Page 1: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

7th Grade Chorus


Page 2: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

1) Our activities2) Class guidelines, procedures, and expectations3) Concert schedule and expectations4) Full-group rehearsal schedule and expectations5) Grading6) Resource usage

(click on a category above to go directly to the section you need, or scroll through this entire presentation to see all of it)

Page 3: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Mr. Sanchez’ Goals for Chorus

1) Give excellent concert performances.2) Become a better musician and singer.3) Learn how to effectively work in a large group.4) Enjoy both the process AND the product of hard


Everything in this handbook is written and implemented with these goals in mind.

Through my teaching, each student will:

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Page 4: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

The Basics…

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Page 5: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

What Will We Do?• SING!– Daily Warm-Ups– Music Reading Exercises

• Rhythm• Pitch• Short melodies

– Concert Music• Improve Music Reading Skills– Pitch, rhythm, melodies, expression markings, following

the music, etc.• Improve Singing Skills– Physical aspects of singing: Posture, Breathing, Face Shape,

Expression, etc. Back to Table of Contents

Page 6: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Room 201 GuidelinesPlease be sure to show Respect and Responsibility:– Get to class on time!– Keep the room neat.

• Straighten chairs, don’t change how they are set up• Pick up trash

– Recycle appropriate items.• No trash in recycling bins!

– Hands off:• The blue curtain• My piano• Any other instruments in the room• My computer

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Page 7: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

What should you bring to class each day?

• Something to write with.• Something to put papers in.

We will not use these things frequently, but you should have them when we need them!!!

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Page 8: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Entry Procedures

1) Enter class, look for the day’s goals / directions on the screen.

2) Set your books under your chair.3) Get your folder.4) Check your folder to see if you have all the music you

need. If not, look on the wooden shelf next to the folders.

5) Tape any music that is falling apart. Please tape lengthwise – down the spine of the music.

6) Sit in your chair & put your folder under the chair.7) Be ready for Mr. Sanchez to start rehearsal.

Follow this procedure every day, unless otherwise directed!

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Page 9: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Rest Room/Drink Procedures1) Wait for a transition time between activities.2) Raise your hand and ASK MR. SANCHEZ to leave.3) When he says yes, sign out and take the appropriate rake pass

(currently orange for boys, purple for girls).4) Exit and return from the rear door.5) Sign in upon your return.

Abuse of this procedure will result in a more rigid rest room plan.

Page 10: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Exit Procedures1) Carefully put your music back in your folder.2) Put your folder back in the correct slot.3) Grab your books and go.

Page 11: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Chorus Expectation

YOU USIt’s not about YOU, it’s about US!

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Page 12: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Chorus Expectation

USChorus is unique because:#1 - It is the only class

where you take the final test as a group (twice a year at our concerts!).

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Page 13: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Chorus Expectation

USChorus is unique because:#2 - NO ONE can ‘ride the

bench!’ Everyone is in the starting line up when we sing as a group in front of our audience!

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Page 14: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Concerts and After-School Rehearsals…

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Page 15: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

7th Grade Performances

Veterans Day Assembly•Monday, November 11th, 7:40 a.m.

WINTER Concert•Wednesday, December 11th, 7:00

p.m.SPRING Concert•Wednesday, April 30th, 7:00 p.m.

(In-school performances before our winter and spring concerts are yet unscheduled)

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Page 16: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Absences from a Concert

Our concerts are the ‘final tests’ of chorus class, and should be treated with the same respect.

You should put our concerts on your family calendar IMMEDIATELY, and avoid scheduling other things at the same time. If there are any possible conflicts with these dates, please have your parents contact me by the end of September!!!

The next page lists possible ‘excused’ reasons for missing the concert.

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Page 17: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Absences from a Concert

Excused Absence Examples• Family travel or event (if

communicated to Mr. Sanchez in September)

• Sickness or Last minute emergency (bring a parent excuse note or email by the next day you are in school!)

• Very few other situations

Unexcused Absence Examples • Too much homework• Going to a concert (such as the

Q102 Jingle Ball)• No ride• Sports or other practice• Dr. Appointment (unless it is an

emergency!)• Had to go shopping• Forgot to bring me an excuse

note.• Forgot we had a concert.• Etc.

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Page 18: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Absences from a Concert

Excused Absences from the Winter or Spring Concert may be made up for full credit. Be sure to get the make-up assignment from Mr. Sanchez.

Excused Absences from during-school performances do not need to be made up.

Unexcused Absences earn a failing grade. The grade will be entered as ‘missing’ (0%) in the gradebook. You may complete a make-up assignment to earn partial credit (50%). Be sure to get the make-up assignment from Mr. Sanchez.

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Page 19: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Concert Attire for Winter and Spring Concerts*

- Give the chorus a uniform, ‘professional’ look,- Minimize distractions due to clothing,- Help to make the concert performance special.

*Please note – concert dress for other concerts is a little less ‘uniform’ and is specified on the next slide.

The concert attire described is expected and required. If you have any concerns about meeting these guidelines, please have your parent contact me. We will be able to work something out!

Chorus students wear a particular outfit in order to:

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Page 20: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

7th Grade Concert AttireDress Code A:

Any color button-down shirt and dress pants (gentlemen – long tie) (dark socks/dress shoes)Wear this attire for:a) Veterans Day Assembly in Novemberb) Evening Winter Concert in Decemberc) Evening Spring Concert in April

Dress Code B:You may wear the clothes you wore for Dress Code A OR: Any style solid-colored shirt or sweater and dress pants/school-appropriate skirt OR any school-appropriate dress. Ties optional. NO SHORTS. Any shoes that go with the outfit. Wear this attire for:d) In-School Preview Concert in Decembere) In-School Preview Concert in April

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Page 21: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

After-School RehearsalsIn order to prepare effectively for our concerts, there will be several after-school rehearsals for the entire chorus throughout the year. Rehearsal activities include:

1) Finding out where to sit and stand during the concert. 2) Practicing a professional-looking entrance and exit from the

auditorium/stage.3) Rehearsing Choral Performance Skills.4) Rehearsing the concert music.

Rehearsals are USUALLY held from 2:45-4:00. Dates will be announced well in advance.

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Page 22: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

After School Rehearsals – 7th Grade

1 Before Veterans Day Performance

2 or 3 before Winter Concert

2 or 3 Before Spring Concert

Page 23: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Monday, November 4th 2:45-4:00pm

Friday, November 22nd 2:45-4:00pm

Monday, December 9th 2:45-3:40pm

After School Rehearsals – 7th Grade

Page 24: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

After-School Rehearsal - Absences

There are always students who have legitimate schedule conflicts with an after-school rehearsal. How to be ‘excused’ for these conflicts will be detailed in the next section of this Handbook.

Any student who does not have an excused reason to miss rehearsal will be considered ‘unexcused.’

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Page 25: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

After-School Rehearsal - AbsencesExcused Rehearsal Absences

• Marked ‘missing’ (0%) in the gradebook.• Can earn full credit (100%) when made up. • To make up: attend a resource rehearsal for your chorus.

- Make-up rehearsal dates announced in class, on the white board calendar in the chorus room, on the Tamanend Choral Calendar on my website, and on the AM and scrolling announcements.

- If there is a resource make up before the after-school rehearsal that you know you’ll miss, you should attend it!

• If you are unable to attend a resource make-up, make alternative make-up arrangements with Mr. Sanchez.

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Page 26: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

After-School Rehearsal - AbsencesUnexcused Rehearsal Absences

• Marked ‘missing’ (0%) in the gradebook .• Can earn full credit (100%) when made up. • To make up: attend a resource rehearsal* for your chorus (25%)

ANDArrange with Mr. Sanchez to observe and complete a report about another after-school rehearsal (2:45-4:00pm) (75%).

- If you are unable to attend a resource make-up, make alternative make-up arrangements with Mr. Sanchez.

* Make-up rehearsal dates announced in class, on the white board calendar in the chorus room, on the Tamanend Choral Calendar on my website, and on the AM and scrolling announcements

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Page 27: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Excused Absences from After-School Rehearsals

Q: What if I....Am absent from school (or sent home early by


A: If you are absent from school you are excused from rehearsal. You DO NOT need an excuse note.

Be sure to make up the rehearsal at resource.

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Page 28: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Excused Absences from After-School Rehearsals

Q: What if I....Have a Tamanend Sports Practice?

A: You will share your time between chorus rehearsal and your sports practice.

1) Inform your coach ahead of time.2) Get dressed for practice right after school.3) Come to chorus rehearsal by 2:45.4) You will be dismissed at 3:30 to go to your

practice.5) You DO NOT need to make up any of the rehearsal.

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Page 29: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Excused Absences from After-School Rehearsals

Q: What if I.... Have a Tamanend Sports Game/Meet/Match?

A: You are excused from rehearsal. Be sure Mr. Sanchez knows you are on the team ahead of time, then go kick butt!Be sure to make up the rehearsal at resource (before OR after your game/meet/match).

Note – if your game is cancelled/postponed due to inclement weather, you are expected to come to rehearsal instead!

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Page 30: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Excused Absences from After-School Rehearsals

Q: What if I....Have a doctors appointment / dance lesson /

paid tutor session / etc. (any outside of school event)?

A: Add rehearsals to your family calendar as soon as I announce the dates. Try to avoid outside conflicts whenever possible! If conflicts are unavoidable, you will be excused with a parent note or email.Be sure to make up the rehearsal at resource.

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Page 31: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Excused Absences from After-School Rehearsals

Q: What if I....Don’t have a ride home?

A: Please check with friends as soon as possible to see if you can carpool! If you are unable to secure a ride, you will be excused with a parent note or email.Be sure to make up the rehearsal at resource.

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Page 32: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Excused Absences from After-School Rehearsals

Q: What if I....Have a last-minute situation that requires me to

go directly home instead of rehearsal. (ex. you get sick at the end of the day)

A: You will be excused with a parent note or email THE NEXT DAY YOU ARE IN SCHOOL.Be sure to make up the rehearsal at resource.

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Page 33: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

After-School Rehearsals: Excuse Note Details

When excuse notes are necessary, a parent note or parent email is accepted. Communication directly from a student is NOT ACCEPTED.

Excuse notes are due BEFORE rehearsal, except last minute situations, when the note is due the NEXT DAY YOU ARE IN SCHOOL.

Late excuse notes are accepted, but earn you a 25% penalty when you make up the rehearsal.

Excused Absences that are not made up at resource remain ‘missing’ (0%).

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Page 34: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:


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Page 35: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Choral Grading Philosophy

My grading system is based on 2 principles:1) Performing in a music ensemble is a real-world

(authentic) experience. Therefore, chorus grades should be based in part on the same criteria that an audience would use (subconsciously perhaps) to evaluate a choral performance.

2) As a class in school, I am also able to assess students’ level of understanding of various musical, singing, rehearsal, or choral concepts that ultimately lead to the concert performance that an audience experiences. Back to Table

of Contents

Page 36: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Grading Categories and Weights

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40% Choral Singing and Rehearsal Skills (CSRS)

30% Concert and Rehearsal Contribution and Etiquette (CRCE)

30% Assessments and Assignments (AA)

Page 37: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Grading Categories and Weights

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40% Choral Singing and Rehearsal Skills (CSRS)

30% Concert and Rehearsal Contribution and Etiquette (CRCE)

30% Assessments and Assignments (AA)

Page 38: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Choral Singing and Rehearsal Skills (CSRS) Overview

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Singing Skills:Healthy, efficient, and effective

singing habits

Rehearsal Skills:Cooperative, selfless, efficient,

rehearsal habits Sing and stop singing as directed. Focus on singing, not peers, other

work, etc. Sing with good posture. Modify your 'face shape' (lips, jaw,

tongue, teeth) to match the sound you are singing.

Sing with nothing in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).

Use appropriate body language while singing.

Prepare for rehearsal upon entering class.

Transition appropriately between rehearsal activities.

Maintain focus when your section is NOT singing.

Follow rehearsal directions. Respect your fellow chorus

members. Take care of the choral music.

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Page 39: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

CSRS Grading Overview

Students earn a regular (usually weekly) grade, out of 10 points, based on their exhibition of appropriate Singing and Rehearsal Skills.

Each student starts the week with 9 out of 10 points. Consider this to be the grade for ‘acceptable’ singing skills. These grades will be pre-entered for the entire marking period

and adjusted up or down as described below. I observe students during our rehearsals. Students exhibiting exemplary singing and rehearsal skills

earn an extra point for their weekly grade. Bonus points are also possible.

Students exhibiting poor singing or rehearsal skills earn a deduction of one or more points from their weekly grade.

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Page 40: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

CSRS Weekly Grades

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Points earned for CSRS each week Skills shown in class

10 or more Excellent - always focused and cooperative, exhibits excellent singing habits.

9Acceptable - often focused and cooperative, usually exhibits excellent

singing habits. Some redirection needed on occasion, but accepted quickly and humbly.

8Needs Improvement - sometimes focused and /orcooperative,

sometimes exhibits good singing habits. Redirection needed throughout class, but is accepted quickly and humbly.

7Borderline – some effort put into focus, cooperation, and/or good

singing habits. Redirection needed often, though sometimes not accepted.

6 Failing - seemingly tries to earn a bad grade, very little or no effort put into focus, cooperation, and/or good singing habits.

5 or less You should not be in chorus class. You are bringing the entire chorus down.

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Page 41: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Grading Categories and Weights

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40% Choral Singing and Rehearsal Skills (CSRS)

30% Concert and Rehearsal Contribution and Etiquette (CRCE)

30% Assessments and Assignments (AA)

Page 42: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Concert and Rehearsal Contribution and Etiquette

• After-School Rehearsals- Each graded on 4-point scale.- See “After-School Rehearsals” section of this presentation

for information about rehearsal absences.

After-School Rehearsal 4-point grading scale4 – Excellent Choral Singing and Rehearsal Skills exhibited. 3 – Poor Choral Singing OR Rehearsal Skills exhibited.2 – Poor Choral Singing AND Rehearsal Skills exhibited.1 – Earned if an Unexcused Absence is only partially made up.0 (Missing) – Earned for Excused and Unexcused Absences that are not made up.

Late excuse notes incur a -1 (25%) penalty from the grades above.

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Page 43: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Concert and Rehearsal Contribution and Etiquette

• Concerts- Graded on 4-point scale, weighted twice as much as

rehearsals.- See “Concerts” section of this presentation for information

about rehearsal absences.Chorus Concert 4-point grading scale

4 – Excellent Choral Performance* and Singing Skills exhibited. 3 – Poor Choral Performance* OR Singing Skills exhibited.2 – Poor Choral Performance* AND Singing Skills exhibited. Made-up

Unexcused Absence1 – Earned if an Unexcused Absence is only partially made up.0 (Missing) – Earned for Excused and Unexcused Absences that are not made up.

*Explanation of Choral Performance Skills on next page!Back to Table

of ContentsBack to Grading Categories and Weights

Page 44: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Choral Performance Skills (CPS) (part 1)Choral Performance Skills are a natural outgrowth of Choral

Rehearsal Skills. You will see some similar descriptions below:• Preparing yourself for the concert:

– Arriving on time, in the correct attire, to the correct location.• Recognizing appropriate and inappropriate times to talk.

– There will be ample time for socialization before and after your performance.

– There are also times when SILENCE is expected. These times include, but are not limited to:• When Mr. Sanchez is speaking to you.• When ANY ADULT is giving you directions.• When you are walking in the hallways toward the auditorium.• When you enter the auditorium and walk onto the risers.• When you get off the risers and exit the auditorium.

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Page 45: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

• Maintaining focus when you are on the risers.– Even if you see your friends and family in the audience.– Even though the risers may be crowded.– Even if something unexpected happens.

• Listening carefully to and following directions.– A Tamanend concert performance affects more than

1000 people. You are only 1 of those people. It’s not about you, it’s about ALL OF THEM. Do your job to make the concert run smoothly.

• Respecting other singers.– Everybody makes mistakes, even in performance.

Good performers don’t give them away.

Choral Performance Skills (CPS) (part 2)

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Back to Grading Categories and Weights

Page 46: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Grading Categories and Weights

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40% Choral Singing and Rehearsal Skills (CSRS)

30% Concert and Rehearsal Contribution and Etiquette (CRCE)

30% Assessments and Assignments (AA)

Page 47: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Assessments and Assignments

• Vocal Tests• Written and/or computer assignments, quizzes– Topics:

• Music Reading– Pitch – letter names– Rhythm– Solfege – Key, Time signatures– Expression markings– Following the music

– Singing Skills• Posture, Breathing, Face Shape

– Aural Skills

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Page 48: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Vocal TestsAs your chorus teacher, I can learn a lot about the

sound of the chorus by listening to the individuals that make up the chorus. While large-group singing is our main goal, hearing you sing individually or in a small group can help me learn where to focus my efforts with the larger group. They are also an indication of your success learning concepts we work on in class.

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Page 49: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Vocal Tests

• Are not given in every single marking period.• Will usually be sung individually.• Are graded on teachable concepts, not the quality

of your voice.• Each have their own rubric or grading scale.

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Page 50: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Other important stuff…

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Page 51: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Resource Make-Up RehearsalsNear the time of our after-school rehearsals, I will make a resource or two available for chorus make-ups.– Check chorus room whiteboard calendar, watch/listen

to announcements, and pay attention in class to find out when these rehearsals are scheduled.

– Get a pass from me BEFORE resource.– Sign in upon arrival.– CSRS expected (and graded if you are making up a

missed after-school rehearsal).Back to Table

of Contents

Page 52: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Resource Make-Up Rehearsals• Who should come to these resources?

– Students with excused absences from after-school rehearsals.• This will earn up to 100% of your grade.• Plan ahead! You may make up a rehearsal before you miss it.

– Students with unexcused absences from after-school rehearsals.• This will earn 25% of your grade.

– Students who have missed class and/or feel behind on learning music.

– Students who would like to earn a bonus CSRS point for the week.• An extra-credit opportunity for excellent students.• A second-chance opportunity for those who need it.

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Page 53: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

WebsiteMy “Teacher Site” includes• This handbook.• Electronic copies of class handouts and

assignments.• Tamanend Choral Calendar

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Page 54: 7 th Grade Chorus HANDBOOK. This handbook should give you a detailed understanding of chorus class, including information about and rationale behind:

Looking forward to a

great year of Singing!Back to Table

of Contents
