
8 Reasons Your Website is Failing


Your Conversion Rate

to Increase

The Internet is a huge network of people, businesses, information, and services striving to

attract the most visits to their respective websites. Despite the vastness of this network,

you can set yourself apart from competitors and increase your sales in two ways:

the conversion rate of the customers already visiting your website.

more potential customers or

Optimizing your website to increase conversion rates is an important component of any online marketing strategy.

the percentage of visitors to your site who take the action you desire

them to take, whether that means filling in their information to

become a lead or buying a product or service to become a customer.

Many factors contribute to successful or unsuccessful conversion rates. Here are 8 potential problems your website

may be facing and eight solutions that will help you optimize your website and increase the conversion rate of its


Outdated Website Design

On average, it takes less than a second for a visitor to

judge your website (and business) based on its design

and overall aesthetic appeal. People are more likely to buy

from a business that presents itself in a more visually

appealing way. This is bad news if your design is outdated or unprofessional, with

clashing color schemes, mismatched fonts, unprofessional images,

or too much information crammed into a small space.

Improve Your Website Design

o Simplify your design and choose an attractive and consistent color scheme that complements

your business aesthetic.

o Create an attractive and obvious that showcases the name of your business.

o Understand and use font hierarchy, so the most important information stands out.

o Avoid large blocks of text on your main pages; leave the more substantial content for the blog

posts, ebooks, and other great resources your website has to offer.

Depending on your business, your call to action

(CTA) could be a free service quote, a subscription,

a free trial, or a consultation.

Non-Visible Call to Action

Is it clear what you are

offering and how potential

customers can obtain your

product or service?

Depending on your business,

your call to action (CTA)

could be a free service quote,

a subscription, a free trial, or

a consultation.

CTAs help lead a potential

customer to make a

purchase and should be

among the most prominent

elements of your website.

Be Bold

Make your CTA as obvious as

you can. Create an attractive,

easy-to-see button to advertise

what you have to offer, and be

sure to place it prominently.

Get My Free Ebook!

For example:

Download Now

Sign Up Today

Slow Website Loading

Customers who run into problems loading pages or encounter broken

links or other errors are customers who will most likely go somewhere

else with their business.

Website Optimization

Optimizing your website for all browsers and for

mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets will

naturally increase your conversion rate. Invest in a

good hosting service; they will ensure that your

information loads quickly. Make sure that all pages on

your website load properly and that all links work.

Lack of Great Content

Your website is built and your product or

service is available, but you are still having

trouble attracting visitors and converting

those visitors into leads or customers. People

tend to buy from companies that not only

have something to sell but also have

knowledge to share.

Create Great Content

o A great way to attract visitors and convert them into customers is to

create great content.

o Become an authority in your niche to increase your visitors' confidence

in your company and product.

o Consistently creating helpful articles and engaging content related to

your business will help solidify your reputation as an online resource

that people will return to again and again.

Complicated Navigation

Too many options can be overwhelming. Does your website do a great job

of leading customers to the information they want to find? How navigation is

addressed in your website design is one of the most important factors in

increasing conversion rates.

Visitors who can't find what they need quickly and easily

will most likely not turn into customers.

Simplify Your Navigation

Check out how your competition handles website

navigation. Certain types of businesses have a

recognizable system.

Keep menus simple and clean, and

lead your customer to information

by presenting it in a progressive

and intuitive way.

Unclear Purchase Options

A website for a product or service should make it

easy to purchase that product or service. Navigating

to products should be easy and intuitive, with clearly

defined menus. Once a visitor is viewing a particular

product, it should be easy for that visitor to find the

"Add to Cart" button and become a customer.

Clear Things Up

Make every effort to create an easy-to-use

ecommerce system with visible "Buy"

buttons and checkout options.

Finding product categories or services on

your main page should be quick and easy.

Avoid complicated menus.

Inauthentic or Misleading Content

If you're the owner of a small business, you're responsible

for many different things. You want to add content that

attracts visitors and increases your conversion rates, but at

the same time, you're juggling many other responsibilities.

Sometimes, not having enough time to devote to content

creation can result in communicating insufficient or

misleading information to your readers.

Be Open and Transparent

The key is to be transparent

about who you are and what

you do. People are more likely

to buy from you if they

recognize that real people are

behind the online business.

Be open about your products and

services and about the availability

of both.

Try to convey this through

your content in a way that

makes your visitors more

likely to connect with what

you have to offer and

become customers. Be

simple and clear, and write

with the reader in mind.

Lack of Information about Products

It can be hard to compete with other online businesses,

especially if their following is larger than yours.

Helping your visitors find the products they want is just as

important as helping them find the content they want.

Ease of use when researching and buying products will

not only help win you customers—it will help you keep


Provide Ample Information

Building trust and a great reputation

online can take time. Offer customer

reviews so that first-time visitors can

gain an idea of how previous

customers feel about your product or


Be transparent about your return

policies and shipping fees, and make it

easy for customers to track their

transactions so that they can see

exactly where their purchases are.

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