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Urban mixThe days of single function activity sectors in large cities are numbered. One of the most symbolic of these,

Brussels’ European Quarter, will completely change its appearance in the next 15 years.

This extraordinary urban project combining an economic axis with residential, cultural and leisure projects

is now in the hands of Christian de Portzamparc. As the competition winner, the French architect will have to

pull the stops out to humanise what some have dubbed a human ghetto and keep within a spirit of sustainable

development. This is against a background of unprecedented financial turmoil.

“The best known urban regeneration projects – the World Financial Centre in New York, Canary Wharf and

Paddington Central in London, or La Défense in Paris – have all seen the light of day after collective decisions

made when economic cycles were at their lowest and low prices favoured long term projects,” commented

the mipim in 2009. The scale and extent of the current world crisis should generate a veritable breeding ground

of new ideas. Architecture plays a primordial role in designing the city of tomorrow, innovation and creativity

are becoming the order of the day for projects combining aesthetics, functionality, low energy consumption

and urban integration. Large cities are showing a desire to redevelop poorer neighbourhoods.

For some, the port areas have suffered most after deindustrialisation. The German city of Duisburg’s gamble

to redevelop them came off. British architect Lord Norman Foster’s Eurogate is the jewel in the crown of this

redevelopment. The fourteen storey multi-use building retraces the curve of the old port.

As well as its unusual form, the building includes innovative techniques for energy saving and sustainable

development. Today’s ecological property developments are not limited to a specific architectural genre.

Will the mixed environmental friendly spaces become the standard for the future?

marie-Claire Regniers

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Sou Fujimoto

Final Wooden House, Kumamoto, 2007 › p. 6

Photo © Daici Aino


02 Editorial

04 Portrait : Santiago Calatrava

06 Portrait : Sou Fujimoto

08 Archi-Bau Awards

10 Portrait : Joël Claisse

12 Portrait : Big

14 Showrooms : architecture and image

15 Porsche museum, Stuttgart

16 Products

18 « Green » wood

19 Agenda : trade fairs, museums, exhibitions

21 Books

23 Competitions

Copyright 2009 Archi-Europe Group®.

Dennendreef 8a • B-3721 KORTESSEMT +32 11 37 56 13 • Fax +32 11 37 56 [email protected]

Publisher Jacques AllardChief editor Marie-Claire RegniersLayout Debie graphic designPrinting AZ Print

© 2009 Archi-News®, Archi-students® and Archi-Europe® are Registered Trademarks.

80 South Street, New York

(project on hold)

architecte Santiago Calatrava › p. 4

Photo © Santiago Calatrava





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SANTiAGO Calatravawww.calatrava .com

named one of the “100 most influential people” by time

Magazine in 2005, the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava

never tires of livening up modern architecture.

An architect has hardly ever made the headlines beyond publica-

tions specialised in architecture! Santiago Calatrava is a workaholic

operating both sides of the Atlantic to produce some of the most extra-

ordinary buildings that have been built over the last twenty years. He is

one of the most prolific, high profile and controversial architects of the

21st century. He graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arqui-

tectura (Valencia) and completed his training in town planning studies

at the same institution and then completed training in Civil Engineering

at ETH Zurich in 1979. Now, at 57, is designs are taking off in a range

of sculptural and symbolic forms like works of art on a monumental

scale. Bridges, museums, concert halls, stations, airports, skyscrapers,

nothing is impossible in his offices in Zurich, Valencia or New York. A

glance at any of his work confirms his talent as painter and sculptor.

His many exhibitions over nearly 25 years are confirmation of this. His

architectural output is too large to give in detail, so we have chosen to

comment on some of his recent or upcoming flagship projects.

in summer 2004 the Athens Olympics highlighted the Olympic stadium

and its roof. A real expression of architectural prowess, the suspended

structure partially covers the stands and is a series of double metal-

lic arches covered with thousands of polycarbonate plates. in 2005 it

was the turn of the Turning Torso in malmö (Sweden) to turn heads.

The nine superimposed cubes making up the skeleton of the building

are stacked with a skew of several degrees. The progressive turn (90

degrees from foundations to the roof) of this huge 190 metre tall glass

and steel spiral represents a turning human body. At the other end of

the Europe, his Tenerife Auditorium, where a succession of platforms

outline in a complex silhouette the large curve of the symphony hall,

enveloped by an unusual wing suspended over 50 metres from the

ground. The Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía Queen Sofia Palace of the

Arts celebrates the marine world in Valencia. The building shelters

some spectacular scenic spaces and plays on contrasts between the

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opaque side of the structure and the transparency of the large glass

volumes. Common denominator of all these buildings, the sensation of

movement suggestive of living beings and the incredible whiteness of

their white concrete finishing are very impressive. Also the suspension

bridge started least year in Jerusalem, 360 metres long and weighing

more than 4,000 tonnes of steel, it has a striking visual lightness, most

probably because it depicts the harp of King David.

Calatrava’s first work in the United States, the extension of the milwau-

kee Art museum in 2001, is by no means a one off. After the Sundial

Bridge in Turtle Bay in California (2004) Calatrava designed the Chicago

Spire a 115 floor tower which is soon to become the highest in the Uni-

ted States. Work started in June 2007. inspired by a spiral sculpture, it

should be crowned with a 152 metre pinnacle to finish at 609 metres in

2012. Another ambitious project, in New York, is a residential sky scra-

per with a total surface of 175,000 m2 which will be made up of a dozen

giant glass cubes fixed alternately to the central node in concrete. But

the project which should really put Calatrava’s footprint on American

soil is undoubtedly the World Trade Center Transportation Hub in Lower

manhattan, which should be completed in 2014. The form of the new

station suggests a dove that is about to take off. The main body has

two 45 metre high wings attached to a huge hall. The glass vault will let

natural light penetrate to the level of the platforms. The low and curved

forms of the building will contrast with the linearity and height of Daniel

Libeskind and David Childs’ Freedom Tower.

As all these projects show, Santiago Calatrava occupies a special place

in the landscape of contemporary architecture. At the start of his desi-

gns Santiago Calatrava works in charcoal or watercolours with a real

expressive force. His work testifies to his qualities as architect, engi-

neer and artist.

1 / Jerusalem light rail bridge (2008)

2 / World trade Center transportation Hub, new York (in progress)

3 / liège Guillemins station, belgium (2009)

4 / the Chicago Spire (in progress)

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SOU FUJiMotowww.sou- fu j imoto .com

photo © mC Regniers photo © Daici Aino photo © Sou Fujimoto

Endowed with an amazing sense of space and

experimentation in residential architecture, Sou Fujimoto

is probably one of the most promising young architects

of our time.

Particularly lauded at the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona last

October, the astonishing “Final Wooden House,” winner in the “Private

House” category, afforded a wide international audience an opportunity

to get to know better the man behind it: Sou (Sosuke) Fujimoto. Born

in Hokkaido (Japan) in 1971, this young architect, a graduate of the Uni-

versity of Tokyo, has specialized, so to speak, in the research of and

experimentation with single-family or grouped dwellings. influenced by

nature and the physical aspects of our world, but also an admirer of Le

Corbusier, Louis Kahn and mies van der Rohe, he embarked early on

competitions and conceptual explorations to create a totally different

way of understanding architecture.

One of his first residential projects, the N House (2001) is a surprising

dwelling with absolute permeability between the inside and the outside.

This simple cube, with 90 m² of floor space, is composed of an inhabita-

ble volume set in a larger volume which serves as a garden, creating a

series of geometric frames, like paintings of the city. The architect deli-

ghts in engaging in a subtle game with the built volumes and nature.

Prolific and ambitious, Sou Fujimoto has already completed several

projects, which have attracted attention and won awards very often in

Japan and elsewhere. The simple forms that he prefers break down

into several branches or are intersected in a carefully orchestrated spa-

tial order. For the 7/2 project in Hokkaido, the wooden box-like structure

formed of two small houses is divided into seven different shapes articu-

lated independently to generate diverse spatial landscapes.

A weekend house situated on the rocky ground facing the Pacific Ocean,

the O House is conceived like the branches of a tree. Nevertheless, all

the spaces are in continuous relation between them, without any real

boundary. The location affords marvelous, panoramic vistas in seve-

ral directions. For Sou Fujimoto, “creating architecture is nothing else

than creating various distances.” in an open-plan design, its contours

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photo © Daici Aino

are “folded” at several points. Each space generated between the walls

is both separated from and connected with others. “Space consists of

relations,” the architect likes to point out in his book “Primitive Future”

published by iNAx Publishing. At the outset, architecture undoubtedly

consisted only of distance, well before roofs and walls arrived. The dis-

tances indicated the degrees of interaction between people and objects.

(…) These interactions are transformed to infinity with movement.” For

most of his projects, Sou Fujimoto relies on these relations and the plan

of the building as a whole.

in his quest for a new architecture, Sou Fujimoto thinks about concepts

of primitive architecture. This is how he came to design a small 4 m x 4

m cubic pavilion, set in a copse of Kumamoto. The Final Wooden House is

built by piling up massive Japanese cedar beams, interconnected by me-

tal cables. Some are off-centre inside to create shelves and to be used

to go from one level to another. The glazed openings in the walls and the

roof provide the indispensable natural light. The architect wanted no se-

paration between the floor, the wall and the ceiling (the floor becomes

a chair, for example). Spatiality is perceived differently by each person,

depending on his or her position in space. This pavilion is related to the

primitive living conditions, before architecture. As in this project, all the

works of Sou Fujimoto reveal his fascination with spatial relativity and a

new sense of distances which is incompatible with the conventional ru-

les of architecture. Would his residential model be somewhere between

a futuristic dwelling and a “cave,” a primitive space that people have to

fit up in a creative manner? To be continued.

1 / n House, oita (2001)

2 / 7/2 House, Hokkaido (2006)

3 / House o, Chiba (2007)

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ARCHi-BAU aWarDS 2009



First PrizeVicar Theatre, Almeria (Spain)

Architect: Solinas Verd Arquitectos (Spain)

Built in the heart of an established suburb, this complex building is animated

by an impressive façade constructed of copper bands applied in coordinated

colours. The jury stated that project radiates sensitivity through the

sophisticated treatment and arrangement of the volumes, the interaction

between space and light, the use of the same material horizontally and

vertically, the clever variation of colours which provides sheen and depth to

the front façade and the fine work of the moving sun screens.

Public AwardSAHRDC (South Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre), New Delhi (India)

Architect: Anagram Architects (India)

mentionSheep stable, Almere (The Netherlands)

Architect: 70F architecture (The Netherlands)

GrEEn bUilDinG

First PrizeArchives nationales EDF, Bure (France)

Architect: LAN Architecture (France)

The main objective of this strategic project is to realize a « zero energy »

building based on an intelligent shape, impressive façade, a choice of adapted

systems and the production of renewable energy (photovoltaic and heat pump).

Although the building has not yet been finished, it impressed the jury because of

the technical research and systems, but also because of the restraint in form,

for the simple and useful façades and the intelligence of the layout.

Public Award26 Social Houses, Umbrete (Sevilla, Spain)

Architect: Solinas Verd Arquitectos (Spain)

mentionGym 704, Barbera del Valles (Barcelona, Spain)

Architecte: H Arquitectes (Spain)

intErior DESiGn

First PrizeOlivomare restaurant, London (Great Britain)

Architect Pierluigi Piu (Italy)

Fish restaurant Olivomare refers to the oceanic world in its formal

appearance and decorations without using any blue. The jury members

were impressed with the visual and tangible impression, and the simplicity

and the tranquillity of this project; the stylisation of the oceanic elements

shows great sophistication, the choice of patterns and materials, the play of

light, attention to detail and the placement of the walls that suggests good


Public AwardFriendhouse Hotel, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine)

Architect Ryntovt Design (Ukraine)

mention 1Boomba hair designer, Brussels (Belgium)

Architect: Marcella Schiepers (Belgium)

[email protected]

mention 2Bureau All Capital, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Architect: i29 et Eckhardt&Leeuwenstein (The Netherlands) /




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StUDEntS GrEEn bUilDinG

Public AwardHimmelblau Kreuzberg

Tim Nørlund Jensen (Denmark)

Destined as a Berlin suburb, the apartment building could become an

architectural signal to draw attention to a previously underprivileged

area. The tower has been drawn like a vertical city which favours variety

and ecological building: natural ventilation as a result of the 2m space in

the double façade, atriums, solar panels, wind mill, the use of river water

provides cooling.

mention 1Environment Camp

Tim Nørlund Jensen (Denmark)

mention 2 Green in Between

Rami Kopty (Israël)


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JOëL ClaiSSEwww.c la isse -archi tecte .be


photo © Serge Brison photo © Ludo Noël

For 35 years now, Joël Claisse (1948) has advocated an

architectural approach that rejects systems but constantly

questions itself.

in several of his projects the architect articulates everything in simpli-

city and attention to detail of contemporary activities involving existing

buildings and wages a daily battle against an architecture that takes no

risks. "We must stop dividing the habitat into lots" he urges (together

with Pierre Loze) in Belgium New Architecture volume 4, published by

Prisme. You have to renew the frame to give it new life. We must stop

forcing architects to compete according to procedures that reduce

their function to that of mere suppliers of plans and documents with

a view to building. “Architecture and urban development must reclaim

their place in the heart of our society in the study of the art of living.”

The in-depth revaluation of suburbs and creating a mixture of

functions in the city centre is a different creed, both today and

yesterday. There are too many creative projects that are criticized

by politicians or community associations.

in the case of the old convent of the Franciscan Sisters, the neo

classical façades, which have been preserved because of issues

involving urban restrictions, allow us to see the large spiral stair-

case behind a protruding wall consisting wholly of windows in the

main façade. The inner volumes, transformed to accommodate

lawyers’ offices, have been designed in the spirit of minimalism

from the new structure in visible concrete to the furniture and

lighting appliances drawn by the architect and his co-workers. The

guiding principles behind renovation work on an old brasserie for

a company of advanced technology in the heart of an urban island,

were rediscovering the building’s original exterior – namely traces

of the past - and designing a modification with an uncompromisin-

gly contemporary approach. The architect has decided to preserve

the thick brick walls, but also to open one of the long front façades

in its central section by creating a large vertical frame around an

atrium, and to restructure the innermost volume on either side of

this hall which generates a large amount of light.

photo © Véronique Boissacq

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3 photo © Joël Claisse Architectures photo © Serge Brison

in 2002, the length of the Quai aux Pierres de Taille, the object

of the renovation (a building from 1926), was rather unusual in

view of its dimensions: a façade of 40 meters and a depth of 30

meters divided over four levels. The framework and the window

frame, which are then converted into two large technical spaces,

are placed along the length of the building to unite the building.

The housing projects are executed in the same spirit, simple and

quiet. And so the villas have their façades renovated while the rear

undergoes a radical face-lift: the demolition and reconstruction

of a concrete canvas, the opening for a large window area, a de-

tailed study of the terraces, areas for inside and outside. For the

renovation of a large traditional house situated in one of the green

boroughs in Brussels, the Joël Claisse Architecture firm gave new

a space to the innermost volumes, to free them from traditional

barriers, open them to the light and determine future views. The

glass extension links the garden to the living area and creates a

large area for sport and recreational activities below the terrace.

The respect attributed to the testimonies of the past may not

form a hindrance to the architectural creation which should be

encouraged. We see this in the architecture of Joël Claisse, which

is sober and simple, with a respect for the building and the scale

of the city, and with attention to constructional details and the

choice of material.

1 / renovation house in avenue Molière in brussels

2 / renovation old Convent of the Franciscan Sisters

3 / renovation offices in Schaerbeek

4 / refurbishing of an old brewery for tEin telecom

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BJARKE inGElSwww.big .dk

Portrait of the Danish “biG” agency and the path followed

by its founder, bjarke ingels – creator of surprising works

that turn conventional ideas on their head.

The young Danish agency BiG – Bjarke ingels Group – has only been

up and running for three years, yet it enjoys international exposure.

its founder, Bjarke ingels (1974) is, however, not a new face on the

scene. After studying in Denmark (Royal Danish Academy of Arts) and

Barcelona (Tecnica Superor de Arquitectura), five years before setting

up BiG, he founded the PLOT agency with Belgian Julien De Smedt, a

colleague at the OmA agency in Rotterdam.

Having won many awards, Bjarke ingels is seen as a leading light in the

new generation, combining good analysis, research and social aware-

ness. Setting up his stall away from architectural trends aiming for a

utopia, or on the other end of the scale for a hard-nosed pragmatism,

the architect is opting for a third way, engendering a balance between

social, economic and environmental aspects, mixing together tradi-

tional ingredients and the results of his own experiments. And all of

this is done with a great sense of humour. This unique alchemy brings

forth a freedom of expression, and surprising architecture that turns

convention on its head. it is certainly no accident that the “Housing”

category at the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona was won by

his “mountain Dwellings” project – a housing estate in Copenhagen.

The jury loved this daring set of 80 dwellings designed across steps,

with marvellous private outdoor areas and a large residents’ car park

behind the accommodation block. All of Bjarke ingels’ projects display

an incredible handling of shapes: a sharp blade for a tower in Copen-

hagen and apartment blocks twisted into the shape of the letters V

and m. And these shapes are not chosen arbitrarily – they came from a

careful study of the sunlight, views and geographical areas.

The architect and his 60 colleagues show off an abundance of energy.

He is the winner of the contest to design the new “Danish maritime mu-

seum” – which will stretch over 5000m2 in a dry dock near Kronborg

Castle in Elseneur (a UNESCO World Heritage Site). Designed to respect

photo © BiG photo © Jens Lindhe

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www.big .dk






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its immediate environment, the museum is placed around the dock

and not inside it. This preserves the dock as an empty space to be used

for outdoor activities, exhibitions and events. A number of footbridges

cross over the dock, creating a dynamic tension. in September 2007,

Bjarke ingels said that his work as an architect is often to bring certain

visions into reality, but that it is not always easy to reconcile the visio-

nary with reality. The museum should open its doors in 2010. Another

winning project is the Danish pavilion for the 2010 World Fair in Shan-

ghai, composed of two circular trajectories forming the interior, and

an exterior linked by a platform. His architectural process takes into

account a lifestyle that includes sustainable development. The building

stands to be a little bit of Denmark in a Chinese city: the steel façade

incorporates a motif reflecting the shape of the Danish capital. There is

to be a swimming pool full of water taken from the port of Copenhagen,

bicycles and possibly even the famous mermaid.

Staying in Shanghai, the proposal made for a hotel and leisure and

conference centre – the Ren People Building – evokes the Chinese sym-

bol for “man”, while distilling the energy and optimism of China. Will

the REN become an iconic Shanghai landmark in 2010? We’ll have to

wait and see. We also have some extremely unusual spaces making up

a W-shaped tower in Prague. According to its designer, what appear to

be four towers are in fact a single block, maximizing the total surface

and number of façades.

An admirer of Jørn Utzon, a major Danish architect who designed the

Sydney Opera House, which has become the emblem for a whole conti-

nent, Bjarke ingels also enjoys creating unique concepts wherever he

goes, without neglecting the public aspect of his projects. Because

contemporary society is in constant development, his work is above

all one of detecting changes, identifying new needs and of solving new

problems – sometimes even of improvising.

1 / Danish pavilion for the 2010 Shanghai World Fair (under construction)

2 / vM Housing, Ørestad (2005)

photo © seier+seier

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The architectural panorama of spaces linked to selling is particu-

larly broad and varied. When it comes to showrooms, displaying

the very components of the interior layout – wall covering, lighting,

furniture, design objects – the offerings of choice are showcased

in festive settings. This is a discipline undergoing a radical trans-

formation that many architects like – with fabulous fields for

experimentation by designers, all of whom want to reserve an

optimal welcome for the public and to stimulate their choices effi-

ciently. A quest for timelessness and certainty for some, a desire

to plunge in worlds of dreams for others, these flagship stores

hatch in hundreds every year, as expressions of modernity at the

heart of the urban system.

1 / bY living Concept

The three italian firms Boffi, Living Divani and Porro have created a

unique presentation concept, developed by the architect Piero Lissoni.

A veritable domestic landscape, it is a fully furnished lively landscape,

spacious and sunny, in the centre of Soho.

2 / nespresso Champs-Elysées, Paris

With more than 1500 m2 distributed over 2 levels and 3 different

spaces, the Champs-Elysées shop provides an experience of coffee

through eight spaces. The Francis Krempp practice has designed them

like communication blocks. Colour, smells, luxury and a product that

becomes a decorative element.

3 / Fritz Hansen, Milan

Designed by Stefano Tagliacarne, this platform of the Danish brand re-

flects the manufacturer’s philosophy to communicate its collections,

punctuated with masterpieces by Arne Jacobsen and Poul Kjaerholm.

The products on show become the leading elements of the decoration.





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CTPorSCHE MUSEUM, STUTTGART www.deluganmeiss l .a t




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built to replace a modest museum built in 1976 in

Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, the new recently opened museum

is worthy of the history of Porsche.

About 170 architectural firms all over the world participated in

this competition. The winners, the Austrian architects Delugan and

meissl, were announced in January 2005. A symbol of speed and

prestige, this remarkable project, which recaptures the values of

the mythical value in which Ferdinand Porsche established himself

in 1938, has now been renamed the Porscheplatz. The monolithic

exterior reflects suppleness, speed and movement as the architects

see it. The exterior is a foretaste of what visitors will experience

when they enter the museum. The angles and variety of textures and

levels reveal a structural complexity that reflects a machine.

Balanced on three double concrete pillars, the exhibition hall ap-

pears to hover weightlessly. indeed, not only did the architects

consider the building with regard to its structure but also used it

to interpellate the visitor and stimulate the senses. The exchange

between the interaction of the building, the visitors and the inner

spaces multiply the perspectives. 80 old models and more than 200

historical pieces are displayed in an exhibition area of about 5600

m²; the collection develops and meanders on various levels linked

by ‘sloping streets’. Especially striking is the special shape of the

architecture and the large halls with rounded angles to show the

prestigious sports cars to their full advantage. As in the case of

paintings exhibited in important museums, the decor should not be

overshadowed by the objects on display. This international meeting

place for clients and Porsche lovers allows no fewer than 200,000

visitors per year.

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white and strong surface. An aluminium square frame is

embedded in the back of the Canopy. This frame allows the

suspension of Optima Canopies as individual shapes or

collectively on grouping frames.


invisible iFixLooking for a superb solution

for a terrace to the house, loft

apartment or around the swimming pool?

The combination of the specially designed DLH Zelia

profile with the DLH ifix plugs in the same specie as the

Zelia decking board generates a beautiful result.

The Zelia profile is designed in such a way that the final

result after installation give the impression of an almost

closed deck.

The end result is a brillant finished deck to be enjoyed

by your customers for many years.

The ifix plugs are supplied with the Zelia profiles in a

handy box with matching screws and a special drill to

ease the installation.

Also available with FSC certificate on demand.

Sectional overhead doors

from Crawford Normstahl

meets "WK2"Burglary prevention is becoming an

increasingly topical issue. Nor is it only

doors and windows that are fitted with

multiple locks approved by accredited

bodies in accordance with independent

European standards.

The reference on the matter is Standard

ENV1627, and more specifically resistance

class 2 from this standard. This class

guarantees resistance of at least 3 effective impact minutes against attempted breaking

and entering. All this explains why Crawford Normstahl was the first manufacturer to

market a sectional overhead door that meets these requirements as a standard. A door

where industrial and tailor made production complement each other perfectly.

Page 17: 6 2009 - Archi-Europe – Architectural Network · SOU FUJiMoto ... October, the astonishing “Final Wooden House,” winner in the “Private House” category, afforded a wide


Standing Seam redesigned

by VmZiNCVmZiNC is constantly innovating and

developing its products, its areas

of application and its installation


Preweathered QUARTZ-ZiNC® and

ANTHRA-ZiNC®, PiGmENTO® colours

and VmZiNC PLUS for warm roofs

are all proof of this.

These innovations are combined with

increasingly effective roof covering systems and installation techniques. The

VmZiNC Standing Seam, since its conception, was recently redesigned in order

to improve 2 essential aspects of Zinc roofing : it embellishes the appearance of

the roofing and makes it more ergonomic to install. Thanks to third generation

Standing Seam, also called Standing Seam G3, architects can now design zinc

roofing that is more streamlined and more elegant. A flatter ridge cap and more

discreet edge flashing are the most striking elements of this recent development.

Everyone can build a passive house!Energy prices continue to rise. No wonder that an increasing number of people are

building their houses according to the passive house concept: an optimal insulation

and orientation, adapted glass sections, a perfectly airtight building combined with a

ventilation system with heat recovery. Recticel insulation offers sustainable solutions for

insulating every building concept, including a passive house. Our PUR and PiR insulation

products have an excellent thermal performance. That is why our insulation panels are

thinner than most other materials. Building a passive house is both economical and

ecological. With Recticel insulation products, you are prepared for the future and you

already enjoy the comfort and sustainability of a well insulated passive house.

Epson’s stylish business projectors light up any office space Epson, world number one in the projector market, presents an impressive range of

intelligent business projectors that offer forward-thinking solutions for all kinds of office

communication. A rich variety of features such as wireless functions and networking

capabilities ensure that there is a projector to suit all office needs, from internal

presentations to video conferences, whilst portable models, ceiling mount features and

remote control options guarantee versatility and flexibility.

Pioneering technologies such as 3LCD and E-TORL lamps produce superb quality images that

are extremely clear and sharp, even in bright rooms, whilst minimising power consumption.

Environmental performance is a primary consideration for Epson and each model is

exceptionally energy efficient and eco-friendly.

Scrigno Essential Dual Scrigno Essential Dual is an expansion of the

Scrigno Essential range and an evolution of

Scrigno Granluce. The Essential Dual framing

system blends seamlessly with the wall. The frame

is reduced to absolute essentials, eliminating

doorposts and surrounds, but the remarkable

feature of this innovative solution is its low wall

thickness. it can in fact be built into a normal wall

of 8 cm hollow bricks, usually giving a finished wall

thickness of 10.5 cm. Door panels have a thickness

of 1 cm. This solution was devised to cater both

for living space needs (a single metal box that

doubles the overall opening space) and for design

purposes (architects increasingly choose glass

for interiors). The product is available in a single

version for plastering, with overall opening widths

of 120/140/160 cm and with standard opening

heights of 200/210 cm and non-standard heights.






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Page 18: 6 2009 - Archi-Europe – Architectural Network · SOU FUJiMoto ... October, the astonishing “Final Wooden House,” winner in the “Private House” category, afforded a wide


Cladding, parquet and terraces, exotic wood is more and

more seductive for contemporary architects.

However, use of tropical forests has its ecological risks because this

activity is a source of significant revenue for the countries concerned.

“The industry needs to be aware that we must manage natural re-

sources responsibly, preserve the forests, renew them over the long

term, invest in eco certification, in a word change our habits”, insists

Kurt masui from the DLH group. This company is originally Danish

and has been active for over 100 years in the wood trade. it recogni-

ses that its activities depend directly on the state of the forests. That

is why its president Jørgen møller-Rasmussen is insisting that the

group practices careful management of the environment, while kee-

ping to responsible purchasing policies, in particular using globally

recognised certification systems such as the FSC (Forest Stewardship

Council). FSC is an international organisation, promoting ecological

management of the world’s forest, which goes beyond only respec-

ting the environment but also guaranteeing the social rights of the

local communities. Every product supplied with the FSC label comes

from an FSC certified forest where in addition each stage in the Chain

of Custody chain from forest to manufacturers and retailers is audi-

ted and certified.

Two thirds of the wood volume dealt with by DLH in the world (1 mil-

lion m3) comes from tropical species. The certified forests managed

by the group in the Congo stretches over 750,000 ha today, about half

of the total area it manages. Note that a meticulous survey involving

100 employees identified over a million trees with diameter over

30 cm, and the data was used to make an inventory of all the species.

This inventory was used to create a long-term management plan which

is based on sustainable utilization of the forest. in the plan the forest

was divided into 30 sustainable harvesting lots (one for each year),

and in any lot where DLH is active there is intense cooperation with

the local populations, to ensure their customs and traditional rights

are respected (with the help of GPS, community radio transmissions,

etc.)! Of course, these social initiatives have repercussions on the cost

of the final product, but for the good of our planet, market demand

for certified products has to be strengthened. When setting up their

building specifications, architects should know that their certified

products are not necessarily less cost effective. Behaviour can also

change under pressure from the NGOs as can be seen in the industry.

On the political side we notice an increase in the implementation of

public procurement policies promoting certified timber. EU legislation

is being formulated to prevent import of illegal timber in EU.

« GREEN » WooD





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Bogdan Bogdanovic – Vienna

Architekturzentrum > 9/06/2009

Unconventional architect, town planner, and writer

Jean Prouvé - Vienna

Hofmobiliendepot > 21/06/2009

Furniture and architecture of the French designer Jean Prouvé

REAL VIENNA 26 - 28/05/2009 - Vienna

Real Estate Fair /


Etapes - Hornu

Grand-Hornu Images > 31/05/2009

The French designers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec

Office Kersten Geers. David Van Severen – Antwerp

DeSingel > 3/05/2009

Cool Dozen+ - Ghent

Design Museum > 1/06/2009

The evolution of Finnish design with 13 chairs and 13 textiles

Charles Kaisin, le design en mouvement ! - Hornu

Grand-Hornu Images - 20/06 >27/09/2009

Work and research of the designer Charles Kaisin


7 & 8/05/2009 - Kortrijk Xpo

4 & 5/06/2009 - Foire Internationale de Liège

BIS-BEURS 3 – 11/10/2009 - Ghent

Building and real estate fair

Czech Republic

Current and Future Challenges for Urban Development - 24-27/05/2009 - mikulov

iFHP Conference 2009 /

Changing Housing Markets28/06 – 1/07/2009 - Prague

Conference /

TENDENCE 10 – 13/09/2009 - Prague


Close Up 1: Big - Copenhague

Danish Architecture Centre > 31/05//2009

Visionary architecture and new ideas of Bjarke ingels


2 – 6/09/2009 /

CODE 09 27 – 30 /08/2009 - Copenhague

Design, furniture and architecture /


Compact Kitchen - Jyväskylä

Alvar Aalto Museum >10/05/2009

Four compact kitchens designed by students of the

University of Art and Design Helsinki

Sense of Architecture - Helsinki

Museum of Finnish Architecture > 31/05/2009

Contemporary architecture in the Austrian state Styria

The Decades of Finnish Architecture - Helsinki

Museum of Finnish Architecture - 10/06 - 6/09/2009

From the beginning of the 20th century to the end of the 1980s



11th international Alvar Aalto Symposium


Générocité - Paris

Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine - Palais de Chaillot

> 17/05/2009

French contemporary architectural production

Pierre-Louis Faloci - Toulouse

Centre Méridional de l'Architecture et de la Ville


museum architecture

Tania Concko architecte-urbaniste, Amsterdam


Arc en rêve centre d’architecture > 14/06/

Habiter EcologiqueQuelles architectures pour une ville durable? - Paris

Architect@Work 2009

Architect@Work is a national exhibition

exclusively for architects, interior designers

and other prescribers through a specific

registration system. So for its fourth staging

this event will be presented in two exhibition

sites in Belgium: one at Kortrijk Xpo on 7

and 8 May 2009 and the other at the Foire

internationale de liège [international

liège fair] 4 and 5 June 2009.

its unique concept is distinct from other

initiatives in the building sector particularly

because building specifiers have access

to the exhibition. Further Architect@

Work exclusively exhibits the novelties of

manufacturers and distributors, which

creates optimal contact between exhibitor

and prescriber. To guarantee the value of

these novelties, each candidacy is subjected

to a commission of architects and interior

designers to evaluate the innovative

character of each product exhibited.

Architect@Work is a global concept

including a programme of short high level

seminars on current subjects on the central

theme of “metal and Architecture.”





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Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine 12/05 - 1/11/2009


5th Urban Research Symposium

JARDIN & PISCINE 30/04 – 10/05/2009 - Paris

EQUIPVILLE 26 – 28/05/2009 - Lyon

Urban equipment /

FIAC 22 – 25/10/2009 - Paris

French and international actors of the art world

BATIMAT 2 - 7/11/2009 - Paris

international Building Fair /


Archiczech - Berlin

Deutsche Architektur Zentrum > 7/05/2009

Five exhibitions presenting the Czech architecture

Klaus Kinold - An Architect Photographing Architecture - munich

Pinakothek der Moderne > 31/05/2009

Hawaiian Modern. The Architecture of Vladimr Ossipoff - Francfort/main

Deutsches Architekturmuseum > 14/06/2009

LAND Milano srl. Raggi Verdi. Green visions for Milan 2015 - Berlin

Aedes Land > 18/06/2009

Joe Colombo. Inventing the Future - Leipzig

Grassi Museum > 28/06/2009

Works by Fernando & Humberto Campana 1989 - 2009 - Weil am Rhein

Vitra Design Museum 16/05/2009 – 28/02/2010


25 – 27/05/2009 - Nuertingen

INTERSOLAR 27 - 29/05/2009 - munich

Europe’s largest solar technology trade fair

STONE+TEC 20 – 23/05/2009 - Nuremberg

international Trade Fair Natural Stone

TECHTEXTIL 16-18/06/2009 - Francfort/main

international trade fair for the technical textiles

EUPVSEC 21 – 24/09/2009 - Hamburg

European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference

Great Britain

Le Corbusier. The Art of Architecture - London

Barbican Art Gallery > 24/05/2009

Between earth and heaven: the architecture of John Lautner - Glasgow

The Lighthouse > 26/07/2009

FACILITIES SHOW 12 – 14/05/2009 - Birmingham

Facilities management fair

INTERBUILD 18 – 21/10/2009 - Birmingham

international building fair

NEW DESIGNERS 9 - 19/07/2009 - London

international design


Giò Ponti in casa Palladio. Ceramiche e arredi creati dal maestro – Fratta Polinese

Villa Badoer > 28/06/2009

Oggetti sonori. La dimensione invisibile del design – milan

Triennale Design Museum > 2/06/2009

CERSAIE 29/09 – 3/10/2009 - Bologna

international Exhibition for Ceramic Tiles and Bathroom


SAIE 09 28-31/10/2009 - Bologna

Building Fair


Beyond Kiosk - Luxemburg

MUDAM > 13/09/2009

Contemporary art, design and graphic design

aGEnDa SAIE 09

From 28 to 31 October 2009, the Bologna grand

international building exhibition will offer visitors

new visions of architecture and the international

products of more than 1700 manufacturers over

a total surface area of 270,000m2. An activity

programme will promote dialogue between

the different building industry figures around

new technologies, without forgetting energy,

acoustics, the environment and safety.

The special exhibition “Architecture, Design and

innovation” will again be centre stage of the

exhibition to concentrate on the most sensitive

questions of contemporary architectural

discussion, the concept of sustainable

architecture and energy efficiency in buildings.

in a factual programme, we cite NEW STONE

AGE DESiGN, a natural stone development with

top designers and state of the art technologies,

SAiECONCRETE, which shows the new potential

of concrete as a contemporary material or NEW

mATERiALS SPACE which will be the meeting place

of innovation for materials.

BolognaFiere and Archi-Europe are organising

the competition “SAiE Selection 09” to select 24

projects and project designs (12 for the Young

Architects category and 12 for the Students)

on the theme of accommodation with low

building cost and low energy consumption. All

24 projects and/or selected designs will be

presented in specific Cuore mostra Saie 2009

exhibition at the SAiE international Building

Exhibition which will take place from 28 to 31

October 2009.

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Touch of Glass: Interior Design Contest Saint-Gobain Glass and the FNSAI present the new competition "cas d'ecole" [case study].

“Touch of Glass” is the first creativity competition dedicated to glass.

Glass is the privileged medium of interior architects. it can produce

a transparent space, and is always the material for constant


Thanks to the “Touch of Glass” competition, creation professionals

and students can participate in research on the use of glass products

in interior architecture and space design. The works will be part of a

project combining aesthetics,

architectural creativity and

compliance with standards.

They must be designed in a

realistic context of industrial


Deadline: 29 June 2009.

Jean tschumi.

architecture échelle grandeurJean Gubler

Updating the view on the work of an architect who

runs through 20th century modernity, this book draws

on research in a rich archival trove. The chapters are

devoted to themes that broach the theory of architecture.

Editions Presses polytechniques et universitaires

romandes |

French - 174 pages - CHF 59.00 | € 36.95

ISBN 978 2880747459

limited EditionSophie Lovell

Through prototypes and limited edition objects, the work

is a new phenomenon in current property design. A large

choice of products reflects the best of this new sector: they

are signed by Gaetano Pesce, marc Newson, maarten Baas,

Tom Dixon, Studio Job, Zaha Hadid or Johanna Grawunder.

Editions Birkhaüser |

English - 255 pages - € 49.90

ISBN: 978 3764388959

Philippe Samyn – ConstructionsPierre Puttemans, Pierre Spehl

This monograph offers a broad outline of the rigorous,

imaginative and poetic work of the Belgian architect,

engineer and town planner Philippe Samyn, with some

1,350 illustrations of buildings, models, plans, summary

images and drawings often not seen previously.

Fonds Mercator Publishers |

480 pages - € 79.95

ISBN 978 90 6153 843 1 (Dutch)

ISBN 978 90 6153 841 7 (French)

ISBN 978 90 6153 840 0 (English)

Y08. the Skira Yearbook of the

World architecture 2007-2008Luca molinari

Devoted to world architecture, this book is an original

tool detailing the best architecture to emerge in

2007/2008, using a selection of finished buildings,

projects and key personalities and cities.

Editions Skira |

English - 240 pages - € 75.00

ISBN 978 8861305878

Hitoshi abeNaomi Pollock

This first complete monograph on the work of Hitoshi Abe

(1962) published in English unveils the work of one of the

most interesting Japanese architects. His designs are

internationally renowned for their structural innovation

and spatial complexity: miyagi Stadium (2000), Reihoku

Community Hall (2002) and the Kanno museum, Shiogama

(2006). Each project is richly illustrated with internal and

external photographs, diagrams and drawings.

Phaidon Publisher |

English - 208 pages - € 69.95

ISBN 978 0714846651

Dutch architects 9Lesley moore

The ninth edition of this book offers you the most

comprehensive view of Dutch architecture today,

describing recent projects by almost 100 architects,

interior designers, urban development experts and

landscape architects.

Editions Bis Publishers |

Dutch / English - 264 pages - € 66.00

ISBN: 9789063691967

Contemporary ecological


From a large museum in California to a mexican chapel, a

residential building in Ticino to a concert hall in Limoges,

the projects presented arise from an environmental

approach in their design, construction and use. Proving

that today, ecological architecture is no longer limited to

residential buildings, this book which contains numerous

plans is available in a choice of signed copies, Coop

Himmelb(l)au, UNStudio, Bernard Tschumi, among others.

Editions Daab |

English / German / Spanish / French / Italian

388 pages - € 39.95

ISBN 978 3866540606

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The Archi-Europe/Archi-Students Premium Partners are:

The Netherlands

Building for Bouwkunde - Rotterdam

NAI > 7/06/2009

A City for the Future. A climate-friendly metropolis - Amsterdam

ARCAM > 23/05/2009

200 years Prix de Rome - Rotterdam

Kunsthal > 21/06/2009

Brazil Contemporary - Rotterdam

30/05 – 23/08/2009

Three Rotterdam museums present every facet of Brazilian



Powered by Nature - Oslo

Norsk Design – Architecture Center 28/05 – 28/08/2009

21 Norwegian design bureaus inspired by nature


From Mickey Mouse to Andy Warhol - Porto

Fundação Serralves >14/05/2009



Conference / [email protected]


BALTIC BUILD 9-12/09/2009 St Petersbourg

Building Fair /

ZODCHESTVO 15 - 18/10/2009 moscou

international architecture exhibition




international Conference /



Real Estate Fair /


9-11/06/2009 - Bilbao

European Future Energy Forum

HABITAT VALENCIA FORWARD 21 – 26/09/2009 - Valence

European creavity meeting point (furniture, decoration

and accessories) /


Architect Sverre Fehn - Stockholm

The Swedish Museum of Architecture > 3/05/2009


Good Design, Good Business - Zurich

Museum für Gestaltung > 24/05/2009

Caruso St.John Architects - Zurich

ETH > 3/07/2009

PETER ZUMTHOR 12/05/2009 - Zurich

Conference 8Pm /


24/05/2009 - Berne

Conference 7Pm Lacaton & Vassal /


TURKEYBUILD 6 -10/05/2009 - istanbul

Building fair

ISTANBUL DESIGN WEEK 2009 16 – 20/06/2009 - istanbul

ARKIPARC 2009 8- 9/10/2009 - istanbul

Architecture Event


Batimat is a not to be missed biennial

exhibition in the building world. it will

bring together an exhaustive range of

international products, materials and

services in Paris from 2 to 7 November.

Its seven spaces occupy nearly 135,000 m2

of exhibition space, this is also a unique

chance to meet all the profession’s top

figures. Thematic events will be organised

during the six days of the exhibition. For

this 2009 edition placed under the theme of

sustainable renovation and energy efficiency,

Batimet will highlight the achievements

of the Grenelle de l’Environnement

[environment round table]: reduction of

energy waste, development of renewable

energy, sound insulation, accessibility for

persons with reduced mobility, safety,

comfort, etc.

in order to show its international

development, Batimat honours Russia

and north African countries (morocco in

particular). The success of “Construisons

Demain” [let’s build tomorrow] in 2007

encourages Batimat organisers to renew the

project. These are two wood town houses

with minimal ecological footprint combining

architecture, ecology, technology, design and


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Aluminium in Renovation Award 2009 (EU)The 2009 European Aluminium in Renovation Awards and

Jury Prize shall be awarded to renovation projects/buildings

which have been completed after 1 January 2006 (and

haven’t participated in the 2007 contest), and which are

covered in one of the specified categories : Residential and

Non-residential. it will cover renovation, restoration and


Deadline: 01/07/2009

Realisation Competition for Reconstruction and Expansion of the Town Museum Kassel (DE)it is the objective of this competition to obtain innovative

and economic designs for the modernisation and

expansion of the town museum to a new total effective

surface of about 2,000 m2. These designs must give

reason for the expectation of a realisation in due time

until June 2012, keeping the given budget.

Deadline: 16/06/2009,1595.hhs

Concrete Student Trophy 2009 (AT)The Concrete Student Trophy 2009 is awarded to

innovative and creative engineering and architectural

efforts, which help express the diverse technical

application possibilities of concrete in local concrete or

concrete prefabrication and the individual constructive

and creative approaches.

Deadline: 08/10/2009

Touch of Glass: Interior Design ContestTouch of Glass” is the first creativity competition dedicated to

glass. Thanks to this competition, professionals and students

can participate in research on the use of glass products

in interior architecture and space design. The works will

be part of a project combining aesthetics, architectural

creativity and compliance with standards. They must be

designed in a realistic context of industrial development.

Deadline: 29/06/2009

Project Competition Station Square St. Gallen (CH)The municipality of St. Gallen represented by the Directorate

Building and Planning has the objective to upgrade the area

of this important square. On the basis of the given operation

and utilisation concept, all areal and design elements are to

be redesigned with regard to the urbanistic reinterpretation

of the station square with its diverse functions, its

relations to the town environment and its diverse historical


Deadline: 29/08/2009 und_ planung/projekt_


Competition of proposals and ideas to reuse and increase the value of the ex mining area in cavriglia (IT)This competition, will provide, at the end of proceedings,

the drafting of a detailed plan regarding the mining area

throughout the development of the master plan, winner of

the competition. The land object of the study is approximately

950 hectares. To the participants in the competition is

requested to identify uses compatible with the soils, in order

to gurantee the vitality and to requalify the environmental

system according to quality and sustainability criteria.

Deadline: 1/06/2009 101=94

Design an Exemplary Building with the help of the Region (BE)in 2009, the Brussels-Capital Region is launching

for the third consecutive year a competition for the

construction or renovation of Exemplary Buildings. The

competition intends to show that new or renovated

buildings can attain very good performances. The

competition provides a budget of 5 million euros to be

shared among the most promising projects.

Deadline: 10/09/2009


Preparation for the PA Garda civic museum (IT)The Commune of ivrea (TO) is announcing a competition

of ideas to select an innovative project to prepare and

promote the PA Garda Civic museum. The competition is

designed to obtain a guide project to equip the museum

structure with a sustainable organisation in accord with

the museum’s mission statement.

Deadline: 10/07/2009

Saie Selection 2009 (BE)BolognaFiere and Archi-Europe jointly organize a special

contest "SAiE Selection 09" in order to select 24 projects

and concepts (12 for young architects and 12 for students)

presenting Low cost and Low energy sustainable housing.

Deadline: 31/07/2009

HÄUSER-AWARD 2010 "The future is being built today"(DE)Our own four walls are a reflection of the demographic

and social changes currently taking place: the classic

floor plan is disintegrating in favour of more open, more

flexible layout structures and, more than ever before,

houses have to adapt to their occupants' changing needs

and life situations. All these developments have produced

a new generation of individual single-family houses in

recent years. We are looking for the best of them: houses

that are not only convincing because of their outstanding

architectural quality but also meet the requirements of

the early 21st century in ideal fashion.

Deadline: 25/05/2009


International Building



Bologna, 28 - 31 October2009

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Award Partners

Archi-Europe® the first European Architects and Building Suppliers Network,

and Euraf (European Architecture Foundation) are organizing

the Annual Building Suppliers Innovative Awards 2009aimed at awarding the best creative and innovative solution developped

by our affiliated members in two sectors (Building Innovation - Sustainable

Innovation) and two categories (SME with less than 100 people

and companies with more than 100 people).

Deadline for entries is 30 September 2009

More information available on