Page 1: 8 Things To Behave Everyday!!!

To Behave Everyday!!!


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Decades from now when you’re resting on your deathbed, you will not remember the days that were easy, you will cherish the moments when you rose above your difficulties and conquered goals of magnitude.  You will dream of the strength youfound within yourself that allowed you to achieve what once seemed impossible.

# 1 : Personal greatness.

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Don’t do what’s easy, 

do what you’re capable of. 

Astound yourself with

your own greatness.

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The truth always creeps back up on you; it does not cease to exist when you ignore it. Being fake about any aspect of your existence slowly digs a dark void in your soul.  Life will simply not work for you if you don’t show up as YOU.  The truth may not be easy to deal with, but it will always set you free in the end.  

# 2 : Honesty and truth.

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Personal transformation and

growth can be remarkably

rewarding, but only when the

process of change is based

on honesty and truth.  

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# 3 : A mind free of envy and jealously.Tearing someone else down in your jealous mind only tears you down in real life. Rather than devastating yourself with contemplations of things you don’t have or don’t want to happen, think for a second about what you do have, what you do want going forward, and what you can do right now to make progress with realities you face.

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Envy and jealousy are costly diseases; you simply can’t be

yourself within their confines.  When you give in to them, the price you pay

is steep.

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# 4 : Positive change.You must apply change toward creating things of value.  Don’t fight against what you don’t want; create what you do want.  Don’t punish those who have caused you pain; let go and focus on something new that soothes your pain.  Don’t focus on what you are running away from; give your attention to the great things you want to create in your life.

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When you use your time and energy to make a change, be sure it’s a change that will not only

move you away from where you are, but

will also move you to a better place.

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# 5 : A willingness to learn from mistakes.The road to success is littered with mistakes.  Avoiding them is impossible.  The thing that will ultimately define your success or failure will not be how many mistakes you make, but how you handle them all.  All mistakes die quickly, but you can’t live beyond what you know today if you aren’t willing to make mistakes and forgive yourself for them. 

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One mistake does not have to

rule your entire life, and it can’t

unless you let it.  This hour is a

brand new hour with no faults

in it yet.  Think about your

mistakes and learn from them,

but don’t attempt to carry their

weight around with you.

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# 6 : Persistence and patience.Rest when you are tired, but don’t quit.  You never know what’s just around the corner. It could be everything you’ve been working for, or it might be just another mile marker on your journey.  Either way, when you keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day the next step you take will be the one that carries you to your goal.

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How disheartening would it be if

the train you’ve been waiting for

arrived five minutes after you walked out of the station?  Not only

does success require diligent effort, it

requires persistence and patience.

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# 7 : True love.Not because they’re perfect, but because they’re imperfect in all the ways thatare right for you.  You compliment each other’s flaws in a way that allows yourtwo spirits to unite and operate more efficiently as one. You will know when youmeet this person, when through them you meet the very best in yourself.  

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There is no soul mate out

there who will solve all your

problems.  There is no love at

first sight that lasts without

work and commitment.  But

there is someone out there

worth fighting for. 

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# 8 : Goodwill.There is no greatness or peace of mind where there is betrayal of your own goodwill.  Always aim at complete sincerity of your thoughts, words and deeds.  If it is wrong, don’t do it.  If it is untrue, don’t repeat it.

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Do what you do because

you believe it’s the right

thing to do.  Do the right

thing even when nobody

is looking.  Be one of the

people who make a true

difference in the world 

by leaving it a little better and more

wholesome than you found it.

Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn