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January/February 2017Tevet/Shevat 5777

May the glow of each candle you light make your heart happy and your Chanukah bright!

nce UponA Time…

nce Upon A Time…

Temple Sinai’s 2017 Annual Event & 50th Anniversary Celebration

April 29, 2017

Honorees: (left to right) See page 8 for more info...Rikki and Rabbi Raymond Zwerin, Abe Wagner, Chuck Shom, Howard and Donna Lutz

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Both the power and the limits of social media were evidenced

during the recently concluded elections$ Americans% on an unprecedented level% were able to connect with one another to express opinions% access news and receive instant updates$ It’s rather obvious that Facebook%Snapchat% Twitter and myriad other social media outlets have had a transformative impact on modern society$Unfortunately% the tremendous power of the social media outlets has also exacerbated tensions and deepened the divisions between people of opposing viewpoints$

I’m o&en asked why I don’t have my own Facebook page$ Some have wondered why I don’t send out tweets to share my opinions on various matters$ It’s not as if I’m technologically phobic$ Between email and voicemail and our Temple Sinai Snippets and Website% I communicate electronically with hundreds% if not thousands% of people every week$ So why not Facebook and Twitter% et al?

Let’s put it this way: the quintessential Jewish mode of study is chevrutah% “to study with a partner$” Ideally% that study partner will have a strong opinion and perspective that challenges your own$ Indeed% the study partners look for points of disagreement$ Engaging in an intelligent debate is a time'honored Jewish method that has been seen as key to sharpening one’s mind and deepening one’s understanding$ Of course% such an exercise requires a willingness to humbly% sensitively and sincerely entertain opposing viewpoints$ It isn’t always easy% but it is certainly easier to accomplish this in person than through electronic postings$ My preference is to discuss and explore issues in person$ I would rather be in dialogue with you than post opinions and snapshots of thoughts$

Perhaps it is simply because social media is still relatively new% but it seems as if the posts and blogs that “go viral” are purposefully inflammatory$ In turn% the subsequent comments only ratchet up the anger and o&en devolve into crude name calling and mockery$ There has to be a better way$ There is! It’s called getting together to study and talk$

In the days and weeks a&er the election% we have had a number of opportunities to discuss the results$ At Temple Sinai programs like Lunch & Learn% Bible & Beers%in our classes% discussion groups and at the Shabbat onegs% we have been able to share feelings in a respectful

and sensitive way$ Words written on a computer screen can be read as two'dimensional attacks$ Words spoken face to face take on deeper meaning and include the nuance of physical expressions and tone$ Words on a screen are disembodied entities prone to be misread or misinterpreted$ Words spoken face'to'face are elevated as the heartfelt thoughts of friends and neighbors$ When we are face'to'face% we temper our emotions$ We are even quicker to forgive someone for holding di(erent opinions!

It goes without saying that% in the weeks% months and years ahead% there will be many issues that evoke strong feelings and opinions$ As they do% I hope that you will choose to join with us to discuss in person$ Add your thoughts and opinions$ Listen to others$ Together we will model the kind of respectful interaction this nation so badly needs$


Rabbi Richard Rheins

From Rabbi Rick Rheins

Facebook? Social Media? Let’s Talk!

Bible! Beers & BrotherhoodMen Talking Torah with

Rabbi RheinsWednesday! January "# and February "$

%:&& p'm' at Darcy’s PubDarcy’s Pub in the DTC (S$ Ulster St$ between Union

and Belleview) No RSVP Needed!

LUNCH & LEARN Thursdays! Noon to ":&& P'M'

January $! "(! ")! (%February (! )! "%! (*


• We’ll review ethical & moral issues in selected Jewishtexts

• Discuss hot current topics• Debate the important issues of the day• Bring your Lunch! We will serve the Text and Topics!NEWCOMERS QUICKLY AND EASILY FIT RIGHT IN!It’s a great way to learn and meet new friends!

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Healing Service Thursday, January 19 and February 23

at 11:00 a.m. For our Healing Service, we gather together in the sacred space of the Abrahams Family Chapel for prayers, meditations and the warm embrace of friends to renew our sense of hope, strength and healing.

The Healing Service is for those who are struggling with their health, struggling with sadness and grief, and for care-givers who seek inspiration as they pray for the welfare of loved ones.

All are welcome. If you are unable to attend the service, just send us the name(s) of the loved ones you would like mentioned during our prayers. Be sure to let them know that they are in all of our thoughts and prayers.

Let’s go to Washington, D.C. To Support Israel!Annual AIPAC Policy Conference

March 26-28, 2017This March, join the dozens of Temple Sinai members who will attend the 2017 AIPAC Policy Conference, March 26-28 in Washington, D.C. At this year’s conference, well over 15,000 will

gather to support Israel and bring our concerns to the attention of this country’s leadership. AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is universally acknowledged as the most important and effective pro-Israel lobbying group. American support for Israel is its only mission and it is a mission that AIPAC has accomplished to the highest degree. Come join me and our Temple Sinai delegation at the AIPAC Policy Conference. Together, we will hear from national and international political leaders, scholars, and leading journalists from around the world. Most importantly, AIPAC’s Policy Conference gives us the opportunity to meet with our members of Congress face-to-face to help influence the issues shaping America, Israel and the entire world.

To learn more or to register for the AIPAC Policy Conference, visit or contact me personally if you are interested in joining Temple Sinai’s delegation to Washington, D.C. I hope to hear from you soon! - Rick Rheins

Bagels With The BoardSunday, January 22, 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Join members of Temple Sinai’s Board of Trustees for a casual morning of bagels, coffee and conversation.  It is an opportunity to ask questions, address concerns and share ideas with those who represent our membership.  All are welcome and no RSVP is necessary – though it is appreciated for advance planning.  Time: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. for the convenience of dropping off your children at Religious School.   

Interested In Serving On The Board?While openings on the Temple Sinai Board of Trustees range in number and availability from year to year, it is always the right time to think about whether you would like to consider serving the Temple in this capacity.  If you have interest and/or questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.  Please forward your inquiry to Susan Epstein, Past-President. 

Email Susan at: [email protected]

Mazel Tov!to Board of Trustees Vice President Josh Zucker and his wife, Shanah, on their daughter Rena becoming a Bat Mitzvah.

to Dick & Gayle Glucksman on the marriage of their son Rob, to Crista Cohen.

to Mark & Carrie Goldman on the birth of their grandson.

Todah Rabbah!to Kathy & Mike Grazi for their initiation and support in adding a special section of chairs in the Zwerin Sanctuary designed to accommodate members and their families who need a little more legroom and/or a firmer chair than our theatre-style seating.

to Shirley Beer Powell and the Sisterhood for supplying driedels and gelt for all of the Preschool children and for underwriting unsponsored onegs!

Annual Habitat Interfaith Alliance Soup Cook-off

Saturday, January 28th, 6:30-8:30 Christ The King Church, 830 Elm Street

This is a family friendly event that will help raise funds for our 16th Habitat home build scheduled to break ground during the spring of  2017  Enjoy lots of soups, live music and help support our HIA 2017 home build by just attending. Adults and families are welcome. 

Cost at the door: $15/person;$35/family.   Our own Rabbi Rheins will again be one of the soup judges.  6-8  soup makers are needed to provide a crockpot of soup, as well as several volunteers to help out during the evening. 

Contact Lisa Friedman [email protected] to volunteer or JUST COME THAT NIGHT AND ENJOY THE SOUP COOK OFF.

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There was no cause for alarm as two fire engines flanked the cockpit of my EL AL plane upon its arrival to the gate at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport. As streams of water shot through the air, shouts of mazal tov erupted from the passengers, congratulating one of the pilots upon his retirement at age 65 after flying EL AL planes worldwide for 40 years. Little did we know that just days later parts of the country would be devastated by horrific forest fires, some natural

and others acts of environmental terrorism. I was in Jerusalem when the fires raged. Although the city was unaffected physically -- cobalt blue skies and sunny, though very windy, days predominated -- the disaster was palpable in the way people sprang into action, donating money, clothing, household goods, food and other items to help the victims.

As I shared with you last month, I was in Israel to visit my son Josh who is an Israel Government Fellow working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Congressional Affairs Department. With a lot of discretionary time on my hands until he finished work at 5:00 p.m., I spent my days exploring Jerusalem, both the Old City and the newer neighborhoods, and touring sites: Jerusalem City Hall, the Supreme Court of Israel, the Knesset, Har Herzl and, of course, the outdoor markets. I also engaged in a bit of people watching: daven-ers praying with impassioned fervor at the Western Wall, vendors hawking in resonant voice their succulent produce bursting with flavor and color, and commuters squeezed shoulder-to-shoulder on the light rail scurrying aside to make room for a young mother with a double-wide stroller. Amusingly, I also observed female soldiers sprawled out on the stairs in the Supreme Court, chomping on gum while braiding each other’s hair, completely oblivious to their instructor, and young children, religious and secular, on school field trips eyeing one another as social curiosities. There’s a tangible intensity to life in Israel, which is understandable in light of its geopolitical situation. Yet, as one speaker pointed out in a lecture I attended co-sponsored by the Israel Council on Foreign Relations and the World Jewish Congress, the greatest threat to Israel isn’t Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran. Rather, it’s global isolation. Militarily, he remarked, Israel has the resources to protect its populace, but without an active role in the global marketplace, Israel would be strangled.

There are myriad ways for us to actively support Israel. Opposing BDS by buying “blue and white,” lobbying our Congressional Representatives and Senators to support pro-Israel legislation, donating to Israeli charities, and speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric are just a few. Of course, there’s no better way to demonstrate one’s love for Israel than by being there. How proud I was to be among the hundreds of people standing in line at passport control in Ben Gurion Airport waiting to receive my entrance visa, and how proud I was upon returning to the USA declaring to the customs agent, “I’ve been in Israel.” Like the fire engines that showered my pilot with streams of congratulations and like the firefighters who flew to Israel from all parts of the world to assist in putting out the forest fires, each of us can find meaningful ways to personally express our support for Israel. Israel needs us as much as we need Israel.

To experience the wonders of modern Israel, sign up today to participate in the 2017 Temple Sinai Israel Adventure!

From Rabbi Susan Rheins

Does Your Child Turn 13 in 2018 or 2019?If you have a child who will turn 13 (or older) in 2018 or 2019 and you do not have a reserved date for a service, please call Rabbi Rick or Rabbi Susan Rheins and we’ll answer all your questions and help you find a date that works for your family. Date selection request forms also are available in the Temple Sinai office or can be mailed directly to you.

Erev Shabbat Service Special Guest Speaker Craig GardenswartzFriday, January 6 at 7:00 p.m.

A Winning Formula for Working with Washington: Building the Four Critical “Relationships” with Policymakers.

Craig has worked extensively with executives, entrepreneurs and government officials for over 20 years. Presently, he serves as the leading face and voice for AIPAC in Colorado; overseeing the organization's community development, fundraising, grassroots and pro-Israel political engagement.

Craig was appointed as a Special Assistant in the Office of Public Liaison at The White House. He then transitioned to the senior staff at U.S. Department of Labor, where he served as a principal advisor to Secretary Alexis Herman. Later, they co-established New Ventures, Inc., a Washington, D.C. based public affairs consulting company where both The Cola-Cola Company and Toyota called upon Craig to facilitate the creation and management of blue-ribbon task forces for diversity improvement.

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Hazzan Diego Rubinsztein served the last #* years as cantor and music director at CIRA—Templo Libertad% the oldest synagogue in Buenos Aires$ He is a pianist% composer and musical arranger$/

With a unique style% Diego is one of the most important leaders of the modern liturgical music in Latin America$ He has recorded several CDs of Jewish spiritual music and many synagogues around the world sing his tunes$

He also produces musical shows and special events for the Argentine Jewish community and is the founder and directorof Zamir% an organization promoting Jewish music education in Latin America$/

Hazzanit Ines Kapustiansky became a cantor in #**0 through the Jewish Theological Seminary of Buenos Aires$ A&er graduation% she studied in Israel with prestigious teachers$ Ines serves as Jewish Educational Director at Buenos Aires Kehillat Dor Jadash% and teaches music to children of all ages while composingfor school programs$ She holds a degree in family counseling$

Diego and Ines have toured the USA leading Shabbat worship% performing concerts and workshops% and most recently they served as guest High Holy Day cantors at Sherith Israel% in San Franciso% for the past three years$/

CANTORS’ CONCERTSaturday! February "" at ,:*& p'm'

Wine and cheese reception with traditional Argentinian finger food%empanadas and desserts

Tickets .($*( VIP tickets available for .,$ — Includes reserved seating! a pre+concert

reception at %:/$ p'm' and a CD from our guests cantors

Join us for an evening concert with Cantor Sheila Nesis and Argentinian Cantors Diego Rubinsztein and Ines Kapustiansky, featuring the best of Argentinian and international secular and Jewish music. Come hear and feel the Latin beat in

ways you've never experienced it before!

SHABBAT SHIRAHFriday! February "&th! ,:&& p'm': Shabbat Shirah% a musical Friday evening service with the Adult Choir% TMG and the Youth Choir$

Saturday! February ""th! ):&& a'm': Shabbat Morning Minyan with Rabbis Rheins% Cantor Nesis%and guests cantors Diego Rubinsztein and Ines Kapustiansky$

Saturday! February ""th! ,:*& p'm': From Argentina% with Love! Concert$

From Cantor SheilaNesis

Temple Sinai Book ClubOne Wednesday a month at "":&& a'm'January ($: All Who Go Do Not Return by Shulem DeenFebruary ((: Hidden Star

by Corinne Brown

Jewish War Veterans Meeting Sunday! January "$ at #:*& a'm'George Cassidy! District Supervisor for Douglas County of the Colorado Department of Veterans A-airs will be here to provide answers to the outstanding problems that veterans experience when trying to navigate complicated rules and regulations$ All are welcome$ For more information% please call Ruth at )*)'0..',0+2$

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In the CongregationLisa Thorner Director of Programming and Member Engagement

Spring Semester of Lifelong Jewish Learning is Coming Soon! We have the warm and cozy place to be on Wednesday nights from ,:)* to -:** p$m$ '/Temple Sinai ' where you’ll enjoy a host of informative and interesting programs during

the spring semester$/ All programs are free and open to the public% so make us the go'to outing for you% your Chavurah%your book club% your best friends% your not'so'best friends% and everyone else you want to bring along$ We supply the three C’s: 'co(ee% cookies and culture$/ The second semester will begin on Tuesday! January *" with Amit Grinfeld and “The Six+Day War $& Years Later'”

Other dates include Wednesdays! February "$! March "!March "$! March ()' Stay tuned for more details$

Restaurant Night – Pollo LimaTuesday! January *"! "":&& a'm' – #:&& p'm'Please join us for lunch or dinner from "":** a$m$ – -:** p$m$at Pollo Lima% 0,"2 East Arapahoe Road$/ The restaurant is located east of I'#. on the south side of Arapahoe Road$/ For each dine'in or carry'out purchase% Pollo Lima will donate #*4 of the total sales back to Temple Sinai$/ Pollo Lima is owned by Temple Sinai members Jeanette and Juan Amayo$/Get a taste of Peru with their fresh and flavorful food$Contact Lisa Thorner at lisa@sinaidenver$org to pick up your flyer$

New Member DinnerFriday! January (&$:/$ p'm' Service + %:*& p'm' DinnerAs a new member of Temple Sinai during #*",% we want to make sure that you know about the wonderful programs that Temple Sinai o(ers$ One important event for all new members is our annual New Member Dinner$/ There will be a special service at .:2. p$m$% honoring all of you% followed by dinner and special programming$/ Please mark your calendars and plan to bring your families$/ During the dinner% there will be supervised activities for children of all ages$

Dinner is free of charge to new members and will give you an opportunity to meet members of the Board of Trustees%Temple sta( and other members of Temple Sinai – both old and new$/ Please watch for your invitation to this fun'filled evening$

For additional information% contact Lisa Thorner% Program Director at )*)'+.0'"-#+$

Family Shabbat DinnerFriday! February (/

$:/$ Family Service + %:*& DinnerJoin us for breakfast for dinner$/ It’s a pajama party so break

out the slippers and arrive in your bed'time best$/

Adults: 1"2$**Kids: 1-$** (ages .'"#)

Kids up to 2 are free of chargeSignup at sinaidenver$org/pjshabbat

For additional information% contact Lisa Thorner at lisa@sinaidenver$org or )*)'+.0'"-#+$

New Baby Welcome ServiceSaturday! March / at "&:*& a'm'Temple Sinai parents who welcomed a baby into their family in #*", are invited to a New Baby Welcome Service and brunch on Saturday% March 2% at "*:)* a$m$/ During the service% the babies will be presented a special keepsake gi&$

If you are expecting or have a new arrival% please let us know!Kindly RSVP to Lisa Thorner% lisa@sinaidenver$org or )*)'+.0'"-#+$


Discussing DepressionWednesday! January "" at %:*& p'm'We are thrilled to welcome back Rebecca Hea! Psy'D'The content of this program will be determined by the attendees$ Bring your questions% experiences and thoughts$ We will also discuss causes% symptoms% what is happening in the brain% and treatment$


Judaism and Addiction — Addiction Doesn’t DiscriminateWednesday! April $ at %:*& p'm'

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Primary Donor:

Contact Person:

Email Address:



Silent Auction Form State / Zip:

April 29, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. Phone:

at Temple Sinai Cell:


Honoring: Donor Item(s):Temple Sinai's Founding Members

Rabbi Raymond and Rikki Zwerin, Howard & Donna Lutz, Chuck Shom & Abe

WagnerRetail Value:

Valid Date(s):

Restricted Date(s):






Contact Information: EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 303-759-1827; FAX: 303-759-2519

Please submit this form byApril 22

Please retain a copy of this document for tax purposes.501 (c)(3) tax identification - 84-6050187

Description of item(s) including website link. Email digital photos, if applicable:

nce Upon A Time…

nce Upon A Time…

Temple Sinai’s 2017 Annual Event

Temple Sinai’s 2017 Annual Event & 50th Anniversary CelebrationSaturday, April 29

It will be a truly magical, unforgettable evening as we celebrate Temple Sinai’s first 50 years. We would love to have your help as we prepare for an evening unlike anything we have had before. Contact Lisa Thorner at [email protected] or 303-759-1827.This is our one major fundraising event for Temple Sinai during the year. In addition to dinner, we will have a fabulous silent and live auction with many wonderful items, delicious food, an open bar and lots of fun.  

Silent AuctionThere is nothing like a Temple Sinai auction! The items are exciting and unique! There is sure to be a thrilling competition of bids for many of our items. Some of the items include: gift cards to restaurants and spas, signed sports memorabilia, trips, an assortment of specialized baskets, sports tickets, photography packages, hotel stays and much more. There will be close to 200 items.

Please use the silent auction form on this page and submit any items you would like to donate. If you have a donation, please contact Lisa Thorner in the Temple office at [email protected].

Tribute/Advertisement JournalHelp us celebrate Temple Sinai and pay tribute to our amazing honorees. Share precious memories, make an acknowledgment to those you love or admire, place a picture or greeting to your children in Preschool or Religious School or advertise your business. To participate in the Event Journal, please contact Lisa Thorner at [email protected].

For additional information, please contact Lisa Thorner at 303-759-1827 or [email protected].

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nce Upon A Time… By late 1966, Rabbi Zwerin was serving the final months of the then maximum three-year period as Assistant Rabbi of

Temple Emanuel. Knowing that he would be leaving Denver shortly for a large congregation in California, there was a group of people -- Abe Wagner, Chuck Shom, and Donna & Howard Lutz, in particular, who were taken with the idea of keeping the Zwerins in town.   

At a dinner party at the Shom’s home, the idea of starting a new Temple in Denver was broached. The Rabbi was asked how many members we might need to start a new congregation, and his immediate response was, “One, with a lot of money.”  

Unable to find that ‘one,’ the group decided to embark on a campaign to find 100 members from the unaffiliated population in Denver.  The preliminary “back of the envelope budget” was $250 per year from each family.  Donna took the lead in the recruiting efforts, making dozens of daily phone calls, and even approaching potential candidates in supermarkets and shopping malls.

In the beginning, it was younger couples in their late 20s and early 30s who attended several home parlor meetings at which Rabbi Zwerin explained his vision of a new congregation. By March of 1967, at a meeting at the JCC, those who had committed to the new Temple gave it its name. With the High Holy Days nearing, Sinai membership was still 25 households shy of its goal. Convinced that this venture would succeed, the Zwerins agreed to move forward with this tireless, committed group in Denver.  By the summer of 1967, arrangements had been made to rent space at First Plymouth Congregational Church on the corner of Hampden and Colorado, a wonderful facility that would be “home” for our first nine years. With office space found nearby on Colorado Blvd., and Dorothy Bernstein hired as our first secretary, we were officially in the shul business. Our first HHD services filled the sanctuary at First Plymouth and by the end of Yom Kippur, our membership was a solid 87 and growing, with 125 children in the Religious School. And, as they say, the rest is (our) history.

Honorees: RABBI RAYMOND AND RIKKI ZWERIN Rikki was born in Belgrad and lived with her family there and in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia until the war began in 1941. When her family was killed by the Nazis, she, an eight year old, survived on the streets by wit and luck. In 1944, having found her uncle and aunt in Italy, she went with them as legal immigrants on a British ship to (then) Palestine. She was raised in part in a youth village near Lod. Ray grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from UCLA. After two years at the brand new campus of HUC in L.A., he won a fellowship to study at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

The two met in Jerusalem and were married in Tel Aviv six months later. Rikki graduated from the Seligsberg School of Medicine of the Hebrew University and worked in Hematology at Jewish Hospital in Cincinnati while Ray was attending classes at HUC. Upon ordination, he became Assistant Rabbi at Temple Emanuel from 1964-1967 after which he and Rikki helped found Temple Sinai. (The story of our first 25 years as a congregation will soon be available on CD from the office.)

They have two married children and four delicious grandchildren. Together they have led over 25 community Israel tours, taking more than 1,000 people to see the land of our ancestors. Rikki was responsible for the creation of many of the Torah covers and obtaining almost all of the rimmonim and yads that grace our Torahs. They are humbled and grateful that the congregation chose to name the sanctuary after them.   

DONNA AND HOWARD LUTZ were married in 1960.  Their courtship began in junior high school and carried on through college.  They have two sons, Gary and Kevin, and six grandchildren.

Donna was raised in Brighton.  She graduated from the University of Denver with a degree in Speech Pathology and Education.  Donna began her career as a consultant, speaker, and trainer for Newborn Hearing Testing at the Colorado State Health Department, Rose Medical Center and University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.  She subsequently spent the following 18.5 years at Jewish Family Services of Colorado as the Nursing Home Outreach Coordinator, working on behalf of residents in over 50 facilities throughout Colorado.  Donna retired in 2010.

Howard is a Denver native.  He graduated from East High School and earned a degree in Business from the University of Denver.  He practiced as a CPA/Business Consultant in Denver for over 50 years.  He is a past-president of the Colorado Society of CPAs.  He was the first treasurer and third President of Temple Sinai.

CHUCK SHOM was born and raised in Minnesota.  Upon high school graduation, Chuck moved to Colorado to attend the University of Colorado, and, after his four years in Colorado, it was apparent that he never wanted to leave.  Chuck pursued a career as a teacher, counselor and school administrator in the Jefferson County Schools.  He worked there for 32 years.

Chuck’s now adult daughters, Susan and Karen, were two of the first students to attend the Temple Sinai Religious School.

ABE WAGNER is the father of three grown sons, David, Daniel and Douglas, all of whom graduated from Temple Sinai’s Religious School program. 

Abe was originally an executive at the JCC.  Having pursued a Master’s Degree in Social Work, he began a psychiatric clinic in 1970.   In promoting the clinic, Abe conducted speaking engagements on mental health, transactional analysis and NLP which further led to seminars and conventions for the past 40 years.  Abe proudly has worked in all 50 states and 35 plus countries.  His books "The Transactional Manager" (Prentice Hall Publisher) and "Say It Straight Or You’ll Show it Crooked” have been published in eight countries. At age 80, Abe is doing 80 gigs around the world.  He and Susan Friedman have been married for 22 years.  Life is good.


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Joseph Louis Susser Jessica Raye SusserJanuary "/

Joseph and Jessica are the children of Jonathan Julius and Erin Debelle Susser and have a sister% Jillian Leigh (-)$ They are students at Academy Charter School in Castle Rock$ Joseph is a competitive soccer player and loves all sports$He is also interested in communities in specific economies and culture$ Jessica is interested in all things animal$ She loves horses and is very creative in gardens%artwork and plays the piano$ They are both 2$* students in advanced curriculums for their grades$

They have raised over 10%*** for the Children's Foundation charity in Aurora$ They had also decided that while raising money was good they would like to volunteer their personal time to children who are in need$They volunteer weekly% approximately four hours a week% at the Promise Therapeutic Ranch located in Franktown% Colorado$ At this ranch% they help persons who are disabled ride horses to help them with their various degrees of disabilities$ They have worked there for over two months and have given over )* hours of service to this project as well$ They are very satisfied with how it helps others and how it makes them feel so they will be volunteering through at least the next year$

Joseph Louis Susser Jessica Raye SusserJanuary "/

Joseph and Jessica are the children of Jonathan Julius and Erin Debelle Susser and have a sister%Susser and have a sister%Susser and have a sister Jillian

January & February (&", B’nei MitzvahJenna RyanJanuary ,

Jenna is the daughter of Jeremy and Melissa Ryan and the brother of Cade (".)$ She is a student at Summit Ridge Middle School and enjoys skiing%swimming% Jr$ Denver Broncos cheerleading and playing with her dog% Benji$ For her Mitzvah Project% Jenna volunteers weekly with the Special Olympics of Colorado’s Cherry Creek Aquatics Team as an assistant working with children and teens% helping them improve their swimming skills$

Logan ShepardJanuary (#

Logan is the son of Tracie and David Shepard and the brother of Morgan ("))$ He is a student at Falcon Creek Middle School and enjoys wrestling%video games and hanging out with friends$ For his Mitzvah Project% Logan volunteered at “Joy of Socks” where he distributed food% water and socks to the homeless$

Phillip NelsonJanuary ("

Phillip is the son of Ludmila Potok and Vadim Nelson and the brother of Fiona (#)$ He is a student at Cherry Creek Academy and enjoys playing saxophone% basketball% Jiu Jitsu% skiing%yo'yos and drawing$ For his Mitzvah Project%Phillip donated time and money to the Denver Peanut Butter Plan for several months making PB&J sandwiches for the homeless$

Morgan ShepardJanuary (#

Morgan is the son of Tracie and David Shepard and the brother of Logan ("))$ He is a student at Falcon Creek Middle School and enjoys track%video games and hanging out with friends$ For his Mitzvah Project% Morgan volunteered at “Joy of Socks” where he distributed food% water and socks to the homeless$

Maya FalickFebruary "#

Maya is the daughter of Alan and Lynne Falick$She is a student at Powell Middle School and enjoys clarinet% piano% choir% baking and caring for animals$ For her Mitzvah Project% Maya is volunteering for Freedom Service Dogs by walking% brushing and playing with the dogs who are being trained to help people with disabilities$

Truman SewaldFebruary /

Truman is the son of Abby Goldsmith and R$D$Sewald and the brother of Ethan ("-) and Mason (",)$ He is a student at Campus Middle School and enjoys lacrosse% basketball and hanging out with friends$ For his Mitzvah Project% Truman is collecting socks for the homeless% including homeless youth$ These overlooked items are the most needed$ 5HomelessnessSocks

ENCORE Trip to the Nature & Science MuseumTuesday! January (/ at ):"$ a'm'Join us for a day exploring the museum% including the special exhibit% “Mummies% New Secrets from the Tombs” and “Extreme Weather )D” IMAX$ For more information% contact Lisa Thorner at )*)'+.0'"-#+ or lisa@sinaidenver$org$

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Youth Group NewsJulia Teitell Director of Youth Engagement

TSYG ()th+"(th Grade)Upcoming Programs

TSYG Holiday Movie & Gi1 Exchange!Saturday! January (# at $:&& p'm'Join TSYG for a delightful Holiday movie and dinner! Bring a wrapped pair of socks and/or mug for a fun gi&exchange!

TSYG Goes Tubing with Temple Emanuel!Saturday! February ($ at ):*& a'm'TSGY is partnering for a wintery day of tubing with Temple Emanuel’s FCTYG!

Regional EventsNFTY+MV TSYG Winter ChavurahJanuary "*+"%Join us for extra long% extra fun Winter Chavurah in St$Louis% Missouri! Check your emails for more information!

NFTY ConventionFebruary ",+(&NFTY Convention welcomes Jewish teens and adults invested in their future to Chicago over President’s Day Weekend for a high'energy four'day event$/There will be a roster of amazing speakers & musicians% opportunities to network% learn and be inspired% and an inter'generational Shabbat experience$

JYG (%th+#th Grade)Upcoming Programs

JYG Holiday Movie & Gi1 Exchange!Sunday! January #Join JYG for a delightful Holiday movie and dinner! Bring a wrapped pair of socks and/or mug for a fun gi&exchange!

Regional EventsNFTY+MV JYG ChavurahFebruary *+$Join JYGers from around the NFTY'Missouri Valley Region for their very own weekend away!

JYG Continued…Leadership Opportunities!

We had our very first JYG Leadership Team meeting in November% and it was a great success! If your teen is interested in taking a leadership role (planning events%getting people involved% learning new leadership skills%etc…) in the Spring% please join us for any of our future meetings!January ((+ "(:&&+":*& p'm'February (%+ "(:&&+":*& p'm'April (%+ $:&&+%:&& p'm'

Ruach (*rd+$th) AND Meretz (K+(nd )Upcoming Programs

Canyon CrittersSunday! January # at "(:&& p'm'Join Ruach for a hands'on experience with animals!

Art Day!Sunday! February $ at "(:&& p'm'Explore your inner artist with Ruach’s Art Day!

PIZZA IN THE LOUNGE2th'"#th graders% come hang out% eat dinner% catch up with friends and play in the Youth Lounge from .:".',:** p$m$The cost is only 1.! Spring Semester Dates: "/""! (/&#! */&"! //&$! $/&*

Parent Volunteers WantedWant to get involved in our Youth Group community? Want to help out with

programs or behind the scenes work? Contact Julia Teitell at julia@sinaidenver$org or )*)'+.0'"-#+$

NFTY+MV Spring ChavurahApril ("+(*! (&",

Come join teens from around the NFTY Missouri Valley Region for a weekend of incredible programs% Shabbat%dancing% singing and lots of fun!Spring Chavurah is one of the largest and most eventful weekends of the year% as we work together to elect next year's Regional Board and say goodbye to the MV senior class$ We are looking for volunteers all weekend! We need host families for our out of town guests (three or more teenson Friday andSaturday night)$ If you are interested% please contact Julia Teitell at julia@sinaidenver$org$ More info to come!

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Prechool NewsDebbie Kohn

Preschool Director

Temple Sinai is now o(ering Baby & Me! It is never too early for your little one to start learning and have some fun! From infant to toddler% our Baby & Me class promotes early development and provides a strong foundation for your little one’s growth$ Together we will engage your child with sensory% cognitive and gross motor development$ Introductory classes o-ered January "& and (/ from "":*& a'm' to "(:"$ p'm' We hope you will join Cantor Nesis and Temple Sinai Preschool Sta( in this new exciting class! Birth+"( months 1"#$** per class

For more information% contact the Preschool o3ce )*)'+.0'*+..$


Temple Sinai Preschool collected over 340 pounds of food and over $200 in gift cards for the Weinberg Food Pantry for their Thanksgiving Food Drive.

Dan The Music Man leads Temple Sinai Preschool children to Shabbat

to celebrate every Friday!

Preschool Shabbat service with Cantor Nesis!

Dippin’ Dots Day at Preschool!












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From Michelle Schwartz! MAREDirector of Religious School Education

Temple Sinai Youth — A Closer Look…

We have had an amazing first half of the year! I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for

your time and investment in our school$ Our Religious School program is only as strong as the families that participate$ You have consistently shown your dedication and commitment to our program through your participation and involvement$ In addition% we are blessed with an incredible sta( of teachers and Madrikhim$ I can't say enough about the talented community of educators that work so hard to ensure the students have the best possible experience and education$ We are looking forward to a wonderful second semester!

Tot Shabbat is a fun% engaging% half'hour service for families with children up to age five$ We sing songs and prayers% listen

to a story and share in some juice and challah$

Family Services are specifically designed for families with children$ The service includes a Torah reading and a birthday

blessing and the Rabbis share a story$ It is a warm% family'friendly% inclusive service$

Tot ShabbatJanuary (, and February (/ at $:/$ p'm'

Family ServicesJanuary (, at ,:&& and February (/ at $:/$ p'm'

David Goldstein! ""th Grade TSYG Member & Camp Rainbow Counselor Hello$ My name is David Goldstein and I’m ", years old$ I am very involved in my high school’s marching% jazz% and concert band programs% as well as in several Jewish activities here$ When I was a freshman% I decided to join NFTY$ My first event wasn’t exactly the best% but I decided to give it one more try at the regional event in the spring% and I’m glad I did$ I’ve never had more fun% and I always keep coming back to see all my friends from around the region$ NFTY is also what got me interested in Camp Rainbow% a summer camp in St$ Louis for young kids that either have cancer or are survivors$ When I sent in my counselor application right a&er I turned ",% I didn’t think they’d take me% but then% in April% I got

the acceptance letter% and that was the start of the best experience of my life$ You’re basically these kids’ parent for a week% and being a "* year old hyper boy was a little di3cult$ But being at camp really opened my eyes to the problems we face in life and put them into perspective$ These little boys and girls are the strongest people I’ve ever met$ I think the world is going to end when the fridge runs out of food% but these kids are fighting something that could kill them% but you’d never know it because they act just like normal kids$ They run% scream% play% swim% and do everything a normal kid does$ For this one week% that’s exactly what they were…normal kids$ Now% as I go through my own life% whenever I face a challenge% or get into a fight with my mom% I stop for a moment and look back and think: does this really matter? Does getting into a fight with my parents over who ate the last box of le&overs really matter? Sometimes they do% but this experience has changed the way I look at and perceive the world around me% all thanks to what I’ve done with NFTY$

Temple Sinai’s )Health FairSave the Date – Sunday! April (! (&",,:&& a'm' + NoonTemple Sinai is hosting its eighth annual 0Health Fair! Each spring% 0Health Fairs are held throughout Colorado o(ering a variety of free and low'cost health awareness and educational screenings$ Participant registration will open at the end of February #*"+ at 0healthfair$org$

0Health Fairs rely completely on both medical and non'medical volunteers to operate% and this is a wonderful way to give back to our community$ If you would like to help us by volunteering in a medical or non'medical capacity on the day of our health fair% please go to www$0healthfair$org to register$Should you have questions% please contact our Site Leader% Lin Sunshine% by phone at )*)-+2--*-,, or by email at linj$sunshine@gmail$com$/ Let's make Temple Sinai’s 0Health Fair the biggest and best in the area$

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Donations & TributesAlan C. Jacobson Memorial Fund

William CowellAlan Farber Memorial Camp Scholarship FundIn Honor OfHarriet Saliman's Granddaughter becoming a Bat Mitzvah John & Lori SpanbauerIn Memory OfDonald Rosen Stan FarberDonald Rosen John & Lori SpanbauerRuchille "Rookie" Farber Stan FarberRuchille "Rookie" Farber Lori & John SpanbauerBuilding Maintenance FundFor Video Streaming Lisa KresgeBuilding Our Future

Charles ShomStacy Pocrass & Terri TillissLawrence Matten & Susan

KremsIn Honor OfRay & Alicia Smith's 50th Anniversary Natalie & Jerry LassowRabbi Ray Zwerin's 80th Birthday Alan & Anita EisenbergAngie & George Aronoff's 50th Anniversary Jeff & Amy BeckerMitch & Michelle Weinraub's 20th Anniversary Jeff & Amy BeckerHazel Gensberg on her special birthday Grace BachSusan Epstein Arden M. "Denny" GrayDavid Strouse on the completion of his Peace Corp Commitment Richard & Patricia StrouseRabbi Ray Zwerin's 80th Birthday Dr. Erwin & Adele GelfandIn Memory OfSharon Smith-Allen Alicia & Ray SmithHerman & Phyllis Beal Lawrence Beal & Dorothy

Oster-BealScott Nadel Hanna & Mark ShanerGary Milzer Hanna & Mark ShanerMorey Stein Grace BachBarry Bach Grace BachPatti Ross Alan & Anita EisenbergFreda Waldman Bernie & Shana KatzMax Lustig Bernie & Shana KatzPatti Ross Paula & Stan UllmanPatti Ross Steve & Frances SusmanMarilyn Nadel Peter & Sally NadelBob Guttsman Bernard & Shana KatzMorris Lustig Lorraine SolomonThinking OfDebbie Frank Grace BachMegan Goldstein Grace Bach, Cheryl Simon &

GirlsLinda Brandwein Bernard & Shana KatzCantor Nesis Discretionary FundFor Keyboard Ken & Barbara LaffIn Honor OfMarriage of Rebecca Sunshine to Sam DeWitt Rebecca & Sam Sunshine-

DeWittIn Memory OfCharlotte Pratt Barbara & Dr. Philip YarnellThinking OfThe family from Venezuela Eileen ParkerThe family from Venezuela Gary & Debbie KohnThe family from Venezuela David & Sandy KaminskyCohen Family B'nei Mitzvah Chumash FundIn Memory OfSheri Kaitz Pearl & Jerry NeimanSheri Kaitz Jeffrey & Shelly CohenDoron Abosch Memorial FundThinking OfDave Abosch Carolyn Eisen

General FundPhilip & Flo Dubowitz

In Memory OfClara & Joseph Rosen Selma & Osi SladekElsie Wingo Joseph & Janie BravermanIda Letman Steve & Nancy LetmanSheri Kaitz Lori & Joseph ContrerasHyman Goren Phyllis GoodmanFreda Taback Hal & Joyce TabackJean Breggin Joseph & Janie BravermanRosalie Braverman Joseph & Janie BravermanSam Littman Sherwin & Alice LittmanAllen Yarnell Dr. Philip & Barbara YarnellThinking OfMartin Fliegelman Rodney & Dorothy CorlinIda & Max Fogel Children & Adult Library FundIn Memory OfSusan Fain Debra WebsterIlene Shiroff Memorial FundIn Memory OfMark David Levy Lilette BagwinDonald Rosen Marlynn & Joe SilverMaurice Drechsler Doreen & Rich NadlerJewish Education FundIn Honor OfAndrea Jacobs receiving three first-place awards from the American Jewish Press Rick Ball & Joan WinnJulius & Helen Ring Israel Teen Scholarship FundIn Honor OfRay & Alicia Smith's 50th Anniversary Stephen & Sherri WeinsteinLarry Siegel's Birthday Fred & Ann LevitonLiz Hoskins' participation in Pink Shabbat Dr. Jean GutheryRichard & Paula Workman's participation in Pink Shabbat Dr. Jean GutheryLisa Humphries' participation in Pink Shabbat Dr. Jean GutheryJulie Chapman & Sharon Sagel's participation in Pink Shabbat Dr. Jean GutheryMarriage of Rebecca Sunshine to Sam DeWitt Marie & Matt GordonRay & Alicia Smith's 50th Anniversary Doris RobbinsRay & Alicia Smith's 50th Anniversary Hilda WilenskyJean Guthery's Birthday Lin & Gary SunshineAmy Becker's Service to Temple Sinai Lin & Gary SunshineBirth of Diana & Mike Kaplan’s first grandchild, Ance Olga Kaplan Lin & Gary SunshineIn Memory OfBernard Witkin Robert PolisBernard Witkin William & Linda GinsbergRichard Fricklas Marie & Matt GordonBernie Witkin Michael & Traci SidonFrances Deneroff Ellie DeneroffBernie Witkin Fred & Cindy BodkerShirley Barocas Ralph & Susan BarocasDavid Barocas Ralph & Susan BarocasBernie Munishor Ralph & Susan BarocasEthel Segal Dr. Edward & Debra RosenfeldHenry van de Polder Dr. Jean GutheryJulius Ritter & Jill Friedman Fixler Audrey Friedman MarcusIlse Guthery Dr. Jean GutheryDr. Gary Milzer Matt & Marie GordonPaul Marcus Matt & Marie GordonAnne Rothschild Matt & Marie GordonSylvia & Saul Gottlieb, Howard Ballenzweig & Rachel Ballenzweig Roberta & Dr. Melvyn KleinLouis Sunshine & Morris Ginsberg Lin & Gary SunshineAnne Rothschild Lin & Gary SunshineIrving Salmanson Lin & Gary SunshinePaul Marcus Lin & Gary SunshineJill Friedman Fixler Lin & Gary Sunshine

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Julius & Helen Ring Israel, cont.Louis Deneroff Ellie DeneroffBernie Witkin Mike & Marcia LichtPatti Ross Dr. Melvyn & Roberta KleinMarjorie Fridstein Dr. Melvyn & Roberta KleinBernard Witkin Bonnie & Sam NickolThinking OfBrenda Sheldon Matt & Marie GordonAllan Markman Lin & Gary SunshineMarshall Tobin Lin & Gary SunshineEvy Snyder Lin & Gary SunshineLiz Hoskins Lin & Gary SunshineMarilyn Tobin Memorial Flower FundIn Honor OfAmy Becker's Service to Temple Sinai Carolyn Eisen & FamilyMitzvah Project FundIn Memory OfBarbara Saltzman Susan & Tom PalmerMusic Fund

Jeff LavenharIn Honor OfLinda Leonard & the Adult Choir Selma & Osi SladekIn Memory OfIrene & Bedrich Sladek Selma & Osi SladekSam & Sylvia Gelfand; Sheldon Zilbert Dr. Erwin & Adele GelfandPrayer Book FundIn Memory OfNathan & Darlene Shwartz Ira & Cynthia ShwartzRabbi Richard Rheins Discretionary Fund

The Jess & Rose Kortz and Pearle Rae FoundationIn Honor OfRay & Alicia Smith's 50th Anniversary Steven & Debra FendrichLin Sunshine Adrienne LevyNaomi Wisott's Very Special Birthday Janet SmithMarriage of Rob Glucksman and Crista Cohen Dr. Richard & Gayle

GlucksmanRachel Skolnick becoming a Bat Mitzvah Jeffrey & Sharon SkolnickIn Memory OfMartin DeYoung Natalie & Jerry LassowSidney Stillman Noreen StillmanGertrude Strear Noreen StillmanLillian Tucker Belson Noreen StillmanBernie Witkin Noreen StillmanBernie Witkin Elaine & Richard RicklinJack Smith Ray & Alicia SmithMarcia Moretsky Howard MoretskyDave Shafer Byron & Evelyn ShaferSylvia Gordon Adrienne LevyMyer Alperin Margie & Joshua KaneDr. John Colavincenzo Margie & Joshua KanePatti Ross Ed & Marilyn PepperPatti Ross Dr. Phillip WolfMarian Hirschberg Lisa & Jim ThompsonEugene Rosenthall Lou & Andi RosenthallSherman Dreiseszun Marshall & Helene AbrahamsYocheved Howard Sandy & Duke KaminskyLinda Dworkin Dr. Jay DworkinMJ Miles Hugh & Marcia MilesRabbi Susan Rheins Discretionary Fund

Fred & Beth BarnetIn Honor OfRabbi Susan Miller Rheins Jewish Women’s Study Group

Women’e Torah Study GroupJewish Spiritual Enrichment Group

Wellington Rothschild becoming a Bat Mitzvah Michael & Maria RothschildRabbi Susan Rheins, Allan Markman and Ben Eber The Jewish Community at

Brookdale Tamarac SquareIn Memory OfAnita Dubin The Dell'Acqua FamilyHeriberto Bruck Karin FischerJune Gordon, Ted Kutcher & Shirley Spivack Matt & Marie Gordon

Rabbi Susan Rheins Discretionary Fund, cont.Bernard Waller Alicia & Ray SmithAnne Rothschild The Dell'Acqua FamilyRoy Parker Eileen ParkerAbraham Dubin The Dell'Acqua FamilyKathryn Cross Jo & Dr. Dean SmernoffRabbi Zwerin Discretionary FundIn Honor OfRabbi Zwerin on his 80th birthday David & Marilyn FlemmingRabbi Raymond Zwerin's 80th Birthday The Strouse FamilyRabbi Ray Zwerin's 80th Birthday Fred & Doris SchwartzbergRabbi Ray Zwerin's 80th Birthday Jeff Goldstein & Kristina

FraserRabbi Ray Zwerin's 80th Birthday Richard & Paula WorkmanIn Memory OfBertha & Morris Adelstein, Marian & Irving Nogg and David Ledden Robert & Carole AdelsteinReligious School FundIn Memory OfBernard Witkin Susan & George WeltonRobin's World Playground FundIn Memory OfHerman N. Rosenson Bettie Bellamy-Rosenson &

David RosensonShayna Lazarus Dr. Jeremy & Debbie LazarusSophie Rubenstein Cindi & Andrew PolletCharles Rubenstein Cindi & Andrew PolletSisterhood FundIn Memory OfRuth Horwitz Devra PerchThank YouRalph & Shirley Beer Powell Dr. Jean GutherySubstance Abuse Awareness & Prevention FundIn Memory OfDoris Heller Jon & Betty HellerTeacher Education FundIn Memory OfJohn Pratt Barbara & Dr. Philip YarnellTemple ChoiceIn Memory OfElizabeth Fine Striker & Irwin Joseph Striker Alan & Helena StrikerWe Care/Social Action Fund

Randy & Lois ArlenIn Memory OfGloria Weinstein Alan & Linda WeinsteinMurray Weinstein Alan & Linda WeinsteinClara Hamerling Linda, Alan, Geri & Cory

WeinsteinBernard Shapiro Janet & Donald Frank

In MemoriamMargery Fridstein, Mother of Nancy (Richard Tallian) Fridstein, Grandmother of Sarah, Dylan & Graham TallianGerard (Gerry) Faigen, Uncle of Richard AbelsAnne Rothschild, Mother of Jennifer (Julian Izbiky) Rothschild, Grandmother of Alex IzbikyPatti Ross, Wife of Michael Ross, Mother of Douglas Ross, Jodi Ross (David) Kahn and Kathryn Ross, Grandmother of Sam & Hannah Kahn and Phoebe FanganelloCarol Rae Lerner Nosek, Mother of David (Marina) Lewis, Grandmother of David & Edward LewisPaul Marcus, Grandfather of Brooke Jacobson (Nathan) Stern, Great-Grandfather of Lily SternRenee S. Allison, Mother of Julie (David) Lyons, Grandmother of Emma & Rhea LyonsDavid Abosch, Husband of Irene Abosch, Father of Kenan Abosch, Susanne Wiesen, and the late Doron Abosch z"l, Grandfather of Maura & Joseph Wiesen, Daniel, Michael & Jordan Abosch

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JANUARY! "#$%Sunday! January "

•New Year's Day ' BUILDING CLOSEDMonday! January (

•BUILDING CLOSEDWednesday! January /

•NO Religious School Winter BreakThursday! January $

•"#:**p Lunch & LearnFriday! January %

•+:**p Erev Shabbat Service w/Guest Speaker Craig Gardenswartz

Saturday! January ,•-:**a PaRDeS•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:)*a Torah Study•2:**p Bat Mitzvah J Ryan

Sunday! January #•SINAI SUNDAYS•0:**a Religious School•0:**a Religious School Pre'K Program•"*:**a Knitting for Charity•"#:**p Meretz & Ruach•"#:".p JYG Holiday Party

Wednesday! January ""•Preschool Western Days•.:**p TMG Rehearsal •.:".p Pizza in the Lounge•,:**p Religious School•,:)*p Mental Wellness Matters

Thursday! January "(•Preschool Western Days•"#:**p Lunch & Learn•,:)*p Executive Committee Meeting

Friday! January "*•January ")'", TSYG Winter Chavurah•+:**p Erev Shabbat Service

Saturday! January "/•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:)*a Torah Study•"*:)*a B’nei Mitzvah J & J Susser

Sunday! January "$•-:)*a Jewish War Veterans•NO Religious School

Monday! January "%•MLK Day ' BUILDING CLOSED

Wednesday! January "#•,:**p Religious School•,:**p Bible% Beers & Brotherhood

Thursday! January ")•"":**a Healing Service•"#:**p Lunch & Learn

Friday! January (&•.:2.p Erev Shabbat Service Honoring

New Members•,:)*p New Member Shabbat Dinner

Saturday! January ("•-:**a PaRDeS•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:**a RS Grade 0 & "*

•"*:)*a Torah Study•"*:)*a B/M P Nelson

Sunday! January ((•-th Grade Field Trip•SINAI SUNDAYS•0:**a Religious School•0:**a Bagels with the Board•"#:**p YC Rehearsal•"#:**p JYG Leadership Team Meeting•.:**p TMG Rehearsal

Tuesday! January (/•0:".a ENCORE at Nature & Science

MuseumWednesday! January ($

•"":**a Book Group•,:**p Religious School•,:**p Grades 0 & "* Class

Thursday! January (%•"#:**p Lunch & Learn•,:)*p Board of Trustees Meeting

Friday! January (,•.:2.p Tot Shabbat•+:**p Family Erev Shabbat Service

with Youth Choir & TMGSaturday! January (#

•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:)*a Torah Study•"*:)*a B/M L & M Shepard•.:**p TSYG Holiday Movie Night•,:**p HIA Soup Cook O(

Sunday! January ()•SINAI SUNDAYS•0:**a Religious School•"*:)*a Religious School Kindergarten

Family Program•"#:".p Rosh Hodesh & Shevet Achim

Tuesday! January *"•"":**a Restaurant Night ' Pollo Lima•,:)* p$m$ Lifelong Jewish Learning

FEBRUARY! "#$%Wednesday! February "

•,:**p Religious SchoolThursday! February (

•"#:**p Lunch & LearnFriday! February *

•FEB )'. JYG Chavurah•+:**p Shabbat Service w/Youth Choir

Saturday! February /•-:**a PaRDeS•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:**a Torah Study•2:)*p B/M T Sewald

Sunday! February $•0:**a Religious School•0:**a Religious School Pre'K Program•"#:**p Meretz & Ruach

Wednesday! February #•Preschool Class Tu B'Shevat Seders•.:2.p TMG% Youth Choir & Adult Choir

Final Rehearsal•.:".p Pizza in the Lounge

Thursday! February )•0:**a Preschool Tu B'Shevat Seders•"#:**p Lunch & Learn

•,:)*p Executive Committee MeetingFriday! February "&

•+:**p Erev Shabbat Shirah Service w/TMG & Youth Choir & Adult Choir

Saturday! February ""•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:)*a Torah Study•+:)*p Cantor’s Concert: From

Argentina with LoveSunday! February "(

•SINAI SUNDAYS•0:**a Religious School•"*:)*a RS Tu B'Shevat Celebrations•"*:)*a Knitting for Charity•"*:**a Grades 0 & "* Class•"#:**p Rosh Hodesh & Shevet Achim

Wednesday! February "$•,:**p Religious School•,:**p Bible% Beers & Brotherhood•,:)*p Lifelong Jewish Learning

Thursday! February "%•"#:**p Lunch & Learn

Friday! February ",•FEB "+'#* NFTY Convention•+:**p Erev Shabbat Service

Saturday! February "#•,:**p PaRDeS•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•"*:)*a Torah Study•"*:)*a B/M M Falick

Sunday! February ")•-:)*a Jewish War Veterans• NO Religious School

Monday! February (&•President's Day BUILDING CLOSED

Tuesday! February ("•NO Preschool'ECE Conference

Wednesday! February ((•0:**a Preschool Daddies & Donuts•"":**a Book Group•,:**p Religious School•,:**p Grades 0 & "* Class

Thursday! February (*•0:**a Preschool Daddies & Donuts•"":**a Healing Service•"#:**p Lunch & Learn•,:)*p Board of Trustees Meeting

Friday! February (/•.:2.p Tot Shabbat •.:2.p Family Shabbat Service•,:)*p PJ Shabbat Dinner

Saturday! February ($•0:**a Shabbat Morning Minyan•0:**a ,th Grade Shabbaton•0:)*a TSYG Goes Tubing•"*:)*a Torah Study

Sunday! February (%•SINAI SUNDAYS•-th Grade Field Trip•0:**a Religious School•"*:)*a RS )rd Grade Family Program •"#:**p JYG Leadership Team Meeting•):**p Sinai at the Nuggets Game

•Worship•Programming•Holiday•Religious School


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STAFFRichard S$ Rheins% Senior Rabbi Rabbi Susan Miller Rheins Raymond A$ Zwerin% Rabbi Emeritus Sheila Nesis% CantorAmy Becker% Executive Director Lisa Thorner% Director of Programming and

Member Engagement Cindy Abramson% Communications Director Jody Meyer% Operations Coordinator Frances Pearson% CPA% Controller Debbie Burnette% Bookkeeper Diana Kaplan% Administrative Assistant Lin Sunshine% Executive Assistant to Clergy Michelle Schwartz% RJE% MARE% Director of Religious School EducationJulia Teitell% Director of Youth Engagement Debbie Kohn% Preschool Director Marissa Vaughn% Assistant Preschool Director

BOARD OF TRUSTEESExecutive Committee:Wendy Vean% President Susan Epstein% Past PresidentLarry Jacobson% Vice PresidentFrank Urman% TreasurerKaren Kaplan% SecretaryGordan Post% Vice PresidentJosh Zucker% Vice President

Trustees:Grace Bach% Jennifer Feingold% Lane Feingold%Sherri Ginsburg% Vicki Goldman% Sandy Korn%Je( Lavenhar% Barbara Lettes% Mark Meyer%Ralph Powell% Gene Rosenthall% Bruce Tully%Je( Weinberg

Ralph Powell% Interim Brotherhood PresidentShirley Beer Powell% Sisterhood President Cami Oberfeld & Ian Tennant% TSYG Co'Presidents



Denver Nuggets vs Memphis Grizzlies Sunday, February 26th, 2017 • 3:00pm • Pepsi Center


Upper Level Centers: $25 each Lower Level Corners: $58 each

*Each ticket includes a $3 donation back to Temple Sinai

**No taxes or fees will be added to orders **All tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis and are based on availability

**Pricing subject to change at any time

Order tickets online at:

Join the Denver Nuggets for their annual Temple Sinai Community Night with the Nuggets on Sunday February 26th, 2017.

25 selected kids will be able to take part in one of our High Five Fan Tunnels to high five the players as they run on the court!




For more information! contact Lisa Thorner at *&*+,$)+"#(, or lisa@sinaidenver'org

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Current Fundraising Opportunities

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