Page 1: 66 Croft Street, Galashiels

,teertS tforC 66 sleihsalaG


sleihsalaG 113857 69810 llaC

,sleihsalaG fo aera retfa thguos a nihtiw detacol si hcihw gnillewd dehcated-imes evitcartta tsom A llew si noitadommocca ehT .seitinema tsom dna ertnec nwot eht ot ssecca doog morf gnitifeneb

gnihcraes esoht ot detius yllaedi ;tuohguorht redro tnellecxe ni detneserp semoc dna denoitroporp .teerts no elbaliava si gnikrap fo ytnelP .otni evom ot ydaer si hcihw emoh deganam ylisae na rof

000,031£ ecirP ediuG

Page 2: 66 Croft Street, Galashiels

,teertS tforC 66 sleihsalaG


000,031£ ecirP ediuG

:roolF dnuorG llaH ecnartnE

egnuoL nehctiK


:roolF tsriF smoordeB elbuoD owT

gnitaeH lartneC saG

gnizalG elbuoD

gnikraP teertS nO elpmA

Page 3: 66 Croft Street, Galashiels

:noitacoLfo noitceles enif a gnitsaob nwot gniltsub a si sleihsalaG eht ni stnaruatser tnellecxe lareves htiw rehtegot spohs sreffo nwot ehT .eryaf hsittocS fo tseb eht gnireffo aera seitilicaf gnitrops dna lanoitaercer fo ecnadnuba na .flog dna sinnet ,gnimmiws ,llabtoof ,ybgur gnidulcni

htuos dna htron htob sknil daor doog sah sleihsalaG dna hgrubnidE neewteb knil liar yelrevaW eht dna tnellecxe na sreffo ,sleihsalaG ni pots a htiw ,knabdeewT

.noitpo gnitummoc

:noitpircseD-imes detneserp llew ylemertxe na si teertS tforC 66ylhgih a nihtiw detacol si hcihw gnillewd dehcated esoht ot detius yltcefrep si tI .nwot fo aera retfa thguos ydaer si hcihw emoh deganam ylisae na rof gnihcraes

.otni evom ot

llah ecnartne gnimoclew eht ytreporp eht gniretne nO noitadommocca roolf dnuorg eht ot ssecca sedivorp .roolf tsrif eht ot gnidael sriats fo thgilf deteprac a htiw sdael hcihw egnuol suoicaps a si ereht level dnuorg tA htiw deppiuqe si hcihw nehctik eht ot hguorht yltcerid dnuorg eht no oslA .stinu nredom fo egnar tnellecxe na detnioppa llew dna dehsibrufer yltnecer a si roolf


elbuod elbatrofmoc yrev owt era ereht sriatspU fo egnar tnellecxe na rof ecaps htiw htob ;smoordeb


:sgnittiF dna serutxiF,sgnirevoc roolf dna steprac lla edulcni llahs elas ehT

.sgnittif moorhtab dna nehctik eht dna ,sgnittif thgil

:secivreSelbuoD .sag dna yticirtcele ,retaw ,eganiard sniaM

.gnitaeH lartneC saG .gnizalG


:gniweiV .tnegA gnilleS eht htiw tnemtnioppa yB

:dnaB xaT licnuoC C

:yrtnE .tnemeerga lautum yB

Page 4: 66 Croft Street, Galashiels

Whilst these particulars are prepared with care and are believed to be accurate neither the Selling Agent nor the vendor warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein and intending purchasers will be held to have satisfied themselves that the information given is correct.

Full members of:

?ytreporp siht ni detseretnI

sleihsalaG 113857 69810 llaC

,teertS tekraM 72

FA3 1DT ,sleihsalaG113857 69810 :enohP

211857 69810 :xaF moc.wahsliknelluc@alag :liamE

:sruoH gninepO

mp00.5 ot ma00.9 :yadirF ot yadnoM noon 00.21 ot ma00.9 :yadrutaS

:tA oslA ,sleihsalaG 113 857 69810 leT

,hgrubdeJ 202 368 53810 leT ,kciwaH 63 3273 05410 leT

,osleK 993 004 37510 leT ,esorleM 697 228 69810 leT ,selbeeP 999 327 12710 leT

,krikleS 868 327 05710 leT
