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Learn and make story with De Bono working ,thinking story for six hats

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Our story for six hats and Edward De Bono Colors are all around us. They add beauty and coexistence of the world in which we live, but are products of consciousness.

Students from the second grade, while thinking how to make origami and working with the method of Edward De Bono in group dynamics and creativity is received, board boats and flags of nine countries and learn the history of each country thought until a child green hatthat was the lady and they decided to swim across the Black Sea and thence by land with the flags of Bulgaria, Belgium, Slovenia, Ch. Republic, Greek, Estonia, Poland, Spain and Italy to explore the Internet and learn the history of the states:Record the history of each country:1.Bulgaria

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3.Slovenia Italy

Six brothers, six hats

In a beautiful land, a clear mountain stream had an old mill.There lived a man and a woman.Grown, they chikens.Had a cow and a horse.Were very industrious.Born to them six children.All were boys - a most wonderful.Their father taught them to work and love for the land and animals.Grown children - grow up.Boys decided to to Europe.Do they gathered with their parents and each said which country will visit. Brothers decided to bring in two years. Before they set off on their mother entangled six hats - white, green, red, black, blue and yellow.Each boy took on a hat and go across Europe.The smallest brother dropped the green hat. He decided to stay in his homeland - Bulgaria.He loved his country and much like her first go around.Boys walked, wandered around Europe. After two years gathered in the old mill. Everyone told where he went and what he saw. Were delighted with the boys from countries that

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visited.Boy with white hat stories of his brothers Belgium. It spoke of their efforts to collect information about that country. How I met people with rich emotions.The second brother with the yellow hat Stories Czech Republic. He realized the usefulness of your stay in this country. Continuous research and evaluation people there.The brother with the red hat visited Poland. His experiences and emotions were very. Shared with his brothers and moments that relied on the people there. Fearing that they were satisfied with it.The fourth brother black hat spent two years in Slovenia. He spoke of the difficulties and risks in the country. Found some shortcomings, but was fascinated by the people in this country.Blue hat wearing fifth brother. He spent his time in Greece. Told that monitors the country's rules. And summarized in this country is calm and pleasant to live.Turn of the smallest. The boy with the green hat and stories become the most interesting and beautiful things for their country - Bulgaria.He told his brothers that first need to see the beauty of their own country and then go around Europe to convince the goodness and richness of the human character.Lad was delighted by the Bulgarian nature. Told about the beautiful coast to the high mountains, exquisite rock formations, pictures Bulgarian towns.The youngest said that people have to live together because the colors of the rainbow are different, but there are always together and it makes a unique beautiful rainbow.Daniela Tabakova 11th grade

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Subject: PhysicsClass: 7Category: Light and SoundIn physics class we teach with a method of BonoHumanity owes fundamentals, knowledge of the nature of the colors especially the efforts of Isaac Newton, who lived in the seventeenth century. While looking for ways to improve the telescope, Newton made a discovery that overturned human perceptions of color. Previously, it was believed that the color is insite quality of each article that just contained in the object. However, Newton proved that it is not inherently a property of objects, and the effect of the light that falls on them. Light is the source of color, he concluded.

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The six hats

In ancient times there lived a poor family: husband, wife and six children. They were very poor. Father worked in the woods and the mother looked after the home and housework. Children helped with joy to his father, chopping wood, ordered them into the car and sold them on the market for very little money. Despite their poverty they lived united and peaceful.Once in the woods heard a cry for help. Reached the voice and saw an old dwarf trapped by a branch of the tree. Children rushed en masse to come to the aid of the dwarf. Offset fallen branch and helped the little man. In gratitude dwarf them awarded with six colored hats for each one: blue, green, red, yellow, black and white. Each of them had extraordinary power that makes each child to think differently. They arrive home and tell her ordeal to her parents, they do not believe in magic, but the kids had hoped that some day will help. And the day arrived. Each day the children placed their heads colored hats and began to ease their work.Ivan Goranov, Grade 9

The six hats

Once upon a time a father and a mother. They had six daughters who are very much alike. Parents decided to buy each daughter a hat in order to distinguish them more easily.One girl was very beautiful. Him whether white hat because his face was as white as snow.Second daughter received the red hat. Her lips were as crimson poppy.The third girl had the most beautiful blue eyes in the world. So parents have chosen for her blue hat.Fourth daughter received a yellow hat because it was bright and her smile Great all around.The fifth girl received a black hat, because there were long black hair.Last daughter received the green hat because I love to take care of nature and liked all the flowers.

Ivelina Mishineva

Six colored hatsThere was a family of six children - three girls and three boys. They had six hats. Color was yellow, white, blue, red, green, black. Kids love them and parted them. Ivan was yellow, white was the nightingale, the blue was a Stelian, red was Elizabeth Green was Joanna, Ivanka was black.One day the children out to play in the garden. There were two children Ivo and Marian who stole their hats. They went home crying and upset because they were afraid not to make them. Then the children calmed down and told everything to her parents. Mother and father went to the police. Past some time and found the hats, and parents Ivo and Marian went to jail. So a family of six children to live happily.

Victoria Vasileva Hristova, 4a class

Six thinking hatsWhite hat is information about the situation and the problem.Red hat represents feelings of emotional problem or situation.Green Hat produce new ideas, suggestions and solutions.Yellow hat collects the positive aspects of the decision, benefits or future benefits.Red Hat collects all the negative aspects of decisions.Blue hat represents control over the whole process.

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All this for hats was written in a little book I read six children. They thought they would get hold of any of these qualities when they find it. Traveled thinking garden. It saw a very beautiful white flower. Ran to him. When they saw him closely knew a white hat. Rip it up and continued. One of the children he had seen a red butterfly. Quietly crept up behind her and caught her, and she became a hat. Children found the second hat. Saw a very strange grass. One of the children went off to. And it turned into a hat, a green hat. At least he saw in the distance sunflower. Ran to him and tore him, the yellow hat. Then it went back to the other children. Left again. Saw a black tree. Went to him and saw that his branch had hidden the black hat. Took it. Continued. They saw something blue roll in the grass. They took it and it became a hat.The children went home and put on their hats. Some people have made poor children, but it is not. Because in thinking what a garden take its place comes the same.Cvetelina Kayrakovi, 4a class

Six thinking hatsOnce upon a time a man who had six children. When he died, left a legacy of her six precious hats.The first child was the most perfect and the most exquisite, so received the white hat.Black is the epitome of evil, selfishness and pessimism, so the second child received a black hat.Third child radiated joy, energy, warmth and strength, so he got the honor to wear the red hat.Fourth child, beautiful as the sun and precious as gold, received the yellow hat.The fifth child was different from the others, I could feel the emptiness, coldness, so that his blue hat.Sixth child did not spend much time with his family, because I love to be in nature, so it received a green hat.Not all children were happy with their heritage, but wore hats and handed them down from generation to generation.Anita Ivanova and Petya Hristova

Tale of the six hats: white, yellow, green, blue, red, blackOnce in the forest met unexpectedly six sparrows. They had a heads colored hats. Six sparrows better get to know and become friends. Each of them offered in a game, but failed to understand what fun to do. At least they said I could use their hats to make the pyramid. All conceived for a minute and finally answered in one voice that they want to do so. Sparrows do best pyramid. Then another sparrow offered to hide Toddlers and their companions to find them. Friends agreed. So one by one sparrows speech and games played. All very interesting fun with their hats, which are included in the entertainment. And now the sparrows every day playing different games as they occurred during the day.Rossy4b class

Tale of the six hatsA sparrow flying into the woods to look for crumbs. And I had a white cap on his head. It saw crumbs and saw other sparrows that they have hats. Sparrow perched and said.- Let me also be eaten.One sparrow who wears a red hat asked sparrow with white hat- What was that wearing the white hat?Sparrow with a white hat saying- I am connected to the data information with questions that clarify one or other information, as well as listening, of course. And as creative thinking and thinking is not at all possible

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without the information, the white hat is the way to gather the information. And that meant me.- And what do you mean where your red hat. - Asked the sparrow with the white hat.- I was with feelings and intuition. Sometimes we can not be sure of one thing or another action of ours, but inside we feel we know what to do. Red Hat is thinking in the field of conventional all, intuitive, based on the experience gained from the past, but without sufficient information and facts. And they knew what they meant me.Sparrows, who wore white and red hat said.- You black hat what you mean?Sparrow with black hat said:

- Mum told me when I was young, the black hat is one of the most frequently "used hats" in thinking and logic associated with negativity. By thinking a "black hat" we explain things in a logical way, but usually use their findings to decide why something will not work, any idea why it is not good or working .

White, red and black sparrow asked the other, which bore the yellow hat- And you, why do you wear a yellow hat as the sun?- Once when I was little my grandmother told about the yellow hat, it is logical, positive thinking. Yellow as a symbol of the sun is cause for optimism, practicality, hope for the future. Based on logic, holders of the yellow hat decide which options and alternatives for work are promising. Or, in the yellow hat thinking is the emphasis on the positive, the possible positive results. And for that I wear the yellow hat.Green then asked and said:- And now to hear why you wear this green hat?She said:- Once when I was little my father told me about the green hat she hat creativity. Birds more often "put" green hat birds are looking for new ideas, trying to find new opportunities, techniques to promote creativity as a "provocation", looking for new alternatives. And for that I wear the green hat.Then asked the last bird. They said:- Now you need to tell us why you wear a blue hat.He said:- When I was little my grandfather told about the blue hat that is that thinking and behavior in which the situation is controlled circumstances. If discussions as a team to reach a dead end, a man with a blue hat will be one that will direct people to a short activity.So sparrows become best friends.4b class

Tale of the six hatsOnce upon a time, a slanchevagora in which one day were born six dzhudzheta.Te were quite ordinary and vschko of them possessed a power that was determined by the color of their hats im.Parvoto bilosas dwarf blue hat, and his force was helping ptochetata and rivulets always be filled with water to move water to water the flowers and plants were gorata.Vtoroto valta hat anegovata force slanchitsev was wearing dark days and had the power to break the fog .The tirth held white hat and his power came only when it bitter zima.To form slides for their brothers and when the snow started to melt and fun to decline, it again used the forces si.A now comes the dzhudzhetos the red hat, you can do anything from fire, that to warm their brothers in cold at night .Again fifth dwarf no green hat that gave him the power to becomes green trees and makes flowers bloom and makes a nice green lawns for children to play.The order of most naughty and bad dwarf owned black yaaka that helped him only to spoil the fun bad think - their brothers and sometimes even e hurt them.

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Vedas sunny day they perfected their power by helping nature and their poor brother, spoiling everything they did. It co displeased his brothers and ran away, but they continued to have fun and the playing t. That was the night warf with red hat lit a fire, and they sat around and behind a tree watching them izyagaloto brother, who was sullen and angry and ready otmasti.To them is even more displeased and other motning became runing everything they do. Toppled bridges and drainage rivers and creeks rule so that all the plants to dry .This noticed his brothers decided to make him stop doing evil and again to return to than.We looking for him in the woods, went long and come to a destroyed bridge, which had first to correct in order to pass the other strana.After long and mutual work, they fixed it and seen plants and rivers dryed . Then helped by a bush they saw their brother .Became to him and make him talk, he understood that he made a mistake and never used the forces of bad.Again returned to his native woods helped everything in it, the birds sang, and the forest was happy and green.From that day dwarf black hat use the power of turning bad people into good.Miglena ZlatevaDiana DimitrovaPenka Stefanovagrade 8

The six hats

There were six elf Green grass , Rosebush, Pumpkin, Bluebell, Grumpy And Role. They found six hats in the forest. Blue bell found the blue hat, and became a sailor, Pumpkin found the yellow hat and became a clown, and Green grass found the green hat and became a gardener ,Rosebush found the red hat and became a doctor ,Grumpy found black hat and became a professor , Pale found the white hat and became a writer. In the night goblins Odkin and Bodkin came and stole the hats. They tried them all but hot one worked with its magic. So they left them where they found them. Maybe certain people obtain certain magic. So they went to find their own ones.Elizabeth Feri 4 class
