ., Situated at Lake Waukarlycarly Pilbara8805H and Eagle Corporation Ltd .

8806H and Minatome Australia Pty . Limited Situated South-West and West of Mt . Ashburton8807H Minnie Station Homestead

8808H to Uranerz Australia Pty. Ltd. Situated at Ashburton Downs Ashburton8810H

8811H R. J . Voss Situated North of Pyramid Hill Pilbara8812H R. J . Voss Situated at Pyramid

. . . .

. . . . Pilbara8813H R. J . Voss Situated at Gorge Range

. . . . Pilbara

Page 113: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]



COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) (b) .)

Camillo Pty Limited (In Liquidation) .NOTICE is hereby given that at an ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Members of the abovenamed Com-pany held on 7 December 1981, it was Resolved thatthe Company be wound up voluntarily and that forsuch purpose, Paul Michael O'Reilly, Chartered Ac-countant, of 335 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, be appoint-ed Liquidator .

Notice is also given that after twenty-one days fromthis date, I shall proceed to distribute the assets of thecompany. All Creditors who have any claim againstthe Company should furnish particulars of same by thatdate, otherwise, I shall proceed to distribute the assetswithout regard to their respective claim .

Dated this 18th day of December, 1981 .PAUL M. O'REILLY,

Liquidator.(O'Reilly Osborne & Associates, Chartered Account-

ants, GPO Box 1359M, Melbourne, Vic., 3001 . Tel :(03) 61 2276 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Notice of Resolution .Casino Contractors Pty Ltd .

NOTICE is hereby given that at an ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Members of Casino ContractorsPty Ltd held on 5 November 1981 and confirmed ata Meeting of Creditors on the same day, the followingSpecial Resolution was passed :

That the Company be wound up voluntarily andthat Allen Hugh Lafferty and Ian ArthurMoiler be appointed Joint and SeveralLiquidators .

Dated at Perth this 7th day of December, 1981 .A. H. LAFFERTY,

Joint Liquidator .(Moiler & Lafferty, Chartered Accountants, 20

Howard Street, Perth, W.A. 6000 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Notice of Resolution .D W Explorations Pty Ltd

NOTICE is hereby given that at an ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Members of D W ExplorationsPty Ltd held on 27 November 1981 and confirmed ata Meeting of Creditors held on the same day, thefollowing Special Resolution was passed :

That the Company be wound up voluntarily andthat Allen Hugh Lafferty and Ian ArthurMoiler be appointed Joint and SeveralLiquidators .

Dated at Perth this 7th day of December, 1981 .A. H. LAFFERTY,

Joint Liquidator.(Moiler & Lafferty, Chartered Accountants, 20

Howard Street, Perth, W .A. 6000.)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Notice of Resolution.Flame Nominees Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) .

NOTICE is hereby given that at an ExtraordinaryGeneral meeting of Members of Flame Nominees PtyLtd duly convened and held on 16 November 1981the resolutions set out below were duly passed:-

1 That the company be wound up voluntarilyand that a liquidator be appointed for thepurpose of winding up in view of the inabilityof the company by reason of its liabilities tocontinue its business .


2 . That Brian Millwood Smith and Kevin ErnestJudge of Shepherd & Partners, Suite 1, 14Stone Street, South Perth, W .A. be nominatedfor the appointment of joint and severalliquidators of the company .

Dated this 18th day of December, 1981 .B. M. SMITH,

Joint Liquidator .(Shepherd & Partners, Suite 1, 14 Stone Street,

South Perth, W.A. 6151 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .A.X.B . Pty . Ltd . (in Liquidation) .Special Resolution to Wind up.

AT an Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 Decem-ber 1981 at 11/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth theshareholders of A .X .B . Pty . Ltd . passed a special reso-lution that the Company be wound up voluntarily andDarryl John O'Brien was appointed Liquidator .

Dated this 17th day of December, 1981 .D. J. O'BRIEN,

Liquidator .(D. J. O'Brien and Associates, 58 Walcott Street,

Mt. Lawley, W.A. 6050 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .A.X.B . Pty. Ltd . (in Liquidation) .

NOTICE is hereby given that a Final Meeting ofShareholders of the Company will be held in accordancewith section 272 of the Companies Act 1961-1979 at 10 a .m. on 22 January 1982 at the RegisteredOffice, 11/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth . TheLiquidator will present to the meeting liquidationaccounts and will officially finalise the winding up ofthe company .

D. J. O'BRIEN,Liquidator.

(D. J. O'Brien and Associates, Public Accountants,58 Walcott Street, Mt. Lawley, W .A. 6050 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .L.G.S.V. Pty. Ltd . (in Liquidation) .

Special Resolution to Wind up .AT an Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 Decem-ber 1981 at 11/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth theshareholders of L.G .S.V. Pty. Ltd. passed a specialresolution that the Company be wound up voluntarilyand Darryl John O'Brien, was appointed Liquidator .

Dated this 17th day of December, 1981 .D. J. O'BRIEN,

Liquidator.(D. J. O'Brien and Associates, 58 Walcott Street,

Mt. Lawley, W.A. 6050 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .L.G.S.V. Pty . Ltd . (in Liquidation) .

NOTICE is hereby given that a Final Meeting ofShareholders of the Company will be held in accordancewith section 272 of the Companies Act 1961-1979 at 10 a.m. on 22 January 1982 at the RegisteredOffice, 11/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth . TheLiquidator will present to the meeting liquidationaccounts and will officially finalise the winding up ofthe Company .

D. J. O'BRIEN,Liquidator .

(D. J. O'Brien and Associates, Public Accountants,58 Walcott Street, Mt. Lawley, W .A. 6050 .)

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18 December 981 .

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Professional Properties Pty . Ltd . (in Liquidation) .

Special Resolution to Wind up.AT an Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 Decem-ber 1981 at Suite 11, 57 Labouchere Road, SouthPerth the shareholders of Professional Properties Pty .Ltd. passed a special resolution that the Company bewound up voluntarily and Darryl John O'Brien wasappointed Liquidator.

Dated this 17th day of December, 1981 .D. J. O'BRIEN,

Liquidator.(D. J. O'Brien and Associates, 58 Walcott Street,

Mt. Lawley, W .A. 6050 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Professional Properties Pty . Ltd . (in Liquidation) .

NOTICE is hereby given that a Final Meeting ofShareholders of the Company will be held in accordancewith section 272 of the Companies Act 1961-1979 at 10 a .m. on 22 January 1982 at the RegisteredOffice, 11/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth . TheLiquidator will present to the meeting liquidationaccounts and will officially finalise the winding up ofthe Company .

D. J. O'BRIEN,Liquidator .

(D. J. O'Brien and Associates, Public Accountants,58 Walcott Street, Mt. Lawley, W .A. 6050 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1980 .In the matter of Girrawheen Park Pty. Ltd.

(in Liquidation) .Notice of Meeting .

NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 272of the Companies Act, the final meeting of the membersof the abovenamed company will be held at 13thfloor 200 St. George's Terrace, Perth at 10 .00 a.m. on8 January 1982 for the purpose of having an accountlaid before it showing the manner in which the windingup has been conducted and the property of the com-pany disposed of and hearing any explanation thatmay be given by the liquidator.

Dated this 9th day of December, 1981 .S. A. L. FRASER,

Liquidator .(Price Waterhouse Associates Pty, 200 St . George's

Terrace, Perth .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Credit Data Corporation of Western Australia

Pty. Ltd. (In Liquidation) .Notice of Meeting of Members and Creditors .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Final Meeting ofMembers and Creditors of Credit Data Corporation ofWestern Australia Pty. Ltd. (in Liquidation) will beheld at the offices of Pannell Kerr Forster, CharteredAccountants, 3 Ord Street, West Perth, on Tuesday,5 January 1982, at 10 .30 a.m .Agenda :

(1) To consider the Liquidator's Statement show-ing how the winding-up has been conductedand the property disposed of .

(2) Approve the Liquidator's Fees .(3) General Business .

Dated this 8th day of December, 1981 .J. G. MORRIS,

Liquidator .(Pannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants, 3 Ord

Street, West Perth, W .A. 6005 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Dewer Automatic Irrigation Pty . Ltd . (In Liquidation) .

Notice of Meeting of Members and Creditors .NOTICE is hereby given that the Final Meeting ofMembers and Creditors of Dewer Automatic IrrigationPty. Ltd. (in Liquidation) will be held at the officesof Pannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants, 3Ord Street, West Perth, on Thursday 7 January 1982,at 10 .30 a.m.

Agenda :(1) To consider the Liquidator's Statement showing

how the winding-up has been conducted andthe property disposed of .

(2) Approve the Liquidator's Fees .(3) General Business.

Dated this 8th day of December, 1981 .J. G. MORRIS,

Liquidator .(Pannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants, 3

Ord Street, West Perth, W.A. 6005 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Notice of Resolution .Yarragadee Pastoral Co . Pty . Ltd .

NOTICE is hereby given that at an ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Members of the abovenamed Com-pany, held on 10 December 1981, the following SpecialResolution was passed :-

That the Company be wound up voluntarily.James Kevin Jennings was appointed Liquidator for

the purposes of the winding up .Dated this 10th day of December, 1981 .

J . K. JENNINGS,Liquidator .

(Arthur Young & Company, Chartered Accountants,5th Floor, 20-22 Mount Street, Perth .)


In the matter of the Companies Act 1961 (as amend-ed) and in the matter of Essex Management PtyLtd .

NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for the windingup of the abovenamed company by the Supreme Courtwas, on 4 December 1981 presented by J . GadsdenPty Ltd and that the said petition is directed to beheard before the Court sitting at Perth at the hourof 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon on 17 Febru-ary, 1982 and any creditor or contributory of the saidcompany desiring to support or oppose the making ofan order on the said petition may appear at the timeof hearing by himself or his counsel for that purpose ;and a copy of the petition will be furnished to anycreditor or contributory of the said company requiringthe same by the undersigned on payment of the regu-lated charge for the same .The petitioner's address is Ladner Street, O'Connor

in the State of Western Australia .The petitioner's solicitors are Messrs Stone James

& Co. of Law Chambers, Cathedral Square, Perthaforesaid .

STONE JAMES & CO .Solicitors for the petitioner .

Note: Any person who intends to appear on thehearing of the said petition must serve on or sendby post to the abovenamed J . Gadsden Pty Ltd orMessrs Stone James & Co . notice in writing of hisintention so to do. The notice must state the nameand address of the person, or, if a firm, the name andaddress of the firm and must be signed by the personor firm, or his or their solicitor (if any), and mustbe served, or, if posted, must be sent by post insufficient time to reach the abovenamed J . GadsdenPty Ltd or Messrs Stone James & Co . not later than4 o'clock in the afternoon of 16 February 1982 .

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18 December 1981 .]



COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Notice of Final Meeting of Members .

Midland Squash Courts Pty. Ltd . (in Liquidation) .NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the membersof Midland Squash Courts Pty. Ltd . will be held atthe offices of Messrs . Duesburys, 17th Floor, A .M.P .Building, 140 St . George's Terrace, Perth, W.A. 6000,on 18 January 1982, at 9 .00 a.m. for the purpose ofreceiving the liquidator's account showing how thewinding-up has been conducted and the property of thecompany realised and to give any explanations requested .

Dated at Perth this 18th day of December, 1981 .K. G. KARLSON,

Liquidator .(Duesburys, 17th Floor, A.M .P. Building, 140 St .

George's Terrace, Perth . W.A. 6000 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Mt. Dempster Mining Pty . Ltd .(Members' Voluntary Winding Up .)

AT an extraordinary general meeting of the abovenamedcompany duly convened and held at 22 Mount Street,Perth on 4 December 1981, the following Resolutionwas passed as a Special Resolution :

That the company be wound up voluntarily .At the abovementioned meeting, Peter Michael Mel-

som, Chartered Accountant of Collinson Melsom & Co .,"Colmel House", 241 Stirling Street, Perth, was ap-pointed Liquidator for the purpose of the winding up .

Notice is also given that after 30 days from thisdate, I shall proceed to distribute the assets . Allcreditors having any claim against the company shouldfurnish particulars of same by that date, otherwise Ishall proceed to distribute the assets without regard totheir claim .

Dated this 14th day of December, 1981 .P. M. MELSOM,

Liquidator .

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .U.F.G.A. Meat Sales Pty. Ltd . (in Liquidation) .Notice of Meeting of Members and Creditors .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Final Meeting ofMembers and Creditors of U .F.G.A. Meat Sales Pty .Ltd. (in Liquidation) will be held at the offices ofPannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants, 3 OrdStreet, West Perth, on Tuesday, 26 January 1982,10.30 a.m .

Agenda :(1) To consider the Liquidator's Statement showing

how the winding-up has been conducted andthe property disposed of .

(2) Approve the Liquidator's Fees.(3) General Business .

Dated this 10th day of December, 1981 .J. G. MORRIS,

Liquidator.(Pannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants, 3 Ord

Street, West Perth. W.A. 6005 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .In the matter of Pritchard Services Group (WA) Pty

Ltd (in Liquidation) .Notice of Final Meeting .

NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 272of the Companies Act, the final meeting of the membersof the abovenamed company will be held at 39th Floor,50 Bridge Street, Sydney on 21 January 1982 at 10.00a.m. for the purpose of having an account laid before

it showing the manner in which the winding up hasbeen conducted and the property of the company dis-posed of and hearing any explanation that may b° givenby the liquidator .

Dated this 18th day of December, 1981 .J . E. TOMLINSON,

Liquidator,Price Waterhouse .

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 21(2), 26(1), 26(2), 28(9), 146(1), 254(2) .)

Notice of Resolution .Penguin Developments Pty Limited .

To the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs:AT a general meeting of the members of PenguinDevelopments Pty . Limited duly convened and held at1919 Albany Highway, Maddington, on the 15th dayof December, 1981, the special resolution set out belowwas duly passed .

Resolved that the company be wound up voluntarilyin accordance with section 254 (1) of theWestern Australian Companies Act .

Dated this 15th day of December, 1981 .B. G. McLEAN,

Secretary .(G . C. Gilmour, 25 Prospect Road, Armadale, 6112 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 280 (1) .)

Notice of Appointment and Situation of Office ofLiquidator (Members' Voluntary Winding Up) .

Penguin Developments Pty. Ltd .To the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs :I, GEOFFREY CAMPBELL GILMOUR, of 12 DaleStreet, Kelmscott, hereby give notice that-

(a) I was appointed liquidator of Penguin De-velopments Pty. Ltd. by a resolution of Pen-guin Developments Pty. Ltd. passed on the15th day of December, 1981 .

(b) My office is situated at 25 Prospect Road,Armadale .

Dated this 15th day of December, 1981 .G. C. GILMOUR,

Liquidator .(G. C. Gilmour, 25 Prospect Road, Armadale 6112 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1981.(Section 272 .)

Notice of Final Meeting of Members .Glenoran Farming Pty . Ltd. (in Liquidation) .

NOTICE is hereby given that the Final Meeting ofMembers of Glenoran Farming Pty . Ltd. will be heldat the offices of Messrs . C. P. Bird & Associates, 18St. George's Terrace, Perth, on the 4th day of February,1982, at 9.00 o'clock in the forenoon .Agenda :

(1) To lay before the meeting the Liquidator'sAccount showing how the winding up has beenconducted and how the property of the com-pany has been disposed of, and giving anyexplanations thereof .

(2) To approve the Liquidator's remuneration.Dated at Perth this 11th day of December, 1981 .

N. E. GUTHRIE,Liquidator .

(Messrs. C. P. Bird & Associates, Chartered Ac-countants, 18 St, George's Terrace, Perth .)

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Company No . 95 of 1981 .In the matter of the Companies Act 1961 (as amended)

and in the matter of Wandana Nominees Pty. Ltd.Notice of Advertisement .

NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the windingup of the abovenamed company by the Supreme Courtwas on the 11th day of November, 1981, presented byDenis J. Scanlon and that the said Petition is directedto be heard before the Court sitting at the SupremeCourt Building, Barrack Street, Perth at the hour of10.30 o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday the 17thday of February, 1982 ; and any creditor or contributoryof the , said company desiring to support or oppose themaking of an order on the said Petition may appear atthe time of hearing by himself or by his Counsel forthat purpose ; and a copy of the Petition will be furn-ished to any creditor or contributory of the said com-pany requiring the same by the undersigned solicitorson payment of the regulated charge for the same .

The Petitioner's address is 3 Crundale Street, Ashwoodthe State of Victoria .The Petitioner's solicitors are Messrs . Ilbery Barblett

& O'Dea of 10 Pier Street, Perth .ILBERY BARBLETT & O'DEA .

Note: Any person who intends to appear on thehearing of the said Petition must serve on or send bypost to . the abovenamed solicitors notice in writing ofhis intention to do so . The Notice must state the nameand address of the person, or if a firm, the name andaddress of the firm, and must be signed by the personor firm, or hisor their solicitors (if any), and must heserved, or, if posted, must be sent by post in sufficienttime to reach the abovenamed, not later than 4 o'clockin the afternoon of the 16th day of February, 1982 .

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (1) .)

Notice of Passing of Special Resolution forVoluntary Winding Up.

Laredef Pty Ltd .NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of Members ofthe abovenamed company duly convened and held at 200Berkeley Street, Carlton, Victoria on 15 December 1981,the following Special Resolution was duly passed,namely-

That the company be wound up voluntarily andthat Robert William Henry Pride, CharteredAccountant, be appointed Liquidator thereof .

Dated at Perth this 15th day of December 1981 .A. K. BATEMAN,

Director .(Touche Ross & Co ., Chartered Accountants, 21st

Floor, A.M.P. Building, 140 St. George's Terrace,Perth, W.A. 6000 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Notice of Resolution.U.K. (Theatre) Productions Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) .NOTICE is hereby given that at an ExtraordinaryGeneral Meeting of Members of U .K. (Theatre) Pro-ductions Pty Ltd duly convened and held on 13 Decem-ber 1981 the resolutions set out below were dulypassed:-

1 . That the company be wound up voluntarilyand that a liquidator be appointed for thepurpose of winding up in view of the inabilityof the company by reason of its liabilities tocontinue its business,

[8 December 1981 .

2 . That Brian Millwood Smith and Kevin ErnestJudge of Shepherd & Partners, Suite 1, 14Stone Street, South Perth, W.A. be nominatedfor the appointment of joint and severalliquidators of the company.

Dated this 15th day of December, 1981 .B. M. SMITH,

Joint Liquidator .(Shepherd & Partners, Suite 1, 14 Stone Street, South

Perth, W .A. 6151 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .(Section 254 (2) .)

Notice of Resolution .Spring Grass Farm Pty Ltd .

NOTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinarygeneral meeting of shareholders of Spring Grass FarmPty Ltd, held at 3 Ord Street, West Perth in the Stateof Western Australia on 9 December 1981 the follow-ing Special Resolution was passed :-

That the Company would be wound up voluntarily .Dated this 15th day of December, 1981 .

G. E. SCOTT,Liquidator .

(Binder Hamlyn and Co, Chartered Accountants 5thFloor, Wapet House, 12 St George's Terrace, Perth6000 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Regulations 54 and 55 .

Notice of Intention to Declare a First Dividend .A. S. Realty Pty. Ltd. (In Liquidation) Trading as

Savilla Homes .NOTICE is hereby given that I, John Francis Walker,Chartered Accountant, the undersigned Liquidator ofthe abovenamed company, intend to declare a firstdividend in this matter on 11 January 1982 .

Any Creditor who has not yet lodged a proof of debttogether with relevant documentation is requested to doso by no later than 4 January 1981, to avoid exclusionfrom the distribution .Dated this 16th day of December, 1981 .


(Lodged by Wilson O'Keefe & Walker, CharteredAccountants, Shaunella House, 14 Lyall Street, SouthPerth, W .A. 6151 .)

COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .GMN Pty Ltd (in Liquidation) .

Formerly Western Insurance Holding Pty Ltd .Notice of Final Meeting of Shareholders .

NOTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of share-holders of the abovenamed company will be held inthe Board Room of the office of the liquidator, Mr .D. N. Allan, Chartered Accountant, 10th Floor, T & GBuilding, 37 St . George's Terrace (Cnr . Barrack Street)Perth on Thursday 28 January 1982 at 10 .00 a.m .

Agenda :(1) To receive the liquidator's final report and

account of his acts and dealings and of theconduct of the winding up .

(2) To consider and if thought fit to accept theliquidator's resignation .

(3) To resolve the books of the company bedestroyed at the expiration of three monthsfrom the date of the meeting .

(4) To discuss any other business which may law-fully be brought forward .

Dated this 18th day of December, 1981 .D. N. ALLAN,


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18 December 1981 .]



COMPANIES ACT 1961-1979 .Q. D. Pty Ltd (in Liquidation) .

Notice of Final Meeting of Shareholders .NOTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of share-holders of the abovenamed company will be held inthe Board Room of the office of the liquidator, Mr.D. N. Allan, Chartered Accountant, 10th Floor, T & GBuilding, 37 St. George's Terrace (Cnr . Barrack Street)Perth on Thursday 28 January 1982 at 10 .30 a.m .

Agenda :(1) To receive the liquidator's final report and

account of his acts and dealings and of theconduct of the winding up.

(2) To consider and if thought fit to accept theliquidator's resignation .

(3) To resolve the books of the company bedestroyed at the expiration of three monthsfrom the date of the meeting .

(4) To discuss any other business which may law-fully be brought forward .

Dated this 18th day of December, 1981 .D. N. ALLAN,

Liquidator .

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION .NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretoforesubsisting between George Henry Mosberg and SusanPamela Mosberg, carrying on business as proprietors ofa pizza and takeaway food and drink shop at Shop 30,Innaloo Shopping Centre, Innaloo, Western Australia,under the style or firm of Grumpy's Pizza Bar and Take-away Foods has been dissolved as from 8 December,1981 . All debts due and owing by the said firm will bereceived and paid respectively by George Henry Mosbergwho will continue to carry on the business under thestyle or firm of Grumpy's Pizza Bar and TakeawayFoods .

Dated the 8th day of December, 1981 .DWYER, DURACK & DUNPHY,

Solicitors for Susan Pamela Mosberg .


NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 4Aof the West Australian Trustees Limited Act 1893-1979West Australian Trustees Limited has elected to ad-minister the Estate of the undermentioned deceasedpersons:-

Name of deceased; Occupation ; Address ; Date ofdeath ; Date election filed .

Bentley, David Stephen Aitken, Retired PurchasingOfficer, late of 31 Egham Road, Victoria Park,10/7/81 9/12/81 .

Fulford, Theodore Gordon, Retired Baker, late oRivervale, 27/7/81, 7/12/81 .

Dated at Perth this 9th day of December, 1981 .L. C. RICHARDSON,

General Manager.

TRUSTEES ACT 1962.Notice to Creditors and Claimants .

WEST AUSTRALIAN TRUSTEES LIMITED of 135St. George's Terrace, Perth, requires creditors and otherpersons having claims (to which section 63 of theTrustees Act 1962 relates) in respect of the estatesof the undermentioned deceased persons, to send par-ticulars of their claims to it by the date stated here-under, after which date the Company may convey ordistribute the assets, having regard only to the claimsof which it then has notice .

Last Day for Claims : 18/1/82 .Andrews, Estelle Maddison, late of 23 Silas Street,

East Fremantle, divorcee, died 2/8/81 .Barrett, Patricia Joy, late of Unit 15 Clinton Court,

187 Walcott Street, Mount Lawley, widow, died16/7/81 .

Burton, William Henry, late of 201 Forrest Street,Kalgoorlie, retired fireman, died 23/10/81 .

Clarke, Alfred William, late of Roach Street, Pithara,retired superervisor, died 4/5/81 .

Fulford, Theodore Gordon, late of 221 Surrey Road,Rivervale, retired painter, died 27/7/81 .

Gratwick, Arthur Septimus, late of 11B Langley Street,Rockingham, retired commercial traveller, died29/10/81 .

Grimes, William Arthur, late of Sunset Hospital, Beat-rice Road, Dalkeith, retired labourer, died 15/8/81 .

Morris, Frederick, late of Flat 25 Hale Flats, 9 MountStreet, Perth, retired brewery worker, died 9/9/81 .

Myles, John, late of 9 Hands Street, Eaton, retiredassistant forester, died 7/9/81 . (Enquiries to 11Stirling Street, Bunbury, Tel : 211336) .

Read, Violet May, late of 21 Grimsay Road, Ardross,widow, died 8/9/81 .

Dated at Perth this 9th day of December, 1981 .L. C. RICHARDSON,

General Manager .

TRUSTEES ACT 1962 .Notice to Creditors and Claimants .

CREDITORS and other persons having claims (to whichsection 63 of the Trustees Act 1962 relates) in respectof the Estates of the undermentioned deceased persons,are required by Perpetual Trustees W.A. Ltd. of 95-99St . George's Terrace, Perth, to send particulars of theirclaims to the Company, by the undermentioned date,after which date the said Company may convey or dis-tribute the assets, having regard only to the claims ofwhich the Company then has notice.

Claims for the following expire 22 January 1982 :-Ashton, Frederick, late of Unit 225 Anglican Homes

Moline House Karrinyup, Retired Bank Officer .Died 13 August 1981 .

Quartermaine, Arnold Charles Nicholas, late of Homeof Peace Thomas Street, Subiaco, formerly of Unit9, 11 Heytesbury Road, Subiaco, Retired Farmer .Died 5 October 1981 .

Nicholls, William Albert, late of Unit 9, 39 AllertonWay, Booragoon, Retired Merchandise Manager .Died 26 October 1981 .

Richardson, Geoffrey Edward, late of Unit 10 LivoniaPlace, Mullaloo, formerly of 44 Fitzgerald Road,Morley, Ranger. Died 16 July 1981 .

Schwabenbauer, George Benedict Michael, late of 9Renmark Street, Balcatta, Welder . Died 28September 1981 .

Woodgate, Amos John, late of 22 Wilson Street,Bassendean, Retired Labourer . Died 11September 1981 .

Claims for the following expire 29 January 1982 .Smith, Urwin Theodore, late of 6 Whitlock Street,

Kalgoorlie, Retired Miner. Died 22 September 1981 .Dated at Perth this 16th day of December, 1981 .

Perpetual Trustees W .A. Ltd .,D. M. COCHRANE,

Assistant Secretary.

TRUSTEES ACT 1962 .Notice to Creditors and Claimants .

CREDITORS and other persons having claims (towhich section 63 of the Trustees Act relates) in respectof the Estates of the undermentioned deceased personsare required to send particulars of their claims to meon or before the 18th day of January 1982, afterwhich date I may convey or distribute the assets, havingregard only to the claims of which I then have notice .Cary, Maurice Leslie George, late of 21 Lambert Street,

Alfred Cove, Cleaner, died 8/10/81 .Clee, Noel, late of Pensioners Quarters, Robinson

Street, Broome, Retired Computer Programmer,died 29/5/81 .

Daniels, Maggie, late of Numbala Nunga Nursing Home,Derby, Spinster, died 29/9/81 .

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Dedman, Elizabeth Mary, formerly of 17 The Strand,Bayswater, late of Bassendean Nursing Home,Hamilton Street, Bassendean, Widow, died13/11/81 .

Denton, Priscilla, formerly of Casson House, 2 Wood-ville Street, North Perth, late of Nonareena Hospi-tal, Alexandra Road, East Fremantle, Spinster,died 14/8/78 .

DeFratus, Rose Margaret, late of 62 Parker Street,Bassendean, Married Woman, died 18/11/81 .

Gabrich, Nicola, (Also known as Gabrich, Nick) lateof 429 The Strand, Dianella, Labourer, died2/12/81 .

Kilpatrick, Ellerie Frances, late of 8 Wren Street,Applecross, Widow, died 12/11/81.

King, Mary Louisa, late of Unit 1 Alta Court, 119Ninth Avenue, Maylands, Widow, died 28/11/81 .

Kozlowska, Helena, late of Tuohy Memorial Hospital,22 Morrison Road, Midland, Widow, died 28/7/81 .

Lamb, David Frew Park, late of 51 Amelia St, Bal-catta, Retired Electrician, died 30/11/81 .

Lawrence, Thelma Frances Mary, late of "Chesalon"Koornony Road, Ravensthorpe, Widow, died22/8/79 .

Limpus, Ida Maude, .late of 24 Foss Street, Palmyra,Widow, died 12/3/57 .

McLeod, Cecil John, late of Lot 249 Duncan Road,Mandurah, Spray Painter, died 6/11/81 .

Olsen, Kenneth' Russell, late of 40 Centenary Flats,"Rowethorpe" Bentley, Retired Salesman, died24/11/81 .

Paterson, Cynthia Ray Lawrence, formerly of 16 ForrestStreet, Mt Lawley, late of St . Georges NursingHome, 20 Pinaster Street, Mt Lawley, Widow,died 23/11/81 .

Praskalo, Vladimir, late of Port Hedland, formerlyCrane Driver, late Invalid Pensioner, died 26/10/81 .

Sandy, Ernest William, late of Unit 3, 106 Star Street,Carlisle, Retired Engineer, died 25/10/81 .

Sawyer, Edward, late of Carlisle Nursing Home, Car-lisle, Retired Baker, died 11/5/81 .

Scarf, John, late of Tandara Nursing Home, AllenCourt, Bentley, Retired Railway Officer, died22/11/81 .

Walker, Enid Emmeline, late of Undercliffe NursingHome, 482 - Great Eastern Highway, Greenmount,Widow, died 28/11/81 .

Webb, George Arthur, late of Sunningdale Rest Home,Flora Terrace, Waterman, Retired Labourer, died10/6/71 .

Dated the 14th day of December 1981 .P. W. McGINNITY,

Public Trustee,565 Hay Street, Perth .

PUBLIC TRUSTEE ACT 1941-1979 .NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 14of the Public Trustee Act 1941-1979 the Public Trusteehas elected to administer the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons .

Dated at Perth the 14th day of December, 1981 .P. W. McGINNITY,

Public Trustee,565 Hay Street, Perth .

Name of Deceased ; Occupation; Address ; Date ofDeath ; Date Election filed .

McGregor, John Alexander ; retired business executive ;

[18 December 1981 .


"ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS" 1974(Commissioner Hon. Judge Lyn C. Furnell, Q.C .)

Prices-Counter Sales-$5 .00Mailed Local-$6.50Mailed Country-$7 .30Mailed Interstate-$8.50


AIRLINE SERVICES IN W.A. 1975(Commissioner Hon. Sir Reginald R . Sholl)

Prices-Counter Sales-$5 .00Mailed Local-$6 .50Mailed Country-$7.30Mailed Interstate-$8 .50



REPORT 1975(Mr. Gerald Keall, Chairman)

Prices-Counter Sales-$2.30Mailed Local-$3 .30Mailed Country-$4.30Mailed Interstate-$5.40



Chairman-Professor P . H. Partridge

Prices-Counter Sales-$3 .00

Mailed-Mailed W.A.-$3.90Mailed Interstate-$4 .00

Como; 22/10/81 ; 7/12/81 .

Boulder:and permanently



Wainwright, Frederickincapacitated7/12/81 .

Charles ; totallypensioner ;

Smith, Linda Mary ; widow ; Kalgoorlie ; 14/6/72 ;7/12/81 . (Enquirer, Charles Howard Smith, Q.C.)

Pattinson, John ; retired railway employee ; Dalkeith ;Prices-17/10/81 ; 7/12/81 .

Harris, Agnes Helen ; divorcee ; Mount Lawley ; Counter Sales-$1 .0016/11/81; 8/12/81 .

Conning, Annie Ethel ; widow ; Bunbury ; 3/11/81 ; Mailed W.A.:$1.908/12/81 . Mailed Eastern States-$2.00

Page 119: 5164 -

18 December 1981 .]




Chairman-Dr. R. L. VICKERYPrices :-

Counter Sales-$2.50 .Mailed Local-$3 .40 .Mailed Interstate-$3 .50.

Report of an Analytical Study of theproposed Corridor Plan for Perth andpossible alternate approach to aregional plan for the Metropolitan area,4th August 1971, to 31st Jan., 1972by Paul RitterPrices-

Counter Sales-$5.00Mailed Local-$5.90Mailed Interstate-$6 .00


FREMANTLE, 1955(Stephenson-Hepburn)

Prices-Counter Sales-$10.50Mailed Local-$12 .10Mailed Country-$13 .00Mailed Interstate-$15.80


Collated by G. R. W. Meadly M .Sc .

Prices-Counter Sales-$1.80Mailed Australia Wide-$2 .40

Available only from Harbour and LightDepartment, 6 Short Street, Fremantle.Phone 335 1211 .-

Navigable Waters Regulations, 1958 .Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea .Regulations for the Examination of Applicants

for Masters, Mates, Coxswain, Engineers,Marine Motor Engine Drivers and MarineSurveyors.


528 1



Prices-Counter Sales-$2 .50Mailed Local-$4 .00Mailed Country-$4.80Mailed Interstate-$6 .00


(Commissioner, His Honour Robert E. Jones.)Prices-

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Chairman Hon. A. V. Crane, M.L.A.Prices-

Counter Sales-$3.50Mailed Local-$5 .00Mailed Country-$5.80Mailed Interstate-$7 .00


Report of the Select Committee of theLegislative Council appointed toReport on the Workers' Compen-sation Act Amendment Bill .

(Presented by the Hon . G. C. MacKinnon28th November, 1973)

Prices-Counter Sales-0 .30Mailed (Within Australia) -$0 .90

Page 120: 5164 -




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The Government Gazette is published onFriday in each week, unless interfered withby public holidays or other unforseencircumstances .

SUBSCRIPTIONS :-The subscriptions tothe Government Gazette are as follows :-Annual subscriptions, $77.00 ; nine months,$60.00; six months, $40 .00 ; three months,$30.00 ; single copies (current year), $0.70 ;single copies (previous years, up to 10 years),$0.80 ; over 10 years, $1.00 .


CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PUBLICATIONS.AS the "Government Gazette", for Thursday, 24 Dec-ember 1981, will be published at 12 noon the closingtime for acceptance of notices for publication will be12 noon on Tuesday, 22 December 1981 .

Closing time for acceptance of notices to be pub-lished in the "Government Gazette" on Thursday, 31December 1981, will be 3 .00 p.m. on Tuesday, 29 Dec-ember 1981 .


Agricultural Products (Apple and Pear Grading)Regulations 1981 • . • .

Agricultural Products (Citrus Fruit Grading)Regulations 1981

Agricultural Products (Stone Fruit Grading)Regulations 1981 5258-9

Bacteriolytic Treatment and Disposal of Effluent andLiquid Waste Amendment Regulations 19815192

City of Perth Parking Facilities Act-By-law No . 60 . . . . 5194-5Construdtion Safety Act-Declaration

. . . . 5246



[18 December 1981 .




Labour, Department ofLands Department .,Local Government Department . .. .

By Authority: WILLIAM C. BROWN. Government Printer

PageDetermination-Inspectors of Machinery . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 5175Education Act Amendment Regulations (No . 14) 1981 5268Factories and Shops Exemption Order 19815246-7Health Act-By-laws-City of Cockburn5189Land Drainage Amendment Regulations 1981 . . . . . . . . 5219-21Local Court Amendment Rules 19815176-7Local Government Act-By-laws-

City of Melville-Parking Facilities . . . .

5230-41Shire of Mundaring-Removal and Disposal of

Obstructing Animals or Vehicles5241Shire of Mundaring-Control of Reserve No, 23165 5242Shire of Shark Bay-Monkey Mia Jetty . . . . . . . . 5242-4Shire of Wanneroo-Fencing 5244

Lotto Regulations 1981 5185Lotto Rules 1981 5178-84Mining (Anomalies Prevention) Order 19815274Motor Vehicle Drivers Instruction Amendment

Regulations 1981 5193Navigable Waters Amendment Regulations (No . 6) 1981 . . . . 5219Noise Abatement (Festival of Perth) Exemption

Order 1982 5186-7Noise Abatement (Tree Chipping) Exemption

Poisons (Scheduled Substances) Amendment Order

Road Traffic (Drivers' Licences) AmendmentRegulations (No . 4) 1981

Road Traffic (Licensing) Amendment Regulations(No. 6) 1981

Small Claims Tribunals Amendment (No . 2)Regulations 1981 5248

Solar Energy Research (Common Seal) Regulations 1981 5245Western Australian Institute of Technology Act-



Agriculture, Department of 5248-61Audit Act 5174Bush Fires Act

Chief Secretary's Department

5163, 5177-85Child Welfare Act 5167-8

Consumer Affairs Act 5248Crown Law Department 5163, 5176-7Dairy Industry Act 5255Deceased Persons' Estates 5279-80

Education Department . . . . . 5261-8Factories and Shops 5246-7Finance Brokers Control Act .. . . 5174Fire Brigades Act

Health Department 5163, 5185-93Indecent Publications Act 5178Industrial and Commercial Employees' Housing5195Industrial Arbitration Act 5247Inquiry Agents Licensing Act

.. . . 5174-5



5166, 52465168-70, 5197-213

5166, 5173, 5224-44

Municipal By-laws . . . .

. 5230-445271

Medical DepartmentMetropolitan Region PlanningMetropolitan Water Supply, etc5164-6, 5172, 5222-3Mines Department 5166-7, 5272-4Municipalities

Notices of Intention to Resume Land

Orders in Council 5167-73Parliament-Bills Assented to 5174:Partnerships Dissolved 5279Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act . .

5186Proclamations 5163-7Public Service Arbitration Act . . . . .Public Trustee 5279-80Public Works Department .

5170-2, 5216-21Radiation Safety . .. .

.. . . 5186Road Traffic Act 5193-4Small Claims Tribunal , 5247State Energy Commission 5245

Tenders Accepted5269'

Tenders for Government Printing 5271Tenders Invited . . . . . 5269-70


Trustees Act 5279-80

Western Australian Institute of Technology Act5261-8West Australian Trustees . . . . . 5279Wildlife Conservation Act 5196-7