  • 8/12/2019 8 Things You Must Know About Smartphones


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    Smartphones Are HugeAlthough they may be small to look at and fit neatly into the palm of your hand,the popularity of smartphones is spreading like wildfire. In the last quarter of 2010, over one hundred million smartphones were sold. For the first time ever,this number was more than the amount of personal computers sold in the same quarter. Experts estimate that by the end of 2011, over half of the population of t

  • 8/12/2019 8 Things You Must Know About Smartphones


    he United States will own a smartphone.

    Internet Is KeyWhile smartphones may be huge, the Internet is bigger, and a smartphone withoutthe Internet is like a hamburger without a bun. Currently, a quarter of smartphone users rarely access the Internet from anywhere else except their smartphone.Experts are projecting that by the year 2013, smartphones will be the primary device that people use to access the Internet, having finally overtaken personal computers and laptops. If your smartphone doesnt yet have access to the Internetbe time to think about getting a new one.

    Power Is PreciousEven with few phone calls being made or received, many smartphones tend to run low on battery more than once a day. The strength of the smartphones battery is g even its design or the quality of its camera in importance. More and more people are bringing their chargers with them wherever they go. Checking your email,watching videos, and playing games will all drain your battery quickly, so avoidthese things if youre trying to preserve power.

    Call Quality is Linked to DesignIf you ever look at a photo of an early cell phone, you may notice with some amusement the giant antenna protruding from its back. Todays smartphones have elime necessity of an unsightly antenna because the device itself acts as the phone. Unfortunately, however, some of the more aesthetically designed smartphones fa

    ll short in the call quality arena because the aesthetics of the phone short-changes its antenna function. In the worst cases, the phones awesome design can cato be missed or dropped.

    Most Smartphone Apps Get Boring FastDepending on the platform of your smartphone, there may be thousands of apps available to you or even hundreds of thousands. The average smartphone user downloads at least four new apps every month. Unfortunately, however, studies show thatthe vast majority of apps downloaded " a whopping 90 percent " are only usedmes and then forgotten. Being selective about which apps you download and deleting the ones you dont use will save you space and battery life.

    Your Smartphone Knows You Better Than You May Think

    Even though some things your smartphone knows about you may be obvious " things liyour contact information, what youve said in your text messages, and who your fe " some other things it knows may surprise you. Your smartphone can be used to fiyour present location as well as other locations that you have recently visited.It may also be used to find incriminating pictures of you, dubious websites youmay have accessed, and what your future plans are.

    Smartphone Privacy Is ThinThe worst part about your smartphone knowing you so well is that very little ofthe information it contains is actually kept private. Although the policies of Internet and phone providers vary, many of them contain provisions for the information of their users to be accessed when necessary.

    There Are Smartphone VirusesAlthough there are a lot fewer of these than personal computer viruses, they doexist. The vast majority of smartphone viruses only affect jailbroken or modified phones, but viruses that attack regular smartphones are growing in number.