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NEW TECHNOLOGIES: INDESIGN InDesign for those unaware is made by Adobe. It is used by all major magazine and even news paper production companies. InDesign came into great use for me when creating and constructing my magazine. Prior to this task my knowledge of InDesign was not very good, in fact my knowledge of it’s existence was also non existent. In summary InDesign is used to put all the magazine ‘Furniture’ into place and then you can alter the text and layout to suit your needs. InDesign was great for utilizing the construction of my magazine especially due to the fact that InDesign is preloaded with the set up you need, meaning when you open up and new document say for your DPS you can chose 3 columns a page which saves the creator a lot of time and hassle.

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NEW TECHNOLOGIES: ANIMOTO Another new technology I came across was ‘Animoto’. Animoto is an online video creating website. It allows you to add a theme, music and text. I used this to portray my chosen magazine genre. I did this by creating a simple 30 second video to advertise the genre itself. The music was chosen out of random however it was selected within an indie-rock genre. The music really reinforces my genre as well as the images of famous well known Indie-Rock artists. My video then uploaded to my blog by being embedded which was very convenient and easy.

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NEW TECHNOLOGIES: NIKON DSLR The camera used was a Nikon DSLR. Prior to it’s use I wasn’t very familiar with the use of a digital camera considering everything nowadays is done via smartphones and easy to use disposable cameras. The use of these kind of cameras are normally in a profession mainly photography. I learned how to capture images and videos using this camera. Also it give me a better insight on how to shoot an image against certain lighting to maximise the look of a better shot. The quality of the images produced is outstanding.

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OTHER TECHNOLOGIES As well as new technologies used there were a lot of familiar ‘faces’ in terms of already used technology.

Due to my preliminary task I was able to develop a basic knowledge on how to use Adobes Photoshop which was a major importance considering it helped me edit every photo used in the magazine.

A very commonly used software was Word. I used word to develop the writing posts on my blog and also using it to spell check them.

I also used SurveyMonkey to construct my surveys. This is relatively new to me as the first time I used this was in my preliminary task.

It is safe to say I did use a lot of old and new software during the process. On top of that I also used social media quite often than usual when sharing my Survey.

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USE OF THESE SOFTWARES Use Of Social Media Use Of Software: