Page 1: 7 steps to global ABM success Vindicia, an...They found account-based marketing (ABM) success with an omni-channel approach to their campaign. Find a partner that completes your data

Oracle Data Cloud | @OracleDataCloudOracle Data Cloud delivers the richest understanding of consumers across both digital and traditional channels based on what they do, what they say and what they buy enabling leading brands to personalize and measure every customer interaction and maximize the value of their digital marketing. Copyright © 2017, Oracle Corporation and/or its affi liates. All rights reserved. Last Modifi ed: August 25, 2017 1:02 PM | Turn big ideas into great campaigns

steps to global ABM success

Vindicia, an Amdocs company and leader in subscription billing, set out to increase their brand awareness and maximize their reach across key target accounts. They found account-based marketing (ABM) success with an omni-channel approach to their campaign.

Find a partner that completes your data picture Vindicia teamed up with Oracle Data Cloud and Kwanzoo to reach their target audiences across the globe. Using both cookie and IP targeting resulted in global campaign success.

3Curate content relevant to your audiences Personalized messaging and creative are key to optimizing across a multichannel campaign. Tailor content to the channel and that audience’s varying stages of the customer journey.

44 Align ad-targeting strategy to geolocation As you target accounts globally, strategically select your DSPs to hit all regional key buyers and infl uencers. Build in time and resources, making sure your data strategy aligns to the target location.

55Test retargeted ads alongside ABM fi rst-touch ads to maximize conversionsABM ads and retargeting ads go hand to hand.To increase conversions, bring in visitors from ABM target accounts and retarget them with fresh messages.


Analyze, optimize and iterateDeliver account-level metrics to your team, including lists of top engaged accounts and individual account visitor journeys. Find what works, cut what doesn’t and continue to iterate based on the results you see.


Establish strategic KPIs upfrontWhether it’s clicks, leads or brand awareness, make sure you’re setting campaign optimization benchmarks for each creative and channel.

22Make savvy account selections—both at home and abroad Plan ahead and leave time to optimize your account selection by creating localized account lists to refl ect priority audiences to help achieve your objective.


