  • 7/25/2019 (8) is Physics a Branch of Applied Mathematics_ - Quora


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    Think of mathematics as a language: a universal language that is capable of expressing

    every statement that can be deduced logically from any stated set of axioms.

    The job of the theoretical physicist, then, is to find the right subset of this mathematical

    language, that is the right set of axioms, from which one can deduce statements that

    closely match reality. The theoretical physicist works hand-in-hand with the experimental

    physicist or the astronomer, who make ever more sophisticated observations of nature,

    testing the theoretician's ability to find the correct subset of mathematics.

    So in this (admittedly vastly oversimplified) picture, the mathematician provides the rules

    of the language the theoretical physicist picks the bits of the language that describe

    observations and the experimental physicist or astronomer supply the data (the actual


    Written May 13, 2015 View Upvotes

    Viktor Toth, author of many papers on gravity, played key role resolvi ng the Pioneer

    anomaly670 Views Most Viewed Writer in Physics with 1290+ answers

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    Last Asked May 7, 2015
  • 7/25/2019 (8) is Physics a Branch of Applied Mathematics_ - Quora



    Although there is much overlap, they are fu ndamentally different subjects. Physics is a

    body of knowledge of how systems in the natural world work, combining experimental

    evidence with the models that explain them. Applied Mathematics is a branch of

    mathematics that applies (often novel) mathematical techniques to model various

    processes. So, physicists often useApplied Mathematics in theoretical work. But however

    successful it is, it must be compared to an experiment in order to call it Physics.

    This is actually why String Theory is considered by most serious physicists as Applied

    Mathematics, rather than Physics. There is no experiment possible in our lifetime that can

    confirm or deny String Theory.

    Written May 7, 2015 View Upvotes Answer requested by Fahran Kamili

    Daniel Merthe, Physics Ph.D. Candidate, University of Southern California

    296 Views Most Viewed Writer in Mathematics and Physics

    Upvote Downvote Comment3

    No. There's more to physics than just mathematics. There's also a little thing called

    experimental physics - you know, what most of the research funding in physics is actually

    spent on.

    There are physicists who are not even particularly good at mathematics at all.

    Written May 7, 2015 View Upvotes

    David Kahana, physicist unhinged

    2.2k Views David has 750+ answers and 23 endorsements in Physics

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    No, Physics is an applicationof Applied Maths. It uses it as a tool. Physics is no more a

    branch of maths than it is a branch of the Large Hadron Collider, an other tool of which

    you may have heard.

    Alan Bustany, Trinity Wrangler, Associate Fellow Institute of Mathematics and its



  • 7/25/2019 (8) is Physics a Branch of Applied Mathematics_ - Quora


    Equally everythingthat involves any kind of formal reasoning is an application of

    mathematics including engineering, perspective drawing, and philosophy. I guess a Maths

    Dictator might call these all branches...

    Written May 8, 2015 View Upvotes Answer requested by Fahran Kamili

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    Physics is not mathematics at all. Then again, much of what is considered mathematics is

    really something else. There is applied mathematics, and then there is the application of

    mathematics (What is mathematics?).

    I would say that science, as a whole, is an application of mathematics. Mathematics itself

    stops when empirical observation begins. Mathematics is just the study of logical

    consequence. We take a collection of axioms and see what we can derive from them. It is in

    no way an attempt to describe reality, which is exactly what science, including physics,

    tries to do.

    How is it the application of mathematics? Even though it is not generally formalized,

    model testing (testing theories) is really a process, developed through mathematical

    reasoning. You are taking a collection of observations and testing them against a collection

    of models. If the observations contradict the models, you have falsified the collection. So,

    mathematics is used to create and understand the basic process and tools of science, as

    well as other more specific tools for given fields. Probability theory, for instance, is u sed to

    create a lot of useful tools for studying real world processes.

    Written Oct 4, 2015

    Daniel Goldman, B.S. in mathematics and mathematics tutor for 10+ years.


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    When I was learning physics our study time was divided ( I'm estimating) about 50/50

    between "physics" lectures and "mathematics" lectures. Moreover, many members of our

    physics department actually got their first degree in mathematics, then went into physics.

    Stephen Farrier, MA in Physics from University of Cambridge

    252 Views Stephen has 60+ answers in Physics
  • 7/25/2019 (8) is Physics a Branch of Applied Mathematics_ - Quora


    It was very common at that time.

    So I would say, learningphysics was about 50% applied mathematics (but never 100%. )

    Today there are areas of physics that are absolutely incomprehensible to me, because of the

    mathematics involved - string theory is clearly an example. Also, very brilliant

    mathematicians have been able to make progress in physics by, for example, finding

    solutions to general relativity equations.

    But most physicists are working in the real world, comparing theoretical predictions with

    experimental data.

    As such, I would say that when you are learning physics, a d isproportionate amount of it is

    applied mathematics but actual work done and progress made in physics is very littledown to mathematics and much more down to experiments and observations.

    Written May 7, 2015 View Upvotes Answer requested by Fahran Kamili

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    Physics uses mathematics, without maths physical phenomenon are hard(or impossible) to

    understand and explain but that doesn't mean it is a branch of applied math. Going to

    space, experimenting the nature of sound or dropping 2 different objects from piza tower

    is physics and not applied math.

    Written May 11, 2015

    Sagun Shrestha, Student, Learner, Amature Programmer


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    The math works as a language to express the concepts where it is necessary to quantify

    something as measures for example.

    Michael Faraday was a great chemist their hypotheses were interpreted in mathematical

    form by maxwell

    Written May 7, 2015

    Luiz Eduardo


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    Makarand Apte Physics my favorite subject during school days

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    2 Answers Collapsed (Why?)

    Physicsis toMathematics


    Literature is to Grammar

    Written May 13, 2015


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