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    ing through him to receive Persian sup-

    port; and, happily for Athens, he suc-

    ceeded in restraining the fleetwhich was

    still more than a match for all adversaries

    from sailing back to Piraeus to subvert

    the rule of the Four Hundred.

    The more patriotic of the oligarchs saw,

    in fact, that the best hopes for the state

    lay in the establishment of a limited

    democracy; with the result that the ex-

    treme oligarchs, who would have joine


    hands with the enemy, were overthrowr

    and the rule of the Five Thousand re

    placed that of the Four Hundred, provid

    ing Athens with the best administratioi

    it had ever known. A great naval vi ctor

    was won by the Athenian fleet, under

    the command of Thrasybulus, over

    slightly larger Peloponnesian fleet a


    Anabasis or The Going Up of

    the Ten Thousand



    OME documentation is needed in introducing Xenophon's history of the 'anabasis,'

    or up-cou ntry march, of the Greek army . Cyrus the Younger of Persia had as-

    sisted the Lacedaemonians against the Athenians in the Peloponnesian war, which ended

    in the victory of the former at Aegos Potami, 404


    This year saw also the death

    of Cyrus's father and the succession of his brothe r, Artaxerxes II . Cyrus determined

    to make a bid for the Persian throne, and in 401 set out into Artaxerxes's territory

    with an army of 10,000 Greek mercenaries. Most of the narra tive refers to the 'ca ta-

    basis,' or retreat from Cunaxa to the Euxine.



    YRUS, the younger brother of Arta-

    xerxes the king, began his prep-

    arations for revolt by gradually

    gathering and equipping an army on the

    pretext of hostile relations between him-

    self and another of the western satraps,

    Tissaphernes. No tably, he secretly fur-

    nished Clearchus, a Lacedaemonian, with

    means to equip a Greek force in Thrace;

    another like force was ready to move

    from Thessaly under Aristippus; while a

    B oeotian, Proxenus, and two other friends

    were commissioned to collect more mer-

    cenaries to aid in the war with Tissa-


    Next, an excuse for marching up-coun-

    try, at the head of all these forces, was

    found in the need of suppressing the

    Pisidian s. He advanced from Sardis into

    Phrygia, where his musters were com-

    pleted at Celaenae. A review was held at

    Tyriaeum, where the Cilician queen, who

    had supplied funds, was badly frightened

    by a mock charge of the Greek contin-

    gent. W hen the advance had reached

    Tarsus, there was almost a mutiny among

    the Greeks, who were suspicious of the

    intentions of Cyrus. B ut the diplomacy

    of their chief general, Clearchus, the

    Lacedaemonian, and promises of increased

    pay, prevailed, though it had long been

    obvious that Pisidia was not the objective

    of the expedition.

    Further reinforcements were received

    at Issus, the eastern seaport of Cilicia;

    Cyrus then marched through the Syrian

    gate into Syria. At Myriandrus two

    Greek commanders, probably through

    jealousy of Clearchus, deserted. Th e

    whole force now struck inland to Thapsa-

    cus, on the Euphrates.

    At Thapsacus, Cyrus announced his

    purpose. Th e Greek soldiers were angry

    with their generals for having, as they

    supposed, wilfully misled them, but were

    mollified by promise of large rewards.

    One of the commanders, Menon, won the

    approval of Cyrus by being the first to

    lead his contingent across the Euphrates

    on his own initiativ e. The advance was

    now conducted through a painfully sterile

    country. In the course of this, the troops

    of Clearchus and Menon very nearly

    came to blows; the intervention of

    Proxenus only made matters worse; and

    order was restored by the arrival of

    Cyrus, who pointed out that the whole

    expedition must be ruined if the Greeks

    fell out among themselves.

    B y this time, Artaxerxes had realised

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    that the repeated warnings of Tissa-

    phernes (who had in the first instance

    betrayed the intentions of Cyrus to

    Artaxerxes, his broth er) and others were

    justified; and as the expedition neared

    B abylonia, signs of the enemy became

    apparent in the deliberate devastation of

    the coun try. He re Oron tes, one of the

    principal Persian officers of Cyrus, was

    convicted of treason and put to death.

    The army was again reviewed, the

    whole force amounting to some 100,000

    barbarians and nearly 14,000 Greeks; the

    enemy were reputed to number over

    1,000,000, though not so many took part

    in the engagement.

    Cyrus now advanced, expecting battle

    immediately, at an entrenched pass (near

    Cunaxa) ; but, finding this unoccupied, he

    did not maintain battle order; which was

    hurriedly taken up on news of the ap-

    proach of the royal forces. The Greeks,

    under Clearchus, occupied the right wing,

    Cyrus being in the centre, and Ariaeus on

    the left. Th e king's army was so large

    that even its centre extended far beyond

    the left of Cyrus.

    The Greeks advanced on the royalist

    left, which broke and fled almost without

    a biow. Thinkin g tha t the Greeks might

    be intercepted and cut off, Cyrus charged

    the centre in person with his bodyguard

    and routed the opposing troops; but

    dashing forward in the hope of capturing

    Artaxerxes, was himself pierced by a jave-

    lin and fell dead on the field. So end ed

    the career of the most brilliant Persian

    since Cyrus the Great had established the

    Persian Empire; brave, accomplished, the

    mirror of honour, just himself and the

    rewarder of justice in others, generous and

    most loyal to his friends.

    The magnanimity of his character may

    be illustrated by his natural graciousness.

    Often when he had wine served which

    was of an unusually fine flavour, his habit

    was to send the half-emptied flasks to

    some of his acquaintances with a message

    in these or similar words: 'Cyrus has not

    in many years encountered a more pleas-

    ing wine than this; accordingly he sends

    some in this flask to you. He hopes th at

    you will drink of it to-day with those

    friends whose acquaintance you cherish.'

    The tragic event of his death served as

    proof not only of his personal merit, but

    also of his ability in distinguishing such

    followers as were faithful, friendly and

    loyal. For when he died all his followers,

    and those who ate from his table, fell

    with their swords drawn in his defence,

    with the exception of one Ariaeus, who

    commanded the cavalry squadron on the

    left wing. B ut upon hearing of the fall

    of his leader, Ariaeus, with all the forces

    under his command, took flight from the

    field. And Artaxerxes and his troop s fell

    upon him and pursued him in his retreat.




    Cyrus fell, the left wing,

    under Ariaeus, broke and fled.

    The Greeks had meantime poured on in

    pursuit of the royalist left, while the

    main body of the royalists were in pos-

    session of the rebel camp, though a Greek

    guard, which had been left there, held

    the Greek qua rter. Artaxerxes, however,

    had no mind to give battle to the return-

    ing Greek column.

    It was not till next day that Clearchus

    learned that Cyrus was slain, and that

    Ariaeus had fallen back to the last halt-

    ing place, where he proposed to wait

    twenty-four hours, and no more, before

    starting to retreat westward. Clearchus

    sent word that the Greeks, for their part,

    had been victorious, and that if Ariaeus

    would rejoin them they would win the

    Persian crown for him, since Cyrus was


    The next message was from Artaxerxes,

    inviting the Greeks to give up their arms;

    to which they replied that he might come

    and take them if he could, but, if he

    meant to treat them as friends, they

    would be no use to him without arms;

    if as enemies they would keep them for


    Though no formal choice was made,

    the Greeks recognized Clearchus as their

    leader. Th ey fell back to join Ariaeus,

    who declined the proposal to win him

    the Persian throne; and it was agreed to

    follow a new route in retreat to Ionia,

    the way of the advance being now im-


    Now, however, Artaxerxes began to

    negotiate through Tissaphernes, the

    Greeks maintaining a bold and even con-

    temptuous front, warranted by the king's

    obvious fear of risking an engagement.

    Finally, an offer came to conduct the

    Greeks back to Grecian territory, provid-

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    ing them, at their own cost, with neces-

    saries. Prolonged delays, however,

    aroused suspicions of treachery among

    the Greeks, who distrusted Tissaphernes

    and Ariaeus alike; but Clearchus held it

    better not to break openly with the Per-


    Th e march at last began along a

    northerly route towards the B lack Sea,

    the Greeks keeping rigidly apart from the

    Persian forces which accompanied them,

    in readiness for an attack.


    T the crossing of the Tigris suspicion

    . was particu larly active, the conduct

    of Ariaeus being especially dubious; but

    still no overt hostilities were attempted

    until the river Zabatus was reached, after

    three weeks of marching.

    Here Clearchus endeavoured to end the

    extremely strained relations between the

    Greeks and the barbarian commanders by

    an interview with Tissaphernes. B oth

    men carefully repudiated any idea of

    hostile intentions, and the Persian invited

    Clearchus and the Greek officers generally

    to atten d a conference. N ot all, bu t a

    considerable numberfive generals, in-

    cluding Clearchus, Proxenus and Menon,

    with twenty more officers and nearly two

    hundred othersattended. At a given

    signal all were treacherously massacred;

    but a fugitive reached the Greek camp,

    where the men sprang to arms. Ariaeus,

    approaching with an escort, declared that

    Clearchus had been proved guilty of trea-

    son, but was received with fierce indigna-

    tion, and withdrew.

    Of the murdered generals, Clearchus

    was a man of high military capacity, but

    a harsh disciplinarian, feared and re-

    spected but very unpopular; Proxenus, a

    particular friend of Xenophon, was an

    amiable but not a strong man; Menon,

    the Thessalian commander, was a crafty

    and hypocritical time-server, of whom no

    good can be spoken.

    The ten thousand Greeks were now in

    an ugly predicament; they were a thou-

    sand miles from home, while between

    them and the B lack Sea lay the moun-

    tains of Armenia. They were surrounded

    by hostile hordes, and were without

    cavalry. The y had no recognized chief

    and their most trusted leaders were gone.

    The whole company seemed paralysed

    unde r a universal despondency. i

    It was at this juncture that Xenophon,

    an Athenian gentleman-volunteer, was

    stirred to action by a dream. He rose and

    roused the officers of the contingent of

    Proxenus, to which he was attached.

    Heartened by an address, in which h^

    pointed out that, on the one hand they

    had to depend on their own courage, skill,

    and resourcefulness, and, on the other,

    were released from all obligation to the

    Persians, they unanimously chose him

    their leader, and at his instigation roused

    the senior officers of all the other contin-

    gents to assemble for deliberation.

    The council thus summoned, inspired

    again by the words of Xenophon, vigor-

    ously backed up by other leaders, ap-

    pointed new generals, among them Xeno-



    and set about actively to

    organize a retre at to the sea. Th e con-

    tagion of resolute determination spread

    through the ranks of the whole force.

    Chrisophus the Lacedaemonian was given,

    the chief command, the two youngest gen-


    Xenophon and Timerion, were

    placed in charge of the rearguard. A

    troop of slingers was organized; all horses

    with the army were sequestrated to form

    a cavalry squadron. The army started

    on its march through the unknown,

    formed in a hollow square, which was

    so organized that the columns could be

    broadened or narrowed according to the

    ground without creating confusion.


    HEY soon found themselves able to

    repulse without difficulty even at-

    tacks in force by the troops of Tissa-

    phernes, the enemy being entirely out-

    match ed in hand-to -hand fighting. The

    slingers and archers, however, proved

    troublesome, and hostile forces, though

    keeping out of reach, were never far off.

    At last Tissaphernes and Ariaeus drew

    off altogether, and the Greek generals

    having as alternative courses the march

    eastwards upon Susa, northwards upon

    B abylon, and westwards towards Ionia,

    decided to revert to the course north-

    wards to the B lack Sea.



    HIS route led at first through the gated. H ere there was a good deal of

    country of the C arduchi, a very hard fighting, the Carduch i being adep ts

    warlike folk who had never been subju- in hill warfare and partic ularly expert

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    arch ers. Such was the length and weight

    of their arrows that the Greeks collected

    them and used them as javelins. Seven

    days of this brought the retreating force

    to the river Centrites, which parts the

    Carduchian mountains from the province

    of Armenia.

    With a barely fordable river, troops in

    vidence on the other side, and the Car-

    duchi hanging on their rear, the passage

    offered great difficulties, solved by the

    discov ery of a mu ch shallower ford. A

    feint at one point by the rearguard drew

    off the enemy on the opposite bank, while

    the main body crossed at the shallows,

    which the rearguard also managed to pass

    by a successful ruse which misled the

    Carduchi on the south bank.

    The Persian governor of Western Ar-

    menia, Tiribazus, offered safe passage

    through his province, but scouts brought

    information that large forces were collect-

    ing and would dispute the passage of a

    defile through which the army must pass.

    This point, however, was reached by

    a forced march, and the enemy were


    For some days after this, the marching

    was very severe; the men had to struggle

    forward on very nearly empty stomachs,

    through blizzards, suffering terribly from

    frost-bite and the blinding effect of the

    snow on their eyes, so that at times noth-

    ing short of actual threats from the offi-

    cers could induce the exhausted men to

    oil forward; and all the time the enemy's

    skirmishers were harassing the troops and

    cutting off stragglers. The se, however,

    were finally dispersed by a sudden on-

    slaught of the rearguard, and after this a

    more populous district was reached, where

    food and wine abounded, and the Greeks

    made some days' halt to recuperate.

    Here a guide was obtained for the next

    stages; but on the third night he de-

    serted, because Chirisophus had lost his

    temper and struck him. This incident

    was the only occasion of a serious differ-

    ence between Xenophon and the elder


    On the seventh day after this the river

    Phasis was crossed; but two days later,

    on approaching a mountain pass, it was

    seen to be occupied in force. A council

    of war was held, at which some jesting

    passed, Xenophon remarking on the repu-

    tation of the Lacedaemonians as adepts

    in thieving, a jibe which Chirisophus re-

    torted on the Athenians; as the business

    in hand was to 'steal a march' on the

    enemy, each encouraged the other to act

    up to the national reputation . In the

    night, a detachment of volunteers cap-

    tured the ridge above the pass; the enemy

    beat a hasty retreat when they found

    their position turned.

    Another five days brought the army

    into the country of the Taochi, where the

    Greeks had to rush a somewhat danger-

    ous position in order to capture supplies.

    A space of some twenty yards was open

    to such a storm of missiles from above

    that it could only be passed by drawing

    the enemy's fire and making a dash before

    fresh missiles were accum ulated. W hen

    this was accomplished, however, the foe

    offered no practical resistance, but flung

    themselves over the cliffs.

    Eighteen days later the Greeks reached

    a town called Gymniae, where they ob-

    tained a guide. Th eir course lay through

    tribes towards whom the governor was

    hostile, and the Greeks had no objection

    to gratifying him by devastating on

    their way. On the fifth day after leaving

    Gymniae, a mountain pass was reached.

    When the van reached the top of the

    mountain (Teches), a great shout arose.

    And when Xenophone heard it, and they

    of the rearguard, they supposed that other

    enemies were ranged against them, for

    the men of the land which had been

    ravaged were following behind; but when

    the clamour grew louder and nearer, and

    the new arrivals doubled forward to

    where the shouting was, so that it became

    greater and greater with the added num-

    bers, Xenophon thought this must be

    something of mom ent. Therefore, taking

    Lycias and the horsemen, he rode forward

    at speed to give aid; and then suddenly

    they were aware of the soldiers' shout,

    the word that rang through the lines

    'The sea the sea '


    HE N every man raced, rearguard

    and all, urging horses and the very

    baggage-mules to the top of their speed,

    and when they came to the top, they fell

    on each other's necks, and the generals,

    and officers, too, with tears of delight.

    And in a moment, whoever it was that

    passed the word, the men were gathering

    stones, and there they reared a mighty


    And as for the lucky guide, he betook

    himself home laden with presents.

    Of what befell between this point and

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    the actual arrival of the army on the

    coast of the B lack Sea at the Grecian

    colony of Trapezus (Trebizond) the most

    curious incident was that of the soldiers

    lighting upon great quantities of honey,

    which not only made them violently ill,

    but had an intoxicating effect, attributed

    to the herbs frequented by the bees in

    tha t district. This necessitated a halt of

    some days. Th e second day's ma rch

    thence brought them to Trapezus, where

    they made sacrificial thank-offerings to

    the gods, and further celebrated the occa-

    sion by holding athletic games.






    Trapezus was not Greece, and the

    problem of transport was serious.

    The men, sick of marching, were eager to

    accomplish the rest of their journey by

    sea. Chirisophus, the general as being a

    personal friend of the Lacedaemonian ad-

    miral stationed at B yzantium, was com-

    missioned to obtain ships from him to

    take the Greeks home.

    Chirisophus departed. The army,

    which still numbered over ten thousand

    persons, was willing enough to maintain

    its military organization for foraging and

    for self-defence; also to make such ar-

    rangements as were practicable for col-

    lecting ships in case Chirisophus should

    fail them; but the men flatly refused to

    consider any further movement except

    by water.

    So they stayed where they were, main-

    taining their supplies by raids on the

    natives; but time passed, and there were

    no tidings of Chirisophus. At last, they

    saw nothing for it but to put the sick

    and other non-combatants aboard of the

    vessels which had been secured, send them

    on by sea, and themselves march by the

    coast to Cerasus, another Greek colony.

    Thence they continued their westward

    progress, in which they met with consid-

    erable resistance from the natives, who

    were barbarians of a primitive type, until

    they came to Cotyora.

    This was another settlement from

    Sinope; but it received the Greeks very

    inhospitably, so that the latter continued

    their practice of ravaging the neighbour-

    ing territorie s. It was now eight mo nths

    since the expedition had started on its

    homeward march. Here a deputation ar-

    rived from Sinope to protest against their

    proceedings; but Xenophon pointed out

    that while they were perfectly willing to

    buy what they needed and behave as

    friends, if they were not allowed to buy,

    self-preservation compelled them to take

    by force. Ultima tely, the deputation

    promised to send ships to convey them

    to Sinope.


    URING the time of waiting there wa

    some risk of the force breaking

    itself up, and some inclination to mak