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59 Thoughts

I am 26 years old, my soul is 27.

Don’t be afraid to give.

Hollywood movies break your heart most of the times and then they fix it back again.

God cares about me but do I really care about Him?

You are a bad brother in Christ but it’s okay. I only want me to be a good one.

Life is a fairy-tale written by God.

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, because you are made by God.

The Holy Bible is a song for strings and tambourines. The Holy Bible is a wedding song.

Life without God is madness.

If an artist makes a really good work of art – even a masterpiece – and after that if he cannot move on further and cannot get out of his work of art then that artist is nothing but a clown.

Books are written to be forgotten. And they are read also to be forgotten. Books’ destiny, books’ true destiny is oblivion. Indeed, there is only one book. The Book, The Good Book.

Don’t make your own justice.

Don’t throw away the hand of Jesus. Just don’t do it.

Be fashionable with life. With Jesus you can.

Think less, pray more.

The hearts of heart-full is broken by the heartless. But it’s okay.

The art system destroys art makers. I’ve seen the best of the artists destroyed by the art system. I don’t need that.

I’m a сталкер.

Don’t try to ‘change’ your friends. Try to keep your friends.

If I would only read, if I would only pray.

I am so inspired now. I can write now.

Art is the proof that man has soul which proves that God exists.

I don’t know why, but my writing is important for God. And I just don’t understand why. I consider my writing as nothing, God, and I don’t understand You.

God wants me to write and this is a reason of some things He did in my life. God wants me to live and write. I understand now that I didn’t made myself a writer, God made me a writer. But will I write? Will I live?

wfG: writer for God.

Rachel Joy Scott was too beautiful for this world. And this is why God took her.

Hope is the bluest flower and blue is the most beautiful colour.

Joy cannot die.

Maybe God is the first one to whom I should say: ‘I love you’. In art ideas are grains of sand, but emotions are oceans.

Life - God = deathTalent - God = garbage

Everytime you fall make sure you land on the knees.

The Western culture is dying. Just like the Roman Empire.

I think that the appearance of the bat as a living creature is just impossible through evolution.

You are my soul, you are my love, God.

I have a life. My life is God.

This world is a blue song because God is a forgotten father.

Only kindness matters? I never knew that before. I hope I will know it from now.

In life is good to not need anything from nobody, just as the Word of God tells us. And to need everything just from God.

Christian life means giving love to people who don’t deserve it. Do you love me?

If you wish for God to judge the Earth maybe He will start with you.

My love is not mine.

There’s always pain before a child of God is born.

God, I need only what You say I need.

God is there, near you. He is visible. Because I am not infinite I am not visible to you. Because you are not infinite you are not visible to me. Because God is infinite He is visible to everybody who can see. God is here.

People are afraid of being alone, of being poor and of dying. A Christian has not resons to be afraid of any of these things. I am not afraid, Lord Jesus, thank You.

When things are bad pray to God and however things will be it will be okay.

Hatred should be against the law.

Hollines is not a sombrero.

Be my soul, God Jesus.

Somebody loves me. God loves me.

Live with your heart.

God is an infinite Person.

God is a river that flows into you if you let Him.

God gave us the Scriptures partly because He wants people to be happy.

Don’t look into the mouth of evil.

Christian faith is faith in Christ Jesus of Nazareth. Christian fanatism is faith in a Christian denomination or another.

If you understand Who is God, 24 hours in a day won’t be enough just to stay on the knees before Him.

End of theory.
