Page 1: 7 - Jake S Societal Competence… · 16/10/2016  · Competence vs Capability We could have the capability to deal with some problems

Societal Competence

The Freethinking CommunityOctober 16, 2016

Jacob Scheiber

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1) What might we mean by “competence”

2) Historical examples

3) Task properties affecting competence

4) Current and future outlook

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Competence vs Capability

● Say that society has to accomplish some difficult task “X”

– Capability: The resources and technical means to accomplish task X

– Competence: The ability to actually deploy these resources to accomplish the task

● Capability problem: If the task is actually too difficult for the society to accomplish

● Competence problem: If the society has the capability to accomplish the task, yet doesn't

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Competence vs Capability

● We could have the capability to deal with some problems but not others

– Small asteroid strikes we may be able to deflect

● We are currently tracking 1,651 “Potentially Hazardous Objects” that are >100m in diameter and come within 7.5M km of Earth's orbit

● NASA is preparing a small asteroid gravity tractor deflection mission for about 2020

– But sufficiently large ones we can't do anything about

– Also, NEOWISE estimates that 70-80% of PHO's haven't been found

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Competence vs Capability

● If we lack the capability to solve a problem, competence is irrelevant

● But, there seem to be some problems we have capability but not competence to deal with

– Scientists have called for many years to decrease carbon emissions, but carbon emissions have increased over this time

– We agree that the financial sector shouldn't be able to externalize its risks on others, but it does anyway

– We generally agree we would be safer with smaller nuclear arsenal sizes, but the US and Russia each have about 7,000 warheads

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Capability increases over time

● Over time our capabilities generally increase

– Population increases

– Resource wealth increases

– Technical capability increases

● We can fix problems past societies could not have fixed

– Ancient Rome was fairly competent, but had no capability to deal with even a small asteroid strike

– Bubonic plague killed about 1/3 of all humans in the 14th century (75-200M people), but can now be treated with antibiotics

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Competence direction unclear

● Some things we seem to be getting more competent at:

– International agreement on transportation standards, units of measurement, borders, communication protocols etc.

– Significant worldwide poverty and violent crime reduction

● But some things we may be getting less competent at:

– Recent level of political discourse

– Long-term infrastructure spending

– Control over actions of corporations and governments

– Control over development of potentially dangerous technologies

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Thought experiment: Super-Dictator

● Imagine two societies, A and B, which have identical capabilities but are organized differently

– Society A is organized like ours, with citizens, governments, elections, corporations, a legal structure, etc

– Society B has a magical “Super-Dictator” who can directly control what all the people, corporations, and governments do.

● Now, each society is faced with a large problem “X”

– If neither society can solve it, it's a capability problem

– If B could solve the problem but not A, it's a competence problem

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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What can the Super-Dictator do that we can't?

● Take more direct steps to mitigate climate change

– Decree: Everyone has to be a vegetarian and drive a smaller car

● Solve the obesity epidemic

– Decree: Everyone has to eat less

● End violent crimes, and even white collar crimes

– Decree: Everyone stop doing the crimes

● Note: This is all very unrealistic. Calm down, it's a thought experiment

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Possible issues with framework

● We are presupposing that society agrees that “task X” should be done

– Legalizing or banning abortion isn't a “competence” issue in this framework because people disagree about what to do

– People disagree about global warming also, but we can call this a competence problem because we all agree we want the Earth to not be destroyed

● The “Super-Dictator” may be solving problem X by creating other problems

– We could take extreme actions to prevent carbon emissions, but these could shrink GDP, reduce trade, eliminate jobs, etc.

– We could “solve” obesity, but only in a way that limits free choice, which is another thing we also value

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Possible issues with framework

● You might argue that “competence” can be collapsed into “capability”

– Social organization itself can be seen as a technology

– Coordination problems are legitimately hard

● We are saying we have the “capability” to limit carbon emissions, but we may lack an economic or legal framework for actually doing so

● There is no hard line between “capability” and “competence” here

– Really a free will thing, I'm saying we “could have” deployed our capabilities better

– Still maybe useful to talk about though. Competence problems are the ones we “should” be able to solve with the tools we have

● Another perspective: Competence problems are just the ones we look stupid for not solving

(1) What might we mean by “competence”

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Case study: Y2K

● In many early computer programs the date was represented with a “YY” format, with the understanding that “97” meant “1997”.

– Thus, “01/01/00” would be parsed as January 1st 1900, rather than 2000.

– Computer errors from this were predicted to cause widespread infrastructure disruption and harm

● The US passed the “Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act” and created the “President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion”

– The government worked with the private sector to anticipate and fix errors

– On the whole, over $300 billion was spent in mitigation efforts

– On the 1/1/2000, very few serious errors occurred

(2) Historical examples

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Case study: Y2K

● Some claim that there wouldn't have been serious problems either way

– If true, the money spent was largely wasted

● However, we don't know the scope of what problems would have otherwise happened

● Either way, I'm calling this a good example of societal competence.

– Under worst interpretation, we overprepared for a disaster

(2) Historical examples

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Future Y2K's?

● Year 2038 problem

– Most UNIX systems store the time as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight January 1st 1970

– This will overrun its 32-bit signed integer buffer on January 19th 2038

– Currently “no universal solution” to this problem

● IPv6 implementation

– Current internet uses IPv4 protocol, limited to 2^32 IP addresses (4 billion), which have run out

– IPv6 written in 1998 to solve this, but still not widely implemented

● Getting the US to the metric system

– Originally approved by congress in 1866

– Still hasn't really happened

(2) Historical examples

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Future Y2K's?

● Installed infrastructure problem

– The longer we wait to solve these problems, the more installed infrastructure needs to be changed

– We switched to IPv4 by telling everyone on ARPANET to install some software on a particular day. Probably can't do this now

– When other countries switched to metric it was difficult for the US because we had so much installed infrastructure already

● This gets worse every year

– Year 2038 problem may be worse than year 2000 problem

● Could be both harder to fix and more damaging

(2) Historical examples

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Case study: Hurricane Katrina

● Katrina made landfall in the Southern US in August 2005

● Killed >1200 people, caused >$100 billion in damage

– Most of the deaths were due to levee failures and subsequent flooding in New Orleans

● There was widespread criticism of government handling of the crisis

– Evacuation orders were delayed until it was too late to get people out of the city

– People were evacuated to shelters with no food or water

– Congressional investigation found that FEMA and the Red Cross “did not have a logistics capacity sophisticated enough to fully support the massive number of Gulf coast victims”.

(2) Historical examples

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Case study: Hurricane Katrina

● Could we have known this would happen?

– “A slow moving Category 3 hurricane or larger will flood the city. There will be between 17 and 20 feet of standing water, and New Orleans as we now know it will no longer exist.” - Ivor van Heerden, 2004

(2) Historical examples

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Case study: Hurricane Katrina

● Could we have known this would happen?

– In July 2004 we conducted the “Hurricane Pam” exercise

● Federal and state agencies simulated what would happen if a large hurricane flooded New Orleans

● “At the Hurricane Pam exercise we had a number of officials who basically scoffed at us when we were talking about the potential of levees going and the very real threat to New Orleans of a major hurricane. I think they just believed it wouldn't happen.”-van Heerden

● Essentially, we knew what would happen but didn't prepare for it very well anyway

(2) Historical examples

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Future Katrina's?

● Seattle Earthquake problem

– Pacific Northwest gets one very large earthquake every ~300 years

● We are now overdue for the next one

● FEMA estimates this would cause ~15,000 casualties

● Most residents of the area not aware or not worried about this

(2) Historical examples

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Why are we better at preparing for some things than others?

● Magnitude: We can say as short-hand that the magnitude of a problem is how much it would cost to prepare for or fix it

– Obviously we are more likely to fix small magnitude problems

– But, even with equal magnitude, some problems seem harder for us to fix than others

– We can posit several properties of tasks or problems that make them harder for us to deal with irrespective of magnitude

(3) Properties affecting competence

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● Comprehensibility: How easy is the problem to understand?

– Y2K problem comparatively easy to explain

– Externalized risk from subprime mortgage lending more difficult

● Financial derivatives probably purposefully complex for this reason

● Imaginability: How easy is the problem to imagine?

– Terrorist attacks very easy to imagine, and we spend a lot of money preparing for them

– Natural disasters, infrastructure failure, and climate change are all sort of hard to imagine

● Even when people rationally know these are possible, they still don't really believe it

(3) Properties affecting competence

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● We're much more likely to work on a problem we know is certain

– We know for sure what exact second the year 2038 problem will happen on

– We know for sure that a big earthquake will hit Seattle “eventually”

● Should we panic about this today? Well, why today in particular?

● If we spend money fixing uncertain problems, it looks to outside observers we are wasting money

– Say scientists calculate that the LHC has a 1% chance to destroy the universe, but they can prevent that by spending an additional $1B on it

– Later, when the universe isn't destroyed, people will say they wasted a billion dollars

(3) Properties affecting competence

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Disjunctive/Conjunctive problems

● Some problems are disjunctive: One person or a small group could solve the problem for everybody

– Smallpox vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner and could be distributed to everybody

● Other problems are conjunctive: Everyone has to do something (or not do something) to solve the problem

– To prevent global warming we need all parties to limit carbon emissions

– Nuclear disarmament would require all states to disarm

● Not good enough if almost everybody disarms their weapons

● Disjunctive problems are much easier to solve

(3) Properties affecting competence

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Normalcy / discontinuity

● Novel problems get more attention than ongoing ones

– New diseases like West Nile Virus and Swine Flu get a lot of attention

– Meanwhile, regular flu kills between 3,000 and 49,000 people per year (US)

● Problems which will happen all at once get more attention than ongoing ones

– If climate change was likely to happen all at once on a particular day in 2027, we might be doing more about it

– If Y2K would have caused a few computers to fail at random every day for 10 years, we might have done less

(3) Properties affecting competence

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Ethical disagreement

● It's mostly agreed that obesity is a medical epidemic in the US, but certain types of interventions prove very controversial

(3) Properties affecting competence

– An NYC law to prevent sales of soda larger than 16 ounces drew widespread criticism, and was ultimately struck down by the NY court of appeals

● Many people believe human overpopulation is a problem

– But, there is no easy remedy which does not involve murder or infringing on reproductive rights

● These are problems that we cannot solve without restricting individual liberty

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A problem we could face competently: Apophis

● In 2004 we discovered an 325-meter asteroid we named 99942 Apophis, which was considered to be somewhat likely to impact Earth in 2029 or 2035

● Impact energy estimated at 750 megatons, more than 10x greater than the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated

– Later measurements show it will not impact the Earth

– But, if it was on a collision course, how well would we cope?

(4) Current / future outlook

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A problem we could face competently: Apophis

● Properties of asteroid-strike problem

– Certain: We can tell with high certainty the trajectories of orbiting bodies. We would know the exact date and time of impact, maybe even the location

– Comprehensible: It is very simple to explain to everyone what the problem is, and we can show them all those disaster movies we made about this exact scenario

– Discontinuous: It is a scary sudden problem that will happen all at once

– Disjunctive: If 10 countries create a deflection mission and only 1 succeeds, that will still be enough to save us

– Ethically clear: Everyone will agree about what to do

● If we fail to avert this kind of crisis, it will essentially be a capability problem, not a competence one

(4) Current / future outlook

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Problems we might not face competently

● Mitigating climate change

– Moderately uncertain: We don't know with high precision exactly what will happen or exactly when. Some people still deny climate change is even real

– Difficult to imagine: Even people who believe climate change is real have a difficult time imagining large scale changes to the Earth

– Continuous: Will happen slowly over a long period of time

– Conjunctive: Requires cooperation of most or all people to prevent

– Ethically difficult: If restricting carbon emissions interferes with the economy, jobs, peoples' freedom of movement, there will be controversy about how restrictions are implemented

(4) Current / future outlook

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Problems we might not face competently

● Dangerous novel technologies

– Many academics who study existential risks think that the biggest threats aren't asteroids and hurricanes, but technologies we will develop

– Bostrom's thought experiment: What if we invented something as destructive as nuclear bombs that was as cheap as hand grenades?

● Also, we've never been able to “uninvent” anything

● So: We may face the problem of preventing such a discovery in the first place

– Candidates:

● Artificial Intelligence

● Dangerous nanotechnology

● Advanced biological weapons

(4) Current / future outlook

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Problems we might not face competently

● Properties: Preventing creation of dangerous novel technologies

– Quite uncertain: These technologies don't exist yet and some may not even be possible. We have no idea when they may be created

– Difficult to imagine: No matter how many Terminator or Matrix movies we make, no one really thinks anything like that could happen

– Continuous: Research progress is ongoing and incremental. There won't be a particular day when we wake up and realize genetic engineering has gone too far

– Conjunctive: Requires all parties to cooperate. It doesn't help if almost everyone doesn't create hyper-smallpox

– Ethically difficult: All of these dangerous technologies will also have legitimate uses. Justifying research restriction will be difficult

(4) Current / future outlook

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Normative inertia: A particular culprit

● People take their cues for how to react to things from their peer group

– If it seems like no one is panicking about something, you won't panic either

– How do you decide whether or not to evacuate for a hurricane?

● Even people who know about these problems may fail to act on them

– Your emotional response to a situation is usually based on prior experience

● People who experience terrorism firsthand have a much different relationship to the concept than people who read statistics about it

– No one has prior experience of climate change, AI, or many other new problems we face.

(4) Current / future outlook

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Concluding thoughts

● Normal moral signaling would be just being “outraged” that we can't solve competence problems like climate change, disaster preparedness, inequality, etc.

● We probably need a more reasoned approach

– Why are some coordination problems harder than others?

– What can we do to make the hard ones easier?

● I have no idea by the way. I'm just creating a framework for why certain types of problems are difficult

● I've focused on “catastrophe prevention”, but many other things could fall under competence/incompetence

(5) Conclusion

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