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Vol 2

Issue 1

Feb - Apr 2011




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Chinmaya Vibhooti

From The Acharyas Desk In The Lap of Mother NatureMother Nature is the best teacher we have. She teaches us many qualities such as tolerance, sharing, support, harmony, self-sustenance, silence, purity and giving without expectation. Mother Nature is silently performing her duty for our welfare without demanding any kind of appreciation or recognition. There are innumerable things happening around us, completely unnoticed. It is said that great deeds need no trumpet. The sun rises and gives light and energy without making any noise about it. The wind quietly blows giving life to one and all. Mountains and forests are providing all kinds of support for the survival of countless being. Trees give us shade and purify the air that we breathe. Beautiful, colourful flowers blossom whether anyone notices them or not, without uttering a single word. Birds sing without expecting any applause. Rivers are flowing without wanting any awards. Space is accommodating all without demanding any rent. We all enjoy the showers given to us freely by the clouds. The Earth is revolving, the moon is shining and millions of stars are twinkling in the Chinmaya Vibhooti vast sky, delighting us. Such spectacular sights fill our hearts with joy and inspiration. Nature looks after us and nourishes us like a loving and caring mother who only knows selfless giving. The Bhagawad Gita guides us and tells us to feel the responsibility of protecting Mother Nature. It is our utmost duty to serve Nature, for without her support our survival on this planet would not be possible. We owe so much to Nature. If we do not return something, we will fail in our duty of protecting her and we will be called social thieves. When we are with Nature, we are with God. God manifested Himself in the form of the sun, the moon and the entire universe. Meditating upon nature reduces agitations and quietens the mind. Tapovan Maharaj used to say, Some people worship God with forms and attributes (sakar). Some meditate upon the formless (inrakar). But I contemplate upon flowing Brahman (nIrakar) that is the holy Ganges. Those who have visited Vibhooti have

Chinmaya Vibhooti offers shraddhanjali to Pujya Swami Purushottamananda

fallen in love with the natural surroundings of the Sahyadari ranges. The strong, steady and still mountains inspire us to have a tall personality yet remain quiet and humble, and to be firm in our principles yet ready to accommodate. However, in a very short space of time we have noticed that there are parts of the surrounding areas that have lost their tree cover. The Vibhooti team is now taking up the Green Vibhooti initiative to do our part in restoring Natures original glory. In this edition, you will find information regarding our tree plantation appeal. Please take the time to read and contribute towards making Vibhooti more beautiful and green, thereby giving back to Mother Nature for all that she has blessed us with. Feb Apr 2011


Happenings at Chinmaya VibhootiSound Of Music-2Chinmaya Naada Bindus sequel to Sound of Music of 2009 was held from 9th to 14th November, 2010. 27 members landed with their Harmoniums and Tabla sets, and enjoyed the following schedule: Morning prayers; talks in Marathi by Br. Shailesh Chaitanya on Geeta in Daily Life; independent non-stop sessions on Harmonium and Tabla conducted by Smt. Seema Shirodkar and Shri Vishwanath Shirodkar, respectively; common fun-filled sessions where everyone kept their instruments aside and sang for a change! Those who couldnt sing were encouraged the most! The sessions may have been gruelling but the students were all happily charged up for 6 days. . Apart from 3 classes per day, there were many varied events and activities such as Gita in Practice (value-based games), yoga, meditation, daily arati, bhajans, a group discussion, a samashti paduka puja, group meetings with Swamiji, and a visit to the Pranav Ganesh Mandir. Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan was a definite highlight. With Chinmaya Naada Bindus presence at Vibhooti, the campers were treated to a lively and delightful harmonium and tabla recital by Shri Vishwanath and Smt Seema Shirodkar, as well as to a devotional music programme by Smt Pramodini Rao. On one evening, a group of delegates from Kolkata presented a thoroughly entertaining skit, which had the audience in splits. On another evening, Swamiji himself provided tabla accompaniment during Shri Himanshu Nandas flute recital.

A Session of Sound of Music-2 in Progress The young Shirodkar couple offered Sangeet-Seva at the Maruti Mandir on 13th morning to the backdrop of a beautiful sunrise. =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

Sampoorna Gita Camp Participants Listening to Swami Advaitananda The camp came to a beautiful conclusion with a 3-hour Gita parayana. During the valedictory, Swamiji presented each participant with a group photograph taken earlier in the camp. =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

Sampoorna Gita CampFrom 12th to 19th November, a special 8-day camp took place at Vibhooti Sampoorna Gita in Hindi, by Swami Advaitananda. This was the first of many Hindi camps to be organised by the Vibhooti team. 80 campers from places such as Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Gujarat attended the camp. Swamiji had planned a wonderful programme for them, ably assisted by Br Kushal Chaitanya and resident sevaks.Chinmaya Vibhooti

Swami Brahmanandas Visit to Chinmaya VibhootiAcceding to our request to come to Vibhooti to discuss the details of the Pranav Ganesh Mandir, Pujya Swami Brahmananda, lovingly called Brahmaaji by devotees, visited us from 15th to 16th December.


Feb Apr 2011

Swamiji was received at the Chinmaya Maruti Mandir with the traditional Purna Kumbha by Swami Advaitananda and all the devotees and staff of Vibhooti, after which Swamiji went to his kutia, Brahma Sadan for some refreshments. He then went to the Ganesh Mandir where he spent a lot of time discussing with Shri Damle and the temple architect Shri Mahamuni the various aspects of the upcoming temple. The same evening, after the daily arati in the Maruti Mandir, we had Satsang with Swamiji in Vinay Mandir. After bhajans by Swami Advaitananda and other devotees, Swamiji addressed the group and also sang a couple of melodious bhajans. Swami Brahmananda Visits Chinmaya Maruti Temple After lunch bhiksha and some rest, it was time for Swamiji to proceed to Pune where he was to grace the Gita and Tapovan Jayanti celebrations on 17th morning. We look forward to welcoming Swamiji back to Vibhooti soon! =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

Nrtya Sura Bharati 24th to 31st Dec 2010There was music, there was dance, there was drama, there was new talent, there were maestros and there was devotion. The Goddess of art & learning, Bharati Saraswati presided over every event as a witness. The dancer of the Tandava, Nataraja too, sanctified the dais and blessed all the artists. This was truly a confluence of various streams of our heritage melodious music, beautiful dances, educative intensives, inspiring lecturedemonstrations and elevating spiritual talks. This was the festival of Nrtya-Sura-Bharati, conducted by Chinmaya Naada Bindu at Chinmaya Vibhooti from 24th to 31st December, 2010. Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda addressed the 400-strong audience on the topic Yoga Vasishtha every morning, and was also present at all of the performances. The pre-dinner triple performances were by Chinmaya Mission artists chosen by Guruji himself, and the post-dinner concerts were by maestros including Pt. Suresh Talwalkar, Dr. N Rajam, Dr. Prabha Atre, Geeta Chandran, and temple group performances like Bhagavata Mela Natakam and Gotipua.

Swami Brahmananda during his visit to Vibhooti To take advantage of Pujya Swamijis presence we decided to advance the Gita and Tapovan Jayanti celebrations to 16th morning, again in the Vinay Mandir. The programme started with a Puja, followed by chanting of a few chapters of the Bhagawad Gita, the Ashtottarashatanamavali, Archana of the Gita and Tapovan Maharaj and Pujya Swamijis Ashirvachan. The programme concluded with Arati and Prasad. Apart from the devotees and staff of Vibhooti, we had quite a few devotees from Mumbai and Pune who happened to come and join in the celebrations. A Leader has to sometimes lead from front, provide the push, sit on the followers head and walk hand in hand with them. A Leader should know when to do which of the above. SWAMI TEJOMAYANANDA

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

wonderment and awe at the performance of the childacrobatic artists of the Gotipua team from Orissa. Chitra-Swararchana, as the name explains, was a performance where the Vizag team of Smt. Susheela Subrahmanyam and Shri Koochi, respectively sang and painted pictures based on the songs. These paintings generated funds for CNB, in a very exciting auction among the campers.

Kuchipudi Dance by Ashrita Keshav Starting with a special prayer song composed by Smt Susheela Acharya for the festival, the days were packed with the most interesting lecture-demonstrations by Mr Natarajan of Melattur Bhagavata Mela and Pt. Suresh Talwalkar, intensives on Bharata Natyam, Hindustani music, Western music and Devotional music conducted by CNB Directors and invited faculty, visits to Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan and evening performances. Mission members came in from USA, UK, Singapore and Netherlands, besides various cities and towns of India, to be part of this unique camp.

Enchanting Performance by Gotipua Dancers Young Volunteers from Pune, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bangalore were available for any work that came their way. On the last day, many campers offered Seva for the Vishnu Sahasranama Archana that was done by the entire congregation in the beautifully decorated Annashree. This was the best way to bid goodbye to 2010 and usher in 2011. Gurujis New Year song and other spirited bhajans inspired everyone to start 2011 with renewed spiritual vigour and enthusiasm. All Chinmaya Vibhooti and Chinmaya Naada Bindu management and staff worked hand in hand to present a treat to the campers as well as the invited artists. We bid goodbye to 2010 and to a different camp that will remain in our hearts always.=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

Weekend Camps on Geeta PanchakamKoochis brush moves to the tune of Music The Sampradaya Bhajans by the brother duo of Mumbai, Satish and Santosh Sundaram, had people dancing in the aisles in absolute abandonment and bliss. The western classical presentation by the Spronk family from Netherlands touched the hearts of all especially their instrumental renditions of Tapovanshatkam, Totakashtakam and Halarav. The audience gasped inChinmaya Vibhooti

The first of the Geeta Panchakam weekend camps by Swami Advaitananda was held on 11th and 12th December. The camp text was Shri Rama Geeta. Around 21 delegates from Mumbai, Pune, Lonavala and Chinchwad attended the camp. In this dialogue between Shri Rama and Lakshmana, the student Lakshmana asks the Lord to explain five terms jnana, vairagya, maya, bhakti and the relationship 4Feb Apr 2011

between Jiva and Ishwara. Swamiji explained the terms as expounded by Shri Rama in his own inimitable style. His melodious singing of the choupais, dohas and sorthas only enhanced the whole experience. Besides five sessions on Rama Geeta from Tulsi Ramayana over two days, we also had an activity session, a visit to the Pranav Ganesh Mandir, a video talk of Pujya Gurudev, a Paduka Puja and a bhajan session led by Swamiji. 36 seekers from Mumbai and Pune came together on 22nd and 23rd January to study Lakshman Geeta with Swamiji at Vibhooti. The discourses, which took place in Vinay Mandir, were soaked in the highest knowledge, expressed through Swamiji's devotion. Swamiji's talks on the Ramayana are an absolute treat, be it as part of the Geeta Panchakam from Ramayana weekend camps or during daily evening satsang during non-camp times. Lakshman Geeta campers also enjoyed the Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan experience and Vibhooti facilities were appreciated by all. All those who attended were very happy and we hope that they will in turn bring in more people for the remaining camps in the series during the coming months. =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

Introduction to Chinmaya MissionOn 30th January 2011, a one-day personality development workshop for youth took place at Vibhooti from 9 AM to 5.30 PM. The programme was conducted in Marathi and it was attended by 260 youngsters from Kolwan and other nearby villages such as Kulegaon, Pirangut, Pawnanagar, Dongargaon, Chalegaon, and others. The attendees were mainly from the 9th and 10th standards, and it was a joy to have them with us. Br Shailesh Chaitanya took the text "Jeevan Ek Khel", the Marathi version of "Game of Life". He was ably assisted by CHYK volunteers from Pune and Vibhooti's Yuva Veers. The sessions were interactive and the children were bright, attentive and expressive especially the girls. They were divided into 15 groups and Shaileshji gave team names such as Bhakti, Shakti, Swadhyaya, Tej, Bala, and others.

Daily Satsang by Swami AdvaitanandaOne of the many wonderful things that have happened since Swami Advaitananda came here as Resident Acharya is the daily satsang for the residents of Vibhooti. The evening sessions started on 9th November 2010. The text taken up is Goswami Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas (in Hindi) which is thoroughly enjoyed by all the attendees. Swamijis melodious bhajans are an added attraction. The morning sessions started on 27th November, 2010 in which Swamiji has taken up Adi Shankaras Vivekachoodamani for study (in English). The talk is preceded by a few minutes of guided Pranayama and Gayatri Mantra japa every day. The sessions are being held in one of the annexes of Annashree since it is centrally located and convenient for all the residents. =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

A Session with Br. Shailesh Chaitanya After lunch they visited Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan (CJD) in groups, and it was a journey with a difference. This was the first time that we had played the narration in Marathi, on sound systems in a few of the fresco galleries. The children sat down in groups to listen to the Marathi recordings and then moved on to the next area of CJD. It worked beautifully and the children asked many questions about Pujya Gurudev. After the CJD visit, the groups re-assembled in Vinay Mandir for their group presentations. It was a wonderful day, and before we knew it the time had come for the children to return to their respective villages. As part of a short valedictory, Shaileshji gave each child the Marathi pustika "Vedanta Bodh Katha" as Prasad 5Feb Apr 2011

Chinmaya Vibhooti

Kirtan in Kolwan VillageOne of the initiatives taken by Swami Advaitananda after he came to Vibhooti was to work more closely with the villagers of Kolwan. Towards this end, Vibhooti organised a Kirtan by Shri Subhash Gethe, of Alandi who has done the Vedanta Course in Mumbai under Pujya Guruji. He was ably supported by his group of kirtankars from Alandi.


Team Bonding Program at KoladWith a view to continually improve inter-personal bonding among all the sevaks and staff of Vibhooti and create a feeling of being ONE family, around 27 of us (including Swami Advaitananda and Br. Kushal Chaitanya) went to Z-BAC Adventures in Kolad for a Team bonding programme. Z-BAC is run by Shri Prasad Deole, a Chinmaya Mission member from Mumbai. We travelled by bus and had a great time on the way, playing Antakshari, eating snacks, and chit-chatting.

Kirtan at Kolwan This Kirtan (in Marathi) was held on Sunday, 21st November, 2010 at the Vitthala Mandir, Kolwan, as a culmination of month long traditional celebrations held during the month of Kartik. A good number of village folk attended and enjoyed the Kirtan thoroughly. Through various abhangas and anecdotes, Shri Subhash impressed upon the people the need for more interaction between Vibhooti and the villagers. It would be ironic if people from all over the world visited Vibhooti and the villagers remained ignorant of it, he said.

Swami Advaitananda in Forward Rappelling We reached Kolad at 5.30 p.m. on 23rd November, and were received by Prasad Deole and his wife Manisha, after which we were directed to our rooms/tents. After freshening up, we assembled in the Conference hall for the introductory session. Over the next 1`1/2 days, the group bonded well with each other, participating in various games, activities and a few adventure sports as well, such as rafting, rock-climbing, rappelling and Flying Fox! Both days began with mild exercises, prayers and Pranayama. Swami Advaitananda provided some spiritual insights right through the two days, while Br Kushal Chaitanya helped Prasadji in conducting the various activities. A lecture is only a demonstration of how a person thinks about a problem. SWAMI CHINMAYANANDA

After the programme, the villagers hosted a lunch for Swamiji and Shri Subhash and his group.Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

A few residents of Vibhooti took the initiative for this activity and invited children of Kolwan to come for a Bala Vihar class in Marathi. The response was overwhelming, with more than 85 children in the age group of 6 to 14 years and around 25 elders turning up for the inauguration! The session started with Swamiji addressing the children, asking them questions and singing bhajans. Then Smt. Nandini Nene narrated a story and also sang a bhajan in which the children participated wholeheartedly.

An enthusiastic Rock Climber Everybody participated whole-heartedly in all the activities and thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. We left Kolad at 3.00 p.m. on 25th November feeling confident of putting into practice all that we learnt in the short span of two days! The place, the Z-BAC people who assisted Prasadji in all the activities and the food were just excellent, making us feel very comfortable and relaxed. =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O= Swami Advaitananda at Bala Vihar Inauguration The mornings programme ended with distribution of Prasad to one and all. This class will be held on Sundays at 9.30 a.m. in the Chinmaya Maruti Mandir, by Swami Advaitananda with the assistance and help of experienced sevikas.

Bala Vihar Class InaugurationYet another activity was started at Chinmaya Vibhooti on Sunday, 12th December, 2010 by Swami Advaitananda with the help of the residents of Vibhooti and Kolwan village. A Bala Vihar class was inaugurated by Swamiji for the local children.

Give! The greatest joy in life is in giving, in loving and in sacrificing. SWAMI CHINMAYANANDA

No one can give you rest. You have to learn to take it. - SWAMI TEJOMAYANANDA A Bala Vihar Session in Progress =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Announcement For Other OrganisationsAs one of the important centres of Chinmaya Mission worldwide, and because of the wide range of quality facilities it offers, Chinmaya Vibhooti has become a venue of choice for Chinmaya Mission activities. We are often asked if Chinmaya Vibhooti is available for activities of other organizations. The answer is yes. We do entertain such requests on a case by case basis. We have, in the past, allowed some like-minded organizations and corporate entities to hold functions and activities at Chinmaya Vibhooti. If anyone wishes to inquire, they may please write to us at [email protected]. =O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=

The Green Vibhooti Invites YouYou can help make it greener. Turn to page 15 for details

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

An Interview with Shri Ravi Nene, CEO, Chinmaya VibhootiRavi Nene has been CEO at Chinmaya Vibhooti since 2005. When asked about how he came to take up the role, he said: Sometimes when things are meant to be, events happen in your life which silently prod you on along the path. When I was based in Jamnagar, Guruji had a yagna at Bhavnagar, which my wife Nandini and I happened to attend. During that yagna, Guruji announced the idea of creating Vibhooti. He also said that he would like Vibhooti to be near Pune because that is where Pujya Gurudev started his work. I was getting to be at an age in my career where I was going to hang up my boots a little down the line. Pune always was one of the places of choice in my mind because I had spent many a summer there and had many fond memories of being there. After hearing the announcement, on impulse I went to see Guruji and told him if at all I could offer my services in the project then I would be most happy. At the time Guruji said that there were yet a lot of things that had to take place and he would call me when the time was right. And sure enough about 3 or 4 years later the phone rang and Guruji said that nows the time. And the rest is history. 1. What is the best part about your role as CEO of Vibhooti? Seeing and witnessing Gurujis dream come true. And meeting Mission devotees without having to go anywhere, as well as getting to work with Mission devotees. 2. What is the most challenging part of your role? To manage Vibhooti project, operations and maintenance with the available resources, specifically manpower and money. The manpower is a challenge because of our location. If we were near a metropolis we could easily get trained manpower. Now we have to find people willing to stay on site because of the remoteness of Kolwan village. The 2nd part of the challenge has to do with money. Though we are fully operational at this time, we havent quite completed the Vibhooti project yet. So it is an ongoing challenge for CCMT Trustees and myself in the CEO role, to manage both capital and operating expenses within the available money, whether its through support received directly or through donations received from visiting delegates. 3. How would you like Vibhooti to be 10 years from now? I would like the entire Chinmaya Mission family to be able to take advantage of Vibhooti and its facilities to the fullest extent, keeping in mind the purpose with which it was created. Be it for training of our various types of sevaks and workers and also to keep the Chinmaya Mission membership charged with the original ideals that Gurudev and Guruji have put in front of us. We would like the occupancy of Vibhooti to be at a higher level than it is now. And it would also be good if Vibhooti gets its name around positively, especially in the nearby areas for the excellent facilities and programmes that we have to offer. 9


Chinmaya Vibhooti

Feb Apr 2011

4. Can you share one of the important things that you have learnt since you have been at Vibhooti? There have been requirements and challenges that have come to us from time to time and there is sometimes a short and sometimes a long testing period. But sooner or later help arrives from somewhere. We dont always know from where, and Id like to believe that there is a divine higher hand playing in all this. Im sure that Pujya Gurudev is looking after us. 5. What is your personal favourite spot in Vibhooti and why? Vichar Vatika. I get the most out of it when I am actually up the steps and in the middle of Vichar Vatika because it then seems like I am connected simultaneously with the earth below and the sky above and I can see almost all areas of Vibhooti from there. 6. If a book were to be written about Vibhooti, what do you think the title should be? The Masters Vision Come Alive.

7. For you, what has been the most unforgettable event that has taken place at Vibhooti, and why? In the beginning of the Chinmaya Vibhooti project, we had a rough ride, especially with some of the contractors and other service providers. It was soon after that when we seemed to have our act together and the All-India Acharya conference took place, in July 2008. At the end of that, the joy and satisfaction that Nandini and I saw in Gurujis eyes was the most unforgettable experience for us. 8. Already the calendar for 2011 is quite packed at Vibhooti. Is there any one event that you are particularly excited about or looking forward to? The works of Adi Shankaracharya have always fascinated me, both in the depth of knowledge and the quality of poetry. So Im particularly looking forward to the end of the year programme by Guruji, which will be focussing mainly on Atma Bodha and the life and works of Adi Shankaracharya.


How Well Do You Know Vibhooti?We give below a crossword puzzle to see how well you know Chinmaya Vibhooti. To help you, we have also given some clues. Solution to the puzzle is given elsewhere in this newsletter. Across1 A programme for youth which is now a regular annual feature at Vibhooti (abbr) (3) Chinmaya Vibhooti is a project to keep alive the ______ of Swami Chinmayananda (6) These two white structures are bound to attract your attention as you enter Vibhooti (5) The jewel of Vibhooti (abbr) (3) and 9 Down: Here you can contemplate under open sky - just outside the dining hall (6,6) 13 The large water reservoir body (6,7) 14 Have satiating meals here (9)


Down2 This is where Swami Chinmayananda started delivering his talks on Gita and Vedanta (4) 4 Lord Krishna's Darbar which is also the name of our auditorium (8) 6 This is where you will find Guruji staying while at Vibhooti (5,5) 8 Swami Chinmayananda as he is now affectionately called by us (7) 9 See 9 Across 10 Everything in the mission revolves around this - the supreme knowledge (8)


7 9

11 The first temple at Vibhooti as you enter (6) 12 Quarters for the senior staff (6)

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Perform Puja

Chinmaya Vibhooti, Kolwan Puja/ Homa at Chinmaya Maruti Mandir Hari Om! It is now possible for you to avail of the facility for conducting Puja and Homa at Chinmaya Maruti Mandir at Chinmaya Vibhooti, Kolwan, on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, etc., of your loved ones. List of Pujas/ Homas Performed Puja / Homa Rudrabhisheka Satyanarayana Puja Shashwata Puja Ganapati Homa Navagraha Homa Aayushya Homa Mrutyunjaya Homa Donation (Rs.) 251 251 1001 1001 1001 2001 2001

If you wish to get any of the above Pujas or Homas performed, please send your request with appropriate donation amount along with full details of Name, Address, Gotra, Nakshatra (star sign) and the Date on which the Puja/ Homa is to be performed. Prasad will be sent to you by post. Requests with donations for Puja or Homa must reach us at Chinmaya Vibhooti at least 2 weeks in advance. Cheques or DDs should be drawn in favour of CENTRAL CHINMAYA MISSION TRUST, payable at Pune and sent to us by Speed Post. Our postal address is: Chinmaya Vibhooti At Post Kolwan Taluka Mulshi District Pune PIN 412108 India For further information please contact Tel: +91-20-22960012 E-mail: [email protected] Donations of Rs. 500 and above are exempt from Indian Income Tax under section 80G.

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

ANNASHREE Where Meal-times are SacredDesigned to seat 600 and serve 2000 persons at a time, the Annashree (the dining and kitchen facility of Chinmaya Vibhooti) is centrally-located on the campus. north ends. The six serving counters are designed to keep the food warm in a hygienic manner. The dining area is clean, airy and spacious with high ceilings and wide sliding glass windows and doors. The furniture is modern, practical and comfortable. As the title of this piece says, at Chinmaya Vibhooti mealtimes are sacred. Footwear is to be left neatly in the stands at the doors. The first serving of every meal is offered to Pujya Gurudev and Annapurna Mata at the Annashrees altar. It is a heart-warming sight to see tiny sparrows pecking at the food prasad kept there. Before lunch and dinner, a pre-recording of Chapter 15 of the Bhagavad Gita is played and at the end of the meal the Mangalam mantra is chanted.

Featured Department

The kitchen is equipped with the most modern equipment. The food in the Annashree is prepared hygienically with steam wherever possible. The water is pre-heated with solar energy to almost 90 C. A dish-washing machine is used to clean the dishes, plates, katoris and glasses, etc.

Pujya Gurudevs Presence in Annashree There is a noticeboard at each end of the Annashree, where we display information for campers and visitors, including details of current and upcoming events at Vibhooti and other Mission centres. The Annashree has a public address system for announcements, as well as special LCD screens flashing up camp schedules, new publications and important information. Presently, the kitchen facility is managed by a team of six cooks led by Shri Premnarayan Gaud under the able supervision of Shri Balasaheb Kulkarni.

A View of Annashree from InsideThe Annashree has washrooms for ladies and gents at the south end, and it also has spacious hand wash areas at the south and


Whatever you do, Oh Lord! Who am I to quarrel with thee? Does the picture ever quarrel with the painter? Chinmaya Vibhooti



Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Happenings Through The Eyes of The CameraTwo Years of CJD

CJD Team

CJD Completed 2 Years on 27 Dec


Swni Apoorvananda at the Lamp Lighting

Tree Planting Ceremony

Each One Pujya Guruji Planting A Tree

Plant One

Inauguration of CNBs New OfficeCNB Office Inauguration Pujya Guruji with CNB Team

Pujya Guruji Lighting The Lamp

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011

Chinmaya Vibhooti Timings*Morning tea 6.30 AM to 7.00 AM Breakfast 8.00 AM to 8.30 AM Lunch 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM Afternoon tea 4.00 PM to 4.30 PM Dinner 8.00 PM to 8.30 PM 2.00 PM to 4.30 PM (Entry closes at 4.00 PM) Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays 6.00 AM to 8.00 AM (Morning Arati - 8.00 AM) 9.00 AM to 11:00 AM (Naivedya - 12 Noon) 4.00 PM to 7.30 PM (Evening Arati - 6.30 PM) 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM daily


Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan

Chinmaya Maruti Mandir Chinmaya Vani Store

* Timings during holidays may vary. Please enquire.

You can reach us atChinmaya Vibhooti Post Kolwan Taluka Mulshi District Pune 412108 (by post or speed-post only) Email:[email protected] Phone: +91-20-22960012 Fax: +91-20-22960013

Editorial TeamTrishna Gulrajani Ravi Nene Neeraj Bhai Chittaranjan Rao

Solution To The Crossword Puzzle

Chinmaya Vibhooti


Feb Apr 2011
